The tragic fate of Larisa. Image, character and characteristic of Larisa Ogudallova on the play (drama) Nurendannica (Ostrovsky A

The tragic fate of Larisa. Image, character and characteristic of Larisa Ogudallova on the play (drama) Nurendannica (Ostrovsky A

The heroes of the Pieces of Ostrovsky most often become women. Of course, these women are outstanding and extraordinary personalities. Enough to remember the heroine drama thunderstorm Katerina. It is so emotionally impressed that the mansion is among other heroes of the play. The fate of Katerina is something similar to the fate of another heroine of Ostrovsky. In this case we are talking About the play is idleness.

Larisa Ogudallova had to experience the indifference and the cruelty of others, survive a love drama, and as a result she dies, as well as the heroine of thunderstorms. But with the seeming similarity of Larisa Ogudalov, the owner of a completely different character than Katerina Kabanova. The girl received a great education. She is smart, sophisticated, formed, dreams of beautiful love, but initially her life is quite different. She is idleness. Mother Larisa is very korestolubiv. She trades the beauty and youth of his daughters. The older sisters of Larisa are already attached thanks to the concerns of a tough parent, but, unfortunately, their lives are very tragic.

Larisa Ogudalova falls in love with the brilliant Barina Sergei Sergeevich Patov. She sincerely considers him a man's ideal. Barin has a state, it fully complies with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe notable and educated person. The inner essence is disclosed later. Larisa is young, inexperienced, so she comes across the paratov trap, ruins himself. She does not possess strong character And it becomes a toy in the hands of others. It comes to the point that the girl is played into an ordinary. The surroundings consider it a thing, dear and beautiful fun, and its sublime soul, beauty and talent are not important. Quarandyshev says Larisa: They do not look at you, like a woman, like a person ... They look at you, as a thing.

She herself agrees with this: a thing ... Yes, the thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a man ...

Larisa has a fermented heart, she is sincere and emotional she generously gives her love, but what he gets in charge of his beloved man Larisa is another entertainment, fun. From despair, she even agrees to accept the conditions of Knurov.

The death is a kind of salvation for Larisa, the salvation of spiritual, of course. Such a tragic finale saves her from a hard choice, which she is trying to do, saves from moral death and fall into the abyss, called debauchery.

Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" was published in 1960, on the eve revolutionary situation in Russia. The work reflected impressions of the Travel of the Writer on the Volga in the summer of 1856. But not some particular Volzhsky city and not some specific persons are depicted in the "thunderstorm". All his observations over the life of the Volga region Ostrovsky processed and turned them into deep typical paintings of Russian life.

The drama genre is characterized by the fact that it is based on a conflict of a separate personality and surrounding society. In the "thunderstorm" this personality - Katerina Kabanova.

Katerina personifies moral purity, soul beauty Russian woman, her desire for will, to freedom, her ability not only tolerate, but also to defend their rights, its own human dignity. According to Dobrolyubov, she "did not kill human nature."

Katerina - Russian national character. First of all, this is reflected by the Ostrovsky, who owned in perfection by all wealth people's Language, in the speech of the heroine. When she says, it seems that she sings. In the speech of Katerina, associated with an easy-to-face, brought up on his oral poetry, is dominated by a colloquialistic vocabulary, distinguished by high poetry, imagery, emotionality. The reader feels musicality and observance, saying Kati reminds folk songs. For the language of Ostrovsky heroine, the repeats are characteristic ("on the troika on a good", "and people are disgusting to me, and the house is known to me, and the walls are disgusting!"), The abundance of stabnaya and diminutive words ("Sun", "Voddy", "Mogilushka") , comparison ("I didn't heal anything, exactly the bird on the will", "someone gently speaks with me, accurately dove worshi"). Thank you by Boris, at the time of the highest voltage soulful forces Katerina expresses his feelings in the language of folk poetry, exclaiming: "The winds of the violent, transfer you to him my sadness-longing!"

Amazes naturalness, sincerity, simplicity of the isoine. "I don't know how to deceive something; I can not hide anything, "she answers Varvar, who says that they will not live without deceiving in their house. Look at the religiosity of Katerina. This is not a kabani pinema, but childish genuine faith in God. She often visits the church and does it with pleasure and enjoyment ("And I loved to go to the church to the church! For sure, I happened to the paradise of the virtue"), likes to talk about the strangers ("We have a banner of the house and mantis"), Dreams of Katerina about "Gold Temples".

Love is an isoine heroine Nevsrichinna. Firstly, the need of love makes itself felt: after all, her husband Tikhon is unlikely under the influence of "Mama" showed his love for his wife very often. Secondly, the feelings of his wife and women are offended. Thirdly, the deadly longing of monotonous life shakes Katerina. And finally, the fourth reason is the desire of will, space: after all, love is one of the manifestations of freedom. Katerina is fighting with himself, and this is the tragedy of its position, but in the end it is internally justifying themselves. End of suicide, committing, from the point of view of the church, a terrible sin, she does not think about the salvation of his soul, but about love that opened her. "My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" - Here are the last words of Katerina.

Another characteristic feature of an isoine is "mature, from the depths of the whole body the emergence of the right and exposure of life", the desire for freedom, spiritual liberation. On the words of the barbarians: "Where are you gone wife," Katerina answers: "Eh, cooking, you don't know my character! Of course, God forbid this happen! But if I wake me here, so no power will keep me. I'll finish the window, throwing into the Volga. I do not want to live here, so I will not become, even though you cut me! " Not in vain in the play, the image of the bird repeatedly repeats - the will symbol. Hence the permanent epithet "Free Bird". Katerina, remembering how she lived before marriage, compares himself with a bird in the wild. "E why people do not fly like birds - she says Barbar. "You know, I sometimes seem to me that I am a bird." But the free bird fell into the iron cage. And she beats and jeaches in captivity.

Other, the determination of the character of Katerina was expressed in the fact that she refused to submit to the routines of the Kabanchi house and chose death in captivity. And it was a manifestation of not weakness, but of spiritual strength and courage, hot hatred for the oppression and despotism.

So, the main acting person of the drama "Thunderstorm" enters the conflict with the environment. In the fourth action, in the stage of repentance, as if the junction comes. All against Katerina in this scene: And the "thunderstorm of the Lord", and the cursing polusham "lady with two lackers", and an ancient painting on a dilapidated wall, depicting "fire-fire". A poor girl all these signs of the leaving, but such a living old world almost brought crazy, and she rises in his sin in half-confined, a state of perishable. She herself later admits to Boris that "he was not free in himself," he did not remember himself. " If this scene was completed by the drama "Thunderstorm", then it would be shown by the invincibility of the "Dark Kingdom": after all, at the end of the fourth, Kabanikha triumphs: "That son! Where will the will leads! "

But the drama ends with a moral victory and over the external forces who fought the freedom of Katerina, and over the dark ideas that made her will and mind. And her decision to die, just to not stay slave, expresses, according to Dobrolyubov, "the need for the movement of Russian life."

Ogudalova Larisa Dmitrievna is the main heroine of the wonderful play of the Ostrovsky "Nurendannica". This girl is young, unusually beautiful, but poor, no dowry is given behind it. Such a position is extremely humiliating, Larisa feels especially acute, because, by its nature, she is a smart and proud personality.

Heroine-Nestenniknants met in the drama of Ostrovsky and earlier: Marya Andreevna ("Poor Bride"), Nadia ("Pupil"), Aksyusha ("Forest"), Nastya ("There was no penny, yes suddenly Altyn").

Among all these heroines, Larisa Ogudalova has the thinnest in kind and peaceful fragility. Larisa lives like "on top of life", without touching the daily bustle, everyday passion and trades. Her soul is constantly striving somewhere: in the forest, to the village, for the Volga, in one word, in some quiet corner, which will seem to her by paradise. Larisa is alone, and in her soul there is a tragic dome. Everyone admire her, they will lie down, but no one interests what the girl is going on inside. She is so lacking simple, but warm and heartfelt, support and participation. She lives in a setting that more resembles the "bazaar" or "Gypsy Tabor".

Even in hometown The girl cannot find peace, she is forced to smile, impose the grooms. Larisa is passionately falls in love with Paratov, but not in his personal qualities, but in that dream of another, beautiful Lifewhich he can give her. The parats are associated in the consciousness of Larisa with a light, poetic world, which she knows only in poems and romance, in reality this world is not available to her. Having agreed from the hopelessness to marry a small official of Karandyshev, Larisa feels humiliated. The bride-loser annoys her when he is trying to compare with the Paratov, which she still admires, no matter what. In the soul of Larisa there is a terrible struggle between the desire to reconcile with the fate of the wife of a small official and a dream of a beautiful and bright life. Trying to solve her fate, Larisa goes with Paratov in the compromising trip on the steamer. During this trip, Larisa suddenly understands his true position - a beautiful toy that men cannot share among themselves. The paratas played the paratas with her feelings, Karandyshev, although he admitted to her sincere love, in fact, simply made his pride, and the friend of the childhood of the leaders had thought of playing her into the "Orlyan" with a brow, a large doller.

In the final, the works of Larisa dies from the hand of his groom Karandyshev. His deadly shot became a real salvation from the final moral death. Larisa thanks before the death of his murderer for having helped her from this terrible worldIn which there is nothing saint, and a person can easily be subject to sale. Larisa dreamed of real, sincere love, but it was all perceived as fun. No one was affected by what is happening in her soul. Dying, Larisa forgives everyone, she does not hold an evil in himself. Her image is unusually poetic and beautiful, he leaves an indelible trace and is remembered for a long time.

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The drama of the Ostrovsky "Diminant" was built on the classical naturalness and simplicity of the images of heroes, but at the same time on the complexity of their characters and actions. I am not like others, there are no good intrigues in it, the characters are the same people, but with honors in that that they are simpler, they are easy to understand.

Goncharov, arguing about the basis of the island drama said that the playground "seems to do not want to resort to Fabul - this artificiality below him: he must sacrifice it part of the truthfulness, the integrity of the character, precious troops of the morals, the detail of life - and he is more likely lengthens, cools the viewer , just to preserve carefully what he sees and faintly live and faithful in nature. "

The work of Ostrovsky does not fit into any of the classic genre shapes, It gave a reason to Dobrolyubov to talk about her as a "play of life." In the "idleness" Ostrovsky comes to the disclosure of complex, subtle, psychologically multipitious human characters. He shows us life conflict, The reader lives this small stretch of life as a resident of the same city of Bryakhimov, or, more interesting, like any hero of the drama.

Larisa Ogudalova - the main heroine of drama, around her all the dance, "roam" intrigue.

Larisa is a girl, even more fragile, unprotected, what seems at first glance. In my opinion, it can be compared with a white noble rose. The town is the same gentle and beautiful, not in vain it is called the "decoration of the city." But on the other hand, Larisa is said that she is "expensive decoration that requires a good jeweler." Maybe it would be nice, but here, in the play, these words sounded cheekily and went. After all, here Larisa is assessed as a thing, in this case, like a gem stone. Connectantly, the precious is flattering, but the stone, something cold, non-living, insensitive, not suitable romantic nature of Larisa.

Her soul is sophisticated, bright, musical, sensitive and melodic. Larisa, like a light in this city, like a heroine of one of the Russian romances, which she likes to sing so much. Hazing romances B. own performanceshe starts dreaming about clean love, About a strong family, loving a spouse.

But everything goes wrong, as the girl wants. At the heart of the drama - social theme. Larisa Poor, she is a girl without material supplied, but at the same time she has rich inner worldwhich we will not find any more of the heroes of the drama. Larisa lives in a world where everything is bought and sold, even maiden beauty and love. But, drank in his dreams, in his rainbow world, she does not notice in the people of the most disgusting parties, does not notice an ugly attitude towards himself, Larisa is everywhere and sees only good and believes in what people are there.

That's how Larisa was mistaken in paraita. He leaves a loved girl for the sake of benefits, ruins own willing. After, Larisa is preparing to marry Karandyshev. The girl perceives him as a good poor man who do not understand the surrounding. But the heroine does not understand and does not feel envious, the proud nature of Karandyshev. After all, in his attitude to Larisa more complacency for possession of such gemstonelike Larisa.

In the final of the drama to Larisa comes awareness. She is horrified and bitterly understands that everyone around recalls it as a thing or, even worse, they want to make a containment, such as curls and pebels.

And then the heroine says words: "The thing ... yes the thing. They are right, I am a thing, not a man." Larisa in despair is trying to rush in the Volga, but can not, she is terribly parted with his life, whatever nacham and unhappy she seemed to her.

Upset girl finally understands that in this world everything is assessed by the "rustling of bills", and then it decides: "Either be a thing, so one consolation is to be dear."

A shot of a pencils is salvation in the eyes of Larisa, she is glad that she again belongs only to himself, she will not be able to sell or buy it, it is free. In an unlucky random act, Paradeshev Larisa finds the shadow of nobility and living human feeling, and it peace drama Anconeta ends, for the first time heroine feels for real Happy and free.

Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Drain" is a wonderful play late period Creativity writer. She was conceived in 1874, and completed in 1878 and in the same year set in Moscow and St. Petersburg. M. Ermolova, M. Savina, and later V. Commissionerzhevskaya - the best actors Metropolitan theaters were taken to fulfill the role of Larisa Ogudallova. What was it captivated so this wonderful heroine?

Larisa Ogudalova is distinguished by truthfulness, sincerity, a pattern of character, resembling to the more Katerina from the "thunderstorms". According to the Believer, in Larisa, Dmitrievna "Tricks NO". With the heroine "Thunderstorm" brings her high poeticity. Larisa is attracted by the Zavolzhskaya Dal, the forests behind the river, manits the beauty itself - Volga with her spacious. "Earth, this is not there," Knurov notes. And in fact: she is all as if raised over the dirt of reality, over the vulgarity and lowness of life. In the depths of her soul, like a bird on which she herself is like, a dream of a beautiful and noble, honest and quiet life, translating from Greek Larisa means "Seagull", and it is not by chance.

Does not prefer the lifestyle of the mother? Harita Ignatievna, the remaining widow with three daughters, constantly catches and smashes, flatters and joins, begging for the rich and takes their hand. She arranged a real noisy "Gypsy Tabor" in his house to create the appearance of beauty and gloss of life. And all this in order to under the guise of this tinsel to industrial in a living product. She already ruined two daughters, now it came to trade the third. But Larisa cannot take such a lifestyle of the mother, he is alien to her. Mother tells the daughter to smile, and that crying I want. And she asks the groom so that he snaps her from this "bazaar" surrounding it, where there was a lot of "all sorts" to take away, for the Volga.

However, Larisa is a bad luck, poor, moneyless bride. She has to put up with it. In addition, she herself managed to become infected with an external shine. Larisa is deprived of character in character, her mental life Pretty contradictory. The vulgarity and cynicism of the people around it, she not only does not want to see and - quite a long time - can not see. It all distinguishes her from Katerina. Refusing to the style of the mother's lifetime, it exists among vulgar fans.

Larisa Ogudallova had to experience the indifference and the cruelty of others, survive a love drama, and as a result she dies, as well as the heroine "Thunderstorms". But with the seeming similarity, Larisa Ogudalova - the owner of a completely different character, rather than Katerina Kabanova. The girl received a great education, she intelligently, sophisticated, formed, dreams of beautiful love, but initially her life is quite different. She is idleness. Mother Larisa is very korestolubiv. She trades the beauty and youth of his daughters.

At first there appeared an old man with gout. Larisa clearly does not want this unequal marriage, but "it was necessary to kindly: Mama orders." Then "raided" the rejected manager of some prince, forever drunk. Larisa is not up to him, but in the house and he is accepted: "the situation is unenviable." Then "appeared" a certain cashier, filled with Harita Ignatievna with money. This beat all, but brightened it shortly. The circumstances were helped by the bride: they were arrested in his house with a scandal.

Larisa Ogudalova falls in love with the "Brilliant Barin" Sergey Sergeevich Pararty. She sincerely considers him a man's ideal. Barin has a state, it fully corresponds to the idea of \u200b\u200ba notable and educated person. The inner essence is disclosed later. Larisa is young, inexperienced, so she comes across the paratov trap, ruins himself. She does not have a strong character and becomes a toy in the hands of others. It comes to the point that the girl is played into an ordinary. The surroundings consider it a thing, dear and beautiful fun, and its sublime soul, beauty and talent are not important. Karandyshev says Larisa: "They do not look at you, like a woman like a person ... They look at you, as a thing."

She herself agrees with this: "The thing ... yes, the thing! They are right, I'm a thing, I am not a man ...".

Larisa has a fermented heart, it is sincerely and emotional. She generously gives her love, but what does it receive in return? For his beloved man, Larisa is another entertainment, fun. From despair, she even agrees to accept the conditions of Knurova.

The death is a kind of salvation for Larisa, the salvation of spiritual, of course. Such a tragic finale saves her from a hard choice, which she is trying to do, saves from moral death and fall into the abyss, called debauchery.

The only way out of Larisa is based on this world. Larisa first wanted to end his life herself. She walked over to the cliff and looked down, but unlike Katerina, she did not have the determination and the strength to make a conceived. Nevertheless, the death of Larisa is predicted and prepared by the whole play. Suddenly he is heard from the pier (Larisa is frightened). Then the ax is mentioned in the hands of Paradeshev. A faithful death calls a fall from the cliff. Larisa talks about the "indifferent shot" by Paratov in the coin, which she kept in his hands. He herself thinks that here on any bitch "can be walked", and on the Volga "everywhere drowned easily." Robinson prefers the possible kill. Finally, Larisa dreams: "Can anyone killed me now?"

The death of heroine becomes inevitable, and it comes. In the insane fee of the owner, making great benefits for her, Karandyshev kills her. This is the last and invalid selection of nonsense. So the tragedy is completed main heroine Ostrovsky's plays.

"Nonmennica" is a drama about a personality catastrophe in an inhuman world. This is a work about the tragedy of the usual Russian woman, the idleness with a hot loving heart.

Larisa Ogudalova - Romance Heroine

ostrovsky Piece Female National

Larisa Ogudalova is an image no less known than Katerina Kabanova, and causes no less controversy. The main issue is the question of the strength of the morality of Larisa and the meaning of her last words. Ostrovsky created really contracted imageIn this part of the work, we will try to find an answer to the question of what the true power of the character of Larisa Ogudallova is, and why she, so unlike the clean spiritually, Katerina also remains the embodiment of the female tragedy.

A modern understanding of this image is largely built on the perception of the film of the famous film "Cruel Romance", we will not argue about the correspondence of the director's version and the copyright, but it seems to us that the name of the film very accurately reflects the stylistics of the play. A-priory, cruel romance - This is a city ballad of love filled with exaggerated tragic pathos, sentimental, but not giving the feelings of Qatarsis, this tragic pathos is inherent in all the main characters of the play, except for the Larisa itself, which takes off as a seagull - a bird, which gave her root of her name - over spiritually small people. "Dustpannica" is a play about life and the bushes, but there is no such breakthrough in it, which we find in the "thunderstorm". The death of Larisa is not predetermined by the most larcity, but the result of an instantaneous choice of heroine, which last moment It is in captivity of his own illusions, which is why her death is not suicide, but a shot of a pencils. Lotman, in the article "Ostrovsky and Russian Music Drama of his Time" so estimates the tragedy of Larisa Ogudallova, heroine: " modern womanHaving felt like a person who independently host important life decisions, faces the cruel laws of society and cannot be reconciled with them, neither oppose them new ideals. Being under charm strong man, a bright person, she does not immediately realize that the charm is inseparable from the power that the wealth attaches him, and from the merciless cruelty of the "collector of capital". Death of Larisa - tragic exit Of the unsolvable moral contradictions of time. "

The play "Dosperinnica" was written in the late 70s of the XIX century, during the celebration of Nuvhorish - the reached merchants, when the money was increasingly influenced by the money, whom to the genuine values. Tragic consequences This was reflected in the fate of the main heroine of the drama. Larisa - soft, clean girl, but she is brought up in the best european traditions - She was taught to what it is supposed to have a European girl: good manners and musical education. But Larisa does not understand true sense This formation, which is only a beautiful rim for valuable thing. Her mother, successfully "attached" two daughters, none of which has found happiness, Read and Larisa good marriage With a secured person. Okudalova is valid for the good of the daughter, in this world, the profit tragedy begins with the fact that the mother is trying to sell his daughter to be more expensive for his own benefit.

Larisa Lishen maternal loveShe is deprived of love at all, like Katerina, and her heart requires that this lack of love is being replenished. Here it is closer to the image of Tatiana Larina, the soul of which was waiting for "someone", but unlike Tatiana, the story of which she ends with a marriage, even with the unloved, but with his respected and society, who Tatiana loves, Larisa does not receive well-deserved love From his elect, Parathov, nor from his groom Karandyshev.

Larisa, naive young girl, can not believe that in society, where she, by the will of the mother, should rotate, all determine the money. "She embodies the traditions of noble education, and in her character there is a sharp contradiction between the desire for external shine, to the disadvantaged nobility of life and deeper, internal properties of her nature - seriousness, truthfulness and thirst for genuine and sincere relationships. Such a contradiction was then the phenomenon found in the life of the best representatives of the privileged layers of society. " Of course, she knows everything perfectly well, the fate of the sisters is a visual proof, but her soul can not accept it. It's amazing how such a clean and thirsty love girl grew up in this family, which seeks genuine halfed feelingAnd, as it seems to her, finds him in the face of the "brilliant Barina" Sergey Sergeevich Pararty. Woman of a fervor, Larisa is looking for love, there is no calculation in it, vulgarity: "After all, in Laris, Dmitrievna of the earthly, this everyday, no," notes Knurov. She is looking for elevated-beautiful love, elegant and beautiful life. Larisa is blindly confident that Parats love her as sincerely and coarsely, like her, and her tragedy was concluded. Katerina and Larisa unites the fact that both are able to endow their chosen by the non-existent spiritual beauty, but if Katerina knows about his mistake, although it hides this knowledge, then Larisa does not see that this is only in her world of parats, it has the features of the perfect person who is capable on love.

"But the chief of Larisa, not possessing the business grip of the merchants Knurova and Veshevatov, has already managed to fully assimilate their morality, it's not by chance that he admits to Knurov:" I have a mound of Parmerych, nothing cherished; I will find benefits, so everything will sell anything. " Larisa also draws himself and Karaddyshev his beloved: "You yourself mean something, you are good, fair man; But from comparison with Sergey Sergeych, you lose everything ... Sergey Sergeich ... This is a man's ideal. " We cannot accurately determine the list of reading Larisa Ogudallova, but we can assume that she was brought up on romantic HandsAnd from there she took his ideal, whose incarnation sees Pararty: the ideal of masculinity, courage, valor and honor. Critical to look at this man Larisa is not able to: an episode with a Caucasian officer, when the paratas, in order to demonstrate their composure and accuracy, shot the target she held in her hand, she perceives as proof of his "ideality", so similar to "ideality" romantic heroes. Although, in fact, this episode speaks only about Bhahnia and Pride, for whom Sergey Sergeich, not hesitating, risks his own, and someone else's life.

Actually " perfect man"Sergey Sergeyich - Coward, and the coward of the lowest sewing, because it is afraid to stay without capital, and therefore marries a rich woman, and his" flash of passion "to Larisa is just a game with a penny, to whom the parats such an immoral way" indicates the place "Excellent everyone was aware and accurately calculated his actions. Larisa for him is a beautiful thing, the toy that some kind of insignificant pencils suddenly took away. Gersonin of the play compromises himself, leaving with Paratov, but she is not aware of sin, only after talking with Sergey Sergeyevich, she understands that her love was an illusion built by herself. Larisa is fascinated, and lives in a fascinated world, which is destroyed along the action of the play. It does not have such moral strength, as in Katerina, that spirit of the insight, which allowed the heroine of "thunderstorms" to predicate his tragic final, it is disappointed not in the world, but so far only in the beloved. She still believes that the world around it, though he is cruel, but at least a lot like that romantic world, which she stood up with such persistence.

Throughout the play, Larisa does not grow spiritually, it turns spiritually, her eyes open, but internal growth, as such, it does not happen, but the reason for this is not at all in the absence of the Larisa of the spiritual principle, there is no such strength in Larisa, which is capable of breaking so firmly The established power of money, she is able to only leave this world into the world of fictional, created by the imagination, but she does not have for the struggle. Ultimately, broken by the betrayal of a beloved girl, whom "Outside the ideal opens, in the name of which she was ready to bring any sacrifices," and in front of which "the situation is detected in all of his unsightly, to which it is doomed - the role of dear things," decides to become the content to try again to build around a certain "cocoon", with the help of money Knurova to build if not beautiful love, At least a beautiful life. You can blame Larisa in the absence of a spiritual beginning, because such a decision is immoral, and she herself says that "gold broke in front of it," but this decision is the decision taken in complete despair, and it is equally desirable to die in her consciousness. She understands that she is waiting for spiritual death and hesitates between the death of the body and the death of the soul. The tragic junction leads awareness of Larisa that everyone around considers it as an expensive beautiful thing that you can buy. She utters bitter words: "The thing ... yes, the thing! They are right, I am a thing, not a person ... anyone must have a master, I will go to the owner. " feeling a thing, Larisa for a moment refuses all his spiritual qualitiesBut they show themselves: the girl cannot become a simple content, toy, to which love is not experiencing, and which does not feel love herself.

When Larisa speaks about suicide for the first time, she only provokes the pararticle to make a decision, as it seemed like Laris, favorable for her: "For unfortunate people, a lot of space in God's world: here is a garden, here is the Volga. Here on each bitch can be walked, on the Volga - choose any place. Everywhere it is easy to get drowned if there is a desire to get enough forces, "she still does not think about suicide. Words about the Volga and the Garden are designed to quickly scare the lover, but Knurov offers her to become a content, with the meaning of emphasizing: "It's impossible for me," the thoughts of death become real. Larisa reflects: "Party with life is not at all as simple as I thought. That's no strength! Here I am what unhappy! But there are people for whom it's easy ... ah that I am! ... yes, because nothing is nice, and I have no need to live! What I do not decide? What keeps me over this precipice? What prevents? Oh, no, no ... not whip, luxury, glitter ... no, no ... I have to from the bustle ... Spoogue ... oh, no ... I just don't have determination. Pathetic weakness: to live, even somehow, yes live ... when you can't live and do not need. What a pathetic, unhappy .. Kababi now killed me ... how to die well ... While you still blame yourself. Or snort and die ... Yes, I seem to heal. How badly to me! .. Together with a long time, calm down, you will reconcile everything, everyone will forgive and die ... Oh, how badly, how to spin the head. "

Even the prospect of a beautiful life does not comfort Larisa, she utters the word "debauchery", which means it is aware of the monstristence of the prospects proposed by Knurov, and therefore the spiritual start in it is strong. Until the insistence of Larisa lived with love, which in it was stronger than the concepts of morality and morality, especially since such concepts were not prioritized during its upbringing; Now, it feels a moral law that is not related to the religion, like Katerina, and the ideal understanding associated with its understanding, which, as it turned out, is inseparable from moral.

When Karandeyshev tells the bride that Knurov and the sovers played it into an ordinary, in the soul of Larisa, there is a tragic dome, she will no longer build around themselves illusions - real world It turned out to be stronger than her imagination, she will no longer be able to live in this world. Karandyshev, for whom the wife, enthusiastically, in the circle of local millionaires, should be a means of overcoming his own complex of inferiority, helps Larisa, without knowing, to carry out its innermost desire: "Kaba now killed me ..." - she saves her It allows her to leave, not sparing the soul and body by depravity without making their own beauty to the goods. For a minute to death, she exists a genuine nobility, saving his killer from the court, convincing the paratov, Knurova, Welcome around her, the true perpetrators of her death in what committed suicide. Although it is possible and otherwise to interpret her words: I want to believe in a fantastic idea that Larisa by the power of his soul still can affect the world, and this is its determination, and not a shot of Karandyshev, allow her to die ... "This is me ... No one is guilty, no one ... This is me.

"Parats squeezing to emerging gypsies incense:" Tell silenced! Tell to silence! " "But the dying Larisa has enough strength to challenge the Paratov regulation:" No, no, why! .. Let them have fun who have fun who fun ... I don't want to interfere with anyone. Live, live everything! You need to live, and I need ... die. I do not complain about anyone, I'm not offended ... You are all good people... "Her life ends deeply sincere recognition:" I love you all ... I love everyone, "her world triumphs, it was still able to find such spiritual strength through the disappointment, to climb such a vertex that She from all his heart bestowed the world of cruelty and profit forgiveness and kiss.

Larisa ultimately ended up as strong as Katerina, let her change nothing in the world, but she was able to forgive the world. Girl - Bird eventually acquires the grave in the same Volga, that is, it becomes free. The true power of the character of Larisa Ogudallova is in her ability to love and forgive, in her dedication, in naive faith in the world. What other heroine is also able to blindly believe in love in the world, where the power belongs to the money? Isn't this girl strong, which in front of death in a few short hours is experiencing disappointment in love, in the world, in itself, but can leave life, sending the world a kiss? The world will not change, the Gypsy choir sings, and Larisa does not require to interrupt the fun of this "holiday of life", it just goes away from clean soul And with a clean, not overshadled heart. It seems that this is its true force.