The cranes, calling out to each other, stretch out carefully. Features of landscape lyrics AND

The cranes, calling out to each other, stretch out carefully.  Features of landscape lyrics AND
The cranes, calling out to each other, stretch out carefully. Features of landscape lyrics AND

Russian lyrics are rich in poetic images of nature. Poets deified their native land, the unforgettable Russian expanses, the beauty of ordinary landscapes. I.A. Bunin was no exception. Having once fallen in love with the nature of his native country, he constantly refers to this topic in his poems, conveying unusual colors, sounds, smells of his native side. The theme of nature will become the main one for Bunin's lyrics, many poems will be dedicated to her.

I.A. Bunin captured various moments of life in his poetry. It is important for the poet to convey the various states of nature. In a poem

"The bright April evening has burned down ..." shows a brief moment of extinction of a quiet spring evening.

Bunin conveyed the natural changes when "rooks are sleeping", "a cold twilight lay in the meadows", "the pits are shining with calm water." The reader not only feels the charm of the April evening, its special breath, but also feels that "the young chilled black soil smells of greens", hears how "the cranes, calling out to each other, cautiously stretch in a crowd", "sensitively hears the rustle of trees." Everything in nature has lurked and together with the Spring itself "waits for the dawn, drowning the breath." Bunin's lines breathe with silence, peace, an unforgettable sense of the beauty of being.

The role in Bunin's poetry has a smell, the reader feels the inexplicable beauty of the Central Russian nature. In the poem "It smells of fields, - of fresh herbs", the lyrical hero catches the fragrance "from hayfields and oak groves." The poem conveys "cool breath of meadows." In nature, everything froze in anticipation of a thunderstorm, which is personified by the poet and seems to be a mysterious stranger with “crazy eyes”.

"Dusk and languor" in nature before a thunderstorm. The poet depicted a brief moment when "the distance darkens over the fields", "the cloud grows, covered the sun and turns blue." Lightning resembles "a sword that flashed for a moment." Initially, Bunin titled the poem "Under a Cloud", but then he removed the title, since such a title does not give the complete picture that the poet wanted to portray. In general, many poems by I.A. Bunin about nature have no names, since it is impossible to express the state of nature in two or three words and convey the feelings of the lyric hero.

The poem "It is also cold and cheese ..." depicts a February landscape. The lyrical work gives an image of God's world, which is transformed and rejuvenated with the onset of spring: "bushes and puddles", "trees in the bosom of the sky", bullfinches. The last stanza of the poetic work is significant. The lyrical hero is attracted by a landscape that does not open up,

... And what shines in these colors:

Love and joy of being.

Human feelings, dreams and desires are closely intertwined in Bunin's poetry with images of nature. Through landscape sketches by I.A. Bunin conveys the complex world of the human soul. In the poem "Fairy Tale" reality and fantasy are mixed, dream and reality, fairy tale and reality are inseparable from each other.

The lyrical hero dreams of a fairytale dream: deserted shores, curved seas, “pink sand”, the northern sea ”. A picture of a fabulous land opens before the reader. The feeling of the unreality of what is happening is conveyed by the epithets: “along the deserted shores”, “under the wild blue sea”, “in a deep forest”, “pink sand”, “mirror reflection of the sea”, which create a mood of mysterious expectation of a miracle.

From the final quatrain of the poem, it is clear that landscape sketches of a distant desert land help the poet convey a feeling of longing, longing for an irretrievably gone youth:

I dreamed of the north sea

Deserted forests ...

I dreamed of the distance, I dreamed of a fairy tale -

I dreamed of my youth.

The poetic world of I.A. Bunin is diverse, but it is the pictures of nature that reveal the inner world of the lyrical hero in his poetry. Childhood is considered the brightest cloudless time in human life. It is about him that I.A. Bunin his poem "Childhood", where he also through natural images conveys the feelings, experiences of the lyric hero. The poet associates childhood with a sunny summer, when “it is sweeter to breathe a dry resinous aroma in the forest”.

Feelings of the lyrical hero's happiness, fullness of life are conveyed by the following poetic epithets, comparisons and metaphors: “wandering through these solar chambers”, “sand is like silk”, “bright light everywhere”, “bark… so warm, so the sun is all warmed up”.

I.A. Bunin is rightfully considered a singer of Russian nature. In the poet's poetry, landscape sketches reveal the feelings, thoughts, experiences of the lyric hero, convey a brief moment of charm with the pictures of life.

1874 - the Bunin family moves to the family estate. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. The agonizing pain of separation from the Motherland. What is the main theme of all the works of I.A. Bunin. What feelings the poem gives rise to. Bunin. He and his sister Masha ate black bread. For the first time, Bunin's poem was published in the Rodina newspaper. Write down the phrases that characterize the features of creativity.

"Master from San Francisco" - Before the last exit. Such lightness in everything, in life, in insolence, and in death. On the deck of the Atlantis. A gentleman from San Francisco. I.A. Bunin. Reflection of the tragedy and catastrophic nature of life in I. Bunin's stories "Light Breathing", "The Lord from San Francisco". Now I have only one way out ... What is "Easy breathing" according to IA Bunin? Head of the gymnasium. Olya Meshcherskaya.

"Biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin" - Time of hard work. Gymnasium, in which Bunin did not finish his studies. Bunin died. The last days. Bunin and Pashchenko. Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin. Rose of Jericho. English. Bunin visited Yalta. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Bunin's family life. Nobel Prize. The beginning of creativity. Odessa. Bunin's prose. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunina. Bunin became the first Russian Nobel laureate. House of the Bunins. Emigrant period.

"The Life of IA Bunin" - Adolescence. Death. Literary debut. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Having entered the gymnasium in Yelets in 1881, he studied there for only five years. Parents took Vanya and younger sisters. Life in exile. Bunin has repeatedly expressed his desire to return to his homeland. In 1874 the Bunins moved from town to village. Childhood. Nobel laureate. Mother. 1895 - a turning point in the life of the writer. Father. Trips. Life after death.

"Dark Alleys" Bunin "- Interior. Nikolai Alekseevich is tired of life. Landscape. Life results. Baba is the ward of the mind. Love in the lives of heroes. Remark. Nikolai Alekseevich. Heroes of the novel. Nikolai Alekseevich is tired. Features of the genre. The originality of the interpretation of the theme of love. New in the character of Nikolai Alekseevich. The moral lessons of I.A. Bunin. Portrait of Hope. Hope. Speaking detail. Before us is a tired man. Landscape sketch. What Nikolai Alekseevich is tired of.

"Biography and Works of Bunin" - The future writer did not receive a systematic education, which he regretted all his life. It was Julius who had a great influence on the formation of Bunin's tastes and views. They buried Ivan Alekseevich at the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve de Bois near Paris. Outwardly, Bunin's poems looked traditional both in form and in subject matter. Creative activity Bunin began to write early. He wrote essays, sketches, poems. And yet, despite the imitativeness, there was some special intonation in Bunin's poems.

A dense green spruce forest by the road,
Deep fluffy snow.
A deer walked in them, mighty, thin-legged,
Throwing back heavy horns.

Here is a trace of him. Here trampled paths,
Here he bent the tree and scraped with a white tooth -
And many coniferous crosses, Austin
It fell from the top of the head onto a snowdrift.

Here is the trail again, measured and rare,
And suddenly - a jump! And far away in the meadow
The dog rut is lost - and the branches,
Horned on the run ...

Oh, how easily he left the valley!
How frantically, in abundance of fresh strength,
In the swiftness of the joyous animal.
He carried away beauty from death!

I. A. Bunin "Two rainbows"

Two rainbows - and golden, rare
Spring rain. In the west just about
The rays will flash. At the very top of the grid
Gardens thick from the May weather,
On the gloomy foreground of the illuminated cloud
The bird turns black with a dot. All fresh
Rainbow light violet green
And the sweet smell of rye.

I. A. Bunin "The bright April evening burned down"

The bright April evening has burned out,
A cold gloom lay across the meadows.
Rooks are sleeping; distant stream noise
Mysteriously faded in the darkness.

But fresh smells like green
Young frozen black soil,
And flows cleaner over the fields
Starlight in the silence of the night.

Through the hollows, the stars reflecting,
The pits shine with calm water,
Cranes, calling out to each other,
A cautious crowd.

And Spring in a green grove
Waiting for the dawn, drowning the breath, -
He sensitively hears the rustle of trees,
Vigilantly looks into the dark fields.

I. A. Bunin "The field is smoking, the dawn turns white"

The field smokes, the dawn turns white,
Eagles scream in the misty steppe,
And wild-call their crying hungry
Among the cold, drifting haze.

In the dew their wings, in the dew of the weeds,
The fields are fragrant from sleep ...
Dawn sweet your vigorous cold,
Your languid hunger - your call, spring!

You won - the whole steppe is smoking,
Eagles are screaming imperiously over the steppe,
And the clouds are burning hot
And the sun rises in a ball out of the darkness!

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The bright April evening has burned out,
A cold gloom lay across the meadows.
Rooks are sleeping; distant stream noise
Mysteriously faded in the darkness.

But fresh smells like green
Young frozen black soil,
And flows cleaner over the fields
Starlight in the silence of the night.

Through the hollows, the stars reflecting,
The pits shine with calm water,
Cranes, calling out to each other,
A cautious crowd.

And Spring in a green grove
Waiting for the dawn, drowning the breath, -
He sensitively hears the rustle of trees,
Vigilantly looks into the dark fields.

The early period of Ivan Bunin's work is by no means connected with prose, but with poetry. The novice writer was convinced that poetry is the most accurate and figurative form of conveying his thoughts and feelings, so he tried to convey his observations to readers with their help.

It was this period of Bunin's work that is characterized by amazingly beautiful landscape lyrics with carefully calibrated metaphors, which in their elegance are in no way inferior to the figurative comparisons of Fet or Maikov - the recognized kings of landscape poetry. Young Bunin has amazing powers of observation and knows how to notice every little thing, transforming it into expressive and memorable images.

Unlike their predecessors, Ivan Bunin does not seek to animate nature, perceiving it with a great deal of objectivity... However, he never ceases to admire how beautiful and flawless the world around him is, the harmony of which invariably makes an indelible impression on the author. In a similarly enthusiastic manner, the poem "The bright April evening burned down", written in 1892, is also sustained.

These works are dedicated to the first days of spring, when the earth is just awakening from hibernation. It is still quite cold in the evenings, and with the onset of dusk there is little reminder that fine days are just around the corner. Nevertheless, the poet notes that it is on the cold April evenings that "fresh, young, frozen black soil smells of green." Even the insidious spring frosts have already receded, and at night "through the hollows, reflecting the stars, the pits shine with quiet water." The world, as Bunin subtly notes, is gradually changing. However, to an uninitiated person, this process seems completely imperceptible. Only when flocks of cranes returning to their homes appear on the horizon, the last doubts that spring has already come into its own disappear. “The cranes, calling out to each other, are cautiously dragging on in a crowd,” the author notes.

Wherein It seems to Bunin that spring itself is still waiting for something and is in no hurry to give life-giving warmth to the world around it.... She "sensitively hears the rustle of trees, vigilantly looks into the dark fields", trying to understand whether it is worth coming to this land at all. And such indecision arouses contradictory feelings in the poet's soul: he wants to both hurry up the capricious spring and prolong those amazing moments when the world is just preparing for its arrival.