Description of childhood gallets in the novel of brooms. Bugs and gallets: comparative characteristics

Description of childhood gallets in the novel of brooms. Bugs and gallets: comparative characteristics
Description of childhood gallets in the novel of brooms. Bugs and gallets: comparative characteristics

Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich is a wonderful Russian realist writer. His creativity firmly entered the classical literature of our country. The originality of his artistic world is, according to N.A. Dobrolyubova, in the fact that he was able to embrace the full image of the subject in his work, to bother him.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bGoncharov in the novel "Oblomov"

In his novel, Ivan Alexandrovich condemns the nobilitylessness. Characteristic of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" proves, and soon you will be convinced. The author welcomes the businesslike in the class of entrepreneurs, which bombarded at the time. For Goncharov, the character of Oblomov is essential is its Barskaya spoil, as well as inactivity, the next of it, the powerlessness of the will and the mind. The image of this hero at hand, such a famous master resulted in a wide picture, on which the reader is represented by the pre-forming life of the country's local nobility. More than 100 years ago, a work was written, but it attracts attention to him so far. This novel is definitely a classic work created by an excellent Russian language.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

What is the characteristic of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov"? Having read it, everyone probably wants to understand who he is closer in spirit: gallez or Ilya Ilyich. Characteristic of Oblomov, at first glance, devoid of attractiveness. In the novel, this hero appears the person is no longer the first youth. He tried to serve in the past, but he moved away from any activity and became unable to return to her. He does not want not only to do something, but even to go in society, go for a walk, dress, just get up from the sofa. The serene state of this hero violates only visitor who come only with mercenary goals to Oblomov. For example, Tarantyev simply robes him, occupying money and not returning them. Oblomov is in the work of the victim of their visitors, since he cannot understand the true goal of their visits. The exception is only Stolz, a friend of his youth, who comes to visit him into the crushing.

However, the characteristic of Oblomov is not so uniquely negative. We will come back to her.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz

Stolz is an antipode of this hero in the novel. Goncharov portrayed him with a "new man." Stolz from the very childhood was brought up in harsh conditions, the usual gradually to the difficulties and adversity of life. This is an alien and official careerism, and the noble laziness of the dealers, which is characterized by such a level of culture and such activity that at that time were not peculiar to the Russian merchant. Apparently, not knowing where such a person is to find among the business Russian people, Goncharov decided to make his hero by the epitian family of the family. Stolz, however, the upbringing received from the Russian mother who was noble, and also studied at the metropolitan university. This hero believes that by the device of road roads, fairs, marins, patriarchal "broomsticks" will turn into income-generated estates.

Life views Oblomov

Not only apatine marked the characteristic of Oblomov. This hero is trying to "philosophizing". Ilya Ilyich contrasts the sincerity and kindness of the patriarchal life of the moral corruption of representatives of the official-nobility society of the capital. He condemns him for the desire for a careerism, the lack of serious interests, covered by the dismissed courtesy of mutual incompleteness. In this regard, the author of the novel agrees with Ilya Ilyich. Characteristic Oblomov is complemented by the fact that he is a romantic. This hero dreams mostly about quiet family happiness.

Attitude to the life of the gallery

On the contrary, Stolz is the enemy "Dreams", the whole mysterious and mysterious. However, he understands under the "Sonya" not only a pink romance, but also every idealism. The author, explaining the beliefs of this hero, writes that in his eyes is what is not being analyzed by practical truth, experience is an optical deception or fact to which the experience of experience has not yet reached.

The value of the love conflict in the disclosure of the characters of the main characters

The comparative characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz would be incomplete if we did not disclose the relationship of these heroes with Olga Ilinskaya. Goncharov introduces their characters into a love conflict in order to experience their life itself, which will show what each of them costs. Therefore, the heroine of "Oblomov" should be an outstanding personality. In Olga Ilinskaya we will not find either secular flutter, no bald boric, nothing mannered, with intent made for success in life. This girl is characterized by beauty, as well as the natural freedom of a deed, words and views.

Both main characters created by Goncharov, in love relationships with this woman suffered defeat, each in their own way. And it reveals the inconsistency of the author's illusions in the assessment and the other. "Honest and sure", "Golden" The heart of Oblomov suddenly turns out to be in doubt with his decency. It should be noted that the hero of this with a "deep, like a well, heart," in front of the girl shamefully lucavit, referring to the fact that he warned her about her character. Olga understands that Ilya Ilyich "has long died."

The sequential characteristic of the brood and gallery opens all new interesting details. Again, Andrei Ivanovich appears in the novel. He again arises in the work in order to take a place that previously occupied bugs. The characteristic of the gallez hero in its relationship with Olga reveals some important features in its image. Goncharov, showing his Parisian life with Ilinskaya, wants to show the reader the breadth of his hero. In fact, he reduces it, because everything is interested in anything systematically, in-depth, it is not seriously carried away. This means learn everything with other people's words, take from other people's hands. Stolz could barely sleep for Olga in her vigorious willing of will and thoughts. Contrary to the will of the author, the story of the collaboration of these two heroes, which should have been praiseing gallery, eventually turned out to be a means of exposure. Stolz at the end of the novel seems only a self-confident resonant. This hero, who could not save a friend, give a beloved woman of happiness, the reader no longer believes. From the full collapse of the gallery saves only the author's tendentiousness. After all, all the same on his side was gonchars ("Oblomov"). Characteristic of Oblomov, created by the writer, as well as the author's voice in the novel let us judge about it.

The weakness of both heroes and classes they represent

In addition to his own desire, Goncharov was able to show that not only Russian Baroge degenerates. Weak not only bugs. The characteristic of the Hero Hero is also not deprived of this feature. Compact entrepreneurs cannot historically become successors of Baria, since they are weak, limited and are not able to take responsibility for solving indigenous issues of the country's life.

The value of the image of Olga Ilinskaya in Russian literature

So, the comparative characteristic of the Oblomov and the gallery shows that neither the other can not be, each in its own way, cause sympathy. But the heroine of the work, Olga Ilinskaya, will become a prototype of an enlightened Russian woman. This prototype will later meet in the works of many classics of the 19th century.

Often comparing Ilya Ilyich and Andrei Ivanovich seems to be a table. Characteristic of the brood and gallery, presented visually, helps to better remember the information. Therefore, the comparative table in the literature lessons as a type of work is often used in school. When a deep analysis is required, it is better to refuse it. Namely such a task and stood when creating this article.

Characteristic of the gallery - one of the main characters of the famous novel Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" - can be perceived ambiguously. This person is a carrier of a new one for Russia of the middle mentality. Probably, the classic wanted to initially create a domestic analogue of the image of Jane Eyre in his appearance.

The origin of the gallery

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz - Son of Clauser. His father Ivan Bogdanovich arrived in Russia from Germany. He tried to find in Russia in Russia, he settled to manage the farm, where the manor was scrupulously and the mobility began, led to account. Son brought up suvervo enough. He worked for him from the young age, was a "personal driver" - rules with a spring trolley, when his father drove into the city, to the fields, to the factory, to the merchants. Senior Stolz encouraged his son when he fought with boys. Taking science in Village Village for children of landowners, gave a thorough and his Andryusha. Mom gallez was Russian, therefore Russian was the native language for him, and in faith he was Orthodox.

Of course, the gallery with a broom, who can not organize his life, will obviously not in favor of the latter.


The young German graduated brilliantly graduated from the Institute. Made a career in service. Goncharov tells the phrases of other people. In particular, about the rank of Andrei Stolz, we learn from the phrase that by the service he "for the surviving pass." Turning to the table of ranks, we find that the "Nadill Counselor" is the chairman of the North Court, is equal to the lieutenant colonel. Thus, Andrei Stolts by education lawyer and earned a retirement retirement. This informs us the Roman "Oblomov". The characteristic of the gallery shows the predominance in its nature of the business vein.

After the retirement retirement, a thirty-year-old man took commercial activities in the trading company. And here he had good prospects for a career. For work, he trusted responsible missions related to business trips to Europe and the development of new projects of the company. The business characteristic of the gallery, given by the novel, is solid and promising. 40 thousand rubles of paternal capital for a couple of years of work in the trading company he has already managed to invest and turn in 300 thousand rubles. For him, the prospect of governing a million state is real.

Close people

Gallery inherent in the spirit of the partnership, cooperation. He spends time and strength to snatch his friend Oblomov from the web of Lena, trying to arrange his life, introducing a wonderful girl Olga Ilinskaya. Only when the bugs from the continuation of acquaintance with her refused, Stolz, who considered that for the treasure - Olga, began to care for her. The fraudsters who tried to completely ruin the careless Ilya Ilyich Oblomov had to eventually deal with him - tough, insightful. He pronounces the Word that has become a nominal - "Oblomovshchina". After the illness and death of Ilya Ilyich, the spouses gallets take on the upbringing of his son Andryusha.

Galley conclusions

At the same time, it should be recognized that the author's characteristic of the gallery is the only flaw of the story of the novel, as confirmed by the goncharov himself. According to the plan, Andrei Ivanovich was supposed to get an ideal person of the future, organically combining a pragmatism with his father's genes, and inheritance from the mother - artistic taste, aristocracy. In reality, the bourgeoisie nascent in Russia turned out: an active, purposeful, not able to dream. Critically treated Chekhov, agreeing with the negative characteristic flashed in the novel - the "blowing beast". Anton Pavlovich debunked in the press of the gallery as a person of the future, and Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyov agrees with him. Obviously, the Goncharovsk characteristic of the gallery has moved with inconspicuousness and commitment to rational thinking. These qualities of a normal, living person should not be hypertrophied to such an extent.

Who is galby? Goncharov does not force the reader to break his head over this issue. In the first two chapters of the second part there is a detailed story about the life of the gallery, about the conditions in which his active character was formed. "Stolz was German only half, on his father; his mother was Russian; Faith he professed Orthodox, his native speech was Russian ... ". Goncharov first trying to show that the gallery rather Russian rather than German: after all, the most important thing is - Vera and his tongue is the same as in the Russians. But the farther, the more Germans are beginning to come in it: independence, perseverance in achieving their goals, thrift.

The unique character of the gallery was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and tough, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father, he received "labor, practical education," and the mother joined him to the beautiful, tried to put love for art into the soul of little Andrei, to beauty. His mother "In the Son ... Moved the ideal of the Barin," and his father killed him to a heavy, not at all the Barquet works.

Practical mind, love, courage helped the gallery to succeed after he left at the insistence of his father to learn from St. Petersburg ...

According to Goncharov, Stolz is a new type of Russian progressive figure. However, he does not depict the hero in concrete activities. The author only informs the reader about Tom, was gallez, which reached. He "served, retired ... engaged in his affairs, ... I got a house and money, ... I learned Europe as my estate, ... I saw Russia along and across, ... goes to the light."

If we talk about the ideological position of the gallery, he "was looking for an equilibrium of practical sides with the subtle needs of the Spirit." Stolz could control his feelings and "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was constantly. According to Goncharov, he "knew the price rare and expensive properties and so Skupor spent them that he was called by an egoist, insensitive ...". In a word, Goncharov created such a hero, as Russia had not enough for a long time. For the author, Stolz is the power that is able to revive the broom and destroy the breakdown. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of the gallery, putting it in the example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel, it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of the gallery. Dobrolyubov explains this by the fact that "now there is no soil for them" in Russian society. For more productive operations, it is necessary to achieve some compromise with broom. That is why Andrei Stolz takes on the education of Son Ilya Ilyich.

Stolz - Certainly, Antipode Oblomov. Each trait of the first - sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - brooms often flows into apathy; Stolz has thirst for Oblomov. The best activity is a holiday on the sofa. The origins of this opposite are in the upbringing of heroes. Reading the description of the life of Little Andrei, involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilyusha. Thus, at the very beginning of the novel, there are two absolutely different characters, two life paths ...


Stolz Andrei Ivanovich is a friend of Oblomov, a business man.

Sh. Received a kind of education. Russian mother wanted to see in him a raised, noble, romantic young man. The father brought up his son as a strong man who could stand up and cope with all the difficulties.

From such a combination and was formed in character Sh.: "Suddenly, from the father's 40 thousand, I made 300 thousand capital, and in the service for the survival, and the scientist ... now here is still traveling!" - So speaks about Sh. Unloved his tarantyev.

Indeed, Sh. - Very active person, the complete opposite of Oblomov. Sh. Independent, independent, confident. It seems he has time to do everything: make money, be aware of all news, engage in charity. "It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse."

But, in spite of all positive qualities, Sh. Very much lacks spiritual softness, heat, indictions of nature. "The dream, mysterious, mysterious there was no place in his soul ... He did not have idols ..."

It is symbolic that the hero is a middle-like by origin. From here all his pedanthism, some worn, mechanicality: "Almost all he put perseverance in achieving the goal" in any way.

S. introduces Oblomov with Olga Ilinskaya from the best motives to awaken activities in each other. When their relationship disintegrates, Sh. He himself marries Olga, perceiving it not only as a favorite woman, but also as his student. On it, Sh. Checks its philosophical and life theories. But he is not able to fully understand the aspirations of Olga to another life, full feats, stormy unrest. He tells her: "We are not Titans with you ... the bow and humbly survive a difficult moment, and again the life will smile ..." Sh. Scheduled with the life of Oblomov after several unsuccessful attempts to help a friend change. The only thing he can do is to take up his son's upbringing and put things in order to ensure that the future is the younger.

In the first chapters of the second part of the story, we learn a lot about childhood, upbringing gallery. His mother was Russian, Father German. He professed the Orthodox faith, the native language was Russian. His unusual character brought in it a hard, demanding father and kind, soft to the gallery mother. From the elder of the elder, he gets "practical education," from the mother love for art, which she so diligently invests into it. Thanks to all these qualities, such as the love of work, independence, perseverance in order and German sobs, Stolz is a lot in adulthood. In St. Petersburg, he "served, resigned ...", I made myself a house and money, as promised Father. Traveled a lot around the world, studied Russia and Europe.

Stolz was afraid to dream, his happiness was constantly. He became an ideal in the "Oblomov", everything was perfect in it. Stolz is the absolute opposite of lazy, boring, worthless broom. These are completely different people living their lives.

Stolz - Central Character Roman I.A. Blugovarov "Oblomov" (1848-1859). Literary sources of image S.- Gogol Konstanjonglo and merchant Muzhov (the second volume of "dead souls"), Peter Aduyev ("Ordinary History"). Later type Sh. Goncharov was developed in the image of Tushina ("open").

Sh. - Antipode Oblomov, positive type of practical figure. In the image of S., according to Goncharov, should have harmoniously connect such opposite qualities, like, on the one hand, sobriety, calculation, businesslikeness, knowledge of the materialist practitioners; On the other hand, mental subtlety, aesthetic susceptibility, high spiritual aspirations, poeticity. The image of S. create two these mutually exclusive elements: the first comes from the father, the pedantic, harsh, coarse German ("Father sled him with himself to a spring trolley, gave the entrance and ordered to take the factory, then in the field, then to the city , to the merchants, in the preinstations "); The second - from the mother, Russian, poetic and sentimental nature ("She rushed to cut Andrewish nails, curl curls, sew elegant collars and manicians, sang about the colors, dreamed of a high role about the poetry of life ..."). The mother was afraid that Sh., Under the influence of the Father, will become a gross bureger, however, the Russian environment of SH was prevented, but "near was the Oblomovka: there is an eternal holiday!"), As well as the princely castle in Verlev with portraits of the fused and proud nobility "in Parce velvet and lace. " "On the one hand, the crushing, on the other-point lock, with a wide rise of Baroic life, met with a German element, and did not come out of Andrei, nor good Bursh, or even Filters.

Sh., In contrast to the bug, punches the road in life itself. No wonder S.- The native of the Meshchansky class (his father left Germany, I was part of Switzerland and donkey in Russia, having done the estate of estates). Sh. Brilliantly cums university, serves success, coming to resign to engage in his own business; Puts home and money. He is a member of a trading company sending goods abroad; As a company agent, Sh. Rides in Belgium, England, throughout Russia. The image of S. is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bequilibrium, harmonic compliance of physical and spiritual, mind and feelings, suffering and pleasure. The ideal of S. - Measure and Harmony in Labor, Life, Rest, Love. Portrait of Sh. Contrasture portrait of Oblomov: "It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, his cheek is almost not at all, that is, the bone and muscle, but not a sign of a fat roundness ... "The ideal of life is S.- Increased and meaningful work, it is" image, content, element and purpose of life. " This ideal Sh. Defends in the dispute with the Obloman, calling the utopian ideal of the last "granious" and considering it harmful in all spheres of life.

Unlike Oblomov, S. withstands the test of love. He is responsible for the ideal of Olga Ilinskaya: in Sh. Mascigaby, loyalty, moral purity, universal knowledge and practical grip, allowing it to be a winner in all life trials. S. marries Olga Ilinskaya, and Goncharov is trying in their active, full work and beauty of the Alliance to imagine the perfect family, the authentic ideal, which is not possible in the life of Oblomov: "Worked together, dinner, went to the fields, engaged in music as dreamed and brooms ... just there were no dorms, the despondency from them, without boredom and without apathy they spent the days; There was no sluggish look, words; The conversation did not end with them, there were often hot. " In friendship with Oblombov, Sh. Also turned out to be at the height: Replaced the manager of the Zhulika, destroyed Tarantyev and Mukhoyarnyos, deceived by Oblomov to sign a fake borrowed letter.

The image of S., according to the thought of Goncharov, was supposed to embody a new positive type of Russian progressive figure ("how many galleries should appear under Russian names!"), Combining both the best Western trends and Russian latitudes, scope, spiritual depth. Type S. was supposed to turn Russia into the path of European civilization, to give it like dignity and weight in a number of European powers. Finally, the businesslikeness of S. is not included in the conflict with morality, the latter, on the contrary, complements the businesslikeness, gives it inner power and strength.

Contrary to the design of Goncharov, in the form of sh. Tangible utopian features. Occasionality and rationalism, laid down in the image of S., causes damage to artistic. Goncharov himself was not quite satisfied with the way, believing that Sh. "Weak, pale", that "the idea looks too much from him." Chekhov expressed sharp: "Stolz does not inspire any trust. The author says it is a gorgeous small, and I do not believe. This is a blowing beast, thinking about himself very well and is pleased. He is half written, three quarters "(letter 1889). The failure of the image sh., May be explained by the fact that Sh. Artistically not shown in that large-scale activity, which he is successfully engaged in.

Stolz - Central Character Roman I.A. Blugovarov "Oblomov" (1848-1859). Literary sources of galler's image - Gogol Konstanjonglo and the merchant of Muzzles (the second volume of the "dead souls"), Peter Aduev ("Ordinary History"). Later, the type of Goncharov Stolz was developed in the image of Tushina ("Open").

A source:roman "Oblomov"

Stolz - Antipode Oblomov, positive type of practical figure. In the formation of gallets, according to Goncharov's plan, such opposite qualities were harmoniously combined, such as, on the one hand, sobriety, calcality, businesslike, knowledge of the materialist practitioners; On the other hand, mental subtlety, aesthetic susceptibility, high spiritual aspirations, poeticity.

The image of the gallez create, so the two of these mutually exclusive elements: the first comes from the father, the pedantic, harsh, coarse German ("Father sled him to a spring trolley, gave the entrance and ordered to take the factory, then in the field, then to the city, then to merchants, in the preinstations "); The second - from the mother, Russian, poetic and sentimental nature ("she rushed to cut Andryusha nails, curling curls, sew elegant collars and maniches< ...>, sang on the colors, about the poetry of life< ...> He dreamed of a high role with him ... ").

The mother was afraid that the gallez, under the influence of his father, will become a gross bureger, however, the Russian surroundings of the gallery prevented ("Near the Oblomovka: there is an eternal holiday!"), As well as the princely castle in Verlev with portraits of the fused and proud nobility "in Parcery, Velvet and Laces. " "On the one hand, the crushing, on the other-point lock, with a wide rise of Baroic life, met with a German element, and did not come out of Andrei, nor good Bursh, or even Filters.

Stolz, as opposed to broom, pierces the road in life itself. No wonder galleries - a seven of the Meshchansky class (his father left Germany, I was part of Switzerland and donkey in Russia, having done the estate manager). Stolz brilliantly cums university, it serves as successful, comes into a resignation to engage in his own business; Puts home and money.

He is a member of a trading company sending goods abroad; As a company agent, Stolz rides in Belgium, England, throughout Russia. The image of the galvanic is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bequilibrium, harmonic compliance of physical and spiritual, mind and feelings, suffering and pleasure.

The ideal of the glass is a measure and harmony in labor, life, rest, love. Portrait of galley of a contrast portrait of Oblomov: "It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, he is almost no cheek at all, that is, the bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness ... "The ideal of the life of the gallery is an incessious and meaningful work, it is" image, content, element and purpose of life. " This ideal gallets defends in a dispute with the Obloman, calling the utopian ideal of the last "granious" and considering it harmful in all spheres of life.

Unlike Oblomov, Stolz withstands the test of love. He is responsible for the ideal of Olga Ilinskaya: masculinity, loyalty, moral purity, universal knowledge and practical grip are combined, allowing it to be a winner in all life tests.

Stolz marries Olga Ilinskaya, and Goncharov is trying in their active, full work and beauty of the Alliance to imagine the perfect family, an authentic ideal that fails in the life of Oblomov: "Worked together, dinner, went to the fields, engaged in music< ...> As dreamed of bugs ... Only there were no dorms, the despondency of them, without boredom, and without apathy they held days; There was no sluggish look, words; The conversation did not end with them, there were often hot. " In friendship with Oblombov, Stolz, too, turned out to be at the height: Replaced the manager Zhulika, destroyed the tricks of Tarantyev and Mukhoyarov, deceiving forced Oblomov to sign a fake borrowed letter.

The image of the gallez, according to the thought of Goncharov, was to embody a new positive type of Russian progressive figure ("how many galleries should appear in Russian names!"), Combining both the best Western trends and Russian latitudes, scope, spiritual depth. The type of gallery was supposed to turn Russia into the path of European civilization, give it the appropriate advantage and weight in a number of European powers. Finally, the gallery is not included in the conflict with morality, the latter, on the contrary, complements the businesslikeness, gives it inner power and strength.

Contrary to the design of Goncharov, utopian features are tangible in the form. Offordness and rationalism laid down in the formation of gallery causes damage to artistic.

Goncharov himself was not quite satisfied with the way, considering the gallery "weak, pale" that "the idea looks too much from him."

Chekhov expressed sharp: "Stolz does not inspire any trust. The author says it is a gorgeous small, and I do not believe. This is a blowing beast, thinking about himself very well and is pleased. He is half written, three quarters "(letter 1889). The defrost image of the gallery may be explained by the fact that the gallery is artistically not shown in that large-scale activity, which he is successfully engaged in.