What is the work of Saint Exupery a little prince. "Little Prince", artistic analysis of the story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What is the work of Saint Exupery a little prince.
What is the work of Saint Exupery a little prince. "Little Prince", artistic analysis of the story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Fink Anna

The purpose of my work:

1. Enter Antoine into the creative laboratory of the French writer

de Saint Exupery.

2. Prove that "Little Prince" is a philosophical fairy tale.

3. To comprehend the philosophical and aesthetic problems of the work.

4. Calculate the community of humanistic trends in life and literature.


1. Reveal the identity of the writer through the study of his biography, philosophy

and creativity.

2. Find out what purpose the Antoine de Saint-Exupery sets

in the work "Little Prince".

3. Remove the features of the genre and composition of the work.

4. Give artistic analysis of the tales of Exupery "Small

5. On examples of text Show features of the language narrative

writer manners.



vyazma of the Smolensk region


on literature

As a philosophical fairy tale "

Work completed

learning 8 "A" class

Fink Anna Aleksandrovna

And literature

Chizhik Irina Nikolaevna


1.2. "Little Prince" - the result of the search writer-philosopher.

  1. Features of the genre of the work.
  2. Philosophical theme of fairy tales and romantic traditions.
  3. Artistic analysis of the work.
  4. Features of the language, narrative manner of the writer and the composition of the work.
  5. Conclusion.

6.1. "Little Prince" as a children's work?

6.2. Conclusions.

7. Literature.

  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Features of creativity.

Antoine de Saint - Exupery was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon. His father was a graph and took place from an ancient knightly. When Antoine was not fulfilled and four years old, his father passed away, and the mother was engaged in the education of children, a woman formed, thin and charming. She loved his son and called him the king of the sun for light, curly hair and a sworn nose. It was impossible not to love the boy. He grew up shy and kind, to everyone showed care, watched animals for hours and for a long time was in nature. To seventeen years, he became strong, high young men, but in a huge, non-age physically developed young man, was fighting a gentle, who did not know the heart chagrin. Antoine from children's years was fond of drawing, music, verses and technique, was a comprehensive developed, the man of unusually bright giftedness. In his works, he always recalls childhood. He played in the knights and kings, and in machinists and driving his locomotive. He was fond of everyone that saw. He was from childhood: always appreciated friendship, she was for him the measure of sincerity, he considered her the most precious on the planet feeling.

Antoine entered the school of fine arts in Paris, deciding to become an architect, but four years later, in 1921, he was called in the army, where, hitting the courses of pilots, he seriously faded with aviation.

His adult life was full of dramatic circumstances. He often visited the verge of death: constant heavy aviation catastrophes, participated in the struggle of Spanish Republicans: "He did not see any risk. Always ahead! Always ready for everything! " - They talked about him friends. But in his work, his letters, manuscripts and novels, this person has revealed the complete all. In Antoine's life there were two great passions, which almost simultaneously entered his life: aviation and literature. "For me to fly and write - the same thing" - here is his answer to the question of what is more important for him. Movement, flight is life, and he felt like a flight and movement.

"We are residents of one planet, passengers of one ship," said Exupery, he dreamed of salvation of all mankind, he was ready to save everyone on this earth, he lived for her. He was alien to the role of a passive retainer of the events of the events, he was always in the center. In this regard, Exupery wrote: "I was always hated by the role of the observer."

During the Second World War during the years of the fascist occupation, he was eager to get into the ranks of French aviation fighters, and repeatedly filed a report with a request to take it. "I do not love war, but for me is unbearably staying in the rear, when others risk life ... In the world where Hitler would have reigned, there is no place for me ... I want to participate in this war in the name of love for people" ... he He died as a hero defending his country, struggling for the freedom of the whole world, believing in his ideals. Military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery died by performing combat assignment July 31, 1944

New wonderful people live in the works of Exupery. They have great, amazing qualities that the writer opens us. They are looking for a missing friend over Cordillera or draw a lamb for a small guest with another planet, they are clean and trust, possess a huge children's soul that is not capable of meanness.

The beauty of the world and nature, sunrise and sunset, each flower - these are the eternal ideals for which Antoine fought, who stayed with us in his books. His thoughts for us like the light of a distant star or a little planet with which he looks at us. The pilot writer, which was Saint Exupieri, contemplates the earth from the height of a bird's-eye, with the heights of his own rainbow ideal thoughts. From such a position, the whole earth seems to be a single, big homeland of all people. A small house in a huge space, but its own, reliable and warm.

The Earth is a place that you leave and return, one big homeland at all, the general, the only planet, the "earth of people".

  1. 1.2. "Little Prince" is the result of the search writer-philosopher.

"Look for me in what I am writing ..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Interest in the books of the writer is determined by their unshakable in all times with moral content. Exupery believes and is waiting for humanity to hear his voice and will imbued with his ideals, and then the amazing world of good and justice will arise. We see in his books: "Night Flight", "Southern Postal" and especially the "Planet of People".

In 1943, the most famous book Antoine de Saint - Exupery "Little Prince" came out. It is known that in 1935, together with the mechanic, Exupery went to the far flight from Paris to Saigon. During the flight, the engine of his aircraft stalls, and Exupery fell right in the center of the Libyan desert. The writer miraculously remained alive. The radio has kept silence, there was no water. The pilot climbed under the wing of the aircraft and tried to fall asleep. However, in an hour he shuddered and revealed his eyes: a few meters from him stood a boy in a red couch, perched over his shoulder. "Do not be afraid, Antoine! Very soon they will save you! " - Speak, smiling, baby. "Hallucination ...", "thought Exupery. But even three hours later he jumped to his feet: a life journey was circling in the sky. And this case is the basis of his book "Little Prince". And the prototype of the main heroine of the rose was his favorite Consuelo. Now this work knows the whole world, it is translated to a hundred languages \u200b\u200band is one of the most published on the planet.

Exupery has key, favorite symbols. Here, for example, plot lines are leading to them: these are looking for water to be exhausted from thirst for pilots, their physical suffering and amazing salvation. The symbol of life is water, quenching the thirst of people lost in the sands, the source of all existing on Earth, food and flesh of everyone, that substance that gives the possibility of revival. In the "Little Prince" Exupery will fill this symbol in deep philosophical content. First Esnival of Life is water, one of the eternal truths, an unshakable thing with great wisdom. The dehydrated desert is a symbol of the world, devastated by war, chaos, destruction, human worn, envy and egoism. This is a world in which a person dies from spiritual thirst.

The salvation of mankind from the coming inevitable catastrophe is one of the main themes in the work of the writer. He is actively developing in the work of the Planet of People.

Similarly, the same topic and in the "Little Prince," but here it gets a deeper development. None of his work Saint Exupery wrote, and did not have any time for so much time as the "Little Prince". Often, the motifs from the "Little Prince" are found in the previous works of the writer: the love of Bernis and Genevviva from the "southern postal" - this is already a weakly planned relationship between a small prince and a rose. And the theme of the relationship between the adult and the child, how he was once, between these different children of children, where there is always a holiday and happiness, and the world of adults, where beautiful only courage is found in the "southern postage", and in letters to Rene de Sosin, and in letters to the mother, and in the last episode of the "Planet of People", and in notes from "notebooks".

And only one thing falls out of all the works - "Night Flight". Here is another topic, or rather, the topic of adults and children's relationship does not sound the author. But, most likely, this is not due to the mentioned position of the writer and not because of the change of interests and principles, but only because she "did not meet" in the composition of the work, the writer had to strike it, but only as a non-harmonic in this situation and no more.

In the topic of the "Prodigal Son" from the "Letters to the hostage", adult children who forgot their "inner homeland," their ideals of childhood reappear.

In the "military pilot" with us again, childhood memories (a boy who is asking for the servant Paul), which give the basis to hold a parallel with the death of the younger brother of the writer, Francois. It was not a terrible death, you can say a benevolent. All these gentle, touching feelings are very close to the feelings and feelings of the world to a small prince.

In the "Citadel" there are also small episodes, newly close to the Spirit to the "Little Prince". These are three white pebbles, which only make up the present, valuable wealth of the child, and therefore, only when you comfort a little girl in tears, the world will be restored in the world and it will be possible happiness. In almost every work, Exupery can be found over the "Little Prince".

Also in the "Planet of People" there is an episode when the author sees a wonderful child. He compares it with the "golden fruit", and with the "Little Prince". The narrator suggests that it may be that the future Mozart was buried in this child. Old gardener, the character of this book, did not stop thinking about his beloved business: "After all, it is so beautiful! Man is free when he digs. "

And again we see the parallel. After all, it is not by chance and a small prince from the fairy tale is also a gardener. Wrap, holly and cherish a beautiful rose, he considered his vocation. "I was created to become a gardener," said himself and Exupery. "But there are no gardeners for people," he led the result with bitterness.

What path of salvation see Antoine de Saint-Exupery?

"Love is not to look at each other, it means to look in the same direction," this thought determines the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe story-fairy tales. The "Little Prince" was written in 1943, and the tragedy of Europe in World War II, the memories of the writer about the defeated, occupied France impose their mark on the work. With his bright, sad and wise fairy tale, Exupery defended the unreasonable humanity, a live spark in the souls of people. In a certain sense, the story was the result of the creative path of the writer, the philosophical, artistic understanding.

The purpose of my work:

De Saint Exupery.


And creativity.


Writer manners.

2. Features of the genre of the work.

The need for deep generalizations prompted Saint Exupery to refer to the genre of parables. The absence of a specific historical content, the convention characteristic of this genre, his didactic necessitability allowed the writer to express their views on the worried moral problems of time. The paradise genre becomes the realizer of the reflection of Saint-Exupery on the essence of human being.

The fairy tale, like the parable, the oldest genre of oral folk creativity. She teaches a person to live, optimism instigates him, claims the faith in the triumph of good and justice. For fantastic fabulous fabul and fiction, real human relations are always hiding. Like parable, in the fairy tale always triumph and social truth. In the "little prince" both of these genres are closely interrelated. The tale of the parable "Little Prince" is written not only for children, but also for adults who have not yet lost their childhood impressionability, childishly an open look at the world and the ability to fantasize. The author himself possessed such a childish east vision.

3. Philosophical tales and romantic traditions.

The fact that the "Little Prince" is a fairy tale, we define the fabulous signs available in the work: a fantastic trip of the hero, fabulous characters (Lis, Snake, Rosa).

The "prototype" of the literary fairy tale "Little Prince" can be considered a folklore magic fairy tale with a stray fabul: a beautiful prince due to unfortunate love leaves the father's house and wanders on endless roads in search of happiness and adventure. He tries to save glory and conquer the most impregnable heart of the princess.

Saint-Exupery takes the basis of this plot, but rethinks it in his own way, even ironically. His beautiful prince is completely a child suffering from a capricious and wrought-over flower. Naturally, the happy finals with the wedding does not go and speech. In the wanders, the Little Prince does not meet with fabulous monsters, but with people, the perishable, as if by evil spells, selfish and petty passions.

But this is only the outer side of the story. First of all, this is a philosophical fairy tale. And, consequently, for the seemingly simple and uncomfortable plot and irony, a deep meaning is hiding. The author affects it in an abstracted form through allegory, metaphors and symbols of a space scale: good and evil, life and death, human being, true love, moral beauty, friendship, endless loneliness, personality relationships and crowds and many others.

Despite the fact that the Little Prince is a child, he opens the true vision of the world, inaccessible even to an adult person. Yes, and people with dead souls who meet the main character on their way, much worse than fabulous monsters. The relationship between the prince and roses is much more complicated than the relationship of the princes and princesses from folklore fairy tales. After all, it is for the sake of roses a small prince sacrifices the material shell - he chooses a bodily death.

Romantic traditions are strong in the fairy tale. First, this choice is exactly the folk genre - fairy tales. Romance turns to genres of oral folk creativity not by chance. Folklore is the childhood of mankind, and the theme of childhood in romanticism is one of the key topics.

The German idealist philosophers nominated the thesis - a man is equal to God that he can, like the Almighty, can produce an idea and realize it in reality. And evil in the world is because a person forgets that he is like God. A person begins to live only for the sake of a material shell, forgetting about spiritual aspirations. Only the children's soul and the soul of the artist are not subject to mercantile interests and, accordingly, evil. From here in the work of romantics, the cult of childhood is traced.

But the main tragedy of the "adult" heroes of St. Exupery is not so much that they are subordinated to the material world, but they are "confused" all spiritual qualities and become meaningless to exist, and not to live in the full sense of the word.

As this is a philosophical work, the author puts global topics in generalized-abstract form. He considers the topic of evil in two aspects: on the one hand is"Microzlo" , that is, evil inside a separate person. This is the donerness and internal devastation of the inhabitants of the planets, which personify all human vices. And it's not by chance that the inhabitants of the planet of the Earth are characterized through the inhabitants of the planets, seen with a small prince. "Earth - Planet is not simple! It has one hundred eleven kings (including, of course, the Negro), seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand Deltsov, seven and a half million drunks, three hundred eleven million ambitions - and about two billion adults. " This author emphasizes how little peace and dramatically the world. But Exupery is not a pessimist at all. He believes that mankind, like a small prince, will comprehend the secret of being, and every person will find his guiding star, which will cover his life path.

The second aspect of the theme of the evil can be conventionally entitled"Macrozl" . Baobaba is a personified image of evil at all. One of the interpretations of this metaphorical image is associated with fascism. Saint-Exupery wanted people to carefully hardened the evil "Baobabi" who threatened to break the planet to pieces. "Bear baobabs!" - Spells a writer. He himself illustrated a fairy tale, and when you look at the roots of these trees, entangled the little planet, unwittingly remember the sign of the fascist swastika. The fairy tale itself was written because it was "terribly important and urgent." The writer often repeated that the seeds lie in the ground until time, and then germinate, and cedar grows from the cedar seeds, and a black seed grows. It is necessary to sprout good seeds. "After all, all adults first were children ...". People must preserve and not be confused on the life of life, all the bright, kind and pure in the soul, which will make them unable to evil and violence.

Only a person with a rich inner world and striving for spiritual self-improvement has the right to be called a person. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the little planets and the planets of the Earth have forgotten about this simple truth and ended with a thoughtless and faceless crowd.

For the first time the topic of personality and crowds in philosophy allocated the German philosopher Romantic I. Fichte. He proves that all people are divided into ordinary people (crowd) and artists (personality), by their relation to material (evil). The conflict between the person and the crowd was originally intractable.

Also an intractable conflict between the main hero and the inhabitants of the planets ("strange adults"). Adults will never understand the prince-child. They are alien to each other. Outows of the blind and blind to the call of the heart, gust the soul. Their tragedy is that they do not seek to become a person. "Serious people" live in their own, artificially created Mirka, extinguishing himself from the rest (each has its own planet!) And they consider it a true meaning of being! These faceless masks never recognize what true love, friendship and beauty.

From this topic impliesthe main principle of romanticism - the principle of dvouliiria. The world's worldwas woman who is not available to the spiritual principle and the world of the artist (a small prince, author, foxes, rose), which are inherent in moral qualities, never come in touch.

Only the artist is able to see the essence - the inner beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. Even on the planet of the flashroad, a small prince notes: "When he lights a lantern - as if one star or flower is still born. And when he quenches the lantern - as if a star or flower fall asleep. Great lesson. This is truly useful because it is beautiful. " The main character speaks of the inside of the beautiful, and not its outer shell. Human work should make sense, and not just turn into mechanical actions. Any business is useful only when it is internally perfect.

In a conversation with a geographer, another important aesthetic theme is addressed - the ephemerality of the beautiful. "Beauty is short-lived," the main character is pretentious. Therefore, St. Exupery encourages us as much as possible in the whole beautiful and try to not be confused on a difficult life of beauty inside yourself - the beauty of the soul and heart.

But the most important thing about the beautiful little prince will learn from Lisa. Externally beautiful, but empty inside roses do not cause any feelings of the contemplator. They are dead for him. The protagonist opens the truth for himself, the author and readers - it is beautiful that it is filled with content and deep meaning.

Neon understanding, the alienation of people is another important philosophical topic. Saint-Exupery does not just affect the topic of misunderstandings between the adult and the child, but the topic of misunderstanding and loneliness in a space scale. The termality of the human soul leads to loneliness. The person judges others only on the "outer shell", without seeing the main thing in man - his inner moral beauty: "When adults are saying:" I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, in the windows he has geranium, and on the roofs of the pigeons, they are in any way Cannot imagine this house. They need to say: "I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs," and then they exclaim: "What a beauty!" People are separated and lonely, even when they are together, because of the inability to understand, love the other and create a friendship bonds: "Where are people? - finally spoke again the little prince. "In the desert, all the same lonely ..." Among the people are also lonely, "the snake noticed." Lonely, the author does not understand with anyone. His loneliness among people is close to the loneliness of a little prince. True man talent, his talent can only understand people with an open and pure heart. That is why it is so easy and quickly a small prince acquires a friend in the author of the author, that is why the prince understands the author without words and is ready to open a friend all the caches of his own heart.

One of the key philosophical topics of the fairy tales "Little Prince" is the topic of being.It is divided into real being - existence and perfect being - essence. Real being temporary, transient, and perfect - eternal, unchanged. The meaning of human life is to comprehend, as much as possible to the essence. "Serious people" from Earth and with planets-asteroids are dissolved in real life and do not seek to comprehend the essence of irritation of values. And the soul of the author and the small prince is not condensed with ice indifference, deaderness. Therefore, they offer a true vision of the world: they will find out the price of true friendship, love and beauty. This is the topic of "dowel" of the heart, the ability to "see" with a heart, understand without words. The little prince does not immediately comprehend this wisdom. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will search on different planets will be so close - on his native planet.

4. Artistic analysis of the work.

Written in the tradition of a romantic philosophical fairy tale, found in the work, deeply symbolic, as we can only guess what the author wanted to say, and to interoperate each image depending on personal perception. The main characters are a small prince, fox, rose and desert.

Little Prince


The narrator crashes an accident in the desert - this is one of the storylines in the story, her background. In essence, a fairy tale and was born in the desert. Fairy tales, which we know and love, were born in the forest, in the mountains, on the seashore - where people live. In the Fairy Tale of St. Exupery only the desert and stars. Why? It has long been noticed that a person, hitting the extreme situation, being on the verge of life and death, as if he is going through, rethinking his life, gives her harsh grades, trying to reveal the most valuable, present and comply with Mishura. A person in a new way perceives life itself: what is the main thing in it, and that by chance. The narrator turns out one on one with the dead desert, sands. See what is truly in life, and what is false, a little prince helps him, the newcomer with the "Planet of Childhood". Therefore, the value of this image in the work is special - it is similar to the X-ray ray, which helps a person to see what is hidden from the surface gaze. Therefore, the theme of childhood with its late view, crystal and clear consciousness and freshness of feelings occupies a central place in the story. Truly - the "mouth of the child is a truth."

In the story two storylines: Narrator and related theme of the world of adults and - Line of a little prince, the story of his life.

The first chapter is the introductory, the key to one of the important problems of the work is the problem of "fathers" and "children", to the eternal problem of generations. The pilot, recalling his childhood and the failure, which he suffered with Figures No. 1 and No. 2, talks like this: "Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring without ending them to explain everything and expand." This phrase serves as the initial moment in the subsequent development of the theme "fathers" and "children", in the complex way of an adult pilot to an understanding of the child, to return the author in his childhood. Adults were not given to understand the children's drawing of the narrator, and only a small prince was able to quickly recognize the elephant in the boat. Thanks to this drawing, which the pilot always wore with him, the mutual understanding between the child and adults is established.

The baby, in turn, asks to draw him a lamb. But every time the drawing is turned out unsuccessful: the lamb was "too sick", then "too old" ... "Here you are a drawer," says the story of the child, "and in it sitting such a lamb as you want." I liked this fiction boy: he could fantasize as much as you like, in different ways imagining a lamb. The child recalled his childhood adult, they acquire the ability to understand each other. The ability to enter the world of the child, understand it and take - this is what can bring the world of adults and the world of children.

Little prince is a few - about himself and his planet, he speaks very little. Only little by little, from random, by the passion of the obscured words, the pilot learns that the baby flew from a distant planet, "which is the whole value from the house" and is called "Asteroid B-612". The little prince tells the pilot about how he fights with Baobabs, which are allowed such deep and strong roots, which can break his small planet. You need to pour the first sprouts, otherwise it will be too late, "this is very boring work." But he has a "firm rule": "... I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately put my planet in order." People must take care of the purity and beauty of their planet, to take care of and decorating it, not to die all the lives. So, graveyard, unobtrusively, there is another important topic in a fairy tale - ecological, which is very relevant for our time. It seems that the author of the fairy tale "foresaw" future environmental catastrophes and warned about a careful attitude towards his native and beloved planet. Saint-Exupery acutely felt like small and fragile our planet. The journey of a small prince from the star to the star brings us to today's vision of cosmic land, where the land by negligence of people can disappear almost imperceptibly. Therefore, the tale has not lost its relevance to this day; Therefore, her genre is philosophical, for it adds to all people, she raises eternal problems.

The little prince from Saint-Exupery's fairy tales does not think his life without love for gentle sunsets, without the sun. "Once I saw the sunset forty three times!" "He says the pilot." And some weather adds: "You know ... When it becomes very sad, look good, as the sun comes ..." the child feels like a particle of the world of nature, he encourages adults to unity with her.

The established harmony of the relationship of the adult and the child is barely violated in the seventh chapter. The baby worries the thought of barish and rose: Can he eat it and if yes - then why the flower is given spikes? But the pilot is very busy: in the engine he tired, and he tried to turn her away, so I answered the questions of the nepoupe, the first thing that came to mind, irritably throwing it: "You see, I am busy with a serious business." Little prince is amazed: "You say as adults" and "don't understand anything," like that gentleman "with a bugger face," that alone lives on his planet. For all my life, I never understood the flower, I never looked at the star, never loved anyone. He just folded the numbers and from morning to evening one was told one thing: "I am serious man! I am serious man! .. just like you. " The little prince, pale from anger, explains the storytellor, as it is important - to protect the only flower in the world, which grows only on his planet, from a little lamb, which "in one wonderful morning will suddenly take it and eat it and will not even know that he Hat ". The baby explains the adult how important it is to think and take care of who you love and feel happy. "If the lambs will eat it, it's all the same as if all the stars went out to the times! And this, you think it is not important! "

The child teaches a lesson to an adult man, becomes his wise mentor, which he ashamed and felt "terribly awkward and clumsy".

Further, the story follows the story of a small Prince and his planet and the story of the rose is held here. Rose was capricious and touching, and the baby was completely angry with her. But "But she was so beautiful that the spirit was captured!", And he forgiven the flower of his whim. However, the empty words of beauties The little prince took to her heart and began to feel very unhappy.

rose flower - This is a symbol of love, beauty, female start. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the fox, the truth was opened - beauty only then becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content. "You are beautiful, but empty," the little prince continued. - For you you do not want to die. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, say that she is exactly the same as you. But for me, she is more expensive than all of you ... "telling this story about a rose, a small hero admits that he did not understand anything then. "It was necessary to judge not according to words, but on affairs. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I should not have run. For these miserable hectares and tricks it was necessary to guess tenderness. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young and still did not know how to love! " This once again confirms the thought of Lisa that words only interfere with to understand each other. True essence can be "see" only with a heart.

Baby active and hardworking. He watered a rose every morning, talked with her, cleaned three volcanoes on his planet, so that they give more heat, smeared the weeds ... And yet he felt very lonely. In search of friends, in the hope of finding true love, he goes on his journey to other people's worlds. He is looking for people in the endlessly surrounding desert, for in communicating with them, it hopes to understand itself and the world around, acquire the experience that he lass so much.

Visiting sequentially six planets, the small prince on each of them faces a certain life phenomenon embodied in the inhabitants of these planets: power, vanity, drunkenness, fluid ... According to Saint Exupery, they embodied in themselves the most common human vices . It is not by chance that it was here that the hero arises the first doubts about the correctness of human judgments.

On the planet of the king, the little prince cannot understand why the power is generally needed, but it feels like a sympathy, for he was very kind, and therefore he gave only reasonable orders. Exupery does not deny the power, he simply resembles the strong world of this thing that the ruler should be wise and that power should rely on the law.

On the next two planets, a small prince meets ambestly and drunk - and acquaintance with them turns him into confusion. Their behavior for him is completely inexplicable and causes only disgust. The main character sees all the meaninglessness of their life, the worship of the "false" ideals.

But the most terrible in the moral aspect is a business person. His soul is so dead that he does not see the beauty that surrounds him. He looks at the stars not the eyes of the artist, the eyes of the Delta. The author does not accidentally choose the stars. By this, he emphasizes the complete confusion of a business person, his inability to contemplate the beautiful.

The only one who does its work is a lamprik: "... here is a man who would all be despised - both the king, and ambition, and a drunkard and a dealer. Meanwhile, among them, all of them is one, in my opinion, not ridiculous. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself, "the kid argues. But the "loyalty to the custom" of a poor lamporian who is doomed to light without resting and extinguishing his none of the necessary lantern, as hard and sad.

The meaninglessness of the existence, in vain, the estate, stupid claims to power, wealth, on a special position or honor - all these properties of people imagining that they have "common sense." Planet people seem to be a hero of a worn and uncomfortable: "What a strange planet! .. completely dry, all salty and in needle. People lack imagination. They just repeat what they say. " If these people tell about each other, they will never ask about the most important - their questions concern completely insignificant: "How old is he? How many brothers have it? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that imagine that they recognized the person. " Does the confidence of the "Sensible" man, confused "Rude, swallowing an elephant" with an ordinary hat? What gives a true idea of \u200b\u200bthe house: its value in francs or what is this house with pink columns? And finally, it would cease to exist the planet of a small prince if the Turkish astronomer discovered to be changed into a European suit, and his discovery would not be recognized?

Listening to the ringing and sad voice of a little prince, you realize that in "adults" people died out the natural generosity of the heart, straight and sincerity, master care about the purity of the planet. Instead of decorating your home, cultivate your garden, they lead wars, drain the brains of the tiphire, insult the beauty of sunrises and sunrises with the bustles and greed. No, you do not need to live! For the bewilderment of the little hero, the tricky of the writer himself is hiding on what is happening on Earth. St. Exupery makes the reader look at the usual phenomena at a different angle of view. "You won't see the main eyes. Zorkko only heart! " - Approves the author.

Without finding what the baby was looking for a baby on small planets, he, on the advice of the geographer, is sent to the Great Planet Earth. The first one who meets the little prince on Earth was a snake. According to mythologySnake Sources of wisdom or immortality, personifies magic forces, appears in the rites of handling as a symbol of recovery. In a fairy tale, she connects the miraculous power and the sad knowledge of the fate of human: "Everyone I will touch, I will return the land from which he came out." She suggests the hero to get acquainted with the life of the earth and points to him the way to people, assuring that "among people is also lonely." On earth, the prince has to test himself and take the most important decision in his life. The snake doubts that he will be able to preserve his purity, passing through the trials, but, be that as it may, she will help the baby return to the native planet, giving him his poison.

The strongest impression is experiencing a small prince, hitting a rose garden. He felt even more unhappy: "His beauty told him that she was not like this in the whole universe," and in front of him "five thousand exactly the same colors." It comes out, he had the most ordinary rose and three more volcanoes "the knee of knee", what he after this prince ...

Fox . Predated in fox fairy tales (not fox!) Is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of life. Conversations of a little prince with this wise animals are in the story of a kind of culmination, because in them the hero acquires, finally what was looking for. It was returned to the lost was the clarity and purity of consciousness. The fox opens the baby's life of the human heart, teaches the rituals of love and friendship, what people have long forgotten and therefore lost friends and lost the ability to love. No wonder, the flower says about people: "They wears the wind." And the shooter in a conversation with the main character, answering the question: Where are the people in a hurry? Notes: "Even the driver himself does not know this." This allegory can interpret so. People have learned to look at the stars at night, admire the beauty of the sunsets, feel pleasure from the fragrance of roses. They obeyed the fumes of earthly life, forgetting about the "simple truths": about the joy of communication, friendship, love and human happiness: "If you love the flower - the only one, which is no more on any of many million stars, is pretty: you look at the sky and Feel happy. " And the author very bitter say that people do not see this and turn their lives into meaningless existence.

Fox says that the prince for him is only one of the thousands of other little boys, like he for the prince is only an ordinary fox, what hundreds of thousands. "But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only light for me in the whole. And I will be one for you in the whole world ... If you tame me, my life is like the sun lies up. Your steps I will distinguish between thousands of others ... "Fox opens a small prince to the mystery of tame: tame - it means to create a love bonds, unity of the shower.

Love not only connects us to other creatures, but also helps to understand the world around us better, makes richer our own life. And one more secret opens fox kids: "Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes ... Your rose is so expensive to you because you gave her all my soul ... People forgot this truth, but you do not forget: you are forever responsible for everyone who tamed. " Tame - it means to tie yourself with another creature tenderness, love, a sense of responsibility. Tame - it means to destroy the chance and indifferent attitude towards the whole living. To tame - it means to make the world considerable and generous, because everything is reminded of a beloved creature. This truth is comprehended by the narrator, and the stars come to life, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, resembling a laugh of a small prince. The topic of "expansion of the soul" through love passes through the whole fairy tale.

The little prince comprehends this wisdom, and with him it opens and a teller's pilot, and the reader. Together with the small hero, we re-open for ourselves, the main thing in life, which was hidden, was buried in all kinds of husks, but what is the only value for a person. Little prince will know what kind of friendship bonds. Saint-Exupery speaks about friendship on the first page of the narration - in dedication. In the author's value system, the topic of friendship occupies one of the main places. Only friendship is able to melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, as it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.

"It's sad when you forget friends. Not everyone has a friend, "says the hero of the fairy tale. Little heroine from the story of A. Gaidar "Blue Cup". Svetlana, like a small prince, has the ability to see the true essence of the surrounding world. She looks at the world not biased. And her father is similar to the author. Among the eternal bustle of the "adult" of life, he does not remember human happiness. Constantly guided by mind, he forgets to listen to the most important thing - to the voice of his own heart. And the little girl, regardless of his desire, managed to show his father a completely new world of human relationships, childhood relationships; The world is also complicated, but rich in feelings and some kind of internal understanding of the beauty of surrounding people and nature.

At the beginning of the fairy tale, the Little Prince leaves his only rose, then he leaves his new Fox on Earth. "There is no excellence in the world," fox will say. But there is a harmony, there is humanity, there is a person's responsibility for the case entrusted to him, for his close man, there is still responsibility for his planet, for everything that happens on it.

planet which is returned by a small prince. This is a symbol of the human soul, the symbol of the human heart. Exupery wants to say that every person has its own planet, its own island and his guiding star, which a person should not forget about. "I wish I would know why the stars are glowing," he said thoughtfully / Little Prince. "Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find his again." The characters of the fairy tale, passing the thorny path, found their star, and the author believes that and the reader will find his distant star.

The "Little Prince" is a romantic fairy tale, a dream that did not disappear, and is kept by people, beware of them, like something precious from childhood. Childhood walks somewhere near and comes in the moments of the most terrible despair and loneliness, when there is nowhere to go. It will be suitable, as if nothing had happened, as if it did not leave us for these many years, sit down next to squatting and asked, looking at a broken plane with curiosity: "What is it for the thing?" Then everything will fall into place, and the adult person will return to the clarity and transparency, fearless directness of judgment and assessments, which only happens in children.

Little prince asked at the pilot: "... Do you know why a good desert is good?" And he himself gave the answer: "Somewhere in it hide Rodes ..."Well in the desertAs another hypostica of the image of the water symbol is very significant for Saint-Exupii. In the ancient chronicles, believers and legends, the water was energhily dragons, but the desert at St. Exupery could have been worse than the dragons, she could hide her so that no one would never find her. Each man Himself of his springs, sources of his soul, but we sometimes can't find them.

"She was born out of a long journey under the stars, from the gate of the gate, from the effort of the hands ... She was like a gift to the heart ..." is not just water. She found the heroes of the book. We all believe that someday we will be able to find a pure spring, this eternal, unshakable truth that the writer kept in their works. In each of us, such a small prince lives, a fair Creator of whom hides the water and waits for the faith to bring us to her. The author's extortist belief in the existence of hidden springs give the final of the fairy tale tricks the life-affirming sound. The work laid a powerful creative moment, faith in improving and changing the unfair order of things. The vital aspirations of the heroes are in harmony with the moral universal start. In their merger the meaning and the general direction of the work.

5. Features of the language, narrative manner of the writer and composition of the work.

The composition of the work is very peculiar. Parabola is the main component of the structure of traditional parables. "Little Prince" no exception. It looks like this: the action takes place in a specific time and concrete situation. The plot is developing as follows: Move on the curve, which, reaching the highest glow point, is returned again to the starting point. The peculiarity of such a plundering is that, returning to the starting point, the plot acquires a new philosophical and ethical meaning. A new point of view on the problem, finds a solution.

The beginning and end of the story "Little Prince" are related to the arrival of the hero on Earth or with the leaving of the Earth, the pilot and the fox. The little prince again flies to his planet, care for and raise a beautiful rose.

During the time that the pilot and the prince - the adult and the child spent together, they discovered a lot of new things in each other, and in life. After parting, they took pieces of each other with them, they became more wise, they learned the world of someone else's and their own, only on the other hand.

We have already talked about genre features of the story in the initial part of our research. As a result, it is worth noting and distinguish the following: "Little Prince" is not a traditional and generally accepted, who familiar to us all the kind of fairy tale. We see a new version of it, modified, adapted to the laws of the present. This confirms the saturated work of a huge number of details, hints, images taken from the realities of the 20th century.

In the story a very rich language. The author uses a lot of amazing and inimitable literary techniques. The melody is heard in his text: "... And at night I love listening to stars. Like five hundred millions of puments ... ". Its simplicity is children's truth and accuracy.

The language of Exupery is full of memories and reflections about life, about the world and, of course, about childhood:

"... when I was six years old ... I once saw an amazing picture ..." or: "... For six years now, as my friend, together with a lamb, left me."

Style and special, not similar to anything mystical manner of St. Exupery is a transition from the image to a generalization, from parables to morality. You need to possess the great writer talent that seeing the world as Exupery.

The language of his work is natural and expressive: "Laughter, accurate spring in the desert", "Five hundred millions of pubrentsy". It would seem that the ordinary, habitual concepts unexpectedly acquire a new original meaning: "Water", "Fire", "Friendship". Many of his metaphors are as fresh and natural: "They (volcanoes) sleep deep underground, while one of them does not try to wake up"; The writer uses paradoxical combinations of words, which in the usual speech you will not meet: "Children must be very indulgent to adults", "if you go straight, right, far from you ..." Or "people already have enough time to learn anything ".

In such a manner: to express my thoughts - a mystery was concluded, she teaches old truths in a new way, their authentic meaning opens, forcing readers to think.

The narrative manner of the story also has a number of features. This is a trustful conversation of old friends - so the author communicates with the reader. Therefore, I want to believe him, knowing that he would never deceive. We feel the presence of the author who believes in good and mind, in an ambulance, when life on earth will change. You can talk about the peculiar melon of the narrative, sad and thoughtful, built on the soft transitions from humor to serious thinking, on halftons, transparent and lungs, like watercolor illustrations of a fairy tale, created by the writer himself and being an integral part of the artistic fabric of the work.

  1. Conclusion.

6.1. "Little Prince" as a children's work?

The phenomenon of the fairy tale "Little Prince" is that written for adults, it firmly entered the circle of children's reading. Not all affordable adults will open at once to children. But children read this book with pleasure, as it attracts their simplicity of presentation, designed for a child, the special inherent in this tale of the atmosphere of spirituality, whose deficit is so acute today. Also children are close to the vision of the author's ideal in the children's soul. Only in children, Exupery sees the most valuable, nothing is not the instead of human existence. For only children know how to see things in their true light, not believing with their "practical benefit"!

6.2. Conclusions.

Reading Exupery, we seem to change the angle of view on banal, everyday phenomena. He brings to comprehend the obvious truths: it is impossible to hide the stars in the bank and meaninglessly to recalculate them, you need to take care of those who are in response and listen to the voice of your own heart. Everything is simple and at the same time difficult.

"- On your planet," said a little prince, "people grow five thousand roses in the same garden ... and they do not find what they are looking for ...

Do not find, - I agreed.

But what they are looking for, can be found only in one single rose, a sip of water ... "

The main thing is that this fairy tale is written, this is that the children remember this truth and did not pass by the main one - it is necessary to be faithful in love and friendship, you need to listen to the voice of the heart, it is impossible to be indifferent to what is happening in the world, it is impossible to passively To evil, each in the answer is not only for his fate, but also for the fate of another person.

"... each person has their own stars. One, - those who wish, they indicate the way for others - these are just small lights ", "Thus said a little prince, and the writer A. S. Exupery teaches us to see the heart of the soul of those who are expensive to us, love those whom we have tamed.

This fairy tale is a wise and humane, and the author is not only a poet, but also a philosopher. He simply and penetrately says about the most important thing: about the debt and loyalty, friendship and love, about hot, active love for life and to people, about intolerance to evil and about how to be a person on this not very arranged , sometimes incredible, but beloved and the only thing, our planet Earth.

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  11. Mizho M. Saint Exupery. Zhzl. M.: Young Guard, 1963.
  12. Morua A. SENT-EKZYUPERI. // Morua A. Literary portraits. M.: Progress, 1970.
  13. Poltoratskaya N.I. French literary fairy tale in the XX century. [Prepared.] // Fairy Tales of French Writers. L.: Lenzdat, 1988.
  14. Sardaryan A.R. One hundred Great Love Stories / A.R. Sardaryan. - M.: Veva, 2009.
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Municipal educational institution

Secondary school №7

vyazma of the Smolensk region


to research work

on literature

"Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery

As a philosophical fairy tale "

Work completed

learning 8 "A" class

Fink Anna Aleksandrovna

Head - Russian Language Teacher

And literature

Chizhik Irina Nikolaevna


Antoine de Saint - Exupery was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon. There were two great passions in his life, which almost simultaneously entered his life: aviation and literature. "For me to fly and write is the same thing," here is his answer to the question, which is more important for him. Movement, flight is life, and he felt like a flight and movement. Military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery died by performing combat assignment July 31, 1944

In 1943, the most famous book Antoine de Saint - Exupery "Little Prince" came out. It is known that in 1935, together with the mechanic, Exupery went to the far flight from Paris to Saigon. During the flight, the engine of his aircraft stalls, and Exupery fell right in the center of the Libyan desert. The writer miraculously remained alive. The radio has kept silence, there was no water. The pilot climbed under the wing of the aircraft and tried to fall asleep. However, in an hour he shuddered and revealed his eyes: a few meters from him stood a boy in a red couch, perched over his shoulder. "Do not be afraid, Antoine! Very soon they will save you! " - Speak, smiling, baby. "Hallucination ...", "thought Exupery. But even three hours later he jumped to his feet: a life journey was circling in the sky. This case is based on his book "Little Prince". And the prototype of the main heroine of the rose was his favorite Consuelo. Now this work knows the whole world, it is translated to a hundred languages \u200b\u200band is one of the most published on the planet. With his bright, sad and wise fairy tale, Exupery defended the unreasonable humanity, a live spark in the souls of people. In a certain sense, the story was the result of the creative path of the writer, the philosophical, artistic understanding.

The purpose of my work:

1. Enter Antoine into the creative laboratory of the French writer

De Saint Exupery.

2. Prove that "Little Prince" is a philosophical fairy tale.

3. To comprehend the philosophical and aesthetic problems of the work.

4. Calculate the community of humanistic trends in life and literature.


1. Reveal the identity of the writer through the study of his biography, philosophy

And creativity.

2. Find out what purpose the Antoine de Saint-Exupery sets

In the work "Little Prince".

3. Remove the features of the genre and composition of the work.

4. Give artistic analysis of the tales of Exupery "Small


5. On examples of text Show features of the language narrative

Writer manners.

The need for deep generalizations prompted Saint Exupery to refer to the genre of parables. And the fact that the "Little Prince" is a fairy tale, we determine the fabulous signs available in the work: a fantastic trip of the hero, fabulous characters (Lis, Snake, Rosa). The "prototype" of the literary fairy tale "Little Prince" can be considered a folklore magic fairy tale with a stray fabul: a beautiful prince due to unfortunate love leaves the father's house and wanders on endless roads in search of happiness and adventure. But this is only the outer side of the story. First of all, this is a philosophical fairy tale. The author affects it in an abstracted form through allegory, metaphors and symbols of the topic of a space scale: good and evil, life and death, human being, true love, moral beauty, friendship, endless loneliness, personality relationships and crowds. Despite the fact that the Little Prince is a child, he opens the true vision of the world, inaccessible even to an adult person. Yes, and people with dead souls who meet the main character on their way, much worse than fabulous monsters. The relationship between the prince and roses is much more complicated than the relationship of the princes and princesses from folklore fairy tales. After all, it is for the sake of roses a small prince sacrifices the material shell - he chooses a bodily death.

Written in the tradition of a romantic philosophical fairy tale, found in the work, are deeply symbolic.Little Prince - This is a symbol of a person - a wanderer in the universe, looking for a hidden meaning of things and his own life.Desert - This is a symbol of spiritual thirst. She is beautiful, for Spring is hung in it, only the heart helps a person.rose flower - This is a symbol of love, beauty, female start. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the fox, the truth was opened - beauty only then becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content.Well in the desert - Source of human soul. In each of us lives a little prince, a fair Creator of whom hides water and waits for faith to bring us to her.

In the story two storylines: Narrator and related theme of the world of adults and - Line of a little prince, the story of his life. One of the important problems of the work is the problem of "fathers" and "children", the eternal problem of generations. Another important topic is ecological. The journey of a small prince from the star to the star brings us to today's vision of cosmic land, where the land by negligence of people can disappear almost imperceptibly. Therefore, the tale has not lost its relevance to this day; Therefore, her genre is philosophical, for it adds to all people, she raises eternal problems.

Visiting sequentially six planets, the little prince on each of them faces a certain life phenomenon embodied in the inhabitants of these planets: power, vanity, drunkenness, fluidism ...

The meaninglessness of the existence, in vain shelted life, stupid claims to power, wealth - all these properties of people imagining that they have "common sense."

Without finding what a baby was looking for a little planet, he goes to a big planet Earth. The first one who meets the little prince on Earth was a snake. According to mythologySnake Sources of wisdom or immortality, personifies magic forces, appears in the rites of handling as a symbol of recovery. In a fairy tale, she connects the miraculous power and the sad knowledge of the fate of human: "Everyone I will touch, I will return the land from which he came out."

The strongest impression is experiencing a small prince, hitting a rose garden. He felt even more unhappy: "His beauty told him that she was not like this in the whole universe," and in front of him "five thousand exactly the same colors."

Here it comes to the aid of the heroFox . Predated in fox fairy tales is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of life. The foxes reveals the baby life of the human heart, teaches the rituals of love and friendship, opens the mystery of tames: to tame - it means to create a love bonds, unity of souls. So little prince will know what friendship is.

Deep meaning hides in the symbolplanet which is returned by a small prince. This is a symbol of the human soul, the symbol of the human heart. Exupery wants to say that every person has its own planet, his island and its guiding star, which he should not forget about.The characters of the fairy tale, passing the thorny path, found their star, and the author believes that and the reader will find his distant star.

In a fairy tale, a very rich language. The author uses a lot of amazing and inimitable literary techniques. Melody heard in his text. The style and special mystical manner of the presentation is the transition from the image to a generalization, from parables to the morality. You need to possess the great writer talent that seeing the world as Exupery.

The narrative manner of the story also has a number of features. This is a trustful conversation of old friends - so the author communicates with the reader. Therefore, I want to believe him, knowing that he would never deceive. We feel the presence of the author who believes in good and mind, in an ambulance, when life on earth will change.

The phenomenon of the fairy tale "Little Prince" is that written for adults, it firmly entered the circle of children's reading. Children This book attracts simplicity of exposure, the atmosphere of spirituality, the deficit of which is so acute today. The main thing is why this fairy tale is written, this is that children remember the truth and have not passed by the main one - it is necessary to be true in love and friendship, you need to listen to the voice of the heart, it is impossible to be indifferent to what is happening in the world, it is impossible to passively Evil, everyone in response not only for his fate, but also for the fate of another person. This fairy tale is a wise and humane, simply and penetrately tells about the most important thing: how to be a person on this not very arranged, sometimes unfit, but the beloved and the only one, our planet Earth.

Tale tale

Lessons 96-102. A. DE SENT1EXYUPERI "Little Prince".

1. Checking homework is carried out on questions and tasks of the textbook to the memoirs of K. Chukovsky.

In order to summarize the studied questions are asked:

What section did we study with you? What is "introductory literature"?

Did you know something new? What exactly?

What product from read in this section you remember most?

2. Preparation for perception.

In the textbook there are materials on the species 1-pin feature of fabulous ages and the author of the story "Little Prince". Children get acquainted with them. A teacher may supplement their writer information.

(Reference material.

Antoine de Saint1expery (1900-1944)

Antoine since childhood knew legends about his ancient knights1 com. Family documents argued that the birth of the counts de Saint1expectories originates from one of the Knights of St. Grail ...

Having heard the stories about the exploits of the ancestors, Antoine. Upon, with a brother and sisters, climbed onto a tightened web1 duck. There, children, because of the dusty trash, pulled out the thresholds of the King of Louis XVI, then a centenary Camisole, then Knights1 cue cloak ... But childhood ends. It's time to learn.

Then there was Paris, endless visits to influential relatives. All this quickly tired Antoine. In addition, the secular life was the young count not on the pocket. After all, early the deceased father of Antoine failed to leave his wife and children of the state. It was necessary to choose a profession.

Comprehensively gifted, Saint1expectories Good Riso1 Shaft, played the violin, was passionate about the literature. But most of him attracted the profession of pilot. Leaving her studies in the Paria of the Riga Academy of Arts, Saint 13Exiuperi volunteer goes to a regiment of fighter aviation.

There was a time of youth of aviation. The flights were then very dangerous, but could it stop the descendant of the knight of the convolution of that graveyard? The outstanding pilot of Saint1expery paved the air routes, mastered new aircraft, invented aviation devices. Once he suffered a catastrophe, sometimes getting serious injuries, was in the hairs from death, but again returned to his work. Exupery was expensive wonderland. The feeling of flight over the endless expanses, and Posh1 is a tallery risk gave birth to a sharp sense of life of life and at the same time its true value. Perhaps fluttering on her 1 to her "shelf" over the endless sands of the Sahara desert, Sre1 Di silent emptiness, he recalled about the older mother's abandoned by him, about her beautiful lady, which would not be his wife ...

During one of these flights and originated from Antoine Zama1 sat down the first book. Books about the pilot, about his unfulfilled hope

and about how people sometimes it is difficult to understand each other ...

After the "southern postage" there were two more books - "Night

noy flight "and" Planet of People ". Their heroes sat down the steering wheel sa1 of the prayer and remained alone with the world and their thoughts ... "For me to fly and write - the same thing," said Chen1ex1 Per. - The main thing is to act, the main thing - to find yourself ... "

When the Second World War began, St1expery was in the army, but when France captured the fascists, he had to go to the United States. There, away from relatives and friends, An1 Tuan began writing his famous philosophical fairy tale "Little Prince". His little prince is convinced that at 1 the title of man is disinterested love and service to those who need you. So, the baby loves the rose flower grown. He learned to tame animals, learns to be faithful in friendship, honestly to fulfill reasonable duties, Rotted on her life. Saint1Expypery composed this work for those who are able to understand that the "most importantly, you won't see my eyes - zorko one heart."

But even the "little prince" did not save his author from the longing. Saint1exTeeries gave away from inaction and impossibility to fly. Antoine did not confuse that he was already 43 that he was crossed in the accidents and could not even tighten on himself

heavy light suit ...

Doctors and generals were adamant, but Saint1x, as his friends called him, turned out to be stubborn. He still joined the ranks of French resistance and received permission to not1 how many reconnaissance flights. From the last, nine -1 go, the plane of Exupery did not return.

He died over three weeks before the liberation of France from Ne1 Metsk occupation. The Saint1Exupery plane was shot down by the fascist1 by a skate fighter and fell into the sea. Recently, the wreckage of this Ca1 of the prayer was found and raised from the bottom of the sea. The death of Captain Sent1expector was the same heroic as his life.)

3. Acquaintance with the text.

4. Discussion read.

Children answer questions to the first chapter, located

in the textbook.

5. Homes students continue to be further acquaintance with the story.

General approaches to the study of the story of A. De Saint1expector "Little Prince".

Not repeating what is written about working with a large group!

texts in the chapter of this manual "General characteristics! Tick \u200b\u200blearning process reading, "add something that has something!

shining directly to the story A. de Saint! Exupery. Considering that this product is woven with trepidate tape! Neither images, feelings and thoughts do not want to impose a certain reading mode to the teacher and children. Let acquaintance with this

the work will be unobtrusive, without strict regulars!

total. We should not drive the text into the frame, it is worth complying with the rhythm of the respiration of this poetic prose, follow the author.

the tasks are unacceptable to obligate. Teacher need

avoid danger to shatter, drowning a tight melody of a writer's voice. You need to trust the author, and not crush it

work by private issues. Minimum conversations

maximum reading, immersing students in touching AT! Mosfer Tale of a small Prince.

IN addition to the methodological materials of the textbook Ho1 should be paid to the teacher's attention to the ability to insulation (first of all reading on the roles) when rereading chapters VI, VII, VIII (first half), IX, XXI. Only those who want to participate in this activity. If suddenly it is not, then it is not necessary to carry out them to dramatize the fragments of this touching, reverent work that requires a permanent response.

After reading on the roles of the chapter Vi, you can offer children to imagine yourself on the place of a small prince at the moment when the pilot asked him: "So that day, when did you see forty-three sunset, you were very sad?" Why didn't the little prince answer? What did he feel and what did it look like? (He sealed, remembering his former sadness and loneliness, again felt unhappy.) Next, the students of Kol1 leakly draw a verbal picture depicting how little prince looked like in the title of his conversation.

from pilot. The teacher then proposes to "revive" this paintings1 ku, for which everyone sitting at the desk, it is necessary to join, get into the role of a small prince, "try on" his romantic, sad state by passing it in the form of a "live picture". Along the way, the teacher explains that it is necessary to turn the teacher, but to worry about the same thing as this kid. It is not necessary to determine the best performer, of course, because an attempt to get into the image of a small prince is a thin work. In this case, it is more important that children at least a few have become closer to the character.

After reading the IX chapter, the episode of the meeting (VIII WH1 VA) is staged and the scene of a farewell (IX chapter) of a small prince and roses. Before this children are invited to perform the third task of the notebook:

IN well-trained class students can comply with this task; if children are not enough

chen, this work is done together with the teacher. It is Casa1 and the designations of the belonging of the word rose and a small prince. If, during the entire period of learning, reading the roles was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the methods of the methods of the textbooks "Favorite Pages", with these tasks, students cope with themselves. The quality of their reading on roles becomes the quality of their correctness.

In the XXI chapter - both philosophy, and lyrics, and humor, flowing into each other, - it is definitely a great interest in the educational plan, and for reading the roles. It is especially important that the children read the final part of the goodbye to the Little Prince and Fox on the roles of the role.

Completes the study of the story "Little Prince" Perforcement of the first and second tasks of the notebook.

Final lesson (optional).

The last lesson is carried out on the materials of the notebook, which is generalized. Many of these tasks are governing for children to teach children with children's books (including encyclopedias) and periodic printing. The teacher chooses and components to be studied with materials TET1 for their own discretion, focusing on the characteristics of the student class. At this lesson, at the reader's day1, you can sum up the results of the independent reading by children of books during the school year.

"Little Prince" (FR. Le Petit Prince) is an allegorical story, the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

"Here is the best portrait of his ..." - "Little Prince", ch. II.
The drawings in the book are made by the author himself and are not less famous than the book itself. It is important that this is not an illustration, but the organic part of the work as a whole: the author himself and the heroes of the fairy tales all the time refer to the drawings and even argue about them. Unique illustrations in the "small prince" destroy language barriers, become part of a universal visual lexicon, understandable to everyone.

"After all, all adults first were children, only few of them remember this" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, from a dedication to the book.

  1. Well, if you have ever had a friend, even if you need to die.
  2. If you love the flower - the only thing that is no more than many millions of stars - this is pretty: you look at the sky - and you are happy. And you say yourself: "Somewhere there live my flower ..."
  3. And people lack imagination. They just repeat what they say ... I had a flower at home, my beauty and joy, and he always spoke first.
  4. People grow five thousand roses in the same garden ... and do not find what they are looking for.
  5. - I didn't understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not according to words, but on affairs. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I should not have run. For these miserable hectares and tricks it was necessary to guess tenderness. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I was not able to love yet.
  6. Do you know why a good desert is good? Somewhere in it hide Rodes ...
  7. Some children know what they are looking for. They give all their days with a rag doll, and she becomes very, very expensive, and if they are pleased with them, children cry ...
  8. Each person has his own stars.
  9. Eyes blind. Search need a heart.

10. Water is needed and heart.

11. Vain people deaf to everything except praise.

12. - Yes, yes, I love you, he heard. - My wines that you did not know that.

13. - And when you sit down (in the end, always comfortable), you will be glad that I knew me once. You will always be a friend. You want to laugh with me. Sometimes you will open the window like this, and you will be nice ... And your friends will be wondering that you laugh, looking at the sky. And you tell them: "Yes, yes, I always laugh, looking at the stars!" And they think that you are crazy. This is what an evil joke I will play with you.

14. You know ... My rose ... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! And so innocent. She only has that four pathetic spikes, she has nothing more to defend themselves from the world ...

15. - People forgot this truth, "said Lis, - but you do not forget: you are forever responsible for all who tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

In 1943, the work that interests us was first published. We will tell us briefly about the background of its creation, and then carry out the analysis. "Little Prince" - a work, the impetus to whose writing served as one case that happened to his author.

In 1935, Antoine de Saint-Exupery during a flight in the direction of Paris-Saigon got into a plane crash. He found himself on the territory located in Sahara, in its northeastern part. Memories of this accident and the invasions of the fascists prompted the author to think about liability for the land of people, about the fate of the world. In 1942, he wrote in the diary, which is experiencing for his generation, deprived of spiritual content. People lead herd existence. Returning spiritual worries to man - the task that the writer put in front of him is.

Who is dedicated to the work?

The story of interest to us is devoted to Leon Vertu, to a friend of Antoine. It is important to note, conducting analysis. "Little Prince" is a story in which everything is filled with deep meaning, including initiation. After all, Leon Vert is a Jewish writer, a journalist, a critic, the victims during the war. Such a dedication was not just a tribute to friendship, but also a bold challenge of the writer anti-Semitism and Nazism. In heavily time created his story-fairy tale Exupery. He fought against violence in the word and illustrations that manually created for his work.

Two worlds in the story

The two worlds are presented in this story - adults and children, as the analysis spent by us. "Little Prince" - a work in which this division is done by no means in age. For example, a pilot is an adult man, but he managed to preserve a children's soul. The author shares people to ideals and ideas. For adults the most important are their own cases, ambition, wealth, power. And the children's soul is eager for another - friendship, mutual understanding, beauty, joy. Antiteza (children and adults) helps to reveal the main conflict of works - confrontation of two different systems of values: real and fake, spiritual and material. She will continue to deepen. Leaving the planet, a small prince in his path meets "strange adults", which he cannot understand.

Travel and dialogue

The composition of the composition is the journey and dialogue. The overall picture of the existence of the moral values \u200b\u200bof mankind will recreate a meeting with the "adults" of a small prince.

The main character travels to a story with an asteroid on an asteroid. He visits, first of all, the nearest people who live alone. Each asteroid has a room like apartments of a modern high-rise building. In the figures of these are a hint of the separation of people who live in neighboring apartments, and they live as if on different planets. For a small prince, meeting with the inhabitants of these asteroids becomes a lesson of loneliness.

Meeting with the king

The king lived on one of the asteroids, looked at the whole world, like other kings, very simplistic. For him, subjects are all people. However, the king of this tormented this question: "Who is to blame for the fact that his orders are impracticable?". The king taught the prince, to judge himself more difficult than others. Having learned this, you can become truly wise. The supervolubets loves power, and not a subject, therefore deprived of the latter.

Prince attends the planet of ambition

On another planet, there was a ambition. But the vain people to all the deaf, except praise. Only the glory loves ambition, and not the public, therefore it remains without the last.

Planet Drunka

Continue analysis. The little prince falls on the third planet. The next meeting is with a drunkard, which concentrately thinking about himself and eventually confusing. This person is conscientious for drinking. However, he drinks in order to forget about the conscience.

Business man

A business man belonged to the fourth planet. As the analysis of the fairy tale "Little Prince" shows, the meaning of his life was to find something that there is no owner, and to assign it. A business man considers wealth, which is not His: the one who only sails for himself, could count the stars with the same success. Can't a small prince understand the logic on which adults live. He concludes that his flower and volcanoes useful what he owns them. But the stars no benefit is not from such a possession.


And only on the fifth planet, the main character finds a person with whom he wants to make friends. This is a flashar driver who would be despised by everything, as he thinks not only about himself. However, the planet is a tiny. For two there is no place for two. The lampurger is invested, as it does not know for whom.

Meeting with geogram

The geographer, writing thick books, lived on the sixth planet, which was created in his story Exupery ("Little Prince"). The analysis of the work would be incomplete if we did not say a few words about him. This is a scientist, and beauty for him Efemerne. No one needs scientific works. Without love for a person, it turns out that everything is devoid of meaning - and honor, and power, and labor, and science, and conscience, and capital. Leaves this planet a small prince. The analysis of the work continues with the description of our planet.

Little Prince on Earth

The last place where the prince visited is a strange land. When he arrives here, even more alone feels the capital hero of the story of Exupery "Little Prince". Analysis of the work when it should be described in more detail than when describing other planets. After all, the author pays special attention to the story. He notices that this planet is not at all home, she is "salty", "all in needle" and "completely dry." Neuly live on it. Its determination is given through the images that seemed a small prince strange. The boy notes that this planet is not simple. They rule on it 111 kings, there are 7 thousand geographers, 900 thousand businessmen, 7.5 million drunks, 311 million ambitions.

Traveling the main character in the following sections continue. It is found, in particular, with the train guides, the arrogist, but people do not know where they go. Then the boy sees a merchant who sells pills from thirst.

Among people living here, a small prince feels lonely. Analyzing life on Earth, he notes that there are so many people on it that they cannot feel like one. Families remain millions. Why do they live? In fast trains, many people rushing - why? People do not interpret neither pills nor fast trains. And the planet without this house will not become.

Friendship with fox

After analyzing the "Little Prince" Exupery, we found out that the boy is boring on Earth. And Lisa, another hero of the work, boring life. Both of them are looking for a friend. Fox knows how to find it: you need to tame someone, that is, create a bond. And the main character understands that there are no shops in which you can buy a friend.

The author describes life to a meeting with a boy who led foxes from the story "Little Prince". Allows you to see that it only fought for his existence: I hunted the chickens, and hunters hunted on him. Fox, brightening, broke out of the circle of protection and attack, fear and hunger. It is this hero that belongs to the formula "Zorko only the heart." Love can be transferred to many other things. Family with the main character, the foxes will love and everything else in the world. A close in his mind is connected to distant.

Pilot in the desert

Easy to imagine the house of the planet in the rolled places. However, in order to understand what a house is, it is necessary to be in the desert. It is for this idea that the analysis of the "Little Prince" Exupery. In the desert, the main character was met with the pilot, with whom he became friends. The pilot is not only due to the fault of the aircraft turned out to be here. He was enchanted by the desert all his life. The name of this desert is loneliness. The pilot understands an important secret: it makes sense in life when there is someone to die. The desert is a place in which a person experiences a thirst for communication, thinks about the meaning of existence. She reminds that the man is home.

What did the author wanted to tell us?

The author wants to say that people forgot one simple truth: they are responsible for their planet, as well as for those who have tamed. If we were all understood, it would probably be wars and economic problems. But people are very often blind, do not listen to their own heart, leave their house, looking for happiness away from their relatives and loved ones. Antoine de Saint-Exupery by no means for the sake of fun writing his fairy tale "Little Prince". Analysis of the work carried out in this article, we hope, convinced you in this. The writer appeals to all of us, calling to carefully look at those who surround us. After all, this is our friends. They need to be careful, according to Antoine de Saint-Exupery ("Little Prince"). Analysis of the work on this will finish. We offer readers to reflect on our own above this story and continue the analysis of our own observations.

"Little Prince" was born in 1943, in America, where Antoine de Saint-Exupery escaped from the Occupied Nazis of France. An unusual tale, equally well perceived as children and adults, turned out to be relevant not only during the Second World War. Today, she is still reading people trying to find answers to the "Little Prince" eternal questions On the meaning of life, the essence of love, the price of friendship, the need for death.

By form - consisting of twenty seven parts story scene - A fairy tale telling about the magical adventures of an excellent prince, who left the native kingdom due to unfortunate love, on the art organization - Parable - a simple in the speech execution (according to the "Little Prince" is very easy to teach French) and is complex in terms of philosophical content.

main idea Tales - Proverbs - approval of the true values \u200b\u200bof human existence. the main antithesis - Sensual and reasonable perception of the world. The first is characteristic of children and those rare adults who have not lost child cleanliness and naivety. The second is the prerogative of adults, firmly rooted in the world they created by the rules themselves, often ridiculous even from the point of view of the mind.

The appearance of a small prince on Earth symbolizes The birth of a man coming to our world with a pure soul and a loving heart, open for friendship. The return of the fabulous hero home occurs by the actual death coming from the poison of a desert snake. The physical death of a little prince embodies Christian the idea of \u200b\u200beternal life The souls, which can go to the sky, only leaving their body shell on Earth. Annual stay of a fabulous hero on Earth correlates with the idea of \u200b\u200ba human spiritual growth, student to be friends and love, take care of others and understand them.

The image of a little prince Based on fabulous motifs and the image of the work - a representative of the impoverished nobleman, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who, as a child, the nickname "King Sun". A little boy with golden hair is a soul that did not grow out the author. Meeting an adult pilot with his baby I happen to one of the most tragic moments of his life - a plane crash in the Sahara desert. Balancing on the verge of life and death The author recognizes the story of a small prince while repairing the aircraft and not just talking to him, but also goes together to the well, and even carries his subconscious on his arms, giving him the features of a real character from him.

The relationship of a small prince and roses is an allegorical image of love and the difference of her perception by a man and a woman. Capricious, proud, beautiful rose manipulates his beloved until he loses power over him. Gentle, timid, believing in what he is told, the little prince is cruelly suffering from the windiness of the beauty, not immediately understanding that she had to love it was not for words, and for affairs - for the wonderful fragrance she gave him, for the whole that Joy that she brought in his life.

Seeing five thousand roses on Earth, the space traveler comes into despair. He almost disappointed in his flower, but in time the fox met him on the path on the path explains the hero of the truth forgotten by people: about what you need to look at heart, and not through my eyes, and be responsible for those who have tamed.

Art lisa - Allegorical image of friendship, born from habit, love and desire to be someone needed. In the understanding of the animal, a friend - the one who fills his life with meaning: destroys boredom, allows you to see the beauty of the surrounding world (comparing the golden hair of a small prince with wheat ears) and cry when parting. The little prince deviates his lesson given well. Saying goodbye to life, he thinks not about death, but about each other. Lisa The story also correlates with the biblical snake-tempter: for the first time the hero meets it under the apple tree, the animal shares with a boy knowledge about the most important life basics - love and friendship. As soon as the little prince comprehends this knowledge, he immediately acquires mortality: he appeared on Earth, traveling from the planet on the planet, but it can only leave with her by refusing the physical shell.

In the role of fabulous monsters in the story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, adults are adults, whom the author snatch out of the common mass and puts everyone to their planet, closing the person and as if under a magnifying glass showing his essence. The desire for power, ambition, drunkenness, love for wealth, stupidity is the most characteristic features of adults. Common for all vice Exupery exhibits activities / life deprived of meaning: the king from the first asteroid rules and gives only those orders that can perform his fictional subjects; The ambition does not appreciate anyone, except for himself; The drinker is not able to get out of the vicious circle of shame and drinking; A business man makes stars without end and finds joy not in their light, but in their cost, which can be written on paper and put in the bank; Old manograph of the mirror in theoretical conclusions that have nothing to do with practical science of geography. The only reasonable person, from the point of view of the Little Prince, in this row of adults looks like a flashar, whose craft is useful for others and beautifully in its essence. Perhaps that is why it loses its meaning on the planet, where the day lasts one minute, and electrical lighting is already working on Earth.

The tale of the boy who appeared from the stars is concerned with a touching and light style. It is all imbued with sunlight, which can be found not only in the hair and yellow scarves of a little prince, but also in the endless sands of sugar, wheat ears, orange fox and yellow snake. The latter immediately identifies the reader as death, because it is inherent in power, more, "What in the king's finger", opportunity "Will be further than any ship" and the ability to decide "All riddles". Snake shares with a small prince his secret to the knowledge of people: when the hero complains about loneliness in the desert, she says that "Among people too" it happens "alone".