Analysis of the poem by pushkin winter peasant triumphant. Poems about the winter of Pushkin A

Analysis of the poem by pushkin winter peasant triumphant.  Poems about the winter of Pushkin A
Analysis of the poem by pushkin winter peasant triumphant. Poems about the winter of Pushkin A

I've been watching this program Vremya for a long time and they show there how Stanislav Govorukhin blames President Putin for modern children. His, they say, a familiar teacher of literature suggested to them the meaning of words from Pushkin's verse Zim to explain. They don’t know, ”the cinema master blamed. To the president's credit, he somehow interceded for the kids, said something like, it's not so bad "...
And I must say that the now-plundered test, in fact, for the knowledge of the Russian archaic is, after all, an invention of your humble servant in 2005. It was then that I posted this opus on the Rum Collection website. And my wife, under the nickname Kitty, uploaded it to the Family website:
... Winter! .. The peasant *, triumphant,
On logs ** updates the path;
His horse ***, smelling the snow ****,
Weaving at a trot ***** somehow;
****** furry reins exploding *******,
******** wagon ********* ********** flies;
The driver *********** sits on the beam ************
In a sheepskin coat *************, in a red sash **************.
Here is the yard boy running ***************,
In the sled **************** ***************************************************
Transforming himself into a horse ******************;
Naughty ******************* already froze his finger:
He is both hurt and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window ...
(from the novel, Eugene Onegin ")
and a textbook for primary school students.
Compare the four headings:, Winter ”, Winter?”, Winter! ”, And, Winter! ..”.
Read each of them and compare with the entire content of the poem.
What is the best title for these verses?
Some statistics:
There are 44 words in verse, 19 of them are incomprehensible to modern children, they are either archaisms or rare, or their meaning has changed over time (ZB-exploding).
Etta / the other day means Tver popular word, not to be confused with this // my little daughter came up to me in tears and said that they had been asked to memorize two terrible verses. She was then in the 2nd grade of the gymnasium and she was 7 years old.
This is certainly not what early development in Russia, when Peter the 1st at the age of 5 they put a psalter on the mind to teach. We all know the result - he learned the psalms of King David by heart and became ferocious and evil-powerful! Monuments are everywhere. And L. Tolstoy, when asked when the book about Peter will be (he at one time collected materials), snapped in response:
A drunkard and a libertine! and I will not write ...
... I discovered that the child does not understand 50% of the words and 100% of the content of this text, which seems to be written in Russian, and even in some Russian! language ...
I am ready to explain to children what Georgia and the night haze are as long as they do not understand!
But I was not ready to explain what kind of fluffy reins the daring wagon explodes and why this box on skids, pulled by a horse, moving at a speed of best case, 20 km / h, flies ... :);
The meaning is that this is something like an MI-8 helicopter equipped with ATGMs ...
This text from children's textbooks must, of course, be removed, it is hopeless due to its archaism, but what to give in return, when the whole subsequent poetic civilization did not create anything in Russian about winter comparable to A.S. Pushkin !?
... Olzhas Suleimenov recalls in an interview:
I remember the first evening of Soviet poetry in Paris in 1977. Konstantin Simonov said that he had taken out the USSR poetry team ”. We have collected a big four thousandth! Hall. Usually Parisian poetry evenings - several people in small cafes... And here for the first time Paris listened to poetry in such halls. And they listened to our, Soviet, tribune poetry, which attracted large audiences in Moscow ...
... we played with nine (Voznesensky did not go - he found out that there would be Evtushenko :))
- Vysotsky, Okudzhava, Rozhdestvensky ...
And modern poetry, for all ages, about winter, who will write !?
Again Pushkin ... Alexander Sergeevich?
I don’t know a comparable rating of poems, by God there is nothing to offer the children!
Intonationally, in the great and mighty, the meaning of any phrase can be changed exactly to the opposite!
Remember Yeseninsky, I think he is a genius, stalk:
The sky is like a bell ...
A month is a language ...
Matt is my Motherland !!
I-ah ... a Bolshevik ???
AC also loved:
... the mischievous person has already frozen ... his finger ... :);
It seemed to me even in childhood, and now, especially since he did not mean a finger!
In rhyme there goes another, double, organ ...
So I finished about winter:
Pushkin, is this our everything?
Pushkin is our everything! / T. Tolstaya, KYS, formerly A. Blok /
Pushkin, is this our everything?
And then it went on and on - everyone rushed to check the kids for their knowledge of the archaic:
From network publications:
A colleague sent me a heartbreaking horror story about furry reins. After reading it, it became clear that the history with the reins should be checked for beards. And for sure - I never know how to use the word "button accordion", but it looks like this is the same:

Once modern first-graders were asked to draw a picture based on Pushkin's quatrain:
Exploding fluffy reins,
The daring wagon flies.
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
As a result, it turned out ... Well, let's start with the fact that of all the words, the most understandable were "sheepskin coat" and "sash".
The kibitka turned out to be aircraft... Why? Well, it says "daring wagon flies." For some, it also turned out to be similar to a cube (KUBitka). Flying dashing ki (u) cue ball is engaged in a very belligerent business - it explodes. What, or rather, whom?
The reins are fluffy. These are such animals (fluffy!), A cross between a beaver and a thrush. The fact that, according to the rules, then there should have been "reins" did not bother the children - and grenades and bombs fell from the wagon on the poor fluffy reins.
A certain person in a sheepskin coat and a red sash and with a shovel is watching the genocide of the reins. This is the coachman.
The wearer of the sheepskin coat and sash, according to the children, has nothing to do with the wagon and the disgraceful things it does.
Born to dig to fly (on a wagon) cannot!
The most difficult word turned out to be an irradiation. Some of the children did not understand at all what it was and what they were eating it with, as a result the coachman with a shovel (and what else could he dig holes for, he's a coachman!) Was sitting on the "fifth point".
In another version, he was asked to sit on a small hoop (arr (l) uchok) and, balancing with a shovel, watch the reins explode.
As a result, there is no wagon rushing in a cloud of sparkling snow under the sun with a cheerful bearded uncle in a sheepskin coat and sash on the box. Instead, a cubic flying crap rushes over the ground, bloody scraps of unfortunate fluffy reins fly under its deadly blows, and all this, balancing on a hoop on the edge of a dug hole, is watched by a lumpen personality in a sheepskin coat and a red sash, with a shovel. (the description of the genocide was found in various nooks and crannies of the Russian Internet).

However, this was not what confused me at all. I have seen and heard all sorts of different mistakes, but I will never believe that first-graders with their native and only Russian languages ​​suddenly endowed the reins. It could not but confuse them! The reins can be blown up, but they were never alive!
Burning with research fervor, I was not too lazy to give the same task to Russian-speaking students of varying degrees of Russian-speaking, and then to my own fourteen-year-old daughter.
The results boggled my imagination. Most of people who graduated from one to six grades of the Russian (!) school did not understand a single noun in this stanza. The most advanced (so far everything coincides with the results of the mentioned research) were familiar with the words "sheepskin coat" and "sash". The kibitka, as it was announced by Pushkin, flew, exploding, and for many artists it looked like something like an anti-aircraft gun with a vertical takeoff. Yes, she fired at the fluffy reins, but there was no sign of bloody massacre, although some splashes were observed. None of the subjects considered the driver to be a pit digger. The headband seemed to look like a hemp.
The most knowledgeable people still guessed what a "wagon" was (after all, the Armenian radio also realized what a "boa" is!), And realized that in fact it was not flying, but rushing. It's amazing that anything but a horse was harnessed to the wagon - from a camel to something like an African elephant! And at the same time, the wagon was still blowing up the long-suffering reins, so, again, it was slightly anti-aircraft and only a little bit of a cart. The message that the wagon was a wagon turned exotic animals into horses, but did not affect the disclosure of the topic of the reins. This topic was not disclosed to anyone! But the fluffiness of these reins did not make the artists believe in genocide.

After the experience in the classroom, I no longer expected anything from my own daughter. And before that, she did not show any hope: And the daughter did not disappoint again! The only noun that she managed to semantize in context is a sheepskin coat. Judging by the picture, the sheepskin coat was a warm outerwear. She had to wrap a red sash around the head of a man who looked like a loader. The man (after all, Pushkin's genius blew up some reins) was bearded! The kibitka turned out to be a huge grinning bird (why not, there are jackdaws-jays-canaries, she hardly knew about the three-bird), and the irradiation that sheltered the peasant (hello from Alice) is a little cloud, a little barrel. The reins, of course, exploded, and their fluffiness was due to the feathered bird. Perhaps the wagon was a firebird, and the flying feathers exploded when dropped ... I whined and sent her to finish reading the first volume of War and Peace, which was given to her home, since nothing was working with Onegin.

And it is very interesting, nevertheless, it turned out to be the opinion of the people ...
If you do not take some particulars, then the general is as follows:
and it’s not harmful to memorize more clever words, no matter what they are attached to!
... well, I don't agree at all with this wording! ... Remember Petrusha the First, from five to seven, when, according to tradition, he played the Psalter by heart, the deacon taught the deacon superbly mostly unfamiliar words !!
I still want to remember Montaigne, the long-suffering Michel, when his crazy dad, at first a poor peasant from birth to two years old, knocked his son off - for national feeding ?! - and then forbade everyone in the area a hundred versts to speak otherwise than in Latin ...
Thus, mazes langwich, he had latinas! If the Lord had not enlightened the parent, the son would have been in an insane asylum, but: he gave up the tattoo, gave it to a normal French school, where Misha happily forgotten Latin, except to finish this school with honors and become a deputy of the local council :)))
I am not a supporter of playing with many incomprehensible words, especially at an immature age. How is bilingual grown? - you need at least a second native speaker from birth. And if you are not a carrier - do not take it! You will make a mistake in the brain of a child and will not know any language properly.
Harmful Clever words v a large number without understanding them! And to understand, it was my father who taught me (and he himself, in the army in 1937):
To understand, it means to remember and - to be able to apply ... :)))))))))))
But Pushkin really has nothing to do with it ...
Winter snow...
It's dark outside, as on the day of creation,
Yes it is snowing, everything is also falling snow,
As he always poured. Without hesitation
Drifts grow with their heads up.

Today it will snow and tomorrow it will be the same.
But, late dawn does not scare me -
My whole essence is so shamelessly in love with the snow,
Silently, unrequited, maybe in vain

In the morning I'm here, covered with snow,
Either a forest in the snow, or my soul.
How quiet in them, saved peace,
Let the joy of living sleep in both.

I hope, I wait, we will go out with you again
In my snow, it is clear and light.
There is no love, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt,
Unkind predator, evil freezes.

Winter will pass and all the snow will melt
Green grass will appear again
One day I won't see her, I know
Snow is falling and words are falling.

Minor, really ... but kids need something in a major textbook ...

Eugene Onegin, I sometimes sing to myself - to the tune of the Golden Mountains. Have you tried it? cures however, try:
When would I have mountains of gold-
When seriously ill,
He made himself respect
I: I could not have imagined it better!

>"Peasant, triumphing ..."

In 1926 I studied at the Leningrad University in the seminary (then they said "seminary", not "seminar", as now) on Pushkin under L.V. Shcherba. Classes were held according to the "slow reading" method, which taught students to a deep philological understanding of texts. During the year we have read only a few lines from " Bronze Horseman". We had all kinds of dictionaries and grammars at our disposal. We searched for a grammatically clear, philologically accurate understanding of the text, delved into the history of studying the meanings of each word. I remember that we devoted several lessons to finding out what the pronoun" them "refers to in the following lines:

Neva all night
Rushing to the sea against the storm
Not having overcome their violent foolishness ...
And she became unable to argue ...

This difficulty is real, it cannot be solved unequivocally. But in Pushkin's poems there are imaginary difficulties caused by the fact that we already know poorly some of the realities, features of everyday life, which were close to Pushkin.

In Eugene Onegin, in chapter 5, stanza II begins with the lines familiar from childhood:

Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant,
On the woods, it updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Weaving at a trot somehow ...

Why "triumphant"? Has it become easier for the peasant to travel? Why is the "renewal of the path" through the freshly fallen snow associated with any special celebration for the peasant?

Pushkin knew peasant life, and everything that is associated with the countryside in his poetry is very accurate and not at all accidental.

The "triumph" of the peasant does not refer to the "renewal of the path" along the first route, but to the snow that has fallen in general. The preceding first stanza of the same chapter says:

That year the autumn weather
I stood in the yard for a long time
Winter waited, nature waited,
Snow fell only in January
On the third in the night.

If the autumn weather had stayed longer without snow, winter crops would have died. The peasant triumphs and rejoices in the snow, because the snow that has fallen "on the third night" has saved the harvest.

The beginning of the poem "Domovoy" (1819) proves that this interpretation is correct:

The estate of a peaceful invisible patron,
I pray to you, my good brownie,
Guard the village, the forest and my wild garden,
And my humble family home!
May the dangerous cold of the rains not harm the fields
And the winds of late autumn raids;
Yes, the snows are beneficial at the time
Will cover the wet fat fields!

Are obscure now and following words- "smelling the snow". Why does the horse "smell the snow" and not see? Why is she "trudging at a trot somehow"? On this occasion, I turned to the well-known literary critic and at the same time master of equestrian sports, the author of the book "Iron Message" D. M. Urnov. This is what he replied to me in a letter. With the kind consent of D. M. Urnov, I am citing the text of his reply to me.

"" Somehow "means here, as I understand it, reluctantly, fearfully, carefully. The horse does not like the wrong and unfamiliar road, but the snow has just fallen, crawling under the hoof, there is blackness - the ground is not covered, and even some familiar stump or the stone looks in a new way, scares. This is a common thing with any horse, not necessarily a peasant. Horses, as a rule, are blind, every spot under their feet looks like a hole. Some of them will never go through a shadow, a puddle, but you will start to urge - they will jump, just like through a hole, but they won't go. In addition, as I said, the horse does not like very much when the road is unsteady, his leg crawls, goes somewhere, falls through. And now you drive out on the first snow, and the horse begins to rest. Sometimes it rests literally, stops in front of some blackening stick in the snow and does not walk (just yesterday, through the mud, it walked past the same stick as if nothing had happened!), but in general it is horsemen who say so ", that is, it goes reluctantly, and Pushkin, m The one who traveled to the village, of course, knew this well.

"Sensing the snow" - the horse, first and foremost, senses everything. Her eyes are relatively weak, her hearing is good, but the main thing is her instinct. "

Very often the reader is puzzled - how it is possible to "trot along". In modern Russian, the lynx is associated with the fast running of a horse. But from the point of view of a horse connoisseur, this is not entirely true. Lynx is a generic concept. There is a slow trot. According to D. M. Urnov's explanations, the lynx begins with it: "belly-belly". The horse trots at a trot, then "medium trot" and finally "swing" - fast trot.

So Pushkin knew peasant life not as a city dweller, but as a villager.

On the woods, it updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Weaving at a trot somehow ...

This stanza by Pushkin from Eugene Onegin is studied in elementary school as a poem about nature. Amazingly beautiful and picturesque lines about winter, about the first snow.

Pushkin has nothing superfluous, every word is meaningful and full-bodied. Winter! Peasant triumphant... The researchers drew attention to the fact that in the poem Pushkin mentions the word peasant only once. In the yard of Christmastide there are days that are significant for a Christian. The peasant and the Christian are not just consonant. A peasant, a man who bears a cross, a Christian. He is triumphant. Let us remind that the events refer to the 3rd of January. In those days, it was believed that if the snow did not fall before January 2, the day of commemoration of Sylvester of the Caves, then people would face a terrible harvest failure. But the snow fell on the 3rd in the night. Hence the triumph of the peasant, who must have been in despair the day before and begged the Almighty to send snow and protect him from crop failure.

Snow fell, and the peasant allowed himself to harness his horse to the sleigh (log). Maybe he went out into the forest to get firewood. There is nowhere to rush, and he let his horse trail slowly. The picture of the life of a Russian village was reflected in 16 lines of Pushkin.

Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant,
On the woods, it updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Weaving at a trot somehow;
Exploding fluffy reins,
The daring wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a courtyard boy running,
Putting a bug in the sled,
Transforming yourself into a horse;
The mischief has already froze his finger:
He is both hurt and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window ...

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Answers and explanations

So, the theme of the poem (what the work is about) is lyrics, the work is dedicated to love and feelings, a description of nature (landscape). maybe philosophy (reasoning about the meaning of being and other categories). and also the verse can be devoted to socially significant problems.
the main idea(what the author wanted to say and what the author wanted to convey)
The motive is a stable theme, problem, idea of ​​the poem.
Artistic images- includes the individual and the general, the characteristic and the typical. This is a certain image (personality) in a work with all the advantages, disadvantages and individual character.

What do you want to know?

Summary of the lesson of literary reading “A.S. Pushkin "Winter. A peasant, triumphant." Three kinds of rhyme - three different images "

Lesson objectives. to get acquainted with the poem by A. Pushkin “Winter. A peasant, triumphant ... ”, with a special form of rhyme -“ Onegin stanza ”.

Tasks. consider the types of rhyme (pair, cross, sweeping) in “ Onegin stanza”, Their combination and content; to teach children to see figurative and expressive means in the text, to recreate from them the image created by the author of the work, to understand his thought, to feel the mood; teach expressive reading of a poem; develop verbal drawing, enrich and develop the sensory experience of students, expand them vocabulary; to form the ability to meaningfully, accurately, vividly, figuratively express their own thoughts and feelings; instill a love of reading;

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

Expressive reading poems by S. Marshak “How the winter has worked!”.

An exhibition of children's drawings is arranged on the board.

Questions about what you read:

- What can you say about rhymes?

- What mood does each rhyme create?

- Why does the poet use in one poem different types rhymes?

- Try to formulate the topic of the lesson yourself. (Three kinds of rhyme - three different images).

3. Updating basic knowledge.

For some people, writing poetry is a matter of life. These people are poets.

Teacher's story about early work Pushkin.

Granny , Maria Alekseevna Hannibal, née Pushkin (1745-1818), was the first teacher of A.S. Pushkin in the Russian language. According to PI Bartenev, "she loved to remember the old days, and from her, AS Pushkin heard a lot of family legends, which he valued so much later."

I love from my grandmother of Moscow
I listen to talk about relatives.
About distant antiquity.
Poor great-grandson of mighty ancestors.
I love meeting their names
In two or three lines by Karamzin.

In the village of Zakharovo (or Zakharyin), about which Pushkin has long retained pleasant memories, he heard songs, saw round dances and other folk amusements.

The interest of the future poet in folk art strengthened thanks to the nanny Arina Rodionovna. Yakovleva Arina Rodionovna (1758 - 1828), serf. In 1799 she received her freedom, but chose to remain in the Pushkin family. Once she nursed Pushkin's mother, and now she nursed all her children. The woman is honest, devoted and very intelligent, she knew countless sayings, proverbs, songs and fairy tales and willingly told them to her pet.

4. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

In this lesson, we will again plunge into poetic world works of A.S. Pushkin. The life of a poet, like any other person, consists of joys and sorrows, ups and downs, successes and failures. However, it is more difficult for a genius than for everyone else, since he is more observant, he sees what is very close, next to what we are in Everyday life do not notice, and talks about it in his works. The task of the reader, and therefore ours, is to understand everything that stands behind the word.

- Try to formulate the objectives of the lesson yourself. (Learn expressive reading of a poem; develop verbal drawing, enrich and develop vocabulary)

5. Learning new material.

1) Acquaintance with the poem by A. Pushkin “Winter. A peasant triumphant ... ”. (Audio recording)

3) Vocabulary work. This excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" is known to all Russian people. But the further we move away from the era of Pushkin, the more difficult it is to teach children this poem by heart, and this will be yours homework. Why? That's why

that there are at least 8 lines for 14 lines obsolete words, without understanding which it is difficult for us to draw in our imagination a picture captured by the poet. All incomprehensible words must be explained.

Drovni - peasant open sledges for transporting firewood and cargo. In the well-known children's song by R. Kudasheva “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” we have already met this word: “A horse is carrying a wood-log, and in a wood-log there is a peasant ...”

Reins - furrows, tracks from runners in the snow.

Kibitka - covered carriage, cart.

Coachman - charioteer, coachman on postal, pit horses.

An obluch is a thick wooden brace that runs along the edges of a cart, carriage, or around the top of a sled.

Sheepskin coat - long-brimmed fur coat (mainly sheepskin, hare).

Sash - a belt, usually wide, made of cloth.

Sleds - small wooden hand sleds.

4) Analysis of the poem.

Why is the wagon “daring”?

The kibitka moves very quickly, so Pushkin wrote “flies”.

To convey the swiftness of movement, the poet defines the word wagon with the epithet daring, meaning not the winter carriage itself, but the horse carrying it (metonymic transfer: daring wagon - daring horse). The words "Fluffy reins exploding ..." also indicate fast driving.

Who runs the wagon?

Who is the coachman? Previously, the villages where the stations were, were called pits (in singular number of pits), and the stations were called Yamskie. From the word pits, the word coachman was formed - a peasant in a pit for transporting mail, goods, travelers on their horses; at the yamsky stations, the horses were changed for travelers and postmen. The coachman's place, as we already know, was in front of the covered wagon, on an irradiation, and the coachman dressed in a sheepskin coat in winter so that in the most severe frost he would not be cold; he always girded himself with a red sash (a wide cloth belt), and in the summer the driver was dressed in a red shirt.

Who is the main contributor in the third part?

Whom were they called servants in those days? Not all peasants lived in villages and were engaged in field and other work. Some of them did not plow the land, did not grow and did not harvest bread, but served in the master's house, worked in the master's yard. They were called courtyards. The yard boy is the son of a serf servant himself a little serf.

What is the yard boy doing?

Sledding the dog.

Why is the word "bug" written with a small letter?

The bug is not a proper name, not a dog's nickname, but only the designation of a mongrel peasant dog, therefore Pushkin writes this word with a small letter.

Do you think his mother will scold him for the first winter pranks? Why?

5) Observation of the rhymes of the poem - "Poetic workshop". Group work.

Exercise. what rhyme does Pushkin use in the first quatrain? In the second? In third? In the final couplet? Match the content of the picture, the feeling and the rhythm. Make a conclusion.

Output. In this poetic passage we have, as we found out, three pictures, the heroes of which are different "horses". For each painting, the poet chose his own rhyme. For the first horse, which "weaves ... somehow", the poet chose a cross rhyme, perhaps to emphasize the languid monotony of her step. The second horse rushes, flies - and the poet chooses a paired rhyme to convey its energetic run. The third "horse" - the yard boy - does not weave monotonously, like the first horse, and does not fly like the second, but runs freely as he wants. To create this picture, the author uses a sweeping rhyme to convey freedom of movement. The last couplet is written in paired rhyme, which gives the stanza an energetic, summing up character.

Why do you think A.S. Pushkin did not want to write the novel "Eugene Onegin", with an excerpt from which we met today, using only one rhyme?

A novel is major work about the life of many people, which means that it describes a variety of events, various experiences, destinies different people... The poet did not want to write in one rhyme, as this would make his novel monotonous. Since then, the entire poetic world calls this stanza "Onegin stanza"

How many lines is this verse called “Onegin”?

6) Expressive reading of a poem. Several children, if they wish, read the poem expressively.

7) Final word teachers. In the famous Pushkin passage, there are only 14 lines and there are only two epithets for the entire text (fluffy reins, daring wagon). Others visual media it does not, but the expressiveness of the verses does not become weaker from this. Every word in this passage is significant, has a certain meaning, expresses some emotions, and together the words create figurative, vivid, up to the smallest details painted pictures of the Russian winter. This is how A.S. Pushkin saw her in the 19th century.

Methodical development for reading (grade 2) on the topic:
Winter! Pushkin


Theme. And Pushkin “Winter. The peasant triumphant ... "

Objectives: to create an educational space for students to meet and understand Pushkin's poem “Winter! The peasant triumphant .. "

Tasks: 1 To form in children the ability to see figurative and expressive means in the text, to be able to recreate the image created by the author of the work to understand the author's thoughts, to feel the mood of the work; teach expressive reading of a poem; 2 Develop creative imagination, enrich and develop the reading experience of students, expand vocabulary; to form the ability to meaningfully express their own thoughts and feelings, to develop the ability to classify objects. 3 To foster love for the Motherland and its history.

  1. Introduction to the topic. Game "Yes-Netka" I made a guess, with the help of questions that can only be answered yes or no, guess it. (Reception from TRIZ - pedagogy) The word SANI. -When are SANI needed? - When you hear the word WINTER, what do you imagine? What are your favorite winter stories? - Want to meet another one? - Define the topic of the lesson.
  2. Statement of the educational problem. - In this lesson we will again plunge into the poetic world of the works of A.S. Pushkin. The authors of the works transmit all their thoughts, desires, their mood to us through their creations. And our task as readers is to understand everything the author wanted to tell. Today we will get acquainted with a small excerpt from the 5th chapter of Alexander Pushkin's novel “Eugene Onegin” and try to understand what thoughts, feelings and moods the poet conveys.
  3. Learning new material. (Lie on your desks and close your eyes) Listening to the recording of the poem. What is this piece about? What pictures came up in your imagination while listening? (fixing on the board). Did you like how the actor read this poem? What you need to be able to read in this way7 (You need to be able to understand the meaning of the work, its mood.) Would you like to learn to read poetry expressively? We are already familiar with the algorithm for preparing expressive reading. Let's remember it:

We read poetry - and pictures appear before us, only the poet painted them not with colors, but with words. To get a good look at the picture, you have to not just read - you have to see every word and understand it.

Read the poem to yourself and think if all the words are clear to you.

What words are not clear? Write them down in a notebook (I write them down on the board) Let's try to explain their meaning. What will help us with this? What if there is no such word in our dictionary? (refer to an adult dictionary or go online) We began the lesson with the word SANI. What it is? And besides sleds, what else could have been ridden in the winter? As there are many types of cars now, so many vehicles used to be used in winter when people used horses for this. Read the verse again, maybe it will tell you what else you could ride? KIBITKA LOGO RIDGE Explain what each item looks like.

  1. Group work. Divide into two groups, who want to know what the wagon looks like, go to the computer and go online, and the rest go to the dictionary and find the description of the firewood. Checking the work of groups.

Slide 1 Look at the pictures and determine where the logs are and where the wagon is.

Now that we have figured out the meaning of some words, let's read the poem one by one and imagine the pictures that the poet painted for us. –Read the first four lines

Describe the first picture - the peasant rides triumphantly on the logs - Why he triumphs, how to understand. When do we enjoy Winter the same way? Prove that the peasant is leaving for the first time this year. Why does Pushkin call the peasant horse a horse? Verbally draw this picture (questions for clarification - what snow? The sky? What does the peasant look like?) Read the second four lines.

What is it about in the second picture? Does it mention horses? Who carries the wagon? Why is the wagon daring, how does it ride? What horses do you think are harnessed to it? Draw this picture verbally (questions for clarification - how the driver looks ...)

Slide2 Select from these pictures an image of a horse that can be harnessed to the log. Why?

Read the verse to the end.

What is said in the third picture? Who is the protagonist of this picture? What is he doing? How do you imagine a bug? Do you think mom will scold him? Have you ever played like this? Tell us. Draw this picture verbally (clarification questions….) At the beginning of the lesson, we tried to draw pictures that we saw when we first read it. Has your understanding of the work changed?

  1. Expressive reading of a poem. At the beginning of the lesson, we wanted to understand what the author wanted to talk about, in order to learn to read expressively and convey to the listener our understanding of the work, we worked according to the algorithm: we worked with the content of the text, now let's define the reading task - why we will read this work for the listeners (We liked it, we need others to like it too, I want others to see the pictures too, I want to convey the author's joyful mood from the arrival of winter and the first snow.)

Well, let everyone choose the means of expressiveness for themselves when preparing for expressive reading on their own.

Examination independent work- Expressive reading at will

What tasks did we set for the lesson? What have you achieved in this lesson?

Moiseevskaya basic school of the Mozyr region


Yarets Tatyana Antonovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Section: Russian literature lesson

Autumn ”(excerpts), an excerpt from the novel“ Eugene Onegin ”. "Winter. Baptist, triumphant ... "

Target: continue the previously begun acquaintance with the work of A.S. Pushkin ;

teach to perceive Pushkin's rhythm; contribute to the development of the ability to see harmony in the work; develop skills to work with lyric work, explain the role of metaphors, epithets, personifications; create conditions for fostering a sense of unity between man and nature.

Equipment: landscape paintings, photographs depicting different seasons, a portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

I. Organizational moment

II. Orientational and motivational stage

Introductory speech of the teacher

- Guys, our next section is called "Understand the living language of nature." In it we will get acquainted with the works of authors who not only understood the language of nature, but also skillfully and talentedly passed it on to us. And we'll start with lyric works. You can get acquainted with the work of A.S. Pushkin all your life. And your admiration, believe me, will never end. More than other seasons, Alexander Sergeevich loved autumn. At this time, it was easy for him to work, inspiration came to him, poetic lines themselves lay down on paper.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the poem "Autumn", or rather, with an excerpt from a poem. This poem was written when the poet was seized with sadness, there was little merry and joyful in his life. But he did not want to succumb to melancholy, and in the beauty and harmony of nature he sought consolation and peace of mind. Reading the poem "Autumn", we feel

the sadness of the lyrical hero. He looks closely, listens, admires. And it leads the reader, we completely trust him with our feelings and thoughts.

Reading an excerpt from the poem "Autumn" by a teacher

The pace of reading is slow, calm.

After reading, the teacher draws the students' attention to a long line, which can be interrupted by a period. By this, the poet, as it were, shows us that we need to read the poem slowly.

1. Checking the perception of the work.

Draw verbally what picture you saw. (October grove without leaves, cold, etc.)

2. Acquaintance with artistic means.

The first stanza of the poem is like the result of the poet's many walks around the neighborhood. I must say that in Pushkin's poems, nature is alive, acting. This is accomplished with artistic means... Pay attention to the board.

Find examples of these three artistic means in the poem. (For example, epithet: « last sheets from their naked branches ”; metaphor: "The autumn cold breathed", impersonation: “Wakes up. sleeping oak groves ".)

3. Continuation of work with the text of the poem.

What is the difference between the next stanza of the poem? (Rhythm. Here the poet speaks of his feelings directly, trusts them to the reader, hoping for understanding.)

Determine the mood and character of the hero. (Sincerity, loneliness, gentleness of nature, admiration for the fall.)

The teacher concludes: “In the first line, Pushkin talks about autumn, but calls it“ a dull time ”and at the same time,“ charm of the eyes ”. The poet loves contrasts and discovers them in one subject, in one phenomenon. At the same time, he notices that the beauty is forgiving, the last. He expresses his feelings to her:

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the lush wilting of nature,

The forests clad in crimson and gold.

So the life of nature and life human soul merge.

Where does nature live in a poem? (In the soul and memory of a person, in his feelings and experiences.)

Prove that between nature and lyrical hero there is harmony. (The time of the year and the mood of the hero coincide: autumn freshness, its colors and the mood of sadness, love, admiration.)

Work on the poem “Winter. The peasant triumphant "

A.S. Pushkin wrote several beautiful poems about winter. We will get acquainted with an excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin", which you will study in high school.

1. Reading a poem by a teacher.

2: Analysis of the poem.

What pictures alternate in the poem? (Winter. The peasant renews the path through the first snow.)

What mood is the work imbued with? (Joyful, solemn, cheerful, cheerful.)

Determine the rhythm of the poem.

3. Students' independent work according to the options.

Option 1: find epithets in the poem. (Fluffy reins, removing the wagon.)

Option 2: find metaphors in the poem. (Kibitka le-tit.) Think about how many pictures you can break this poem-thief. (3: 1) “Winter! The peasant triumphant ", 2)" Le-tit daring wagon "3)" Here is a courtyard boy running around. ")

4. Mutual verification of works.

Lesson summary

Each of us has observed similar pictures of nature, but in the poet's poems they are warmed by love for man, for nature,

are shown as something significant, worthy of attention and admiration, that is, uplifted, poeticized. The beautiful, harmonious sounding of the poems gives them a special, unforgettable beauty. Reading and studying such poems, we learn to understand and love life, nature, man in all the variety of their usual expressions, which means that we learn to feel humanely.

Assessment of the work of students in the lesson. Marking

Homework Memorize the poem "Autumn" or "Winter. Baptist, triumphant. "

Presentation Pushkin “Winter! The peasant triumphant ... "

The presentation will introduce students to the poem “Winter! The peasant triumphant ... ". A document is attached to the multimedia resource, where teachers will find recommendations on the practical use of slides on subject lessons... This development will help make the lesson bright, introduce students to the meaning of obsolete words, and contribute to the development of interest in Pushkin's work.

The slideshow is based on illustrations. On the screen, children will see winter landscapes that will help them perceive the spirit of the poem. Some images are presented with verse lines, which makes it easy to remember literary work... Some elements of the educational presentation are presented in the design of the animation, such a technique will attract students to important content lesson.

Sixteen slides have been created for acquaintance with the poem. Learn can use the following sections:

Homework check;

Vocabulary work (peasant, trot, reins, wagon, coachman, irradiator);

Old clothes (zipun, sash, sheepskin coat);

Listen to Pushkin's poem Winter the peasant triumphant

Topics of neighboring works

Picture for the essay analysis of the poem Winter the peasant triumphant

Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant,
On the woods, it updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Weaving at a trot somehow;
Exploding fluffy reins,
The daring wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a courtyard boy running,
Putting a bug in the sled,
Transforming yourself into a horse;
The mischief has already froze his finger:
He is both hurt and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window ...

This small excerpt all Russian people know from "Eugene Onegin". But the further we move away from the era of A.S. Pushkin, the more difficult it is for young children to learn this poem by heart. Why? Because there are at least 8 obsolete words for 14 lines, without understanding which a child will not draw in his imagination a picture captured by a poet. Will not feel the joy and freshness of the first frosty day, delight and unity of nature and man.

Children learn poetry easily when they understand it. Therefore, all incomprehensible words must be explained.

Drovni- this is a sled, which carried firewood. Reins- ruts, furrows, tracks from runners in the snow. Kibitka- covered wagon. What does covered mean? A leather or cloth top, a "hood", was attached to the sleigh or the summer carriage, this is the prototype of the modern convertible.

A man driving a horse drawn to a cart. The coachman ruled by postal or coachman (analogue of a taxi) carts. He sat on an irradiator - the driver's seat in front of the cart. Sheepskin coat - a fur coat tailored like a robe, hugging the whole body, as a rule, was belted with a sash - a belt sewn, as a rule, from a wide braid or cloth, sometimes with velvet at the ends; the sash tied a person around the waist and was used with outerwear. The red sash was a sign of panache, in addition, its color was easily recognizable from a distance. The yard boy is a little servant in a manor house. Sleds are our usual, manual, sleds. And the Bug was the name of all black dogs. (What color should you paint the dog for the "Turnip" fairy tale?)

Why does the wagon fly, why does the peasant triumph, and the boy laughs? Because everyone is happy with the snow. Let's read the verses preceding "Winter ..." and opening the fifth chapter of the poem:

That year the autumn weather
I stood in the yard for a long time
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow fell only in January
On the third in the night.
Waking up early
Tatyana saw through the window
In the morning the whitened courtyard
Curtains, roofs and fences,
There are light patterns on the glasses,
Trees in winter silver
Forty merry in the yard
And softly covered mountains
Winters are a splendid carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white around.

That is why everyone rejoices - the driver, the peasant, the child, the mother: people were waiting for snow and missed it.

Now that all unfamiliar words are understood, images begin to appear in the child. In the background a fast carriage rushes, a modish coachman (sash is red!) Is driving the horses with boldness. Snowflakes are flying around (like spray is flying in the wake of a boat). Towards the wagon, or maybe a skinny peasant horse is slowly trailing behind her, she is taking the peasant into the forest. Why not from the forest? Because the peasant horse renews the path, that is, it runs through the first snow, paving grooves, tracks, this is also an indication of part of the day. Morning is sure early morning... Not everyone has even woken up yet.

The yard boy is not busy and can play. He enjoys the first snow this winter, he fiddles with a black dog and a sled, and although he is cold, he does not want to part with the sparkles of the sun in the snow. Mother threatens him through the window, but does not interfere, she herself is glad of the snow - for her snow means a rest from field work and good winter crops, fun mood... She probably looks at her son and admires him, she probably smiles ...

Having understood well what the poem is about, and having drawn a picture in his imagination, the child will happily remember the peasant, the wagon, and the boy with the dog. Imagination will turn on, the feeling of frost and winter sun will be remembered. By the way, such description poems give unlimited scope for drawing lessons.

In connection with this work, older children can read the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Out of Soul" (1884). The main character, the police officer Prachkin, for the first time in his life hears Pushkin's lines and comments on them in accordance with his life experience and a bad mood after a card loss (a police officer is a police position in which a person headed an investigation in police, executive and administrative cases):

"-" Winter ... The peasant, triumphant ... - monotonously crammed in the next room the Stanovoy's son, Vanya. - The peasant, triumphant ... renews the path ... "

- "Triumphant ..." "- the bailiff, involuntarily listening, thinks. -" If I could slap him a dozen hot ones, I would not be very triumphant. Rather than celebrate, it would be better if he paid taxes regularly ...

- "His horse, sensing the snow ... sensing the snow, trudges along at a trot somehow ..." "- Prachkin hears further and cannot refrain from remarking:

"- Why, she would gallop off! What a trotter was found, pray tell! A nag is a nag ...

- "Here is a yard boy running ... a yard boy, putting a bug in a sled ..."

- So, he ate, if he runs and plays about ... But the parents do not have that in their minds to make the boy sit down for business. Than to carry a dog, it would be better to chop wood ...

- "He is both hurt and funny, and his mother threatens ... and his mother threatens him through the window ..."

- Threatening, threatening ... Too lazy to go out into the yard and punish ... I would have lifted his fur coat and chik-chik! chick chick! It's better than wagging a finger ... And then, look, a drunkard will come out of him ... Who composed this? "- in the end Prachkin cannot stand it.

"- Pushkin, dad.

- Pushkin? Hm! .. Must be some kind of eccentric. They write, write, but what they write - they themselves do not understand! Just write! "

However, one must act very delicately here. Humor should be based on understanding the situation. Better not to rush, you should not read this story to children - junior schoolchildren before they make sure they understand why Apollon Grigoriev, poet and literary critic 19th century, said: "Pushkin is our everything".

Tatiana Lavrenova

Comment on the article "Winter. The peasant triumphs"

Probably, I’m not explaining well. For example, she explained for a long time the meaning of the word train - these are carriages coupled to each other and a steam locomotive. He didn’t understand the meaning of Russian words very well, so what about English words? We left the gymnasium on registration, went to a regular school.


It is possible (as the same colleague in the struggle for the cause and the sufferer) just wish with all my might that everything would get better faster!

I won't tell you about the case, but mine has some strange problem with memory (abstract?): He remembers many things from deep childhood or just trifles, and the multiplication table can still stutter: (Everyone has their own ...

go to a neuropsychiatrist, ask for a referral to the center of speech pathology and neurorehabilitation, there experts will tell you in which direction to work.

After all, the word milk can be explained by the alternation of OLO LE: milk is milk, but the child has never heard that word milk and draw an analogy that I am not deaf and ringing sounds could teach only by showing distinguishing in oscillograms and spectrograms of sounds.


A little hint - when checking the spelling of adjectives with non-pronouncing consonants, it is most convenient to put the adjective in short form: adorable - adorable, famous - famous. But if at all there is a problem with the selection of test words, then I would advise you to do more exercises and read, read, read

Unpronounceable consonants are usually checked after all. main idea that there should be a vowel after the suspicious place.
the fact that the child cannot come up with a test himself is very inconvenient.
What exactly does she fail to come up with? Can't think of any one root? Can't come up with one root so that after a suspicious consonant there is a vowel?
Respectively and deal with the problem. It usually helps to do rather boring exercises when there are many pairs of words "suspicious" - "test" and you need to insert or not insert a letter.
While doing a lot of such exercises, you come to understand what type of word you need to look for in the test.

Let me explain why. The child likes to read about what is interesting to him. What interest can there be if, after half an hour of panting, the child finally finds it difficult for a child who is just learning to read to read such a long word as transformers, with three consonants together.


I saw interest in the signage. When I started trying to read them, I realized that interest woke up
She taught syllables and the form of words. That is, the short ones were read immediately in words, long ones - in pieces, but not quite in syllables, but convenient for reading, as if they sang a word
I learned to read in a few months, at 5.5. But then there were problems, when he had to read syllables at school, he needed to depict the division into syllables.
Until the 4th I read the best in the class.

Can you advice everyone for the future? DO NOT TEACH THE LETTERS TO CHILDREN until it is time to pick up Zhukova's Primer. And you will be happy.

obsolete words. Interesting on the net. About her, about the girl's. Discussion of questions about a woman's life in the family, at work, relations with It was because of these outdated words that my chuchundra first read Rylsky's translation. And then she had favourite hobby compare...


I first read "The Little Humpbacked Horse" on postcards, then my grandmother recited in whole chunks from memory. Now we have a lovely edition, illustrations are stylized like engravings. It was because of these outdated words that my chuchundra first read Rylsky's translation. And then she had a favorite pastime to compare the Ukrainian version with the Ershov text :) And I was already telling the pearl in the Names: “Mom, why are Danilo and Gavrilo in the Russian book? Gabriel!"

Conjugation of verbs. Lessons, extended. Children education. Please help explain to a child (daughter's girlfriend) a foreigner who studies Shaving, laying, staying, rest And then they forget to give them in school textbooks, it seems like they are outdated, but in the Unified State Exam they can give them for filling.


Does the child know French? What is the native language? I personally explained this to my absolutely Russian daughter by analogy with the verbs of 1-2-3 groups in French (for some reason, the conjugation of French verbs in school takes place earlier). It immediately became clear. Maybe there is something similar in other languages? In Finnish - for sure, but it is more difficult there.

There were two kingdoms-states.
Enemies attacked them and shouted: "Give us your women and children !!!"
IN THE FIRST state (I) they answered "EAT them, EAT!" (I is drawn to E)
In the SECOND state (II) they answered "LOOK what you want!" (II is drawn to I)

If the verb ends with E, then this is the first conjugation
If the ending is with AND, then the second

How to explain to a 71-year-old man that now inflation is 30% per year, and the interest in the bank is 10% is not clear. The amount is not very large - only 6 thousand bucks, but as a fact, they are 100% responsible for their words and perceived by relatives as adequate people, and not small children.