All school essays in literature. The essay themes on the poem "Who lives well in Russia" the main motives to live well in Russia

All school essays in literature. The essay themes on the poem "Who lives well in Russia" the main motives to live well in Russia

The theme of the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" (1863-1877) - the image of the Boreframe Russia for ten-fifteen years after the cancellation of serfdom. The reform of 1861 is an extremely important event in Russian history, because it has radically changed the life of a whole state and the entire people. After all, the serfdom determined the economic, political, cultural situation in Russia about three hundred years. And now it was canceled and familiar life is broken. Nekrasov formulates this idea in the poem so:

The Great chain broke out
Broke up, loosely:
One end of Barina,
Another man. ("Landower")

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is the reasoning about the happiness of a man in the modern world, it is formulated in the title itself: who lives well in Russia.

The plot of the poems is based on the description of the trip in Russia seven tempted men. The men are looking for a happy person and in their way there are a variety of people, listen to stories about different human destinies. Gak in the poem unfolds a wide picture of modern Nekrasov of Russian life.

The short exposition of the plot is placed in the Poem Prologue:

In which year - count,
In which land is guessing,
On a pillars
Seven men agreed:
Seven tempted
Tightened by province
County Terepiorev,
Empty parish
From adjacent villages -
Patch, holes,
Sneaking, znobishhina,

Gorleova, Neelova,
Nordica tole.

The men came across randomly, because everyone went in his case: one had to be for the blacksmith, another hurried to invite the caresses to the christening, the third lass to sell to the bazaar of the cells, the Rubins brothers should have caught their stubborn horse, etc. The plot of the poem - the oath of seven heroes:

In the houses do not swear,
Do not see any wives.
Neither with small guys
Neither with old men.
As a disputed business
Solves will not find -
Who lives happily
Volgovo in Russia? (prologue)

Already in this dispute, necris men presents a plan for the development of a plot action in the work - with whom Words will be found:

Roman said: landowner
Demyan said: official,
Luka said: the ass.
Kupchina Tolstopusoma! -
They said the Rubins brothers,
Ivan and Metrodor.
Old man steamed
And browned, in the ground Lyubyuchi:
Widelian boyar
Minister Sovereign.
And the prov said: king. (prologue)

As you know, Nekrasov did not finish the poem, so the conceived plan was not fully fulfilled: the peasants talked to Pop (the head "Pop"), with the landowner Obolt-Oboldov (the head of the "landowner"), watched the "happy life" Velmazby - Prince Utyatin (chapter "Fat"). All the interlocutors of the wanderers cannot call themselves happy everyone is dissatisfied with their lives, everyone complains about difficulties and deprivation.

However, even in an unfinished poem, there is a culmination to the Men in the chapter "PIR - for the whole world" (in different publications, the title of chapter is written in different ways - "PIR - for the whole world" or "Pier on the whole world") with a happy man - Grisha Dobrons. True, the peasants did not understand that they see the lucky man in front of them: very much this young man was unlike a person, whom, in the peasant ideas, can be called happy. After all, the wanderers were looking for a person with strong health, with prosperous, with a good family and, of course, with a clean conscience - this is what happiness, according to men. Therefore, they quietly pass by the poor and invisible seminarist. Nevertheless, it is he who feels happy, despite the fact that it is poor, weakly healthy, in front of him, according to Nekrasov, short and difficult life:

His fate prepared
Path nice, Name Loud
Folk intercession
Cahotku and Siberia. ("PIR - for the whole world")

So, the climax is literally in the last lines of the poem and practically coincides with the interchange:

Would be our wanderers under the native roof,
If you could know that they were going on with grisha. ("PIR - for the whole world")

Consequently, the first feature of the composition of the poem is the coincidence of culmination and junction. The second feature is that, in fact, the whole poem, excluding the prologue, where the tie is located, represents the development of the action built very difficult. For the above-described overall plot of the poems, numerous life history of the heroes celebrated by travelers are born. Separate stories inside the poem are combined through the through the theme of the road and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Such a construction was repeatedly used in the literature, starting with Odyssey, Homer and ending with the "dead souls" N.V. Gogol. In other words, the poem is compositionally similar to a pedestal mosaic picture, which is composed of a plurality of pebbles-pieces. Collected together, individual stories that were heard by Wanderers, create a widest panorama of the fair-nest Russian reality and a recent fortress past.

Each private story story has its own more or less finished plot and composition. The life of Yakim Nazhogo, for example, is described by a very tagging "Drunken". This elderly peasant all his life hard and worked a lot, to which he defined his portrait:

Breast crawled; as added
Stomach; At the eye, at the mouth

Emitted like cracks
On dried earth ...

He scales his son
Waved them along the walls
And myself is not less than a boy
He loved to look at them.

It is Skim who gives the answer to Mr. Veretnikov, when he reproaches the peasants in drunkenness:

No russian me measures
And Mount our Mount Mount?
There is a measure?

More detailed stories with an unfolded plot are devoted to Matrion Timofeevna Korchagin; Savelia, Bogatyr Svyatourzsky; Yermil Girin; Yakov faithful to the Halop of approximate.

About the last hero, a devoted Halop of Mr. Polivanova, is told in the chapter "PIR - for the whole world." Tie actions is beyond the story: still in youth

Only Yakov joy:
Barina fuck, take care, please
Yes, the tribe-teen swing.

The author fluctuately describes the thirty-three years of the enlightened life of Mr. Polivanov, as long as his legs did not take away. Yakov, like a kind nurse, cared for his Barin. The culmination in the story comes when the polivans "thanked" his faithful Hall: I gave to the recruits of the only relative of Jacob - nephew Grisch, because this well done wanted to marry the girl, who liked Barina himself. The interchange of the story about the exemplary slave comes quite soon - Yakov will bring his Mr. in the deaf damn the ravine and hanging in his eyes. This junction at the same time becomes the second climax of the story, as the barin gets a terrible moral punishment for his atrocities:

Jacob over Barin, dimly swings,
Barin is rushing, shifts, shouts,
Echo one responds!

So the faithful coolant refuses how it was before, to forgive Barina. Before death, human dignity awakens in Yakov, and it does not allow to kill a non-good disabled person, at least such a soulless, as Mr. Polyvanov. Former Hop leaves his offender to live and suffer:

Barin returned home, due to:
"Sin, sin! Edit me! "
You will be, Barin, Calp of Approximate,
Yakova loyal
Remember to the vessel!

In conclusion, it should be repeated that the poem of Nekrasov "Who in Russia live well" is complexly built: the complete story includes completed stories that have their own stories and compositions. Stories stories are devoted to individual heroes, first of all, the peasants (Yermil Girin, Yakov, faithful, Matriyan Timofeevna, Savelia, Yakim Nazhogo et al.). This is somewhat unexpected, because representatives of all estates of the Russian society (landowner, official, pop, merchant) are named in the dispute, even the king - everything except the peasant.

The poem was written about fifteen years, and during this time its plan in comparison with the initial intent changed somewhat. Gradually, Nekrasov comes to the conclusion that the main figure of Russian history is a peasant who feeds and protects the country. It is the mood of the people who plays an increasingly prominent role in the state, so in the heads of the "peasant", "consens", "PIR - for the whole world" the main characters are people from the people. They are unhappy, but possess strong characters (Savely), wisdom (smear naked), kindness and responsiveness (Vakhlaki and Grisha Dobrons). No wonder the poem ends with the Song of Rus, in which the author expressed his faith in the future of Russia.

The poem "Who in Russia live is good" was not over, however, it can be considered as a whole work, as the idea declared at the beginning, found its completed expression: Graschan Dobrozlov is happy, which is ready to give life to the happiness of ordinary people. In other words, during the work on the poem, the author replaced the peasant understanding of the happiness of the people: the happiness of a separate person is impossible without happiness of the people.

Who lives well in Russia? This question still worries many people, and this fact is explained by increased attention to the legendary poem of Nekrasov. The author managed to raise the topic that became eternal in Russia - the topic of mobility, voluntary self-denial in the name of salvation is fraud. It is the service of a high goal that makes the Russian man happy, as proved the writer on the example of Grisha Dobroblon.

"Who lives well in Russia" is one of the latest works of Nekrasov. When he wrote him, he was already seriously sick: he was struck by cancer. That is why it is not completed. His friends gathered close friends of the poet and set out fragments in an arbitrary order, barely catching the confused logic of the Creator, broken deadly diseases and endless pain. He died in torment and was still able to answer the question in the very beginning: who lives well in Russia? The lucky woman in a broad sense was he himself, because she was devoted and selflessly served the interests of the people. This ministry supported it in the fight against the fatal disease. Thus, the history of the poem began in the first half of the 1960s of the 19th century, in about 1863 (the serfdom was canceled in 1861), and the first part was ready in 1865.

The book was published fragmentary. The prologue has been published already in the January issue of the "contemporary" in 1866. Later there were other chapters. All this time, the work faced the attention of censors and mercilessly criticized. In the 70s, the author wrote the main parts of the poem: "Feat", "peasant", "Pier on the whole world." He planned to write much more, but because of the rapid development of the disease, he could not and stopped at Pira ..., where he expressed his main idea about the future of Russia. He believed that such holy people, like Dobrons, will be able to help his homeland, mired in poverty and injustice. Despite the fierce attacks of the reviewers, he found the strength to stand for the right thing to the end.

Genre, Rod, Direction

ON THE. Nekrasov called his creation "epic of modern peasant life" and was accurate in its wording: the genre of the work "Who lives well in Russia?" - epic poem. That is, at the base of the book, there is not one genus of literature, but as many as two: Lyrics and Epos:

  1. Epic component. In the history of the development of the Russian Society in the 1860s there was a turning point when people were taught to live in new conditions after the abolition of serfdom and other indigenous transformations of the usual lifefriend. This heavy historical period also described the writer, reflecting the realities of the time without embellishment and false. In addition, in the poem there is a clear linear story and many original heroes, which indicates the scale of the work, comparable, unless with the novel (epic genome). Also, the book absorbed the folk elements of heroic songs telling about the tallers of heroes on enemy camp. All this is the generic signs of the epic.
  2. The lyric component. The work is written in verses - this is the main property of lyrics, like a kind. The book also has a place for authoring deviations and typical poetic symbols, artistic expressiveness, features of the confession of heroes.

The direction in which the poem "Who in Russia live is well" is a realism. However, the author significantly expanded its borders by adding fantastic and folk elements (prologue, zinch, symbolism of numbers, fragments and heroes from folk legends). The poet elected a journey shape for his plan as a metaphor for the search for truth and happiness, which exercises each of us. Scene structure Many researchers of Creativity Nekrasov are compared with the structure of the folk epic.


The laws of the genre identified the composition and plot of the poems. Nekrasov finished the book in terrible torment, but still did not have time to finish it. This explains the sink composition and many branches from the plot, because the works were formed and restored by his friends on the drafts. He himself in recent months of life was not able to clearly adhere to the initial concept of creation. Thus, the composition "Who lives well in Russia?", Consipient except with the folk epic, is unique. It was developed as a result of creative development of world literature, and not a direct borrowing of some famous sample.

  1. Exposure (Prolog). Meeting of the seven men - the heroes of the poem: "Seven men agreed on a pillaby panel."
  2. The tie is an oath of heroes not to return home until they find answers to their question.
  3. The main part is made up of a plurality of autonomous parts: the reader meets the soldier, happy that he was not scored, the holopa, proud of his privilege to eat from the Lord's bowls, a grandmother, who had a repa on her joy in the garden ... While the search for happiness stand still, The slow, but confident growth of the popular self-consciousness, which the author wanted to show even more than declared happiness in Russia. From random episodes, the overall picture of Russia is evaporated: the bench, drunk, but the most disaster, striving for the best share. In addition, there are several large and independent plug-in episodes in the poem, some of which are even put in autonomous chapters ("Fat", "peasant").
  4. Culmination. A happy man in Russia a writer comes Grisha Dobrosaklon, a fighter for folk happiness.
  5. Junction. A severe disease prevented the author to finish his great intent. Even those chapters that he managed to write were sorted and denoted by his trusted persons after his death. It should be understood that the poem is not over, it was written by a very sick person, so this work is the most complex and confused of Nekrasov's literary heritage.
  6. The final chapter is called "Pier on the whole world." All night they sing peasants about the old and new time. Good and complete hopes of the song sings Grisha Dobrons.
  7. What is the poem?

    Seven men agreed on the road and needed to live well in Russia? The essence of the poema is that they were looking for an answer to this question on the way, talking to representatives of different estates. The revelation of each of them is a separate plot. So, the heroes went to take a walk in order to solve the dispute, but only crumbled, drowning the fight. In the night forest at the time of a fight in a bird from the nest fell a chick, and one of the men picked him up. The interlocutors sat down by the fire and began to dream to get the wings too and all necessary for traveling in search of truth. The bird of the foam turns out to be magical and as a redemption for his chick tells people how to find a self-bale tablecloth, which will provide food and clothing. They find it and dangle, and during the feather, they swear to find an answer to their question together, but until then, with anyone from their relatives, do not come back home.

    On the road, they meet the pops, a peasant, a female parsley, a nasty, who had a worker and broken by paralysis of the former yard, honest man Yermil Girin, the landowner Gavril Obolt-Ooladueva, who survived the soul and his family and his family, Jacob's Holopa, Lyapushkin, , But none of them was a happy man. With each of them, a complete genuine tragedy is the history of suffering and misadventures. The goal of the trip is achieved only when the wanderers stumbled upon the Seminarist Grisz Dobrosaklon, who is happy with his selfless service of the Motherland. With good songs, he instills in the people hope, this ends with the poem "Who in Russia live well". Nekrasov wanted to continue the story, but did not have time, but she gave his heroes a chance to find faith in the future of Russia.

    Main characters and their characteristics

    About the heroes "Who in Russia live well" can be said with confidence that they are a complete system of images that streamlines and structures the text. For example, the unity of seven wanderers is emphasized in the work. They do not show individuality, character, they are expressed in them common for all features of popular self-consciousness. These actors are a single whole, their dialogues, in fact, a collective speech that originates from oral folk creativity. This feature relates to the poem of Nekrasov with a Russian folk tradition.

    1. Seven Strangers There are former fortress peasants "from adjacent villages - SPAKATOV, Dryryavina, Razhovova, Znobishhina, Gorleov, Neelova, a fault of the identity." All of them put forward their versions to whom to live well in Russia: landowner, official, ass, merchant, noble boyar, minister of sovereign or king. Perseverance is expressed in their character: they all demonstrate the reluctance to accept someone else's side. Strength, courage and the desire for the truth - this is what they are united. They are ardent, easily leaving anger, but the movement compensates for these disadvantages. A kindness and responsiveness make them pleasant interlocutors, even despite some meticulousness. They are tempering them and cool, but life did not indulge their luxury: the former serfs were russed all the time, working for a barrina, and in after reform, no one took care of attaching them like a fit. So they wandered in Russia in search of truth and justice. The search itself characterizes them as people of serious, thoughtful and solid. The symbolic number "7" means a hint of luck, which expected them at the end of the way.
    2. The main character - Grisha Dobrosaklon, Seminarist, Son of Dycachka. By nature, he is a dreamer, romantic, loves to lay down and delight the people. In them, he argues about the fate of Russia, about her misfortunes, and at the same time about her mighty strength, which will once come out and crush injustice. Although he is an idealist, his character is firm, as well as his convictions to devote her life to serving truth. The character feels the vocation to be a popular leader and singer Rus. He is happy to sacrifice himself a high idea and help his debris. However, the author hints that it is just waiting for a difficult share: the oster, references, cavities. The government does not want to hear the voice of the people, she will try to shut it, and then Grisha will be doomed to torment. But Nekrasov makes it all forces to understand that happiness is the state of spiritual euphoria, and it is possible to know it only, being inspired by a high idea.
    3. Matrena Timofeevna Korchagin "The main heroine, a peasant, which neighbors are called happy for the fact that she broke off the spouse of the commander of his spouse (his only family breadwinner, had to pick up in recruits for 25 years). However, the history of life of a woman reveals without luck or good luck, and grief and humiliation. She knew the loss of the sole child, the wrath of the mother-in-law, everyday, exhausting work. Detailed and its fate is described in the essay on our website, be sure to see.
    4. Savely Korchagin - Grandfather Mature's husband, real Russian hero. At one time he killed the German manager who mercilessly mocked his trusted peasants. For this, a strong and proud man paid for decades of cavities. Upon return, he was already not suitable for anything, the years of the conclusion was trampled by his body, but did not break his will, because, as before, he stood the mountain for justice. The hero always said about the Russian peasant: "And there is a snack, but do not break." However, without knowing, the grandfather turns out to be the executioner of his own great-grandfather. He did not deploy the child, and that ate pig.
    5. Yermil Girin - Man of exceptional honesty, Burmist in Votchina Prince Yurlova. When he needed to buy a mill, he got up on the square and asked people to throw him to help. After the hero got on his feet, he returned all the people lended to the people. For this he deserved respect and honor. But he is unhappy, because freedom paid for the authority: after the peasant rebellion, a suspicion of his organization fell on him, and he was enclosed in Ostrog.
    6. Landowners in the poem "Who lives well in Russia" are presented in abundance. The author depicts them objectively and even gives some images a positive character. For example, the Governor of Elena Aleksandrovna, who helped Matrene appears by the people's benefactor. Also with a note of compassion, the writer depicts Gaburil Obolt-Owdorev, who also treated the peasants, even sat for them, and with the abolition of serfdom lost the soil under his feet: he was too used to the old order. As opposed to these characters, the image of Father-Utatin and his treacherous, calculating family was created. The relatives of the old hard-ferrous destroyer decided to deceive him and sat down the former slaves to participate in the play in return for favorable territories. However, when the old man died, the rich heirs brazenly deceived a simple person and drove it with anything. The apogee of the noble insignificance is the landowner of polivans, who beats his faithful servant and gives his son to recruits for trying to marry his beloved girl. Thus, the writer is far from universally disassembling to know, he is trying to show both sides of the medal.
    7. Khop Yakov - An indicative figure of a serf peasant, an antagonist of the hero of Savelia. Yakov absorbed the entire slave essence of the oppressed class scored by the weather and ignorance. When Barin hits him and even sends his son to the right death, the servant is submorted and suffering a disadvantage. His revenge was under the one of this humility: he hanged himself in the forest right in front of Barin, which was crippled and could not reach the house without his help.
    8. Ion Lyapushkin - God's wanderer who told men several stories about the life of people in Russia. He tells about the insight of Ataman Kudyar, who decided to sue the sins of the murder for the benefit, and about the tricks of Gleb-Old Town, who broke the will of the late Barin and did not let the serf on his order.
    9. Pop - A representative of the spiritual estate that complains about the difficult life of the priest. A constant collision with grief and poverty pecks the heart, not to mention folk sharpness addressed to his Sana.

    Characters in the poem "Who in Russia live well" is diverse and allow you to make a picture of the morals and the life of that time.


  • The main topic of the work - freedom - Rests in the problem of the fact that the Russian peasant did not know what to do with it, and how to adapt to new realities. The national character is also "problem": people-thinkers, people-seekers truth still drink, live in oblivion and empty conversations. They are not able to squeeze slaves from themselves, until their poverty acquire at least a modest dignity of poverty, until they stop living with drunk illusions, until they realize their strength and pride, the ease of the humiliating state of things that were sold, lost and bought.
  • Theme of happiness. The poet believes that the highest satisfaction from life a person can get only helping other people. The real value of being is to feel the necessary society, bring to the world of good, love and justice. Disinterested and self-challenging service fills every moment an exalted meaning, the idea, without which time loses color, becomes dim from inaction or egoism. Happy Grisha Dobrons is not wealth and not the position in the light, but by what leads Russia and their people to a bright future.
  • Theme of the Motherland. Rus though appears in the eyes of readers poor and tortured, but still an excellent country with great future and heroic past. Nekrasov regrets a depreciation, devoting himself to its correction and improvement. Motherland for him is the people, the people are his muse. All these concepts closely intertwined in the poem "Who lives well in Russia." The patriotism of the author is particularly pronounced in the finals of the book, when the wanderers find the lucky people who live in the interests of society. In a strong and patient Russian woman, in the justice and honor of the henichr-peasant, in the sincere kind of popular singer, the Creator sees the true appearance of his power, performed advantage and spirituality.
  • Labor theme. Useful activities elevates the heroes of Nekrasov over the bustle and vanity of nobility. It is the idler of the Russian Barin that turns it into a self-satisfied and arrogant insignificance. But the simpleness has really important skills and genuine virtue for society, without him there will be no Russia, but without any noble self-rigging, the country and greedy seekers of wealth will cost. So the writer comes to the conclusion that the value of each citizen is determined only by its contribution to the general case - the prosperity of the Motherland.
  • Mystical motif. Fantastic elements appear already in the Prologue and immerse the reader in the fabulous atmosphere of the epic, where it is necessary to follow the development of the idea, and not for the realism of the circumstances. Seven Filins on seven trees - magic number 7, which promises good luck. A praying feature of the Raven is another definition of the devil, because Raven symbolizes death, gravestone and infernal forces. He is opposed to a good strength in the image of a bird-foam, which is equipped with men on the road. Tablecloth-self-banner is a poetic symbol of happiness and contentment. "Wide Road" - a symbol of the open finals of the poem and the basis of the plot, because both sides of the road travelers offer a multifaceted and genuine panorama of Russian life. Symbolized image of an unknown fish in unknown seas, which absorbed the "keys to female happiness." The crying wolf with bloody nipples also clearly demonstrates the difficult fate of the Russian peasant. One of the most vivid images of reform is the "chain of the Great", which, breaking down, "jumped by one end of Barina, the second on the man!" The seven of the wanderers is the symbol of the entire people of Russia, restless, waiting for change and seeking happiness.


  • In the epic poem of Nekrasov, a large number of sharp and topical issues of that time touched. The main problem in "Who lives well in Russia?" - The problem of happiness, both in social and philosophical terms. It is associated with the social theme of the abolition of serfdom, which has greatly changed (and not for the better) the traditional way of life of all segments of the population. It would seem, here is she, freedom, what else should people? Is it not happiness? However, in fact it turned out that the people who, because of long slavery, do not know how to live independently, turned out to be thrown into the mercy of fate. Pop, landowner, peasant, Grisha Dobrons and seven men are real Russian characters and fate. The author described them, leaning on a rich experience of communicating with immigrants. The problems of the work are also taken from life: unpleasuracy and confusion after reform on the cancellation of serfdom really touched all classes. Nobody organized yesterday's holops of jobs or at least land plots, no one provided a landowner with competent instructions and laws regulating his new relations with employees.
  • The problem of alcoholism. Wanderers come to an united conclusion: life in Russia is so heavy that a peasant without drunkenness will be hurt. Forgets and fog needed to him in order to somehow pull the stray of hopeless existence and hard labor.
  • The problem of social inequality. The landlords of the years shouldrticate the peasants with impunity, and Savelia for the murder of such a oppressor has freed all his life. For the deception, nothing will be and the relatives of the follower, and their servants will again remain with anything.
  • The philosophical problem of finding the truth with which each of us is found is allegorically expressed in the campaign of seven wanderers who understand that without this discovery their life is depreciated.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

The road junction of men is not a household quarrel, but an eternal, great dispute, in which all the layers of the Russian society of the time appear in one degree or another. All its main representatives (pop, landowner, merchant, official, king) are designed for the Men's court. For the first time, peasants can and have the right to judge. For all the years of slavery and poverty, they are not looking for retaliation, but a response: how to live? This is the meaning of the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia?" - Growth of popular self-consciousness on the ruins of the old system. The point of view of the author expresses Grisha Dobrozlon in its songs: "And your faile facilitated the fate, Savior's sophisticated day! You still have a slave in the family, but the mother is already a free son! .. ". Despite the negative consequences of the reform of 1861, the Creator believes that it is worth a happy future for fragile. At the beginning, changes are always hard, but this work will be rewarded by a hundredfold.

The most important condition for further prosperity is to overcome the internal slavery:

Pretty! Ended with the past calculation
Completed the calculation with Mr!
Located with the forces of the Russian people
And learns to be a citizen

Despite the fact that the poem is not completed, the main thought of Nekrasov is voiced. Already the first of the songs "Pear in the whole world" gives an answer to the question that delivered in the title: "The share of the people, happiness is, light and freedom, first of all!"

the end

In the final, the author expresses his point of view of the changes in Russia in connection with the abolition of serfdom and finally summarizes the results of the search: a happy man is recognized by Grisha Dobrons. It is he who is the carrier of Nekrasov's opinion, and in his songs a true attitude of Nikolai Alekseevich is hidden to what he described. The poem "Who is in Russia to live well" ends with a pear for the whole world in the literal sense of the word: the same name is the last chapter, where the characters celebrate and rejoice in the happy completion of the search.


In Russia, the hero of Nekrasov Grisha Dobrozlovoy, as it serves people, and, it means, lives with meaning. Grisha - a fighter for the truth, a modist of revolutionar. The conclusion that can be made on the basis of the work is simple: the lucky man is found, Rus stands on the path of reforms, the people through the thorns stretches to the rank of citizen. In this bright omen and is the great meaning of the poem. She is no longer the first century teaches people altruism, the ability to service with high ideals, and not vulgar and undergoing cults. From the point of view of literary skill, the book is also of great importance: it is in truth by the people's epic, reflecting the controversial, complex, and at the same time the most important historical era.

Of course, the poem would not be so valuable if I only gave the lessons of history and literature. It gives life lessons, and this is the most important property. The moral of the works of "Who in Russia to live well" is that it is necessary to work for the benefit of your homeland, not to scold it, but to help her, because the word is lighter than the lighter, but it can actually change something. Here it is, happiness - to be in my place, to be needed not only to yourself, but also the people. Only together can be achieved a significant result, only together you can overcome the problems and this overcoming. Grisha Dobrons with his songs tried to merge, rally people, so that they should have been changed shoulder to shoulder. In this, his holy destination, and it is in everyone, it is important not to be lazy to go on the road and look for him, as seven wanderers did.


Reviewers carefully reacted to the work of Nekrasov, because he himself was an important person in literary circles and had a huge authority. His phenomenal civil lyrics dedicated entire monographs with a detailed analysis of the creative methodology and the ideological and thematic originality of his poetry. For example, here, as his stylist, the writer S.A. responded Andreevsky:

He learned from oblivion abandoned Anapest in Olympest and for many years made this heavy, but a downtime meter in the same walk, which since Pushkin to Nekrasov remained only the air and singers. This poeta rhythm, resembling the rotational movement of the scarmers, allowed to stay at the boundaries of poetry and prose, balalaging with a crowd, to speak folding and vulgar, insert a cheerful and evil joke, express bitter truths and unnoticed, slowing down tact, more solemn words, move into the wist.

On careful preparation of Nikolai Alekseevich to work inspired by the roots of Chukovsky, leading this example of writing work as a reference:

Nekrasov himself constantly "visited Russian skeins", thanks to which the soldiers', and the peasant speech became thoroughly known to him since childhood: not only on books, but in practice he studied a common language and the Smole region became a big connoisseur of populatory images, folk forms Thinking, folk aesthetics.

The death of the poet was surprising and kicking for many of his friends and colleagues. As you know, at his funeral was f.m. Dostoevsky with a heartfelt speech, inspired by the impressions of the poem recently read. In particular, among other things he said:

He really was extremely peculiar and, indeed, came with a "new word."

"New word", first of all, became his poem "Who in Russia live well." No one before him was so deeply aware of the peasant, simple, burnish burning. His colleague in his speech noted that he was dear to Nekrasov, which bowed to the People's truth with his whole being, what he witnessed in his best creatures. " However, its radical views on the reorganization of Russia Fedor Mikhailovich did not support, however, as many thinkers of that time. Therefore, the criticism responded to the publication of violently, and in some cases aggressively. In this situation, the honor of a friend defended the famous reviewer, master of the word Vissarion Belinsky:

N. Nekrasov in the last work remained faithful to his idea: to initiate the sympathy of the highest classes of society to common people, his needs and needs.

Pretty Kolko, remembering, apparently, professional disagreements, I. S. Turgenev expressed about the work:

Nekrasova poem, assembled in one focus, is burnt.

The writer of a liberal sense was not a supporter of his former editor and openly expressed his doubt in the giving of him as an artist:

In white threads of those who are stitched, with all sorts of absurdity of seasoned, painfully arrested fabrications of the sorrowful music of the city of Nekrasov - her, poetry, no and on the penny "

He really was a man of a very high nobility of the soul and a man of the great mind. And as a poet, he, of course, above all poets.

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"Who can live in Russia?" - The poem begins with this question. Heroes, going to look, "Who lives a fun, freely in Russia," appeal to the representatives of different estates and receive different answers. Sometimes we appear opposite ideals of happiness. However, the main goal of the heroes is to find "Bear Muzhitsky". Who are they happy? How to combine personal happiness with public? These questions put the author in front of him and his heroes.

For the landowner Obolta-Owduev and Prince, happiness remained in the past. These heroes are regretting the times of serfdom: "Fix" allowed them toastic, spending time in idleness and gluttony, the fun of the hunt ... "Peace, wealth, honor" - here is the formula of the happiness that Pop displays, but it turns out that it turns out that No rest, no wealth, no honor in the life of the clergy.

The peasant world appears in front of us in the chapter "Happy". It would seem that now we, judging by the name of the chapter, will receive an answer to the main question of the poem. Is it so? The happiness of the soldier lies in the fact that the poor fellow was not killed in battles, did not burst with sticks, punishing the "great and small" provinces. Kamenotel is happy that working, he drives away from the family. Peasant Belorus, suffering from hunger in the past, rejoices of satiety in the present ... Thus, happiness for these people is the absence of misfortune.

Further in the poem appear images of folk intercessors. Pure conscience, the confidence of people is the happiness of Ermila Girin. For Matriol Timofeevna Korchaginina, endowed by the power of the Spirit, a sense of self-esteem, the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is connected with the family, children. For Savelia, happiness is freedom. But do they have what they say? ..

In Russia, anyone does not live well. Why are there no happy in Russia? Is one fortieth guilty, habit of slavery? Will the country move to happiness, if the memories of the serfs will disappear? So inclined to think Grisha Dobrozlonov. But for Nekrasov, it is only part of the truth. Recall the Elegy ("Let us tell us changing the fashion ..."): "The people are released, but are the people happy? ..".

The problem of happiness is translated by the author to the moral plane. The key theme of the poem is the topic of sin. Numerous peasant sins, connecting with the Lord, a heavy cross lay on Rus. Everything is sinful, even the best: Yermila Girin hollowed his brother from the recolts by the price of widden tears; Savely responded to oppression by murder ... Is it possible for happiness at the expense of another? And what are they still - paths leading to folk happiness? Genuine happiness - the struggle for the folk benefit. Live for others - here is the ideal Grisha Dobroblon. From the point of view of the author, the only possible way to happiness is the path of redemption, victims, mobility. Matrion Korchagin falls under the plenty, the Savely extends himself to the vow, Yermila Girin goes to Ostrog, Grisha chooses the "path of nice, the name is a loud of folk upright, Cahotku and Siberia."

In spite of everything, the finals of the poems is optimistic. The author leads us to the conclusion that, firstly, the happiness of the people will be possible only when he becomes a full owner of his land. Secondly, only the one who fulfills his duty to the people can be happy, sees the goal of life in his liberation from sin of slavery, shuttle, poverty, drunkenness, wildness, and therefore - in general happiness. Only in the struggle "For the embodiment of the happiness of the people's" man "Volgovo, having fun in Russia".

Poem Nekrasov, becoming the genuine epics of people's life, absorbed all the main topics of the poet's creativity. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work, put in his title, gives the poem not only nationwide, but also universal importance. Drawing the state of the clan Ros-Sii, the poet emphasizes that in the atmosphere of change, stable, constant beginnings are most clearly. Here the topic sounds, tes-but in contact with the most important theme of the late lyrics of the poet: Tse-Pi serf slavery broke, and the suffering of the people remained, was the indelible trail, imposed by the centuries of slavery:

The big chain broke out, broke up - loosened: one end of Barina, another man! ..

The fact that the life of the people remained is still heavy, the Chita-Tel will already find out in the "Prolog", where he gets acquainted with the wanderers, which will have to look for happy. It is "seven tempted"

Tightened by the province of SPAKTOVAN, holes, the county of Terepiorev, Razhov, Zlobishhushka, empty parish, Gorleov, Neelaova - from adjacent villages: Nurrequisy Tezh ...

The names of these villages themselves are eloquently talking about the position of the people in the Poreform Russia. But the most brightly this topic acts in the future progress of the search for a happy, who should be embodying the people's dream of happiness:

We are looking for, Uncle Vlas, the Spirit of the province, unproved parish, excessive villages! ..

In the chapter "Happy" bitter irony, the stories are "happy", which show the wretchedness and the unbearable weight of the life of the people, when a man, a beggar, patient, crippled, is happy only because he remained alive after all suffering suffering. This is "happiness Muzitsky" - "leaning with patches, humpback with Mo-Zolas." All the subsequent meetings of the stairs men confirm the idea that the proportion of the people was still hard.

This is especially true of the female share - another favorite theme of Creativity of Nekrasov, which, with all its strength, arises in the part of the "peasant", telling about the fate of Matrena Timofan Evna Kurchagin. She, like many other Russian women, can take a bitter total:

Not the case - Between the women, happy to look! ..

But the poet sees the bright parties of the people's life, which are connected with those richest possibilities that are laid in it. It is a people-worker, the creator of all material and brass values, which is rich in the country:

We are a little life of labor - ask God: a friend of a fair honest thing to the heart of the road, to do skillfully away from the threshold, give us strength! Coward and lazy!

This topic closely comes into contact with the theme of the hero of the Russian national nature. This is not only the Bogatyr Si-la, which is concentrated in the image of Savelia, but the ability to stand for the truth for their own happiness:

Rail rises - innumerable! Strength in it will affect the uncomplicable!

That is why so bitterly sounds the words of the poet about the age-old humility and the long-suffering of the people, also a distinguishing feature of a national character:

And therefore we endured that we are warriors. In that richness is Russian.

So claims Sovelius, but no wonder the poet shows him, and with him all the people, not only in humility, but then, when his ter sieu comes to an end. Savelius tells how, without preparing from the disassembly of the German Fogel, the peasants buried him into the ground alive:

And the German as neither ruled, and our axes lay - to the pore!

It is significant that, in accordance with the laws of the epic, the Motivi-Ranking of the national coincides with the social. The poet claims that such an antipathy is experiencing people and in relation to the victims of the Church, although these feelings are not fully motivated. Calling the Popov "Cretacenier's breed", men cannot answer why they treat them to them: "not themselves ... by parents," - only can they say. This is also the feature of the epic consciousness, the epic experience, which is not able to explain the everyday experience of one generation. It is nationwide, is evident and dates back to the times of the forefather.

But but the hatred of men to the oppressors-landowners denotably clearly clearly. She brightly performs in the chapter "The landowner" and in the "Fat" part, where another most important topic of necra-owl creativity is a satirical image of the enslavers and the exploiters of the people. The poet at the same time shows that the people's consciousness does not accept the position of the landowner of Obolt-Owduev, Tos-group at the time when he had unlimited power:

Law - my desire! Fist - my police!

With a big doubt, the men listen to a story about how after the abolition of serfdom the peasants agree to play "gum" for the old landowner rattyatin, depicting its fortress. For this, the heirs of the landowner promise to peasants after the death of a hundred Barin give them the bay meadows. But it turns out that both in such a fortieth right is destroying: not withstanding humiliation, Yamu-Raet Peasant Agap. After all, the serfdom is crippled not only fi-zically, but also morally. With bitterness, there shows Nekrasov existing in the national environment of the people of the "Hoping title", to which the people himself relate to huge contempt. An even greater hurt is the Poet, talking about how the people are drowning their grief in wine:

Each peasant is a soul that a black cloud is anger, gross, - and it would be necessary to thunder with rare, bloody rain, and all the wine ends.

This thought passes through the whole chapter "Drunk Night", it sounds further, but here the appearance among the people of such people, which are able to soberly assess the position of the people and trying to find other ways to oppose their lives. After all, the truth, justice, the feeling of dignity is also inherent in the people's consciousness. This thought is reflected in such vivid images of the poem, as a jacket naked and Ermil Girin. Together with them, the work of the awakening of the people's consciousness is included in the work, his desire to truth, the ability to stand up for the whole world of the world (the scene of the purchase of the mill). The Democrat poet saw that the People's Protest was limited, the pohery, faith in the Tsar-Batyushku remains eminently. Only the folk intercession of Grisha Dobrozlonov is given to the end to understand the roots of all folk misfortunes: "Fastener's whole wine", and therefore the final part of the poem is connected with the theme of folk intercessors, summarizing the development of its artistic idea.

But in the preceding parts of the poem, the poet says more than once that the people are inherent to the truth and beauty, there are alive creative forces, a mighty spirit, which allows us to create everything that the Russian land is proud of: Material from site.

In slavery rescued heart free - gold, gold is a folk heart!

Of course, Nekrasov sees that the protest that matches the people, poems, and is inconsistent, and its aesthetic needs are still limited to the lobal pictures that are so valuable to smear naked. But the poet dreams about that time

When the people are not Bluchber and not Milorda stupid, Belinsky and Gogol will carry from the bazaar.

No wonder such important in the poem has the chapter "Rural Jermona", in which theatrical spectacle appears in the atmosphere of a wide popular holiday - a people's presentation, Bala-Gan with its inexhaustible humor, reckless fun, and sometimes angry riding of oppressors of the people. Even more this holiday, joyful, free element of folk life is felt in the last chapter "PIR - on the whole world", entirely built on a native-song-based basis. All this shows that the main ideological basis of the poem is the author's faith in the fact that such a people of Dos Tin of happiness, worthy of the best share, which will be disposable:

In moments of sadness, about Mother's mother! I'm thought forward to fly away. It is still destined to suffer a lot, but you will not die, I know. Pretty! It is over with the past settlement, the calculation is over with a lord! It is selected with the forces of the Russian people and learns to be a citizen.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • abstract on the topic of living in Russia
  • ideological content to whom in Russia live well
  • ideological content of the poem who lives well in Russia

In February 1861, serfdom was canceled in Russia. This progressive event strongly stirred the peasants and caused a wave of new problems. The main one of them was Nekrasov described in the poem "Elegy", where there is a aphoristic line: "The people are released, but are the people happy?" In 1863, Nikolai Alekseevich began working on the poem "Who lives well in Russia"in which the problems of all segments of the country's population are addressed after the cancellation of serfdom.

Despite the rather simple, folklore style of the narration, the work is quite difficult for the right perception, since it is addressed by serious philosophical issues. For many of them, Nekrasov was looking for answers all his life. And the poem itself, which was created for many 14 years, was not completed. From the plans of eight parts the author managed to write four, which are not followed by one after another. After the death of Nikolai Alekseevich, publishers faced a problem: in what sequence to publish parts of the poem. Today we get acquainted with the text of the work in the order that Chukovsky's roots suggested that the writer scrupulously worked with the archives.

Some contemporaries Nekrasov argued that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem arose from the author in another 50s, before the abolition of serfdom. Nikolai Alekseevich wanted to fit all that he knew about the people and heard from many people. To some extent he managed.

For the poem "Who in Russia live is well" many genre definitions are selected. Some critics argue that this is a "travel poem", others respond about it as a "Russian Odyssey". The author himself considered his work epopeabecause here the life of the people at a turning point of history is depicted. This period may be war, revolution, and in our case - the abolition of serfdom.

The author sought to describe the events taking place by the eyes of ordinary people and using their vocabulary. As a rule, there is no main character in Epopea. The poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" quite meets these criteria.

But the question is O. the main hero The poems were raised more than once, he does not give rest to literary critics and to this day. If you approach formally, the main characters can be considered to be a kindergirls who went to seek happy people in Russia. Great to this role and Grisha Dobrozlonov - Folk enlightener and Savior. It is quite possible that the whole Russian people speak the main character in the poem. This is clearly reflected in the mass scenes of the festivities, fairs, and hay. Important decisions are accepted in Russia to all the world, even a light sigh after the death officer's death escaped at the peasants at the same time.

Plot Works are simple enough - on the road accidentally met seven men who started the dispute on the topic: who lives well in Russia? To solve it, the heroes go on a journey through the country. In a long road, they get acquainted with the most different people: merchants, poor, drunkards, landowners, priest, wounded soldier, prince. I won the debaters to see many paintings from life: Ostrog, Fair, Birth, Death, Weddings, Holidays, Bidding, Burgomaster Elections, etc.

Seven men are not described by Nekrasov in detail, their characters are practically uncovered. Wanderers go together to one goal. But the characters of the second plan (rural elder, the Savely, Sovereign Yakov and others) are vividly, with a lot of small details and nuances. This allows us to conclude that the author in the face of seven men created a conditionally allegorical image of the people.

Problemswho raised Nekrasov in his poem, very diverse and relate to the lives of different layers of society: greed, poverty, illiteracy, obscurantism, chivalry, moral degradation, drunkenness, arrogance, cruelty, sinfulness, the complexity of the transition to a new life structure, limitless patience and thirst for rebellion , depression.

But the key problem of the work is the concept of happiness, which every character is solved by their own understanding. For rich people, such as pop and landowner, happiness is a personal well-being. For a man, it is very important to be able to leave the troubles and misfortunes: the bear chased, but did not catch up, I had a lot on work, but did not score death, etc.

But there is in the work of characters who are not looking for happiness only for themselves, they strive to make happy all people. Such heroes are Yermil Girin and Grisha Dobrozlov. In the consciousness of Gregory, the love of his mother turned into love for the whole country. In the shower guy, the poor and unfortunate mother identified with the same poor country. And the Grisha seminarist considers the purpose of his life enlightenment of the people. From how Dobrons understands happiness, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem follows: this feeling is able to fully experience only the person who is ready to devote his life to the struggle for the happiness of the people.

The main artistic means of the poem can be considered oral folk art. The author is widely used by folklore in the pictures of the life of the peasants and in the description of the future intercession of Russia Grisha Dobroslonov. The national vocabulary in the text of the poem of Nekrasov applies in different ways: as a direct stylization (prologue is drawn up), the beginning of the fairy tale (Sable-self-banner, mythical number seven) or indirectly (lines from folk songs, links to different legends and epics).

The product of the work is stylized under the folk song. The text has many dialectisms, numerous repetitions, diminutive suffixes in words, sustainable structures in descriptions. Because of this, the work "Who lives well in Russia" many perceive as folk creativity. In the mid-nineteenth century, the folklore was studied not only from the point of view of science, but also as a way to communicate intelligentsia with the people.

In detail analyzing the work of Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia", it is easy to understand that even in an unfinished form it is a literary heritage and represents tremendous value. And today the poem causes live interest among literary critics and readers. Studying the historical features of the Russian people, it can be concluded that they have changed a little, but the essence of the problem remains the same - search for your happiness.

  • Images of landowners in the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia"