Pskov Regional Puppet Theater. Pskov Puppet Theater Pskov Puppet Theater

Pskov Regional Puppet Theater.  Pskov Puppet Theater Pskov Puppet Theater
Pskov Regional Puppet Theater. Pskov Puppet Theater Pskov Puppet Theater

The puppet theater was officially founded on October 1, 1963 by two enthusiasts named Taisiya and Vladimir Pavlov. They were the pupils of the famous puppeteer director, whose name is Evgeniy Demmeni. This actor, director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR was known throughout Soviet Union... He was the first Russian professional puppeteer director, one of the founders of the Soviet puppet theater. He also did pedagogical work and raised more than one generation of puppeteer artists. It is not surprising that it was his students who became members of the first Pskov puppet theater troupe, which existed long before the theater's official opening date. They were studio graduates under the leadership of E.V. Demmeni at the Leningrad Puppet Theater. After the end of the Second World War, in 1945, the graduates united into a troupe and staged their first performances.

However, the theater did not have its own premises for a long time. At first, it was located in the premises of the Pskov Drama Theater, then - in the concert and variety bureau. In 1950 the theater was disbanded. There were no performances for three years. And in 1953 the performances resumed. Three of the artists of the old troupe joined the new one.

In 1963, the theater finally acquired its own premises and moved to the Batov House. In this building, an architectural monument of the early 20th century federal significance, the theater is still located today. It was built at the end of the 17th century and at first belonged to the Trubinsky merchants of Pskov. The building consisted of several buildings and was one-story. Then it was combined into a single room and a second floor was added. At the beginning of the 20th century, Batov became the owner, under which there was a prayer house. During this period, significant reconstructions were carried out and another two-story building was added. These two buildings adjoining each other form an obtuse angle, moreover, the building is L-shaped from the north, and rectangular from the south. Different styles both cases are in perfect harmony with each other. The northern building is decorated in the late provincial Art Nouveau style, while the facade of the southern one is dominated by features of classicism and early Italian Renaissance. The theater is located in the northern part of the ensemble.

For almost 50 years of the official existence of the puppet theater, many directors have changed. Among them were residents of Pskov, and those who came from other cities. But almost each of them left behind at least one performance, which entered the golden treasury of the theater, among them - V.A. Kholin, F.Z. Feinstein, V.G. Miodushevsky, A.A. Veselov, A.A. Zabolotny and many others.

In the late 20th - early 21st centuries, the Pskov Puppet Theater achieved particular success and achieved a certain fame, both in Russia and abroad. The theater has participated in many national and foreign theater competitions, has repeatedly become their laureate. Today the puppet theater is headed by the director, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the national theater awards « Golden mask", Evgeny Bondarenko. 9 puppeteers work under his leadership.

V recent times a kind of tradition has become the celebration of the day of the puppeteer and the holding of the annual master class for children on the acting skills of the puppeteer, timed to coincide with this holiday. It is conducted by the director of the theater together with his artists, who teach children how to handle dolls and share the secrets of their work.

In the work of the director and artists of the Pskov puppet theater, there has always been a place for innovation. This modern scenery, and unusual elements of the production, and unusual for the puppet theater works, and new puppets, and much more, thanks to which the theater is so popular. However, the traditions of Russian puppetry theatrical art continue to live in modern performances.

Pskov regional theater dolls

Pskov, st. Horse, 3
Official website:
Social network:
Phones: 57-13-79, 56-33-13
Cashier: 8-921-212-65-54

Working hours:
Tuesday-Friday 9.00 - 15.30
Saturday-Sunday 11.00 - 15.00
Monday is a day off.

Main director - Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Zabolotny.
Theater Director - Tatiana Aab.
In 1963, a puppet theater was founded in the city of Pskov. Its creators were Taisiya and Vladimir Pavlov, students of one of the founders modern theater dolls, Evgeniya Demmeni.

The first performances were staged immediately after the Great Patriotic War. But the puppeteers long time did not have their own premises: at first they occupied a small part of the Pskov drama theater, and in 1950 the theater was transferred to the regional philharmonic society, but due to lack of money the troupe was disbanded three years later (in 1953), and the performances were already staged after own initiative artists. In 1963, the puppet theater was given its own premises - Batov's house. This structure is architectural monument early XX century. In the late XX - early XXI century, the Pskov Puppet Theater achieved particular success and achieved a certain fame, both in Russia and abroad. The theater has taken part in many national and foreign theatrical competitions, and has repeatedly become their laureate. It has become a tradition to celebrate the day of the puppeteer and to hold an annual master class for children on the puppeteer's acting skills, timed to coincide with this holiday. It is conducted by the director of the theater together with his artists, who teach children how to handle dolls and share the secrets of their work. Every year the puppet theater takes part in the All-Russian Pushkin Theater Festival.


Participation in International and All-Russian
festivals and competitions

End XX - early XXI centuries marked for the theater with great creative successes. It was at the turn of the century and millennium, when Alexander Alexandrovich Zabolotny became the main director of the theater, that Pskovians made a real breakthrough on the stages of Russian and international festivals. In 2001, the play "Ivan Tsarevich and grey Wolf"became a diploma holder of the most prestigious Russian theater festival"The Golden Mask". In the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv on International Festival puppet theaters the play "Petrushka and Hitler" received the "Grand Prix". In 2003 the theater for the play "Petrushka and Kolobok" at the festival "KUKART-4" (St. Saint Petersburg) received the title of laureate in the nomination "Preserving theatrical traditions".

Text revision: A.A. Zabolotny, Ch. director of the Pskov Puppet Theater.


Belyakov, N. Pskov Snow Maiden in Hitler's homeland: International festival poster of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater / N. Belyakov // Panorama (Pskov). - 2004 .-- 15 -21 nov. - S. 18.
Listed prizes and other awards received by the theater in different time at international festivals. Photo.

Budumyan, V. "Puppets are pulled by the strings - they have smiles on their faces ..." / V. Budumyan // Pskov truth. - 1994 .-- March 4.
On the participation of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater in the international festival "Nevsky Pierrot".

Zharko, N. There will be a present for the City Day. But not to Pskov / N. Zharko // Panorama. - 2003. - June 25 (No. 24). - S. 18.
Pskov Puppet Theater - participant of the international festival "Kukart- 6".

Zibnitsky, E. People and dolls / E. Zibnitsky // Arguments and facts. - 2004. - No. 45. - App. : with. 16. - (Pskov. -№ 45).
The Pskov Puppet Theater is a participant in the theater festival in the Austrian city of Mistelbach. Photo.

Ivanov, V. Pskovsky Petrushka conquered Bulgaria / V. Ivanov // Our week (Pskov). - 2006. - No. 4. - P. 9.
The performance of the Regional Puppet Theater received special prize festival.

The puppet theater went to Austria [to participate in the festival] // News of Pskov (Pskov). - 2004 .-- March 16. - S. 3.

Malkova, L. Pskovsky Petrushka brought greetings from Austria / L. Malkova // Pskovskaya Pravda (Pskov). - 2004 .-- 18 Nov. - S. 3.
Pskov puppet show returned from the festival in Mistelbach. Photo.

Maslov, A. Akhtung, there are puppet Germans in the city! / A. Maslov // News of Pskov. - 2000 .-- 23 Oct. - S. 3.
The Pskov Regional Puppet Theater went to the international festival in Mistelbach in Austria.

Maslov, A. Behind the "Golden Mask" with a "Russian suitcase" / A. Maslov // News of Pskov. - 2001 .-- March 23.
The Pskov Regional Puppet Theater went to Moscow for the All-Russian Golden Mask festival.

Maslov, A. How “Parsley the Great” cut a window to Europe / A. Maslov // News of Pskov. - 2001 .-- 2 Oct. - S. 1, 3.
The Pskov Regional Puppet Theater is a participant in two international festivals. The performance "Petrushka and Hitler" was presented to the jury.

Maslov, A. The theater will leave, the bard will come / A. Maslov // News of Pskov. - 2001 .-- March 12. - S. 3.
The Pskov Regional Puppet Theater continues to prepare for all-Russian festival"The Golden Mask".

Our puppeteers in the "Golden Mask" // Sterkh. - 2001 .-- Feb 9. - S. 1.
The play "Petrushka and Hitler" is included in the poster "EnglishCase"Festival" Golden Mask ".

"Parsley" - international laureate// News of Pskov. - 2001 .-- June 30. - S. 1.
Pskov Regional Puppet Theater - laureate of the international festival "KUKART- V" in St. Petersburg.

"Petrushka and Hitler" // Pskov Truth. - 2001 .-- 4 oct. - S. 7.
Pskov Regional Puppet Theater won Grand Prize at the 10th Anniversary International Puppet and Theater Festival in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) with the play "Petrushka and Hitler".

The theater goes to Austria // News of Pskov (Pskov). - 2004. - 12 Oct. - S. 1.
Actors of the Pskov Puppet Theater will take part in the International Puppet Theater Festival in Mistelbach in Austria.

Working hours:
Cashier works:
Tuesday-Friday - 9.00-14.00 hours, Saturday Sunday- 11.00-13.00 hours. Monday is a day off.
The beginning of the performances:
Tuesday - Friday - 10.00, Saturday, Sunday - 12.00

Ticket price:
On a day off:
110 rubles; preferential: RUB 60 * (for each person entering, regardless of age).
On a weekday:
RUB 85 discount ticket: 50 rub. *

* (for children from large families, disabled children and accompanying adults upon presentation of the relevant documents)
Every second Saturday of the month, children from large families, disabled children accompanied by adults can watch performances for free. Inquiries at the box office of the theater.

The founders and enthusiasts of the theater were the pupils of the famous puppeteer Yevgeny Demmeni - Taisiya and Vladimir Pavlov. It was they who gave the theater an official birthday - October 1, 1963.

Children have always formed the basis of the theater's audience, which means that the basis of the repertoire was made up of plays well-proven and loved by children. However, this did not prevent the Pskov and visiting directors from going on a creative experiment. Performances " Star boy"(Directed by V. A. Kholin)," The White Daughter of the Steppes "(directed by F. Z. directed by A. A. Veselov), "Cinderella" (directed by A. A. Zabolotny) steel business card theater for many years.

At the same time, the theater was looking for new forms of work with its small audience: it organized exhibitions, competitions and holidays, which from the walls of the former model house of the merchant Batov, namely where the puppet theater lives, took to the streets of the city.

Late XX - early XXI centuries marked for the theater with great creative successes. It was at the turn of the century and millennium, when Alexander Alexandrovich Zabolotny became the main director of the theater, that Pskovians made a real breakthrough on the stages of Russian and international festivals. In 2001, the play "Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf" won a diploma at the most prestigious Russian theater festival "The Golden Mask". In the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv at the International Festival of Puppet Theaters, the play "Petrushka and Hitler" received the "Grand Prix". In 2003 the theater for the play "Petrushka and Kolobok" at the festival "KUKART-4" (St. Petersburg) received the title of laureate in the nomination "Preserving theatrical traditions".

2003 was marked by the staging of the play "The Man Who Was Not" based on an unpublished play by S. Dovlatov, found in the archives of the puppet theater.

Now the theater, having gone to a rather abrupt change of generations unprecedented for it, has become new. The troupe of the theater employs 9 artists - puppeteers. Evgeny Bondarenko is a laureate of the national theatrical prize of Russia "Golden Mask", in 2003 he was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of Russia".

Is it always new, is it well forgotten old? Quite possible. In any case, the Pskov Puppet Theater does not go against the traditions of the puppet theater, but, following them, strives to ensure that every creative step of the collective is the beginning of a new path into the unknown.

On October 1, 2018, the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater celebrated its 55th anniversary. The history of the theater is unique. A large number of talented people put their soul and love into its creation. The atmosphere of the theater from its inception has been imbued with love for children. New Year's performances puppet theater is a holiday for little people of Pskov. The theater meets their expectations from year to year, gives children a dream and faith in miracles.

The Pskov Regional Puppet Theater is one of the favorite cultural spaces the city of Pskov. Theater is always new impressions and an inimitable atmosphere. Come and feel for yourself.

The main director is the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Alexandrovich Zabolotny.

The theater director is Tatiana Aab.


Pskov, st. Horse, 3
Official website:
Social networks: VK
Phones: 57-13-79
Cashier: 8-921-212-65-54, 56-33-13

October 1, 1963 is considered the date of the official birthday of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater (in fact, the theater is over 70 years old). It was then that the long-awaited event happened: the puppet theater was given a separate room.

For 55 years, the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater has been located in historic building the Old Believer Church of the Intercession of the Virgin, built in 1906 as part of the courtyard of the merchant Batov as a house church. The Batov House is the only well-preserved building of the "Russian" style in Pskov late XIX century with a characteristic combination of ancient Russian forms and principles of Italian architecture.

The dating of the original buildings identified as part of the house, their builders and first owners is not known. Presumably, they were wealthy Pskov merchants. As a result of architectural and archaeological research, it was concluded that the presently existing house includes the surviving remains of stone buildings of the late 17th - early 18th centuries. After 1740, the accountant of the Pskov Treasury Chamber Nikolai Limn became the owner of the buildings, and he restored the living quarters to their previous volume.

In 1795, all these buildings were transferred to the Pskov merchant Semyon Lvov, the next restructuring was undertaken at the end of the 18th century. - early XIX v.

V mid XIX v. the owners are the Khmelynskys, who, in addition to the existing buildings, are erecting a two-storey stone house at the corner of Rizhskaya Street and Konny Lane. In 1866 the house was owned by V.N.Khmelinsky. All buildings are united under a common roof. At that time, an old two-story house was inhabited, and a tavern was located at the corner of Rizhskaya Street and Konny Lane.

The hereditary daughter of the merchant-Old Believer V.N. Khmelinsky, at whose house a prayer room was arranged, - Elizaveta Vasilyevna Khmelinskaya - married the son of a well-known mentor from Tula Dionisy Vasilyevich Batov - Pyotr Dionisievich Batov. At the beginning of the 20th century, all the buildings of V.N.Khmelinsky on Zavelichye (as a dowry of his wife) passed into the possession of P. D. Batov. In 1906, in the southern part of the site, on the site of the old prayer house, the house church of the Batovs was built - the Pomorsky Bespopovsky prayer house with a gilded dome. Now the puppet theater is located here. It was built in the neo-Russian style by the architect G.F. Stankevich and had a rich collection of icons.

At the expense of the Batovs, two mentors lived at the Pomorskaya prayer house: one for servicing the city prayer house, the other for traveling around the villages. Singers also lived at the prayer house, girls from low-income families and orphans were kept and raised. The girls were taught to read and write in the Church, their duties included "racks" - continuous reading of the Psalter for the deceased. Elizaveta Vasilievna personally directed the women's choir in the church, being well acquainted with spiritual chants. She also taught the girls the old ways of sewing.

Revolution and Civil War dealt a heavy blow to the Batov family. Pyotr Dionisievich was shot after the liberation of the city from German troops in December 1918, his property was requisitioned. The provincial food committee was located in the Batov house, and since 1920 - the administrative department of the executive committee. Items were withdrawn from the collection and library of Batov, all icons from the home prayer room. But the prayer house, even after the expropriation of the rest of the household, continued to operate. In 1919, the parishioners organized themselves into the “Community of Old Believers of the Prayer House at former house Batov on Zavelichye ”, Etikhiy Luchnenkov's father was elected as a mentor, and Nikon Gerasimovich Lunev was elected chairman of the community board. On February 6, 1924, the Presidium of the Pskov Provincial Executive Committee decided to close the Old Believers Church at the former Batov's house, but did not immediately close it, and it is possible that the temple continued to operate until the mid-30s. Then he was deprived of the gilded dome. Since 1963, the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater has moved into the building.

Efimov, A. N. Pskov Old Believers [Electronic resource] / A. N. Efimov // Velikolukskaya Pravda: [site]. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.


In the 30s, the cultural life in Pskov was not in full swing, and theaters only rarely stopped by this town. An article by P. Ainbinder "A Letter from Pskov" was published in the Rabochiy i Teatr magazine. It gives a fairly complete panorama cultural life cities: “Let's take an ordinary summer evening. In the city garden named after Pushkin Theater named after LOSPS performs. There are no attractions in the garden, but the unlucky management decided to install billiards. The dance floor is flourishing. Nearby is an open stage, perfectly adapted for performances, but it is constantly empty. Only occasionally will a puppet theater deign to visit a stage. "

Pskov was rich in amateur talents who needed close cooperation with a professional theater.

The difficult years of the Great Patriotic War could not ruin the craving for art among young children. According to fragmentary archival data, the stories of the artists know that on September 12, 1942, the performance of puppeteers took place in the occupied Pskov "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Already 4 months after the release of Pskov, in November 1944, the Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin announced a set in the studio puppetry... 10 people went to Leningrad to the Puppet Theater to the famous to the puppet master, Honored Artist of the Republic E.S.Demeni for training. For six months they lived and worked in a dilapidated city. On February 20, 1945, 9 people graduated, who successfully completed the training course.

Young puppeteers returned to Pskov and formed the basis of the Pskov Puppet Theater, the director of which was V. A. Ivanov. Among the first Pskov puppet theater actors were Taisiya and Vladimir Pavlov, their thesis in 1945, two performances were staged, with which they returned to Pskov. The puppet theater is located in the premises of the Drama Theater. AS Pushkin, the premiere performance of the collective was staged on March 3, 1945 based on Tuberovsky's play "Petrushkin Treasure", staged by NI Nikitina.

This is how Pskovskaya Pravda wrote about it then: “The other day, the Pskov Puppet Theater performed at the Pushkin Theater under the direction of director T. Nikitina. Gathered for the performance best students elementary grades, pupils orphanage... Young viewers were shown the play "Petrushkin's Treasure" and a concert of two numbers: "The Dog-Knight" (A. Fleet) and the play "The Fox and the Balobolka" (A. Fleet). Petrushka (performer Pavlov) made a strong impression on the young spectators. Each of his appearance caused a storm of applause. "

The first director of the theater was V.M.Kats, and V.A.Ivanov came to replace him. With the arrival of A.V. Kuroedov, the level of the theater in a creative sense increased significantly, the combination of two positions: director and artistic director, gave positive results.

The first performances "Little Red Riding Hood", "Dog-Knight", "Petrushka-Foreigner" were shown by the artists in all corners of the region. There is an interesting recollection of the performance of the theater in the Strugokrasnensky hospital with the production of "Petrushka and Hitler". When Hitler entered the stage, real shooting began, and one of the wounded shouted: “Take care of the cartridges! We'll throw you crutches! "

They performed in dugouts, sheds, on the streets. For the whole year, the theater gave 141 performances in the city and region.

In 1946, the theater received a separate building as an auxiliary building - a shed in the courtyard of house No. 1 in Konny Lane. “A low room, a screen rests against the ceiling. Six or seven guests, and here it immediately becomes crowded that it is impossible to get through. The Pskov Regional Puppet Theater lives and works here, ”- this is how the Pskovskaya Pravda newspaper described the state of the theater.

In 1947 the theater gave 592 performances and visited all districts of the Pskov region. The theater's repertoire already included new performances - "The Magic Ring", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Chameleon", "Anniversary", "Bear and Girl", Krylov's fables, etc.

In 1948, the number of performances doubled, so new productions appeared: “ Winter's tale"," Clever goat "," Teremok "," The Frog Princess ". During these two years, actors of the Leningrad Regional Puppet Theater came to Pskov to exchange experiences, these meetings were rich creative ideas and prospects. The artistic director in those years was A.V. Kuroedov, and the director was A. Viktorova. The team was friendly, creative, energetic, consisted of 28 people, the archive remembers their names: N.D. Andreeva (prop sculptor), Z.P. Gerasimova (actress), V.I. Znamensky (actor), T.I. . Kondratenko (actress), L. D. Lidina (actress), P. F. Kipkin (musician), V. A. Lebedev (head of production), V. A. Pavlov (actor), M. N. Pavlova (actress), G.S. Toloknov (musician), A.I. Chistyakov (actor) and others.

In 1948, the Pskov puppet theater actors toured the Leningrad, Smolensk and Kaliningrad regions. But in 1948 the theater was deprived of state subsidies and had to move to self-sufficiency, which was impossible to do. On November 26, 1949, the Pskov Regional Executive Committee decided to liquidate the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater. As a result of its activity, during this short period of its existence, the theater was able to stage 25 performances that met high artistic requirements.

There were no alternative children's institutions in the Pskov region, and the theater planned 500 performances for 1950. But it was still not possible to cover the losses. The actors turned to the regional party committee with a request to restore state subsidies for the only children's out-of-school institution in the region. The theater received a refusal from the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The actors were forced to rely only on their own strength. Thus, in June 1953, under the direction of V. A. Pavlov, the theater gave the performance "Ivan the Peasant Son" - a comedy performance by B. Sudarushkin. With this production and others, the theater traveled to many districts of the Pskov region and gave 90 performances. But it was not possible to revive the theater's activities, and the troupe was disbanded.

The theater was reborn on October 1, 1963. The theater acquired its premises and moved to the Batov House. V. Pavlov became the director of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater, M. Nosov became the creative director, the troupe included two professional actresses - L. Terekhova and T. Pavlova.

The theater also employed teenagers, who eventually became real professionals of theatrical business: O. Zakirova, N. Alekseeva, T. Pavlova, A. Orlovsky, V. Popov, V. Ivanov, E. Ivanov, Z. Kiseleva.

The first premiere was the play "Behind the Christmas Tree" based on the play by N. Nosov in the days new year holidays... Actors O. Zikora, A. Orlovsky, T. Pavlova, V. Popov and others, the Pskov composer I. Agenitsky, accordion player A. Grigoriev, director A. Veselov and stage director V. Kholin, artist I. Rumyantseva and others worked on the performances. The basis of the audience was children, which means that the basis of the repertoire continued to be the plays loved by children. But the directors also went to creative experiments, so the performances "The Star Boy", "The White Daughter of the Steppes", "Go There, Who Knows Where", "The Legend of Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Cinderella", etc. appeared. Performances of this creative community were popular.

1960s theater troupe
(photo from the book: At the turn of the millennium: book about people of culture and art. Vol. 1.
(Pskov, 2002, p. 238).

Full houses, collective requests for tickets, grateful reviews constantly replenished the velvet-bound notebook. One of the brightest productions of that time was the play "The Grass of Desire" (D. Rodari, P. Sortarelli), the premiere was timed to coincide with International Day theater. The play was staged by M. Nosov, doll sculptor was E. Odinokova, costume designer - E. Raikova, set designer - N. Filippov, music author - I. Linitskiy, "living" musical accompaniment- performed by accordionist A. Grigoriev. In 1969, the theater was full of creative plans and projects, the already formed friendly team and new employees: D. Zaitseva, A. Nelasy, N. Chernyavsky introduced novelty.

In addition to preparing plays, performances and theatrical work the team took care of and continues to do so about the building that was entrusted to them. The theater is constantly renovating something, mostly from its own income. Thus, the staircase, foyer, toilets, rest rooms for the actors have been put in order. The theater tries to preserve the antiquities of the building, for example, on the Metlakh tiles in auditorium not a single crack. The building was built for centuries and as long as there is life in it, it will also live and delight the audience.

The theater toured Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Finland, took part in international festivals of puppetry art.

In the 70s, the theater director was A. Veselov. He was not afraid of experiments and boldly combined drama and puppets, plasticity and music. In the play “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda,” the characters were created before our eyes from improvised materials: from a basket - a pop, from a lampshade - a priest, from pillows - hares, such a new look at the production taught children to inspire objects and fantasize.

In the 70s - 80s, the theater had to limit its creative activity frames of censorship and plans. It was not easy, often had to use the services of an economist from the Institute of Theater and Cinema to draw up a plan for the "five-year". Under such conditions, following the results of the fulfillment of the plan in 1981, the theater took the III place in the RSFSR.

In 1987-88, two were invited talented people: director V. G. Midushevsky and artist A. V. Rodik. This union opened up the potential of theater actors and inspired theater to new heights. The performances "Cunning Soldier" and "Go There - I Don't Know Where", built on witty directorial moves, humor, brightness of types, striving for happiness and truth, were the result of their fruitful work.

1979-1988 - the period of work of V.P. Naydenyshev (director) and V.A.Kholin ( main director). They have staged 32 performances, such as “ The Scarlet Flower"," Star Boy "," Sambo "and others. In the 90s difficult years, A. G. Nelasy became the head of the theater. But the theater was able to retain the audience thanks to its correct approach to theater work. The theater produced 3-4 performances a year, continued to tour the region, Estonia and Belarus. Then were introduced theater weeks, who were very fond of the Pskovites. In those years, the theater operated the "Business and Culture" club, which had a noticeable influence on the formation of cultural environment in Pskov.

In 1997 for the creation of music for the performances of the regional puppet theater "The Scarlet Flower" and "Well, Morkovkin, beware!" the musical director of the theater, honored worker of culture A. P. Roor, was awarded the prize of the administration of the Pskov region "For achievements in the field of musical art."

In 2000, Alexander Zabolotny became the chief director of the theater. He worked at the Pskov Puppet Theater since 1993 at the invitation of the director A. Veselov. The theater entered a new creative international professional level moving in step with the times.

2000: - participation in the festival in the city of Mistelbach (Austria) with the play "Petrushka and Hitler";

2001: - the play "Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf" was nominated for the most prestigious Russian theater award "The Golden Mask"; - "Petrushka and Hitler" in the Bulgarian Plovdiv at the International Puppet Theater Festival received a silver prize and was included in the "RussianCase" program; - a prize in the nomination "Theatrical territories of Russia" at the festival "KukARTV" in St. Petersburg. The play "Parsley in the War" (= "Parsley and Hitler"); - Alexey Maslov, the head of the theater, sorting through the archives, found an unknown, nowhere published play by S. Dovlatov "The Man Who Was Not" and confirmed the authorship;

2003 - participation in the Belaya Vezha festival (Brest, Belarus). The play "Teremok"; - the theater received the title of laureate in the nomination "Preserving theatrical traditions" for the play "Petrushka and Kolobok" at the "KukART-4" festival in St. Petersburg; - On November 29, S. Dovlatov's play "The Man Who Wasn't There" was staged by A. Zabolotny for the 40th anniversary of the theater. The world premiere was a huge success. The widow of the writer Elena Dovlatova was the guest of honor at the festival;

2004 - performance “Petrushka and Kolobok” at the International Forum of Puppeteers (Austria, Mistelbach);

But the theater still considers its main purpose: to teach kids kindness, compassion, mercy through their favorite children's fairy tales.

2005 - the repertoire is renewed annually, 3-4 new performances a year.

2010 - participation in the International Festival of Puppet Theaters "KukART" (St. Petersburg) with the premiere performance "Petrushka and Pushkin";

Since 2012, 9 graduates of the Pskov Regional College of Arts have been working in the theater;

2013 - the theater is actively experimenting with decoration and directorial ideas. So, for example, before one of the main textures of the stage was burlap, now the performance should be expensive, such is a tribute to modernity, and is decorated with expensive fabrics. Previously, dolls were mainly reed and glove - now more complicated forms. Preserved real rarities - dolls of the post-war period from the collection of S. Semenov, professional artist, who worked at the Pskov Puppet Theater. Dolls are mainly made of foam rubber or papier-mâché, and this is a short-lived material, and store it in large quantities nowhere.

In the theater, two props are working on the puppets, a seamstress, head of the production department, chief artist(who copes with the work of a props, seamstress and mechanic).

The director of the puppet theater is Tatyana Aab and under her leadership the theater feels creative inspiration, the artists show their talent to the fullest, delighting the audience with an unforgettable game and daring experiments, and today, as in previous years, the theater is in good hands and under custody.

The theater preserves the grain of tradition. The theater building is ideally suited for the mission of preserving the traditions of puppetry on stage. A minimum of light, a minimum of an audience, a hall for no more than a hundred people, a large space is destructive for a puppet theater.

The theater gives more than 300 performances per year, the repertoire includes about 15 ready-to-show performances.

O modern life theater can be learned from the constantly filled group in social network"VKontakte", where online you can get an answer to any question that interests you: about current productions, about the troupe of actors today, about new repertoire and ticket prices.

The life of the theater is in full swing, and it is already difficult to imagine the city of Pskov without a zest - a real puppet theater, with its rich history, experience, star cast and talented designers. Main award for the theater, it is the love of little spectators. Winning the hearts of kids is not an easy task, but the theater has been coping with this easily for many years and has raised more than one generation of children.

Evgeny Sergeevich Demmeni is the founder of the Pskov puppet theater, who brought up the first puppeteers of the city of Pskov.

It was his students who became members of the first Pskov puppet theater troupe, which existed long before the theater's official opening date. They were graduates of the studio under the direction of E. V. Demmeni at the Leningrad Puppet Theater. After the end of World War II, in 1945, the graduates united into a troupe and staged their first performances.

Evgeny Sergeevich Demmeni
February 28 (March 13) 1898 (St. Petersburg) - January 23, 1969 (Leningrad)

Actor, director, theorist and historian of the puppet theater; Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1934)

The path to art for the son of an official of the Ministry of the Court of His Majesty was quite long. As an amateur actor E.S.Demmeni began performing in 1918. April 10 - debut on stage People's House in Petrograd. In 1924 he created the "Petrushka Theater" at the Leningrad Youth Theater. In 1930, this theater was merged with the Puppet Theater and became the Leningrad State Puppet Theater, headed by Demmeni. Subsequently, the theater began to bear his name.

In 1928 Demmeni shot the first in Europe fictional puppet film "Max and Moritz" based on W. Bush. He staged the first play in puppets on television "Schoolboy in Paradise" by Hans Sachs in 1938.

In 1927 Demmeni organized the first training courses for directors and actors for the country's puppet theaters.

In 1934 he received honorary title"Honored Artist of the RSFSR".

During the Great Patriotic War, together with the theater, he survived the most difficult months of the Leningrad blockade, having lost one of the leading young actors brought up by him, Honored Artist of the RSFSR M.M. Drozzhin. The theater continued to work until February 1942 in besieged Leningrad... Then Demmeni and the surviving staff and actors of the theater were evacuated to the city of Ivanovo, where they released the play-pamphlet "Young Fritz" based on the play by S. Ya. Marshak. They performed this performance on the fronts more than 600 times.

In the parody performance "Our Circus" Demmeni begins to work with puppets. He develops a system of puppets depending on the drama. Variety shows include a lot of music, vocal and dance numbers. The absence of a curtain, the use of playing with things that are increased in size in relation to the doll ("material hyperbole").

Pskov Puppet Theater // Pskov Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. A.I. Lobachev. - 2nd ed., Add. - Pskov: Publishing house "Pskov Encyclopedia", 2007. - P. 721.
Reference information about the theater of puppets.

Okulich-Kazarin, N.F.A companion in ancient Pskov: (for lovers of native antiquity) / N.F. Okulich-Kazarin. - 3rd ed. - Pskov: Light Bearer, 2001 .-- 304 p.
Description of the Pomorskiy bespopov's prayer house, built by Batov in 1906 (p. 212-213).

Pskov seasons. Provincial theater in the XX century: [Sat. articles and essays] / comp. L.A. Nikitina. - Pskov: Sterkh, 1999 .-- 348 p. : ill.
Brief description of leisure activities in the city park named after A.S. Pushkin of pre-war Pskov, where a visiting puppet theater is mentioned (p. 51).

Filimonov, A.V. Raised from the Ruins. Postwar reconstruction and development of Pskov (1944 - early 1950s) / A.V. Filimonov. - Pskov: [b. and.], 2008. - 448 p. - (Pskov Historical Library).
The book reflects the period of the birth of the puppet theater in the Pskov region and its development up to the "second birth" on October 1, 1963 (p. 291-294).

Tsekhanovskaya, Y. Strokes to a portrait of a puppet theater / Y. Tsekhanovskaya // At the turn of the millennium: book. about people of culture and art. - Pskov: Sterkh, 2002. - T. 1. - S. 235-244: fot.
The history of the puppet theater of the Pskov region with rich photographic material and a surname list of the collective different years life of the theater.


Ageenko, A. Constellation teddy bear: Pskov Regional Puppet Theater has opened its 50th season / A. Ageenko; ph. M. Glushchenko // Pskov News. - 2012 .-- Oct 26. (No. 80). - S. 23.

The puppet season has opened // Sterkh. - 2010 .-- Oct 13. (No. 42). - S. 3.
Opening of the 48th season at the Pskov Puppet Theater.

Semenov, A. Expectation of the holiday / A. Semenov; ph. A. Stepanova // Pskov Truth. - 2010 .-- Apr 22. (No. 84-85). - S. 3.
About the performance of the Pskov Puppet Theater "Morozko".

Efimova, I. Where does childhood go? : the performance of the puppet theater is terrifying ... with the truth of life / I. Efimova // News of Pskov. - 2007 .-- May 11. - S. 6: ill.
The premiere of the regional puppet theater - the play "And in our yard".

Zabolotny, A. "I don't work without a plate and an enema" / A. Zabolotny // TVNZ... - 2006 .-- 24 Oct. (No. 158). - P. 5, 14: fot.
Premiere of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater - the play "Faust".

Zabolotny, A. "By the way, Moliere is a very puppet author ...": conversation with the chief director of the puppet theater Alexander Zabolotny / A. Zabolotny; M. Antonova talked // Pskovskaya Pravda. - 2005 .-- 15 Sept. - S. 19.

The theater goes to Austria // News of Pskov. - 2004 .-- 12 Oct. - S. 1.
Actors of the Pskov Puppet Theater will take part in the International Puppet Theater Festival in Mistelbach in Austria.

The Puff Pie Effect: 2003 Laureates // Pskovskaya Pravda. - 2004 .-- March 24. - S. 5.
The staff of the Regional Pskov Puppet Theater is a laureate of the Regional Administration Prize.

Dovlatova, E. The man who was ...: [interview with the widow of S. Dovlatov - E. Dovlatova in connection with the staging of his play at the Pskov Puppet Theater / E. Dovlatova; I. Efimova spoke] // News of Pskov. - 2003 .-- Dec 5. - S. 20.

Zharko, N. Twelve days that shook Pskov: on Saturday in Pskov the premiere of an unknown play by Sergei Dovlatov "The Man Who Was Not" / N. Zharko // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2003 .-- Dec 2. - S. 22.

Zabolotny, A. Petrushka is a bad example for children. Because he fights / A. Zabolotny; N. Streltsova talked // Pskovskaya Pravda. - 2001 .-- Apr 24. - S. 5.
Interview with the director of the Pskov Tetra of Puppets A. Zabolotny.

Chernov, N. Sunflowers, say "Meow"! / N. Chernova // Pskov province. - 2001 .-- April 19-25. (No. 16). - S. 17.
About the premiere at the Pskov Puppet Theater - the play "A Gift for a Sunflower".

Pass the good in a circle // News of Pskov. - 2000 .-- 11 Jan. - S. 3.
Charitable activities of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater.

Belyakov, N. Fabulous full house: the Pskov Puppet Theater has opened its thirty-sixth season / N. Belyakov // News of Pskov. - 1999 .-- Oct 20. - S. 5.

Zabolotny, A. " New wave»In the puppet theater / A. Zabolotny; A. Maslov talked // News of Pskov. - 1999 .-- Oct 14.
Interview with the Orenburg director A. Zabolotny.

Tokareva, L. And the mysterious ... Little Red Riding Hood / L. Tokareva // Pskovskaya Pravda. - 1999 .-- 12 Oct.
Opening of a new season at the Pskov Puppet Theater.

Belyakov, N. "A smile will make everyone brighter ..." / N. Belyakov // News of Pskov. - 1998 .-- 3 nov.
Opening of the 35th season at the Pskov Puppet Theater.

Belyakov, N. The tale knows no boundaries / N. Belyakov // News of Pskov. - 1998 .-- Oct. 14.
About the tour of the Pskov Puppet Theater in Belarus.

Maslov, A. "The Scarlet Flower" blossomed / A. Maslov, T. Ryazanov // News of Pskov. - 1997 .-- Oct 21.
Opening of the 34th season at the Pskov Puppet Theater.

Belyakov, N. The Tale Begins / N. Belyakov // News of Pskov. - 1996 .-- October 16.
Opening of the 33rd season in the regional puppet theater with the play "Well, Morkovkin, beware!"

Veselov, A. "A fairy tale must be scary" / A. Veselov; A. Maslov talked // News of Pskov. - 1995 .-- March 4.
Interview with the St. Petersburg director and playwright A. Veselov.

Tokareva, L. Indifferent admission is prohibited: today the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater / L. Tokareva opened its 26th season with the premiere of the fairy-tale play "The Frog Princess" // Young Leninist. - 1989 .-- 4 nov.

Nikitina, L. From conception to embodiment / L. Nikitina // Pskov truth. - 1989 .-- Apr 15.

Belyakov, N. Waiting for the composer M. / N. Belyakov // Young Leninist. - 1989 .-- March 14.
About the performance of the Pskov Puppet Theater "The Life and Death of the Composer M."


Pskov Regional Puppet Theater [Electronic resource] // Theaters of the Pskov Region [Electronic resource] / Pskov. region universal scientific. library, Dept. lit. on culture and art; comp. S. V. Smirnova. - Electron. text. Dan. (700 MB). - Pskov: PUNB, 2013 .-- 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): col. - (Culture of the land of Pskov; issue 8). - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

Azarov, K. Fifty - more childhood… [Electronic resource] / Kirill Azarov // Pskov Information Agency (PAI). - 2013 .-- Dec 1. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

Alexander Zabolotny: 3D will go away, but live theater will remain [Electronic resource]: [interview with theater director Tatyana Aab, ch. dir. theater Alexander Zabolotny and Ch. artist Evgeny Bondarenko] / Alexander Zabolotny, Tatiana Aab; Alina Egorova spoke // Heritage of the land of Pskov: culture and history of Pskov and the Pskov region: [historical and cultural site]. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

To the 50th anniversary of the Pskov Puppet Theater [Electronic resource] // Pskov State United Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve: [site]. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.
On October 3, 2013 in the Pskov Museum-Reserve the opening of the exhibition "House where fairy tales come to life ..." took place, dedicated to the history of the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater.

Pskov. Old Believer prayer house at the Batov court (building of the Puppet Theater) [Electronic resource]: March 26, 2017 // Between the past and the future ...: [blog] / nathalie_zh. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

Pskov Puppet Theater [Electronic resource] // reference book of Russian theaters. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

Puppet theater [Electronic resource]: about the Pskov puppet theater // Heritage of the Pskov land: culture and history of Pskov and the Pskov region: [historical and cultural site]. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

Timofeeva, A. Theater-fairy tale, theater-dream, theater-reality ... [Electronic resource] / Anna Timofeeva // Velikiye Berega: literary and artistic, historical and local history magazine / Department local history literature, Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.
2013 is a significant year for the Pskov Regional Puppet Theater. The theater celebrates a double anniversary: ​​the 50th anniversary of its founding (October 1, 1963) and the 10th anniversary of the First world premiere based on S. Dovlatov's story "The Man Who Was Not" (November 25, 2003).

Yakovlev, V. Be surprised, gentlemen, be surprised! [Electronic resource]: to the 50th anniversary of the Pskov Puppet Theater / Vik. Yakovlev // Pskov News Feed (PLN). - 2013 .-- Dec 2. - Access mode: - 09/25/2018.

The material was prepared by the chief bibliographer
Historical and Local Lore Library named after I. I. Vasileva MAUK "TsBS", Pskov
D. A. Zemskaya.