Old audiospects for children. Old Audio Schools for Children Oscar Wilde

Old audiospects for children. Old Audio Schools for Children Oscar Wilde
Old audiospects for children. Old Audio Schools for Children Oscar Wilde
"Ole-Lukee", "gray neck", "Fifteen-year-old captain" and "Radionnai" - Arzamas, together with the project "Old Radio", chose the most interesting performances and transfers of the Soviet radio

Prepared Yuri Metekin


Hans Christian Andersen. "Ole Lukae"

Roles are performed by Maria Bangov, Valentina Sperans. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1945-1946 years



The Children's Radote Theater is very much obliged to Rose Ioffe, who worked as director of artistic broadcasting from the 1930s to the 1960s. She formed a palette of sounds (everyone had to be invented, to give: how to transfer the rustle, the sounds of a shower and a fire, hurricane and thunderstorms, a car and an airplane), identified the role of music in production and collected the best theatrical actors in his troupe. In the "Ole Lukee", for example, the main roles are performed by actress Maria Bangov and Valentina Sperantov, and the music of Edward Griega is asked the atmosphere.

Alexey Tolstoy. "Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino"

Roles executes Nikolay Litvinov. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1949 year



Rosa Ioffe has come up with, how, changing the voice recording speed on the ribbon, to achieve fairy-tale sound and how to combine voices by applying films. Her sign is a nasty radio formulation of the "golden key, or the adventures of Buratino" was played by only one actor - Nikolai Litvinov: He spoke like Karabas, Pinocchio and Dad Carlo and even sang a chorus.

Anton Chekhov. "Kashtanka"

Roles are performed by Vasily Kachalov, Vladimir Popov, Alexey Mushrooms. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1949 year


Ioffea Chestanka is one of the best incarnations of Chekhov's story on the radio. For the dramatization managed to collect the star composition of theatrical artists: the author's text, for example, reads Vasily Kachalov. And about how Rosa Ioffe worked with the voice of dogs, there is a separate entry.

Selma Lagerleof. "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese"

Roles are performed by Valentina Speransov, Margarita Shiphelnikova. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1958



Niels's journey with a flock of wild geese was played with the sounds of wildlife and to the music of Edward Griega. In the role of an adult Niels - Valentina Speransov, one of the leading actresses of the Central Children's Theater and the troupe of Rosa Ioffe and "The Main Boys of the Soviet Union": for his career, Sperantov played and voiced many boys, from Vani Solnthev in the play "Son Regiment" to Pioneer-taller In the cartoon "Uncle Stepa".

Jules Verne. "Captain at fifteen"

Roles are performed by Vsevolod Yakut, Valentina Speransova, Evgenia Maures. The director is unknown. 1947 year


Another prominent role of Valentina Speranste - Dick Sand in a radio film on the novel by Jules Verne. A very lively play with a rich sound palette: here and successful musical accompanied, and imitation of the wind, and barking dogs.

Evgeny Schwartz. "The Snow Queen"

Roles are performed by Valentina Speransov, Claudia Korenev, Galina Novozhilova. Director Alexander Pillars. 1949 year



Radio componation of the performance of the Central Children's Theater. Charming reading Schwartz fairy tale, created by minimal means - expressive actors' expressive game and rare musical inserts.

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak. "Gray cervical"

Reads Maria Bangov. Composer Yuri Nikolsky. The director is unknown. 1949 year



Maria Babanova, one of the most famous Soviet theatrical actresses read the fairy tale. On her performances in the Meyerhold Theater, and then in the theater of the revolution it was impossible to get, even if she played an episodic role. Babanova worked a lot in the radio, her melodic fascinating voice was recognized and loved.

Oscar Wilde. "Star Boy"

Roles are performed by Mikhail Tsarev, Maria Bangov, Evgeny Samoilov. Directed by Rosa Ioffe, Alexander Stepanov. 1948



Maria Bangova plays a cruel star boy. Oscar Wilde in the radio station was often set - for example, the same Bangova read the fairy tale of "Nightingale and Rose" to the music of the Moscow Symphony Orchestra in the statement of 1956.

Yury Olesha. "Three fathers"

Roles are performed by Nikolay Litvinov, Maria Bangov, Antonida Ilina, Pavel Pavlenko. Director Nikolay Alexandrovich. 1954



Literary and music compence - Almost musical - with songs on the poems of Sergey Bogomazov and the music of Vladimir Rubin. The text from the author reads Nikolai Litvinov - not just the actor, but also the main director of the main editorial board of broadcasting for children.

Evgeny Schwartz. "Cinderella"

The roles are performed by Arkady Rykin, Ekaterina Riken, Oleg Tabakov. Director of Lia Feltnica. 1975 year



Swimwan's "Cinderella" Schwarz after the success of the film with Janina Jaimo, Alexey Konovsky, Estaurant Garyan and Faine Ranevskaya was a big courage, but Liya Wellednitskaya gathered for the post-Novki, no less star composition: in the role of King - Arkady Raykin, Cinderella - Catherine Raykin, Prince - Oleg Tabakov, Fairy - Maria Bangov, sisters - Nina Doroshin and Galina Novozhilova. It turned out great.

Charles Perro. "Sleeping Beauty"

Roles are performed by Svetlana Nevolyaeva, Maria Bangova, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Vasily Lanova. The author of the composition Zoya Chernysheva. 1965 year



The dramatization of the "Sleeping Beauty" made Zoya Chernysheva - she served in the RadioTheater in the Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR Pianist and the Organic, and then worked for both the concert-meister opera. It is not surprising that special attention is paid to music in her decree. Tchaikovsky in the "Sleeping Beauty" performs the Bolshoi Theater orchestra under the control of Boris Highikin.


"Club of the famous captains" - "Meeting of the 1st. Truck of the Peoples of the Earth"

Roles are performed by Vasily Kachalov, Rostislav Plutt, Osip Abdulov. Director Nina Herman. December 1945.

Club famous captains. Postcard. USSR, 1956 Wikimedia Commons


The Cycle "Club of the famous captains" was walking along the central radio from 1945 to 1982. Each program of adventure books was collected after the closure of the library and discussed the great geographical discoveries and junctions, the achievements of the science and wonders of nature. In the first, pre-holiday release, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver, Tartaren, Baron Münhhausen and Captain Nemo talk about the New Year traditions of different peoples.

"Radionnae" - Issue 8. "Four September"

Leading Nikolay Litvinov, Alexander Livvitz, Alexander Levenbuk. Director Nadezhda Kiseleva. 1972 year



The legendary cognitive program, permanent authors of which were among others Eduard Asspensky and Arkady Heit. In honor of September 1, the presenters congratulate the guys with the beginning of the school year, Yuri Nikulin performs the song of his own essay "on the playpen", in the heading "When I was a boy," is Evgeny Petrosyan, and on the "cheerful lesson" tell how to use The words "there" and "back".

"Move from the forest" - December

Artists and director are unknown. December 1957.


"Move from the forest" - a cycle of monthly radio broadcasts Vitaly Bianki about nature and its inhabitants. The observation of the author and the busy stories from the life of plants and animals were performed by artists of Moscow theaters and the Bianca himself. In this issue, correspondents remember the outgoing year and find out whether the bear is well sleeping in Berloga, and also sounds a fairy tale about how the bird's long night was pulled.

Special projectBaby room Arzamas.

Roles are performed by Maria Bangov, Valentina Sperans. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1945-1946 years

Rosa Ioffe worked as a director of artistic broadcasting from the 1930s to the 1960s. She formed a palette of sounds (everyone had to be invented, to give: how to transfer the rustle, the sounds of a shower and a fire, hurricane and thunderstorms, a car and an airplane), identified the role of music in production and collected the best theatrical actors in his troupe. In the "Ole Lukee", for example, the main roles are performed by actress Maria Bangov and Valentina Sperantov, and the music of Edward Griega is asked the atmosphere.

Alexey Tolstoy. "Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino"

Roles executes Nikolay Litvinov. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1949 year

Rosa Ioffe has come up with, how, changing the voice recording speed on the ribbon, to achieve fairy-tale sound and how to combine voices by applying films. Her sign is a nasty radio formulation of the "golden key, or the adventures of Buratino" was played by only one actor - Nikolai Litvinov: He spoke like Karabas, Pinocchio and Dad Carlo and even sang a chorus.

Anton Chekhov. "Kashtanka"

Roles are performed by Vasily Kachalov, Vladimir Popov, Alexey Mushrooms. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1936

"Chestanka" Ioffe is one of the best stages of the story of Chekhov. For the dramatization managed to collect the star composition of theatrical artists: the author's text, for example, reads Vasily Kachalov. And about how Rosa Ioffe worked with the voice of dogs, there is a separate entry.

Selma Lagerleof. "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese"

Roles are performed by Valentina Speransov, Margarita Shiphelnikova. Director Rosa Ioffe. 1968 year

Niels's journey with a flock of wild geese was played with the sounds of wildlife and to the music of Edward Griega. In the role of an adult Niels - Valentina Speransova, one of the leading actresses of the Central Children's Theater Now is the Russian Academic Youth Theater. And the troupe roses Ioffe and the "main boys of the Soviet Union": for his career, Sperantov played and voiced many boys, from Vanya Solnthev in the play "Son Regiment" before Pioneer-taller in the cartoon "Uncle Stepa".

Evgeny Schwartz. "The Snow Queen"

Roles are performed by Valentina Speransov, Claudia Korenev, Galina Novozhilov. Director Alexander Pillars. 1949 year

Record the play of the Central Children's Theater. Charming reading Schwartz fairy tale, created by minimal means - expressive actors' expressive game and rare musical inserts.

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak. "Gray cervical"

Reads Maria Bangov. Composer Yuri Nikolsky. The director is unknown. 1949 year

Maria Babanova, one of the most famous Soviet theatrical actresses read the fairy tale. On its performances in Meyerhold Theater, and then in the Revolution Theater Now - Moscow Academic Theater named after VL. Mayakovsky. It was impossible to get, even if she played an episodic role. Babanova voiced many roles, her melodic fascinating voice was recognized and loved.

Oscar Wilde. "Star Boy"

Roles are performed by Mikhail Tsarev, Maria Bangov, Evgeny Samoilov. Directed by Rosa Ioffe, Alexander Stepanov. 1950 year

Maria Bangova plays a cruel star boy. Oscar Wilde in the radio station was often set - for example, the same Bangova read the fairy tale of "Nightingale and Rose" to the music of the Moscow Symphony Orchestra in the statement of 1956.

Yury Olesha. "Three fathers"

Roles are performed by Nikolay Litvinov, Maria Bangov, Antonida Ilina, Pavel Pavlenko. Director Nikolay Alexandrovich. 1954

Literary and music compence - Almost musical - with songs on the poems of Sergey Bogomazov and the music of Vladimir Rubin. The text from the author reads Nikolai Litvinov - not just the actor, but also the main director of the main editorial board of broadcasting for children.

Evgeny Schwartz. "Cinderella"

The roles are performed by Arkady Rykin, Ekaterina Riken, Oleg Tabakov. Director of Lia Feltnica. 1964

Swimwan's "Cinderella" Schwarz after the success of the film with Janina Jaimo, Alexey Konovsky, Estaurant Garyan and Faine Ranevskaya was a big courage, but Liya Wellednitskaya gathered for the post-Novki, no less star composition: in the role of King - Arkady Raykin, Cinderella - Catherine Raykin, Prince - Oleg Tabakov, Fairy - Maria Bangov, sisters - Nina Doroshin and Galina Novozhilova. It turned out great.

Charles Perro. "Sleeping Beauty"

Roles are performed by Svetlana Nevolyaeva, Maria Bangova, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Vasily Lanova. The author of the composition Zoya Chernysheva. 1965 year

The stage of the "Sleeping Beauty" made Zoya Chernyshev - before becoming a director and playwright, she served in the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR with a pianist and a body, and then worked for both the concert-meister opera. It is not surprising that special attention is paid to music in her decree. Tchaikovsky in the "Sleeping Beauty" performs the Bolshoi Theater orchestra under the control of Boris Highikin.

Nina Moiseevna Ginzburg.
An emergency happened in the village of Alenovka: a bull fight was gone. And not just disappeared, the struggle was stolen! Investigate this crime asked Setter Sam Bandisaus, respectively referred to as Semenovich. So, the investigation leads Semyon Semenovich!
Audiobook "End Gang Gang" is presented in the record of the Ether of Children's Radio.
Radioctacle Nina Ginzburg "The End of Gang Gang" is amazingly voiced by actors of children's radio. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

Tamara Pombbina - Diary of Petit Vasina and Vasi Petina (radio spectacle)

"Diary of Petit Vasina and Vasi Petina" - according to the wonderful Tamara L Koyna.
No dragons and no magic! In the usual life of Petit Vasina and Vasi Petina and so miracles are enough. Wherever these ten-year boys appear, life is spinning like a tornado! They have a cat star, they have a vacuum cleaner singing Opera Arias, and the attackers are better not to appear next to them - Petya Vasin and Vasya Petin do not like to joke. The guys even bride looked at himself, but he didn't have enough time to marry: it's time to look for a treasure. And what would you think? The treasure, of course, was found.
Tamara Radioctacle L Koyna "Diary of Petit Vasin and Vasi Petina" is amazingly voiced by actors of children's radio. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

Elena Sukhova - the adventure of sprain, or dangerous truth (radio spectacle)

"The adventure of sprawling, or dangerous truth" - by Elena Sukhova.
This secret agent puts the case above all! Strelkin was supposed to meet with his father, but he gets very urgent task to penetrate the gangsters and get chip. Who knew that Orlov was hunting behind this chip - a terrible enemy of the Academy. Agent Strajkin is forced to rush to the enemy by Eagle, followed by the secret agents themselves. He will be able to justify himself, only catching Orlov and returning the chip. Semyon Strelkin rushes to a decisive meeting with the enemy, not suspecting that this is a trap, and which terrible truth will have to learn.
Radiospectorate Elena Sukhova "The Adventure of Strajkin, or Dangerous True" stunningly announced actors of children's radio. All pleasant listening!

Elena Sukhova - the adventure of sprain, or the perfect trap (radio spectacle)

"The adventure of a sprawle, or the perfect trap" - by Elena Sukhova.
After the adventures and feats, the Strecking agent is gaining strength in the hospital. But from the gang of Zlata and there is no rest. Like snow on the head, they are collapsed on the highest agents of the Academy - and here are already tested fighters in captivity. Now only Semyon Strajkin and his faithful partner talking Hamster Fedor can prevent an impending catastrophe. And then the girl who was involved in incredible and dangerous events. But the agent of Strajkin and Homon did not stumble - the gangsters minimize the academy, and our heroes are here as here. Strelkin takes the battle, and here it is, the desired victory!
And there is still a mystery, which will open sprain and turn his life ...
Radiospect Elena Sukhova "The adventure of a stretching, or the perfect trap" stunningly announced actors of children's radio. Enjoy listening!

Elena Sukhova - the adventure of sprajkin, or survival exam (radio spectacle)

"The adventure of a sprawle, or survival exam" - Elena Sukhova.
At the Academy, where the secret agents are preparing, students pass the graduation exam. Their two: Semyon and Yaroslav. Each of them is entrusted to reveal the crime, the term is twenty-four hours. By performing the task, the sprain of seed hacks the system of codes on the computer, it breaks the computer itself. He cannot manage modern weapons and shows exceptional nobility in the fights. Dangers with every second is becoming more and more, and the usual exam turns into ... survival exam!
Radiospectorate Elena dry "The adventure of a stretching, or survival exam" is amazingly voiced by the actors of children's radio. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

Wilhelm Gauf - Calif-Stork (radio spectacle)

Vladislav Krapivin - Portfolio of Captain Rumba (radio spectacle)

"Captain Rumba Portfolio" - according to the Maritime Roman's fairy tale Vladislav Kapivina, written in 1991.
The effect of Roman Vladislav Krapivin occurs at the end of the nineteenth century. On the eve of Christmas from the snow-covered port city of Gulstown, the boy in nicknamed the carnation together with his friends goes to search for treasure and hits Nukanuk. The company of friends does not even suspect a surveillance ...
Audiobook "Portfolio of Captain Rumba" is presented in the record of the Ether of Children's Radio.
The radio spectrum of Vladislav Krapivina "Portfolio of Captain Rumba" is amazingly voiced by actors of children's radio. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

Sophia Prokofiev - Candle Girl (radio spectacle)

"Candle Girl" - on the fairy tale of the children's writer, playwright and scenario Sofia Prokofyeva, written in 2007.
"Candle Girl" - a fairy tale about a girl who glows from kindness. It fell a lot of suffering and evil, because there are people in the world who want to destroy everything good and noble in the world. But good, of course, will triumph, and evil will be punished.
Audiobook "Candle Girl" is presented in the record of the Ether of Children's Radio.
Sophia Prokofye "Candle Girl" stunningly announced by actors of children's radio. Enjoy listening to children and adults!