Ilya pale hello maniac in January. Buy tickets for concerts and performances

Ilya pale hello maniac in January. Buy tickets for concerts and performances
Ilya pale hello maniac in January. Buy tickets for concerts and performances

Organizer -Company REST International.

Duration of the program 2 hours 20 minutes with intermission.

Venetian comedy

"Carnival night or hello, maniac!"

Star cast!

Brilliant Julia Rutberg

Great Andrei Ilyin

Charismatic Ilya pale

One of the most funny and visited performances of Moscow!

The author of the play of Gann Slutski - Famous Russian film storage, playwright and writer, creator of scenarios more than 50 popular Russian films. The performance delivered by its scenario is always interesting!

Director of performance Mikhail Titrinoque - One of the most cash theater directories of Moscow!

Briefly about the plot:

She (Julia Rutberg) - the star of cinema and theatrical playwright.

He (Andrei Ilyin) is a famous film director.

Star married couple comes to Venice - The starting point of their European tour, where the popular film festival is held, on which the husband is honored with the prize "for the best director." Dressed in costumes Harlequin and ColombinaThey just returned from the carnival to the Room of the hotel: tomorrow the premiere of their "new films" - life is beautiful!

At night, Before the final day of the festival, when the awards should be awarded to the winners, the wild shower begins, the Venice floes! Frightened spouses remember their lives in which not all is so cloudless, as it seemed before. It turns out that the heroine has strange fan, manico - devotedly following her, where she would not be.

When she and he still fall asleep, in their number through the balcony is closed Maniac! Dressed in a carnival costume Piero. The young man is hopelessly loved in the actress: it follows her by cities and countries, breaks on the shooting sites, throws her with her beloved yellow roses. And at all, by the way, he suddenly unleashed the language ... in his own words he destroys their familiar life..

Married couple Ruthlessly expelled the maniac from a warm room to the street, under a torrential shower, but ... to get rid of it does not succeed: the flood began - the water comes soon in the room! Spouses find themselves in a closed space with an unexpected guest.

How will this meeting end? What role does the in love young man play in the life of this family? What will the revelations of the heroes of this extraordinary story?

Action performance Take place during one night, but, despite the small period of time, the plot is saturated with unexpected turns, realities of life, where the well-being, love and success of the star couple are quite in a different light. The maniac reveals the details of his spouses, exposing them to each other. With each recognized part of the characters will be more and more open, and the intensity will increase!

Julia Rutberg The role of the star of cinema, director's wife will play.

Andrei Ilyin - Her husband, a famous film director.

Ilya Pale, Popular Russian film actor - the role of Maniac.

Julia Rutberg - People's Artist of Russia, Winner of the Theater Awards "Chaika" and "Crystal Turandot". The leading actress of the Wakhtangov Theater, the best roles in the theater of Stanislavsky and the theater of Nations. More than 100 movie roles, among them the role of Faina Ranevskaya in the series "Orlova and Alexandrov".

"Congenital acting and genetic communication with the theater" is all about her, the magnificent Russian actress of our time!

Andrei Ilyin - Honored Artist of Russia, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. Leading actor MCAT Theater named after Chekhov, main roles in the Theater of Mossovet, Vakhtangov Theater, etc. More than 100 movie roles - one is better than another! The actor who played the spouse of the famous investigator became the "symbol of the perfect man" - reviews from the "Kamenskaya" series.

The name of Andrei Ilyina on the poster or in the credits is a quality mark!

You will plunge into the world of real emotions!

It is an eccentric comedy, which means that the viewer will not be scary, but will definitely be funny!

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Hungarian ballet "Don Juan / Carmina Burana"

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The event "Hungarian ballet" DON Juan / Carmina Burana "", scheduled for WT 14.04.2020 19:00, in the Saratov State Academic Theater of the drama them and and Elephant canceled.

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Romeo and Juliet

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The event "Romeo and Juliet" scheduled for PN 06.04.2020 19:00, in the Saratov Regional Philharmonic named after Alfred Schnitka canceled.

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performance "Do not be afraid to be happy"

Dear viewers!

The event "Performance" Do not be afraid to be happy "", scheduled for PN 27.04.2020 19:00, to the Saratov Academic Theater of the Young Spectator, they are canceled.

Return of money for tickets purchased on the site "Theater64 Ru",
will be carried out on the day of the event, at the venue for the event, and in the office of the organizer. Contact data of the organizer, the phones are listed on the site and on the ticket form.

With yourself have: passport, ticket.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

In the Moscow House of Culture. Zueva will be displayed an incredible, eccentric comedy "Hi, maniac!" In the execution of the brilliant acting composition of the modern theater of Antrepass. This bright and tragic formulation was created based on the play of the famous Russian scenario Ganna Slutski. The creativity of a talented writer has always been distinguished by ambiguity, "steep" turns of the development of events and unexpected plot surprises. Performance "Hi, maniac!" It did not exception and in the best traditions of Slutski holds the audience in easy tension from the beginning to the very end.

You can purchase tickets for the Venetian Comedy from the actors of the modern theater of Anthreprisa today on our website. Order the required number of tickets to along with the most relatives and close to watch the fate of an unusual married couple and their "home" maniac. Recommended permitted age category of viewers - 16+.

The plot of the comedy performance is pretty laconic and simple. At the peak of their success, a talented married couple of playwright (Julia Rutberg) and director (Andrei Ilyin) hits the popular theatrical festival in Venice. A wild shower and all the inhabitants and guests are collapsed on the town and all residents and in the flood trap. At this time, a certain third - maniac appears in the family of the family, ready not only to tell about the creative success of the pair, but also to tell what ways and ways these creative peaks were achieved.

Do not miss the performance "Hi, maniac!" And once again make sure that all the secret sooner or later becomes clear.

Hi, maniac! / Hello Murders (2010)

: Review of the film "Hi, maniac!"

Unemployed Yong-bitch is a black band in life. From work fired, the savings lost, the wife threw, his daughter does not respect. After a long sincere throwing and attempts to spend the night in the subway, Yong-Suk is inventing the ideal way out of the financial crisis - he must become a victim of the serial killer. If Yong-bitter dies, his family will be able to send a child to his insurance to study abroad, and this is the limit of dreams for the unfortunate father.

But there is a problem - the maniac raging in the city kills only women with umbrellas. Because of this, an uncomfortable Nuance Yong-bitch has to buy a wig, dress, stockings, shoes on the heels, and every night, changing the feminine, go out in anticipation of the killer. The strange behavior of the father soon draws his daughter. Following his unusual transformations, the girl decides that her dad and there is the same rainy maniac. About her suspicions, she immediately informs local cops.

The Zhong-Min inspector agrees, the behavior of Yong-bitch is suspicious, but at the same time he does not hurry to detain it. A few weeks ago, Yon-Souk laid out a funny video with the participation of the inspector on Youtube, who spoiled his career to him, and Jong-Min is ready to revenge. Terrible revenge.

Over the past year, the number of maniacs and serial killers in the Korean films reached the very limit when the paintings with their participation became simply impossible to perceive seriously. The appearance also comedies about serial killers and about the terrible AMST looks just the last straw in the bowl of the audience patience. Well, damn, in fact, isn't it anymore to talk about the nation, as soon as there is a lot of serial killers and about terrible AMSU?

But if you forget about the fact that the topic has already nailed a serious urban, then "hello, maniac" is quite good, and at times more than a ridiculously funny film. It does not spoil even the usual "five-minute pity" koreans. Well, this is when the plot suddenly stops, and the director begins to pity everyone sharply: oh what all the heroes are poor and unfortunate, oh how we all sorry for them, let's pay, let's pay.

It is remembered in the "Host" final, such a five-minute looked pretty comical, but in the comedy, which I am talking about now, it causes a completely different effect. As if the directors on the set were two, and not one. The first wanted to shoot a comedy, the second is drama. And it was worth only the first to go to the toilet, as the second instantly changed the genre and turned on doseevshchina. The first, however, ten minutes later, it was missing for his head, it was sturned and promptly tried to return the former mood from the team, forcing the actors to hate and cry.

For example, like this.

"Hi, maniac!" - Performance, reviews about which Internet space is overwhelmed, this is the formulation of the team of the modern theater of Antrepass under the guidance of the producer of Albert Moginov.

It is the producer, not the "main director", since the team has been successfully operating for more than 10 years, is not the theater in the usual understanding of this word, this is agency cooperating with different actors, directorists, designers.

About what?

She is a popular and successful film actress, he is the famous director, and the maniac is a fan, next to the heroine.

The action unfolds in Venice during the carnival, where the spouses arrived at the festival for the next reward. The windows begins the shower, in the scenery of the hotel room, the husband and wife speak, and when the themes are exhausted and it seems you can sleep - the maniac is declared, which is also not a mind to talk.

The genre of the performance is tragicomedy, the farce in the formulation is missing, and the dialogues are quite dynamic. The original name of the formulation, present at the first bills and still "hanging" on the portal of the modern theater of Anntreprises - "Carnival night". However, the audience made adjustments and the performance was renamed "Hi, maniac!" In the literal sense - the people.

Who is the author?

Scenarios for movies, television series and play she writes all her life, and unlike many modern playwrights, does it really professionally. Gayane Hence finished the University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, the Faculty of Scenario-Kindsky.

Who is the director?

Put the play "Hello, Maniac!", Reviews of which are hit by all records in the number and variety on the Internet, Mikhail Grigorievich Tsitrinyak. It is known not only for his theatrical works, but also films, acting, teaching and television projects, such as the "old apartment" on the ATV channel.

Who on stage?

"Hi, maniac!" - Performance, reviews gathering is no coincidence. Roles in the formulation are performed by real stars familiar to everyone without exception to Russians on television work - Yulia Rutberg, and Andrei Ilyin.

Most of the entrepreneurship of performances suffer from the lack of a constant composition, which is reflected in the quality of what is happening on the stage, and, accordingly, on the reviews of the audience. The actors sometimes turn out to be "not played," forget the text that disappointing and angry the public.

At this moment, the spectators of the production "Hi, maniac!", The performance with Rutberg, Ilyin and Pale does not have a duplicate composition.

How long does it last?

The setting consists of two acts, lasts 2 hours along with the intermission and has the original age limit "16+", although "18+" is often indicated in the provincial posters.

What do they say?

As a rule, any performance collects different opinions. Reviews - item is subjective and dependent on many factors, at all with the very formulation of not related, for example, from the mood of the viewer, from how he passed his day, from well-being from other reasons.

"Hi, maniac!" To some extent, it is an exception, there is practically no negative responses about it. Most viewers celebrate the magnificent game of artists, the interesting content of the dialogues and some suddenness in the "Maniac" line.

Displeased, sometimes encountered in reviews, is reduced to the fact that the performance is tightened, there is a desire to push the actors, however, the perception of each other.