Business on selling its paintings income. Creative business idea: reproduction of pictures of famous artists on canvas

Business on selling its paintings income. Creative business idea: reproduction of pictures of famous artists on canvas
Business on selling its paintings income. Creative business idea: reproduction of pictures of famous artists on canvas

Not everyone can collect paintings. Even more difficult for artists who are trying to sell their works of art. How to open a gallery in Moscow, what pictures are in demand, and why artists do not take to write under Wang Gogh and Monet, the artist, owner of the art galleries in the capital Pavel Chibiscov, told Riamo Observer.

Pictures instead of carpets

Paul came to gallery business thanks to a family business. Sell \u200b\u200bpictures of artists' friends on the spontaneous workman at the Central House of Artist (CDH) in the 1990s began his father. According to Paul, in the late 90s business went to the mountain, since the demand for paintings increased, and many instead of carpets on the walls wanted pictures.

Your first picture gallery "Grisaille"in the shopping center "Tishina" Paul with his father was opened in 2010.

According to him, to begin seriously engaged in the gallery business, you need to have a circle of proven artists who will not let you down and fulfill the order just on time.

"This is a highly specialized business that is easier to build if you yourself from this world is an artist, art historian or a gallery employee, if you are able to organize a selection of high-quality paintings, make a decision when artists bring you pictures for implementation," says the gallery driver.

What pictures in price

However, the gallery as a point of sale of paintings in Moscow is easy to organize. The main thing is to choose the right room with the calculation of visitors, because it does not trade things and not the museum, notes the gallery player.

"For the metropolitan shopping centers, the picture gallery is still rare, since the rent there is designed for major trading networks, and the audience is not the same," explains Paul.

In addition, the location of the gallery affects the range: provincial landscapes are well sold on the outskirts of Moscow, in the center of the capital there are better city landscapes, as well as popular Italian motifs - blue sky and exotic Tuscany trees, or Lavender Provence.

Who buys pictures

For the buyer, the advantage of buying in the gallery is that the sellers are responsible for each sold film and are ready to provide a guarantee for restoration services.

"If even Haltur has rolled up on the upper insider, since most buyers did not understand art, then today customers are more sophisticated, it is they who establish the final cost of the picture," said Paul.

The main connoisseurs of Russian painting today are not Russians, but the Chinese, and not only tourists, but also entrepreneurs who lead in Moscow business. There was also a client from the UAE, recalls the owner of the galleries.

"Previously, the Chinese bought landscapes most of all with green leaves, and the smallest were the details, the better. Now they have become more demanding - are ready to spend big money on standing things, but they love to bargain, "says the gallery driver.

According to him, the Muscovites paintings are buying middle-aged people with high incomes. Sometimes retirees come, who have long been copied to the picture. And yet regular customers today are predominantly wealthy people.

"Because of the crisis, from among our buyers, almost left the middle class, in the pictures began to save first, because the average price of 60-70 thousand rubles paintings," Paul says.

Seasonal demand

Most often paintings are acquired in order to hang at home, so in honor the warm tones that will be easy to enter into the interior of a typical Moscow apartment. In the gallery Paul, the classic painting is mainly represented - still lifes, sea and city landscapes.

According to the gallery, some artists are ready to work in different directions, including in the genre of contemporary art, but the majority of buyers wants a classic.

"Residents of Moscow most like landscapes. The win-win option is natural beauty. It can be rustic species, Russian nature - forests, lakes, as well as landscapes of France and Italy, "says the artist.

Still lifes are also sold - wine bottles, cheese and grapes.

"Bottles for a long time in fashion. First, wine is a noble drink, secondly, many wealthy people have their own wine cellars, thirdly, such a picture can be given, especially people who have everything, "Paul explains.

One of the popular queries from customers is to draw a copy of Claude Monet or Vincent Van Gogh, but for such work, not every artist will take place, since the copy will often be very much to give up the original, explains the gallery driver. According to Paul, there are cases when customers refuse to buy an ordered copy and choose another picture.

Meanwhile, the fashion in the picture is asked not large exhibitions that pass in Moscow, and the seasons. "After the exhibition Serov, no one came to order a" girl with peaches, "- notes Paul.

According to him, in the summer it is almost impossible to sell a picture with a winter landscape, as people are tired of seeing snow, and green landscapes go to bang, but in the winter white hats on the Christmas tree they want everything.

How much pictures are standing

Another gallery Paul with his father was opened in the Central Committee just a year ago, but they buy pictures worse than on the sin. Dozens of painters are exhibited in the Gresail Gallery, but their composition is changing, new artists appear. According to the gallery, the artist himself should feel what paintings are in demand, and the gallery staff is to have experience in picking pictures.

"If we see a qualitatively performed picture and consider it an attractive for our customers, then we are glad to place in our gallery," says Paul.

For any artist, launched periods are normal, as the income from the sale of paintings is very unstable. In the Paul's gallery there were months of downtime, and millions of transactions. To play losses, when nothing is sold at all, the artist refers the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

"The price of the picture can vary from 5,000 rubles as a poster from Ikea, up to several million, which depends on many factors: the ambitions of the artist, its regalia, participation in exhibitions, status in the field of art, as well as the cost of materials and size of the canvas" - explains Paul.

Crisis times for CDH

Paul himself puts his paintings on the venice near the CDH, and the most successful of them go to the gallery. According to the gallery, for many generations of Moscow artists is a legendary place, but now it is experiencing crisis times. The new generation of artists also want to be exhibited from the Central Committee, but all the places here are busy from Soviet times.

A few years ago, with the reconstruction of the Crimean embankment, the capital authorities wanted to demolish the opening day, but the artists were rallied and retained the exhibition. As a result, the openingage was made, artists had a roof over head and storage chamber, however, the volume of exposure areas decreased three times, says Paul.

In the CDH itself, from Soviet times, any self-respecting artist dreamed of arranging an exhibition, but today this platform is experiencing crisis times. "Today, the concerts of the pop star are arranged at this site, are far from the art of the exhibition, and finding new artists for the gallery is becoming more difficult," the gallery officer regrets.

According to Paul, another popular area of \u200b\u200bartists - the transition from Gorky Park to Museum is now on reconstruction, and so far it is not clear whether artists will be able to return there.

Olga Schwenk

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I decided to tell you a little about a small business that my friend has been doing for 3 years. He cooperates with several artists painters.

Finds orders for them to paintings and gets a contract percentage from the sale, that is, acts as an intermediary between the artist and the customer.

This is his additional occupation, which in addition to the main work brings him a good income in the amount of 20 - 30 thousand per month. At the moment, he is no longer engaged in the search for orders, most of the customers are regular buyers or their friends and acquaintances. Therefore, now he can only negotiate the phone with the customer and the artist and receive a part of money for his work.

Talents need to help ...

Probably each of you heard such an expression "Talents need to help, prisons try ourselves" And in fact, in Russia there are a lot of good talented artists who live in rags. This artists really can be helped, of course with personal benefit for themselves.

The fact is that artists who know how to draw - do not know how to sell. BUT paintings, no matter how cool it is still a product, which, like any other product, needs advertising. We will not talk about high art now and how true painting should look like. And we will not affect collectors and connoisseurs of pictorial creativity. Conversation will go about the so-called "Salon Painting", painting for sale. These are paintings by oil on canvas, with a detailed drawing, who is pleasing to the eyes of a regular buyer who knows little in painting.

Such pictures are mainly designed for gifts and interior decorations. They have an affordable price, and the name of the artist itself is essentially no meaning. It is with such pictures and my friend works. All you need is so finding artists who know how to write beautiful pictures in the salon genre and find the first customers for them.

Where to look for artists for cooperation

You can advertise on free online boards and newspaper. Find artists on special internet services or in educational institutions. According to personal experience I can say that finding good artists will not be difficult. Itself personally for the sake of the experiment I decided to book a picture of oil (landscape 50x60 with a large number of parts), left an ad on the master of the virtuor. The ru pointed a small amount of 5000 rubles. On the first day, about 20 letters came from clearly hungry artists who were ready to write me this picture for 3000 and even some for 2000 rubles. Almost all of them were with higher education and high letters.

And so everywhere, most artists who are engaged in painting - sit without work! They do not have orders! And if there is, it is very rare and most often from friends and acquaintances. And then it is necessary to live, so they are poor and twist as they can, grab for any order with their hands and legs and are ready to overlook the throat with their unhappy comrades on painting.

So with the search for artists, you will not have exactly the problems, but the search for customers will certainly be more complicated, but nevertheless, the task is quite perfect.

Where to look for customers in pictures

The first thing to do so is high-quality album with photos Artists work, he should have, both in electronic form and live. Artists people slightly and untidy and as a rule photos of their work are made in the same way. This is necessary to take care in the first place.

Online galleries

Next will be able to put pictures of artists in online galleriesIf the artists of course did not have time to register themselves in these services yet. The most popular online gallery for today is But still it is not to hope for these services, artists there are a lot there and therefore orders will be extremely rare.

Personal site for the artist

But to create a personal site for the artist will be a very good option. Some artists have already agreed on their sites, but all of them are gently speaking left to desire the best. They are wretched and absolutely "zero"! Maximum that I met good, so it's just a beautiful design - and that's it! Attendance is almost all zero.

Little attendance is not due to the fact that people stopped interested in paintings, but because all these sites are made completely illiterate. Only photos of work, at best, neatly photographed and processed in Photoshop and a small biography of the artist. And that's all! No longer! Interesting and where can visitors come from there? There is no text! No advertising!
Sites are completely optimized and not promoted.

Therefore, as you understand, the creation of the site will be useful only if it has at least some kind of attendance, otherwise it does not mean. By the way if you need a website Or his promotion - write to me.

Social networks

Also when searching for orders should not forget about social networks! Register the artist in all popular social. networks. Make a beautiful page with photos of paintings and the author himself in the process of work. You can shoot a video as an artist writes a picture from beginning to end and set a video on social networks, in YouTube and on the site.

In general, the ways to advertise the goods on the Internet are a huge set, this you need to just do and, if necessary, connect the necessary people. Advertise paintings in offline worth starting with business cards. Make sure several business cards that you can leave your first customers and hand out everyone. Type leaflets, hire some student who spreads them along mailboxes. Agree with the owners of shops for the sale of gifts or accessories for the interior, hang a few banners, leave business cards.


The price of the picture in the salon genre depends on the quality of execution, complexity of the pattern, the number of parts, themes and, accordingly, its size. The percentage that you take yourself for the work is negotiated individually with the artist. Usually intermediaries take 30% of the cost of the picture. But considering the fact that artists have a sharp deficit of orders, then the percentage from the sale itself can be installed much more! Many artists are ready to work for a penny, because it is better to earn at least something to sit at all without work.

Well, perhaps and finish, I think that the basic principle of work is clear to you. There is nothing complicated in such business, it does not require investments either. You just need to go seriously. If you managed to earn money on the sale of paintings at my friend, then you will definitely. Good luck!

However, there is a paradoxical situation: the demand is huge, gallery in large cities grow as on yeast, budgets with unprecedented speed approaching the level of world auction houses, but the art itself disappeared somewhere. In addition, the money rotating in the gallery business is increasingly attracting attention, since the lion's share of art sales transactions are essentially illegally.

As the director of the metropolitan galleries say, "the people got bread - now demands a spectacle." And not only Hollywood blockbusters. According to the Commissioner of the Moscow Biennale of Joseph Bashtein, after buying a large apartment, a prestigious car and vacation in Switzerland in the list of a wealthy person is worth the acquisition of exclusive art - whether it is an antique chandelier or avant-garde cloth for the bedroom. In addition, according to statistics, art (especially antiques) today is one of the most favorable areas of money investment - the pictures are more expensive for a year by about 300%. As a result, after passion for people around and loans, a new tetyr began in Moscow - a gallery and auction fever.

"The impetus for the development of the gallery business comes from the current interest in art, from love to the beautiful. This is the natural need of a person who requires satisfaction and gives life an emotional color, "said Marina Goncharenko, who has just opened his own GMG gallery right in the center of the capital. At the same time, her gallery is going to represent both domestic and foreign artists. On the question of the browser "Nor", which is now profitable to sell, she answered a joke - a jeweler. But then added: "If you seriously talk about what is now promising, I think that now is the diversity. It is impossible to offer something one thing, because each person has a personal look. So, at the opening of the gallery, I imagined six artists who work in absolutely different genres: Peter Zimmermann - in technocratic, Born Melkhus - video, Michael Lin - Installation, Anatoly Zhuravlev - photo installation, Nikita Alekseev shows the schedule, and Nikolai Filatov - Painting .

As practice shows, today there is not a single "closed" niche in the market - they are bought and insanely expensive masterpieces, and the author's dolls, and small circulation things. Over the past year in Moscow, for example, an incredibly strong antique players appeared: the "ProN" gallery works with an almost museum avant-garde of the 20s and 30s, and the rich "Elena" (on the Patriarch ponds) is trying to return confidence in socialism. Plus, the powerful aggression of London antiques - this year "Christis" and "Sotheby's" (opened the official office in Russia) held exhibitions of their hits - from Goncharova and Modigliani to Faberge eggs, which were then sold Russian for tens of millions. Antiques opposed "Moderate avant-gardists" (here and the new Gallery of Polina Lobachevskaya, and the Fresh Museum of, and the Ekaterina Foundation, and the institutions based Zurab Tsereteli, especially the Zurab gallery).

Even such artists who had previously matured their nose from the market were revived - it was already announced that a gallery will open in the living yard, gathering a lot of either little Alexander Shilov and Nikas Safronov.

However, the most powerful front has recently been dealers engaged in modern photography - one of the least "labor-intensive" genres. Previously, the Moscow House of Photography has preserved a monopoly here. Now only three photo galleries work in the Art Center "Vinzavod". In this case, one of them is a completely new format. "We refused mandatory exhibitions, but focus on buyers' demand," said Tatyana Kurtanova, one of the founders of "Photoloft". - And this demand themselves form, showing a variety of photographs. Often, the gallery owls are evolving that they are only interested in art, and sales are the second business. Trade is conducted as if from under the floors - they say, we have contract prices. "

The question of the delimitation of pure art and commerce for our gallerists has always been the most painful. In the era of the first gallery boom of the early 1990s, the benefit of speech was not (sold mainly abroad), it was the time of ideological separation from official art. Today, on the contrary, demand is often higher than the proposal. One of the most experienced dealers, Polina Lobachevskaya, I am sure that now "Gallery is much more than good artists, therefore the same masters are touching - who will offer them more, they go to that." Sergei Popov, director of one of the relatively young, but already succeeded in the POP / OFF / ART gallery, does not fully agree with it. "I do not argue that there is a personnel," he said "ne." - But at the same time we are experiencing both a tremendous take-off activity, and the rise in prices. Previously, gallery expenses are non-profit exhibitions, catalogs, participation in foreign fairs - almost did not pay off. Today, even the most non-novibicious galleries are profitable. We had two important niches, which no one filled out. One already proves Western dealers - these are western paintings for the rich. But where is more interesting to engage in "young art", where the ideas are creative, and the prices below - an average of 2-3 thousand dollars. "

As for prices, on average one product of the famous modern artist costs about 10 thousand dollars. Works of stars - artists presented at international fairs and reviews (Art Basel, FIAC, Arco, in Venetian Biennale), - three or four times higher. Western guests (bye, for example, are engaged in the "Triumph" gallery and Gary Tatinitzian) sell pictures from 50 to 150 thousand dollars.

However, the main problem is even not even in the cost of paintings, but in the organization itself of the gallery business. This business does not want to become legal. How to divide in one gallery exhibition commercial from non-commercial? Double standards and double accounting are always obtained. It is clear that when the galleryist is looking for money on organizing a joint exhibition with the Tretyakovka or Hermitage, he does not want to pay 18% VAT at all. But at the same time who tracks all sales in his gallery? By definition, it turns out that the painting business based on mediation between the artist and the collector is the darkest. No one calls clear prices, does not announce income, does not advertise buyers. Therefore, the environment of antiques and dealers is still the most fertile for crime.

Meanwhile, many problems that, at first glance, come from art dealers, are subject to the problems of the whole society and specifically the state. So, one of the most authoritative Moscow gallery owners, Aidan Salahova, does not get tired of repeating that we have no legislative base related to galleries (galleries as commercial structures, rather than commissions) or patronage. For example, it cannot hold the sale of installation on accounts, because the official documents simply do not know this deficient concept. Sergei Popov, not trying to go into political issues, notes: "Sometimes the feeling that many structures, ranging from state officials and ending with the transport services, turned out to be simply not ready for an art boom. Here and the problem with the insuring work, with their certification (they are not solved 100%), with their transportation. Already once they sounded in the press problems with customs. What to say, if in Moscow it is difficult to buy a decent frame! "

In addition to purely economic and organizational problems, the problems of the purely ideological plan were aggravated. How should the authorities communicate with contemporary art? On customs with "controversial work" they became almost a rule. Does the Museum Censor to Private Galleries? How to support those who really develop cultural projects? And, on the contrary, is it worth twisting the nuts too zealous gallery business today? The thrust to the beautiful is already backed by big money, but there is less culture in it than you can expect.

In Russia, there are quite a few talented artists who, drawing delicious paintings, live injigned. Why? Because they know how to draw, but at all do not know how to sell. And if you have an entrepreneurial vein, and you want to start your business, pay attention to the picture of the business. You will not need any specific knowledge and large capital investments. All you need is to find customer buyers and receive your interest from sales.

The essence of art business

Such painting is called salon and is designed to decorate interiors. Salon painting is distinguished by a low price, and the fame of the artist does not matter here. The main thing is a beautiful picture that will decorate the room.

Buyers will be people who do not disassemble in painting, but those who want to make something new in the design of the living room, bedroom or children's. And here, as it is impossible, the painting by oil is suitable, on which a beautiful landscape, still life, or portrait is depicted.

The essence of the organization such a business plan is quite simple. You find orders for pictures and get your percentage. That is, you are an intermediary between the artist and the buyer of paintings.

This can be excellent additional earnings and bring about 20-30 thousand rubles per month. Most of all you will have to work at first when you create customer database. Most of them will become your regular customers, and then the search for buyers can not be practically engaged.

Many artists are sitting without orders and are ready to take any job. In general, I will not have problems searching for the artists.

But to find customers, you will have to try. You can search for customers, both ready-made paintings and accept applications for individual masterpieces under the order.

Where to look for customers paintings?

Before you go to search for customers, make a portfolio of your artist's works. It should be electronically and in kind. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that most of the creators are sloppy and inaccier people. Therefore, the quality of the photo will have to take care of you.

Online galleries

Today there are galleries in electronic form. These services, where various artists are exposed, and buyers are already looking for pictures that fully meet their requests. On such sites need registration. But still not too much for such a service. Artists there are a lot, and orders make infrequently.

Own site artist

The optimal option will be the creation of the personal site of the artist. And here it is important to think about the design and promotion of the web page on the Internet. If the site is made inactively, and no one will work on its optimization, then the attendance will be zero.

Advertising on social networks Nowadays rectors of popularity. And considering that customer buyers are predominantly a young and active category of people, the social networks will become a great way to promote their goods. You can create your own group and place there not only ready-made work, but also video about how the artist draws a picture from scratch and other interesting information.

Price formation

The cost of the picture depends on its complexity, quality, themes, the number of parts, size. What a percentage of sales? As a rule, it is 30% of the price of the picture. But this figure can be even more, especially if the artist is experiencing an acute shortage in orders, and you can offer several buyers at once.

How to open the picture gallery?

If we talk about the further promotion of the picture business, then the picture gallery - will become an excellent continuation of this case.

The implementation of such a project should be carried out in the city with a population of at least 350,000 people. As for legal aspects, in Russia there is no service controlling the work of galleries. Therefore, it will take a minimum package of documents for its discovery. You can register as IP or LLC. It is also necessary to determine the form of taxation. Here, actually, and that's it!

Search for premises for the gallery

For one picture, the artist will receive 25-40% of its price. Place the gallery is better in the center of the city, where there is a maximum stream of people passing by people. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room will be from 200 sq.m. And it will be divided into the following zones: exhibition hall, room storage room, room for placing special equipment, office.

How to save on rental? This can be both a joint discovery of the gallery with the state body and the discovery of the hall, which has already been previously used for such purposes. In the latter case, no special preparations and costs will need.


For full work, the gallery will need several specialists. This is the project manager, a programmer, consultants, a gallery curator.

Income and art gallery costs

For rent you will leave about 50-70 thousand per month. Repair with design project will require about 1,500,000 rubles. If the room has already been previously used as an art gallery, the cost of its design will be significantly reduced. Salary staff - about 15 thousand rubles to one employee. Advertising - 40-80 thousand monthly.

Thus, at least 1,500,000 rubles will go to the opening of the business.

Now about profits. One picture costs from 5 to 120 thousand rubles. And if the famous artist wrote the work, then its value will be much higher. For one sold, the Master receives 25-40% of the cost. If a month sell 10-20 paintings, then the profit will be from 400 to 700 thousand rubles.

If you feel about true fans of such art, do not be afraid to try yourself as head of art gallery. Such a business will bring you aesthetic pleasure and financial success!