People's construction worker. People's Construction

People's construction worker. People's Construction
People's construction worker. People's Construction

This article on how the transition from the majestic Stalin's time architecture to the minimalism of Khrushchev thaws.

Typical architecture has become decisive for the modern Russian city. In the late 1950s, a sharp turn was happening to this dubious ascetic style. How did this happen? Revolutionary changes in art are not instantly occur, even if they are dictated by the state. During the change of the course, with the beginning of the "thaw", even the party did not know what I wanted, and the transition from an ampury's excesses to simplicity was lasted for about five years: after refusal of excesses in 1953, the first typical houses appeared only in 1959. WHO was built in that much, experimented, and bitter in this asked the fashion: they say that it was on Gaza that the first experiment was held on the construction of mass housing.

IN 1953 The year, immediately after the death of the Secretary General, the All-Union Plenum stated that the typical design would be decisive. There was no resolutions about the excesses, there was not yet an understanding that such a typical architecture, however, the vector was asked, and the search for a new construction rate of the wonderful one began. The history of these searches of foggy and is not recorded by observers. It seems that the party, architect and the plant were looking in different directions. Architects wanted to complete the started at Stalin.

Yuri Bubnov, Gorky architect:
"Then" Classicism "was. And we must say, we became famous for the whole country. I built a house on the Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment, I was put forward to the Stalinist award, I had already sent photos, and then Khrushchev hit the excesses ... well, then we began to work on "Chrushyovski. The chairman of the city executive committee I once said:" Bubnov, let's go to watch how people live. "We went to the car factory, there are barracks, one room on six beds and across them between the curtains."

At the turning point on the table of architects lay projects of several central squares. The beginning of the 50s is the best years of retro-style, copying the classic heritage. Everything that managed to design in 1952-53 and to complete about 1954 -Ho - high-quality facilities, majestic buildings. The Square of Gorky (V. Ya. Fogel), Freedom Square (V. V. Vorontkov), the center of the Sormovsky District thought about the same thoughtful and solemn. At the same time, in the golden time of Stalinist architecture, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe monument to the most influential architect of that period was discussed - Alexander Yakovlev.

"Chernogudsky Skyscraper" and a movie center "Record". Alexander Yakovlev, the end of the 1920s. Photo - GoogleStreetView 2016

After a year and a half after the decision to change the course in November 1954, at the next All-Union Plenum, the existing views on architecture were cut, deafening and final criticism, and it became impossible to realize it. Even exactly one year later, in November 1955, a resolution "to eliminate excesses" was published.

Vadim Voronkov, Gorky architect, now Professor in Nngasu:
"The first objects on which I worked in Gorky were a residential building and an administrative building of hypronphettezavod on the Freedom Square. We were planted in the classics. The object fully agreed, but the resolution of 1955 to combat excesses was followed. Only three years old Love Borisovna Christmas I desired it as it was built. "
(From the book of A. Gelfond "80 years Nizhny NovgorodanniaProject")

Atomenergoproekt. Vadim Voronkov and the love of Christmas, the end of the 1950s. Photo - GoogleStreetView 2016

Two years of doubt and location of the norm. Following the ideology of total unification, it was necessary to develop a universal house. From January 1, 1955, the first building rates and rules, a collection of lower structures on the designs of walls, size of rooms, about the rate of lighting and ventilation, about how much land should have to be per resident and how much garbage tanks per person. For the first time and the rules of fire safety were very fully formulated: how to build, and not to stew. Those who had the opportunity to develop these norms felt like the creators of the new era, and at all did not devoid professions by the creators.

In the year of adoption of the legendary resolution on the excesses in the bitter, typical housing was not built. And next year too. And even for the second year there was no mass construction of the same boxes. In architectural life, nothing happened. Mechanically demolished portico, columns, pilasters and vases. As the architect S. A. Novikov noted, "without proper rethinking" - alien to the architectural discourse, the proletarians liked to be heroes, to defeat excesses.

Photo - Gorkovskaya Pravda newspaper, 1957

In 1955, the car winds made an initiative to build housing on their own. A group of workers of the press shop erected a 24-apartment house to work free hours from materials provided by the enterprise. Such is the first urban legend: the workers themselves initiated the construction reform, and it happened in 1955, long before the mass folk construction site.

"Doesn't Kustarshchina? Is it worth trusting the workshop's fellow citizens?"

The story also talks about the party initiator Comradist Ignatov, who proposed the original method in 1957. In Gorky, he made a lot of noise, although he served here the first secretary of the CPSU committee for only a few years. His, the man of greedy to fame, after the death of the leader deprived everyone of the ranks, sent from Moscow first to Leningrad, then even further, in bitter. Ignatov hoped to survive and in front of Khrushchev. In May 1957, he spoke in the newspaper "True" with an article in which the plants offered to build houses for the workers forces, and in early July, organized a meeting on the distribution of "his" initiative. The directive was accepted and sent over the entire USSR. Trusts appeared instantly at the factories and began to organize workers to build housing themselves. The first typical projects are several compact planning solutions for 8-24 apartments, the same in all cities. It is said that the People's Builder in the rest of the cities was called the "Gorky method". They also called "bitter", and then they forgot, and "People's Construction" began to sign all the plastered houses in 2-3 floors without signs of style.

Photo - Gorky worker newspaper, 1956

The newspapers were replicated an example of a people initiative, and for the likelihood even threw a little doubt: "Doesn't Kustarshchina? Is it worth trusting the workshop's fellow citizens?" What did it be for the house without the address, I wonder.

Contrary to the legends of the work initiative, the People's Building was a well-organized event. By 1957, a separate workshop was built on the territory of the automotive plant to issue special cheap slag blocks. Separate shop! The powerful preparation followed the initiative of the workers and preceded the innovation of Ignatov.

Illustration - Gorkovskaya Pravda newspaper, 1957

Sand house and deception

Slagoblocks As many believe is garbage, mixed in solution. The slag remains from the coal when burning in the CHP and the same as clay, cement, sand and different small pebbles, is a good building material. It is not necessary to think that the construction of it is shameful cheap - for the first time this material was used for the Hermitage Garage. In the industrial 50s, the recycling was in fashion, the plant organized resource-saving materials organized by the people. Unfortunately, it was not ecoly friendly, some slags contained harmful sulfur impurities, besides, they poorly retained heat. Newspapers wrote a little about how the epic ended with small houses for workers, sluggishly referring to the reserves of building materials.

It is believed that the People's Building ended when garbage reserves were exhausted, but it was not quite so.

The slag blocks ceased to do when the CHP moved to the fuel oil fuel, preferring its medieval fossil. True, and the fuel oil had to abandon, because he was expensive, but this is another story. Now the slag blocks are produced again, but no longer across the ideological choice of material.

Plates of sawdust and gypsum , another invention, praised for replacing the inner finish. White and neat, they were thin enough to make seams invisible, and light, under the power of a builder woman. The inexhaustible stock of sawdust proposed the Balahninsky paper plant. It was possible to disperse on cement, on a plaster or on harmful formaldehyde, as they came up later.

Kamyshit - Opening of the construction exhibition of the same sign 1957. The stalks of the root invented mixing with clay and gypsum in Astrakhan. The wetlands of the Volga Delta are the largest in the area within a radius of two thousand kilometers (more only in Tyumen and somewhere far in Siberia). High reed bought wire and fastened with mortar. Large plates of 1.5x2.5 meters are obtained, of which the walls are folded quickly and easily. Cheap material purchased and brought from Astrakhan. Then they said that "so many reverses we definitely do not need," bought in a cheaper with a breathtaking, saved. From the cacishes, houses were built in highlock, for example, one house was built in just two weeks, such a simple material - no cranes, nor equipment, only working hands. Over the reed, we laughed a little, remembering the kibita (yurt) of nomadic nurgages, but rather trusted natural material than not. Now the reed is considered an environmentally friendly material, small houses are built from it away from urban technologies.

Brick panels Used in the first multi-storey houses. For the rapid construction of five-story buildings, the bricks technically glued at the factory. Examples can be seen in the area of \u200b\u200bGagarin Avenue and Tereshkova Street, but this is already later experiments. As you can guess, the area has developed after Soviet flights into space, in the early 60s. The first houses were erected at the former Arzamas highway in 1959 simultaneously with the last three-story buildings of the folk construction.

Brick panels on the street Tereshkova and a sign on the name of the street. Photo - Maslova Irina, 2016

Until 1960, it was planned to increase the production of bricks, and it was particularly noted that brick wall blocks needed to produce 15 times more than in the start of 1957. It is about 61 billion pieces per year! It was planned to increase the production of slate and even conventional tiles from cement and clay. Then plans changed: all conquered concrete panels.

In the second part of the article, which will be released during the week, you will be waiting for a story about the life of independent builders. According to the directives of the soul and heart, the workers created their homes themselves, until they turned into builders and did not move to work at the construction site of massive 5-storey housing.

What is better: skyscraper in a business center or chalet on the banks of the river, a room in a five-story Khrushchev or a wooden house outside the city?

Modern people tend to improve housing conditions. However, many nations are happy in their national huts.

Houses with turf roofs

Denmark, Iceland, Norway

Roofs overgrown with green grass - the picturesque feature of the Scandinavian villages. However, the painting here is not the main thing: the dend, sealing the wooden frame (usually from the birch bark) - excellent protection from the cold. In Iceland until the middle of the 20th century, not only roofs, but also walls of houses with a stone base were built from the turf.



Unique houses with limestone domes in the apoise town Alberobello, skillfully folded by dry masonry, are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Historically, they were built by peasants or shepherds of stones found in the field. Such a dwelling could be quickly disassembled before the visit of royal inspectors to avoid paying taxes. Today, such houses are erected already using a solution.


Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia

Almost all of her life "Marine Gypsies" Bajao is carried out in the ocean, in floating houses. In one part of the house-boat prepare food and store tackle, and the other sleep. The nomads are chosen only to sell fish, buy rice, water and fishing gear, as well as bury the dead.



The population of Samoan villages is not familiar with the concept of "Private Life". Houses without walls guarantee complete mutual understanding. The roofs of palm leaves rest on the pillars placed in a circle and connected by coconut husks. There are family falamas for life, big for meetings and small for rest.



The bizarre streamlined forms of the rock houses in the village of Kandanov in the north-west of Iran could envy Gaudi, and they are created by ordinary people, just carved in volcanic rock. Each house is in a separate cone-shaped cliff. The cones themselves were formed due to frequent eruptions of Schechend volcano in antiquity.

Dogon huts


The perfect Dogon village is built on the principle of the human body. Grinding houses differ in purpose and location. Head - Togun, house for men's assemblies. In the chest and stomach - family houses with pointed roofs. In place of Genitals - sacrificial altars. Hands are at home where women go during menstruation.

Houses Santana


It is assumed that bright triangular houses with a sloping roof to the very Earth once stood all over the island of Madeira, but now, in order to admire, you need to go to the village of Santana, and tourists do it with great pleasure. Now traditional Santans homes are used for mostly not for housing, but as auxiliary buildings, where cattle or agricultural instruments are located.



The portable dwelling of Chukchi is more complicated by the usual plague: a frame of long poles, a tripod and poles bonded by belts, covered with deer and wallary skins. The space inside is divided into two parts: economic (ChOTtagin), where the bonfire is bred, smoke from which goes through the hole in the dome, and the sleeping (canopy) is a warm tent.



According to the myths of the people of Toraja, the first Tongonan was built by God in heaven. According to alternative legend, the first thorands, saving on Sulawesi from the north, suffered a storm, and damaged boats were used as roofs for their homes. Hence the allegedly such an amazing form of dwellings. Tongcastanes are traditionally consigned without a single nail.

Photo: Blend Images / Legion-Media, Photononstop, Alamy, Hemis (X4), Age Fotostock / Legion-Media, Naturepl / Legion-Media

Old Knyazevo is the usual village in the Tver region. 20 kilometers from Moscow - no mail, no local administration, nor medical club, nor clubs. In winter, 15 people remain, buses do not go to the center of Copper - 20 kilometers. But there is in the old ...

Old Knyazevo is the usual village in the Tver region. 200 kilometers from Moscow - nor post, nor local administration, nor medical club, nor club.

It remains for the winter 15 people, buses do not go, to the center of Copper - 20 kilometers.
But there is in the old Knyazev house that changed the local life is the Museum of Sergei Lemeshieva. Here he grown, caught fish in the river darkness. Now his rods are kept in the museum.

Actually, the life of the village changed not a house. And people in the house entered.

The museum was opened in 1991 as a public. In 1992 he became state. And to the museum, even if he is a small, wooden and he flows the roof, the road always relies. So in the old prince and spent it.

And they stretched to the homeland of the tenor dackets from the capital, and built elegant houses.

The neighboring village of Chips, that through the field from Knyazev, was smaller less: here Lemeshev did not live, but only came to the river. Before chips, the road did not reach.

And therefore in the chip another century. Under the dome of the destroyed church howls the wind. And about the fact that there was once a cultural life, reminds the ashiste of the library, burned last year.

The field between chips and the old princess is like a time machine. On the one hand, a completely modern Moscow region, on the other, is the village forgotten by God, where milkings in the collective farm receive 500 - 600 rubles per month.

The Great Shadow will continue the road and gas than the living village. Ghosts remained something like geniuses. And the "Museumist" is something like a volost.

In Knyazevo, Zuran Sotkilava, Vladimir Zeldin, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater and Mariins came to the 100th anniversary of Lemesheva. Several thousand people gathered on the last lemosevsky holiday.

On ordinary days in the Lemeshievsky museum, concerts of Dachniks are arranged. The piano, Irina Vecina, comes from Chrzhzhi - a piano teacher from Moscow. And in the winter, the director of the Lemeshevsky Museum and his same guide Larisa Paschenko goes to music schools and talks about Lemshevé and Museum.

The singers are not alive for 30 years, and the "lemshire" is still going to him. They are a museum and created.

Organized by a singer faith with Nikolaev Kudryavtsevaya and a musician Viktor Dmitrievich Vasilyev Museum built on money fans. In addition to posters, photos and memorial exhibits, their embroidery strokes and poems addressed to Lemeshev.

"Lemshiystki" played not the last role in Larisa Paschenko in the life.

Larisa and her future husband Sergey Abovean worked in Moscow builders.

Sergey liked Lemeshev - since childhood, when he was still transmitted on the radio. Sergey Rose, became a photo checker, then he went to the volunteer on the war in Karabakh, was there a photojournalist. Returning, began to engage in repair work. Then I got acquainted with Larisa.

Once Sergey showed her the film "Music Story", and Larisa fell in love with Lemesheva. Just in that 2002, his 100th anniversary was celebrated.

On the birthday of Lemeshheva, Larisa and Sergey went on the grave of the singer, they met his fans and widow. There they found out how to get to Old Knyazev, and went to the Lemeshevsky holiday.

Larisa liked Knyazevo so much that she wanted to throw Moscow and move there to live there.

The museum was then on the verge of closure - almost no one came.

They decided. We arrived. Forever and ever.

They were allocated a house where funds were kept, and they began to live in it.

In the summer, near the museum was planted apple orchard and broke the flower beds. The yolm "October" presented six seedlings for the museum. The chairman of the chopping collective farm brought fertilizer. Employees of the Tverskaya firm came on the tour - it was on Monday, and they brought a computer on Wednesday. Other good people presented forged railing and visor over the entrance.
... So, by the method of the People's Building, on the stem, on the brick, Ros Museum.

Larisa began to negotiate with Tver-Russian travel agencies. People reached the museum.

And everything was very good: this spring, Larisa with Sergey was born a son - also Sergey, Sergey-Sr. began to photograph again.

But on July 6, the house with the foundations burned down. Short circuit happened at night. When Sergey and Larisa woke up, the roof was already cracking. From the house they managed to take only a child.

And continue to work in the museum.

We live well, "says Larisa. - Only the house burned down. Problems? There is. First, the roof takes place in the museum, and memorial things will deteriorate. Secondly, the exposition eats a cored.

Larisa with Sergey is now in the property of the land plot on the field behind the museum. Here they will build a house. How they will do with a salary of 4,000 rubles, it is not clear. But they will definitely build it.

After all, the residents of Knyazev always lived difficult. Being a kid, Sergey Lemeshev, for example, did not go to Tver for listening, but ran to not freeze. 50 kilometers in six hours.

And if you remember that the house in three windows, which Sergey Yakovlevich Lemeshev bought in Knyazev to his mother Akulin in 1933, was exchanged for a bag of flour and goat, then we can safely say: worse than it was not.

What is better: skyscraper in a business center or chalet on the banks of the river, a room in a five-story Khrushchev or a wooden house outside the city?

Modern people tend to improve housing conditions. However, many nations are happy in their national huts.

Houses with turf roofs

Denmark, Iceland, Norway

Roofs overgrown with green grass - the picturesque feature of the Scandinavian villages. However, painting here is not important: turfsealing wooden frame (usually from birch bark) - Excellent protection from the cold. In Iceland until the middle of the 20th century, not only roofs, but also walls of houses with a stone base were built from the turf.



Unique houses S. cones domes From limestone in the Apulian town of Alberobello, skillfully folded by dry masonry, are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Historically, they were built peasants or shepherds From stones found in the field. Such a dwelling could be quickly disassembled before the visit of royal inspectors to avoid paying taxes. Today, such houses are erected already using a solution.


Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia

Almost all of her life "Marine Gypsies" Bajao is carried out in the ocean, in floating houses. In one part of the house-boat prepare food and store tackle, and the other sleep. The nomads are chosen only to sell fish, buy rice, water and fishing gear, as well as bury the dead.



The population of Samoan villages is not familiar with the concept of "Private Life". Houses without walls guarantee complete mutual understanding. The roofs of palm leaves rest on the pillars placed in a circle and connected by coconut husks. There are family falamas for life, big for meetings and small for rest.



Bizarre streamlined forms of rock houses in the village of Kandanov in the north-west of Iran could envy Gaudi, and they were created by ordinary people, just carved into volcanic rock. Every house - in a separate cone-shaped rock. The cones themselves were formed due to frequent eruptions of Schechend volcano in antiquity.

Dogon huts


The perfect Dogon village is built on the principle of the human body. Grinding houses differ in purpose and location. Head - toguna, House for men's assembly. In the chest and stomach - family houses with pointed roofs. At the site of Genitals - sacrificial altari.. Hands are at home where women go during menstruation.

Houses Santana


It is assumed that bright triangular houses With a slope of the roof to the very Earth, once stood all over the island of Madeira, but now, so that they admire, you need to go to the village of Santana, and tourists do it with great pleasure. Now traditional Santans homes are used for mostly not for housing, but as auxiliary buildings, where cattle or agricultural instruments are located.



Portable housing chukcha It is more complicated by the usual plague: a frame of long poles, a tripod and jeres, bonded by belts, is covered with deer and wallary skins. The space inside is divided into two parts: economic (ChOTtagin), where the bonfire is bred, smoke from which goes through the hole in the dome, and the sleeping (canopy) is a warm tent.



According to myth the people of Toradja, The first Tongonan was built by God in heaven. According to alternative legend, the first thorands, saving on Sulawesi from the north, suffered a storm, and damaged boats were used as roofs for their homes. Hence the allegedly such an amazing form of dwellings. Tongcastanes are traditionally consigned without a single nail.

Photo: Blend Images / Legion-Media, Photononstop, Alamy, Hemis (X4), Age Fotostock / Legion-Media, Naturepl / Legion-Media