What does it mean if a person dreams from Saturday to Sunday? What dreams promise from Saturday to Sunday.

What does it mean if a person dreams from Saturday to Sunday?  What dreams promise from Saturday to Sunday.
What does it mean if a person dreams from Saturday to Sunday? What dreams promise from Saturday to Sunday.

Anyone who pays attention to their own dreams, attaches importance to them and uses dream books, probably knows that the days of the week also affect their fulfillment.

The interpreter will tell you what the dream means, but the day of the week will indicate whether it is worth attaching great importance to dreams at all. Of particular interest is sleep from Saturday to Sunday - on this night, dreams have a special solar power.

Why solar? Because it is this star that patronizes Sunday, and also affects dreams that night. The sun gives life and hope, happiness and joy, dispels darkness and sadness.

Often, dreams from Saturday to Sunday are vivid, emotional and very rich in various incredible events. The interpreters assure that dreams on Sunday indicate to the dreamer what is necessary for happiness, and in which direction he should go.

Absolutely all the events and plots, as well as the people that we dream of during this period, show us images of possible happiness. And given this, you can dispose of fate correctly and achieve a lot.

Sunday dreams - what do they promise?

Such dreams always carry an important, special meaning - they illuminate and demonstrate to the dreamer those characters or events that can give real happiness in reality, help to see the path to it.

A lot of hints and tips in Sunday dreams - they will indicate how to act, with whom to approach and what to avoid in order to become happier. Listen to them!

It is especially good if you have a bright, bright dream on the night from Saturday - it portends joy and an easy way. Dreams, on the other hand, are gloomy, dark and disturbing, which are extremely rare from Saturday, indicate the wrong path chosen by the dreamer. And if you dream of something unpleasant that night, it means you should reconsider your plans and pay attention to behavior.

Sunday dreams are special and deep. It is believed that one should not tell the plot of these dreams to anyone - so that the dream does not lose its mystical power, its energy does not dissipate, and all the best comes to life in the near future.

There is also an opinion, which, apparently, was not formed from scratch, that dreams from Saturday to Sunday sometimes come true right there, before lunch of the same day. Of particular interest are the plots of Sunday dreams - and they can be interpreted quite differently, uniquely and differently. What was your dream about?

1. Dreams of love on Saturday night often reflect the real essence of things, but - be careful - they are not always prophetic. Because Sunday dreams are emotional and they often show what the dreamer is dreaming of, so one should not blindly believe and wait for this in reality.

Eg. If you dreamed about your beloved, the hero of your secret dreams, and how he is in love with you, this does not mean that tomorrow he will propose to you.

The meaning of such a dream will be accurately indicated by the interpreter. Well, the fact that the dream fell on Sunday only confirms the fact that this person is your dream, and that you will certainly be very happy with him.

2. If you dreamed of the same hero of your novel, but with another girl - obviously, the dream book will not lie if it says that he is not your happiness. And you shouldn't take it too seriously. It is worth being distracted and opening up to new feelings and new acquaintances - happiness is yet to come!

3. If in a love Sunday dream you see your spouse or your boyfriend, be sure that the meaning of such a dream is very pleasant. This means that you made the right choice, and this man is yours. This means that you should build a harmonious union with him, and it is with him that you will be happy in the future.

4. Why, let's figure it out, do you dream of a wedding on the night from Saturday to Sunday? First of all, open the dream book and take into account the details of dreams - there can be many meanings.

But keep in mind, if you dreamed of your chosen one walking down the aisle with another girl, this is not a good sign, and your relationship is unlikely to be in order. And if you married your beloved in a Sunday dream, and were happy in these dreams, then this is a dream for sure to great happiness. And even if the wedding is not planned yet, your union will definitely be happy.

5. Various natural phenomena: water or snow, wind or thunderstorm - all this on the night from Saturday to Sunday always indicates your state of mind.

Why such dreams are - the dream book will give an accurate and detailed answer, but keep in mind that under the influence of the Sun, dreams reflect your feelings and dreams, so take this into account when interpreting a dream.

6. All sorts of pleasant events - a vacation by the gentle sea, a long-awaited trip, interesting adventures - all this is a dream on Sunday to assure you that dreams will come true soon.

What this or that event is dreaming of, the dream book will explain to you, but you can definitely say - if you dreamed about what you dream about in reality, then this will certainly come true.

7. Why do you dream of phenomena related to the business sphere, work and money on Sunday? Most likely, to good changes. A particularly rare and extremely successful dream on Sunday, if you saw money in it, and even better - gold.

This unequivocally promises you wealth and endless happiness, because it is gold that is the metal of the Sun, and it is great luck to see it in a Sunday, sunny dream. Any working moments in the dreams of this night portend you success and career growth.

8. Nightmares on the night from Saturday to Sunday are extremely rare, and they are not at all scary. They do not have negative power, because the Sun is a star with the most powerful positive energy.

If you saw something disturbing or frightening this Sunday night, wake up in the morning, look at the sun - it will cleanse you of your worries.

And about the meaning of this nightmare and its impact on your life in reality, do not worry - even the most terrible dream from Saturday does not pose any danger to you, and does not bode well. At most, it reflects your worries, or advises you to be more optimistic, kinder and more positive. Do this!

Sunday is a beautiful, significant and bright day. In principle, he does not and cannot carry any negativity in himself, and his patron luminary, the bright Sun, which gives life to everything on our planet, protects the dreamer from all evil and danger.

Believe Sunday dreams, if they are good and bright, they definitely promise you happiness and good luck. And do not be afraid of bad dreams - with their help, your subconscious mind is only cleared of accumulated negatives, fears and stresses, and in the morning you wake up cleaner and emotionally healthier.

What does it mean if a guy dreamed from Saturday to Sunday? The ex-boyfriend is dreaming from Saturday to Sunday: meaning

You can interpret the dream from Saturday to Sunday in different ways, in which the protagonist is a young man. It all depends on the details: whether this guy is familiar or not, the scene, the situation. Even the appearance of a guy can tell a lot.

What can it mean if a guy dreamed from Saturday to Sunday? In any case, the vision in which the young man appears promises a meeting, and with whom exactly it depends precisely on the circumstances of the dream.

If an unfamiliar guy dreamed from Saturday to Sunday: good value

If a guy is dreaming from Saturday to Sunday, and you are alone and you don’t have a boyfriend, then such a dream portends you a meeting or a romantic date, but with someone you know well.

Seeing an attractive young man in a dream is a great joy in life. Sleep will bring you big changes. Some pleasant surprises and success await you.

If a guy dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, he is unfamiliar to you, but despite this, he gives you rich gifts, which means that in real life you have a secret admirer that you have no idea about, but he helps you and tries in every possible way to monitor your life .

If a stranger dreamed: a bad meaning

If in a dream you see a completely unfamiliar young man, this suggests that in your real life you are bored and want thrills. But such a dream also warns of danger. Be careful in your desires to diversify your leisure time and do not plunge into adventure with your head.

A drunk person in a dream from Saturday to Sunday warns you that you need to behave with restraint with strangers and be careful in public places.

A dream in which you see a guy with a disfigured face predicts a meeting with an enemy or enemy.

But if you dream of a stranger covering his face, this warns that you have an envious person and you will meet him soon. Much worse is foreshadowed by a person who is watching you, hiding behind a tree or, for example, a pillar. This means that you have an ill-wisher and he wants to harm you.

Another meaning of a dream in which you see an unfamiliar guy may indicate dissatisfaction with your life. For example, you did not achieve what you really wanted.

If a guy dreamed from Saturday to Sunday and at the same time he asked for alms, then such a vision warns you that you devote little time to your loved ones, and are also too demanding and critical of those who love you.

If you dream of some unfamiliar dirty and beaten guy, then in real life you will fail. It can be like some kind of property confusion or a mistake that you made.

If from Saturday to Sunday a familiar guy dreamed

We leaf further dream book. Does the guy dream from Saturday to Sunday? What does this mean? If you dreamed of some familiar guy whom you have known for a long time, this means that soon you will receive a message or a letter from a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but had close contact in the past.

A dream in which you and a young man are involved in a major event or procession can predict something very favorable for you. For example, success at work. If at this time not only you, but also other girls are near your companion, then in the near future there will be no significant changes.

If your young man dreamed

Is the guy dreaming from Saturday to Sunday? The meaning of this dream can be very good. This may portend either an imminent marriage proposal, or the fact that your affairs have improved and are moving forward for the better. If in a dream your loved one is cheating, do not rush to think that this is a dream in your hand, it just means that you may need to change your field of activity. Especially if in real life you notice that something is not working out for you.

Another reason for this dream may be that your relatives behind your back or openly show you their disrespectful attitude.

A dream in which you make love with your soulmate is the most auspicious sign. He predicts a long love; that your relationship has a future, and no one can interfere with your happiness.

There are many interpretations of dreams in which you see just young people, but there are much fewer in which the protagonist is your ex-boyfriend.

Why do ex-boyfriends dream?

Dreaming of an ex-boyfriend from Saturday to Sunday? What does this mean? Some dream books claim that such a dream means that the guy with whom you broke up has some kind of failed conversation, resentment and unexplained relationship with you. Some visions from Saturday to Sunday are prophetic.

But in most cases, such dreams are dreamed of because of deep feelings after parting. They talk about some kind of nostalgia and unwillingness to let go of the past.

Firstly, if a former young man dreams very often, then this means only one thing - you think too much about him and want to return, so it makes no sense to interpret this dream.

What you need to know for the correct interpretation

But a dream about an ex that you broke up with a long time ago, and enough time has passed, can say a lot. But in order to understand exactly what the vision means, in which your ex-boyfriend mainly appears, you need to remember the details and the day of the week when it was seen. From Saturday to Sunday, secret and important dreams are dreamed that cannot be told to anyone.

If a former young man dreamed from Saturday to Sunday

If you dream of an ex-boyfriend, this may mean that in the near future you will face a choice: suffer because of the past or move on and build new relationships.

If in a dream you kissed your ex-boyfriend, this predicts a quick meeting with him at some party or event. There is also another interpretation. Such a dream may indicate that in a real relationship, not everything is stable for you. If you are alone, then this may mean that sometime in the past your connection was not put to an end, and you subconsciously return to this thought.

A dream about a former young man from Saturday to Sunday also predicts the possible fulfillment of your plans for this guy.

Fighting with your ex in a dream promises an unexpected message.

If you see an ex-boyfriend with a bouquet, it means that he wants to return the relationship and regrets the breakup.

Being with you in bed - he asks not to be cruel to him, but to give him a second chance.

If in a dream he cries, then soon he will have a new love.

Astrologers say

If a dream involving a former young man is not very colorful and even gloomy, then it means that you are seeing someone who darkens your life. Perhaps you have unpleasant impressions associated with this person, which you subconsciously remember and worry about.

Some astrologers believe that a dream from Saturday to Sunday with the participation of the former promises a quick wedding with a loved one, but it is not specified which one.

Sometimes a former young man dreams because you are missing something in your current companion.

Why does a guy dream from Saturday to Sunday? Sleep on this night is considered by many to be prophetic. Therefore, it is advised to enjoy pleasant dreams and forget the bad ones. Astrologers assure that in such cases it is necessary to believe exactly the emotions and sensations that you experienced in a dream. If it was pleasant, then everything is fine and will be even better, and if it is not very pleasant, then you need to be wary and be careful.

If the dream is really not very good, then this may mean that you have envious people who want to harm you. Perhaps you inadvertently offended these people, and now they are plotting you.

If a guy dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, this may mean that you will soon be overwhelmed by a wave of love adventures, perhaps a holiday romance or just a period of very vivid emotions that will leave a lot of pleasant impressions.

Astrologers advise not to tell dreams that are dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, as they are very personal and have some importance.

What do dreams mean from Saturday to Sunday

If we take up the study of dreams, their interpretation, we will have to take into account not only the symbols that we dream, but also some other factors. For example, the day on which this or that dream was dreamed is of great importance. In particular, dreams from Saturday to Sunday are under the direct influence of the Sun. What do you associate with a sunny day and a planet that gives life to everything that exists on Earth?

Do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday? In fact, any of us can do the interpretation of our dreams ourselves. Many do this by carefully studying the symbols they see. Then they analyze, compare what is happening in dreams with events in real life. Some researchers go further and try to interpret the dreams of their friends, relatives and friends. Thus, information sources, which we call dream books, can be compiled.

On the other hand, each person should mind their own business and we don't have to "reinvent the wheel" at all. That is, there is already a lot of information available, thanks to which you can find out what, for example, dreams carry with them from Saturday to Sunday or any other day. Even the Bible tells us that not all people are teachers or prophets, but each one has a Gift from God.

The same Holy Book describes cases when many magicians were powerless in interpreting a dream, and one had to turn to a certain person. So, dreams from Saturday to Sunday are under the influence of the Sun, which, both from the point of view of astrology, science and religion, is recognized as a creative, creative principle.

Who are the closest people to you? Who do you value more than everyone else? It may not necessarily be your next of kin, but look further. What about friends, colleagues? Here dreams from Saturday to Sunday clarify relationships with such people, but not only.

Surely you, like most normal people, have dreams, goals, plans to achieve them. Dreams just come straight from our subconscious, and their correct understanding can be of real help to dreamers. After all, you always want to ask someone competent how feasible our plans are, isn't it? We have a lot of esoteric literature at our disposal today.

In almost all such sources, advice is given - to turn inward, to ask the Higher Self. Dreams are precisely the signals coming from within, from the subconscious, from this very Higher Self. Someone may call him Soul, Angel or even God. Most likely, this question is of no fundamental importance. As you believe, so shall it be.

You should pay attention to the sensations that dreams brought with them from Saturday to Sunday. If you woke up in a great mood, without a taste of some kind of negativity, heaviness, then this is great. If what you dreamed about that day pleased you, then with a high probability in reality you will experience changes for the better, you will receive wonderful news.

It is possible that in this dream you were a participant in bright events, everything happened as if in reality, and you remember the dream in detail. Such a dream promises you a new acquaintance with a very interesting person. This meeting will have a positive impact on your life. And it is also possible that you will discover some abilities in yourself that you have not noticed before. Remember, we wrote above that people have certain Gifts, including the interpretation of dreams?

Those dreams that come to people at night from Saturday to Sunday are directly related to solar activity. Our luminary patronizes Sundays, which means that all the dreams that were seen that night are straightforward and almost predict events. If you saw a person in a dream, then the nature of "night dreams" is directly related to the development of relations with him. Moreover, such dreams are able to "predict" events that can happen to a dreaming person, regardless of your degree of relationship with him or the strength of friendship.

Love dream on Sunday

Since the dream on Sunday night is “prophetic”, then the love experiences experienced in the dream will most likely become a reality. The course of events largely depends on the atmosphere of sleep, as well as on the specific actions performed by its heroes.

  • The dream is accompanied by passionate kisses. This indicates imminent intimate contact. It is possible that the “date” will not be with the hero of the dream, but with another person, perhaps still unfamiliar.
  • In your dream you are walking with a handsome young man along the street, and there is a reservoir nearby. Water in this context acts as a link between people. If a person is familiar, then in the near future a long one will begin with him. But if this person is unfamiliar to you, then the dream does not carry any sign from higher powers.
  • You dream about how you are trying to run away from a familiar man. This suggests that you seriously overexposed someone in the so-called friend zone. The young man is sincerely in love and wants to start a relationship, but you constantly push him away. Reconsider your behavior towards him.

Such dreams usually do not portend anything bad, it is mainly about the fact that a love affair is soon possible. Whether this is good or not is up to you.

If relatives dream

Again, nothing bad is expected. The essence of sleep rests on how close a relative dreamed and what he did in a dream. Most often, such phenomena indicate that you pay too little attention to loved ones, and this worries them a lot.

Particular attention should be paid to dreams, the main characters of which are your parents.

  • If on Sunday night you dreamed about how parents are looking for food and tell you about it, then ask at the meeting if they need financial assistance. Usually parents do not tell their children about such problems, so as not to disturb. But once you had such a dream, then higher powers give a signal, you need to listen to it.
  • Do you see a brother or sister in a dark room. You try to say something to a relative, but he does not hear and seems to be trying to run away. This means that you have a grudge. It is worth talking when meeting with loved ones, if there are any financial claims against you.
  • Parents are silent and watch you standing on the street, and a large number of flowers bloom around. Don't be afraid, they are safe, despite the fact that flowers are the harbingers of death. The fact is that parents are bored, because you give them so little time.

Again, nothing terrible should happen, so as not to dream. Even flowers, which in classical interpretations portend trouble, in this case are completely harmless and express only longing for their children.

Are friends dreaming? Wait for change

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that friends and acquaintances are different concepts. An acquaintance is a person whom you know by sight and greet when you meet. A friend is like a close relative. He is always ready to help and support in a difficult situation.

If you work with a dream friend, while he is saddened by something, one should expect personnel changes in the company. In this case, the higher forces have chosen a good notification option, because such shocks will surely affect both of you, and a true friend will always be there, even under the most difficult circumstances.

Did you see the death of a close friend in a dream? It's OK! It sounds crazy, but this is a good sign that informs about imminent changes in his personal life. Most likely, we are talking about a wedding or a move. The death of this person symbolizes the onset of a new stage in life, what happened before can be safely thrown out of your head like a bad dream.

Whatever terrible picture appears in a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday, remember that it's all for the good. In extreme cases, we can talk about minor troubles that will not affect the current rhythm of life. Dreams should not be given too much importance, but the information received should be taken into account. If you doubt the meaning of a dream, then contact a professional interpreter, he will tell you the right way!

In the life of every person, dreams happen that leave an unforgettable impression. To understand their meaning, it is necessary to consider a lot. First of all, one should be guided by a dream book that determines the meaning of dreams in accordance with the time when they happened, in other words, the day of the week. Very vivid and memorable dreams occur on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The fact is that the last day of the week is often a day off, and a person has a lot of time to fully sleep and relax. During this period, the unconscious part of a person gives out some symbols, which we will talk about in our article.

Do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday?

As we all know, anything can happen. If good fairies with wings or three-headed dragons become the heroes of your dreams, you will remember the magical adventure with pleasure. But when a dream becomes an analogue of reality, people get very worried. The most popular and significant question that astrologers have to answer is - do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday?

Almost all dream books emphasize that the dreams that we see from Saturday to Sunday come true. Of course, we are not talking about fantasy. Sometimes a person has to look for the meaning hidden in such dreams. But the fact remains - it is impossible not to attach importance to the dreams that visited your consciousness that night.

Astrologers say that if a dream occurred on the night from Saturday to Sunday, then its patron is the Sun. The luminary symbolizes new beginnings and successful implementation of the planned affairs. Therefore, dreams on this day are usually associated with the future.

Usually from Saturday to Sunday there are no nightmares. No need to wait for this night and terrible omens. As a rule, dreams carry either good news or a simple warning. If after dreams a person does not experience unpleasant sensations, then he should expect pleasant surprises from fortune.

Some say: “I had such a dream on Sunday that I didn’t want to wake up!” This means that the dreamer has a hidden talent that even he himself may not know about. Isn't it time to start showing your gift?

Of particular importance to dreams on Sunday nights should be given to the signs of the zodiac under the auspices of the Earth. Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns need to be attentive to bad and gloomy dreams. Sunday nights should be sunny warm dreams.

If you had a dream, the content of which you are not at all averse to making a reality, do not tell anyone about it. Astrologers give such a recommendation to those who want their dream to come true. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are realized on Tuesday. Don't expect this event to happen the day after tomorrow. It could be any Tuesday in your life.

What can be done to make dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday? There are many popular beliefs that give recommendations on actions that increase the likelihood of dreams becoming reality. For example, grandmothers say that on Saturday evening you need to cut your nails or hair, then the dream will definitely be prophetic. This method can also go sideways if you suddenly see something very bad. After waking up, you can not look out the window, so as not to scare away fortune. But it is highly desirable to admire yourself in the mirror - then a happy dream will most likely come true.

What do dreams mean from Saturday to Sunday?

What dreams from Saturday to Sunday happen most often, you already know. It remains to learn how to interpret them correctly. Consider a few important symbols that you should definitely pay attention to when deciphering a dream.

If a loved one dreamed on Sunday, it is likely that you will really feel very good with him. To achieve happiness, pay attention to other symbols. For example, rain carries a sign that you need to be patient.

The abundance of light in dreams is a symbol that the time has come to act. You are already prepared enough to start turning your dreams into reality. This interpretation applies to all areas of life, it is true in love relationships, and in a career, and in friendships.

If you dreamed that you were taking an active part in someone else's life, then in reality it is better to refrain from solving other people's problems. People do not know how to be grateful, and Sunday dreams just warn of such cases.

When a dreamer sees his wedding, he experiences a variety of feelings. For example, dreams in which the chosen one leads another down the aisle do not bode well. If you dream of your own marriage from Saturday to Sunday, get ready for positive changes in life.

Any of the elemental phenomena that appeared in dreams on a Sunday night directly indicates your state of mind. It's raining - be sad a lot. The storm indicates anger. The unbearable heat in a dream symbolizes bright happiness, even if in your dreams you experienced far from rosy feelings.

Pleasant events that dreamed up on the night from Saturday to Sunday will definitely happen to you in the future. Their onset should be expected after a long time, and not planned for the next weekend.

Good changes dream of gold and money. The more jewelry you dreamed of, the happier the upcoming events in reality will be. Women dream of rings and earrings before meeting their loved ones.

Men on this day may have very strange dreams that border on fantasy. If you have turned into another creature in your dreams, think about the correctness of your whole life. Is this the job you need? Is this the city where you should be happy?

Unraveling the meaning of dreams is very interesting. Everything that you dream about on a Sunday night has its own meaning. If you decide to sleep until dinner, do not seek to look for symbols in your daytime dreams. In the light of the sun, all signs become an illusion.

> Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

What does sleep mean from Saturday to Sunday

The dreams we saw on different days of the week carry information-a hint about future events in our lives. By learning to decipher dreams, you can avoid many troubles or weaken their effect. “After reading” the dream, you will understand who is offended by you, and who, perhaps, is in love with you.

Sunday is the day of the Sun. Joyful, bright, light, it brings us the same happy dreams. By deciphering them, you will be able to better understand the attitude of your loved ones and those around you. Happy, pleasant dreams seen closer to the morning Sundays, carry the news of impending changes in work related to creativity. They promise love and a new friendship.

Does a dream come true from Saturday to Sunday?

The oppressive, gloomy dreams seen at this time are a direct hint about our tension inside, about some kind of growing conflict with loved ones or conflicts in the family. Having seen such a dream, try to reconsider your relationship with loved ones and friends and change something in your life for the better.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - Love

During this period, dreams often come true. They are accurate and prophetic, but the dream should not be interpreted literally. The sun helps to recognize your partner's thoughts and make them tangible. A dream of betrayal can turn into a real one. It is worth taking a closer look at your feelings and answering the question: is this your chosen one? Maybe you should look for new faces in your environment? If you dreamed of an unfamiliar lover, then fate gives you a chance to make a new acquaintance. If in a dream a well-known person shows feelings, then he, most likely, has been hiding them for a long time and is afraid to confess his love.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - Wedding

Can often be prophetic. No need to just rush and speed things up. Fate has prepared a valuable clue for you, so pay attention to your partner. If he avoids close relationships and gets frustrated, then your pressure is too strong and can lead to a break. A happy wedding and receiving gifts promises harmony in relationships, an early crown and a long happy married life.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - Work

If in a dream you experienced unpleasant moments associated with professional activities, then they may portend a similar situation in life. Ruined plans, an unfulfilled task promises dissatisfaction with the management or intrigue by colleagues. Take a closer look at your surroundings and be alert. If in a dream you saw a previous place of work, then you are remembered as a good specialist, valued as a professional. Paper bills, signing documents in a dream, an increase in salary will contribute to a real increase in income. Career growth, a new office or desk promise promotion. You are given a chance to show your abilities in action.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - Entertainment

He speaks of growing fatigue and a great desire to take a rest. If in a dream the atmosphere was peaceful, then the rest will be pleasant and useful. After it, pleasant memories and emotions will remain. A conflict with loved ones, rain or dark water threaten a bad trip and ruined vacation. It is better to take care of current problems and postpone the trip.

In a variety of esoteric practices, human dreams are of great importance. Their interpretation is devoted to voluminous and numerous works. Some dream books have a thousand-year history - this means that even then people were worried about the question of what dreams want to tell us, and who is trying to speak to us in their language. And besides the interpretation of every detail of a dream, which is characteristic of standard such books, many teachings give an important role to the time when this or that dream came. As it turned out, this indicator often determines whether it will come true or not.

Let's consider, for example, a dream from Saturday to Sunday. At this time, a person who is tired for actively restores his strength. After all, most of us are well aware that the next morning we do not have to get up early, and therefore the body can relax and dive deeper into the pool of dreams, without fear of being pulled out of there by the sounds of an alarm clock.

What can tell In the practice of the so-called, what you see at this time is associated with the Sun. Dreams that have the status of "solar" cannot carry a negative charge in themselves - after all, this star gives life to our planet, warms us, symbolizes the highest cosmic principle. Such visions are helpers in the future, it is only important to interpret them correctly. And first of all, you need to be aware that sleep from Saturday to Sunday is important not only because of what exactly you saw in it, but also because of its emotional coloring.

If the vision was bright, colorful, brought bright and joyful sensations, this means that the future promises some pleasant events that are just around the corner. It can be the success of loved ones, new love, interesting communication - anything that brings joy and positive energy.

But if the dream left behind a heaviness in the soul, it was unpleasant, nervous, this may indicate overwork. In this case, you need to listen to your own body.

If we talk from the point of view of whether they can come true, then dreams on Saturday come true very often. Moreover, this happens soon after they are seen, and it will concern the closest circle of friends - loved ones, best friends, family. So the events from the dream can show what to expect from your loved ones in the future.

But the prospect of coming true concerns only night visions, which are considered deeper and subject to the other, invisible side of being. If you had an important dream on Saturday afternoon, most likely you should not attach importance to it. Almost all esoteric practitioners believe that what was seen in a daytime nap is an easy way to relax, and do not attach sacred significance to this.

Well, and finally, advice from the arsenal of folk wisdom. Even if the dream from Saturday to Sunday was bad, promising misfortune and misfortune, there is no need to worry beyond measure. Folk healers advise to tell as soon as possible about it to as many people as possible - “squander”, as it was called in the old days. Traditionally, Saturday and Sunday were market days, which means that the influence of a bad dream can be dispelled at this time.