Beautiful theatrical names. How to call theatrical circle

Beautiful theatrical names. How to call theatrical circle
Beautiful theatrical names. How to call theatrical circle

Two girls decided to create a theater-pop studio for children from 4 to 14 years. According to the concept of a new generation educational institution, which connects the traditions of teaching acting skills and new trends in art and show business. I will tell you in detail how I came up with a name for him.

    At the installation meeting, we decided in which language the name should be and that it should express.
  • Decided that despite the patriotic rise, the theater studio in Odessa should be called in Russian, it will be authentic, and not aimlessly.
  • The name may consist of one or two words. If the name is long or complicated, it is desirable to provide a reduced option for colloquial use.
  • The name must differ dramatically from all existing, as well as the concept and studio program varies from competitors.
  • The name should be directly reported or at least hinting to the direction of activity. Key semantic parts: theater and children. Ideally: the name must be on their intersection.
First stage: Express analysis of competitive names.
    Using searching on the Internet (for Odessa resources) and in the electronic city directory, I received the following list of names:
  • Children's Theater School (Interestingly, the site they have called TeatRalo4KA)
  • theatre studio "Mosaic" (Center for Children's Creativity of the Sea)
  • Theater Studio "Contemporary"
  • theatre studio "Kninkin Theater"
  • Children's Teatral Studio "World"
  • Children's Teatral Studio "Ovation"
  • theatre studio Tour de Force (Youth Theater)
  • School of Acting Mastery "Willie Vinki"
  • theatre studio "Pear"
  • theatre studio "Funny Family"
  • Music and theater Studio "Randevu"
  • Children's show Chung-Changa
  • Children's Theater. "Balant"
Faced with the fact that many theater studios are nameless, they function at various children's centers, clubs, academies, schools. Just in case, I recorded the names of these institutions, because if necessary, theater studios can use them for their identification.
  • Family Center "Gold fish"
  • Children's Club "Academy" (She is the "Academy of Children's Development")
  • School of Acting Skill in the Center for Development "ABC"
  • Children's Education and Creativity Center "Simba"
  • Creative Center "Creative"
  • Children's Club "Varosik"
  • Children's Club "Story"
  • Children's creative club Domisolka
  • School "Harmony"
  • Studio Currency Courses "Remarka Film"
  • theatre studio "Interlingua" During foreign language courses
    Kyiv theater studios "Artyo" and Mochik "accidentally fall into the sample on the search query. Leave their names for analysis.
    I also paid attention to expansions with names. It turns out that theatrical studios and children's clubs are most common, the centers and schools go behind them.
    I started working with the classification of titles to understand which cluster is most full. I got the following groups:
Heroes of books, cartoons, corporate characters:
    "Sign", "Willy Winki", "Chung-Chang,", "Simba", "Golden Fish", "Laying" (if there was a "train from Romashkovo").
Art, creativity, development:
    "Tale", "Creative", "ABC", "Harmony", "Domisolka"
The names of famous theaters, both in source and modified form:
    "Contemporary", "Mkatik".
Theatrical terminology:
    "Ovation", "Balant".
Games, toys:
    One of the tools used in the formation of titles, diminishing-laxular forms ("Funny Family", "Balant", "Farovosik", "Mkatik", "Domisolka").
    Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the lexical cluster of theatrical terminology is practically not filled, in contrast, for example, from the cluster with the names of cartoons and the heroes of books. I note this for myself as the most promising direction, because one of the requirements of the brief - the name must be associated with the theater.

Second Stage: I define themes in which you can search for the name for our theatrical-pop studio.

Third Stage: We work out each topic.
    At this stage, I only finish with obviously inappropriate options, the rest according to the rules of the brainstorming I write, not criticizing.
      For example, such is a set of a lex for blocks "Theater Terminology" and "Theater Objects"
(Published in alphabetical order):
  • Assembly Hall
  • Amator
  • Amplua
  • Benefit
  • Ticket
  • Bohemia
  • Buffoonery
  • Vaudeville
  • Decoration
  • Genres
  • Curtain
  • Casting
  • Dolls
  • Kulisi.
  • Culmination
  • Metamorphosis
  • Start
  • Form
  • First row
  • Snaps
  • Bow
  • Spotlight
  • Prologue
  • Ramp
  • Repertoire
  • Employees' entrance
  • Scene (Advance)
  • Third bell
  • Charisma
  • Shakespeare
Other thematic blocks were less extensive: Neologisms, constructs:
  • Artistic
  • Aktorus
  • Talento
  • Idadeti
  • Charger
  • Theater
  • Show-wow.
  • Drum-there
  • There-da dame
    I also remember my favorite alternative nemine, when the names are used as the title parts of speech. So the name 4.14 is born
Fourth stage: I critically look through the list, referring to the requirements of the Customers.
    Select 10-15 best names, assessing their originality and melodiousness. I understand that there is no ideal, since the theater vocabulary does not contain a hint that studio for children. I don't want to seek childhood at the expense of diminutive suffixes. Looking for an alternative. And so, adding epithet to one of theatrical words, I get the desired name. It seems to me that it is it.
Fifth stage: Credit name clients.

Little roles

    I like that it fully complies with initial requirements. I am impressed by the subtext laid in it.
    The name of the Customers does not affirm immediately. Interview close and familiar people, in particular moms with children. Those express the point of view that such a name does not sell that it will not like it to parents. It takes a few days. With the title are bothering, it comes out, it starts to use it. We make a decision to develop a logo and corporate identity writing texts for pages in social networks.

    It was a very easy and pleasant project. Neuming passed into one stage, which happens not so often. Usually I am inventing the names in two or three approaches, specifying the wishes of customers and better understand them after the presentation of the first options.
I wonder what you think about this name? How is it to you? Would you give your child to the Theater Studio "Little Roles"? Or, perhaps, among the proposed options, do you have your favorite? Write in the comments, I will be glad to discuss them.

Choose the name of a mug of decorative and applied creativity - the task is not so simple, as it may seem at first glance. Association This is not created for one year, in the future the development of a mug is laid. Changes and additions to the working program, the emergence of new directions and age groups are possible. All this makes a choice of the event responsible.

The importance of additional education

Children attending a circle acquire skills and skills that help them learn in a secondary school. In addition, creative work with enthusiastic, not indifferent teacher make them more organized and manageable.

Small motility, which develops well on such classes, makes it possible to learn how to write well, put a beautiful handwriting. It is known that it is also useful for the mental activity of children.

The modern name of the mug on decorative and applied creativity will attract the attention of children, they will be interested in it to walk. In the process of creating a work of art, a small person will overcome difficulties: learns patience, learns about its capabilities.

Boring stages of work, such as a monotonous operation, repeating many times, the teacher will help to perform mechanically. Then the head is released for conversation on an interesting topic. While the guys are shaped, stick, cut out something, the teacher leads a story on a common topic.

  • Leaves.
  • Acorns.
  • Small stones.
  • Shells.
  • Seeds of various plants.
  • Bumps.

Then the crafts are created or in the form of paintings that can be hanging on the walls of the room, or in the form of statuettes. Scenes from Russian fairy tales can be depicted. Natural material can be painted with a gouache, and after drying, coat with acrylic transparent varnish. It does not smell and dissolves water.

Names suitable for the working program feedback:

  • "Develop the skills."
  • "Before school".
  • "Skillful handles."

Circle for younger schoolchildren

The former practices of the electives gave tangible results: the students who visited them better had time for subjects. A group of 10 people is the optimal amount for informal classes.

In the process, the teacher is often suitable for one, then to another schoolboy. Personal help of a specialist, and on time, is the key to the success of the student. If many guys have been recorded, especially at the beginning of its work, to combine all of all the work will help.

Distribution of tasks will give everyone to feel in place and work will go well. In winter, when attendance falls, it will be possible to pay more attention to an individual approach.

Directions that are happy to explore the children of younger school:

  • Plasticine technique.
  • Salty dough.
  • Decorative postcard.

Perspective development of a circle

In order for the circle not closed after the first year of life, it is necessary to think over its promising development. The program that children studied in the first year will remain on the second for those who first came to do. The second year is another program, otherwise children will be boring.

Thematic plans for each year of study may have their own names. But the name of the mug of decorative and applied creativity remains constant. Each year includes a repetition, fixing the skills gained earlier, and a new material.

Technologies that require constant advanced training, well leave and develop. It can be the following types of work:

  • Lrack.
  • Painting.
  • Decoration.
  • Sewing.
  • Embroidery.
  • Knitting.
  • Author's doll.

Working with paper is likely to be not interested in the guys. Although for congratulations to loved ones can be left

For the third year (or the course for older guys) can do not just do dolls or soft toys, but glove dolls. Then you can play a small presentation. This will attract the attention of parents.

Participation in exhibitions is a quick way to succeed in the selected area. Sometimes the teachers do not want to associate themselves by explaining the workload. But children who are preparing for the competition can devote a lot of time. Especially when hear praise. Do not be afraid to declare participation in urban, regional and other contests. It will be a good idea for promising development.

A circle can get an order for the manufacture of promotional products, souvenirs, building models, etc. This is a good advertising. Take pictures of the process stages, make notes in the local newspaper, and everyone will learn the name of a mug of decorative and applied creativity. At the end, arrange a holiday.

Then the children will fly to their favorite circle on the wings, and their teacher will become a native person.


Focus on when choosing the name for theatrical mug at the age of its participants. Children's team (up to 14 years) will appropriate to be called one of the names of fabulous heroes ("Chipollino", "Piero", "Ole Lukoy"). Young theaters and circles in age may not be against "Hamlet", "Don Quixote" or even "Figaro". Do not use the names of the characters of books and films, whose authors are in good health, without their written permission (which sometimes make it very problematic due to various legal subtleties, material costs or, for example, a language barrier).

Think who will come to your performances. If you plan to perform mostly before, the name of your theatrical circle should be clear to the kids, causing positive emotions. For example, "Cheerful Carlson", "Pinocchio and the company", "sisters and brothers Grimm". However, the teenage and youth audience is quite picky. In this case, you do not need to choose too finished name. And at the same time it can be unusual and even a rapid. For example, "we are together", "light and performance", "Steps behind the scene".

Take the future repertoire as a basis. So, if you are going to put sketches, reprises, play parodies, it is possible that you will taste the following names: "The jester with us", "regulars", "Balant", "Domino". If you are going to navigate serious dramatic works, then the name of the circle must be appropriate: "Sphere", "Mirror", "Theme", "Situation", etc.

Select the names associated with the viewers and participants of the mug with the theater, namely: - the names of the genres ("drama", "reprise", "miniature", "intermedia"); - the names of structural units of works ("phenomenon", "prologue", "Exposition"); - Terms associated with work on the production and decoration of the scene ("Misanszen", "requisite", "Decoration"); - terms associated with the device scene and the auditorium ("Ramp", "Kulisa", "Gallery", "PARTER").

Decide whether it will be relevant to call theatrical circle in honor of famous playwrights or their plays. On the one hand, this means that you strive to match the specified level. But on the other, it may seem too pretentious, especially if the settings are not successful.

Do not choose too long names and try to do without high-quality adjectives (big, small, beautiful, beautiful, new, old, cheerful, sad, etc.). Or at least, use them so that the resulting phrase has had at least some attitude to art. For example, "New Century", "Small Hall", "Sad Image".


  • name of children's circle

The opening of the children's center is a good matter, besides profitable. The range of services provided by such centers is quite large - training, medical services, entertainment and much more. But regardless of what your children's center is to do, it needs a good name.


Relieve yourself from the type of activity of your center. If this is an entertainment center with all sorts of slot machines, then the name must have an active game and fun. If this is a children's development center, then nothing sharp and annoying. It is better to associate the name with learning and education. You can use Latin roots, but only well-known so that no one has to climb into dictionaries from decoding. If this is a sports center, then you need to be active and energetic. Do not forget about the age of children on which your center is designed. For age category from 3 to 7 years old, one name is needed, and from 7 to 18 is another. It is hardly sixteen years old to visit the center called "Baby".

Refuse stamps. "Sunshine", "Cloud", "Star", "Chamomile" - all this has long passed the stage, besides, too craved.

Contact for help from child cartoons and books. Favorite fabulous heroes can also give the name to your center. Just be careful with the copyright and do not forget about the relevance - the cartoon that is popular now, absolutely does not necessarily save your position in five years, and then the center will be renamed.

When they sketch several names of the names, spend their phonosemantic analysis, that is, to identify which associations in people these words. Depending on what you want to make an effect with your name, you can choose from all the best.

Video on the topic


  • Phonosemantic analysis of words

Children are worthy of all the best, cheerful and interesting. In clubs, where the child spends his leisure, playing or learning something, the joyful atmosphere and bright colors reign. Signboard meets kids at the very entrance to this magic place, so the name of the couple with the picture will leave the very first impression in children and their parents.


You can go a laughing track and call the club: Sunny, Friendship, Rustist, Antoshka, Bell, Firefly, Snow White, Cheburashka, Rouh. But there are already a lot of such names, and the idea itself, laid in the Word, should show your fantasy and originality. Focus on - it is unlikely that something from the proposed is suitable for 10-13 year old kids.

Kids love acquaintances with a positive meaning. They like fairy tales that end up well, and their funny heroes. Little children will gladly visit the club with the title: Kolobok, Teremok, Golden Key, Zaikina Hut. Choose a few audible items and offer parents to vote for your favorite. Kids can be offended if they choose not what they wanted, so it is better not to connect them to solve such issues.


How to develop speech and thinking of students? How to learn to comprehend the secrets of the word? How to learn to comprehend the world, bring up responsiveness, compassion, love to everything alive?

The shortest way of emotional liberation, removal of compression, inhibition, learning to feel the word and artistic imagination is the way through the game, writing, fantasy. All this can give theatrical activity.

In the compiled program, the Creative Workshop Mug The Children's Theater is considered not only as a means of achieving a certain artistic result, i.e. Creating a performance. It is very important that the workouts of theatrical art intensify in students thinking and cognitive interest, awakened fantasy and imagination, love for his native word, taught sympathy and empathy.

The "Creative Workshop" circle is a completely different form of the organization of educational activities of students than a lesson. The student does not receive ready-made knowledge, he mines them, builds himself.

On the circle, the guys are aimed at tasks: through the installation, the logical structure of the occupation, the manager leads to the leadership of the independent cognitive activity of students. They themselves choose and the necessary pace, and the means, and methods of performing the task, alternating steam room, individual and group work. The atmosphere of confidence, student cooperation and leader is a meaningful work with the didactic material, appeal to the personal experience of students, connection with other art types - contributes to the development of the individuality of the student.

Explanatory note

The program "Creative Workshop" Mug is designed for two years of classes with children of different ages: younger, middle, high schools.

The workshop is a technology requiring the head of the transition to the position of partnership with students, non-violence, without the priority of the process. This technology is aimed at the "immersion" of the participants of the circle into the process of searching, knowledge and self-knowledge.

Theatrical circle "Creative Workshop" has its own principles, its work algorithm. The motivational stage of classes is reflected in the presentation of the inductor - the indifferer of cognitive activity. The inductor is an object, the indifferer of cognitive activity - helps students make their way through experience, through the barrier of their knowledge, beliefs that only the reality show him, which corresponds to them, and everything else does invisible. To see, see, puzzle, and then organize the search - the desired chain of actions, to which the head includes a student, coming up with an inductor. Motivation enhances and advertising - the presentation of their ideas, plans, the results of their work, ends the occupation of the circle is always reflexion at the level of thought, analyzing its path, their feelings, impressions.

Classes in the Creative Workshop Circle are conducted according to a program that includes several sections.

The section "Culture and Technology of Speech" combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, proper articulation, clear diction, logic and orthoepium. The section includes games with a word that develop a coherent figurative speech, the ability to compose small stories and fairy tales, pick up the simplest rhymes.

The section "Rhythmoplasty" includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of the motor abilities of the child, plastic expressiveness of television conditions, reduce the effects of training overload.

The "Theatrical Game" section provides for not so much acquiring professional skills as the development of its play behavior, aesthetic feeling, the ability to communicate with peers and adults in various life situations.

The "Ethics and etiquette" section includes the understanding of universal value with the task of searching by students of their own meanings and values \u200b\u200bof life, training of communication culture, values \u200b\u200bof decent behavior (etiquette), upbringing aesthetic needs (to be a skilled reader, the speaker of the theater), the individual diagnosis of moral development of the student and the possible Its adjustment.

Class Schedule The circle is based on two lessons per week. The educational process is built in accordance with the age, psychological capabilities and features of the guys, one hundred assumes possible time adjustment and occupation regime.

The purpose of the program:harmonious development of the child's personality by means of aesthetic education; the development of his artistic - creative skills; Moral formation.

The goal can be achieved in solving a number of tasks:

  • Ensuring the necessary conditions for the personal creative development of children;
  • Formation of a common culture;
  • Acquisition of knowledge and practices in the field of theatrical art.

As a result of the development of the program of the theater mug, the "Creative Workshop" students receive a whole complex of knowledge and acquire certain skills. By the end of the second year, they should:

  • Be able to correctly assess the consequences of human activity and their own actions;
  • To achieve the state of acting discharge, to be able to live a particular literary plot by the etude method, improvise for quite a short time;
  • To educate such qualities as responsiveness, empathy, the desire to help, self-esteem, confidence;
  • Send the skills of communication, quickly adapt, feel comfortable in any atmosphere.

A significant moment when working with children's association is educational work. The main link of this work is to create and strengthen the team. This is facilitated by general classes, studies on the study of acting skills, stage speech, stage movement, proper application of make-up, preparation and holding of common holidays, performances.

Relations in the team are very important. Collective work contributes not only to the comprehensive aesthetic development, but also the formation of moral qualities of the guys, teaches the standards of decent behavior. One of the tasks of teacher - create a comfortable microclimate. A friendly creative team not only helps children to enrich themselves with knowledge and skills, but also feel one.

Praise the teacher for an independent solution to the issue, permanent orders, conversations, as well as helping younger comrades give self-confidence and sense of satisfaction. It is important that the older participants feel responsible for themselves and for the younger, and the younger - respected the elders, seeing defenders and assistants in them.

Great importance is attached to the playments. The game often arises quite complex situations that require moral solutions and actions from the guys. Performed the rules of the game are obliged to all, and children feel that victory victory is to melt. The game is unacceptable to insult each other, rudeness, dishonesty. They always appreciate mutual assistance, kindness, honesty, support, attention and sensitivity. The educational value of the game is difficult to overestimate. Another feature of the game, physical development, in the game are improved motor skills.

It is extremely important to take care of older pupils - adolescents, given that it is for them that the group has a special value, personal significance. The various perception of a small group of adolescents is associated with satisfaction with its relationship with other members of the group, with such a feature of adolescence, as the predominance of the emotional-volitional side of relations and the inaccurate awareness of relationships and the insufficient awareness of relations with comrades in the group. The head, given this feature, must distribute the duties, roles and instructions in such a way that the status of the group's participant rose, and the relationship between the organizer (the leader), activists, performers, individual guys ("Buntari" - in the city of Furmanov) were satisfied, .. Everybody was "drawn" in a common cause. The effectiveness of students' training is created by using the adoption of mutualation, by forming healthy competition, as well as by educating the personal responsibility of the child.

Training plan for two years

Educational and thematic plan for two years

Theme of classes

Number of hours


Educational and thematic plan of the 1st year of study
First half of the year

Introductory conversation. Acquaintance with the plan of a mug. Asset election circle

Culture and Technology Speech

Games for the development of attention ("Names", "Colors", "Paints", "Gardener and Flowers", "Aibolit", "Lawyers", "Deaf and Silent", "Echo", "Chepukha, or Nelapitsa").

The release of the newspaper "Word in the theater ..."


Psychophysical training, preparation for etudes. Coordination development. Improvement of posture and gait.

Standing the stage etude "Appeal" ("Familiarity", "Wish", "Mirror").

Theatrical game

Acquaintance with the structure of the theater, its main professions: actor, director, screenwriter, artist, make-up. Working out of the stage etude "These professions of the theater ..."

Making maker. Gigien grima and technical means in makeup. Tuning of shared colors.

Acquaintance with the scenario of fairy tales in verses (based on the tales "Twelve months").

Distribution of roles taking into account the wishes of young artists and the correspondence of each of them chosen role (external data, dictation, etc.). Expressive reading of fairy tales on roles.

Discussion of the proposed circumstances, the peculiarities of the behavior of each character on the scene. Discussion of decorations, costumes, scenic effects, musical accompaniment. Help "Artists" in the preparation of sketches of simple scenery and costumes.

Terminating roles in 1, 2 phenomena. (Work on the fair with dialogue, logical stress, making decorations)

Terminating roles in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 phenomena. (Work on the fair with dialogue, logical stress, making decorations)

Terminating roles in 8.9,10,11 phenomena. (Work on the fair with dialogue, logical stress, making decorations)

Selection of musical accompaniment to the fairy tale scenario. Repetition.

Destination in costumes. With decorations, with musical accompaniment, etc.

Speech with a performance to school students and parents

Analysis of the case by the organizers (the shortcomings that must be envisaged) and participants (whether it was interesting to work on the performance, whether he needed that we would do next - collective planning of the following case).

Ethics and etiquette

Communication of ethics with general human culture. (Respect for a person to man, to nature, to the ground, to his homeland, by childhood, to old age, to the mother, to bread, to know; for what you do not know, self-esteem).

Drawing up the story "Man is the highest value" by photographs of their loved ones. ("No people in the world no")

The rehearsal of the stage etude "Theater begins with hangers, and etiquette with" magical "words." (Etiquette).

Habits of bad tone. (Etiquette)

The release of the newspaper "Etiquette in matters and answers". (Flowers, secular society)

II half of the year

Culture T Technique Speech

Games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech

Games for the development of language guesses ("rhyme", "again we are looking for the beginning", "Skatcher", "We are looking for a second half", "creative approach", "on the first letter", "Literary Domino or Domino sayings", "from several - one "

Evening "Knowledge - Power"


Bottime Etude (Put the thread in the needle, collect things in a suitcase, treat a pencil with blade, etc.)

Scenic etude "Sculpture". Stage etudes in a pair: "Advertising", "Contradiction". Stage Etudes by Group: "Very big picture", "Abstract picture", "Still Life", "Landscape".

Stage etudes. Noisy design in texts, division into groups, drawing up scenic etudes.

Training rhythm movements. Exercises with balls.

Theatrical game

The verbal effect on the subtext. The speech and the body (the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe preparation of the body and speech; the subtext is opened through plastic).

Development of observation. (Based on its observations, show the etude. Understand and reproduce the character of a person, his attitude towards the world around).

Development of imagination and ability to work in a sharp figure ("in the mask").

Work on the organs of articulation, diction and acquaintance with the norms of orthoepia. (Repetition of letters, alternation of bell and consonants, combination with vowels; work on proverbs and patterings).

Work in the way. Analysis of facial features. Hairstyles and wigs.

Familiarity with the scenario of the fairy tales "like Ivan-Fool reached the hell".

Distribution of roles taking into account the wishes of young artists and the correspondence of each of them chosen roles (external data, pantomime, etc.). Rehearsal of individual scenes.

Corresponding to the circumstances proposed, the peculiarities of the behavior of each character on the scene. Discussion of decorations, costumes, musical accompaniment.

Rehearsal of pantomimen movements. Manufacture of poster.

Speech in front of the student of a group of extended day.

Analysis of the speech. (Predictors of the extended day group are invited).

Ethics and etiquette

Concept of tact. The golden rule of morality "Go with others as you would like to come with you." (Work on the text of the poem N. Gumileva "Sixth feeling")

Development of the topic of the clock. (Testing of stage sketches "Bus", "Critica", "Spore")

Culture of speech as an important component of the image of a person, part of its charm.

Norms of communication and behavior. (Drawing up stage sketches)

The release of the newspaper "Etiquette in matters and answers". (In a restaurant, in a cafe. Invitation. House, family)

Theatrical game

View the scenic etude "Dialogue is a dialogue and" conversation "of animals. (Chicken - Rooster, Pig Cow, Lev-Baran, Dog - Cat, Two Monkeys, Big Dog - Little Dog)

Foaming of costume elements. (Play one or another image that occurs when receiving attributes: "Butterfly" and towel, belt and a pilot, etc.). Mastering the scenic space.

Creativity of Krylov, reading the Basni "Wolf and a lamb". Acquaintance with the scenario of the parody of the favor of Krylov "Wolf and a lamb".

Distribution of roles taking into account the wish of students. Discussion of costumes, scenery. Making masks of animals.

Terminating roles. Work on the facial expression during dialogue, logical stress

dress rehearsal

Speech. (Creative report at the parent meeting or speech before the extended day group).

Business Analysis. (Positive parties, negative).

Analysis of work for the year.

Educational and thematic plan for the 2nd year of study
First half of the year

Introductory conversation. Acquaintance with the plan of a mug. Elections asset mug. Manufacturing "Corner of theatrical Mug" Creative Workshop "

Culture and Technology Speech

Work on exercises aimed at the development of breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, proper articulation.

Games for the development of clear diction, speech logic and orthoepia.

Games with words that develop a coherent figurative speech. ("Certification story or poem", "What does it seem to be thoughtful?", "Why is Anthem - Asia, not anthem - Africa?", "Theater of Absurda", "Lying!", "Accusation and excuse").

Drawing up a small story "Manybye Words".

The release of the newspaper "Games lead experts." (discussion, selection of material, duty distribution).


Pantomime test.

Training rhythm movements.

Pantomimic etudes "one does, the other interferes." ("Movement in the image", "Waiting", "Dialog").

Improvement of posture and gait.

Pantomimic etude "Picture Gallery". Drawing up a pantomime etude "revived picture."

Theatrical game

The value of the details in art.

The development of the proposed circumstances, the scenic tasks "Truth of Passion, the likelihood of feelings in the proposed circumstances ..." (A.S. Pushkin).

The basis of acting creativity is an action. "The main thing is not in action itself, but in with the natural origin of the urges to it." (K.S. Stanislavsky)

  • Stage etudes on imagination.
  • An image of various sounds and noise, "illustrating" reading text excerpts.
  • Etude on the expectation status in a given situation (5 people at the same time).

Communication as a process of recoil and perception of feelings and thoughts of two or more faces. Organization of etudes on the assessment of various situations.

Work on exercises developing the chest resonator ("locomotive"). (Species, proverbs).

Making maker. Light

About the form and proportions of body and face. Blush. Eyeliner. Mermae of a young complete and young thin face.

Analysis of the facial expressions of your face.

Staging on the winged expressions from Bassen I.A. Krylova. Stage etudes.

Reading and discussing the staging on the fairy tale Sergey Mikhalkov "How Bear has found the phone." Discussion of the play, her topics, ideas, possible principles of production. Distribution of roles.

Terminating roles. Work on the facial expression with dialogue, logical stress. Making masks, scenery.

Dress rehearsal. Design scene.

Premiere. (Before students of primary classes)

Analysis of the speech.

Discussion of the topic "Drugs". Selection of material, distribution of responsibilities. The release of the newspaper "Heron - Smokers" about the dangers of smoking.

Etudes in motion, characteristic of a given image (7-8 people at the same time).

Reading poem in a specific image. Scenic image of "gait".

II half of the year

Ethics and etiquette

(Etiquette). Culture of speech as an important component of a person, part of its charm. Speech etiquette. Choosing vocabulary, intonation, speech, speech errors, softness and rigidity of speech. Preparation and display of scenic etudes.

(Etiquette). Norms of communication and behavior: behavior on the street, in transport; telephone call; Behavior in the store. Examples of students. Stage etudes.

Memory of man, family, people. No memory no conscience. Creative work "Holy Memory". Analysis of creative work.

The release of the newspaper "Etiquette in matters and answers". (Discussion, collecting material, distribution of responsibilities).

Theatrical game

Etude as the main means of upbringing the actor. Etude - "Means to remember life" (K.S. Stanislavsky). An image of the action of noise.

The unprecedented etude on contrasts (2 people, the scene is divided by the partition). Etudes "broken camera", "Sound Functions", "Talking on the phone with an invisible opponent" (1 person).

Work on the exercises, developing strength and flight of speech voice.

Work in the way. Fabulous makeup.

Acquaintance with the scenario of the children's performance "Ecology and Environmental Protection". (Discussion of the play, her topics, ideas, possible principles of production)

Distribution of roles taking into account the wishes of students and the correspondence of each of them chosen role (external data, diction, etc.). Expressive reading of fairy tales on roles.

Discussion of the proposed circumstances, the peculiarities of the behavior of each character on the scene. Discussion of decorations, costumes, musical accompaniment. Rehearsal of individual episodes.

Rehearsal of individual episodes. Making masks.

Rehearsal of individual episodes. Making decorations.

Selection of musical accompaniment to script.

Rock rehearsal. (Detection of those places that require refinement).

Destination in costumes, decorations, with musical accompaniment.

Premiere of the play.

Analysis of the speech.

Culture and Technology Speech

Joking verbal riddles on the development of attention, expanding the vocabulary stock.

Conversation "I am in the world ... peace in me ..." (friendship). Resolution of situations.

Riddles - Metagrams and Riddles - Logging. "Cunning" quiz with the words (the feeling of the word and the ability to think non-standard).

Conversation "Nadezhda". The writing is reasoning on the selected proverb.

Testing "Features of emotions". Test analysis.

The release of the newspaper "Create, invent, try!". (Discussion, collecting material, distribution of responsibilities).


Pantomimic etude - shadow

Coordination of movements (10 people). Imitation of animal behavior (5 people). Etude on observation.

Ethics and etiquette

Round table "ABC Communication"

Creating stage sketches. ("In a taxi", "On the street, in transport, in the elevator", "in the train car", "on vacation", "appeal", "greeting")

Psychological self portrait. (Drawing up detailed psychological self-character).

Analysis of work per year


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