Maria Revyakina: "Art is not a matrix of life. This is my city: CEO of the Golden Mask Theater Prize, Maria Revyakina

Maria Revyakina:
Maria Revyakina: "Art is not a matrix of life. This is my city: CEO of the Golden Mask Theater Prize, Maria Revyakina

K. Larina- 13 hours 14 minutes, good afternoon, at the microphone of Ksenia Larina, and we begin the program " Culture shock" "The fate of the Golden Mask: Is the theater place for discussions?"

Frankly, I started with the headline, I tried to somehow sue this beautifully, spiritually, so that no one was frightened. Well, I hope that I will not frighten anyone.

And in our studio, General Director of the Festival "Golden Mask"

Maria Revyakina.

M. Revyakina- Director of a non-profit organization.

K. Larina- Sorry. General Director of the Non-Profit Organization Festival "Golden Mask", Maria Revyakina. Hello Maria.

M. Revyakina- Hello.

K. Larina- Alain Karas - Theater Critic, Chairman of the 2015 Gold Masks Expert Jury.

A. Karas.- Chairman of the Expert Council.

K. Larina- Chairman of the 2015 Expert Council. Yes, it is important to clarify that the expert council in the annual mode is going to re-every year.

M. Revyakina- Now, the expert council will begin work in October, and the poster will be in 2017.

K. Larina- Okay. And Paul Rudnev dilutes our female company. Independent theatrical critic - so you can say Pasha?

P. Rudnev Many will not believe it.

K. Larina- Greetings.

P. Rudnev- I try to be independent.

K. LarinaDear friendsI remind the SMS number for your questions - + 7-985-970-45-45. Let's somehow explain to people who do not really understand what is happening. What happened why suddenly the fate of the "golden mask" hung in the hairs? We hope that this is not.

I just remind you that last week the chief cultural event was the statement of Cyril Serebrennikov, who in his Facebook announced that he refuses to participate in the festival and in the Golden Mask Prize and, as it were, it removes all its performances from possible Promotions and nominations for hygiene reasons after saw the declared composition of just a new expert council.

After that, of course, an incredible scandal broke out at first at the network level, and then he had already moved into the media. Of course, everyone wanted to hear Cyril Serennikov's comments and Konstantin Bogomolov, who supported Cyril in this decision. And it is worth recalling that Konstantin about this, in my opinion, spoke in the summer that he also recalls his all performances from participation in the festival. Did not have?

M. Revyakina- Not.

K. Larina- Give me, in fact, how it was. Therefore, see, after that it turned out that the composition of the Expert Council, which this year was formed that, as I understand it, under the leadership of Alena Karas, yes?

A. Karas.- I did not form, I must say. That is, the Council was under my leadership, but formed us others.

K. Larina"So, people who have formed this advice have proposed there as experts of people, for many not the fact that, there are unknown, but simply unacceptable.

I can name myself, I am free. This is Capitolina Kokashenyev, which seems to be criticized. I actually learned about her existence during a trial of the "tangomezer", where it is just the testimony of the so-called, its assessment of the performance was formed the basis of the author's charges of the performance "Tangerizer" in the most scary sin And in other "abuses over shrines."

I also remind you that Capitolina Kokashenyeva is an employee of the most famous Heritage Institute named after Likhachev, who also became incredibly in demand in the Ministry of Culture, as the main expert on theatrical art and on performances of modern directors.

A. Karas.- The main guardian of the classics.

K. Larina- Yes, the main guardian of the classics. It's like one lady. Then you can still call a person from St. Petersburg by the name of Yuryev, who also turned out to be very, as it seems to me, very such patriarchals on the verge of views, who also has its own vision theatrical DevelopmentHow art should develop theatrical and in what direction.

In short, it is the presence of such strange experts and has become a reason that Kirill Serebrennikov reacted so that some of the workshops are supported in this and his comrades on the workshop, including representatives of the critical workshop. I know that from the expert council, at least two people came out, it was Alla Shenderov and Olga Fuchs.

Why do I tell about it in detail? In order not to give God, we did not find out the relationship with each other, because it is impossible to combine. I am very glad that Maria is finally here. I understand that it will be her first official comment on what is happening now around the "gold mask."

Masha, explain to us, please, what is happening there? The consequences of what we are discussing today? Because I understand that this is not today's story. The case, probably, not in specific people I called, yes? And there something else happened during this year. What happens to the "mask"?

M. Revyakina- Well, you know, I'll explain a little on the procedure to be clear to our listeners and we are present here, because sometimes, indeed, people are confused what experts are, what a jury is how it is formed.

It means that the provision that exists and approved by the Union theater figuresSince the premium is an independent theatrical professional, the founder of it is the union of theatrical figures, and the co-organizer is the Ministry. But still the founder is the Union.

Expert advice was formed by the creative commissions and cabinets of the Union of Theater Workers and the Directorates were already submitted to the secretariat who claimed it, yes? Now, after the last festival, after the last award ceremony took place a few scandalous, let's say, speeches, you know about it, it was in May in Tula, and, in fact, we gave the answer, and not only the "mask", but also theatrical Fatails - "Who are you Masters of Culture?" Well, and so on.

K. Larina- There were some claims from the Ministry of Culture to the "mask".

M. Revyakina- Yes. Then there were several meetings of the working groups formed by the Ministry of Study, in the Ministry of Culture, in the Union of Theater Workers, again in the Union of Theater Workers, to find a certain understanding that it is still a festival that can be submitted to reform it. Well, because in terms of, for example, nominations there are many very ...

K. Larina- And what does not suit the Ministry of Culture, what specific claims?

M. Revyakina- It seems to me that the main claims, what I heard is the formation of expert councils and the formation of the jury. That is, as if the formation of posters and long-sheet is what we heard. Long-leaf, honestly, no one understood why Long-leaf does not suit the ministry, although Long-leaf is such a great option - I will probably support colleagues - which makes it possible to show again that in Russia where there is More seven-part theaters, if in Long-leaf falls, there, for 100 performances notable, it is already fine, right? Still, among 4 thousand premier 100 noticeable performances or 180 for Russia, it is good, and the short leaf and poster is formed from the Long List. This is one of the claims.

The second is the formation of expert councils, although the ministry has always participated in this since 2008. That is, the ministry always cooked its employees who have an education - theater, music-friendly, that is, they have always been in expert councils, there were no questions.

But now the wishes of the ministry - to increase the number of people co-constable from the ministry, but on such an interest ratio, which the ministry offered, the Union did not go.

K. Larina- What did they offer? Controlling stake?

M. Revyakina- 50 to 50, this ratio was proposed.

K. Larina- 50% should have been to submit the Ministry of Culture, half of the expert council, and half collects STD?

M. Revyakina- Yes. At this union did not go.

K. Larina- And why? What, there are such bad theaters in the Ministry of Culture?

M. Revyakina- You know, it is necessary to ask, probably, take a comment from the ministry most likely to be the most accurate. Therefore, now, fortunately, this did not happen, and a list of people offered, who offered the ministry after discussion by creative commissions, still by the Cabinets, the secretariat itself, was approved in the number of 13 people. Where the deposits of the Ministry got off, this is in particular Andrei Yuriev, Capitolina Kokashenyeva, Olga Svyushin. They hit the expert council.

K. Larina- But, by the way, since we are talking about the names, what Shenderov and Fuchs came out, it needs to be replaced by someone then?

M. Revyakina- In general, yes. It is necessary to cooperate critics in order to still the expert council be complete. I think it will be done, naturally.

K. Larina- Pasha, what is your vision? What is happening there - these are some ideological disagreements, aesthetic, this dispute, what is called, about art, about tastes? Or what about?

P. Rudnev- I think that this situation is such that the "Golden Mask" has always been and formed, began and continued as a professional premium from professionals professionals. That is, in fact, in some sense of the word, this is the brainchild of the magnificent 90s and zero, when a private initiative in theatrical art It was much more in demand, rather than the state initiative, and when the theatrical world understood himself, where the pain, where he hurts, and directed all his strength there, actually. It happened with a modern play, with modern choreographyShe depended on private initiative.

And now there is such a nationalization of this private initiative. That is, what has been done by the people of the theater for the people of the theater, it turns out ... Instead of the state formed its own institutions and its own awards, it is trying to climb the territory that belonged to the theater itself.

K. Larina- How actually the theater? Is this not the private premium?

P. Rudnev- This is not a private premium ...

M. Revyakina- This is an independent Union Prize.

P. Rudnev- Certainly.

M. Revyakina"And the right Paul said, nevertheless she was created then at the initiative of Mikhail Alexandrovich Ulyanov, Urina, Viktor Pavlova.

K. Larina- It was the 95th year.

M. Revyakina- It was even a little earlier, the 93rd, because at first she was like Moscow. Then the Ulyanov decided that all the same should be Russia. And just then the main slogan, as it is fashionable to talk now, was: professionals professionals, and it was the main condition that professionals experts, critics take away the poster, and professionals-figures, that is, those who work in theaters, they are already like would be awarded to the premium.

K. Larina- Alyona?

A. Karas."I would not want to dwell on this very detailed, because I believe that we all who work and who will remain working and may still come to work in the expert council, you need to take this very moment of silence.

K. Larina- A minute of silence.

A. Karas.- A minute of silence. This minute silence will be, and is already very dramatic, very saturated, as in a good psychological theater. Yes, it is full of various emotions, the second, third, tenth plans, and this is normal, and it seems to me that, well, we all costs everyone to stand silence. I'm still talking about it - well, maybe since I started - talking, then I will complete a little bit on this topic. I really call on all my colleagues, I can not call colleagues independent and dependent on specific publications, that is, critics, in general the theatrical public to express your opinion as they can.

But those who are the will of the Fate began working in the expert council, I urge to remember about this minute of silence, because the patient we have a complex (or rather, patients), thin, wounded, in some patients, places too healthy. That is, very different patients. If the doctor will choose, he likes the patient or dislike that he should treat is the same absurd. In this sense, it is necessary to perceive yourself as a certain, conventionally, the medical staff, our hospital is so bad, and take a complete measure of responsibility, including even if someone is insulting you, and you can't tolerate. In my opinion, it is necessary to be silent now.

K. Larina- What is the essence of disagreement? ..

A. Karas.- I would only say that, in my opinion, because really, the "mask", which so started - I agree with Paul and I agree with Maria that her formation had to have a very serious change of generations, and, of course, " Mask "In some sense, it turned out to be an institution that is free, sometimes unwittingly, was forced to take the floor in this change of generations, it was necessary to work, including, not only as a certain objective wonderful judge who all wants to provide But she was still forced to have been inhaling a historic shift, a little to participate in this change of generations.

And, accordingly, in different time And the further, the more, the tension grew. And this social tension associated with the "mask" position on many issues with how not only the competitive display was formed, but as was formed special programs. I think it is now the face of the discussion, but in part vibrates - a new drama, there is something else ...

K. Larina"Alena, remind, in the festival" Golden Mask ", in my opinion, did not participate in the" contemporary ", this was also the decision of Galina Borisovna Volchek.

P. Rudnev- In some moments.

M. Revyakina- In some years, for example, Schiller, who put Tuminas, the theater refused. But further, for example, the play of Fokina "Shinel" participated, "enemies. The story of love, "received a" mask ", they became laureates.

K. Larina- That is, there were no such demarches.

M. Revyakina- Not. I remember the story associated with Anatoly Vasilyev, when he, too, somehow, in my opinion, refused to participate in the festival. There was a story with the "contemporary", but it was already an old-year-old year here with this performance of Rimas Tuminas.

A. Karas.- Marinka.

M. Revyakina"Marinka - Just Valery Abisalovich Gergiev refused, he nominated every year, naturally, and every year he received. And he simply said that it is not necessary to nominate me, there are young conductors, there are young forces, and you need to consider them. Actually, since then does not nominate.

K. Larina- And the Bogomolov did not refuse, are you saying?

M. Revyakina- Well, no, Kostya wrote in Facebook ...

K. Larina- In the summer there was no official statement, there was no that he refuses?

M. Revyakina- Not.

K. Larina- Let us listen to now, then we return to the program.

K. Larina- We return to the program. Let me remind you in our studio Maria Revyakina, General Director of the Non-Profit Organization Festival "Golden Mask"; Alena Karas, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Gold Masks of 2015; Pavel Rudnev, independent theatrical critic. Ksenia Larán leads the transfer.

So, look, I have such a question in my forehead: there is still such a risk that the "Golden Mask" will turn "Golden Vityaz" in the next minute? Maria.

M. Revyakina- Not.

K. Larina- Not?

M. Revyakina- Not.

K. Larina- Where such confidence?

M. Revyakina- Still, you see, theatrical community, as I think quite seriously refers to this festival. Theatrical community is Russia. And even at the time when it all started after the ceremony, we got a lot of responses from different parts of our country, even those theaters that did not nominate at all, not to mention the Matrahi director, about theatrical critics, suggests that That the festival is in demand, archned and necessary for that gathering theatrical space and gluing, which Paul once wrote in one of his articles. And theater does it.

You see, the theater is still striving to collect the theater picture, this is already history. This is the history of the development of our wonderful theater. And I can say that, although, unfortunately, Capitolina Kokashenyeva said in his interview, that we have a terrible stagnation of the Soviet party stagnation - this is I quoting directly from her performance, this is a perfect misunderstanding of the process. Apparently, maybe it's just not seen the theaters ...

K. Larina- Masha, well, what do we drink this kokashenva?

M. Revyakina- No, I just quote.

K. Larina- Well, it is clear that she doesn't decide anything, it's not her initiative to come to the "Golden Mask" and say: what is your stagnant? And let's go to you here. Well, the truth, let's be honest.

Because main question It remains not that Serebrennikov and Bogomol left, and they will not be, but in the opinion of my question, whether in principle, in principle, in general, the modern Russian theater is presented at the gold mask poster, or we have been looking at the next year with Alana The performances of the type "like gods", and it is this that will be our guide, our light. I mean the play on the play of Yuri Mikhailovich Polyakova, hit the season of Tatiana Doronina theater, at which the minister himself was visited and said: here it is, this is real art.

M. Revyakina- Here you need to focus on experts, on professional experts.

K. Larina- ... how much they will be free in their right, and is there anything else, how to win in this struggle? "So we defeat!" - Another performance in the same theater.

A. Karas.- Many things were fun to read, so I try not to read, but the assumption that there will be such a poster, in which someone will not be, but will be the other way around, there, and so on ... It is clear that if this poster, if It will be such that a certain majority of votes will be lobbyed, promote and vote in the end for some performances that I can not, as a professional, vote will probably be a serious next stage of a serious one conversation, conflict, or possibly , some mutual demarks that none of us can exclude. But, of course, hope for a good will, the sane and a certain level of professionalism - after all, you know what it means? These people go, relatively speaking, once a week they go somewhere. What is the work of the expert? It is four times a week at least they look at performances.

P. Rudnev- For eight months.

A. Karas.- For eight months. This is a huge loading. And I will tell you that you start on the shore and think that this ship will go, and he just goes ... there is a storm, there are winds there, there are viruses there. And despite the temperature, you go and watch this theater. A huge number of video. That is, this stream, which in a different way will rebuild, I hope, just builds this system of general communication, which, to some extent, again, I count, it will be possible, despite the entire difference aesthetic. Of course, a professional criterion ... A hundred years ago I remember the "mask" of some ninety ... now I will say what year. When the performance of Oleg Nikolayevich Efremova "Three sisters" was in the program. And then the chairman of the jury was Basilashvili. And there was a huge tension, huge the battles inside the jury, that's when I was there. And, of course, the main thing is that everyone discussed: where is he, the criterion of professionalism? So, this question, which all each other is constantly addressed. We really hardly produce the criteria of professionalism, because they ... such as if no, you know? We are people of society, a different society, different public ...

K. Larina- That is, it's still a taste of discrepancies.

A. Karas.- These are taste discrepancies. And, of course, it is impossible to pass them. But I will say so that in fact, I suppose that this is the right of a person, different people, Think differently. And I for this right of different people think differently not the fact that life is ready to give, but a lot ...

K. Larina- minute, very important question, Alain. there is different points Vision, and there is impossible points of view.

A. Karas.- Certainly, there is.

K. Larina- This is the difference, how do we formulate it? Where is this border?

A. Karas.- Of course, there is a huge difference between us, between us, by all the members of this Expert Council, yes? And I do not think that someone will be offended by saying that if, let's say, thirty years, almost that I thought so with horror, about myself, for example, I say - almost daily theatrical practice to one degree or another. There were years when I wrote less, I said more, working on the "Echo of Moscow." Somewhere there ... but it a huge lifecarried out inside theatrical criticism, that is, trips and so on. I can love or not to love, respect or not respect, but this is some - not only with me, but also my other comrades - some experience, more or smaller, experience permanent of this kind of activity.

M. Revyakina- Moreover, I now preva Alena ...

A. Karas.- Others have less or at all. This is also an important circumstance.

M. Revyakina- This is not only a Teatran Diploma. You see, I also have a Teatran diploma, but I do not write a review, I do not watch such a number of performances, I am completely engaged in another profession.

A. Karas.- Of course, when you watch the theater's life daily and answer and internally, before yourself, first of all, your conscience professional and in front of some community for those opinions that you formulate, of course, think about a multitude of things. And I think, if in this daily mode, here are all colleagues who are now presented in the "mask" existed, I think their position, including ideological, ideological, public, would be - how to say? - In many ways, others. Olga Svyushin, which here is talking about - after all, it is difficult not to move to personalities - she once this one, the other than this. She is in some years that, in other Xyaka. Etc. And to say that she ... But she secured her level of their professionalism, some right to express their opinion. They can be terrible for very many people, but, nevertheless, I think that ... and in this sense it seems to me that this professional levelprovided by our many years of many, many years of permanent work With theater ...

K. Larina- I want Pasha to continue, what is the authority of the expert. In addition to considering and experience, something else is probably there.

P. Rudnev- The confidence of the artist, you need to conquer the confidence of the artist. Not everyone, but someone. Indeed, I will continue what theater critic is? We all watch 250-280 performances per year only alive. Approximately the same we look at the video. Of those who drive (this is a person 20-30), they know what is happening in every theater of each region of Russia: who leads these theaters, what strength is in the troupe, which are artists in the country. This is the absolute knowledge of the evolution of the artist. We, studying a new performance of some director, we know his past, relatively speaking, yes? This is about this. We understand where he is moving, where he tries to move. This is a very important thing. From this, it seems to me that the same reputation that is conquered for years, and it is possible to lose it in one careless step. And we know such examples when a person in one careless step loses the confidence of the entire theatrical world. Still in this area it is very consolidated. Theatrical world, I mean.

K. Larina- We are very quickly forgotten.

P. Rudnev- Well, yes, definitely.

K. Larina- In all areas, it is not only in the theater, everywhere. Even mistakes and public kiks, they are very quickly forgotten, and it all starts first.

P. Rudnev- But not all.

M. Revyakina- the only thing that I would probably be adjusted to Alena that the right of public statement in size, within, or rather, his profession, but not within the framework of the person, when the personality statements or some of the Facebook appear on the Facebook field then ...

K. Larina- So what? This is also a Facebook right.

M. Revyakina"I don't know, it seems to me that it is already, you see, some kind of ethics are still."

K. Larina- Well, what will we bring them up?

M. Revyakina"I don't know, here every person must ask himself a question."

A. Karas.- I also thought about different forms of my, say, presence in the Facebook space. But I think so: I can't teach anyone, although sometimes I teach, but for experts I carry some responsibility of the current ones. I repeat, experts, it seems to me, should not participate in this active now ... in my opinion, should not. Even those ... not, those who gone, probably ... Although, I think they can also be restrained. Their right, go, is indeed right. Well, I do not agree with this departure, with this decision, but I understand their right to do it. But those who work, I propose to climb.

K. Larina"But still a measure of compromise, she, of course, for everyone, each in its own way determines it." I remembered before the transmission and remembered that there is a single professional radio frequency in Russia, which is called "Radium". So, in this "radio" there is no radio station "Echo of Moscow". There are nominations "Best information program"," Best Presenter "," Best Music / Movie / Policy "program," The best socio-political talk show ". And there are some radio stations there, really a lot of them. Won FM-Range Open - There's something chat everywhere, right? But the radio station "Echo of Moscow" is not there. But this does not change anything in the life of the radio station "Echo of Moscow", you know? How many premiums do we have? At least two major national filmmakes are Nika and Golden Eagle. My question is as follows: Do not you think that really, and why not make an alternative award, the main national theatrical award, is absolutely independent of the state and from any other institutions related to the state? Here Pasha says that there is a nationality, the state wants to privatize it, "Golden Mask", take yourself.

M. Revyakina- Wait, gentlemen, wait, colleagues. It seems to me that this position is not very correct. First, all theaters are state-owned, receive government financing. State financing is still, we come back to this issue again, this is the money of taxpayers, and not state money, right? And taxpayers contain theaters for money taxpayers.

A. Karas.- Taxpayers contain a state in coc.

M. Revyakina- Yes. Actually, because the state does not dictate, as it was before soviet times: Let's here we will have a repertarks, idlesets. That's what we are taking you, and this we are not lit., that's you do not have the right to put. I remember this situation. This is not. Well, the Golden Mask Festival is a festival reflecting the process in Russia for one theater season. It is like a mirror. That's what happened, these are the most visible, the brightest. And all so many.

K. Larina- Wait, can I say, the festival of state theaters?

M. Revyakina- No, this is a festival of any theaters, any. And the state ...

A. Karas.- By the way, entrepreneurs does not take part.

K. Larina- Private theaters accept.

M. Revyakina- No, why? There was such a performance, in my opinion, " Human voice"In the house of music. It happens, of course, of course.

K. Larina- Then, in the nomination "Experiment" there are both entrepreneurship performances.

M. Revyakina- No, no, any theaters, professional any theaters.

K. Larina- Why is it so important to emphasize that there are state theaters?

M. Revyakina- No, I brought an example now ...

K. Larina- I can not understand what is the principal difference then.

M. Revyakina- ... about the state.

K. Larina- What are the obligations?

M. Revyakina- Ministry of Culture Russian Federation Since Mikhail Efimovich Shvodsky, believing that this festival is extremely important for Russia, it is extremely important, he supported this festival, and the ministry by allocating part - part, emphasize funds, not all financial ... Not all financially invests - part of investment maintains this the festival. Just as it supports state theater.which has its income, there is money sponsors and so on. This is such a cooped budget, nothing more. That's all. Therefore, if, of course, someone has a desire to make an alternative award, well, somehow, I do not know ...

K. Larina- We have theatrical awards, but it's all the so-called premiums spectator sympathy. Here we have a "Crystal Turandot" award, private, by the way, the premium ...

M. Revyakina- There is a children's premium.

K. Larina"There is a children's award" Harlequin ", there is a Golden Sofit Award in St. Petersburg, there is a" Star of theater ".

M. Revyakina- ... to revive the beautiful premium that was ...

K. Larina- What?

P. Rudnev- "Seagull."

K. Larina- Beautiful was, an absolutely independent "Seagull" award.

P. Rudnev- The case is: not a single private award to solve the geographical problems of the country. The power of "masks" in its inclusion. This is, first of all, the festival is the regional, it is the provincial theater. This is a festival that pulls up the province and supports it. And the strong provincial theater of the last 15 years is in many ways the merit of the Golden Mask. But here to take the Novosibirsk opera to Moscow with any play, you need a plane, a separate aircraft. That is, it is gigantic money that no private award cannot be covered. And experts must go. Export of one body of an expert is two thousand euros. In Khabarovsk, for example.

A. Karas.- And 13 expert bodies are exported within eight months.

P. Rudnev- Each expert is watching 250 performances on video and 150 ...

K. Larina- without the Ministry of Culture, without state support Such a national premium is not visibility in general, yes?

A. Karas."I want to say one thing, just now I thought when Pasha said." An interesting thing is what a thing. That is, I imagine the plot in which this divorce took place. "Mask" could not, the ministry was not wanted, the tops, the bottom and so on ...

K. Larina- Well, did not coincide.

A. Karas.- Someone somewhere from someone separated, formed something his own. Both those and these were formed. Of course, the ministry, conventionally speaking, there is ambition to declare everything that it does, proceed from it as national and state. And this is a fair claim. The "mask" is also so there. But suppose such a situation. In this situation, both parts of this contract, as if of this phenomenon, incredibly marginalize. That is, the Ministry without a "mask" is completely unable now, today it is just a fact - technologically technologically, and so on to organize an interesting for society, intense, representing the most different phenomena Prize. "Golden Mask" without anything of this resource, of course, of course ... or the festival, which will inherit the "Gold Mask", is also not able to provide it. In this sense, of course, the national national, yes?

M. Revyakina- No, no, not state, no, Alena, no, it is confusion.

A. Karas.- Not state, but national, yes.

M. Revyakina"Still, the phrase" Russian National Theater Prize "was and invented by the union of theatrical figures, and the" national "not in the sense of" state ". "National" - covering the whole of Russia, all theaters

P. Rudnev- And all genres.

M. Revyakina- Yes, all genres. This is the nation. As for the question, he has been asked for no first time, and the Ministry of Culture has pronounced it, one of the members of the working group: can the "mask" exist without the money of the ministry? Well, you know if this alternative gets up - I hope, I just have enough mind and reason it is not to do this - then just all programs that accompany the "mask", extremely important: educational, regional program, "Plus Mask", where You can bring ethnic theaters, children and so on - this is all, and the institute of the theater, it's all, of course, it will be impossible. But the contest ... Well, of course, I hope that our partners will help us, and the competition itself can still pass on its basis.

K. Larina- Listen, and we still have an example of "Teffi", which was also an amazing award, and there they tried people completely freely, not engaged, independently, solely on the basis of professional considerations, to award these awards. What is all over? Began to go out one after another, yes? There is some number of people left there, yes? What is all over? An industrial committee appeared, which took place, in fact, the Teffe brand and left academicians, who are there several dozen, I do not know, hundreds, academics that are engaged exclusively by the regions. The "Tafi region" exists perfectly, and there the competition passes, and people drive, expert bodies dangle throughout the country.

A. Karas.- devoid of the metropolitan context, they, of course, lose ...

M. Revyakina- Such a proposal was also, to divide the "mask", and we all heard about it, Moscow and regional. It is completely wrong, and first of all who risen - it was the regions. Because after all it can not be a reservation, it is a single theater Russia, a single theater Russia, a single theater community. And it seems to me that the theater community should still understand this that it will be easy to destroy, and it will be very difficult to build.

A. Karas."I want to say such a thing important too, I as I pull my own and I can think one thought at a time, so I think it, this thought." As the "mask" began and actively developed when the problem of changing generations came, then during this time the "mask" existence, let's say, in the province ... In the province there is some such preserved theater, which is not touched by all sorts of incorrect processes in the capital's culture. Metropolitan young directors of St. Petersburg and Moscow and became more active in the province in the province. And without this mutual tension, I think it is simply a generation of young interesting directors of two capitals, it would simply not reach the province.

K. Larina- The last few minutes have come, let's ask the easiest and most difficult question. Masha, I appeal to you. Under what conditions do you put a partbiler on the table? That's when you realize that and here it is not, here I'm leaving here? Can I say this out loud?

M. Revyakina- Well, this question is quite complicated. Because I still have a man who ... Here Alain, from the very beginning she said that we have patients, and I say that our colleagues, we know what the theater is a complex community, and we always try and found compromises . I mean, we, the Directorate. But we are not experts, we are not a jury, we work with these people. Therefore, I am a supporter in order to still fight for keeping the festival and a premium in the form in which it was created, and developed, and should develop, and find certain compromises. But, of course, if the union of theatrical figures decides that the experts should be half the following, and half so, some more complex conditions will, of course, will fall apart. Here, in fact, I want to say that to rely ...

A. Karas.- The dialogue will be impossible.

M. Revyakina- ... Yes, you only need to theatrical community and on an absolutely normal calm dialogue. Because officials should also begin to understand what the theater is, as it is important for Russia, as far as he is now in demand and how important it is to maintain it.

K. Larina"It seems to me that they used to understand, they just had other officials who understood it.

M. Revyakina- Yes.

K. Larina- Alain, and for you?

A. Karas.- For me, I think that for me there will be a dialogue with experts in the expert council is possible before, I hope to large limits. I really want to afford these limits, to push them away, really want. Take yourself in hand and your some reflections about the theater to try to restrain and give people to speak. The principle will be one. That is, if a professional criterion works - perfectly. If he is supplanted by ideology, stateship, sockets, I don't know what ...

K. Larina- or order.

A. Karas.- ... or by order, and it will be quite tangible verified and however constant here from there, coming from there, from whom there is a tactic, it will be impossible for me. And if I can't overcome this situation, then for me it will be ...

K. Larina- Pasha, for you there is no time. Your forecast, two seconds just say, and that's it.

P. Rudnev"The main thing is that I did not turn into a Leninsky Prize, a smaller, non-living, when it is impossible to solve anything.

A. Karas.- Sure. And when the public it will be uninteresting.

K. Larina- By the way, yes. At the "Teafi" now award those who were impossible to reward yesterday, who did not even think in the winners.

Well, thank you very much. See you. We will continue this topic. Good luck everyone. Maria Revyakina, Alain Karas and Pavel Rudnev.

The outgoing theatrical season in Russia was filled with scandals. Attacks on the operatic performance "Tangayizer" in the formulation of Timothy Kulyabab in Novosibirsk, which resulted in a change in the leadership of the theater and the closing of the formulation; Administrative persecution on the theater.doc in Moscow, as a result of which he was forced to move - twice for six months; the flow of complaints from citizens whose feelings, religious and aesthetic, suddenly began to "insult" different performances - all this is not full list absurd phenomena of the current season. Did not go around these shocks and national theatrical festival "Golden Mask" - almost a year acute discussions about the need for its reform. Currently created working group According to the development of proposals on the prospects for the development of the award and the festival "Golden Mask", the composition of which caused a lot of complaints from the theater public. The CEO of Maski Maria Reagree reacts to the problem restrained and believes that the frequent attacks to the festival is a consequence of general social sentiment in today's Russia.

- The situation is really not easy, tense, society is more and more polarized, which reflected on the theater. One does not like the methods of directing interpretation of the classics, the other - the presence of religious motifs in the performances - controversial issues A lot, and now they just became more convex. From the viewer - from his paradise, mind, desire to think and perceive something new and unusual - also depends a lot. When the public is not educated enough, it can cause dissatisfaction with the theater, questions to him. But, however, it was at all times. The main thing is that all disputes solve professionals.

As for the claims to the "Gold Mask", in my opinion, they are caused by misunderstanding, as the festival works.

- And what is the features of this work, Maria Evseevna, who, what do you think is not clear to some theatrical figures?

- For some reason, these people believe that the performances in the poster "masks" are selected with the participation of the festival directorate, which we lobbying someone. In fact, the list of nominees constitute experts - and only they are their zone of responsibility. And then, during the festival, the participants of the competition assesses the professional jury. All candidates in these compositions are approved by the Union of Theatrical Workers of Russia (STD), the founder of the Golden Mask, and are coordinated with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Each year the compositions change, rotation occurs.

The task of our technical directorate is to provide these people with everything necessary for their work. To provide experts to record performances that are submitted to the competition, agree on their business trips with theaters. After they identified the final list of nominees, we declare the "masks" posters, help the theaters from other cities to choose the sites, rent them, in setting out visitors to the hotels and spend the awards ceremony, where the jury declares the laureates. And so every year.

- And who initiates parallel programs "masks", aren't you?

- Yes, all that is not connected directly with the competition, the Directorate is done. And such non-competitive programs at the "mask" a lot that, in my opinion, only for the benefit of the festival - it makes it possible to show a wide palette of the theater life of Russia. We try to invite the best children's performances, and ethnic, and some interesting productions from regions that have not passed to the competition. Plus, we organize the educational program "Institute of the Theater", within which master classes and laboratories pass. For example, this year, Dina Hussein and other teachers conducted a workshop of new forms of dance - there were a lot of people.

Made with the children's program "Let's play Opera" on the basis of the "New Opera" theater - the most difficult experiment, but insanely interesting. It is very important to show children what opera is, to introduce them to this complex art. For the smallest spectators, from six months to three years, launched a long-term project "Baby Lab".

"Golden Mask" in the movie

With the support of Norilsk Nickel, for the first time, the Festival "Golden Mask" in the cinema was held - direct online broadcasts of some performances so that residents of different regions of the country could see them in their cinemas. We hope to continue this start. Again, thanks to the support of Nickel, they showed four performances at once in Krasnoyarsk at once, we will be happy to consolidate cooperation with your city and in the future. We are exporting the best performances of the Golden Mask in the Russian regions since 2000 and for ten years to the Baltic countries.

- Decent projects, the unexpected claim to the festival ...

- Where there is a competition, there will always be questions, always. And to the Oscar Award Annual Claims, and Nobel Prize - There are still no disputes, why did Brodsky given her and did not give Nabokov. You see, each person has its own preferences. But when in the team, nine professional experts, whatever tastes, they should, they should decide together - which was the best over the past season. A year later, other experts will come to their place, they will have their own motivations. And every time someone will be dissatisfied with their decision, this is normal.

"Nevertheless, this year discontent happened for the threshold of ordinary discussions, isn't it? The attacks in the address "masks" are frequent, and at the same time - all the leading director of the country spoke in defense of the festival. Situation at the peak of public attention?

- I do not think that at the peak, this conflict seems artificial. It is precisely because, as you noticed, the absolute majority of the country's theater leaders supported the Golden Mask. They understand perfectly well that she needs professionals. Not by chance, Mikhail Alexandrovich Ulyanov, who once created this festival, voiced his main idea: "Professional professionals". Competent theaters carry out the selection of performances, show the section of the season. The jury, in which no more than three critics, and mostly practices - directors, choreographers, actors, setsographs, composers - assesses the work of their colleagues. The next year, they themselves can put something significant, and their work will also appreciate others. This is a professional premium, exchange of creative opinions.

"Journey Alice to Switzerland" of the Krasnoyarsk Theater. Pushkin - Nominee "Golden Masks"

It seems to me that the idea of \u200b\u200b"golden mask", born in the depths of STD, is beautiful. Thanks to her we have a story russian theater for 21 years. In the mid-90s, when, as we remember, for economic reasons was the outflow of viewers from theaters, our theatrical art was able to declare their social and artistic significance, to re-attract the attention of a wide audience, to interest sponsors. And in this, I consider the considerable merit of the festival.

- How do you assess the attempts of the Ministry of Culture to strengthen your influence on the "mask", enter censorship - what performances can be nominated, which is impossible?

- As I said, the owner of the award, the founder of the Golden Mask - the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is one of the organizers, it gives part of funds for the competition and can recommend someone in the composition of the expert council and the jury. There is a provision about the competition, where changes are made annually. Now we accept the proposals from the theater public, which improvements could benefit the festival, the Working Group of STD will consider them at the end of August.

As for censorship, it is prohibited by the Constitution. As long as the main law of our country has not changed, any attempts of censorship are unlawful.

- How many years there is a "Golden Mask", disputes are underway so much - is it necessary to contest among nominees? There are no competition for many festivals, to get into their program - in itself in itself, for example, in Avignon or Edinburgh. And in fact, how can you compare, who is better - drop-down or dawn? Maybe the rejection of the premium can remove disagreements?

- This, again, solves the professional community. For us, organizers, more importantly, the poster, the section of the season. You can already conduct serious research as I changed theater life Russia year after year. And, of course, everyone understands that the nomination is already in itself honorable. If the creators themselves consider that they do not need a prize, it should be submitted to the STD secretariat, and the Directorate will work under the new rules. But while no one wants to refuse from the premium.

"Gold Masks" in Krasnoyarsk, July 2, 2015

ABOUT "Gold Mask"

The Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" was established in 1993 by the Union of theatrical Workers of the Russian Federation and awarded performances of all genres of theatrical art: drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta and musical, puppet show.

The "Golden Mask" is the Russian Theater Festival, in the spring of each year, representing the most significant performances from the cities of Russia in Moscow. His organizers are the Union of Theatrical Workers of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow, the Directorate of the Golden Mask Festival. Since 2002, the General Sponsor of the Gold Mask - Sberbank of Russia.

The selection of performances participating in the festival and applicants for the award carry out expert advice, which includes theatrical critics. In the jury "Golden Masks" Actors, directors, conduits, choreographers, theater artists work.

The theaters of the Krasnoyarsk Territory more than once became nominees and laureates of this most prestigious Russian theater competition.

In July 2015, the Golden Mask Festival festival was held in Krasnoyarsk, whose participants were theaters - laureates and nominees of the Russian National theatrical Prize different years. This is the "workshop of Peter Fomenko" (Moscow) with a play on the play of Alexander Ostrovsky "Wolves and Sheep", Moscow Theater. A.S. Pushkin with a play on the play of Bertold Brecht "Good man from Seushana", a small dramatic theater - the theater of Europe from St. Petersburg with the play "Three sisters" on the play Anton Chekhov and the musical theater. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, who presented the evening of ballets Jiri Kiliana.

The festival of performances-nominees of the Russian National Theater Prize "Golden Mask" starts on Tuesday in Moscow on the 24th time. The first will be shown ballet "Cinderella" Permian theater Operas and ballet on the stage of the Moscow Music Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, TASS reported in the press service "Golden Masks".

© Alexander Shcherbak / Tass

"The first in the struggle for the awards will join the Opera and Ballet Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, which is nominated for a premium in eight basic nominations:" Best performance in the ballet "," best work of the conductor "- Theodore Kurtanzis," Best Work of the Horeographer "- Alexey Miroshnichenko," The Best Work of the Artist "- Alon Picalova," The Best Work of the Artist on Costumes "- Tatyana Nognova," The Best Work of the Light Artist "- Alexey Khoroshev, "The best female role in the ballet" - Inna Bilash, "The best male role in the ballet" - Nikita Chetverikov, "said the press service.

The interlocutor of the agency informed that the "Governor" will be shown next to them. G. A. Tovstonogov nominated as "The best performance in the drama, a large form", "best work of the director" - Andrei Mogly, "The Best Work of the Artist" - Alexander Shishkin, "The Best Work of the Artist in Light" - Stas Svistunovich, "The Best Men's Best Role in drama "- Dmitry Vorobiev. The show of the performance will take place on February 7 and 8 on the MHT scene. Chekhov.

In the february billboard, the festival also sign "Cage" (Bolshoy Theater), "Cantos" Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, "Seasons" (Mariinsky Theater), "Visiting Europe" (Festival "Territory" and "Rimini Protokoll", Germany) , "Kuzmin. Trout breaks ice" (Gogol Center), Billy Budd (Big Theater), "Akhmatova. Poem without a hero" (Gogol Center).

"February is just the beginning of the Golden Mask Festival, which will last until April 15, when the winner of the competition will be determined," added to the press service. Competitive performances, together with the audience, according to the tradition, watch the jury, which on the "golden mask" two. The jury of the dramatic theater and the theater of dolls this year was headed by the director, national artist Latvia, Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Adolf Shapiro. The Chairperson of the Jury of the Music Theater was the chief conductor of the St. Petersburg State Children's Music Theater "ZASERGALE", the invited conductor of the Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky theaters, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Pavel Bowlnikov.

Total 66 performances

Commenting on the competitive program, the CEO of the Gold Mask Mask, Maria Revyakina, reported in an interview with the TASS that "in total competitive Program Festival 66 performances from 22 Russian cities and 212 private nominees. "

"The share of theaters from russian regions, as in previous years, is almost half of total Nominated (44%). The geography of the festival continues to expand: in 2018, new cities entered the competition program: Lesosibirsk, Almetyevsk and Makhachkala, "said Revyakina.

"Of course, the competitive program presents the performances of the main theaters of the country, it continued, - this is BDT them. Tovstonogov, and MDT-theater of Europe Leo Dodina, MHT. Chekhov, Alexandrinsky Theater., Theater them. Vakhtangov and others. But with them in equal in the competition, for example, the Olonkho Theater from Yakutsk, who always amazes theatrical identity, the Bashkir Theater. Gafuri from Ufa, whose performance "Antigone" is one of the most nominated in the competition: six main nominations - the work of the director, the artist, women's and male role, as well as the female and male role of the second plan. Six nominations also at the play "Thunderstorm" for the first time participating in the competition of the youth theater from Krasnodar. "

Revyakina called Otradnaya The fact that the competition was again falling into small theaters, who had already been previously on the "Golden Mask": Theater "Grand" from Novokuibyshevsk, the theater of drama them. Chekhov from Serov. In 2018, another record was set in the nomination "The work of the director in Drama", where 29 people are represented.

As for the competition of musical theaters, in it, according to Revyakina, there are all permanent participants: a large theater, Mariinsky, theaters from Perm, Yekaterinburg, Moscow. New participant Competition (was once in the competition in 1996) - Voronezh Theater. Operas and ballet, which represents the opera "Motherland of electricity".

Extra-competitive program

The "Golden Mask" is not only a contest, "said Revyakina," I mean an extraction program that includes the projects of the "Mask Plus" and "Children's Weekend". In February-March 2018, 19 performances from 12 cities of Russia will be shown in the non-constructive program: Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Kansk, Lesosibirsk, Moscow, Novokuibyshevsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, St. Petersburg, Serov, Khabarovsk, Sharypovo.

According to Revyakina, "in the" Mask Plus "participate bright, non-standard works from the cities of Russia, created by talented artists, young directors, graduates of theatrical universities, free theatrical troupes, studios." Mask Plus "demonstrates viewers and specialists a variety modern Theater, Living and developing outside the capitals and famous cultural centers. "

The project "Children's Weekend" is addressed to a children's and teenage audience from two to 16 years. His goal is to present the most interesting, according to leading theatrical critics and specialists, setting for children and young people. "The past Children Weekend turned out to be in a good traditional: there were many fairy tales, folk and copyrighted, vivid stylted folklore and classical doll theater. This year we decided to radically change the vector and note the experimental, search works, which in our conservative children's Theater Very little - and the more valuable they are, "said Revyakina.

Obviously, with modern children growing into a digital era, it is impossible to talk in the same language as 20-30 years ago. Our program will have a play-comic performance, spectacle chat, play lecture, play-mokumentari. Somewhere children will be able to break up and leaving the pillows, and somewhere - to take part in action with their help mobile phone, told the interlocutor of the agency.

"Golden mask in the city" is one of the most popular projects of the festival. Our street performances and exhibitions visits up to 2 million people every year. In 2018, we will continue to surprise Muscovites with unexpected speeches of the theaters-nominees "Golden Masks" in the most different places, the general director of the festival assured.

The project "Golden Mask in Cinema" in 2018 will be held for the fourth time, and every year we will gladly celebrate an increasing spectator interest, said Revyakina, adding that the playgrounds "Ivanov" theater of nations and "drums in the night" of the theater them. Pushkin.

Broadcast on the Internet

"We first solved the Gold Mask Mask Program in the country's cinemas for the first time. Thanks to the new project" Golden Mask Online ", significantly increase the audience of the festival and the involvement of viewers around the world in the overall festival process. Live broadcasts in the project" The Golden Mask Online "will be held on the main page of the Yandex search portal, and the Program includes the competitive performances" Governor "BDT them. G. A. Tovstonogov in the formulation of Andrei Mighty," Uncle Vanya "Theater. Lensovet in the formulation of Yuri Butusov and Opera "Chayad" theater "Helikon-Opera" in the formulation of Kirill Serebrennikova, "said Revyakina.

The general director of the Golden Mask voiced another news. The award for the first time in its history will hold two award ceremonies.

"This year, we first decided to spend two equivalent award ceremonies, separately allocating the winners of the award in the honorary nomination" for an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art of Russia, "said Revyakina. - We are talking About people who know the whole country and who are undoubtedly deserved by special honors and attention. "

"According to the decision of the Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, Alexandra Kalyagin Laureates in the honorary nominations" Golden Masks "will be awarded at a solemn ceremony, which will be held on March 27 on the International Day of the Theater in the Bethoven Hall of the Bolshoi Theater," the Agency's interlocutor clarified.

According to the general director of the Golden Mask, it will give it an opportunity to tell about each of the winners of the award - outstanding figures of the Russian theater. Revyakina reminded that the winners in these nominations are declared in advance, their names are already known. They became the famous Muscovites: Actors Vladimir Andreev, Valentin Gaft, Alexander Schirvindt and Actress Alla Pokrovskaya and Galina Anisimov, as well as St. Petersburg Masters: Balletmaster Nikolai Boyarchikov, actors Ivan Krasko and Vladimir Receptor, as well as the theater's leaders from other cities of the country: Artist Anatoly Gladnev (Voronezh), director Yuri Buru-Nevenkssen (Kursk), Actress Alla Zhuravleva (Murmansk) and Vera Kuzmina (Cheboksary).

As for the ceremony of awarding the winners in the main nominations, it, as declared earlier, will take place on April 15 on the new stage of the Bolshoi Theater, concluded the general director of the Gold Mask.

About "Golden Mask"

The "Golden Mask" was established in 1993 by the Union of theatrical Workers (STD) of the Russian Federation as a professional premium for top works Seasons in all types of theatrical art (drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta, musical, puppet theater). Prize laureates are determined at the annual festival of nominees. The festival is conducted by the Russian RF, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow, the Directorate of the Golden Mask Festival.

The 2018 Festival is supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation. General Partner - PJSC Sberbank.

Contrary to many years of tradition, the opening of the Theater Festival "Golden Mask" passed not in Moscow, but in Perm. The director of the National Theater Award Maria Revyakina visited the ceremony.

It seems to me that year after year "Mask" proves that our experts and jury are not just a meeting of people who love director X and do not like the director of the game, but a collective mind that creates a complete and objective picture of the theatrical season in Russia - This huge mosaic consisting of a variety of theaters, a variety of trends and trends.

I remember when I, with George Georgievich Tarautkin, came for the first time to one potential sponsor, he said: "I do not believe in all these festivals contests. Everything is solved in advance, as in sports. I am a sports amateur and know that everything is bought. " I said: "Well, in sports, maybe it exists, but we are simply impossible." It is impossible to decide everything in advance when there is a two-level selection: first the expert team selects the participants, and then the jury appears, and he has more difficult work than experts, because they are compared who is better - Nielova or Freindlich, it is, well, a catastrophe.

Now, fortunately, we had very conscious financial sponsors. Sberbank for 15 years with us, and he understands perfectly well why.

The jury changes every year, they never repeat. Its members can "bother" at meetings before the formation, defend each of their point of view, but, unlike experts, they have a secret ballot, and here no one can predict who won. The envelope opens only at the ceremony. I remember when the jury of the musical theater was headed by Vladimir Vasilyev, he was shocked, because he voted the opposite of what happened as a result! Well, what to do? Everything! Decision is made!

It seems to me that these procedures are expert selection and secret voting of the jury - herself have already been proven. I have not heard the offense for many years that such a performance did not look like. Looked! But did not take. Our experts recently invented a beautiful thing - to do Long Sheets. For the province it is archived. Of the 4000 prime mines that pass in 1,000 Russian theaters, there are only about 100 in Long-leaf - this is an important figure. These performances will remain forever, will fall in dissertation and the history of the theater in Russia.

The reputation of the "Gold Mask" as the largest theater festival exists not only in Russia. Abroad there are no such festivals - there is Avignon, Edinburgh, but these are not competitive festivals. Such as our "mask" is only in Russia. And, probably, it's not easy to come to us from around the world on Russian Case. This is an intense review of the best thing that appeared in lately In Russian theaters, it may be the competitive performances of the Golden Mask, and completely new premieres, there is another expert council. And for five days, the producers and director of the festivals come from all over the world, and they are posted on three or four performances per day to have all the time, and then make a decision, with what theater they start working directly and invite.

I remember Dima Chernyakov, not known at that time (2002 - ed.), Put in Novosibirsk, in the Globus Theater, "double inconstancy" on Marivo - and traveled the whole world with this little play. And Lev Ehrenburg put "thunderstorm" in Magnitogorsk, and this "thunderstorm" rushed the whole world. Both performances became the laureates of the Golden Mask, and both were selected with the most different festivals in various countries.

The most important thing is not even a bonus, and the festival's poster. We should really show all the best, so we are doing an extraction program in which we select the performances, which are not included in the competition, but they are very good and want to discuss them. In the competitive shows, this is not accepted, and on non-competitive many spectators remains for discussion and such questions are asked incredible!

Was the "Golden Mask" changed after the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation a year and a half ago, began to actively participate in the formation of the composition of expert councils?

After passing great amount Meetings, debate, disputes and our explanations, what the theater festival is and for which it has changed the situation of the festival. Now in expert advice - there are two of them: according to the drama theater and musical - cooperate their candidates for the Ministry of Culture, the Commission of the Union of Theater Workers and, which is nice, the Association of Critics - Theater and Musical. These are professional people.

We have increased the composition of expert councils, especially in drama. It is not good. A large number of experts can not work. In addition, expert council expert council increased. The last expert council cost 21 million rubles. Never before was there. Well, you have to pay for hotels, for work, daily, flights, moving and so on!

Another problem - what people are offered for people. There are literary critics, there are teachers of stage speech ... If a person does not go to the theater, if he does not know what is happening in the province, if he does not look at the performances, but just does scientific work, as a rule, such people deny all the new things that they see. They did not see the performances of five years, and these are the biggest conservatives in the expert council. But, fortunately, everything is solved by general voting. People fall very different, and it creates certain discomfort, but still experts come to some common denominator for the year of work in a close company.

In addition, those whom the Ministry of Culture recommended was 12-17 business trips for the year, while experts who understand what it is, 68 times flew 68 times! And experts do not have the right to vote for what they have not seen. So this is a temporary situation: people who cannot watch such a wild number of performances - they are filled. The expert is a critic! Professional critic with vocational education, with wide views, with understanding theatrical process.

You know theatrical Russia better than anyone. Can you somehow objectively, soberly tell about how theatrical Perm looks like a general background?

Perm in the theatrical sense is very amazing, good, wonderful city! Everything is clear with Theodore Kurtanzis, but we will not forget that this process began with George Isaakyan. By the way, working with the audience - it was his chip! We all amazed all the time: he managed to prevent so good for the most incredible music, to introduce! He loosened this soil. He marked the beginning.

You have nominated several times the theater "At the Bridge" and even received a "golden mask". The theater-theater has also repeatedly received, and now they are again nominated. Wonderful Theater - "Ballet Evgenia Panfilova". Brilliant! And even after Panfilova did not, they had productions that nominated and received award. I believe that Perm is a very theater city.

Maybe, after all, the question will be solved with the new scene of the Opera and Ballet Theater, because Theodore will leave sooner or later - everything changes, but after him the theater will remain.

I can not ask about the alarming trends in public Lifeassociated with the appearance of censorship elements. We also have examples in Perm: so, quite recently there were attempts to interfere with the artistic policy of the theater-theater.

As Kama Ginkas said today, now time with a hard smell. The main problem is in the uneducation of people. It is necessary to form the audience, and people who are there on the tops of power. They should go to the theater and understand what it is. Separately, you need to talk to the Russian orthodox Church, establish bridges.

History with Timothy Kulyabin and Tangayer is a monstrous, and I want to pay attention to the fact that the initiators were not representatives of the Church, but some "Orthodox activists" are people who have not seen anything other than the TV. Assessing the subject of art can only see it. Art is not a matrix of life. It, as Apolliner said, belongs to life, as a foot to the wheel - that is, there is no way. This is parallel, other aesthetic reality. This is what we can still remain people. It should be understood not only to us - those who work in this area, but also to all those who sit in other offices. Only due to the preservation of culture, we will save the economy, we can educate sophisticated man. And where without it?

National Theater Prize for the 2011-2012 season. The festival, which in March 2013 will take place in the nineteenth time, changes - for the first time among the nominations, "the role of the second plan" appeared, and at the Directorate - the Board. Nevertheless, the "mask" as the main theater prize of the country always raises questions - to the composition of the jury, to the results, to the quality of competitive performances. After the announcement of the work of the Expert Council on the STD website, it was information that the jury was formed without coordination with the secretariat of the theatrical Union. About it and not only we talked to cEO Festival Maria Revyakina. Anna Banasyukevich leaned.

- What condition came the festival to today's day And what's new?

- "Golden Mask" is a living and ever-changing story, this is a mirror of the Russian theater. The festival and its projects are responsible for time requests, not only reflect the situation in theatrical art as such, but also transfer the mood of society, the intrusion of the surrounding life is broadcast. The rod of everything that united under the phrase "Golden Mask" is the Institute of the Russian national Prize and festival. The "Golden Mask" has two unchangeable foundations - expert council and jury. The examination is carried out by critics, theaters, that is, analysts. Representatives of all theater professions. This is what in our work is unchanged.

- The composition of the jury should be rotated on 2/3, but usually in the jury none of the past season passes. The premium position is spelled out that neither the creator nor the participant of the play can work in the jury. That is, the jury can enter the people who work in the theater, the products of which nominated on the "mask" - it is difficult to cut off almost all the leading theaters and limit ourselves to strictly those who did not get into the list of nominees. With the chairman of the jury, we are trying to negotiate in advance, because usually the main directorists, choreographers, conductor life is painted for a year ahead. Since Valeria Fokina has no prime minister last season, we invited him. He did not immediately agree, but then he said that he was wondering. When a person falls into the jury, he sees a slice of what happened interesting in the theaters of Russia for the season. Fokin is not the creator of the play "Gedda Gabler", he put it to Kam Ginkas, that is, all position items are observed. Fokin is a significant director and, as everyone knows, the personality is independent. I am sure that he will not lobby his theater from mercenary considerations. In any case, in a situation where the jury has a person working in the theater, the products of which is nominated, he cannot vote for his theater. The same in the expert council.

- What is the authority of the President of the jury compared to ordinary members of the jury?

- Chairman of the jury has two voices with controversial solutions. If the jury votes, and the voices unfold 50 to 50, then the chairman of the jury has the right to add his voice to some kind of opinion he considers reasonable. It can not reoperate any special pressure, and all members of the jury have a professional authority. And all these conversations - that if there was another chairman, there would be a different result, do not have soils. If members of the jury 15, then one chairman will not change anything.

- There are some criteria for selecting performances from the Expert Council?

- Only art criteria. No more. In Moscow, all performances look "live". As for performances from the regions, we receive discs from the theaters, and we ask you to make the usual entry, as simple as possible and adequate, as if a person looks from the hall, do not accept trailers. If, after watching the record, the Expert Council recognizes the performance of interesting, then several people fly to the city and watch. If their opinions are different, then the following are flying. Experts are not like-minded, but when they work, they understand that they need to form a poster, on which it would be clear why these performances got into it.

STD presented claims to the festival directorate, which the jury is not agreed with the secretariat? .. What will happen next?

- This is partly a fair reproach to our address, these are our miss, although, of course, we did it not specifically. The situation is as follows: every year everything is more complicated to rent Moscow sites for imported performances. FROM musical theaters We must negotiate in 1.5 years. And in the big, and in the theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, everything is painted. In this regard, sometimes we have forced in January to show some performances. Marinka is always brought before for the same reasons - the graph of the theater is extremely dense. Because of this, the jury sometimes is forced to start working earlier than the festival opens, that is, watching performances in January-February. Therefore, it is necessary to declare nominees and jury in November, collect a press conference. We always solved this problem in working order. This year the same story. We sent the project of the structure of the jury at 31 addresses - in the Commission, to the Cabinets of STD, but made a mistake - did not send the Chairman of the Union. Then he went on a business trip for 10 days, and it turned out that we announced the composition of the jury, without coordinating it with the secretariat, violated the procedure. Now the Secretariat reserves the right to make changes to the jury - this will be known on December 10.

- Why did the Golden Mask need a board?

- Directorate of the Golden Mask Festival is an autonomous non-profit organization, entity. The highest body of our festival is the president, but at one time a law on autonomous non-Profit Organizations And we appealed to the STD secretariat in order to change the charter - it was in 2011. Now the highest governing body becomes the Board, which includes Konstantin Rykin, Igor Kostolievsky and the President of the festival George Tarautkin. The only purpose of the Board is representative. In order to work with sponsors, in the regions, on some individual projects, people who know and appreciate. The Board is relating only to the Golden Mask Directorate, to our projects, but not to the activities of the festival as a whole, not to the selection of performances or to form the posters.

- Does ever be canceled by the "Experiment" nomination?

- At one time, this nomination was called "Novation", and renamed, because the notion of "innovation" is extremely controversial and, in essence, it can be attributed to any interesting spectral. The "Experiment" nomination exists because there is a drama genre, there is a puppet theater, there is a ballet, opera, musical, but performances appear, some other theatrical acts that can not be suspended under one existing genre. For example, the Ache Theater is not drama, and not music. What a nomination to attribute their performance? The "Experiment" nomination is always a difficult, but also an interesting theater issue. It is necessary that theaters have found suitable terminology for this new - theater.

How do you combine the posts of the general director of the mask and the director of the Nations theater? And does it affect the selection of performances for the festival?

- In no case. I can call several similar examples. The president of our festival is the actor of the Mossoveta Theater, he never lobbied the interests of his theater. Chairman of STD - artistic director Theater Et Cetera, and I have never heard in my life so that Kalyagin tries to lobby the performances of his theater. As for my case, I work in the theater of nations as a director, and the zone of my competence includes administrative, economic and financial work. I am not responsible for the repertoire of the theater, I do not first analyze the performances that go there. The theater has projects, including those such as the "Territory" festival, the festival of theaters of small cities, the project of the theater quarter is to be implemented - all this refers to the organizational work, which I do. Also in the "mask". I have never had any influence on the work of experts and the jury and I will never, my task in another - strive to ensure that the "mask" work effectively that not only the Ministry of Culture and the Government of Moscow, but also sponsors participate in financing the festival. So the two of my posts are not connected with each other, and the law allows combination, I am not civil servant.