Monument of cultural heritage of federal significance. Cultural heritage sites: overview, register, laws

Monument of cultural heritage of federal significance.  Cultural heritage sites: overview, register, laws
Monument of cultural heritage of federal significance. Cultural heritage sites: overview, register, laws

Cultural heritage should be protected by the state. This is evidenced by Article 72 of the Russian Constitution, as well as FZ-73 "On objects of cultural heritage", which will be discussed later. So, in more detail.

On the subject of regulation of the law

According to article 1 of the Federal Law-73 "On cultural heritage objects", the following points are the subject of regulation of the normative act:

  • the process of forming and maintaining a register of cultural objects;
  • relations that arise in the search, preservation and use of cultural objects;
  • peculiarities of ownership and disposal of cultural objects;
  • observance general principles protection of cultural objects by state bodies.

Article 2 refers to legal regulation presented area. It should be noted here that Federal Law 73 "On Cultural Heritage Objects" is by no means the only legal source that regulates relations in the sphere of culture. Here it is necessary to highlight, of course, the Russian Constitution, civil legislation, thanks to which property relations are regulated, as well as the Land Code and some other regulations.

About cultural objects

Article 3 of Federal Law 73 "On objects of cultural heritage" establishes the main groups of these objects. What is worth highlighting here? According to the law, objects are objects material culture, namely: certain types real estate, paintings, sculptures, scientific and technical equipment and other items.

What is meant by objects of archaeological culture? According to the law, these are traces of human existence hidden in the soil. The objects of archeology are mainly fortified settlements, settlements, art objects, tools of labor, etc.

Cultural objects are divided into the following types:

  • monuments, namely individual structures or buildings;
  • ensembles, that is, groups of monuments;
  • places of interest, namely especially valuable creations of man or nature.

All presented types of cultural heritage must be kept under the strict supervision of the state. It is about the control by the authorities that will be discussed further.

State powers in the field of preservation of cultural heritage

Article 9 of FZ-73 "On cultural heritage objects" fixes the main types of state functions in the area under consideration. It is worth recalling that work with cultural objects is noted in article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which tells about the delineation of powers between the federation and the subjects. That is why regional authorities can also perform certain types of activities:

The most important function of the state in relation to cultural objects is, of course, control and supervision activities. It is about her that will be discussed further.

About state supervision

In Article 11 of Law 73-FZ "On Cultural Heritage Sites", what is meant by state supervision? This is the activity of the relevant federal authorities to prevent, suppress, and also identify crimes and offenses aimed at intentional or unintentional damage to cultural elements.

The subject of state supervision is compliance with the following requirements by the relevant authorities:

  • maintenance and use of cultural objects;
  • carrying out activities within the boundaries of cultural heritage sites;
  • compliance with the requirements of the regulations of the town-planning type within the boundaries of the cultural object.

What rights do officials have? Here's what's highlighted in normative act:

  • requesting and receiving information from authorities;
  • unimpeded carrying out of inspections of the relevant cultural objects;
  • issuance of special instructions.

The authorities for the protection of cultural objects may be involved by the court to participate in the relevant office work.

On carrying out an examination of a historical and cultural nature

Historical expertise is the most important component in the field of work with cultural heritage objects.

What kind of expertise is this, what is it for? Article 28 of FZ-73 "On Cultural Heritage Objects" (as amended in 2017) states that such an examination is necessary for the following purposes:

  • holding discussions on the inclusion of an object in the register of cultural heritage;
  • determining the type and category of a particular cultural object;
  • justification for changing the category of any object;
  • establishing requirements for town planning regulations;
  • clarification of information about the object, etc.

Expertise allows preserving cultural objects. It is about these processes that will be discussed later.

On the preservation of cultural objects

Article 40 of the normative act under consideration speaks of measures aimed at ensuring high-quality physical preservation of historical and cultural values. Restoration, repair, conservation work - all of this is included in the activity of preserving certain cultural objects.

Article 47.2 stipulates the need to secure funding for relevant cultural foundations working with cultural objects. Such funds may be held liable for failure to fulfill their professional duties. This is stated in Art. 61 FZ-73 "On objects of cultural heritage". Physical or legal entities may be subject to criminal, administrative or civil liability for violation of the norms specified in the law under consideration. Article 61 also refers to the need to compensate for damage if damage has been caused to this or that cultural property. The same goes for restoration work during archaeological activities. So, the restoration of a cultural object after causing harm to it still does not exempt from responsibility.

What changes were made to the law in 2017? In the normative act, the content of Article 52.1 and the synopsis has slightly changed.

Objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation are objects in the form of real estate or other objects in the form of a monument or sculpture that possess historical value... To preserve the historical heritage, Federal Law No. 73 was adopted.

The current Federal Law includes norms and rules that contribute to the protection of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Every citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to protect monuments and protect sculptures. Also, the legislation is aimed at the implementation of the rights to develop and preserve information in a paramount form to create your own culture. Objects of cultural heritage (monuments, sculptures, etc.) are of particular value for the people of the Russian Federation. Such items form part of the world's cultural heritage.

The bill was adopted on May 24, 2002, and entered into force on the basis of a decision of the Federation Council on June 14, 2002. The last amendments were made on March 7, 2017.

The law "On objects of cultural heritage of peoples Russian Federation"Includes the following aspects:

  • Determination of the subject of regulation of the current Federal Law;
  • Determination of the powers of the authorities for the preservation, use or restoration of historical monuments;
  • Securing funding for activities that contribute to the preservation, promotion and creation of their own cultural heritage;
  • Historical real estate accounting;
  • Expertise;
  • Creation of methods for the preservation of historical monuments;
  • Definitions of situations in which property rights arise or terminate for similar types of real estate and historical items;
  • Enumeration of the terms of lease of cultural heritage real estate;
  • Determination of liability in case of violation of the norms of the current Federal law.


The law "On objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation" includes 14 chapters and 66 articles. It also describes how to protect historical objects and objects. It should be said that the protection of monuments or sculptures is one of the priority tasks of the authorities state power RF, as well as organs local government Russian Federation. To familiarize yourself with the latest version of the current Federal Law, go to the next one.

Recent changes made to the law "On cultural heritage sites"

According to the law, the last changes were made on March 7, 2017. They touched on the change of the name of Article 52.1 and additions of this article clause 7.1.

Title of Article 52.1

In the last edition, the title of the article was changed, namely, the word “federal” was replaced by “state”.

Supplementing Article 52.1 with Clause 7.1.

According to the law, were listed additional institutions, which are included in the list of those who are delegated the authority to restore and protect monuments and sculptures.

These are:

  • Municipal educational organizations;
  • State municipal organizations;
  • Scientific organizations / institutions.

In addition to the above changes, the following articles are discussed below:

Article 18.

Article 18 73-FZ defines the procedure on the basis of which property objects (including monuments) can be registered as cultural heritage property. In order for the characteristics of the object to correspond to cultural values, it is necessary to conduct a state historical and cultural research.

Article 25.

Article 25 of the law includes the grounds on which the right to be included in the list of real estate is determined.

In order for at least one of them to be included in the list, a monument, sculpture or other object must provide the following value:

  • Scientific;
  • Artistic;
  • Aesthetic;
  • Anthropological.

Article 45.

Article 45 73-FZ describes the procedure for carrying out restoration work to preserve the integrity of real estate, including monuments or sculptures. Restoration work is carried out only after a special order by local or state authorities. In accordance with the law, before starting to carry out construction or restoration work, it is necessary to obtain a permit.

To view the changes made during the last revision, download the law from the following.

From Moscow to the very outskirts - vandalism takes place like a master

"Keepers of the Legacy"

Continuing to sum up the results of the past year, we publish a martyrologue of those killed in 2015 historical and architectural monuments Russia. Of course, there was much more loss of heritage in 2015; our publication presents the most valuable and interesting lost monuments and objects of the historical environment. As well as the most typical causes and ways to eliminate them. And also - the complete impunity of the organizers and performers.

1-2. The building of the Wine-Salt Yard and the buildingXIXcenturies on an Island in Moscow

Bolotnaya embankment, 15, p. 10 and 11.

Building 10 was sentenced to demolition at a meeting of the Moscow Government Commission on Urban Development in Cultural Heritage Protection Zones on December 24, 2014. The researchers released information that Building 10 was part of the Vinno-Salt Yard complex, demolished in the 1920s-1930s. , and its basement may date back to the 18th century. Upon visual inspection of the building, it was obvious that the basement floor is older than the two upper floors of the 19th century: its walls are much thicker, built of large-sized bricks, and inside the masonry iron beams - "ties" were visible.

Along with the 10th building, the neighboring building 11 (XIX century) was also demolished - without any permission. The contractor for the work was LLC Stroy Garant, the subcontractor was LLC Sip-Energo, the customer was OJSC United Energy Company.

The buildings did not have the status of monuments. A new power substation was built in their place.

3. Transfiguration Church in the village of Zagorodye

Tver region, Maksatikhinsky district.

The wooden church of 1866 burned down in a little over an hour. V A possible cause of the fire that started at night was a wiring malfunction. The temple retained the original iconostases and interior decoration, in itthere were icons and wooden sculptures from neighboring churches and monasteries, closed during the Soviet era.

4. Facade wall of the Foundry shop of the ZIL plant in Moscow

Avtozavodskaya st., 23, bldg. 4.

The foundry, a magnificent example of industrial architecture of the early 20th century (built according to the project of the famous design engineer Alexander Kuznetsov in 1916), was demolished to the front wall at the end of May 2013.

Despite the fact that the demolition took place without any permission, the city authorities did not even try to look for those responsible. They limited themselves to the decision to keep the front wall, but it was also destroyed by another developer of the ZILovsky territory - a certain LLC Matiko - also without any permission. As it turned out during the proceedings, the city authorities do not have any legal leverage to force the developer to restore the demolished facade. As a result of authorized and unauthorized demolitions in 2014-2015. the entire front line of the ZIL complex along Avtozavodskaya Street was destroyed (with the exception of the Plant Management building, which is under state protection).

5. "House with a belvedere "in Nizhny Novgorod

New street, 46.

On the first working day after new year holidays As the Nizhniy Novgorod city rights activists, who were holding pickets in defense of the city estate deprived of its protection status, feared, its demolition began. On the morning of January 12, the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Nizhny Novgorod Region received an act of state historical and cultural expertise, justifying the inclusion of the estate in the state register of monuments regional significance... The prosecutor's office and police suspended the demolition of the house, but only until the next day.

6-8. The complex of houses of the merchant Privalov in Moscow

Sadovnicheskaya street, 9, p. 1, 2, 3.

Wooden house of 1905, one of the rare examples of wooden architecture in Yaroslavl. The facade has been decorated with numerous carvings. Demolished on January 30, 2015 without the permission of the city authorities. Before the demolition, the examination of the historical and cultural value of the building, as required by the current urban planning regulations of the protected zones, was not carried out.

14. Wing of the estate NB Yusupov in Moscow

Bol. Kharitonevsky per., 19, p. 1.

Demolished in January 2015.

The main house of the city estate, which previously served as an outbuilding of the estate of N.B. Yusupov (1791; rebuilt in 1880) demolished in January 2015 - according to "Arhnadzor", under the guise of repair and emergency work. It had the status of a valuable town-forming object. Appeals of city rights activists to the city authorities did not induce them to stop their work.

15. Residential and office building of the Butikov factory in Moscow

Khilkov lane, 2/1, bldg. 5.

Demolished in January 2015.

A fragment of the historical building of one of the lane in the Ostozhenka area, where, after the town-planning bacchanalia of the 1990s-2000s. it is almost gone. By data of "Arhnadzor" The demolition of the building (1848; rebuilt in 1872) began in December 2014 and was completed in January 2015.

16. House of merchant Matryona Petrova in Moscow

Ladozhskaya street, 11/6.

Demolished in January 2015.

At the heart of the 2-storey building was the stone building of the German Market with shops in 1802. data of "Arhnadzor", the house was demolished in several stages by private owners, under the guise of reconstruction, in December 2014 - January 2015. Numerous appeals of city guardians to the city authorities have not yielded results.

17-22. Complex of houses XIXcentury on Bolshaya Dmitrovka in Moscow

st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 9, bldg. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

A representative building (built in 1952 by the project of one of the best Rostov architects of the twentieth century, Lev Eberg. The author of the bas-reliefs that adorned the main facade - the famous Rostov sculptor V.V. Barinov) on one of the central streets of the historic city center began to be destroyed on February 21 - for good tradition, secretly, from the rear, which is why the demolition was not immediately noticed. Was destroyed on February 23-24 most of street facade. The determination of the historical and cultural value of the building, which at the same time was led by the Ministry of Culture of the Rostov Region, did not prevent the subject of the proceedings from being liquidated.The police did not react to the signals of city defenders, althoughin December 2014, as reported by the Rostov media, the first deputy governor of the region, Igor Guskov, said that the regional culture ministry and personally minister Alexander Rezvanov were instructed to determine the historical and cultural value of the Rostov newsreel studio building, after which it would be possible to decide on the prospects for its preservation... According to the data local network media, in September 2013 the building was sold to the former vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexei Agafonov.

34. Post-Yamskaya station in Tarasovka

Moscow region, Pushkin district, pos. Tarasovka, Bol. Tarasovskaya st., 9.

E the only building in the region (XIX v.) on the Yaroslavskoe shosse, connected both with the history of one of the oldest highways in Russia, and with the history of the Russian post office, since 2009 it has been officially listed in the lists of buildings that have signs of a cultural heritage site.

On the night of February 28, activists from the district office of VOOPIK recorded the demolition of the building, presumably for the needs of expanding the highway. In 2014, the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region intended to conduct a historical and cultural examination of the building's value, but did not. When the demolition began, the Ministry of Culture of the region tried to stop it, but did not succeed in this.

35. House Stroyburo in Korolev

Moscow region.

The last remnant of the complex of the temple of Euplus the Archdeacon, demolished in the 1920s, a classic house early XIX v. was demolished without the sanction of the city authorities 28-29 March, under the guise of building reconstruction. Arkhnadzor noticed signs of dismantling the building back on February 18, 2015, followed by appeals to the city authorities, but the latter could not or did not want to prevent the destruction of the house, whichwas officially listed as a "valuable town-forming object" located on the territory of the buffer zone, i.e. not subject to demolition by law.

The customer for the works on the building was Redut LLC, the contractor was Salut LLC.

40-41. Konshin factory buildings with chambers XVIII centuryin Serpukhov

Moscow region.

On March 29, 2015, heavy construction equipment began to demolish the buildings of the 19th - early 20th centuries. on the territory of the Konshin Cotton Printing Factory in the very center of Serpukhov, one of which houses the chambers of the 18th century, an object of cultural heritage of federal significance. On the evening of March 29, after multiple appeals from city rights activists, the police arrived at the facility, and on March 30, representatives of the regional Ministry of Culture. The demolition has been suspended. However, the developers' envoys managed to completely destroy the production building with the Art Nouveau facade and cause significant damage to other buildings, including the chambers of the XVIIIcenturies. All work was carried out without the consent of the authorities and monuments protection authorities, which is required by the status of Serpukhov as a historical settlement.

42. ATS in the Art Deco style in Moscow

Serpukhovsky Val, 20.

Vyatka cultural figures recorded the demolition of a significant section of the walls (19th century) in the current Nativity of Christ monastery in the ancient town of Slobodskoy in early April. Work at the cultural heritage site was carried out without the sanction of the regional department of culture and in pure form were the subject of a criminal article for the destruction of architectural monuments. The Department of Culture wrote a corresponding statement to the prosecutor's office, the case was set in motion, but in May 2015 the court did not establish the guilt of the Vyatka diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church in the destruction of the walls of the monastery.

45. Rzhevsky's apartment building in Moscow

Suschevskaya st., 16, bldg. 8.

On May 19, the demolition of a wooden house by Matorina (XIX century) began in Ufa. The house, known for its carved facade decoration, was previously included in the list of identified architectural monuments, but was not included by the authorities in the register of cultural heritage sites. The demolition took place for the sake of "clearing" the territory for the construction of a new residential complex.

City defenders from "Archzashita Ufa" made a desperate attempt to save the house. The movement coordinator Vladimir Zakharov stood in the way of the excavator, several residents of the city joined him. City defenders organized a watch at the house. The activists on duty remained at the building until 10 pm, when the excavator left. However, during the night, the demolition resumed, and the returning activiststhe police did not admit to the object.

52. Pavilion "Gribovodnya" at VDNKh in Moscow

Prospect Mira, 119, p. 562.

Demolished on May 20, 2015 - according to "Arhnadzor", without obtaining permission from the city authorities. Since VDNKh was taken over by Moscow, the demolition of historical buildings on the territory of the exhibition has become almost a daily routine.

"Gribovodnya", aka Boiler room of the greenhouse complex, was also used as a transformer substation. The building was based on the construction of the original VSHV complex in 1937.

53. Assumption Church of Spirovskaya Kinovia

Tver region, pos. Spirovo.

The wooden building of the former Assumption Church of Spirovskaya Kinovia (a small monastery, a "branch" of the Kazan monastery in Vyshny Volochek), built in 1878 by the famous Russian architect A.S. Kaminsky, was completely demolished by excavators on June 6, 2015. Despite the venerable age and the name of the architect, the building, rebuilt in the 20th century, did not have a conservation status. In 2011The Main Directorate for State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Tver Region refused to put it under state protection for city rights activists and experts.In May 2010, the building was damaged by a fire, after which it gradually collapsed and was taken apart for building materials. Local authorities responded with a refusal to the calls of local historians to keep it.

54. Artesian well at VDNKh in Moscow

Prospect Mira, 119, p. 594.

One of the small architectural forms of the VDNKh complex, a turret above an artesian well on the territory of Sheremetyevskaya oak forest, was built in the 1950s. By data of "Arhnadzor", demolished on June 16, 2015 without the permission of the city authorities. A typical example of senseless and merciless vandalism.

55. Nicholas Church in Vasilievsky

Moscow region, Serpukhov district.

The most valuable and rare monument (1689) of Old Russian wooden church architecture, an object of cultural heritage of federal significance - died under unexplained circumstances in the early morning of June 19, 2015. The firefighters managed to defend only three walls of the burnt log cabin of the refectory. The unique pentahedral carved beams were also destroyed. 17th century, highly appreciated by researchers of the St. Nicholas Church. According to an unofficial version, the cause of the fire is arson as a result of the penetration of unknown persons into the operating temple. According to the priest,the door to the temple on the north side was broken open. Upon receipt of the news of the fire, the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region expressed its intention “inJune-July (! - Ed.) 2015check information about the destruction of the specified monument of history and culture.

56. Tenement house Gradova in St. Petersburg

Esperova St., 16/23, letter A.

The demolition took place in June 2015, according to the information of St. Petersburg city defenders.

The house was built in 1909 by A.I. Gavrilov. In 2014, the St. Petersburg authorities recognized the house as “emergency and subject to demolition”, while its owner, OOO CenterStroy, was instructed to “ensure the restoration of external appearance the building that forms the street front of development. "The" Living City "assumes that on the site of the demolished, a new, superior in size, residential building will be built, to which a" recreated "historical facade will be attached.

57. The building of the Barykovskaya almshouse in Moscow

Barykovskiy per., 4, building 3.

Demolished in July 2015.

The protection of the unique settlement "Sokol" in the capital is organized in a very original way: the complex as a whole has the status of a cultural heritage object, but its individual buildings do not. This, of course, creates the basis for various abuses, which resulted in the degeneration of the historical fabric of the complex. In July 2015, it became known about the death of another local object - the wooden House of the Vesnin brothers (1924). The house was dismantled without the authorization of the authorities, according to the information of city rights activists - the owners of the land.

59. Pavilion "Glass" at the airport "Sheremetyevo-1"

Moscow region.

D the second wooden Assumption chapel half of XVIII century, was under state protection since 1985. A miniature (2.5 x 2.5 m) cage chapel once stood "on reaping", that is, on flooded meadows. Therefore, its frame was raised above the ground on three lower crowns, between the logs of which special gaps were made for the passage of water into the spring. At the beginning of the 20th century, the chapel was moved to Krasny Bor. In the 1970s, it was restored by the efforts of VOOPIK. According to eyewitnesses, the chapel burned down "completely, to the point of fire."

65. Kochkin's house in Ufa

st. Aksakov, 81.

The demolition of the house was discovered by the "Archprotection of Ufa" on the morning of September 2. City defenders stopped the demolition, called the police and representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Bashkiria. Ministry of Culture of the Republic announcedSeptember 2 that the demolition was undertaken by "unknown persons". The next day, the "unknown" testified that the Ministry of Culture and the police did not order them, and broke the building.

19th century house it was empty for several years after a fire in it in 2005, in which city activists suspected arson. In 2013, the Ufa media calledKochkin's house is among the cultural heritage sites that were included in the targeted program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock. Then these monuments were supposed to be restored at the expense of investors and sold at auctions.

66. House late XVIII centuries in Tver

Chernyshevsky street, 4.

The demolition of a cultural heritage site of regional significance in the very center of Tver was noticed by city defenders from Tverskiye Svov on September 3. By this time, from a residential building of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. only the western wall remained. The Main Directorate for State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Tver Region did not give any approvals for such work on the monument. In July 2014, a conservation project was agreed with fragmentary restoration and proposals for adaptation to modern use... Meanwhile, a notice on the construction of a new residential building at the monument has been published on the Internet. The developer is Zhilstroyinvest LLC. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation explained to Tverskoy Svami that the regional government agency only approved the work on the preservation of the existing object with compensatory replenishment and restoration of the volumes of the lost historical buildings.

67-69. Military Hospital of the Red Cross in Lefortovo in Moscow

Krasnokazarmennaya street, 14a, bldg. 20, etc.

The main building of the hospital .

Demolition of a memorial site associated with the history of World War I - the Red Cross Hospital in Lefortovo, where thousands of defenders of the Fatherland were treated, who shed blood for it, which was visited by Emperor Nicholas II and grand duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna - was carried out by the developer while the Moscow mayor's office celebrated the City Day - September 5, 2015.

A little earlier, on September 1, the Moscow city branch of VOOPIK submitted an application to the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage for the inclusion of "an object with signs of a cultural heritage object" in the state register of historical and cultural monuments. But even earlier, the city authorities issued the developer - the group of companies "Morton" - the Urban Planning Plan of the Land Plot (GPZU), which allowed a massive new housing construction on the site of the historical buildings of the hospital complex. Earlier, in April 2005, a decree was issuedThe Moscow government on the implementation of a construction investment contract here with the demolition of 26 out of 37 buildings of the former factory complex, on the territory of which the hospital was located.

The hospital building, (until 1914 - a warehouse complex Russian Society Red Cross), a good example of the "brick style" of the early twentieth century, until recently retained many of the original elements of facades and interiors.

After the September demolition, a real scandal erupted in the media, and city officials even started talking about the destruction of the building as a flagrant violation of the law. But several months passed, and the developer, as if nothing had happened, continued in December 2015 the demolition of other buildings that were once part of the historical complex.

70-71. Merchant Kulikov's house and building XIXcentury in Ulyanovsk

Orlova street, 31 and 33.

September nightone of the best examples of classical urban development died in Rostov the Great - wooden house the first half of the 19th century, Dekabristov Street. The fire, which began on the evening of September 27, was extinguished all night. The firemen announced about the "suppression of the fire" in the morning, but the building was also liquidated: from it there were three stoves sticking out among the smoldering ruins. The identified object of cultural heritage, the house also had an important urban planning significance, fixing the intersection of the city streets of Dekabristov and Frunze.

Rostov local historians emphasize that in last years historic wooden buildings are systematically destroyed by fires. On Dekabristov Street, they write, in recent times a few more burned down wooden houses: one stood next to the 2015 fire victim, it has already been demolished, the other, No. 34 is still standing, covered with a banner after the fire, a wooden house opposite burned down in the first half of 2013. And these are not all cases of fires in urban history in recent years.

74. House of the early twentieth century in Zvenigorod

Moscow region, Zvenigorod, st. Shnyreva, 8.

The death of a house in the first quarter of the twentieth century in a fire in Zvenigorod was reported by activists of the Moscow Region branch of VOOPIK. Since 1998, the building has had the status of an identified historical and cultural monument. According to public figures, the house fell victim to arson: “The building was disconnected from communications, there are no homeless people in our city. Judging by the nature of the fire, arson is obvious. According to the testimony of neighbors, the building burst into flames throughout the area in a matter of minutes. "

Earlier, the Zvenigorod branch of VOOPIK repeatedly, but to no avail, appealed to the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region with statements about the need to take measures to bring the owner of the house to responsibility due to the inadequate state of the monument and the threat to its preservation.

New residential development is planned on the adjacent territory.

75-76. Barracks of the Alexandrian hussar regiment in Samara

The territory of the former Fourth State Bearing Plant, buildings 6 and 7.

One building of the once vast complex of hussar barracks (building 8) was decided in October in Samara to be included in the register of monuments, but buildings 6 and 7 fell victim to development. Back in the spring of 2015, on the basis of a historical and cultural expertise, they were denied inclusion in the heritage register, and they lost the status of those identified. Those who had fought for them for a long time lost their legal basis.

77-78. Mansion and grain barns of Prince of Georgia in St. Petersburg

Sinopskaya nab, 66, letters A and E.

An object of cultural heritage of regional importance - a house of the second half of the 19th century, accepted for state protection in February 1995, also had a memorial value. At the beginning of the 20th century, like the neighboring house No. 41, it belonged to the Nurok family. B.L. Nurok was the head of the Vyazemsk city zemstvo hospital, and his brother M.L. Nurok - a district doctor and head of a zemstvo pharmacy While working in the Vyazemsk city zemstvo hospital, the future famous writer Mikhail Bulgakov, who knew the Nurok brothers well, repeatedly visited them.

According to the media in the region,demolition of the house is on the conscience of a local businessman who bought the land and plans to build a “shop or shopping center” on it.

80. BuildingMilitary School named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in the Moscow Kremlin

Moscow, Kremlin, building 14.

The Ivanovo region literally on the last evening managed to make a worthy contribution to the agenda of the meeting of the Commission of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation on November 19, 2015, dedicated to the problems of preserving wooden architecture. On the evening of November 18, in Ivanovo, in a little over two hours, the Assumption wooden church of the 17th century was completely destroyed by fire - oldest temple capital of the region, one of the two preserved wooden cages of the XVII - early XVIII cc. in the area of. At the cultural heritage site of federal significance in 2014-2015 restoration was carried out.

The Ivanovo authorities, as if nothing had happened, are now informing the population that the "conservation" of the architectural monument is now taking place, and the governor has set the task of restoring the temple, moreover, at the expense of the federal budget. In general, life goes on.

82. Residential building of the Shorygin factory

Moscow region, pos. October, st. New, 2, 4.

In early December, Arkhnadzor discovered the complete absence of a cultural heritage site of regional significance - the outbuilding of the Khludovs' town estate in 1861. Instead of a wooden mansion, behind a building screen, there was a vacant lot with a concrete slab.

According to the official version, “emergency operations” are taking place at the architectural monument (customer - Media Consulting LLC, contractor - Profinvest LLC, architectural supervision - RSK LLC Architectural heritage"). The house was included in the program of preferential rent "ruble per meter", which provides for the restoration of monuments in record time. In the course of emergency response work, again according to the official version, the monument collapsed, after which it had to be completely dismantled. Some of the historical logs were sent for processing, some are supposedly stored at the facility, some will be replaced with new structures.

84. Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the village of Koprino

Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk region.

The demolition of the ruined temple has occurred .

In November, the plans for the careful restoration of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the former village of Koprino on the Volga were enthusiastically toldheads of the business resort "Yaroslavskoe Vzmorye", on the territory of which he was. However, in mid-December, on the site of the remains of the temple, there was already a leveled area with traces of equipment and earthworks. Local residents say that the walls of the 1787 church were destroyed by special equipment. In "Yaroslavl Vzmorye" they put forward an alternative version: "There was a strong wind, and the walls collapsed."

P.S.The publication does not include objects that were partially preserved after collapses, fires, damage and dismantling works. The materials of the city protection movements "Arhnadzor", "Living City", "Tverskiye Svody", " Real story"," Real Vologda "," ArchiGuard "," SpasGrad "," ArchZaschita Ufa "and others, regional media, network resources.

New Year's series “Guardians Legacy”:

about cultural heritage in Russia 2015.

about the fate of cultural heritage in Russia and the world in 2015.

To be continued.

Cultural heritage objects are immovable objects with cultural value for the population of Russia, as well as included in the world cultural heritage.

The concept of the objects in question

These objects have a special legal status. The considered category of objects includes:

  • real estate with an integral part of painting;
  • scientific and technical facilities;
  • objects of arts and crafts;
  • sculptures;
  • other cultural objects that have value from the standpoint of various sciences, technology and social culture, are monuments and serve as evidence of the original birth of culture and its subsequent development.

Cultural heritage objects include: built-in real estate (memorial apartments), buildings located separately, as well as ensembles and complexes of various buildings, structures and other buildings. At the same time, these objects can be completely preserved, or they can be partially destroyed or be an integral part of objects of a later period.

Legal basis of the objects under consideration

The laws on cultural heritage objects in force in our country include:

  • ФЗ №73-ФЗ.
  • The law of the RSFSR, adopted in 1978 in the part that does not contradict the modern legislative framework RF.
  • The position of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the protection and use of monuments of history and culture" from 1982 in the same part.
  • Instruction No. 203 of the USSR Ministry of Culture from 1986, in the same part.

Signs of the objects under consideration

Objects of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation must have the following characteristics:

  1. Real estate. Thus, movable property a priori does not belong to the considered objects.
  2. Historical and cultural value. If we take into account only the attribute "real estate", then all the apartments, summer cottages, garages that are available in the country can be attributed to the objects under consideration. Therefore, the subject of interest to us includes objects that have a certain scientific and technical interest (value) for different sciences and social culture. This value is determined in the process of implementation of the historical and cultural expertise, which is carried out at the initiative of the state.
  3. Age. In addition to memorial apartments and houses, which were recognized as the objects in question as a result of the fact that they lived there prominent figures, the rest of the monuments are included in the register of cultural heritage objects after at least 40 years have passed since their creation or the occurrence of events of historical value.
  4. Special status. This status is acquired in a certain order by being included in the state register and the state list by decision of certain executive authorities.

The presence of these 4 features in the complex makes it possible to speak of the considered object as an object of cultural heritage.


All considered historical and cultural monuments are subdivided into sights, ensembles and monuments.

Ensembles are a group of cultural heritage objects that arose at the same time or supplemented each other in the process historical development on the same territory, as a result of the unification of which a single composition is formed.

The ensembles include monuments and structures located in an area that can be uniquely localized in territories that have developed historically, including those with a religious purpose, as well as fragments of various settlements (buildings and layouts) that belong to urban planning ensembles; parks, boulevards, squares, gardens, as well as necropolises.

Places of interest include:

  • creations that were created anthropogenically or with the participation of nature;
  • the same fragments that can be attributed to ensembles;
  • centers of historical settlements;
  • various places associated with the formation of ethnic groups on the territory of our country;
  • ruin remains of the ancients settlements and parking;
  • places where various kinds of rituals related to religion were performed;
  • reserves recognized as cultural heritage sites.

Varieties of monuments

The monuments have a more complex classification. Let's consider it in more detail.

Monuments as objects of cultural heritage have arisen as a result of certain historical events... On currently they are evidence of civilizations, eras when culture began to emerge and develop.

In this type, the following subspecies are distinguished:

  • free-standing various buildings with the territories in which they are located historically;
  • separate premises of various religious trends;
  • separate burials and mausoleums;
  • traces of human existence underground or water, which can be hidden in whole or in part, as well as movable objects related to them;
  • scientific and technical facilities, including military ones;
  • works of monumental art;
  • memorial apartments.

In addition, the monuments are classified as monuments of history, urban planning and architecture, archeology. Their belonging to one of the varieties is determined during the preparation of the documents of the state registration of these objects and is established during the approval of the list on the acceptance of these objects for protection.


All considered objects, depending on their value, are classified into categories:

  • federal facilities - having special meaning for the culture and history of our country, this also includes objects belonging to the archaeological heritage;
  • regional cultural heritage sites - which are of particular importance for the culture and history of a particular region of the country;
  • municipal (local) objects - having an appropriate value for a particular area or municipality.

In addition, especially valuable cultural sites, some of which are included in the UNESCO heritage.

Examples of considered objects in the world

Examples of cultural heritage sites are cities (Athens, Rome, Venice, Prague, Jerusalem, Mexico City), ancient palaces, temples, religious centers (for example, the Taj Mahal), the Great Wall of China, Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, Olympia and Carthage (their ruins).

Russian national cultural heritage

There are federal facilities in our country great amount... These include, for example, the Likhachevs' house in Tatarstan, the Vladimir Church in Cheboksary, the Caucasian Riviera sanatorium complex in Sochi, the building of the women's gymnasium in Krasnoyarsk, the people's house in Vladivostok, the State Bank building in Khabarovsk, Trinity Church in Bryansk, Ivanovo, Kirov, the ensemble Church of the Resurrection in Vladimir region, many residential buildings in the Vologda region and Irkutsk, the Lutheran church in Voronezh, the ensemble of St. Basil's Church in Kaluga and a huge variety of others located, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There are also many regional and local facilities. Each subject of the federation has its own register of cultural heritage objects, in which they are listed.

World cultural heritage sites in our country

In Russia there are 16 sites identified by UNESCO.

There are not so many of these objects, so we will consider them in more detail.

One of them is transboundary: Struve Geodetic Arc (Baltic states, Moldova, RF, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Finland).

Center of St. Petersburg, which has preserved its historical appearance with a group of monuments associated with it. This includes many canals, bridges, the Admiralty, the Hermitage, the Winter Palace and the Marble Palace.

The Kizhi Pogost is located in Karelia on the islands of Lake Onega. There are two wooden churches from the 18th century. and a wooden bell tower of the 19th century.

Red Square with the Kremlin located on it in Moscow.

Historical monuments of V. Novgorod and its suburbs with many medieval monuments, monasteries, churches.

Complex of history and culture of the Solovetsky Islands. Here is the largest monastery in the north, built in the 15th century, as well as churches of the 16th-19th centuries.

Monuments made of white stone and located in Suzdal and Vladimir, consisting of many religious buildings of the XII-XIII centuries.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra (architectural ensemble) - a monastery with features of a fortress. The tomb of B. Godunov is located in the Assumption Cathedral. The Lavra contains the icon of A. Rublev "Trinity".

The Church of the Ascension (Kolomenskoye, Moscow) is one of the first churches in which a tent is made of stone, which influenced the subsequent development of church architecture in Russia.

The Kremlin in Kazan is a complex of history and architecture. There are several historic buildings XVI-XIX centuries Civil structures are adjacent to Orthodox and Muslim churches.

Ferapontov Monastery (ensemble) is a monastic complex of the 15th-17th centuries. in the Vologda region.

Derbent with fortress walls, the Old Town and the Citadel was a strategically important site until the 19th century.

Novodevichy Convent (ensemble) - was created in the XVI-XVII centuries. and was part of the defense system of Moscow. Belongs to the masterpieces of Russian architecture, representatives of the Romanovs were housed here, where they were tonsured and then buried, as well as representatives of noble boyar and noble families.

Struve's geodetic arc includes geodesic "triangles", which were laid by Struve, who, with their help, first measured the great arc of the earth's meridian.

Yaroslavl (historical center) - many churches of the 17th century, the Spassky monastery of the 16th century.

The Bulgar complex is located on the banks of the Volga to the south of Kazan. It is evidence of the existence in the 7th-15th centuries. Bulgar city. The historical continuity and difference of different cultures can be traced here.

Chersonesos Tauride with a chora - located on the territory of the Crimea, was destroyed in the XIV century, after which it was hidden underground, in the XIX century. excavations began.

Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites

In different regions of our country, these departments are called differently. So, in the Oryol region it is called the Department for the State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, the Ministry of Culture and National Policy - in Bashkortostan, the Department of Culture and Art - in Kirov region etc.

In general, all of them are institutions (or also perform the functions of departments) for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

These bodies are regional, which carry out executive, administrative and control functions in the field of protection of the above-mentioned objects, contribute not only to their preservation, but also to popularize them.


The objects considered in the article include various monuments that can be located singly or collected in ensembles, as well as points of interest. In our country there are federal, regional and local in relation to national objects, in addition, in different corners countries are objects world heritage UNESCO. Work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects is entrusted to the relevant departments, departments, committees in the regions, and for federal objects - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with its territorial representations.