Popularization of cultural heritage in the youth environment. Preservation of Cultural Heritage - Priority National Project Chapter XIV

Popularization of cultural heritage in the youth environment. Preservation of Cultural Heritage - Priority National Project Chapter XIV
Popularization of cultural heritage in the youth environment. Preservation of Cultural Heritage - Priority National Project Chapter XIV

Passport of the municipal subprogramme

Subrogram name

Preservation, use and promotion of cultural heritage objects

Responsible performer of the municipal subprogramme

Municipal state institution "Department of Culture" of the Mias City District

Corresponding to the municipal subprogramme

Municipal State Institution "Centralized Library System"

Municipal budgetary institution "City Local Lore Museum"

Software -

target tools



Events subprogramme

The main purpose of the municipal subprogramme

Ensuring the safety of cultural heritage objects to create the conditions for their full and rational use.

The main tasks of the municipal subprogramme

Protection of objects of cultural heritage;

Preservation of cultural heritage objects;

Popularization of cultural heritage sites.

Target indicators and indicators

The number of objects of cultural heritage, which carried out activities aimed at preserving cultural heritage sites;

Annual event (lectures, excursions) aimed at the popularization of cultural heritage facilities;

The number of objects of cultural heritage taken into municipal property.

Stages and timing of the subprogramme

Stage I - 2017

Stage II - 2018

III Stage - 2019

Volumes of budget allocations

Source of financing

Other sources

Expected results of the implementation of the subprogramme and indicators of its socio-economic efficiency

The number of cultural heritage objects on which events were held to preserve cultural heritage facilities, in 2017-2019 - 3 units;

The annual conduct of events (lectures, excursions, publications) aimed at the popularization of cultural heritage facilities - at least 10 units.

When financing changes, the program is subject to adjustment according to the allocated allocations.

Accepted abbreviations and cuts

MGO - Mias City District.

MKU "Management of Culture" MGO is a municipal state institution "Department of Culture" of the Mias City District.

MKU "CBS" - Municipal State Institution "Centralized Library System"

MKU "GDK" - Municipal state institution "City House of Culture"

MBU "GKM" - Municipal budgetary institution "City Local Lore Museum"

Windows - Cultural Heritage Objects

The monuments of architecture, urban planning, archeology, history, culture and art, the loss of whom are insensitive, the historical and cultural heritage and are of great value, reflecting the originality of the city.

The nonreception of the problem of preserving the cultural heritage facilities that make up spiritual and material values, significant to preserve and develop the city's identity, will lead to the irrelevant loss of the city's historical and cultural heritage.

Climatic conditions, difficulties with monument protection, an increase in the number of acts of vandalism annually worsen the technical condition of cultural heritage sites.

On the territory of Miass, there are 84 windows, incl. The objects of cultural heritage included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and the objects of cultural heritage included in the list of identified objects of the cultural heritage of the Chelyabinsk Region, representing historical, artistic or other cultural value.

Of the total number of windows - 3 are owned by the Mias City District and transferred to the operational management of municipal cultural institutions:

Name of the window



Former mansion Simonov

(urban local history museum)

ul. Pushkin, 8.

MBU "City Local Lore Museum"

Mansion merchant

(Centralized library system)

ul. Lenin, 6.

MKU "Centralized Library System"

Bakakin Store (City House Culture)

ul. Proletarian, 12.

MKU "City House of Culture"

These objects are located in the historic part of the city and make up an architectural ensemble, which is included in the draft zones of guarding the city of Miass, and in the future should be decorated and the attraction of Miass. In addition, the urban local history museum is a challenge for an object included in Sinegorevier cluster, designed to play not a small role in the development of tourism of our city.

All three objects are in satisfactory condition and require repair.

Repair work in the windows are carried out by specialized organizations, after receiving a positive conclusion of an examination for design and estimate documentation (hereinafter referred to as the PSD). The subprogramme provides funds for the work on the preparation of the PSD.

The amount of funds for the examination and repair work themselves can be determined only after the preparation of the PSD. Due to the fact that repair work should be carried out immediately after receiving an examination on the PSD (in order to avoid additional expenses), it is advisable to make changes to the subprogram in 2018 and 2019, with the inclusion of funds for the implementation of expertise and directly repair work.

In accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, each window:

Is an integral part of the cultural heritage of the MGO;

Is a special type of real estate, in respect of which restrictions on the rights of ownership, use and orders are established;

Represents the object of city planning of special regulation;

Limits land management, earthworks, construction, reclamation, economic and other works;

It affects the solution of issues in relation to the objects directly related to the window.

The obligation of widespread interaction of state authorities and local self-government, cultural, scientific and educational organizations, public associations and other subjects in solving the problems of preserving cultural heritage causes the need to solve the tasks to the tasks.

When developing a subprogramme, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislative acts of the subject of the Russian Federation, the Mias City District:

V. System of measures of the municipal subprogramme

Table 1

Name of the event

Responsible performer

Description of tasks in the framework of events

Calculation of costs, thousand rubles.

Installation of information inscriptions on windows (MBU "GKM", MKU "GDK", MKU "CBS")

MKU "Culture Management" MGO, MKU "CBS", MBU "City Local Lore Museum", MKU "GDK"

Making information tablet

Lectures and excursions

production of information booklets.

Articles in the media.

Repair and restoration work:

preparation of design and estimate documentation;


repair and restoration work.

Preparation of design and estimate documentation, including:

Roofing MBU "GKM"

Facade of MBU "GKM"

Facade of MKU "GDK"

Conducting an examination of PSD (MBU "GKM", MKU "GDK")

Repair and restoration work (MBU "GKM", MKU "GDK")

Emergency work (MBU "GKM", MKU "GDK", MKU "CBS")

upon execution

upon execution

upon execution

Development of a section of the subject of protection for the facade of the MKU "GDK"

Change information:

Vi. Resource support of the municipal subprogramme

The source of financing measures of the subprogramme is the funds of the Budget of the Mias City District and other sources.

table 2

(thousand roubles.)



Budget of the Mias City District

Other sources

TOTAL, by year

Subprogram finance is carried out within the limits of funds approved in the Budget of the Mias City District for the relevant fiscal year. When implementing the subprogramme, the funds of the budgets of higher levels allocated to the Mias urban district are possible as subsidies for the implementation of subprogrammes, as well as attracting funds from extrabudgetary sources.

VII. Expected results of the implementation of the municipal subprogramme, indicating target indicators and indicators

The subprogramme is aimed at solving an important block of tasks, which are part of the socio-economic development of the Mias City District.

As a result of the implementation of the subprogramme, the following indicators are achieved:

The number of cultural heritage objects on which events were held to preserve cultural heritage facilities, in 2017-2019 - 3 units;

Annual holding of events (lectures, excursions, publications) aimed at the popularization of cultural heritage facilities - at least 10 units.

Indicative subprogramme indicators are presented in Table 3.

Table 3.




The value of the indicator

Preservation, use and promotion of cultural heritage objects

the number of windows to which windows are preserved

Change information:

VII. Financial and Economic Justification of the subprogramme

Table 4.

Name of the event

Source of financing

Funding volumes, thousand rubles.


Installing information inscriptions on windows

Budget MGO

Estimated calculation

Ensuring awareness of the population about the historical and cultural heritage of the city through cultural and educational activities.

Budget MGO

Repair and Restoration Works

Budget MGO

Cultural heritage is spiritual, cultural, economic and social capital of irrelevant value. The legacy nourishes modern science, education, culture. Along with natural wealth, this is the main grounds for national self-esteem and recognition by the world community. Modern civilization realized the highest potential of cultural heritage, the need for its savings and efficient use as one of the most important resources of the global economy. Losses of cultural values \u200b\u200bare irrepected and irreversible.

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the objects of the cultural heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation", the objects of immovable property with the associated works of painting, sculptures, decorative and applied arts, science and technology and other objects of material culture, which arose As a result of historical events, which are value from the point of view of history, archeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology, social culture and which are evidence of eras and civilizations, genuine sources of information on the birth and development of culture .

One of the main activities of the body of the protection of cultural heritage facilities is the popularization of historical and cultural monuments.

Under the popularization of cultural heritage facilities, the activities that are aimed at organizing their accessibility for all and the perception of everyone, the spiritual and elastic and aesthetic education of people, an increase in their educational level and leisure organization, as well as other activities that contribute to the implementation of state protection, conservation and use The object of cultural heritage.

The popularization of cultural heritage facilities is aimed at implementing the constitutional right of every citizen of the Russian Federation to access cultural values, the constitutional obligation to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, protect monuments of history and culture.

Popularization includes the following:

  1. exercising public affordability of real estate cultural heritage by its owners and users;
  2. the inclusion in the tourist activity of the objects of cultural heritage and their territories;
  3. coverage of issues of state protection, conservation and use of facilities in the media, including the release of popular information and reference and advertising publications, the creation of television and radio programs, film and video devoted to immovable cultural heritage;
  4. study of state protection issues, preservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage facilities in the composition of educational programs of all levels;
  5. preparation and conduct of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, thematic exhibitions and presentations on state protection, conservation and use of cultural heritage facilities;
  6. creating and maintaining information resources on the Internet on the objects of cultural heritage;
  7. other events related to the legislation to popularization.

It is known that the population not only uses the objects of cultural heritage, but also forms the criteria for attitudes towards them. If the concept of the historical and cultural significance of the monuments is blurred or lost in the minds of citizens, then the protection of their protection turns into an amount of activities devoid of prospects.

The possibility of acquaintance with the best samples of cultural heritage is undoubtedly one of the most effective forms of popularizing cultural heritage and deserves all-friendly support and development.

In addition, an integrated approach to popularizing cultural heritage facilities implies inclusion in socially significant activities of adolescents and young people, which ensures their access to cultural heritage sites and is an effective means of self-realization of young people. The programatic approach to the popularization of cultural heritage facilities is the only possible and will make it possible to concentrate financial resources on specific work on specific objects of cultural heritage.

In order to popularize the cultural heritage among young people, which will be carried out by state authorities, local governments, public organizations, the media, it is necessary to develop a series of transmissions, youth projects, materials that will be directed to the popularization of cultural heritage; To ensure the interest of young people to the field of journalism, which is devoted to the historical and cultural heritage; Make focus on the need to hold a unified state policy in the field of popularizing the cultural heritage of Russia.

Thus, it can be concluded that today it has already come to study, to popularize, preserve the cultural heritage of Russia. From our views, the deeds of young people, the fate of our country and the future of Russia already depends on their Fatherland.

Ekaterina Belyaeva

The Moscow City Duma website houses the project of the Moscow budget for 2020 and 2021-2022, on October 30, the first reading will be held.

Against the background of this year, the mayor of Moscow and the head of the Department of Cultural Heritage about many well-completed restorations of cultural heritage sites (according to Sobyanin.ru site, 228 cultural heritage sites were restored in 2018, and this year it is planned to complete the restoration of about 200 monuments) Of course, became interested in how much Moscow plans to spend the restoration in the following and in subsequent years.

The "profile" department on this subject is the Department of Cultural Heritage. In 2020, the costs of Moscow relating to this department will amount to 7.8 billion rubles (7.6 billion in 2021 and 8.2 billion in 2022). The amount of considerable, but all expenses of Moscow in 2020 will amount to 3 trillion rubles, and the Mosornasydiya share accounts for only 0.2% of the total amount. And if you run the departments on the amount of expenses, the DCN will turn out to be only 35th place out of 60.

Of course, this is not the last place: the smaller Moscow spends on the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the State Inspectorate of the city of Moscow in the quality of agricultural products, raw materials and food. Who are the leaders of the proposed project? Most expenses (20%, or 645 billion rubles) falls on Department of Construction. He follows him with a large margin of departments of education, labor and health care. In the neighboring DKN line, such a rating of expenses is the management of the mayor and the Moscow government.

But the budget of Moscow is divided into state programs, one of which is called "the development of a cultural and tourist environment and the preservation of cultural heritage", there are many departments in it, the budget for the program for 2020 is already 83.5 billion rubles (3% of all expenses According to state programs). Let's see what it consists of:

The subprogramme "State Protection, the preservation and popularization of cultural heritage facilities", unfortunately, is funded by the same 7 billion rubles (8% of the entire program).

The name of the rest of the programs sounds clear, but what is the "development of interregional and international cultural ties", which is spent about 5 billion rubles per year, slightly less than the preservation of heritage? Explanatory note to the budget gives us an answer to this question: "Due to the provided allocations, about 500 urban events are planned annually, including more than 20 large classical art festivals (Easter Festival, Festivals" Golden Mask "and" Spasskaya Tower ", Moscow Festivals Classical music and jazz, international theater festival. A.P. Chekhov et al.), Thematic shares and forums. "

The most interesting hides in the article "Parks of Culture and Leisure, Museums-Reserves and Museums of the Manor", which accounts for 20 billion rubles of expenses in 2020 (17 and 15 billion in 2021 and 2022, respectively). In fact, more than half of this amount (11 billion rubles) have to for one global project: VDNH.

Actually on the so-called. " Construction and reconstruction, including with elements of the restoration of capital construction objects in the exhibition of achievements of the national economy, "in 2020 spent 5.1 billion rubles., The rest of the amount refers to subsidies to government enterprises and joint-stock companies for the content of the objects and infrastructure of the exhibition, the acquisition of fixed assets and the organization of events. The cost of building VDNH is almost all the costs of the Tourism Committee. AND at VDNH, the aggregate is spent more than on the subroutine of the preservation of heritage.

For comparison, we consider how much in 2020 Moscow will spend on the restoration of other specific "targeted" objects, except VDNH. These addresses and amounts can be found from the Appendix to the Moscow budget - "Address Investment Program of the City of Moscow" for 2019-2022.

In the address list we find 8 objects of cultural heritageThe restoration of which is planned to spend money:

At the same time, construction and restoration is made on the territory of the EDNH two Objects: Conno-Sports Play (with costs of 715 million rubles in 2020 and 2021) and restoration with adaptation to the modern use of Pavilion No. 70 Montreal (3257 million rubles. in 2020 and 1002 million rubles. in 2021) .

So, even if you do not take in the calculation of huge amounts for the service of the exhibition, the cost of construction and restoration in the territory of the EDPH exceed the cost of restoration of all other The objects of cultural heritage from the address program, and the costs are only on the restoration of one address object are comparable to them.

Next, we read the following in the explanatory note to the budget: "At the expense of budget investments it is planned to build and put into operation 3 museums, 5 engineering objects in museums, 5 theaters, 2 cultural and leisure institutions, 2 monuments, complete restoration work on 2 objects of cultural heritage" It turns out that two hundred restored objects over the year are not funded from the budget of Moscow, but at the expense of federal programs, religious organizations, investors and patrons.

What is Moscow planning to spend money other than the generally recognized expenses for medicine and education?

Here are some of the most revealing subroutines in our opinion:

  • 103 billion rubles - the subprogramme "Recreation industry in common areas", i.e. Actually improvement (except courtyard territories).
  • 21 billion rubles - 3 times more than the preservation program, it is assumed to be expected to "develop a single light-flowered environment of the city." I remember the "forever New Year's" Nikolskaya Street. Is it not better to look at the renovated buildings themselves, what to try to consider them through the Voroi Garlyand?
  • 7 billion rubles - as much as at the subprogramme of the preservation of heritage, - Moscow plans to spend on "Creating a single parking space". Unfortunately, the decryption of this article was failed to find.

From individual articles inside subroutines:

  • 6 billion rubles - ensuring the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the funds of the institutions with computing equipment and software. It is almost comparable to the budget to preserve the entire Moscow heritage.
  • 15 billion rubles - the acquisition of real estate objects.
  • 10 billion rubles - assistance in the production and distribution of socially oriented products in electronic media and in the implementation of socially oriented projects (part of the article "Development of media and advertising").
  • 8 billion rubles - design and construction of a multifunctional complex of buildings of the National Space Center at the address: Moscow, Filevsky Boulevard (ul. Novozavodskaya).

One of the goals of Moscow is the development of tourism. For this - illumination, parking, construction, improvement, festivals and VDNH. But can we keep our legacy if we restore 2 objects at 3 years? Is it really all hope - to federal programs, religious organizations, investors and patrons? Will it be on what to look at tourists of the future, except for newly built beautifully highlighted buildings? Perhaps it is worth a little to reduce the above-mentioned items in the benefit of the restoration of several more objects?

Sergey Sobyanin in his personal blog states: "Architectural monuments exist not in an airless space. They are part of a single urban environment. Therefore, the liberation of buildings from the web of wires, ugly advertising and ugly signs, repair of facades and sidewalks, landscaping and landscaping of streets is also the most important contribution to the preservation of the historical appearance of Moscow. " So why are the costs of improvement so exceed the cost of restoration? A balanced approach is needed, because the new sidewalk will not decorate the building closed by a raisedfasad.

The competition of the Government of Moscow for the best project in the field of conservation and popularization of the objects of cultural heritage "Moscow Restoration" is held annually on the basis of the order of the Government of Moscow of August 16, 2012 No. 441-RP,
(in the editorial board of orders of the Government of Moscow of December 13, 2016 No. 660-RP and on February 6, 2019 No. 38-RP).

The main objectives of the competition are: the definition of cultural heritage sites (architectural monuments, history and culture, archeology, monumental art, etc.), on which work carried out to ensure their best preservation, revival and development of the traditions of the Moscow School of Restoration Art, promoting the improvement of the architectural appearance of Moscow , as well as an increase in public interest in the study of the objects of the historical and cultural heritage of the city, the popularization of historical and cultural monuments.

By tradition, restoration and design workshops, engineering and manufacturing organizations, owners and users of the cultural heritage of the city of Moscow, repair and restoration work on which are completed in the current year are taking part in the competition.

The objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) are submitted to the competition, taking into account the differences in their characteristics and functional sections:

civil architecture facilities;
city \u200b\u200bestates;
industrial architecture objects;
objects of religious architecture;
objects of garden and park art and landscape architecture;
monumental art objects;
Objects of archaeological heritage.

The main nominations of the competition:
For the best project of restoration and / or the best project of adaptation to modern use;
for high quality repair and restoration work;
for the best organization of repair and restoration works;
For research and / or scientific and methodological guide.

The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas signed by the mayor of Moscow and honorary prizes.

"Moscow Restoration", 2019

In 2019, the Moscow Government Competition for the Best Project in the Conservation and Popularization of Cultural Heritage Objects of the city of Moscow "Moscow Restoration" was held in the ninth time. To participate in it, 96 applications were filed. According to the results of the competition in 2019, 32 laureate were awarded to participate in the restoration of 20 cultural heritage sites. The awards ceremony took place on December 6, 2019 at the facility of the cultural heritage of the federal value "Pavilion" Cosmos "(former" mechanization "), 1939-1954, Architects: Andreev V.S., Tarananov I.G. At the address: Peace Prospect, d. 119, p. 34. The solemn event united more than 350 people who became its guests.

"Moscow Restoration", 2018

In 2018, 105 applications were filed for participation in the Moscow Restoration Competition. The laureates of the competition were 47 specialists and organizations that participated in the restoration of 23 cultural heritage sites. The awards ceremony took place on December 6, 2018 at the State Academic Theater named after the Moscow City Council. The solemn event combined more than 800 people who became his guests. For eight years, the ceremony is one of the main events of the restoration industry and traditionally completes each restoration season.

"Moscow Restoration" 2017

In 2017, to participate in the competition "Moscow Restoration"
From the restoration and architectural workshops and the Bureau, specialists of the restoration industry, investors, users of cultural heritage and design organizations received a record number of applications - 100. Following the meeting of the competition commission, 51 winners were determined. The award ceremony of the winners of the "Moscow Restoration - 2017" competition took place on December 7, 2017 in the theater. Mossovet.

"Moscow Restoration" 2016

In 2016, to participate in the fifth competition "Moscow Restoration", the Department received a record number of applications for participation in the competition - 73. Taking into account the differences in characteristics and functional purposes, all received applications were distributed in 6 sections. In 2016, 40 competition winners were selected at the meeting of the Competition Commission (including 1 special services), 5 special rates. Awarding the winners of the "Moscow Restoration - 2016" competition took place on December 8, 2016 in the Moscow Council.

"Moscow Restoration" 2015

In 2015, 68 applications for 40 cultural heritage facilities were received to participate in the fifth competition "Moscow Restoration". Taking into account the differences in characteristics and functional purposes, all received applications were distributed in 6 sections, the innovation of this year was the appearance of the laureate in the competitive nomination "Industrial architecture facilities". In 2015, 42 winners were selected by the honorary restorers of the city of Moscow, which worked on the restoration of 16 objects of cultural heritage.

"Moscow Restoration" 2014

In 2014, 73 applications for participation in the competition for 28 cultural heritage sites were received to participate in the competition in the Department. At the meeting of the Competition Commission, held on October 1, 2014 in the Moscow Government Information Center (ul. New Arbat, 36/9), 24 laureate of 11 objects and 8 special rates were identified. On December 3, 2014, in the conference hall of the Government of the Government of Moscow (Ul. New Arbat, 36/9), awarding the winners of the competition "Moscow Restoration 2014" were held.

"Moscow Restoration" 2013

In 2013, 71 applications arrived in the competition to the department. At the final meeting of the Competition Commission, held October 4, 2013 in the ArtPlay Design Center, 34 winners were identified, including 4 special projects. On December 7, 2013, the activities of awarding the winners of the contest "Moscow Restoration 2013" took place.

"Moscow restoration" 2012

Competition "Moscow Restoration - 2012" was held in the anniversary year of education in Moscow the system of protection of the objects of cultural heritage. 95 years ago, in November 1917, the first Moscow Commission on the Protection of Starny Monuments, the successor of which is the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow.

According to the results of the competition, 23 laureate for work on 14 objects of cultural heritage were determined. The winners projects were presented at the anniversary exhibition in the State Museum of A.C. Pushkin.