Home amulets from troubles and misfortunes: what icons must be in the house. Why and what icons should be mandatory in every home

Home amulets from troubles and misfortunes: what icons must be in the house.  Why and what icons should be mandatory in every home
Home amulets from troubles and misfortunes: what icons must be in the house. Why and what icons should be mandatory in every home

Any icon is a prototype of what is depicted on it. Be it the Lord, or the saints, canonized by the church - depicted on icons, they become prototypes of those to whom we send our prayers.

Earlier in the house, the eastern corner was used for the location of the icons, just as in the temple the altar is always located to the east. But in our time, for most believers in city apartments, the eastern corner may fall into the wrong place. Therefore, choose a comfortable corner where they will not interfere with your prayer rule, especially if you are praying with the whole family.

What icons should be in the house

  • On the sides of the icons of the Lord and the Mother of God, you can put the icons of the Guardian Angel and the Archangel Michael.
  • According to church canons, the icons of the male saints are placed on the right, on the left - the Mother of God and the holy women.
  • It is good if you have icons of saints in whose honor all members of your family are named at baptism.
  • Any family has any problems, so it is worth adding icons of those saints who were famous for helping in these cases.
  • If there is a sick person in the family, purchase an icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer or the image of the Mother of God "Healer" for the home iconostasis.
  • If you have relatives addicted to drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, then be sure to pray to the Inexhaustible Thicket icon, it is very strong, and you will not be left without help.
  • And of course, you can add icons of your favorite saints: Seraphim of Sarov, Matrona of Moscow, and many others.

Where is the best place to buy icons for the home

It's always best to buy. There they are always consecrated before being sold. Try to keep the icons of the saints no larger than the icons of the Lord and the Blessed Virgin.

If you bought an icon in a jewelry store, then you definitely need to consecrate it. This happens at a prayer service in the temple.

If you want to embroider an icon with threads or beads, you must adhere to a few rules. Before starting work, you need to fast, repent and take the Holy Communion and take the blessing to work on the image from the priest. Do not buy embroidery schemes where the faces are not printed, you cannot embroider the faces themselves. Try to have before your eyes a written icon, identical to the one you are embroidering, so that in case of an error in the scheme, you can correct it.

If space on the shelf allows, you can put an icon lamp, which is lit during prayer calls. You can store nearby - a prayer book, the Gospel, the Psalter.

What is undesirable for a home iconostasis

  • Photos of relatives and friends are not placed on the iconostasis, whether they are alive or have already reposed. Thus, you seem to equate people, even if they are very dear to you people and saints.
  • It is not good if the sun's rays hit the icons, the paint quickly fades from this. It is better if the images are illuminated by a candle or an icon lamp. This will set you and your household in prayer.
  • Small children and pets should not reach the icons, so as not to touch or drop them.

Icons in your home should be in a special position. There is nothing more shameful than dusty, unkempt images. Any consecrated icon should be treated as a shrine. Make it a rule to put things in order at the iconostasis regularly. By honoring the images, we honor those who are depicted on them. Each icon is a window into the heavenly spiritual world through which we communicate with the Lord, the Mother of God and all the saints. Ardent home prayer will always be answered.

Own apartment or house is considered the greatest joy in any modern family. Therefore, every Orthodox person wants to equip his home at the behest of his heart, and recently, trying to follow the canons of the holy faith in the happy future of his family. Of course, over many Soviet years, almost all the people of our vast Motherland managed to forget partly what and how our ancestors lived. That is why now many believers in the apartment, as in the continuation of God's House, strive to arrange the holy faces correctly, trying not to violate the heavenly hierarchy and not to harm their home and their loved ones.

Icons that should be in every home

Since ancient times, people have been using it in the house for solitary repentance and prayer. In families that sacredly believe and preserve the traditions of true Christianity, holy icons are carefully passed from fathers to children. It is believed that it is the faces of the saints that can unite many generations of believers, soften human embittered hearts, and revive the generosity of an Orthodox person.

The Orthodox Church has never established the number of images that should be in every home. On the contrary, the unwise use of a large number of holy images in the home can have an adverse effect on the minds of others. For a person who is a true believer, the icon is perceived as the embodiment of the face of saints in material images, therefore, it is advisable to use the necessary icons in the house:

  • Jesus christ the savior perceived as the main image that stores the home of an Orthodox person. More often, the half-length image of the Almighty is chosen, where he is personified with an open Bible in his hands, or the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.
  • Icon of the Virgin used for prayer at home (Pochaev, Tikhvin, Iverskaya, Sovereign and others).
  • Image of the Trinity and the Crucifixion usually installed higher than others (crowns the iconostasis in the house). The crucifixion, where Christ is depicted nailed to the cross with four nails, is considered Orthodox, while among the Catholics it is nailed with three nails.
  • Wedding icons are often used in the home iconostasis in place of the main icons.
  • The face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker protects in any difficult everyday situations. This icon, in most families with the Orthodox faith, is honored with special reverence.
  • Seraphim of Sarov, Sergius of Radonezh, righteous John of Kronstadt and many other saints enjoy great respect, since they have gone their way of earthly life in Russia.
  • Each locality also has its own heavenly patron, the believing people sacredly honor and glorify the patrons of our lands and cities. In Moscow, they enjoy special respect icons Blessed Matrona, Prince Daniel of Moscow, George the Victorious other. Residents of St. Petersburg pray, looking at the icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. The Great Martyr Catherine is venerated by people living in Yekaterinburg. There they also pray to the Royal Passion-bearers. And here Archbishop Luke is considered the main patron for the people of Crimea.
  • The wishes of health and healing for all their loved ones are asked in prayers, standing in front of.
  • Widely used in the iconostasis for the home icons great divine holidays of the Annunciation, Christmas, Epiphany, Meeting, the Protection of the Mother of God.
  • For each family member living in your house or apartment, support and protection are nominal images, which are placed separately from each other.

In the home iconostasis, you can include not only icons drawn by the artist, but also their images, made as a reproduction from a magazine. Of course, the image of a handmade icon painter will surpass just a printed work, but an icon can only help a person with all his soul and a sincere believer in life.

Correct placement of icons in the house

In the recent past, in almost every Orthodox family (urban, peasant), in the most conspicuous place in the house, one could see a shelf with icons, or a whole iconostasis. Moreover, by the number and richness of the ornaments of the icons, one could judge the position in society of the owner himself, as well as his family wealth.

These location of the iconostasis were often called differently - red corner, front corner, holy corner, goddess, kivot or icon case. But, despite the difference in the names of these places, believers always perceive them as a window to the Kingdom of God. It was here that the day of the Orthodox believer always began and ended, because in this place the morning and.

Prayers were always read facing east, so the icons preferably placed on the eastern wall of a building or room... According to the same principle of orienting the altar to the east, Orthodox churches were erected. In cases where it was not possible to locate the iconostasis to the east, any other direction could be used. At the same time, the main value of functionality was considered to be the availability of free space for performing joint prayer.

To more effectively use the space in cramped rooms, the red corner can be placed above the bed. This arrangement is not prevented by windows in the house, as well as the presence of cabinets in the room, and sleeping under the shadow of the saints is considered a more beneficial act.

More often the icons are located on special shelves. If there are a large number of icons, you can hang them on the wall, following certain simple rules.

It is considered a mandatory value to place images in rooms of an apartment of different functionality.

Living room

The main icons are kept in the living room:

  • Any images of the Savior... If possible, it is best to place the most powerful icon - the Lord Almighty.
  • Icon of the Virgin... It is preferable to place an icon of the Kazan Mother of God in the living room.

The image of the Most Holy Theotokos must be placed on the left, but the Icon of the Lord must be placed on the right side in the iconostasis. If there are not all believers in your family, then it is better to place the images in a room where Orthodox believers are more often. And if there is no such opportunity, then it is very convenient to use a folding icon, which Orthodox believers can open during prayer.


The place where all the relatives of your family usually gather together is the kitchen. This is where food preparation takes place. In the family of an Orthodox believer, before any meal and after its completion, a small prayer is performed with thanksgiving to the Lord. It is undesirable to place many icons in the kitchen, it is enough to store images:

  • Theotokos.
  • Christ the Savior.
  • Holy Trinity.

In the process of preparing food, a good helper is considered, who was vouchsafed to be alive in paradise and return to earth, for love of God and selfless service to him. It was by the hands of Euphrosynus that the apples of paradise were handed over to the monks, presented to them by the Lord. The monks sacredly kept these apples and gave them to people in need of holy healing. Therefore, food prepared with the blessing of this saint is tasty and healthy.

You can place a photo of the Last Supper in the kitchen.


When we leave the house, we find ourselves in a completely different world, a world full of temptations and dangers. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the patron saints safe path and meeting with kind people On him. The most relevant will be such an appeal to the saints for children who are more trusting than adults. And also you should turn to the saints and thank them for their safe return home.

For help in such situations, you should refer to the images:

  • Trinity.
  • Iberian Most Holy Theotokos.
  • Protection of the Virgin.

For the convenience of using these images, it is better to arrange them above the entrance to your home... You can also replace with Crucifixion.

Children's room

In an Orthodox family, every child must be taught the skills of turning to holy icons. In the children's room, most often they have dimensional or personalized icons... A measured icon must be ordered at the birth of a child, in accordance with his height. And the personalized icon should correspond to the name of your child.

There are separate icons for children of different sexes. Girls in the room need to hang an icon that helps in the implementation of a better lot. It is believed that an appeal to this saint comes to the rescue if one wishes to get married safely.

Lovers icon is considered the fundamental patroness of the marriage union and warm family relations.

For boys, for prudence, an icon is placed in the room Saint Great Martyr George the Victorious who is the patron saint of warriors. The aura of this icon has a positive effect on the guys recruited into the army. Usually this image is presented as a gift at the baptism of a boy.

The feeling of worship and respect for the people of the generation of ancestors evokes the appeal to the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called, who is considered the patron saint of the Russian land.

Raises self-esteem, increases the strength of the spirit, promotes the development of physical qualities, worship of the icon with the face of Alexander Nevsky.


Many people think that the presence of images of saints in the bedroom is optional, but this is a misconception. Images in the bedroom are placed on the wall in the case when the spouses live in a married marriage. They will protect believers images of Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, Peter and Fevronia, Panteleimon and various personalized icons.

Images of the Virgin or Savior it is appropriate to place in the bedroom even if the person is lonely.


In the absence of creative inspiration, if problems arise at work, it is worth turning to the saints who protect the representatives of a certain profession. The faces of saints by profession can be placed not only in your home office, but also in the organization where you work. Patrons of certain professions:

  • People working in the trade industry often look to the faces for support Procopius Ustyuzhsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Students ask for help in their studies from the saint and the Great Martyr Tatiana.
  • Healthcare workers have a long history of worship healer Panteleimon, Luke Krymsky.
  • Workers of any type of transport ask for help by saying a prayer in front of the image Saint Apostle Peter, Mother of God Reigning.
  • Pedagogical workers turn to the faces of Sergius of Radonezh, Cyril and Methodius.
  • TO the image of the Mother of God athletes are turning their prayers.
  • But representatives of the construction professions pray, turning their gaze to the image of the Pechersk Architects.

How to store and care for icons

At home, images should be kept at a temperature of 17–20 ℃ and an indoor humidity of 45–55%.

  • It is better to keep the face of saints in an icon case. If it is impossible to place all the icons in the icon case, a candlestick with a lit candle or an icon lamp must be installed so that splashes from wax and oil cannot get onto the surface of the image.
  • It is strictly forbidden to treat the icon with any detergents, since they penetrate the paint or soil, damaging them.
  • You cannot try to update the image with paint, varnish, oil. Such actions lead to the destruction of the base layer.
  • Remove dust from the surface of the image with a soft squirrel bristle brush. Do not wipe with dry or damp cloths because of the possibility of damaging the top layer of paint.
  • You cannot install the face of the saint on the windowsill or hang it near the window, since cold and drafts negatively affect the material from which the image is made.
  • Installation of the icon near the stove, battery, table lamp is not allowed. The flow of warm air from the heating elements dries out the wood, which leads to its cracking.
  • It is necessary to exclude the possibility of direct sunlight hitting the surface of the image.
  • You cannot keep the face of a saint in closets and rooms where any traces of a grinder beetle are seen. This pest can turn an image into dust in a short period of time.

Remember that the presence of an icon in a house or apartment in itself is not an opportunity to receive divine grace. A person's life can change only with his deep faith in the power of the Lord.

What icons should be in the house and where is it

What icons should be in the house

The family will be strong when they have their own home, when there are fewer household problems. And Orthodox people equip their homes, as their hearts dictate, and the icons of the saints have an important place. So it was with our ancestors, when holy icons saved the home and helped those living in it.

Moreover, in each of the rooms you can place holy images to help the family. But the main thing is not to break the rules, so as not to harm your home and loved ones.

In general, as such, there is no obligation to have icons in the house. But we advise you to have spiritual images in your apartment that will bring physical balance and peace of mind.

Of course, the main defender of the home is the image of the Savior Jesus Christ. It can be an icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands or the Almighty. An icon of the Mother of God is also needed for home prayers.

In the home iconostasis, the icons of the Trinity and the Crucifix are placed above others, but just note that in Catholicism, Christ is nailed with three nails to the cross, and in Orthodoxy - with four.

You can also have wedding icons in the iconostasis. The majority of Orthodox Christians especially revered the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Likewise, the saints who have passed their earthly path in Russia are revered by the people - righteous John of Kronstadt, Seraphim of Sarov, Sergius of Radonezh.

In every city, the Orthodox traditionally keep the icons of the patrons of their lands. This is how the icon of the Blessed Matrona, George the Victorious, is venerated in Moscow, and the icon of Archbishop Luke in the Crimea. And so each city has its own patron. They pray for health to the healer Panteleimon. Name icons of each family member can be placed separately from others.

Living room

In the living room, you need to place the icons of the Savior and the Virgin. The image of the Virgin is located on the left side. If there are not all believers in your family, then it is better to place the icons in the room where the believer spends more time.


Before the meal, as well as after it, a prayer of thanks is said in Orthodox families. Therefore, do not forget to place several icons in the kitchen: the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, Christ the Savior. You can choose one icon, or you can put everything. Euphrosynus Palestinian helps in culinary matters.


Every day we leave our home on the street, where there are criminals even now, and in order not to get into the rivers, we need to secure our path with prayers to the holy icons of the Intercession of the Virgin, the Iberian Most Holy Theotokos, the Trinity. Strengthen any of these images over the entrance to your home and this will help protect the home, your departure and a safe return. Teach your children this too.


In an Orthodox family, from a very early age, children should get used to the correct treatment of holy icons, and the icons will protect children. As a rule, icons are placed at the head. These can be personalized icons, measured icons. The nominal icon should contain the face of a saint with a name like that of your child. The measured icon is ordered according to the height of your child at the time of birth. Also, in the nursery, you can place the icon of the Guardian Angel, the Mother of God, the Savior, it will be good if you place the icons of the saints to whom they pray for the health of children.


If you live in a legal marriage, then you can arrange in the bedroom wedding icons, icons of the patrons of the family of Peter and Fevronia, nominal icons, an icon of the healer Panteleimon, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

How to properly place icons in the house

Place icons in the apartment according to the following rules:

- Place them on the east wall

- The icons of the Savior, the Mother of God are placed above all, although the Trinity and the Last Supper can be placed above them, but the icons of the saints cannot be placed higher. They are located either below or on the side.

- In front of the icons, the space must be completely freed

- You cannot place photographs, paintings, decorative items, ornaments next to icons

- Do not store icons in cabinets with other items

- Do not place icons on or near the TV

- The best place to store icons in an icon case is a glass cabinet or shelf. You can remove everything unnecessary from the bookshelf and place the icons there.

- Place an icon lamp in front of the icon, consecrated objects: holy water, prayer books, candles, willow

- Do not place icons with a window or heating

- The icon should not be exposed to direct sunlight

Remember that the icon itself will never help, because not from it, but through it comes grace from the Savior to those who, with deep faith, with a pure soul, turn to the Almighty, and then you will receive everything that you ask or what you pray.

In the home of every Orthodox Christian, there is likely to be at least one icon. For some, icons and images of saints are combined into an iconostasis. They pray in front of the icons, ask for support and help. But not many ordinary people, too aware of the Orthodox canons and rules, know which icons must be in the house.

First of all, it is an icon with the face of Jesus Christ. The most famous and widespread among them is the Savior Almighty, the Savior Not Made by Hands. Before the icons of Christ, they often pray for healing from serious illnesses and ailments.

Also in the house there should be an image of the Mother of God, the Mother of God, the Holy Virgin Mary. She is the embodiment of all-encompassing love and forgiveness, patience and humility, wisdom. There are a lot of such icons: Kazanskaya, Vladimirskaya, Pochaevskaya, Pokrova, Seven-shot, "Unfading Color", etc. They ask the Mother of God for health, family well-being, children, and a good husband.

The Mother of God is considered to a greater extent the patroness of women. Therefore, this icon, along with the image of Jesus Christ, is taken to the wedding, and then they remain in the house as a family amulet.

If we talk about the Saints, the most revered is the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, or, as it is also called, the Wonderworker. They turn to him in the hope of resolving a difficult situation, getting out of a hopeless situation. And also in front of his image they pray for healing. These three icons in the house are a talisman of family well-being and a symbol of harmony.

Also, every baptized Orthodox person has a personal patron saint, whose name he was given at baptism. The images of these Saints are called nominal. They must be in the house. In addition, the icon of the Seven-shot Virgin Mary will be a special amulet for the house. Located opposite the front door or above the entrance to the main room of the house, it protects the family from quarrels, gossip and from evil people entering the house with ill intentions, and the house itself from burglars.

Also, it will be useful to place the icon of the Holy Life-giving Trinity in the house - three angels, as a symbol of unity and love. In addition, there are icons depicting the feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God: the icon of the Baptism, Meeting, Annunciation, the Protection of the Mother of God.

The most familial among such icons is the "Nativity of Christ".

Do not place too many icons in your home. In addition, icons should be treated with respect. They should not be stuffed up somewhere in the corner, where they are deprived of the necessary respect, and sometimes even the elementary dusting. It is best if the house has a red, holy corner with icons, or an iconostasis. This should be a prominent, beautiful, comfortable place on the wall or in the corner, preferably in the main room of the house or where you often pray, if you do not bypass this rite.

In addition, it will be useful to place the icon in the nursery, where the Holy image will protect your child. If the icons are on a shelf, dresser, sideboard, etc., then it is customary to lay a napkin-shroud, beautifully decorated, embroidered or laced under them. It is advisable not to put souvenirs, figurines, "worldly" books next to the icons. Photos and paintings, clocks should also be away from icons.

It would also be inappropriate to place them next to the TV. And in no case should there be anything above the icons. It is advisable to light a candle or an icon lamp next to the icons on holidays or reading a prayer. Their flame is a symbol of cleansing the house and a symbol of faith, "burning towards God."

There are various icons now - both more expensive and more modest. There are both paper and painted by an icon painter, decorated with silver and stones. In addition, many needlewomen embroider icons. All of them must be illuminated in the temple. But the main thing is that they are treated with respect and reverence in your home, then the Holy images will be real amulets and helpers of the family.

Having married and having given birth to children, she began to ask herself more and more often what icon should be in the house in order to protect all family members and protect them from possible influence from unkind people. Here's what I was able to learn and put into practice. Hopefully, my experience will be useful to aspiring Christians.

Any icon is a type of a saint and is worthy to have in a family. However, among the many available today, there are those that cannot be done without. These are several icons, the list and photos of which are presented below. It is not necessary to have a large number of them in your home iconostasis. It is good when those to whom the person most often addresses are represented.

Image of Jesus Christ

A place of honor is allocated for this icon. It should be, as it were, dominant. Prayers to her protect from illness or help in the fight against a serious illness. If this is an image of the crucified Lord, then it helps to calm down in difficult situations, prompts the right decision, guides from grandfathers and protects from unworthy actions.

They are hung ideally in the eastern part of the house or apartment, if the layout of the housing allows. If this is not possible, it is better to find a place where it will be more convenient to pray and no one will interfere.

Icons with the face of the Virgin

It should be invariably in every family. It is known that there are many images with the Mother of God in Orthodoxy. Each of them has its own power and is endowed with a special meaning. Some serve to protect the home, others heal, and still others comfort and support the strength of the weak and desperate.

The seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God

It is believed that it protects the house from evil guests and evil spirits. It is a good protection from inside family scandals, protects from evil languages, thieves are afraid of it. For this purpose, a place is chosen for her closer to the main entrance, sometimes directly above the door, so that whoever enters the dwelling immediately finds himself in front of the face.

Unfading color

Keeper of youth and beauty. It often helps to preserve love and good relationships. Helps not to lose hope, relieves destructive temptations. Placed where it is convenient.

Inexhaustible Chalice

If there are alcoholics or other addicted to various bad habits in the family, then this image is simply necessary. They pray to him when they want to get rid of their bad inclinations or seek to help their loved one or loved one in this.

Icon of St. Nikolay the Pleasant

Almost always present next to the image of the Savior. They turn to him when they find themselves in a difficult life history or become seriously ill.

If you need to make some important decision for yourself or are completely desperate, they also send their prayers to the Wonderworker.

Face with the image of the Holy Trinity

The icon grants peace to the home and family. Provides assistance in difficult moments. It is advisable to place it at the head or in the eastern corner of the room.

If negativity overcomes, and heavy thoughts do not leave a person in any way, then it is worth praying to the Trinity. It gets rid of bad moods and cleanses from sins.

Orthodox icons for different places

The reality is that today housing consists of several rooms. In any case, there is always a kitchen, a hallway, even if the apartment is very small. There are images that will be appropriate both where children live and where a person works or rests.

Icons for nursery

To protect the child, a measuring icon is usually hung at the head of the bed. If there is none, a nominal one is selected. It is also appropriate to place the icon of the Guardian Angel, the faces of Jesus and the Virgin.

They are located as usual. If there is no way to hang or put it, you can buy a folding fold and pray in front of it as needed with the children.


The place where the guest first steps. Unfortunately, people do not always visit with good thoughts, therefore, some icons are placed at the entrance:

  • Seven-shot
  • Protection of the Virgin
  • The Holy Trinity
  • Tver Mother of God

They help ward off the negativity emanating from the evil guest, soften the heart and ennoble thoughts. You should not hang everything with images, it is better to choose the most powerful ones.


Some people think that hanging icons here is a sin. In fact, this is a delusion. The Lord is always supportive of love and legal marriage. It would be appropriate to place here the images of St. Peter and Fevronia, Panteleimon the healer, Nicholas the Pleasure.

The location is chosen so that it is convenient to send your prayers, looking at the image, or at the head of the bed. If the child also sleeps in this place, then a personalized icon or the one that was presented at the birth of the baby is selected for him.

Living room

The place where all family members gather, therefore, it is advisable to have here the image of the Lord Almighty, first of all. The Kazan Mother of God is also recommended.

The face of Jesus should be on the right side, and the Mother of God on the left. If both believers and atheists live in the family, then a secluded corner is set aside for prayers.


Sometimes believers want to have icons before their eyes at the moments of their activity. After all, all sorts of difficulties can arise during work. You can take a short pause, pray, without leaving your office.

It is necessary to choose an icon according to the nature of your activity. Here is a short list for adults and students.

  • For bosses, chiefs, leaders - the Lord Almighty.
  • For protection from envious colleagues and ill-wishers-competitors - Seven-shot.
  • For those who are looking for a job or swinging for a long time - the faithful assistant Spiridon Trimifuntsky.
  • In the doctor's office, the icon of St. Panteleimon.

For pupils and students, you can put a small Key of Understanding icon on the desk.

In all cases, you can refer to the nominal icons, the main thing is that the prayer should come from the heart and without guile.