Star jury shocked everyone by their decision on the last air of the new stars factory. The participant of the "New Star Factory" Nikita Kuznetsov received a special prize from Starhit

Star jury shocked everyone by their decision on the last air of the new stars factory. The participant of the
Star jury shocked everyone by their decision on the last air of the new stars factory. The participant of the "New Star Factory" Nikita Kuznetsov received a special prize from Starhit

The second reporting concert of the "New Star Factory" only ended, and we are ready to tell about it. We visited the scenes of the project and learned from mentors and newly made manufacturers, which is interesting and new to prepare us a show.

Sobchak and Drobysh - Nail Program

Tandem Drobysh - Sobchak is already a regular concert virtuoso dive with jokes on the future song for Ksenia Anatolyevna and confessions in mutual sympathy: "I have been married to the fifth year, here, I think, maybe a lover of the prosperity to start? You, Victor, are quite suitable. "

"Ksenia, I also like you," the musical producer of the project was not confused. "And in general, instead of driving around Turks, we go better to write a song on the studio."

Ksenia, which has already been shot from something and even sang in the clips, it seems, does not mind repeat the singing success of Olga Buzova. In addition, the TV presenter is now in excellent form: over the past few months, it has risen and built. In a fitted chocolate dress with an elegant VIP-neck and at high heels, the host has highlighted among everyone on stage (manufacturers predominantly doused in Smart-Casual) and poured jokes:

"Arman (Arman Davletyarov, General Director of MUZ-TV. - Ed. Ed.), Now we will immediately get a concert and go in a costume of an elderly rose to a party Yana Rudkovskaya. There, probably, snacks are served ... "

Project participants - already stars

As for new participants, this time "manufacturers" is all as on the selection, young and beautiful.

The most young participant Zina Kupriyanovich is only 14 years old, and the most adults - 25. And everyone has its own story. Nikita Kuznetsov, a somewhat closed, but very creative rapper from Yakutia, dreams of getting to know the cloust.

The 21-year-old daughter of the singer Viktor Saltykova Anna Moon lived in London for a long time, performs his own songs and plays the piano.

The 23-year-old Elman Zeynalov from Rostov came to the "factory" to prove the bride who escaped with the producer, which would become famous, and Samvel Vardanyan and Ulyana Snetskaya and in love with a couple. Both came to the casting, and both steeply got. By the way, before that, a couple participated in the qualifying tours of the "Voice" project. According to all the guys, despite the fact that they spent only two weeks in the house, they have already managed to make friends and support each other.

By the way, despite the fact that the rules in the reboot of the show have not changed, several important raisins still appeared: all private owners at the reporting concerts sing live. Seen - confirm.

The start of the new "factory" caused great interest among the audience, they were waiting for her, "says the general director of Muz-TV Arman Davletyarov. - We weekly get numbers on the views of the diaries and reporting concerts, and they are already 2-3 times higher than the share of the channel. For example, now I flew on the plane, and the girls sitting next to the girls discussed our "manufacturers", whom to be expelled from the project. This suggests that the factory was, there will be a popular.

According to Arman Davletyarov, the jury will support even those participants who left the project.

No wonder the new "factory" goes on the music channel. All participants have already become our children, and we, of course, do not leave them. We have the opportunity to invite them to concerts, show clips and help them in every way that they develop as artists.

According to the general producer of the company "Wete Media", Julia Sumachenov, the participants are revealed from each week and surprise more and more.

It is very interesting to look at the guys, how they are revealed, cease to be afraid of the scene. Despite the fact that each of us, members of the jury, have chosen their favorites on Casting, thanks to such an increase in "manufacturers" every time we are wondering and note new participants for yourself.

Fifteen years later, the stars factory again decided to resume the search for young and unknown talented performers. Many previously watched this show, which gave vouchers to many famous singers, such as: Polina Gagarin, Timati, Julia Savicheva and others. In 2017, seventeen participants were admitted to the competition. These are young singers that have come. All the guys are very different, and everyone believes in her victory.

"New Star Factory". Concert opening

New star factory

Show "Star Factory" announced itself in 2002. Analogue of this was the Dutch project called "Academy of Stars". The first producer him was Igor Matvienko. A few years later, a break in 2017, the show appeared again on television, slightly changing its name. The channel for which it comes out, also changed. At first it was the first channel, now MUZ-TV.

Participants of the new factory of stars 2017

Casting to a new stars factory began in the summer of 2017. It took part in many guys, however, seventeen of the best participants were selected. Their names:

Anna Moon;
Guzel Khasanova;
Radoslav Boguslavskaya;
Samvel Vardanyan;
Ulyana Snetsky;
Martha Zhdanyuk;
Maria Budnitskaya;
Vladimir Idiaatullin;
Evgeny Trofimov;
Daniel Danilevsky;
Elman Zeynalov;
Zina Kupriovyovich;
Nikita Kuznetsov;
Daniel Ruvinsky;
Andrey Beletsky;
Lolita Voloshina;
Elvira Bruchenkov.

The producer of the revived show became Victor Drobysh. And the presenter was changed - instead of Yana, the Churikov program leads Ksenia Sobchak.

Victor Drobysh New Producer Show

All participants of the show are young, they should not be more than 25 years old. The beginning of the Star Factory show took place on September 2, 2017. Total has passed nine weeks from the first issue. At each week, one of the participants must leave the project - such are the rules of the competition.

In the first week, the project nobody left. In the second week, Vladimir Idiatullin left the project. On the third viewers said goodbye to Samvel Vardanyan. Fourth week had to leave Maria Budnitsky. On the fifth week, Marta Zhdanyuk went away. On the sixth week I had to leave the project of Anna Moon. On the seventh - no one left, because Philip Kirkorov saved Ulyana Snetsky. On the eighth gone Daniel Ruvinsky.

Ksenia Sobchak leading stars leading

So, there were eleven guys. It:

Guzel Khasanova;
Radoslav Boguslavskaya;
Ulyana Snetsky;
Evgeny Trofimov;
Elman Zeynalov;
Zina Kupriovyovich;
Nikita Kuznetsov;
Andrey Beletsky;
Lolita Voloshina;
Daniel Danilevsky;
Elvira Bruchenkov.
Ulyana Snetskaya was born in 1995 in the city of Yugorsk (this is not far from Khanty-Mansiysk). Then the parents of Ulyana moved to Ekaterinburg. In five years, the girl began to sing, and five years later came to the "Children's Eurovision" contest. While studying at school, a talented girl has made a Golden Cylinder Prize and the "Little Vice-Miss World" title. Ulyana tried his strength in the role leading at the "Northern Light" contest and the Festival "Torch".
Ulyana Setskaya

After graduating from high school, Ulyana decided to acquire the profession of a psychologist, enrolling at the Academy of Education. In parallel with learning, the girl worked at the Estradian Theater of Yekaterinburg.

In 2014, Ulyana took part in the show "Voice". On blind auditions, Alexander Gradsky turned to her, it was a big plus in favor of a young singer. But in the fight the girl had to leave, because the mentor chose another performer - Bush Goman.

We visited the procedure for the selection of participants of the new "factory" and found out what has changed in 15 years, whether the format of the program has changed with the transition to another channel and which guys now rush into the stars.

I want like Gagarin

Casting was held on Thursday on August 10 (only one day) in the theater of the modern dance of Alla Hello Todes. The queue lined up from the Metro station "Alekseevskaya" at 6 am and lasted until late evening. Boys and girls from 15 and indefinitely - everyone hoped that he was lucky. Many stood at 6 o'clock before entering, and not to waste time for nothing, kneaded. "You are flying angel, an angel in the distance," said the young lady's lady in a strange wreath of artificial roses. Standing nearby surrelatably overlooked and went away: the lady's stadium star clearly did not pull.

Girls with unnaturally chubby sponges, boys with too decorated hair and no less lush sponge stood impatiently, leaning out. A little bit, the guys were located, who recently met and just left the casting: "Well, good luck to you, you will be in the bottom - to drive!"

More than 40% of participants arrived at star samples from all over Russia.

I specifically flew from Dagestan, "23-year-old Anya says sadly, squeezing a passport with a ticket in his hands. "So I don't want to return back, so I decided to try the casting for the third time. What am I worse than Gagarina?

Overcome the multiple selection is really difficult. The jury changes during the day, only the main composition is unchanged: Producer Victor Drobysh and the vocal teacher Vladimir Krakoko, who already have experience in the "Fabrikovka" of young artists on the first channel. During the casting, they are attentively all of all looked after the future artists. We went on stage and listened to everyone. In addition to the "factory" Matrov Casting "Zhuril", General Director of Muz-TV Arman Davletyarov, leading Andrei Rajigreev, General Directoor Production-Companies Weit Media Julia Salechava. During the day, artists and former "manufacturers" of Rita Dakota with Vlad Sokolovsky, Stas Pieha, Anatoly Tsoi from Trio MBand, Alexey Serov and Alexey Ryzhov from "Disco Crawle", Denis Klyaver, joined them.

In front of the casting for three months, we took applications, we came more than 15 thousand questionnaires, of which we have already chose the most interesting and promising candidates, "Casting organizers told. Today, more than 1000 people have already been covered.

According to the mentors of future manufacturers of Victor Drobysh and Vladimir Korosko, they look at the charismatic and brightness of the participants.

It is important for me that the participant will hook me to come from his special energy. This is inexplicable, - Shared Drobysh. - Of course, I give myself a report that some talent we, unfortunately we can miss, it is impossible to take everyone. But I am sure that a talented person in any case will break through.

The format of the project, according to the star mentor, will not change.

Already a favorite musical format of the Factory will remain, the guys will live under the sightseeing cameras, the daily "diaries" of manufacturers will be released on the air, of which the audience will learn about their lives and prepare for reporting concerts. By the way, they will also remain unchanged - Friday concerts, on which one of the three candidates for departure will be alone, "said Producer.

Star conveyor

The selection resembled the conveyor. It is also clear, the compressed dates of the casting and the number of participants do their job. By the evening, the jury should have approved the final composition of 16 participants. The guys launched 10-15 people, separate boys, separate girls. Each party sang the same thing. Baryshni A-Kapella performed "Provence" Christmas trees, guys - Hit a young singer Alekseeva "Drunk Sun". Members of the jury from the hall watched the behavior of the guys on stage, evaluated artistry, and Korosko and Drobysh on stage listened to the singing of candidates.

As a result, out of 10-15 people asked to stay alone and got acquainted with him and asked to sing something solo (as a rule, in Russian).

After that, if a person liked, he was missed in the next evening tour or automatically included in the number of 16 lucky ones (but such units). Basically, the participants liked the participants left for the evening, when the final stage of the casting was to take place, and they were already listening individually and chose the most.

It also happened that of all 10 members of the jury did not celebrate anyone. True, some were not lost and still did not hurry to leave the scene.

And let me sleep to you, - the microphone snatched a low full girl with a square and under the song Sofia Rotaro began charming Victor Drobysh with a very dubious movement. The producer managed to doditally dodge, and the girl eventually asked to leave the scene yet.

Bright types - our all!

But the guy with Asian appearance, very similar to the member of the M-Band group Anatoly Tsoi, was lucky much more. He went on stage in a black hood and sunglasses and managed to attract the attention of all jury members.

My name is Maxim, I'm from Penza, parents say that I am Russian. Do not pay attention to eye cut, just bright light, so pursuer, "the novice artist joked.

Sleep to us anything from M-Band, - asked Andrei Playing.

I do not know their songs, - the participant was calmly parried, "I'd rather go to you Russian People's Speed, the Slavs brothers!

And performed "in the Hubber of My Light", and very well.

Well, you can try to try in some banda. I'm not soluble sololy, but in the group it is quite, - made the verdict Drobysh.

Another of the participants, the singer and journalist Andrei Chihunov told us:

Here they are looking for primarily the type, personalities. The jury is chosen by the so-called crowd and chooses from them a highlighted participant. There was a girl in line with me, she passed all the casting tours, and she was left until the evening. Apparently, not fully confident in choosing. She from Peter, I will be glad if she becomes a member.

On the casting guy surprised several things:

Some guys who did not pass, changed out and again stood in line, already in other images. And the second - people really flew from other cities and republics. For example, there were several people from Buryatia. I am not sure that I would fly so far for casting. Although getting to the "factory", of course, it would be very cool.

Sobchak instead Churikova

So, quite soon, at the end of August, those who successfully passed the casting will fall in a star house, on August 31, the first shooting will be held, and on September 2 at 18:00 on Muz-TV will be released the first release of a new "factory". The leading reporting concerts instead of Yana Churikova will become Ksenia Sobchak, and the leading daily releases - the former "manufacturer" and the leading TV channel Gregory Ivashchenko and Artem Shalimov.

At the time of writing the material, the final composition of the participants was already known, but its organizers are still kept secret, we will learn only on the day of the premiere.

Fifteen years later, the stars factory again decided to resume the search for young and unknown talented performers. Many previously watched this show, which gave vouchers to many famous singers, such as:, Timati, Julia Savicheva and others. In 2017, seventeen participants were admitted to the competition. These are young singers that have come. All the guys are very different, and everyone believes in her victory.

Show "Star Factory" announced itself in 2002. Analogue of this was the Dutch project called "Academy of Stars". The first producer him was Igor Matvienko. A few years later, the break, in 2017 the show appeared again on television, slightly changing its name. The channel for which it comes out, also changed. At first it was the first channel, now MUZ-TV.

Casting to a new stars factory began in the summer of 2017. It took part in many guys, however, seventeen of the best participants were selected. Their names:

  1. Anna Moon;
  2. Radoslav Boguslavskaya;
  3. Samvel Vardanyan;
  4. Martha Zhdanyuk;
  5. Maria Budnitskaya;
  6. Vladimir Idiaatullin;
  7. Daniel Ruvinsky;
  8. Elvira Bruchenkov.

The producer of the revived show became Victor Drobysh. And the presenter was changed - instead of Yana, the Churikov program leads.

All participants of the show are young, they should not be more than 25 years old. The beginning of the Star Factory show took place on September 2, 2017. Total has passed nine weeks from the first issue. At each week, one of the participants must leave the project - such are the rules of the competition.

In the first week, the project nobody left. In the second week, Vladimir Idiatullin left the project. On the third viewers said goodbye to Samvel Vardanyan. Fourth week had to leave Maria Budnitsky. On the fifth week, Marta Zhdanyuk went away. On the sixth week I had to leave the project of Anna Moon. On the seventh - no one left, because I saved Ulyana Sinetsky. On the eighth gone Daniel Ruvinsky.

So, there were eleven guys. It:

  • Radoslav Boguslavskaya;
  • Elvira Bruchenkov.

At last week, the nominees were: Elvira Bruchenkov, Elman Zeynalov, Nikita Kuznetsov. Some of them must leave the project. About who will be exactly what will be known at the end of the week.

Tell me more about the remaining participants of the "Star Factory" 2017.

Born, a new member of the "Star Factory" of 2017, January 28, 1993 in the city of Ulyanovsk. By the sign of the zodiac, she is aquarius. The girl has an older brother who also works in show business.

From four years, Gusel began to sing. At six years she was given to the music school. A little later, the girl entered the children's musical studio "joy", where she received pops of pop singing. Also Gusel participated in the studio speeches.

Gusel's secondary school graduated from the Gold Medal, and this is despite strong loading. At the insistence of parents, the girl entered the university at the Faculty of Law. During training, Guzel participated in the student contest of beauty. She became the winner in him and as a prize was a trip to the city of all lovers - Paris.

Although Guzel received a specialty far from art, she always dreamed that someday would connect his life with music.

In 2014, Gusel decided to participate in the "X-factor" competition. All judges of the project said the novice singer "Yes." The girl passed several stages, but in the final she was not lucky to participate. But Guzel did not despair. She continued to sing, participate in different contests and festivals. Another girl herself writes songs.

She participated in the competition "Tatar Kyzy", where he received the title of "Music Girl". Gusel sings in Russian and in his native Tatar language.

At the "Star Factory" in 2017, Guzel began to perform with long hair, but the stylists of the competition decided to change the image of the participants and cut it under the cater. The song that singer performed, "find me," is named the best song of the project! The words of the singer pointed to her, and Victor Drobysh wrote the music.

Huzel hides his personal life, one is just known that it is not yet married.

Radoslav Boguslavskaya

Radoslava Boguslavskaya 22 years old, she was born in the city of Kharkov in 1995. The girl grew in a creative family, her parents are artists. Therefore, I am glad and her younger sister of Milan (which now works by choreographer) was often behind the scenes. Since childhood, they understood what it means - acting profession, all its difficulties and cons. The mother's mother was a professional dancer and toured with the group "on-on".

Rada, too, first gave to choreography, where she showed great abilities. At one of the competitions, the girl even won the prize for the execution of modern dance. Also, from the Small Years, the randa manifested itself to the singers, which she developed, learning to a music school.

After graduating from High School, Radoslav entered the Academy. L. Weesova at the Faculty of Circus and Pop, and later I was transferred to the graders of the pop. At sixteen, she took part in the casting of the Ukrainian "Star Factory", Litgav in the questionnaire, that she has already been eighteen years old. However, the number of 16 participants in the factory did not be fortunate enough.

After the failure of Radoslav was not desperate, but continued the classes of vocals. She composed her own songs, recorded them and laid out on You Tube.

In 2012, Rada starred in a short film "Next time", executing not only the main role in it, but also a song for the scenes. Two years later, the girl performed a secondary role in the popular Ukrainian television series "17+".

In 2015, Rada shot a clip on the song "Male Ego", which brought her fame. And a year later, the young singer took another video for the song "Rocky". Despite his youth, Radoslava recorded several solo discs.

As for personal life, the girl is still unclear. After participating in the project "Atta Couple", Radoslava had a short relationship with Dmitry Scalozubov. At the "factory" she became friends with Danil Ruvimsky. It is not known than this friendship will end, which is the subject of attention and jokes of many participants.

Radoslav changed the hair color many times, but her natural color is blond. The girl adores tattoos, they have them on the body - eight.

Born in 1995 in the city of Yugorsk (this is not far from Khanty-Mansiysk). Then the parents of Ulyana moved to Ekaterinburg. In five years, the girl began to sing, and five years later came to the "Children's Eurovision" contest. While studying at school, a talented girl has made a Golden Cylinder Prize and the "Little Vice-Miss World" title. Ulyana tried his strength in the role of leading at the Competition "Northern Light" and the Festival "Torch".

After graduating from high school, Ulyana decided to acquire the profession of a psychologist, enrolling at the Academy of Education. In parallel with learning, the girl worked at the Estradian Theater of Yekaterinburg.

In 2014, Ulyana took part in the show "Voice". On blind auditions, Alexander Gradsky turned to her, it was a big plus in favor of a young singer. But in the fight the girl had to leave, because the mentor chose another performer - Bush Goman.

After that, the singer was not desperate, but continued to work together with the participant of the third "voice" - Samvel Vardanyan. They recorded several songs together, and later it became known about their personal sympathy for each other.

On the new "stars factory" she appeared along with his beloved Samvel. But, unfortunately, he had to leave the project soon. Filipp Kirkorov saved Ulyana, after the touching execution of his song with a young singer "On Love".

The future participant of the "Star Factory" was born in Barnaul in 1995. Since childhood, the boy showed vocal abilities, so parents gave him to the Music School in the Bayan class. He also took private vocal lessons.

Zhenya loved the author's song, and tried his strength in this genre. He independently learned to play the guitar. Currently, he is a soloist of the group "Groo", sings in nightclubs, restaurants. Eugene is not married, but meets with a girl.

Elman Zeynalu 23 years old, he was born on the Caspian coast in the city of Sumgait in 1993. Later, Elman's family moved to Rostov-on-Don. The young man in nationality is Azerbaijani. After graduating from high school, he decided to enter the University of Communications.

Sing Elman began pretty late - at the age of seventeen. But he is a very stubborn person, so his vocal career quickly went uphill. The young man has already recorded several solo discs.

In parallel with vocal classes, Elman is busy in the model business, thanks to his beautiful bright appearance.

In the "Star Factory", the young man had long dreamed of take part, and now, finally, his dream came true. Moreover, he said nothing to his parents, and they were pleasantly surprised to see her son on the TV screen.

In the personal life of Elman recently suffered a tragedy, his girl ran away from him a few weeks before the wedding, returning his wedding ring.

Then the young man with his head plunged into creativity to treat a broken heart, and maybe to return his love.

Zina Kupriyanovich is only fifteen years old, she is the youngest participant. But despite his young age, the girl managed to achieve a lot in life. Zina Kupriyanovich Famous Belarusian singer, participant of the Super Pooker Production Center.

A girl with a rare name in the capital of Belarus in 2002 was born. Her father leads the production center "Super Pooper", Mom works as a psychologist. The girl early began to show vocal abilities, so at the six-year-old age was adopted in the Children's team "Zarak", which organized the well-known group of "Pesnyary".

Then she entered the music school. The girl participated in many contests, such as "Children's Eurovision" (where she came out to the final), "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", etc. After the girl came to the final of the competition "Children's New Wave" contest, Igor Steep began to invite her to his Projects.

For the first time in the history of Belarus, Zina voiced the Disney cartoon "Moana". In his homeland, the young singer has great popularity, and she has a great future.

Nikita Kuznetsov 19 years old, he was born in Nenungi, which is located in the village. Sakha. The young man early began to attract vocal classes, he began singing in the style of hip-hop. Nikita worked as a bartender after graduating from school and was singing. He is in character - closed, he has few friends.

He recently removed the video on the Song Song, which liked many. Gradually, Nikita is gaining popularity in his homeland and throughout Russia.

Andrei is the most senior participant in the "Star Factory", he is 25 years old. He was born in Tashkent, he graduated from a musical school externo. Then he worked in different industries: a programmer, designer, builder, translator, at the same time engaged in music.

The young man organized his own rock project "Anree Chess". He is very talented, self-confident man, loves rock music. Andrei believes in his own victory on the project "Star Factory".

Lolita was born in 2000 in Mariupol, but after the start of hostilities moved to his aunt in Switzerland. Later she returned to Russia and lives in Rostov-on-Don. The girl began to sing early, after graduation, he entered the college of culture. She has an unusual appearance - punctured her nose, and hair is painted in white. The girl has long writes songs and records them.

A cute young man was born in 1998 in the city of Korolev Moscow region. Daniel is a versatile development: he is fond of music, playing guitar, owns several foreign languages, has the title of sports candidate on gymnastics, engaged in horse riding and plays hockey.

Together with Irina Dubzova Daniel recorded the song "Who? What for?". Together with Anna Semenovich he performed the song "On the Sea".

Elvira Brashkova

Elvira was born in St. Petersburg in 1993. He graduated from music school, engaged in vocals, participated in various contests. After school came and graduated from the University of Culture. The girl loves to sing, dance, composes songs.

The singer was born in 1993 and he spent all his childhood in Ulyanovsk. Khasanova was interested in music at an early age: she went to music school and was a member of various teams.


The singer school graduated with a gold medal. Parents asked Khasanov to receive a "human" profession, so she entered the Faculty of Law. Gubkin, who successfully graduated in 2014. "I always knew that I would connect my life with music and I would earn a living with singing. But the receipt of higher education was a mandatory point in my life," she said in an interview with the student magazine "Kerosene".

Big Music Career Khasanova began in 2014. The girl went to Ukraine and took part in the X-Factor-5 show. She managed to succeed at several stages, but she did not reach the final: Ivan Dorn expelled it from the project.

After that, fame came to Hasanova: she began to perform at concerts and even tried herself as a model. In addition, she became the triumphant of the first All-Russian competition "Tatar Kyza", receiving the title of the Music Girl.

In 2015, the young performer was among those whom the composer Igor Krutoy selected for the semifinals of the "New Wave" contest. Then Khasanova admitted that he dreamed of all his life.

A starry hour for the singer was to participate in the project "New Star Factory", which ended in early December. She spoke on stage with such famous artists as Dima Bilan and Natalia Podolskaya. Hasanova managed to become the winner of the competition.

About the personal life of the performer is not known so much. Apparently, she thoroughly hides this information from prying eyes.