Draw Teddy Pencil Pencil Phased. Step-by-step instructions How to draw Teddy's bear

Draw Teddy Pencil Pencil Phased. Step-by-step instructions How to draw Teddy's bear
Draw Teddy Pencil Pencil Phased. Step-by-step instructions How to draw Teddy's bear

Plush toys will love every child. You can see a lot of cartoons in which they take part. Bears you need to depict good, cute, soft and friendly. And how to draw a bear beautifully for children in stages, we will tell below.

Teddy bear for the smallest

Let's start with the simplest drawing method. He will even come true for the smallest artists, and the process itself will seem to you very fast. Prepare markers or pencils and proceed:

Simple and funny teddy bear

Draw a bear with a pencil very simply because it is based simple ovals. Now we will try to make a cute picture with a quick way. Establish:

We managed to find out how quickly a teddy bear is drawn beautifully for kids in simple steps.

Draw a pencil on cells

Simple, but very beautiful picture can be obtained using pencils and leaf in a cage. Now we will learn how a cute teddy bear with hearts is drawn:

  1. Initially, the infirmation of the pencil.
    Immediately remove the torso at the bottom. It looks like a droplet, only without an acute top. Below we depict the legs. We derive subtle ovals and connect them with the body.
  2. Add upper paws. They will be bent, so they will be mainly on the body. We will make a bow above them.
  3. We will issue a face. On the face we derive an oval for the nose. Above it draw round eyes. On the front of the face we depict the triangular nose and mouth.
  4. In order for the drawing to be bright, it can be circled. To do this, you can use a black handle or felt-tip pen. Pain your eyes, leave small round glare. Add the central part of the ears.
    You can draw ribbons from a bow and put tracks on the hind legs. The spout also paint, do not forget about the glare and eyebrows.
  5. Coloring a picture. Brown pencil hatching the entire surface of the teddy body and head. I wrap the handle or felt-tip pen.
    Paint the traces on the hind legs and eyebrows. Bow can be made pink. The center of the tummy, in front and ears shadow the yellow pencil.
  6. Add They can be brought with a red handle, as shown on our sample.

We managed to draw a styardly bear pencil. You can decorate the finished work and at your discretion. By the way, in the cells can be.

How to draw teddy bear

And now, together with the site, let's try to portray one of the popular teddy teddy. We will draw a black marker, and paint with multi-colored pencils. Let's start:

  1. First draw triangular nose. Make it slightly tilted.
    We supply the nose of oval. It will be the front of the face. Add black eyes above.
  2. Draw ears. Displays head contours. Draw our bear with a patch on the left. Add a few stripes that allocate the seams of a plush character and over the eyes. You still need to place a middle of the ears.
  3. Go down below. We depict Teddy's torso.
    It should be ejected from above and wide below. So, we will manage to portray a big plush stomach. The upper paws will be hidden back. Therefore, they simply denote half-charts at the top of the body. We draw bottom paws. Their feet need to deploy to each other.
  4. Add wool to drawing. For this, under the contour of the bear stroke thin veins. They can be of different lengths. The final stroke will be an air ball.
    We carry out because of the back of the bear long rope. At the end we depict the ball in the form of a heart.
  5. How draws a cute Mishutka Teddy found out. Now go to coloring.
    Blue pencil hatching nose. "Wool" decorated with gray pencil. Add shadows on the paws and tummy. Dark gray we will make a patch and put the line of seams. For a ball, you can use a red pencil.

Teddy with card for postcards

Another way to draw Teddy. The finished picture can be used to decorate or simply as valentines. This option is a little more difficult than all previous ones, so you have to try. Establish:

  1. First spend a vertical line, give it a small slope.
    Next, we need to divide it into three segments. In the upper division, we will place your head, followed below the body and then the paws.
  2. Focusing on these marks, blacksmith a round head. Below will be the body. From the previous example, you already know that it should expand the book. Next, go to your feet.
    The right will be clearly visible, the left only partially. We make these details so that the feeling that the toy is standing sideways.
  3. Blacks of ears and handles. I rightly have it so that it does not go beyond the blast. Left need to be located in front of the teddy bear.
  4. Lightly rounded line we share Teddy's muzzle into two halves. We depict an oval front of the face.
  5. Now we have a big heart in front of the toy. Place it so that the teddy bear holds his paws. Mouse over the outline contours so that it becomes clear.
  6. We will issue a face. Show here two little eyes, place them close to each other. Add nose and mouth. To the body, like on the head you should add a dividing line.
  7. Let's create a picture of piping on the muzzle and the torso. At the edges of the patch and on the lines we will make ithes.
  8. Now you need to paint everything. We will strange rows. After that, we highlight the vivid twists of the villus. Paint the patch.
  9. Nose, as in the previous embodiment, do the blue. Now you can paint the cooled part of Teddy. When stroking, do not forget about Villas. The same action repeat and with all the paws.
  10. It remains to paint only the heart. But here it is impossible to make a lot of effort. The heart must have a translucent look, so we only make it the contours.

Bear with big heart

Another cute drawing. We continue to use a simple pencil, multicolored pencils and a black handle. Now we will tell you how to draw a bear with a heart.

Teddy bear is a toy loved by many children. And if you feel honestly, then many adults, especially the fair sex, are also not indifferent to these cute soft toys. Images of bears are often decorated with children's and christmas cards. And small children love to draw and paint all kinds of funny bear.

If you also want to learn to draw a bear or teach it your child, try to do it with the help of our lesson.

So, let's begin:

Step one

Start drawing from the head of the head of the bear. It can be round or slightly flashed (so the bear will come out more plump). In the center of the ellipse, draw the nose.

Step two

We draw our bear a muzzle in the form of a flexible circle that goes on the nose.

Step Third

We will add a cute smile in the form of a semicircle that connects a short line with a teddy bear nose.

Step fourth

Add eyes. They can be drawn in the form of dots, small ovals, loss or make round, like beads.

Pitch fifth

We draw ears in the form of semicircles or small incomplete ovals on the sides of the Mishkin head. Inside each ear, also draw half a circle or oval. So we give the visual volume.

Step Six

Draw the body of our bear. It also has a rounded shape.

Step seventh

Draw a teddy bear tummy. In principle, instead of the tummy you can depict the breast or to skip this step in drawing.

Step eighth

I will show the upper paw. It can start at the neck of the bear or descend a little lower. The form can also be oval, drowned or slightly curved.

Step ninth

Add claws. If you want, you can also skip and this stage.

Step tenth

Draw the second paw. It can be a mirror image of the first, and can be directed to the other side.

Step eleventh

By analogy with the tops draw lower paws.

Step twelve

In principle, our bear is ready, but if you wish, you can add some more details.

Top thirteenth

Coloring the bear yourself or offer it to make your children.

Now that you know how to draw a bear, you can continue artistic experiments. Try depiction of a bear in a sitting position, dress it in a pretty shirt. Also on the similar scheme you can get the famous Winnie Pooh or everyone's favorite.

In the meantime, look at the video lesson about drawing a bear:

Hello everyone, today's lesson of phased drawing we decided to devote a teddy bear. The lesson himself will be quite simple, and it will be from seven simple stages. In general, the teddy bear is probably the most popular toy of the XX century.

And the history of its creation begins in 1902, when the US President Theodore Roosevelt is a big hunting amateur - he pursued his team of bear.

After the animal was driven, Theodore refused to kill him. Despite the fact that later the wounded animal was shot, the story fell into the newspaper, accompanied by caricature drawn illustrations. The wife of the Russian Migrant Morris Michtoma saw in the newspaper one of the drawings dedicated to this story and in the image of the bear sewed a plush toy, which Teddy called, in honor of the president. This creation fell on the counter of the toy store and produced an incredible Furior. In the West, this toy is still called "Teddy's Bear", and we had a different name - "Teddy Bear". So let's start a lesson and find out how to draw Mishk Teddy Pencil!

Step 1

To begin with, draw a circle and elongated to designate the head and body of our bear. A little bit like the beginning of the lesson about

Step 2.

Now make a head bear. Draw a vertical line of facial symmetry, which will divide the face into two equal parts, and it will be crossed with a long horizontal line that shows the location of the eyes.
By the way, the eye line should be slightly lower than the conditional middle of the circle. Under this line should be located another line, curved and short - it will designate a piece of the muzzle, in which the nose and mouth of our bear are located.

Step 3.

Draw the ears and paws of the bear. Please note - in this stage we use only rounded, smooth lines. Do not forget about the left side of us - it is almost not visible, but the contour of the visible part must be identified.

Step 4.

The silhouette of the pet and is ready, let's make it detail - on the line of the eye will schedule two short arcs. Note, they are connected to each other with the vertical symmetry line at one point. In the same step, the contour of the rhomb-shaped patch, located in the upper left of our heads from us.

Step 5.

Now erase the extra guide lines from the muzzle, draw ears, eyebrows and custodial places. By the way, pay attention - the custodial sites are not just a vertical line, it should be a major long line. This also applies to patchwork - look at the lines crossing its edges.

Step 6.

Draw along the same scheme of the seam on the stomach (one line is the vertical main, it crosses it a lot of small horizontal), to the right of it, put another patch. Note the contours of the flower in the right paw from us.

Every of us, probably, in childhood there were plush bears with whom we went to bed ...

Everyone has, fortunately, have native and close people. Sometimes in the confusion of everyday life, we do not have time to give them signs of attention.

Teddy Bears Pictures: Good Attention Sign (Download)

However, a mobile phone comes to the rescue. Indeed, because you can send your loved ones who are far from us a photo of your family, and then the maternal heart will fight calmer. You can send a friend MMS - a congratulatory card for a birthday, which will tell her that you remember her, that she is in your heart ... Many consider that this is a trifle, but it is not. What could be more expensive than attention sign?

Today, on the Internet there is a huge base of pictures with bears, everyone will find what he will have to do. Fabulous heroes, cartoon characters, funny pictures ... Yes, choose sometimes, it happens not easy.

However, it all depends on what you want to convey to a person. You want him to smile, or just remembered you ...

Bear Pictures - Me To You

Pictures are very popular - Bears. Each of us, probably, in childhood there were plush wells, with whom we went to bed, who were told about their joys and their adversities.

The pictures of the bears will delight and adults and adults, because each of us is associated with them the most joyful, the brightest memories. They will delight your babies, will cause joy and lunizing in the second half.

Pictures of Bears - Forever Friends

If you want to give a part of your heart to people who are not at the moment next to you, find a free minute, call, write, send funny pictures. Bears with good-natured eyes, with hearts will not leave anyone indifferent. Give your close warm, and you warm their soul.

The wealth lies not in the number of money, but in the number of people who love and worry about us! So let's give love to your relatives, and then this world will become kinder!