Tale of temporary years of events. "Tale of temporary years": genre, composite and style peculiarity

Tale of temporary years of events.
Tale of temporary years of events. "Tale of temporary years": genre, composite and style peculiarity

Tale of the time year - the Old Russian chronicle, created in the early 12th century. The story is an essay that tells about the events that occurred and taking place in Russia at that time.

The tale of temporary years was drawn up in Kiev, later corresponded several times, but was not much changed. The chronicle covers the period from biblical times until 1137, dated articles begin with 852 years.

All dated articles are writings starting from the words "in the summer of such something ...", which means that records in the chronicle were added every year and talked about the events that occurred. One article for one year. This distinguishes the story of the time of day from all the chronicles that were taking it before. The text of the chronicle also contains legends, folklore stories, copies of documents (for example, the teachings of Vladimir Monomakh) and discharge from other chronicle.

The story name received his name due to its first phrase, which opens the story - "Tale of the time years ..."

History of creating a story of the time

The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the time years is the monk Nestor, who lived and worked at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Despite the fact that the name of the author appears only in later copies of the chronicle, it is the monk Nestor is considered the first chronicler in Russia, and the "Tale of Bygone Years" is the first Russian chronicles.

The most ancient version of the chronicle, which was reached by modernity, dated by the 14th century and is a copy made by Monk Lavrention (Lavrentievsky chronicle). The initial editorial board of the Creator of the Tale of Bygone Years - Nestor is lost, today there are only modified versions from different correspondencers and late compilers.

Today there are several theories regarding the history of the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years". According to one of them, the chronicle was wrote by Nestor in Kiev in 1037. The basis for it was the ancient legends, folk songs, documentation, oral stories and documents preserved in monasteries. After writing, this first edition corresponded several times and recycled by different monks, including Nesser himself, who added elements of Christian ideology into it. According to other information, the chronicle was written much later, in 1110.

Question 41. Content and structure of "Tale of Bygone Years"

Genre and features of the Tale of Bygone Years

The genre of the story of the time years is determined by experts as historical, but scientists claim that the chronicle is neither artistic worknor historical in the full sense of the word.

Distinctive feature The chronicle is that it does not interpret events, but only talks about them. The attitude of the author or a correspondence to everything, as described in the chronicles, was determined only by the presence of God's will, which determines everything. Causal relationships and interpretation from the point of view of other positions was not interesting and did not turn on into the chronicle.

The tale of the time years had an open genre, that is, it could consist of completely different parts - starting from folk tales And ending with the notes of the weather.

The chronicle in ancient times was also legal importance as a set of documents and laws.

The initial goal of writing the behavior of temporary years is the study and explanation of the origin of the Russian people, the origin of the princely power and the description of the spread of Christianity in Russia.

The beginning of the Tale of Bygone Years is a story about the appearance of Slavs. Russians are represented by the chronicler, as the descendants of Jafet, one of Noah's sons. At the very beginning of the story, there are stories telling about the life of East Slavic tribes: about princes, about the vocation of Rüric, Trumor and Sineus for the princess and the formation of the Rurikovsky dynasty in Russia.

The main part of the chronicle content is the descriptions of wars, the legends on the times of the Board of Yaroslav Wise, the exploits of Nikita Kozhemyaki and other heroes.

The final part consists of descriptions of battles and princely necrologists.

The meaning of the story of the time years is difficult to overestimate - it was she who became the first documents in which history was recorded Kievan Rus From its very formation. The chronicle later served as the main source of knowledge for the next historical descriptions and research. In addition, thanks to the open genre, the story of the time of time has high meanlike a cultural and literary monument.

Tale of the time year - the Old Russian chronicle, created in the early 12th century. The story is an essay that tells about the events that occurred and taking place in Russia at that time.

The tale of temporary years was drawn up in Kiev, later corresponded several times, but was not much changed. The chronicle covers the period from biblical times until 1137, dated articles begin with 852 years.

All dated articles are writings starting from the words "in the summer of such something ...", which means that records in the chronicle were added every year and talked about the events that occurred. One article for one year. This distinguishes the story of the time of day from all the chronicles that were taking it before. The text of the chronicle also contains lesions, folklore stories, copies of documents (for example, the teachings of Vladimir Monomakh) and discharge from other chronicle.

The story name received his name due to its first phrase, which opens the story - "Tale of the time years ..."

History of creating a story of the time

The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the time years is the monk Nestor, who lived and worked at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Despite the fact that the name of the author appears only in later copies of the chronicle, it is the monk Nestor is considered the first chronicler in Russia, and the "Tale of Bygone Years" is the first Russian chronicles.

The most ancient version of the chronicle, which was reached by modernity, dated by the 14th century and is a copy made by Monk Lavrention (Lavrentievsky chronicle). The initial editorial board of the Creator of the Tale of Bygone Years - Nestor is lost, today there are only modified versions from different correspondencers and late compilers.

Today there are several theories regarding the history of the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years". According to one of them, the chronicle was wrote by Nestor in Kiev in 1037. The basis for it was the ancient legends, folk songs, documents, oral stories and documents preserved in monasteries. After writing, this first edition corresponded several times and recycled by different monks, including Nesser himself, who added elements of Christian ideology into it. According to other information, the chronicle was written much later, in 1110.

Genre and features of the Tale of Bygone Years

The genre of the story of this year is determined by experts as historical, but scientists argue that the chronicle is neither an artistic work or historical in the full sense of the word.

A distinctive feature of the chronicle is that it does not interpret the events, but only talks about them. The attitude of the author or a correspondence to everything, as described in the chronicles, was determined only by the presence of God's will, which determines everything. Causal relationships and interpretation from the point of view of other positions was not interesting and did not turn on into the chronicle.

The tale of the time year had an open genre, that is, it could consist of completely different parts - ranging from popular legends and ending with the weather notes.

The chronicle in ancient times was also legal importance as a set of documents and laws.

The initial goal of writing the behavior of temporary years is the study and explanation of the origin of the Russian people, the origin of the princely power and the description of the spread of Christianity in Russia.

The beginning of the Tale of Bygone Years is a story about the appearance of Slavs. Russians are represented by the chronicler, as the descendants of Jafet, one of Noah's sons. At the very beginning of the story, there are stories telling about the life of East Slavic tribes: about princes, about the vocation of Rüric, Trumor and Sineus for the princess and the formation of the Rurikovsky dynasty in Russia.

The main part of the chronicle content is the descriptions of wars, the legends on the times of the Board of Yaroslav Wise, the exploits of Nikita Kozhemyaki and other heroes.

The final part consists of descriptions of battles and princely necrologists.

Thus, the basis of the Tale of Bygone Year is:

  • Legends about the resettlement of Slavs, the vocation of the Varyag and the formation of Russia;
  • Description of the baptism of Russia;
  • Description of the life of the Great Princes: Oleg, Vladimir, Olga and others;
  • Living saints;
  • Description of wars and military trips.

The meaning of the Tale of Byg. It is difficult to overestimate - it was she who became the first documents in which the history of Kievan Rus was recorded from its very formation. The chronicle later served as the main source of knowledge for subsequent historical descriptions and research. In addition, thanks to the open genre, the tale of time years has a high meaning as a cultural and literary monument.

History of creation

Old Russian literature develops after the adoption of Christianity and covers seven centuries. The main task is to disclose Christian values, the acquisition of the Russian people to religious wisdom. "Tale of Bygone Years" ("Initial Chronicle", or Nesterova Chronicle) - one of ancient works Russian literature. It was created at the beginning of the XII century by the monk Kiev-Pechersk Lavra chronicle Nestor. In the title of the chronicles, Nesor formulated his task: "Be the story of the time of the year, there is a spade from the Russian land, who in Kiev initiated the first of the princes and sputum the Russian land has become." The original "story ..." did not reach us. Currently there are several copies. Of these, the most famous two: a handwritten parchment collection of 1337 years - stored in the state public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (Lavrentievsky chronicle) and a handwritten collection of the beginning of the 15th century - stored in the library of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation (Ipatievsky chronicle). The Lavrentiev chronicle is named after her scribe - the monk of Lavrentia, who rewrote it for the Suzdal Great Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich in 1337 and put his name at the end. The Lavrentievsky chronicle is a compilation, which included two works: "Tale of Bygone Years" and "Suzdal Chronicle", brought to 1305. Ipatiev chronicle named former messenger Storage - Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. This is also a collection, which includes several chronicles and including the "Tale of Bygone Years". In this document, the story is communicated to 1202 years. The main difference between the lists at their end: Lavrentievsky chronicle brings the story to 1110, and in the Ipatiev list the story goes into the chronicle of Kiev.

Genre, genus

Chronicle is one of the genres of medieval literature. IN Western Europe He was called "Chronicles". This is usually a description of the legendary and real events, mythological representations. Academician D.S. Likhachev told about this that old Russian literature There was one plot - " world history"And one topic is" meaning human life" Chronicles did not enter their own events of a private nature in their records, were not interested in life ordinary people. As noted by D.S. Likhachev, "To get into the chronicle entries is a significant event in itself." Russian chronicles not only recorded events in the chronological sequence, but also created a set of written sources and oral traditions, and then based on the assembled material made their generalizations. The result of the work became some teaching.
The chronicle arch includes a brief weather records (that is, records of events that occurred in a certain year) and other texts of various genres (stories, teachings, parables, legends, legends, biblical legends, contracts). The main in the chronicles becomes a story about any event that has a complete plot. There is a close connection with oral folk creativity.
"Tale of time years" contains a statement ancient history Slavs, and then Russia from the first Kiev princes and to early XII. in. "Tale of the time year" not only the historical chronicle, but at the same time outstanding monument Literature. Thanks to the state view, the breadth of the horizons and the literary talent of Nestor "Tale of Bygone Years", according to D.S. Likhachev, appeared "not just a meeting of the facts of Russian history and not just a historical and journalistic composition related to the urgent, but transient tasks of Russian reality, and the whole, literary stated history of Russia."
"The Tale of Bygone Years" is the first communional chronic arch. It is collected in it historical information About the life of ancient Russia, recorded a legend about the origin of the Slavs, their settlement on the Dnieper and around Lake Ilmen, the clash of Slavs with Khazari and Varyagami, calling the Novgorod Slavs Varyagov with Rurik, headed and the formation of the state Rus. Traditions recorded in the "Tale of Bygone Years" are almost the only source of information on the formation of the first Old Russian state and the first Russian princes. Names of Rurik, Sineus, Trumor, Askold, Dira, the things of Oleg are not found in other sources of that time, although attempts are made to identify some historical characters with listed princes. The role of the first Russian princes (Oleg, Igor, Svyatoslav, Vladimir) in the fight against enemies, formation Kiev Princess - The fundamental topic of the "Tale of Bygone Years".
Among the chronicle texts: the story of revenge Olga Trevlyanam (945-946); Story about the young man and Pecheneg (992); Osada Pechenegs Belgorod (997) - a story about the death of Oleg from Kony (912) occupies a special place.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe analyzed art

The main idea of \u200b\u200b"story ..." is convicted by the author of the strife between princes, calling for union. The Russian people are represented by the chronicler as equal to among other Christian peoples. Interest in history was dictated by the urgent needs of the day, the story was brought to "teach" princes - contemporaries of political state wisdom, reasonable government management. This prompted the monks of Kiev-Pechersk Residents to become historians. Thus, the Old Russian literature performed the task of moral education Societies, the formation of a national self-consciousness, advocated a carrier of civil ideals.
Major heroes Tale by temporary years
The heroes of the chronicles were primarily the princes. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", the Prince of Igor, about Princess Olga, about Prince Vladimir Monomakh and other people who lived in medieval Rus. For example, the focus of one of the editions of the story is there are events related to the activities of Vladimir Monomakh, which refers to family matters, data on the Byzantine emperors, with which Monomaha consisted. And it is not by chance. As you know, Vladimir Monomakh was the Grand Kyiv prince in 1113-1125. He was known to the people as a patriot and an active defender of Russia from Polovtsy. Monomah was not only a commander and a statesman, but also a writer. In particular, he wrote "teaching children."
Among the first Russian princes of Nesor attracts Prince Oleg. Prince Oleg (? - 912) - first kiev Prince From Ryurikovichi. The chronicle says that Rurik, dying, handed the power to his relative, Oleg, since the son of Rurik, Igor, was very small at that time. For three years, Oleg Prince in Novgorod, and then typing the army of the Varyagov and the tribes of the soul, Ilmensky Slavs, Mary, Weighs, Krivich, moved to the south. Oleg cunning took possession of Kiev, killing the reigning Askold and Dira, and made it his capital, saying: "It will be the mother of the cities of the Russians." Unite slavic tribes The North and South, Oleg created a powerful state - Kievan Rus. Oleg's death is connected in the chronicles of the famous legend. According to the chronicler, Oleg Printed 33 years old, from 879 (the year of the death of Rurik) on the 912th. He possessed the outstanding talent of the commander, and his wisdom and foresight were so great that they seemed supernatural. Contemporaries nicknamed Oleg. Lucky prince-warrior novel "prophet", i.e. The wizard (however, at the same time, the christian christian did not fail to emphasize that Oleg Gangbang was given the nickname, "People of Roggan and Nonlegari"), but he cannot get away from his destiny. Under 912, the chronicle places the poetic legend associated, obviously, "with the grave of Olgova", which "is ... and until this days." This tradition has a finished plot that is revealed in a laconic dramatic narration. It is clearly pronounced by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe strength of fate, to avoid none of the mortals, and even the "prophetic" prince, unable.
The legendary prince Oleg can be called the first Russian leader of a nationwide scale. About Prince Oleg, many songs, legends and legends were folded. The people challenged his wisdom, the ability to predict the future, his talent of the magnificent commander, intelligent, fearless and resourceful.

Scene, composition of the Tale of Bygone Years

Oleg Knyazhil long years. Once he encouraged the Muski's Mozders and asked: "What is destined to die from?" And the Magi replied: "We accept you, the prince, death from your beloved horse." Oleg seized and said: "If so, then never sit on him anymore." He ordered to lead the horse, feed him and protect him, and he took another.
There was a considerable time. One time I remembered Oleg my old horse and asked where he was now and healthy. They answered the prince: "For three years, your horse has died."
Then Oleg exclaimed: "Volkhiva Lilly: Horse, from which they fed to me death, died, and I am alive!" He wanted to see the bones of his horse and drove into a clean field, where they lay in the grass, washed by the rains and the sun-hole. The prince touched the horse's skull foot and said, grinning: "Do I accept death from it?" But here from the horse skirt crawled poisonous snake - And stung Oleg in the leg. And from the snake poison died Oleg.
According to the chronicler, "we mourn all the people with a great plan."

Artistic peculiarity of the work

"The Tale of Bygone Years", telling about the place of the Russian people among other nations of the world, about the history of his formation, introduces us to the atmosphere of the epic folk-song attitude towards Russian history. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", there is both an epic image and poetic attitude to native history. That is why "Tale of Bygone Years" is not only a product of Russian historical thought, but also Russian historical poetry. Poetry and history are in it in an inseparable unity. Before us literary work created on the basis oral Story. Exactly oral sources The "Tale of Bygone Years" is obliged and its great, compressed and expressive language. The historicism underlying ancient Russian literature assumed some idealization of the depicted. Hence the artistic generalization, the lack of an image of the internal psychology of the hero, its character. At the same time, the author's assessment is clearly traced in the chronicle.
A feature of the "Tale of Bygone Years" is unusually for that time a poetic syllable. The style of the chronicle is laconic. O6 Speech includes a frequent appeal to a direct speech, to proverbs and sayings. Basically, the chronicle contains church Slavonic vocabulary, which is closely intertwined with a conversational language. Reflecting reality, the chronicle reflects the language of this reality, transmits speeches that were actually uttered. First of all it is influence oral language It affects the direct speech of the chronicle, but also the speech is indirect, the narrative, which drives himself from the very chronicler, to a considerable extent depends on the living oral language of its time - primarily in terminology: military, hunting, feudal, legal, etc. Such were those oral bases on which the originality of the "Tale of Bygone Years" was affected as a monument to Russian historical thought, Russian literature and Russian.
The value of the work of the "Tale of Bygone Years"
Nestor was the first old-Russian feudal historist who tied the history of Russia with the history of Eastern European and slavic peoples. In addition, the peculiarity of the story is its direct connection with the World Status.
"The Tale of Bygone Years" is not only a sample of ancient Russian literature, but also a monument cultural life People. The praise plots were widely used in their work many poets. Special place belongs to the famous "Song about things Oleg"A.S. Pushkin. The poet tells about Prince Oleg as about epic bogatyr. Oleg made a lot of campaigns, a lot fought, but fate was shouted. Pushkin loved and knew Russian history, "legends of centuries." In the legend about Prince Oleg and his horse, the poet was interested in the theme of rock, the inevitability of intended fate. The poem sounds and proud confidence in the right poet for a free adherence of his thought, consonant with the ancient presentation of the faith in what poets are prologizes of the Higher Will.
Magi are not afraid of mighty Vladyk, and they do not need the princely gift; Truthful and free their prophetic language and with the will of Heavenly Friend.
The truth is impossible to buy neither bypass. Oleg gets rid of how it seems to him, from the threat of death, removes the horse, which should, on the prediction of Cudesman, play fatal role. But after many years, when he thinks that the danger passed - the horse is dead, fate overtakes the prince. He touches the skull of the horse: "From dead chapter The sobility snake is spicy between those crawled. "
Told by A.S. Pushkin Legend O. nice Prince Oleg suggests that everyone has his own fate, she will not be deceived, and their friends need to love, take care and not part with them in life.

It is interesting

Writing appeared in Russia together with the adoption of Christianity, when the liturgical books came from Bulgaria and began to spread through rewriting. Although at that remote time, the similarity between all the languages \u200b\u200bof various Slavic tribes was incomparably more than now - after all, the church-Slavic language differed from Russian spoken or folk both in relation to phonetics and in relation to etymology and syntax. Meanwhile, our ancestors, as Christianity and literacy spread, more and more acquainted with this language of writing: they listened to him during worship, read church books on it and rewritten them. The teacher's literacy in ancient Russia was performed on the books of the Church-Slavic. From here it is clear that the church-Slavic language was to have a strong influence on the speech of competent people of that time, and the influence of this to such an extent was great, that when literature began to emerge in Russia and when the first writers appeared, then they put on the basis of their book speech Church-Slavic language.
But on the other hand, the Russian people, or conversational, the language that has long been held in everyday life, was not supplanted by this recorded book, and there existed with him next to him, and books, in whatever the degree neither the church Slavonic speech was involuntarily introduced into this speech. Elements of living spoken languageand the further, the more and more this joining the Russian spoken Speech To the language of church-Slavyansky. This is the accession of the Russian element to the written language in literary works ancient period It was also expressed in relation to these etymological forms, and in relation to the syntactic system of the tongue, and even more - in relation to the phonetics.
Thus, in the literary works of ancient Russian literature, the languages \u200b\u200bof church-Slavic and Russian conversational, and therefore literary language Ancient Russia can be called Slavic-Russian.
The language of the non-beauty chronicle is also Slavic-Russian and also represents the confusion of elements of both languages.
(According to the book P.V. Smirnovsky "History of Russian Literature")

Likhachev D.S. Great heritage. Classic works Literature Ancient Russia. - M.: Contemporanik, 1980.
Likhachev D.S. Poetics of ancient Russian literature. - M.: Science, 1979-
Likhachev D.S. Russian chronicles and their cultural and historical significance. - m.; L., 1947.
Oster E. Living ancient Russia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984.
Fishermen b a Ancient Russia. Legends. Epics. Chronicles. - K., 1963.
Smirnovsky P.V. The history of Russian literature. Part one. Ancient and middle periods. - M., 2009.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" contains 2 basic ideas: the idea of \u200b\u200bindependence of Russia and its equality with other countries (in the description of hostilities) and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of Russia, the Russian prince's kind, the need for the Union of Princes and the condemnation of the strife ("Legend of Varyag"). The work allocated several main topics: the topic of the union of cities, theme military history Rus, the topic of the peaceful activity of the princes, the topic of the history of the adoption of Christianity, the topic of urban uprisings. According to the composition, it is very interesting work. It disintegrates into 2 parts: up to 850 g.-Conditional chronology, and then weather. There were also such articles where the year stood, and the records were not. This meant that this year nothing significant happened, and the chronicler did not consider it necessary to record it. Under the same year could be a few major narratives. The chronicle includes symbols: vision, miracles, signs, as well as messages, teachings. The first, dated 852, the article was associated with the beginning of the Russian Earth. Under 862, a legend was placed on the calling of Varyagov, the establishment of a single ancestor of the Russian princes Rurik. The next turning stage is connected in the chronicles with the baptism of Russia in 988. The final articles tell about the prince of Svyatopolka Izyaslavich. Also composite peculiarity The "Tale of Bygone Years" is manifested in the conjunction of the set of genres in this work. In part, because of this one year, the messages of different content were placed. The chronicle was a set of primary genre formations. Here we find the weather record - the simplest and oldest form of narration, and the chronicle story, the chronicle of the legends. The proximity of the chronicles K. life literature It is found in the stories about the 2-eyed martyrs, about the foundation Kiev-Pechersk Monastery And his devotees, about the transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb, about the breakdown of Feodosia Pechersk. With gravestone genre board words were associated with chronicles necrological articles that often contained verbal portraits Dead historical figures, for example, the characteristics of the Tmutarakan Prince Rostislav, poisoned during the Pear of the Byzantine warrior. Symbolistic landscape sketches. Unusual natural phenomena The chronicler is interpreted as "signs" -Presentability of more than the coming death or glory.

In the depths of "Tale of Bygone Years", a military story begins to form. The elements of this genre are already present in the story about revenge Yaroslav Svyatopolku Okayannoe. The chronicler describes the collection of troops and a campaign, preparation for the battle, "Schu evil" and the flight of Svyatopolka. Also, the features of military stories are traced in the "Tale of Taking Oleg Tsaryrad", in the story "On the Battle of Yaroslav with Mstislav".

Picture historical persons and the originality of the stylistry "Tale

Temporary years.

Central heroes Chronicles-princes. Chronicles 11-12 centuries. Pictured them from the point of view of the preceding prince ideal: a good warrior, head of their people, generous, gracious. Prince also is a kind Christian, a fair judge, merciful to those in need, a person who is not capable of any crime. But in the "Tale of Bygone Years" of the ideal princes a little. First of all, it is Boris and Gleb. All other princes are presented more or less versatile. In the chronicle, the squadus supports Prince. The people are most often depicted as the power of the suffering. The hero appears from the people and rescues the people and the state: Nikita Kozhemyaka; Patterns that decide to get through the enemy camp. Most of them have no name (they are called by age), it is not known anything about their past and the future, everyone has a hyperbolamic quality reflecting with the people-force or wisdom. The hero appears in a definite place at the critical moment. In the image of the heroes of the initial chronicle, the influence of folklore is very affected. The first Russian princes (Oleg, Olga, Igor, Svyatoslav, Vladimir), the chronicle gives a few, but bright characteristics, highlighting the dominant trace in the image of the hero, and the individual order. Wisdom is poeticized in Olga state Worker, which is expressed in the search for a single faith and in revenge of the Treaks. Epically concise characteristic of Svyatoslav. This is straightforward I. courageous man, easy to communicate with warriors, he preferred a victory in the open battle of military tricks. He always warned the enemies about what she was preparing a hike. Characteristic Svyatoslav is given through his actions, perfect feats. In later fragments of the chronicle on the 1st plan, the image of Prince-Good Christian. The characteristics of these princes are official, devoid of individual accepts. The prince killer could turn into the righteous; Yaroslav Wise from a reclamation son turns into an instrument of Divine Caras for Svyatopolka Pokyanny. In the chronicles there is a mixing style of monumental historicism, epic stylistics and church stylist. In the stories made in the style of monumental historicism, everything is known in advance, the fate of the hero is predetermined. And in epic parts often used the effect of surprises. Also, the feature of the stylistics is the mixture of various genres in one chronicles, a stony to one year of different events (especially if this event lasted for several years).

The originality of the content and forms of the Novgorod chronicle of the era of feudal ^) fragmentation. Features of the genre of military story. "Tale about (ITVA on the Lipic River."

The basis of the Novgorod 1 chronicle was the records that were conducted at the courtyard of the bishop. The chronicle herself retained the names of some authors, for example, Herman was carried out and his successor to Timothy's stuff. Chronicles often expressed their point of view on the events described. The Novgorodians themselves chose the princes themselves and treated them very highly, so the prince was not the main face of the Novgorod chronicle. The main content of the chronicle was the record of the life of the city and the whole novgorod land. Paints of disasters, nature phenomena appear repeatedly. Much attention is paid to diverse activities Correspondent, especially building and painting churches. The number of people mentioned in the chronicle is very large: citizens, positors, etc. Novgorod chroniclers have been prone to brevity, most records were weather. All Novgorodians were patriots of their city, so in the descriptions of the battles, they were prone to exaggerate the number of enemies and increase the number of Novgorod. The event type is very rare and stands on the border with informative. Frequently used legendary plots. Bright distinctive feature Novgorod chronicle is a direct statement by the author of his opinion about people. A genre that can with confidence be allocated in the chronicle is a military story. Types of military leaders in the Novgorod chronicles are the same as in other principalities (informative and eventful), but the boundaries between them are much more prick. In military agendas, small attention is paid to the heroes, although the characters mentioned in them are much more than in other chronicles, since the authors call the names of the princes, and the governor, and individual citizens. Very briefness of the description of the battle (most of the chronicles were created by spiritual persons from military events). The chronicles cared for the glory of their city, extremely reluctantly wrote about the defeats of Novgorod. Often, the defaults were often resorted for the results of the battle, instead of what the death of individual Novgorod was reported, it was mentioned that the enemies died more. One of the few events in the Novgorod Chronicles is a story about the battle on the Lipica River in 1216. The first part tells in detail the events preceding the battle. The beginning of the Mstislava hike with Novgorod against Yaroslav is dating. Then describes the movement with battles near small cities, which the allies claimed or Yaroslav himself, there are no descriptions of the battle. Exactly indicates the location of the troops that came to the battle. The second part tells about the battle. The description is very briefly. The third part tells about the consequences: the flight of Yaroslav to Pereyaslavl; Arrest of prisoners of Novgorod, why many died; Exile of Yuri from Vladimir and the workout there is Constantine; Returning Novgorod from Pereyaslavl and the arrival of Yaroslav to Novgorod. The heroes of the work are characterized very weak, as in most Novgorod leaders. The author emphasizes the correctness of Mstislava and his desire to avoid bloodshed. Simple Novgorod soldiers appear. They determine how they will fight, and win. The narrator openly and consistently expresses its position. He rejoices the victory of Mstislava, surprised that "the sony's son on the son, brother on his brother .." (during the collection of princely coalitions). CopyrightAs in the set of Novgorod stories, it is manifested in the exaggeration of the strength and loss of enemies and the ambiguity of the forces and losses of Novgorod. Speech of acting persons spoken, concise. IN different parts Military formulas are used: "Many of the breaks, and other excuses, and the Xubesha region", less numerous than in informative poses.

The earliest monument of the Russian chronicle is the work of the "Tale of Bygone Years". It describes historical eventswhich occurred in the period up to 1117. At the same time, many specialists doubt the authenticity of the document, leading various arguments.

But the story ... undoubtedly is a sign of both Russian literature and in the history of the state, allowing you to trace the path of Kievan Russia from the beginning of its formation.

In contact with

History of creating a work

Historians and literary critics converge that the author of this work is a monk Nestor. He lived and worked at the junction of the XI-XII centuries. Although his name appeared in the later editions of the chronicle, it is he who is considered the author.

At the same time, specialists, calling her the most ancient chroniclesStill, it is believed that the "Tale of Bygone Years" is a literary translating of more ancient works.

The first edition of the arch written Nestor in 1113., subsequently there were two more arrangements: in 1116 her rewritten monk Sylvester, and in 1118 another unknown author.

Currently the first edition is considered lost, the most ancient, reached us, the option is a copy of the monk of Lavrentia, made in the XIV century. It was she who was compiled on the basis of the second edition of the chronicle.

Also there is Ipatiev copy, written on the basis of the third edition.

The greatest attention to the structure and sources of the chronicles paid in its research academician A.A.Shakhmatov. He substantiated the existence and history of creating each of the three chronicles. He also proved that the work itself is only arrangement of more ancient sources.

Main content

This chronicle is large work which describes the key events that occurred from the moment the first and before the period, when the work itself was created. Let us consider in detail what this chronicle tells.

it not a whole pieceHis structure consists of such elements:

  • historical notes;
  • articles describing events in one particular year;
  • living saints;
  • teaching from different princes;
  • some historical documents.

Attention! The structure of the chronicle is complicated by the fact that in more late years In it in fairly free, additional inserts were made. They tear the logic of general narration.

In general, throughout the work is used two types of narration: It is actually the chronicles and weather notes. In the work, the monk seeks to tell about the event itself, in the weather records, he reports that or another event. The author on the basis of subsidements writes the chronicle by filling it with paints and details.

Conditionally, the whole chronicle is divided into three large blocks:

  1. Formation of Russian statehood From the moment when the first Slavs settled. They are considered the descendants of Jafet, and the story begins with biblical times. In the same block, the moment is described when Varyags were called into Russia, as well as the period when it was established, the Education Process of Rus.
  2. The second and largest block make up enough detailed descriptions activities of the princes of Kievan Rus. Also, the lives of some saints, the history of Russian heroes and conquests of Russia are described;
  3. The third block describes the events of numerous wars and campaigns. There are also necrologists for princes.

The prophetic Oleg, who for the legend of the Tale of Bygone Years "was prepared death from his horse.

The work is enough inhomogeneously in structure and presentationBut in the chronicles you can allocate 16 chapters. Among the most interesting chapters from a historic point of view, it is possible to note three: about the Khazars, about Olga Revenge, about the activities of Prince Vladimir. Consider summary Works on chapters.

With Khazari Slavs faced after downtown and found Kiev. Then the people called themselves pools, and three brothers became the founders of Kiev - Cue, cheeks and chorive. After the Khazars came to the glades for the tribute, they were long consulting. As a result, they decided that dan Khazararam from each hut represented by a sword.

Khazar warriors will return to his tribe with tribute and will be boosted, but their elders will be ashamed of such a given bad sign. Khazar in circulation were saber - Weapon having a sharp edge only on the one hand. And Polyana Appeals with swords, double-edged weapons. And seeing such a weapon, the elders predicted the prince that the Danikov, having a double-edged weapon, will eventually become hAVE COLLEC. This happened later.

Princess Olga, the spouse of Prince Igor, probably, the only woman about whom a lot is told in the chronicle. Her story begins with an equally entertaining story about her husband, which because of greed and excessive gathering Dani was killed by the Trees. The revenge of Olga was terrible. Princess, remaining alone with her son, has become a very profitable party for re-marriage. And temple yourself, deciding reign in Kiev, sent to her wovets.

At first, Olga prepared a trap for the matchmakers, and then collecting a huge array, went war on the raw To revenge for your husband.

Being a very smart and cunning woman, she not only was able to avoid a unwanted marriage, but also could be completely mustoke yourself from revenge.

For this, the princess completely burned the capital of Drevlyan - Earrows, and the Drevlyan himself either killed, or took and sold in slavery.

Olga's revenge for her husband's death was truly terrible.

Prince Vladimir became more famous for baptist Rus. He came to faith, not quite voluntarily, choosing for a long time, in what faith to be and what God to pray. And even choosing, he put all the conditions. But adopting baptism, he began to actively preach christianity in Russia, destroying pagan idols and expose persecutions that did not accept a new faith.

About the baptism of Russia is described in very detailed. Also Prince Vladimir is much mentioned in connection with his military actions against Pechenegov.

As an example, you can cite such excerpts from the work:

  • This is how Prince Vladimir says that it is necessary to destroy pagan gov: "If where he sticks, knock off his sticks until he swears through the thresholds."
  • And so Olga spoke, implementing his plan to revenge with rates: "Now you have no honey, no fur."

On the baptism of Russia

Since the chronicle was written by a monk, its content has a lot of reference to the Bible and impregnated by the spirit of Christianity.

The moment himself when Prince Vladimir accepted baptism, in the chronicle is the main one. In addition, the prince before adopted baptism, it is described as a person who did not restrain himself in the desires who committed unwonded from the point of view of Christianity, actions.

Also describes the moment as it overtakes lady Kara for non-compliance - He is blind and clear only after he was baptized.

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", in the chapters, which speak about the baptism of Russia, are laid basics orthodox faith, In particular, justified who or what could be the object of worship.

The chronicle brings the basis for the Baptism of Russia, speaking that only the righteous people who are considered Christians can get to the sky.

Also in the chronicles described begin distribution christian faith in Russia: What exactly was done, which churches were built, as worship was made, as the structure of the church was organized.

What teaches the story of the time

"Tale of Bygone Years" is markic work For the literature and history of Russia. From the point of view of literary critics is unique historical monument slavic writing In the genre of the chronicle, the date of writing of which is considered to be 1113 years.

The main theme of the annals is description of the history of the emergence and development of Russia. Her author wanted to popularize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of the Russian state at that time. Which event was not described by a monk, he considered everyone from the point of view of the interests of the whole state, and also assessed the actions of the characters.

Chronicle in quality literary monument important and its role in learning that time. Separate parts of the work served as material for reading for children that time. As long as specialized children's literature appeared, the science of reading children were mainly held, reading the annals.

It is also important to the role of this work for historians. There is definite criticism correctness and estimates of some historical events. Many researchers believe that the author of the work was very addicted. But all these estimates are made from point of view modern man which may also be predensive in assessing the chronicler.

Attention!This statement made it possible to make a work source to create many later chronicles, in particular, the chronicle of cities.

Tale of temporary years. Prince Oleg. Nestor - Chronicler

Temporary Tale - Igor Danilevsky


"The Tale of Bygone Years" is one and first famous historical evidence how Russian statehood developed and installed. The role of the work and in terms of evaluating the events occurring in ancient times is important. What teaches the chronicle, in general, understandable.