Chulkov M D Historical description of Russian commerce. Chulkov, Mikhail Dmitrievich

Chulkov M D Historical description of Russian commerce. Chulkov, Mikhail Dmitrievich
(1792-11-04 ) (47 years)

early years

Mikhail Dmitrievich was born in Moscow in 1744 in the family of a soldier of the Moscow garrison. He studied at the Allial Gymnasium Branch at Moscow University (1755-1758), then listened to the lectures of Professors of Moscow University on "verbal sciences". In the years of study, participated in the student performances of the university theater, and from mid-1761 - the actor of the Kruvorn Russian Theater in St. Petersburg. Career M. D. Chulkov began at the beginning of 1765, when he entered the court service with a lacker, then became a camera lacker and a court apartment, while being herself under the heir of the throne - Pavel. The political hopes of Chulkov were associated with his rule. He wanted to see in Pavel "Grandson of Peter", which would continue the reform, carried out strong military power.

The beginning of the literary and publishing activities Chulkov refers to the second half of the 1760s. At this time, he creates a lot of artistic works, produces 4 collection of stories and fairy tales. The fifth of his collection came out in 1789 called "Mockingbird, or Slavic fairy tales" (four - 1766-1768; Fifth - 1789), filled with patriotic sense. In their stories, written on the basis of folk art, stockings reflected the real life of Russia.

His story "bitter fate" (1789) from the fifth column contains the first signs of a traditional detective story where the murder is investigating. S. V. Sapochkov called "bitter fate" by the first model of the detective genre in the national literature, which makes it a precursor of a detective genre not only in domestic, but also in foreign literature.

In 1767, the book Chulkov "Short Mythological Lexicon" was published, in which the names and terms of Greek, Roman, Slavic myths and legends were explained.

In 1769, stockings begins to issue a magazine "and that and Sy". Then he leaves his second magazine "Parnassian scrupter". Both of these magazines were calculated on the middle layers of citizens, primarily merchants, and reflected their public views and relationships.

In 1770, he comes to jointly with N. I. Novikov "Collection of different songs", which included, in addition to popular, copyright works of M. V. Kevkov, etc.

Stocklov - the author of the first Russian novel "The Podsaja Capture, or the adventures of the Depraved Woman" (1770) - a story about the "involuntary share" of Sergeant Widow: the interaction of the social environment and human nature, the inconsistency of the nature of the exposure of society to the personality.

Chulkov written an adventurous knightly novel "Tale of Siloslava".

In 1770, Chulkov entered the civil service, becoming a college registrar in the Senate Office. In 1771, he moved to the Geroldmakers office in the rank of registrar. In 1772, he entered the service as a college registrar to the post of secretary in the commerce-board, where he served until 1779. After which it was raised. He began to work in the main magistrate in the rank of college assessor, where he was delivered to the rank of a survival.

In the 1770s, during the service in the Commerce College, Stockhkov focused his attention on historical and economic themes. As secretary of the Commerce-College, he dealt with many materials, including legislative acts and former years, and had access to the archive. Apparently, at the beginning of his civil service, he conceived to write a history of trade in Russia. The first option of labor "Description about the exact condition and property of the Russian bargaining from the ownership of Peter the Great for now the prosperous time of the reign of the Great Empress Catherine II" covered the period from the 1720s to the mid-1760s of the XVIII century. It consisted of two parts: legislative material was published in the first, documents were placed in the second. The manuscript was not for printing, but for domestic use in the Commerce College as a reference material.

Historical description of Russian commerce

In 1774, A. R. Vorontsov was appointed president of the Commerce-College, who provided a great help and support in the intention to create the history of Russian trade from ancient times. Vorontsov achieved permission to work for him in the Senate archive, allocated the necessary funds. The work of Chulkov went in two directions: identification, collecting, systematization of documentary materials learned from archives and the study of published sources and literature.

Stockings carefully examined and with the help of scribes copied legislative acts and the extensive workforce-effective material of the Senate and the Board, who made the economy (commerce, Berg, Manufactory-Collegia) and foreign policy (foreign affairs board) of the country. Archival documents of the XVII-XVIII centuries, which included entirely, in the presentation or excerpts in the "historical description of Russian commerce" form the basis of this work. The author almost used all the historical, geographical, ethnographic literature, accessible to him, both domestic and foreign. He refers to the writings of Lyzlov, Prokopovich, Lomonosov, Tatishchev, Rychkov, Shcherbatova.

Chulkov's work through mediation and support Vorontsov was published in 1781-1788.

The "historical description of Russian commerce" consists of 7 volumes, including 21 books. The first 5 volumes contain an overview of foreign trade history on individual regions and countries, 6 and 7 volumes - a consistent presentation of the history of the commerce of all Russia in the second half of the XVIII century.

The first sets out the history of the trade of ancient Russia (until the XVI century) on the Black, Caspian, Baltic, White Seas, then trade through Arkhangelsk, Baltic Ports, in Murmansk and on the Kola Peninsula at a later time. The 2nd is dedicated to Russia's trade with Turkey, Italy, Poland, Danzig, Prussia, Leipzig, Transcaucasus, Iran, Khiva, Bukhar, India, etc. In the 3rd of the trade relations with Siberia, China, Mongolia, Kamchatka, etc. In the 4th volume, the trade in the St. Petersburg and Kronstadt ports in 1703-1785 is considered. In the 5th, trade is mainly illuminated by the Baltic ports in the XVIII century. In the 6th volume, the domestic trade of Russia in the XVIII century is characterized. It also provides data on the participation of different cities in export and import of goods in monetary terms, assortment and prices, duties, etc. The author talks about the emergence and development of fisheries, the mining and light industry, leads data on the location of factories and factories, and the cost of products produced on each of them every year, about the social composition of owners, forms of application of labor in enterprises. In the 7th volume, Lexicon merchant, or general staff of all goods of Russian trade was placed ... ". That is, the stockings under the commerce understood not only trade, but also the industry, transport, credit, money circulation and a coherent case. Chulkov's work is the history of the economic development of Russia.

As an expressive of merchant interests, which in the second half of the XVIII century has become a greater degree to invest its capital in industrial development, stockings highly appreciates his social role. Trade and business activities of merchants - the main factor of economic progress and prosperity, the first of the most important conditions for stability and political sustainability in the state. This work had practical goals: he had to satisfy the needs of merchants, to provide him with the necessary information about trade.

An analysis of this work allows us to talk about the absence of a certain system of historical views. The main object of Chulkov's research was the socio-economic processes of Russia's development. These processes, he considered in the historical sequence on the material of the formation of legislation and on the basis of the characteristics of the state economic policy as a whole. For the XVIII century, Chulkov was not only innovative, but also extremely difficult to implement it. Nevertheless, Chulkov managed to embody it in the main points. "Historical description of Russian commerce" gives general periodization of the history of Russia, covers the most important political events in terms of their influence on the country's economy, is the most complete historian stockings worked on the coverage of the new in historiography of his time, according to a new one, appreciating and using the material with which he worked. He was the first in Russian historical science introduced an assembly and office material as the main historical source.

In the 1780s, "History of the Brief Russian Commerce", the "Dictionary of Fairs established in Russia", "instruction, needed for Russian merchants, was published on the basis of this lot," the dictionary, which is necessary for Russian merchants, and more for young people, containing accounting rules "," Economic notes for There is always an early execution in the villages of Clapper and Daughter Economy "and others.

The "historical description of Russian commerce" is the first summary work on the economic history of Russia of the XII-XVIII centuries. In it, economic development is considered in the historical plan and in accordance with the periodization adopted at the time by the periodization of domestic and world history. The ancient period of the commerce history, the author associates with the formation of an ancient Russian state (with the beginning of the work of the first princes) and completes its invasion of Batya. The medieval period covers the time from the 1230s until the end of the XVII century, and the new one opens by the beginning of the XVIII century. In accordance with the theories of his time, the author assigns a decisive role in the development of the Russian economy in general, and trade in particular. Stockhkov traces the impact of government policies and political events on the state of external and internal trade. At the same time, it notes the importance of such factors as natural and geographic conditions, population, etc.

The historian worker worked on the highlight of the new in historiography of his time theme, according to a new one, appreciating and using the material with which he worked. He was the first in Russian historical science introduced an assembly and office material as the main historical source.

However, in the true sense, the word "historical description of Russian commerce" is not a study, since it largely consists of documents and materials systematized in chronology and territories. A huge actual material exists in itself, because the author does not expose it to any critical understanding, analysis and evaluation, does not accompany it with comments and conclusions. Also, the minus of this work is that stockings in many cases does not lead the dates and names of documents, does not indicate a script or copy, project or final edition. The stockings itself soberly assessed the results of his work, realizing that he had done only the initial part of the scientific coverage of the new historical and economic theme. But despite this, the value of this publication is great. It should also be noted that there is no special education and experience of such work, stockings did a truly gigantic work. He himself believed that his main task was the selection and publication of the relevant Fund of the Documents, and in this he saw the basis of historical knowledge in the Russian economy. Before the publication of the document, it was impossible to think about creating some unified concept of the Russian historical and economic process.

Last years

In the last decade of his life, stockings as a result of improving his material situation, it was possible to begin the implementation of many previously conceived plans. He continued the publication of ethnographic materials, the study and publication of which began from the 1760s. In 1783, he released the "Dictionary of Russian Superstitions" (2nd Edition was published in 1786 called ABEVEGA Supervironment), where they described rites, household customs, signs, etiquettes and folk holidays. Stockings adhered to the principle of equality of all peoples, beliefs and the traditions of which deserve the same attention and interest.

Wishing to help peasants, devoid of any possibility of obtaining medical care, stockings prepared and published "Rural hospital, or a dictionary of diseases of disease."

Most of the time in the last years of the life of Chulkov has devoted preparations for the press of the "legal dictionary" - a multi-volume Code of Legislative Acts located in the 1st Part of the alphabet, and in the other in chronology. But the author failed to bring his job to the end. The practical importance of the "Dictionary of Legal, or the Russian Council Code" was great, because at that time he was the only indicator to the laws scattered in different publications.

Also in the 1780s - early 1790s, stockings collected materials to a multi-volume "dictionary of agriculture, house-building and cattle breeding", together with M. I. Popov worked on the compilation of the dictionary of the Russian language.

In the last years of the life of stockings printed the fifth part of the "Mocking". She entered her most successful in the artistic plan of Tale: "Precious Pike", "Gingerbread Coin", "bitter fate", in which he refers to the topic of the sad proportion of the peasantry.

Thus, it can be said that M. D. Stulakov was the true son of his era, the era of enlightenment. In his works, he is revealed as a humanist, striving for the improvement of man and the world of his relationship. Stocklov fights ignorance, superstition, ocossable. For him were characterized by the versatility of interests and classes, the educational orientation of various activities. Stockings acted as a writer, journalist, publisher of satirical journals, collector and publisher of folk songs, fairy tales and belts, author of extensive work on the economic history of Russia. Stocklov took the monarchical scheme for the development of the Russian historical process from the modern historiography. He had a new study of the economic life of Russia, the role of merchants in the development of trade and industry, the widespread use of the workforcement documentation learned from the archives of central institutions as the most important source.

The basis of its economic views is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe historically progressive development of the Fatherland, which he was inextricably connected with the expansion and strengthening of industry and trade, the rational use of natural resources and attracting the hired labor force. Special attention was paid to the problems of the economic development of the outbound land. In the sphere of social relations, he considered it necessary to ensure the independence of entrepreneurs and merchandise, communicating the progress of Russia with the growth of the third estate. He was a supporter of introduction

Dmitrievich, 1740 - 1793) - a wonderful writer. It has extremely scarce information about his life. In the preface to the 2nd edition of his "Notes of the Economic", it was said that Ch. "In the darkness, he studied at Moscow University and, having studied one Tokmo initial foundation of verbal sciences, was taken from it from other on a memorable decree and was determined to serve." This data can only be added that in 1790. C. was a survival adviser and secretary of the Senate. From an early youth, he was distinguished by an extraordinary love for literature and "wrote almost indisputable compositions of all kinds." C. was one of the most prolific and versatile writers of the XVIII century, and not inflated. Metropolitan Eugene testifies that Ch. "About 20 years of age of its age (therefore in 1760) distinguished himself with many fair poems and novels." The first experiments of C. remain unknown for us; We only know that in 1767 he published a "brief mythological lexicon", yes, according to Sopikov, in 1766 - 1768. Launched in 4 parts "Mockingbird, or Slavic fairy tales" (Eugene indicates only one second edition, 1783 - 1789). In the first period of its activities, Ch. Felt a tendency to fiction and satire. In the era of satirical magazines, Ch. published two small satirical journals: "And then," (1769) and the Parnassian scrupter "(1770), in which there are many traces of polemical struggle against literary opponents: the novelist F.A. Emin and V.I. Mikes. They looked at them in the satirical poem "the deplorable fall of the poems" (later this poem came out with a separate book in St. Petersburg without the designation of the year, together with poems on the swing, at a semic and to the butter). During the period of hobbies, Satira Ch. Missed the first (no longer), part of the unusually popular novel of the novel "Harfing of the priest, or the adventure of the Depraved Woman" (part I, St. Petersburg, 1770). In his external fabul, he is a slurry with French adventure novels; Types deposited in the novel (Akhal Cartoiler, Sveton, Secretary) are often found in satirical magazines. It should be assumed that the situation of the life of C. promoted the appearance of a tendency to study songs, fairy tales, rites and superstitions. The style of abundance of proverbs and sayings approaching folk, and frequent ethnographic notes, folk songs deserve attention in his magazines. After the publication of magazines, C. appeals to the large consolidated works of ethnographic nature. The first such work was the "Collection of different songs". We know that the first two parts of this meeting were printed by order of Empress Catherine II and were ready in 1776 (the indication in everywhere, the meeting of songs Ch. In 4 parts was printed in 1770 - 1775, incorrectly For July 19, 1776, C. Approached the resolution of the empress to print and other parts of the collection; see "Archive of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters", Department II, p. 101, St. Petersburg, 1892). The first edition of the songs, made by C. With the cooperation of Mikhail Popov, is currently ignorant and we only know about it after subsequent. The second edition was made by N.I. Novikov in 1780 - 1781; It was supplemented by two parts and in the literature is known as the "Novikovsky Songnik" ("New and Communication New and Common Collection of Russian Songs, which contains lovers, shepherds, joking, common, chorated wedding, soda, with songs from different Russian operas and comedies" ; subsequently the publication was repeated). C. Recoveed not only the folk songs in his meeting, which can be guessing, he did not record from the words, but he wrote off the tetrades of diplomaev, but also the fashionable romances of modern authors and arias from the comic operas. The value of the collection of Ch. Veliko: It did not appear such wealth of folk songs, and he began to print songs without changes and style corrections. In the history of studying the Russian nationality, Ch. Belongs to the honorable place. Gathering songs to contemporaries seemed to be at least the case completely unnecessary, if not harmful: even Metropolitan Plato responded about songs, reprinted by N.I. Novikov, as "about the supporting". In 1780, Ch. Started a new ethnographic meeting, significantly lower in his scientific value. In 1780 - 1783 In the university printing house, Novikov were printed in 10 parts "Russian fairy tales containing the most ancient narrations about glorious hengers, folk fairy tales and other rejunction in the adventure memory." C. Different with great love for monuments of folk art, but did not possess an ethnographic understanding, which, however, at that time, did not yet be given; He considered it quite possible to treat the epics and folk stories at his discretion. None of those stakes, "who are told in Kharchevna," are not listed in a true form: he changed, reworked, supplemented them in knightly novels, following the publications "Bibliotheque bleu". In 1782 his "Dictionary of Russian Superstitions", which was reissued in 1786 under the title: "Abega of Russian superstitions, idolatry, sacrifices, wedding, common rites, witchcraft, shamanism, and so on." For its time, it was a wonderful ethnographic work, which in our time found it possible to use A.N. Afanasyev in his "poetic views of the Slavs in nature." Ethnography C. has moved to industrial history and jurisprudence. Trudy C. On the history of trading is still not valued. It is also written on the command of the Empress at the expense of its cabinet, a huge "historical description of Russian commerce for all ports and borders from ancient times to present and all advantages, legal entities, etc." (Moscow, 1781 - 1788, 7 parts, in 21 volume; the greatest bibliographic rarity). Labor Ch. Is based on the study of archival materials and for the history of our trade law is important. In 1788, an extraction of this work appeared: "Brief History of Russian Trade" (Moscow). From the "Description" of the "Dictionary of the fairs established in Russia, published for contacting trade in Russia (Moscow, 1788) and" the instruction is necessary for merchants, and especially for young people "(Moscow, 1788). The field of practical savings includes "Economic notes for the last execution in the villages of Clauds and Daughter Economa" (Moscow, 1788, 2nd Edition, 1790). C. One of the first to occur to popularize Russian laws and publish a reference legal book. In 1791 - 1792, his "Dictionary Legal, or a Code of Russian Procurements, temporary court institutions and reprisals" came out in 5 books. In the first part of the arrangement, they were arranged in a terrific order, in the second - in chronological, with deposits of 1790 (the first part was reprinted in Novgorod in 1796). Then, C. The rural hospital was launched, or a dictionary of the physician of diseases that are in the childhood of human, in childbirth and birds of home "(during the lifetime of C. It turned out in Moscow, in 1789 - 90 g., 4 parts; after his death, in 1803, came out the 5th). The remaining printed works h.: "Achilles's adhea under the name Pierre to the siege of the Trojanskaya" (St. Petersburg, 1709, 2nd publication, Moscow, 1788, by Sopikov); "Oberon, the poem of Viland in 14 songs" (translation from German, Moscow, 1787); "Arrangement in verses prosaic from the French translation of Petrard's letters to his mistress of his Laurie" (indicating the h.; By the manuscript of Sopikova, this book is not known). Many writings were left in the manuscripts: as a project of an eternal world, notes about economic peasants, a project on a merchant bank, a dictionary of the Russian language, a dictionary of farming, cattle breeding and houseworking, a poem in nine songs about the self-procrase Grishku Ruffle and others. We will add: more Message C. About the fact that his comedy, I did not reach us, under the title: "As you wish, called" a repeatedly in court theater in St. Petersburg. The overall assessment of the activities of C. does not exist. C. His false Lomonosov, of course, smaller. His objects of the encyclopedic nature brought great benefit to Russian society; Proceedings on the history of Russian trade are a solid scientist research; His ethnographic vaults played a big role in the history of the study of Russian nationality. Biographical information about h.: Novikov "Experience of the Historical Dictionary" (reprinted in the book P.A. Efremova "Materials in Russian Literature"); Preface under the 2nd Edition of "Economic Notes" (Moscow, 1791; reprinted with the "Chronicles of Russian Literature and Antiquity", Volume I, Moscow, 1859, p. 198 - 200); Note A. Fomin "To biographies, Ch." ("Bookstrap", 1894, No. 7 - 8, p. 16); The "Dictionary" of Metropolitan Evgenia (1845, part 2; reprinted in the "Russian poetry" of Wengerov, issue V, p. 872; here is a reprint of revocation A.N. Tsypina about h.; Notes of historical and literary and bibliographic A. Lyashchenko , release VI, p. 408); Note in the "Historical Herald" (December, 1893). Evaluation of ethnographic work Ch. U A.N. Dspina, in the "History of Russian Ethnography" (Volume I, p. 65 - 69). The data on C. scattered from Afanasyev, Russian Satiro magazines (p. 7 - 10, 258, etc.), Galakhov in "Historical Crested" and "History of Russian Literature"; At Bulich "Sumarokov and modern criticism" (p. 269, 272). See also Longinov "Bibliographic Notes" ("Contemporary", 1856, July, No. 8, p. 19); His note ("Russian Archive", 1870, p. 1348; to her addition, ibid, p. 1935); MA Dmitriev "Full things from the stock of my memory" (p. 9, 28); Batyushkov "Works", Edition L. Majkova (Volume II, p. 398); Derzhavin "Works", the edition of the grotto (volume II, 214; III, 117, 119, IV, 49, 746). Bibliographic indications of compositions h.; See the province (Volume I, No. 166; Volume II, No. 27, 129), Ostagovazov (No. 196, 264, 291), Burtsev. In the newest time, reprinted: "Depositive drop of poems", in "Russian poetry", Wengerova (release V) and "Correspondence", in the "thorough bibliographic description" Burtseva (Volume V, St. Petersburg, 1901, p. 156 and the following ). Portrait - in the Rovinsky, "Dictionary" (volume III). P. Schegolev.

Biographical Dictionary. 2000 .

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    Russian writer, journalist. A leaving of the "soldiers' children"; was an actor, court lacquer, an official of the Senate; He drove (in 1779) the hereditary nobility. In his work oriented on ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1743 or 1744 92) Russian writer, historian, ethnographer, economist. I published a satirical magazine and that and the Syo, the Parnassian scrupter was a collection of different songs (t. 1 4, 1770 74), a dictionary of the ABEVAGE of Russian superstition ... (1786). Plutovskaya Roman ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1740 1793) Wonderful writer. It has extremely scarce information about his life. In the preface to 2 MU edition of his "notes of economic" it was said that Ch. "In the flight he studied at Moscow University and, having studied one ... ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (1743/1744 1792), Russian writer, historian, ethnographer, economist. I published satirical magazines "and that and the Sieu", the Parnassian scrupter, amounted to the "Collection of different songs" (vol. 1 4, 1770 74), the dictionary of "ABEVEGA RUSSIAN SUVERIES ..." (1786). Plutovskaya ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Mikhail Dmitrievich Stockhkov Date of birth: 1743 (1743) Place of birth: Moscow Date of death: October 14, 1793 Chulkov Mikhail Dmitrievich (1743, Moscow October 14, 1793) Russian publisher, writer, historian ... Wikipedia

    - (1740 1793) Wonderful writer. It has extremely scarce information about his life. In the preface to 2 MU edition of his notes of economic, it was said that C. Infeitness studied at Moscow University and, having studied one tokmo initial ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Mikhail Dmitrievich Chulkov (1743-1792) - Russian publisher, writer, historian. The author of the "historical description of Russian commerce".

early years

Mikhail Dmitrievich was born in Moscow in 1744 in the family of a soldier of the Moscow garrison. In 1755-1758 He studied at a disheveled gymnasium at Moscow University and was an actor of the university theater, and with gray. 1761 - Actor of the Kruvorn Russian Theater in St. Petersburg. Career M. D. Chulkov began in the beginning. 1765, when he entered the court service with a variepent, then became a camera lacker and a court apartment, while in the heir of the throne - Pavel. The political hopes of Chulkov were associated with his rule. He wanted to see in Pavel "Grandson of Peter", which would continue the reform, carried out strong military power.

The beginning of the literary and publishing activities Chulkov refers to the second half of the 1760s. At this time, he creates a lot of artistic works, produces 4 collection of stories and fairy tales. The fifth of his collection came out in 1789 called "Mockingbird, or Slavic fairy tales" (four - 1766-1768; Fifth - 1789), filled with patriotic sense. In their stories, written on the basis of folk art, stockings reflected the real life of Russia.

In 1767, the book Chulkov "Short Mythological Lexicon" was published, in which the names and terms of Greek, Roman, Slavic myths and legends were explained.

In 1769, stockings begins to issue a magazine "and that and Sy". Then he leaves his second magazine "Parnassian scrupter". Both of these magazines were calculated on the middle layers of citizens, primarily merchants, and reflected their public views and relationships.

In 1770, he comes to jointly with N. I. Novikov "Collection of different songs", which included, in addition to popular, copyright works of M. V. Kevkov, etc.

Stocklov - the author of the first Russian novel "The Podsaja Capture, or the adventures of the Depraved Woman" (1770) - a story about the "involuntary share" of Sergeant Widow: the interaction of the social environment and human nature, the inconsistency of the nature of the exposure of society to the personality.

Chulkov written an adventurous knightly novel "Tale of Siloslava".

In 1770, Chulkov entered the civil service, becoming a college registrar in the Senate Office. In 1771, he moved to the Geroldmakers office in the rank of registrar. In 1772, he entered the service as a college registrar to the post of secretary in the commerce-board, where he served until 1779. After which it was raised. He began to work in the main magistrate in the rank of college assessor, where he was delivered to the rank of a survival.

In the 1770s, during the service in the Commerce College, Stockhkov focused his attention on historical and economic themes. As secretary of the Commerce-College, he dealt with many materials, including legislative acts and former years, and had access to the archive. Apparently, at the beginning of his civil service, he conceived to write a history of trade in Russia. The first option of labor "Description about the exact condition and property of the Russian bargaining from the ownership of Peter the Great for now the prosperous time of the reign of the Great Empress Catherine II" covered the period from the 1720s to the mid-1760s of the XVIII century. It consisted of two parts: legislative material was published in the first, documents were placed in the second. The manuscript was not for printing, but for domestic use in the Commerce College as a reference material.

Historical description of Russian commerce

In 1774, A. R. Vorontsov was appointed president of the Commerce-Collegia, who provided great help and support in the intention to create the history of Russian trade from ancient times. Vorontsov achieved permission to work for him in the Senate archive, allocated the necessary funds. The work of Chulkov went in two directions: identification, collecting, systematization of documentary materials learned from archives and the study of published sources and literature.

(1740-1793) - a wonderful writer. It has extremely scarce information about his life. In the preface to the 2nd edition of his "Notes of the Economic", it was said that Ch. "In the flight, he studied at Moscow University and, having studied one Tokmo initial foundation of verbal sciences, was taken from it from others by nominal decree and was determined to serve." This data can only be added that in 1790. C. was a survival adviser and secretary of the Senate. From an early youth, he was distinguished by an extraordinary love for literature and "wrote almost indisputable compositions of all kinds." C. Was one of the most prolific and versatile writers of the XVIII century., And nonsenselan. Metropolitan Eugene testifies that C. "About 20 years of age of its age (therefore, in 1760), he has already distinguished himself with many fair poems and novels." The first experiments of C. remain unknown for us; We only know that in 1767 he published a "brief mythological lexicon", yes, according to Sopikov, in 1766-68. Launched in 4 parts "Mockingbird, or Slavic fairy tales" (Eugene indicates only one second edition, 1783-89). In the first period of its activities, Ch. Felt a tendency to fiction and satire. In the era of satirical magazines, C. published two small satirical journals: "And then," (1769) and the "Parnassian scrupter" (1770), in which there are many traces of the polemical fight against literary opponents: the novelist has been specially attacked F. A. Emin and V. I. Mikov. They looked at them and in the satirical poem "the deplorable fall of the poems" (later this poem came out with a separate book, in St. Petersburg, without the designation of the year, together with poems on the swing, at a semit and on the carnival). During the passion of satir, Satira, published the first (no longer), part of the unusually popular novel from the ancestors of the novel "Putting the priesthood, or the adventure of the Depraved Woman" (Part I, St. Petersburg, 1770). In his external fabul, he is a slurry with French adventure novels; Types deposited in the novel (Akhal Cartoiler, Sveton, Secretary) are often found in satirical magazines. It should be assumed that the situation of the life of C. promoted the appearance of a tendency to study songs, fairy tales, rites and superstitions. In his magazines, the style of abundance of proverbs and sayings approaching folk, and frequent ethnographic notes, and folk songs are deserved in his magazines. After the publication of magazines, C. appeals to the large consolidated works of ethnographic nature. The first such work was the "Collection of different songs". We know that the first two parts of this assembly were printed by order of Empress Catherine II and were ready in 1776 (the indication of the role of S. in 4 parts was printed in 1770-75, incorrectly For July 19, 1776, C. Approached the resolution of the empress to print and other parts of the collection; see "Archive of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters", Dep. II, p. 101, SPB., 1892). The first edition of the songs, made by C. With the cooperation of Mikhail Popov, is currently not finding and we know about it only after. The second edition was made by N. I. Novikov in 1780-81; It was complemented by two parts and in the literature is known as the "Novikovsky songbook" ("New and complete collection of Russian songs, containing songs love, shepherd, joking, common, chorated, wedding, soda, with the addition of songs from different Russian operas and comedies "; subsequently the edition is repeated). C. Recoveed not only the folk songs in his meeting, which can be guessing, he did not record from the words, but he wrote off the tetrades of diplomaev, but also the fashionable romances of modern authors and arias from the comic operas. The value of the collection of Ch. Veliko: It did not appear such wealth of folk songs, and he began to print songs without changes and style corrections. In the history of studying the Russian nationality, Ch. Belongs to the honorable place. Gathering songs to contemporaries seemed to be at least a matter of completely unnecessary, if not harmful: even Metropolitan Plato responded about songs, reprinted by N. I. Novikov, as "about the bail". In 1780, Ch. Started a new ethnographic meeting, significantly lower in his scientific value. In 1780-83 In the university printing house, Novikov were printed in 10 parts "Russian fairy tales containing the most ancient narrations about glorious hengers, folk fairy tales and other rejunction in the adventure memory." C. Different with great love for monuments of folk art, but did not possess an ethnographic understanding, which, however, at that time, did not yet be given; He considered it quite possible to treat the epics and folk stories at his discretion. None of those associates, "who are told in Kharchevna," are not listed in a true form: he changed, reworked, supplemented them in knightly novels, on the publications "Bibliothèque bleu". In 1782 his "Dictionary of Russian Superstitions", which was reissued in 1786; Under the title: "Abega of Russian superstitions, idolatry, sacrifices, wedding, common rites, witchcraft, shamanism, and so on. "For your time, it was a wonderful ethnographic work, which in our time found it possible to use A. N. Afanasyev, in his" poetic views of the Slavs on, nature ". From the occupation of ethnography Ch. Routed to classes of industry history and jurisprudence. . On the history of trade is still completely not assessed. It is also written on the command of the Empress at the expense of its office a huge "historical description of Russian commerce for all ports and borders from ancient times to present and all advantages, legal entities, etc.". (M., 1781-1788, 7 parts, in 21 volume; the greatest bibliographic rarity). Labor C. is based on the study of archival materials and for the history of our trade legislation is important. In 1788, an extraction appeared from this work: "Brief History of Russian trade "(M.). From the" Description "the" Dictionary of the Fairs established in Russia, published for contacting trade "(M., 1788) and" Guidelines necessary for merchants And especially for young people "(M., 1788). The field of practical savings includes "Notes are economical for the last execution in the villages of the clerk and maternity econ" (M., 1788; 2nd ed., 1790). C. One of the first to occur to popularize Russian laws and publish a reference legal book. In 1791-1792 It was published in the 5th books of his "Dictionary Legal or Code of Russian Councils, temporary court institutions and reprisals." In the first part of the arrangement, they were arranged in a terrific order, in the second - in chronological, with deposits of 1790 (the first part was reprinted in Novgorod in 1796). Then, C. The rural hospital was started, or a dictionary of the physician of diseases being in kind of human, in the childbirth of the cattle and birds of home "(during the lifetime of C. Were out in Moscow, in 1789-90, 4 parts; after his death, in 1803, came out the 5th). The remaining printed works h.: "Achilles's adhea under the name of Pierre to the siege of the Trojan" (SPB., 1709; 2nd ed., M., 1788, by Sopikov); "Oberon, the poem of Viland in 14 songs" (translation from German, M., 1787); "Arrangement in verses prosaic from the French translation of Petrarca letters to his mistress of his Laurie" (indicating the h.; In painting Sopikova, this book is unknown). Many writings were left in the manuscripts, as the project of the eternal world, the notes on the economic peasants, the project on the center of the merchant bank, the dictionary of the Russian language, the dictionary of farming, cattle breeding and houseworking, the poem in nine songs about the self-exchanger of Grishku Ruffle and others. We will add more to the message of C. that his comedy, not reached us, under the title: "As you like, name", it was repeatedly in court theater in St. Petersburg. The overall assessment of the activities of C. does not exist. C. His false Lomonosov, of course, smaller. His objects of the encyclopedic nature brought great benefit to Russian society; Proceedings on the history of Russian trade are a solid scientist research; His ethnographic vaults played a big role in the history of the study of Russian nationality.

Biographical information about h.: Novikov, "Historical Dictionary's Experience" (reprinted in the book of P. A. Efremova, "Materials in Russian Literature"); Preface at the 2nd ed. "Ekonomic notes" (M., 1791; reprinted in the "chronicles of Russian literature and antiquity", t. I, M., 1859, p. 198-200); Note A. Fomin, "To biographies, Ch." ("Bookstand", 1894, No. 7-8, p. 16); "Dictionary" Metropolitan Evgenia (1845, h. 2nd; reprinted in the "Russian poetry" of Wengerov, vol. V, p. 872; here is a reprint of the revocation of A. N. Pypina about h.; Notes of historical and literary and bibliographic notes . Lyashchenko, Vol. Vi, p. 408); Note in the "Historical Herald" (December 1893). Evaluation of ethnographic works Ch. At A. N. Pyptina in the "History of Russian Ethnography" (t. I, p. 65-69). Data on C. scattered from Afanasyev, "Russian Satirical Magazines" (p. 7-10, 258, etc.); Galakhov, in the "historical readstatology" and "stories of Russian literature"; At Bulich, "Sumarokov and modern criticism" (p. 269, 272). See also Longinov, "Bibliographic notes" ("Contemporary", 1856, July, No. 8, p. 19); His note ("Russian Archive", 1870, p. 1348; to her addition, ibid, p. 1935); M. A. Dmitriev, "Full things from my memory" (p. 9, 28); Batyushkov, "Works", ed. L. Makova (t. II, p. 398); Derzhavin, "Works", ed. Grott (vol. II, 214; III, 117, 119; IV, 49, 746). Bibliographic instructions on the writings of Ch.S. see the province (t. I, №166; t. II, № 27, 129), at Ostrozazov (Nos. 196, 264, 291), Burtsev. The newest time is reprinted: "Depositive fall of the poems", in the "Russian poetry" of Wengerov (Vol. V), and the "Harness of the cook", in the "thorough bibliographic description" Burtseva (T. V, SPb., 1901, p. 156 and Sl.). Portrait - in the Rovinsky, "Dictionary" (t. III).

P. Schegoles.


Chulkov, Mikhail Dmitrievich

pR. Eastr., public. and satire. 1757; † 1793.


Chulkov, Mikhail Dmitrievich

(1743-1793) - Writer. He studied in Moscow. Un-Those, was an actor, court lacquer, at the end of the life secretary of the Senate. The prolific and versatile writer, Ch. He spoke by an expressant of the moods of the emerging bourgeoisie. It was one of the first ethnographers and collectors Rus. Folklore ("Short Mythology Dictionary", SPb, 1767; "Dictionary of Russian Superstitions", 1782, reissue. In 1786, under the title. "ABEVAGE OF RUSSIAN SUVERIES"; "Slavic fairy tales or a crossbar", h. 1-5, M., 1766 -68). The stockings published satirical magazines ("and that and social", St. Petersburg, 1769; "Parnassian scrupter", SPb, 1770), in which there was a lot of half alarm with the noble writers. At the same time, he was the author of the Satirically-domestic novel that was popular at one time, "Podviya, or the tearingurance of a depraved woman" (Part 1, SPb, 1770). C. also owns a number of work of an economic nature, the largest of them "The historical description of Russian commerce for all ports and boundaries ...", vol. I-III, SPb, 1781-88.

LIT: Nechaeva V.S., Russian household novel 18 V. (M. D. Chulkov), "Scientific notes of the In-Ta language and Lithing Ranion," T. II, M., 1928; Russian poetry (sat. Ed. S. Vengepova), no 5, SPB, 1897; Shklovsky V., Chulkov and Levshin, L., 1933.

  • - Actual member of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Commissars of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Management Processes, Director of the Institute for Marine Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Born on May 14, 1931 ....
  • - poet; R. 1888 in the Kostroma lips. In the family of a landless peasant, a forest shore. Childhood A. Passed away from people, in the forest stops. He graduated from S.-H. School ...

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  • - Lieutenant-General, born in 1764, mind. On December 7, 1818, on January 1, 1776, he entered a non-commissioned officer in the Kursk Infantry Regiment, after eight years he was made to ensigns, in 1787 he made a regiment in the war with ...

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  • - Fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Senior Lieutenant ...

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  • - 1867 Doctor Honey. in...

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  • - Rod. In the village of Kukushka Komi-Permsky district. Participant of the Great Watch. wars. He graduated from the Litin Institute. He worked at the Museum of Museum, a journalist. Printed as a poet since 1937 ...

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  • - art. Operas. Rod. In the Diaclone family. In his youth was church singing in Kharkov. Peza studied in St. Petersburg at M. Miloradovich. In 1875-80 and in the season 1892/93 performed in Kiev. Opera ...

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  • - 1576 of the 3rd of the Governor in Polotsk ...

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  • - Rod. March 8, 1898 in St. Petersburg, mind. Oct 12. 1978 in Kharkov. Composer. In 1924 he graduated from Kharkiv Muses. Drama. In-t on CL. Compositions S. S. Bogatyreva and CL. F -p. - P. K. Lutsenko ...

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  • - Pastor Advisor, Secretary of the 5th Department of the Governing Senate, Writer, Publisher of Satyrian magazines "and the CE" and "Parnassian Schipetry" & QUOT ...

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  • - Wonderful writer. It has extremely scarce information about his life. In the preface to the 2nd edition of his "Notes of Economic" it is said that Ch. & Quot ...

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  • - Blagoveshchensky, Mikhail Dmitrievich, - teacher of the Chernihiv spiritual seminary. In 1893 he graduated from the Kiev Academy, and in 1899 presented and defended his thesis on the degree of Master of theology: "Book of Plachy Jeremiah" ...

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  • - Wonderful writer. There is extremely scarce information about his life ...

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  • - Soviet military leader, commander of the 2nd rank. Member of the CPSU since 1924. Born in p. Nikolsky Ryazan province in the family of the Psaller. Was the Zemsky teacher. Member of the 1st World War, graduated from the school of ensign ...
  • - Russian writer, journalist. A leaving of the "soldiers' children"; was an actor, court lacquer, an official of the Senate; He drove offacarious nobility. In his work, focused on the mass reader ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian writer, historian, ethnographer, economist. I published a satirical magazine "And that and Syo", "Parnassian scrupter", amounted to the "Collection of different songs", the dictionary "Abega of Russian superstition ..." ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

"Chulkov, Mikhail Dmitrievich" in books

Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev

From the book of 22 death, 63 versions Author Lurie Lev Yakovlevich

Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev General from infanteria. Hero of conquering campaigns in Central Asia and the Russian-Turkish war for the liberation of the Balkan Slavs. From the hereditary military - does not generate. Modest origin did not prevent a brilliant career. Shortly before death

Baryshev Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Officer Corps of the Army General Lieutenant A.A.Vlasova 1944-1945 Author Alexandrov Kirill Mikhailovich

Baryshev Mikhail Dmitrievich Major Rkkapolkovnik Armed Forces in 1907 in Namangan under Fergana. Russian. In RKKA since the late 1920s. Since 1936 - Senior Lieutenant. On February 17, 1936, he was appointed commander of a separate anti-aircraft gunner of the 2nd Turkestan Rifle Division. FROM

Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev

From the book 100 Great Heroes Author Shishov Alexey Vasilyevich

Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev (1843-1882) Hero of the liberation of Bulgaria. Russian commander. General from infanteria. The name of the "White" General Skobelev in 70-80 years of the XIX century was amazingly popular in the ranks of the Russian army, in Russia. He was called at the lifetime of "Second Suvorov", "Suvorov

Baranov Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Soviet Aces. Essays about Soviet pilots Author Bodrichin Nikolai Georgievich

Baranov Mikhail Dmitrievich Mothers of the 183rd IAP. After a fierce fight on August 5, 1942, in which he managed to knock down 4 opponent aircraft, Baranov became the favorite of the whole country. Slender 20-year-old boy happily looks at us from photos of the first military years. Least in it

Skobeliev Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book of the commander of the Empire The author of Kopylov N. A.

Skobeliev Mikhail Dmitrievich Battles and Victory "convince the soldiers in fact that you are about them outside the battle, the power is in battle, and nothing will be impossible for you," said Skobelyev. And with this conviction he won in Central Asia and on Balkans. Conqueror Khiva I.

Skobeliev Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (c) by Brocgauz F. A.

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev (Mikhail Dmitrievich) - Gen.-Adjutant (1843 - 82); first brought up at home, then in the Paris Girarda Pension; In 1861 he entered the University of St. Petersburg, from where he was dismissed in a month, due to the unrest between students;

Sadyels Mikhail Dmitrievich Satyadkov Mikhail Dmitrievich, Soviet historian. In 1903 he graduated from St. Petersburg University, from 1907 Privat-Associate Professor, and from 1918 Professor of this university; In the 20s He worked in the historical and domestic department of the Russian Museum. IN

Tabenkov Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (those) author BSE

Levashov Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Le) author BSE

Solovyov Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (CO) author BSE

Solovyov Mikhail Dmitrievich Solovyov Mikhail Dmitrievich, Soviet geodesist and cartographer. Member of the CPSU since 1944. He graduated from the Moscow Meeting Institute (1911) (now the Moscow Institute of Engineering Geodesy,

Chulkov Mikhail Dmitrievich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Chu) author BSE

Mikhail Dmitrievich Stulakov (1743-1792) was born, apparently, in the family of a merchant. In 1755-1758 he studied at the gymnasium for the differences at Moscow University, in 1761-1765 served as an actor of the court theater, but without success, and therefore proceeded to the position of Court Lacey. Literary activity began with the essay of the comedy "How do you want to name" (1765). Special success worked in narrative genres. The collection of associates of the associated and adventure nature prepared by him "Mockingbird, or Slaven Fairy Tales" (the first four parts were published in 1766-1768, the fifth - in 1789) enjoyed great success. In 1770, the novel "Podsajekhsky of the priest, or the tearingurance of a depraved woman." The image of modern life from her household parties is given in the magazines Chulkov - weekly "and that and it" (1769) and the monthly "Parnassian scrupter" (1770).
In the years 1770-1774, "Collection of different songs" (four parts) composed, where, along with the songs of Russian writers, a significant number of folk songs were included, in particular, songs about Stepan Rasin were published. Back in 1767, stockings amounted to the "brief mythological lexicon", in which he tried to systematize Slavic mythology. Later he continued this work, having prepared the book "Dictionary of Russian Superstitions" (1782). In 1786, she was reprinted under the name "ABEVAGE OF RUSSIAN SUVERIES".

Since the end of 1770, stockings from the active literary work, going to the public service. Starting from the post of college registrar in the commerce college, he already in 1786 awarded the rank of the survival adviser, who gave him the right to a personal nobility. Having resigned, became the owner of a small estate.