Who assured the heart of Marina Kravets? Marina Kravets: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo diverse creative activity.

Who assured the heart of Marina Kravets? Marina Kravets: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo diverse creative activity.
Who assured the heart of Marina Kravets? Marina Kravets: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo diverse creative activity.

Beauty, singer, talented performer of witty sketches, and now also TV presenter, Marina Kravkets is of interest among the public not only creative abilities. Most users in the network are trying to learn the true nationality of the only female resident "Comedy Club". Oriental eye cut and luxurious iscin-black hair suggest the thought of the Asian branches in the family tree of a young woman.

Parents of Marina Kravets, according to rumors spread online a year ago, are a very interesting pair in terms of nationality: Mom is a native of Yakutia, dad - a Jewish boy born in Leningrad.

Both worked for many years at the local factory, and in spite of the approved opinion, it is a great position that it takes exactly the entire production accounting department, while the representative of the Israel People is safely servingly serving the workforce at the work machine in the position of a simple locksmith.

The artist itself does not comment on its origin and gossip about him, responding with humor, which is trying to wear with the dignity of the appearance that she got.

Beautiful and clever appeared on the world in the northern capital on May 18, 1984. Marina was the youngest and because of the swelling, two older brothers drove her to school and met after practicing practically to the prom.

Marina Kravets: Interesting information from Wikipedia

Musical abilities of daughters Parents noticed at an early age - a long time in the family was kept by an old tape recorder, at which the 4-year-old star "Comedy Club" with an inspiration of a small child performs a popular children's song. Unfortunately, the Bobin was lost over time.

As soon as the baby turned 6 years old, the girl was sent to audition in the nearest music school. Marina exams, but by the time of study, the place was occupied.

The next educational institution was too far away from the house, and a small child simply had no one to carry on classes. So the actress remained without professional musical education.

However, the parents did not calm down and hired for the daughter of private teachers who are grateful to the artist and radio leaders.

The desire to play musical instruments did not leave Marina in the future - she stubbornly continued to pick up the melodies on the school piano and studied at the music studio in the class of guitar.

Study at the Institute and KVN

In 2001, Marina Kravets whose nationality and biography are interested in numerous fans, successfully enrolled in St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Philology.

After graduating from the university, the girl would have to teach Russian to foreigners. The desire to bear bright, good, the eternal students from other countries ended after the first few lessons in the Chinese class - Kravets finally made sure that it was not interesting to work in the specialty.

Even during the student, the young beauty was fascinated by KVF, developed and wrote scenarios for the entry of the local team and herself remained most of the humorists for a long time.

There were some achievements and a little popularity that made the Kravets wonder about his future, associated with the ability to witness to other strangers.

Musical performances

Marina Kravets, whose nationality does not matter for fans, sings a lot, acting as a soloist on all sorts of concerts with well-known and not very musical teams:

  1. "NotNet";
  2. "Mary & Band";
  3. "Nestroyband";
  4. "Vorovayki";
  5. "City 312";
  6. "Uma2RMA";
  7. DJ SMASH;
  8. DJ Vengerov;
  9. Bobina.

A wonderful rumor and masterful possession of the voice came in handy later than more than once a talented girl - she successfully passed in the final of the television show "One to one" on which participants in the complex maker performed as the twins of famous performers of world hits.

Work on radio

Thanks to the guitarist of the NOTNet group Ilya Pavlyuchenko, officially operating the program director on Rocks Radio, Marina Kravets serves since 2007 in the morning air of the Full Forward Program as a permanent host.

For more than four years, the girl raised the mood to the residents of the native city in witty jokes in the literal air.

In 2011, the girl successfully passes the casting on the Moscow Radio "Lighthouse" to the post of leading entertainment night show live.

Because of the new work at the prestigious metropolitan radio station, the future star "Comedy Club" had to move to Moscow. Then the whole year by the partners of the girl were Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdytsky.

Work on television

As a beginner humorist, Marina Kravets tried herself at the "Comedy Woman" show during the participation period in student KVNU. But the work in the women's team did not receive its development on various objective reasons.

After the speech at one of the issues of "Comedy Club" as a guest guest, the organizers of the show were interested in Marina Kravets on a permanent job on the program. So she became the only resident woman in the men's team of humorous.

Male Mary Kravets

As Marina says in an interview, with the future, the spouse of Arkady Vodakhov, they are familiar to themselves, often crossed back in the university. And although the guy studied at another faculty, together young people were preparing the speeches of the local KVN team. Already then Arkady has established itself with an excellent screenwriter.

For 6 years, Marina and Vodkhov lived under the same roof, and when the Kravets received a profitable offer from the metropolitan radio station, the guy, without hesitation, went to Moscow for his beloved. Here he made her an offer to which the girl answered agree.

Today, Marina Kravets is an artist, singer, soloist of musical groups "Nestrajaband" and NotNet. And this talented and charming woman is a journalist and radio.

It is noteworthy that she was the only one of the most beautiful sex representatives to become a resident of the "Comedy Club" show.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born in the St. Petersburg family in May 1984. Parents have no relation to the world of art or show business. Dad worked as a mechanic, Mom - an accountant at one of the enterprises. At the time of the appearance of Marina, two sons have already grown into the family in the family, so the girl's birth was welcomed by everything. She bathed in the love of parents and two senior brothers who took care of the baby, took her from the kindergarten, and then met from school.

Marina Kravets has already demonstrated in orphanage that it is a creative nature. The girl adored sing, dancing and depicting an artist. Her melodic voice was pleased with their relatives on holidays and on weekdays. Once the brothers recorded on the tape recorder, as their sister diligently removes the song "Aurora". At one time, this entry was the pride of the family archive until it was lost forever.

Unfortunately, Marina Kravets did not hit the music school - there were no free places. But relatives believed that it was necessary to develop her voice. The output was found: the girl began to take the lists of vocals optionally. She is still grateful to his teachers, because their science was useful.

The artistry of the girl was manifested not only in singing, but also in the game KVN. Marina Kravets was an indispensable player of the school team, besides, together with her friend, Anya wrote excellent scenarios of humorous dialogues and scenes.

After the end of the St. Petersburg gymnasium No. 524, Kravets went to receive higher education. The tendency towards the humanities dictated her the choice of the philological faculty. She received a specialty "Lecturer Russian Language for Foreigners." But teaching "great and mighty" those who wanted to master it, failed. By completion of study, Marina realized that the teacher would not give her the necessary space for creativity.

Yesterday's student went to search for his place under the sun. Who only she did not work: in supermarkets advertised fast food products and distributed advertising booklets, in the center of maintenance worked as a secretary for some time. But all this boring work was needed only to earn money for life. The main outstanding for a born artist was playing in the student team KVN "Summilies".


In the team Marina Kravets turned out to be in 2007. It was invited to play a classmate, and then singer Zhenya Kobich. On the scene, the girl felt in his plate. The team often went to various festivals. Visited in Sochi, at the Premier League KVN. Once even got on the screens with a successful parody of the "own game". But the leadership positions of "downtime" failed. The team broke up.

But Marina Kravets could no longer live without creativity and scenes. Love for singing and music poured into work in several musical groups. The girl solired in NOTNet groups, Mary & Band and Nestrajaband. The last team became especially close.

Some songs performed by Kravets turned into hits. First of all, it is "hop, trash", the "goddess of discos" and "sex will not be". Clips appeared on some compositions. The song "Hop, Trashok" in jazz processing was popular. Many famous tracks "Nestrojend" contain obscene vocabulary.

Marina Kravets and Nestroyband - "Hop, Trash"

One day, one of the founders of the group Igor Meerson (Elvis) offered a team to speak with his songs in the popular Comedy Club show. He himself was a member of the project. You can not say that the musicians perceived the idea with great enthusiasm, but the TV version of the song was recorded.

Suddenly, she received a pretty warm welcome for everyone. For Marina Kravets participation in the show was of particular importance. She met the producer of the team "" Yury Diamond.

Creative girl career gained momentum. The biography of Marina Kravets has been enriched with new bright pages. In 2011, the singer, together with his team, was invited to the anniversary concert of the group. Together with she performed one of the songs.

After a couple of years, Kravets sang in a duet with another star - the soloist of the popular group "Fallen" composition. Soon a clip appeared on this song.

Sergey Kristovsky and Marina Kravets - "Fallen"

Behind the first successful clip followed the second, recorded with DJ Smash on the Song Oil. Marina Kravets appeared in front of the audience in the image of glamorous beauty in a patho along and wig.

Previously, during cooperation with the NotNet team, Marina Kravets met bass guitarist Ilya Pavlyuchenko. In addition to musical activity, Ilya had work on Rocks Radio. Once Pavlyuchenko said that the radio requires a person who might lead the Morning Show "Full Forward". Marina Kravets immediately volunteered to try his strength.

Marina Kravets on Rocks Radio - "Song of Bears" in the style of Rammstein

So the girl became the radio. For 4 years, her voice voice was pleased with Rocks Radio Listeners. But in 2011, Kravets moved to the capital. She successfully passed the interview and was invited to work for the radio station "Mayak". Here she led a night show together with radio host and artists Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdytsky. The program wore the name "First Detach". And in the late autumn of 2012, the artists all "detachment" moved to the new Comedy Radio.

Marina Kravets - "I am a goddess disco"

Once Marina Kravets remembered how even in the period of participation in KVN, she was called on behalf of and was invited to play in several programs "Comedy Woman" (then Made in Woman). The artist agreed and appeared on the screens.

Soon Marina Kravets was invited with "Nestrajaband" to participate in the "Comedy Club". The girl liked the team so much and the audience that he received an offer to become a resident of the club. Since then, lovers of comedy show see Krastsa in a wonderful company C, and. Spectators believe that Marina swept perfectly in the men's team.

DJ SMASH, Marina Kravets, Zurab Matua and Andrey Averin - "Oil"

A bright performance of the girl on the stage "Comedy Club" is still considered the vocal number "Talking husband and wife" ("purely hypothetically"), where the partner of the actress spoke. The opposite image is an easy-behavior of Angela - Kravets embodied in her room with Demis Karibidis "Night Butterfly on Call". The heroine of Marina is not only beautiful, but also savaged in economic issues a girl who becomes a financial consultant for his client.

Semen Slepakov and Marina Kravets in "Comedy Club": "Talking husband with wife"

In 2016, the quartet of residents "Comedy Club", which entered Marina, released a clip to the song "Bablo". The composition was devoted to the topic of relationships in the international foreign exchange market. According to the plot, the characters of the euro and the dollar do not miss the two other currencies to the club to the club - Yuan and the ruble. In the video, the role of the Russian "wooden" performed Dmitry Sorokin, his girlfriend, Yuan played Marina, in the form of the European currency, Zurab Matua appeared, and in the form of American - Andrei Averin.

Marina Kravets - Resident "Comedy Club"

Soon the quartet had another low-budget, shot on a mobile phone, but the witty video "I'm leaving." The subject of the clip is the resignation of the US President.

From May 2014, Marina Kravets has a TV host of the morning show on the TNT channel. And in 2015 her debut took place in another entertainment project - the 3rd season "one in one!", Which went out on the channel "Russia 1". The actress reached the final and ranked 5th. In the same year, Kravets replaced, becoming at the time of the TV presenter of the "main scene".

Marina Kravets and Sergey Gorleikov in the show "Rousseau Tourist"

Marina's television career Kravets rapidly moving up. Artist from Peter in September 2015 was invited to lead the morning entertainment show "Rousseau Tourist" along with. The program is gaining popularity.

There was a Kravets and a movie. In 2012, she played a prominent role in the "Super Oleg" series. And in 2014, together with, and worked on voicing the characters of the cartoon "Mahney Will".

Personal life

Marina Kravets for a long time consisted of a civil marriage with a young man named Arkady. With him, the artist met in his student years. Arkady Vodakhov, along with Marina, played in "Spefilah" and studied in Philfak. Friendly relations turned into a real novel.

Young people together moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Both began to work at Comedy Radio, Marina - lead the ether, and Arkady is a creative producer. In 2013, they played a wedding. Despite its openness in communicating with fans, Marina Kravets did not advertise this event in "Instagram".

Personal life Marina Kravets has been happy. She has complete mutual understanding and trust. Spouses have not yet become parents, but both agreed that there should be at least 2 children in the family.

It is no secret that the beauty has a considerable army of fans. Seductive photos of young beauty in a swimsuit appeared in the magazine "Maxim". According to the publication, the girl in 2016 took a place in the top 20 of the most beautiful and sexual Russians.

The growth of Marina Kravets - 171 centimeter, weight - 50 kilograms. By nationality, Marina - Russian, although this issue is often discussed on the network. Probably, a unusual cut of the Comedy Club resident is pushing it.

Marina Kravets now

Marina Kravets remains a regular participant in the festival "Comedy Club", which in 2018 passed to Sochi, at the ski resort "Rosa Khutor". In addition to the annoying speeches of residents "Comedy Club" with numbers that have become the hits of the show, and new jokes, guests of the event waited for active rest, relay and contests.

Marina Kravets - leading project "Big Breakfast"

The popularity of Marina Kravets confirms her participation in other projects not related to the humorous Alma Mater. So, Marina became a TV presenter culinary entertainment show "Big Breakfast". Together with colleagues spoke at the VK-Fest festival, which took place in St. Petersburg. The founders of the Charitable Foundation "Give Life" participated in the conduct of the IX World Games of the winners who took place in Moscow. In the capital of Russia for several days, children from 15 countries of the world were trapped in sports competitions, who at one time won oncology.

Marina Kravtsov will be the leading show "Marry Buzov"

The new project of the TNT TV channel "", the leading of which was Marina Kravets, became the main premiere of the season. Shooting took place in Italy. The Millionaire of Evgeny Nazarov and cheesewheels included in the number of 15 applicants for the heart and hand. The premiere of the program is scheduled for August 26, 2018.


  • Radio "Lighthouse"
  • Radio Comedy Radio.
  • Show Made in Woman
  • Comedy Club show
  • "One to one!"
  • "Home Scene"
  • "Rousseau Tourist"
  • "Big breakfast"
  • "Marry Buzov"

It seems that Marina is talented in everything. She sings well, playing movies, leads to radio transmission. In addition, she is the only girl who is a resident "Comedy Club".

Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by love and attention. She was the youngest daughter in the family. Parents and two elder brothers were ready to blow off the dust. She stays love and now. Only now the husband, as well as the army of fans, was added to the loving loved ones.

Meet your future husband

With his future husband - Arkady Vadovov, Marina met at the time of the game in KVN. They studied together at the University of St. Petersburg and played one university team. The team was called "downtile".

Having finished the university, and having received diplomas of teachers of the Russian language, the couple did not stop communicating more than that of their relationships were attached every day.

Professional relations

Arkady Vodkhov is also involved in creativity and humor. Not the first year he works on the radio "Comedy Radio". There is also his spouse leading. He also writes a little texts for Comedy Club residents.

He supported Marina at the time of moving it to Moscow. She arrived alone in a big city where there were no friends and acquaintances. She was without work and felt unhappy. Against this background, she began depressed. Arkady literally brought her down for the threshold of the apartment and made him believe.

Arkady noted more than once that at work he and his wife tries to keep the distance. After all, working relationships reign at work, and not love. But as soon as the working day ends, they again with Marina from colleagues turn into loving husband and wife.

Checking time

Before you get married a couple lived in a civil marriage for about 6 years. They survived a lot together. The most serious test for young people was the move of Marina from Peter to Moscow.

It would seem a pair will not withstand testing the distance. But successfully coped with this. The guy drove after Marina and helped solve all the problems that arose in connection with the move. He quickly found accommodation where they began to live together.

After 6 years of coaching, the young decided to legitimize their relationship. The wedding passed quite modestly, without lush festivals and crowds. Only relatives and close friends were attended the holiday.

Now they are practically all doing together. They even have one hobby for two. Couple loves to travel. In their plans to visit the best cities in Europe, and then the world.

Interesting notes:

Head of Family

Arkady considers himself the head of their family, and Marina is not against it. He is her defender and it is with him she feels like a stone wall. Arkady himself tells that he is ready to support his wife in any endeavors. He is in the fire and water.

In the understanding of many women, Arkady can be considered an ideal husband. He understands, loving and supporting the support for Marina. When the guy was asked about his jealousy of Marina to "Comedy Club" partners, he did not think he answered that he had completely trust her. Marina can say the same.

Arkady is not a row man. It rarely be seen at concerts, festivals and other events. He prefers to spend a free day at home with his wife. However, the young man is not at all against the fact that his wife is a frequent guest of secular parties and festivals. Arkady often accompanies her there, but prefers to hold on the shade.

And when children

Marina and Arkady together for more than one year. And from time to time there is a question about when children appear. Arkady repeatedly admitted that he wanted chucks insanely, but Marina in this matter adheres to another opinion. She believes that now the best time for her creative development.

The husband tries not to rush it with the decision of the children's question. He helps Marina develop creatively. But in the last interview, the girl is no longer so categorical in matters relating to children. She has already mentioned that it was ready to become a mother.

Arkady said he wants a big family. That they will have at least two children so that they are not boring to be together. They can not only play, but also support each other. Marina agrees to give birth to her husband of two children, as herself grew in a big family and knows that so much better.

Housing problem

While Arkady and Marina live in Moscow on a removable apartment. They believe that two of this is enough for them. But someday a couple dreams of getting their own housing and equip it to your liking.

Arkady believes that for him, a country house will be perfect with marina and future children. But while there is not enough funds to buy it, and it is to get from the city to the center of this test. Everyone knows that Moscow is famous for its kilometer traffic jams.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 18.05.1984

City: St. Petersburg

Education: SPbSU.

Found inaccuracy?Let's fix the questionnaire

With this article read:

Marina Kravets was born in Leningrad, grew up a good obedient girl and fond of singing.

Parents did everything to make Marina professionally in singing, and she really liked this occupation.

After school, Kravice entered the State University of St. PetersburgBy choosing the Faculty of Philology. In the third year of study, she fell into the team KVN team, starting his creative career from it.

Marina was radically different from classmates - she managed not only to learn and play in KVN, but also to make money so as not to depend on parents and not limit them.

Its first place was the usual supermarket, where she was a proverse of offering buyers to eat hamburgers.

Then she settled at the auto show secretary, and after graduating from the university, she was invited to radio one of the gears. Diligence and perseverance, grafted by their parents, helped the girl to achieve goals.

In 2008, a number of important events occurred for future artist. - She went to the final of the Competition "KVNSCH". She was noticed by the producers of the TNT channel and were invited to the Made in Woman show, later renamed Vumen.

Artistic data of Marina allowed all sorts of images to try on it, but it was not delayed for a long time in the project. In parallel, her career was developed in "Nestrajaband", a team that performs humorous songs.

Just one performance in Comedy Club made her resident club. She became the first and still the only girl in a purely male team and fully justified all the expectations.

Song "Oil", as well as a clip on her, became a hit on the Internet, it still put in clubs and on parties.

Popular scenes Marina Kravets: I am the goddess of the disco, how to send a girl, purely hypothetically (with seed slap), etc.

In parallel with this, Marina leads a vocal careerShe recorded a few songs, including duet with Sergey Crysto. In 2011, the artist becomes co-hosts one of the broadcasts on the Radio Lighthouse, and after a year there is a casting on shooting in the film "First detachment".

Such a rapid career and the first samples in the cinema forced her to think about obtaining vocational education actresses.

In 2014, Marina first tried to voice the cartoon character "Mahni Will". In 2015, she took part in the vocal competition. The main scene, led Russo Tourist, talking about traveling and attractions of different countries. Now it is still performing in the Comedy Club, leads the radio to the gadgets, actively participates in various projects and writes songs.

Despite such a tight schedule, Marina Kravets married - husband Arkady VadakhovWith which she studied at the university. At first, the couple lived in a civil marriage for a long time, and later registered their relations.

They don't have children yet, Marina Kravets argues that for such a serious step, they have not yet matured.

Photo of Marina

The girl leads to instagram, where there is a photo from everyday life and shots with filming. Marina Kravets is included in the top 100 sexy women in Maxim magazine (2015, 2016).

Marina Leonidovna Kravets. Born on May 18, 1984 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian radio service, singer, actress, Comedy Club participant.

Father - locksmith, mother - accountant at the factory. He has two senior brothers.

From an early years, I loved to sing, has a good hearing and voice.

He graduated from the gymnasium number 524. As Marina said about himself, she was one hundred percent humanitarian, she always liked the story, literature, Russian. Literature and Russian, according to her, helped to form a certain horizon, to obtain some moral landmarks and set the desire to follow the norms of the native language.

In high schools, actively played in KVN, also writing scripts.

After receiving a diploma of secondary education, he entered the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. There he became a member of the Faculty KVN team "Singles" from the first league.

He graduated from the university in a specialty teacher of the Russian language as a foreign language, but he almost did not work in the specialty - there were only a few practical lessons for students from China. During his studies, he worked as a tutor, promoter and secretary at car maintenance station.

In 2007, he advocated the KVN "IGA" team. In 2008, I went to the final vote of the KVNSC Award of the Site "KVN for all". Having completed an active part in KVN, appeared in some games in the teams "MFU" team and "Faculty of journalism".

In 2007-2011, he worked the leading morning show "Full Full" on Radio Rocks.

In the fall of 2008, at the invitation was filmed in the show "Made in Woman", which later became known "Comedy Woman". Marina took part in the fourth and fifth of the show. Since 2010, the permanent participant of the COMDY CLUB show on the TNT channel. Marina got into this project thanks to Resident Igor "Elvis" Meerson. Together with Elvis, Smya Muscovites and Duet "Bydlo", they performed the song "Hop, Trash" group "Voroviki" from the scene "Comedy Club" in a jazz arrangement.

Since July 2011 - the leading Night Show "First Detachment" on the Radio Station "Mayak", where he was the coordarent Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdytsky. For this work, Marina moved to Moscow.

In October 2012, together with the team, the first detachment program passed from the Radio "Lighthouse" to the "Comedy Radio" opened.

In 2012, he performed the main role of Tatiana Pichugina's journalist in the television series "Superwear", which was published on the 2x2 channel. The main hero of the series is a stounted fragrant Oleg Hedgehog, which because of its indecision and inaptability to life, stains in the most modest conditions with a pensioner grandmother. The lack of money and female attention is pursued by Oleg on the heels. But one day, the fate itself pushes him to the cardinal changes in his worthless life. Communicating on the stairs of the mysterious stranger, Oleg finds out that he is elected and from now on is simply obliged to become a super hero! At the same time, Oleg is in love with his neighbor - a journalist Tatyana Pichugin, who landed into the insidious paws super-villain of Pasha. Oleg is trying to save his beloved.

Marina Kravets in the series "Superwear"

In 2014, Kravets voiced one of the characters in the cartoon "Majni wing."

In 2015, he participated in the showing show "one in one!", Where in the final ranked 5th in the voting results.

In October 2015, he became the leading show "Home Scene" with Ernest Matskavyusus, replacing Nargiz Zakirov.

Led with Sergey Gorteikov several issues of the transfer of "Rousseau Tourist" on the STS. The leading show "Happy people" at Comedy Radio.

Cooperated from the theater group "Flour Your" from St. Petersburg.

He sang in the "NotNet" group, then became a soloist of the collective and "nestroeband". In the fall of 2011, he took part in the jubilee concert of the city "City 312", performing songs both as part of the "Nastro Band" and together with Svetlana Nazarenko.

In March 2014, together with Sergey Crysto, they recorded a joint clip on the song "Padali".

In 2017, the BRAINSTORM was recorded with the Brainstorm Latvian group. "As I was looking for you," fulfilling the vocals with Tandem with Renars Kaupers.

Marina Kravets - Zombie (Cranberries)

Growth of Marina Kravets: 171 centimeter.

Personal life Marina Kravets:

Married. Spouse - Arkady Vodakhov, they studied together at the philological faculty and participated in the KVN in the team "Spefila". For a long time lived in civil marriage. Married on July 20, 2013.

He spoke about his spouse: "Arcasha is a very creative man, with a bright head, he has a lot of advantages that he managed to apply in work ... He is not from those who seek to be in the frame, it attracts scenario work."

Marina Kravets filmography:

2012 - Superwear - Tatyana Pichugin, journalist

Voicing to Marina Kravets:

2014 - Mahni wing (animation)