Types of song folklore and their features. Oral folk creativity - a source of century wisdom

Types of song folklore and their features. Oral folk creativity - a source of century wisdom

Table "System of genres of Russian folklore"

Folklore - This is the type of collective verbal activity, which is carried out mainly orally. The main categories of folklore are collectivity, traditional, formility, variability, presence of the performer, syncretism. Folklore is divided into two groups - the ritual and non-dry. The ritual folklore includes: calendar folklore (carols, passengerous songs, spring), family folklore (family stories, lullaby, wedding songs, inhibiting), occasional (conspiracies, shallows, countertilers). The non-stop folklore is divided into four groups: folk drama, poetry, prose and folklore of speech situations. The folk drama includes: Parsley Theater, Relief Drama, Religious Drama. Folklore poetry include: epic, historical song, spiritual verse, lyrical song, ballad, cruel romance, chastushka, children's poetic songs (poetic parodies), sadistic poems. Folklore prose is again divided into two groups: fabulous and non-durable. The fabulous prose includes: a fairy tale (which, in turn, there are four types: Magic fairy tale, a fairy tale of animals, a household fairy tale, a cumulative fairy tale) and anecdot. The non-ticket prose includes: legend, legend, fast, mythological story, a story about a dream. Solklore speech situations include: proverbs, sayings, prosperity, curses, nicknames, teasers, riddles, patters and some others.




calendar Folklore

carols, carnival songs, spring,

support songs

folklore drama

parsley Theater, Relief Drama, Religious Drama

family Folklore

family stories, lullaby, wedding songs, due


epics, historic song, spiritual verse, lyrical song, ballad, cruel romance, chastushka, children's poetry songs (poetic parodies), sadist poems


conspiracies, shakes, count



tale (which, in turn, is four types: Magic fairy tale, fairy tale of animals, household fairy tale, cumulative fairy tale) and anecdot, bike


legend, legend, fast, mythological story, a story about a dream

folklore speech situations

proverbs, sayings, prosperity, curses, nicknames, teasers, riddles, patter

Anecdote - one ofgenrowfolklore: a short oral story with a witty and unexpected ending. Jokes can be rightfully called the favorite genre of modernity. In the Slavic folklore, a favorite character was playing a man-made man.

Bike - traditionally a male oral story of a joking character, claiming on truth; refers to small folklore forms. Popular hunting, fishermen, sea, mining, theatrical and chauffery.

Ballad (ballad song, balladny verse) - one ofgenrowrussianfolklore, resulting from a folk song of tragic content. The most important characteristics of ballad songs are epic, family-household topics, psychological drama. For ballad songs is characterized by predicted fatal outcome, recognition of tragic, single-ring. As a rule, there are antagonistic characters in them: the desire and the victim. Ballads have many signs bringing them closer to other song genres, richly common for folk epic fantastic and magical motives. The term "ballad" in folklore is relatively new. Proposed P.V. Kireevsky in the XIX century, he was rooted only the century later. The people himself, fulfilling the ballads, did not distinguish them from others. An example of classical ballad serves as the LarEpic song "Vasily and Sofia". All content is the eternal story about lovers, the mutual feeling of which is so strong that death wins. Beloved ruffling and evil mother of Vasily. The plots of many ballad songs are built on the relationship between the girl and goodness ("Dmitry and Domn", "the girl poisoned well done").

The epic - the work of a song character, a song-poem. It is characteristic of the greatness of content, the grandeur, the monumentality of images, the heroic pathos. The real-historical basis of the epics of the X-XI centuries. It is known about a hundred epic stories. In Russian and Western European epic, there are general stories (epic heroes are struggling with enemies and inners), but in Russian epics there is no idea of \u200b\u200breligious wars; Neither the faithfulness of the leader, nor the bloody revenge become the determining themes of the Russian epic. In Russian epic traditions - liberation, protection, glorification of the land of the Russian and its people. The opening of the Russian epic took place relatively recently, after publishing in 1804, Kurshi Danilov collections, including 60 folklore works. Subsequently, the meeting of the epic was supplemented by the finds of P.N. Rybnikova and A.F. Hilferding. Rare alloy of wisdom and poetry distinguishes Russian Epos. Each episode, in addition to the main idea of \u200b\u200bhonest ministry, Fatherland contains reflections on painful moral and psychological searches for the main characters. So, Ilya Muromets finds himself in a difficult choice situation: marry or die.

Byulichka (Cellschina) is a mythological story, the basis of which is the events, allegedly visiting a real life. Accuracy, the factographicity of these stories is confirmed by specific names; accurate geographical names of the place of action. The world of Byulchick is simple and well-known. The main difference between the fairy tale and fastity is the listeners and the narrator to the narrative. If the fairy tale is hearing, conscious that this is a fiction, then bychille - as if it is true.

Children's folklore is a generalized name of small volumes of genres, written and executed by both the children themselves and for them. The genres of children's folklore include songs and poems, accompanying the life of a child from the cradle to his youth: drawing, shafts, teasers, lullabous songs, cubs, sentences, sweepers, counters.

A binding fairy tale (from bothering - boring) is a specific genre of folklore narches, endless fairy tales in which the same cycle of events is performed. They are often clothed in a poetic form.

Spiritual poems - songs of religious content, arising as poetic arrangements by the people of the foundations of Christian creed. People's names of spiritual poems: antiquities, psalms, poems. A characteristic feature of spiritual poems is the opposition of religious worldly. One of the most ancient spiritual poems - "Plach Adam" was known already in the XII century. The mass spread of spiritual verses begins approximately from the XV century.

The stubborn song is a kind of autumn songs of calendar and ritual poetry. Autumn ritual poetry did not receive such a development as a summer, chanting prompt women - "daughters-winches", "Bridheld quail", wounded in Niva and harvest, "so that there was a Donenko, Ladnenko."

The riddle is the type of oral folk creativity, an intricate allegorical description of the subject or phenomenon, proposed as a trial test or exercise (children) on the development of logical thinking. The mystery belongs to those ancient species of folk creativity, which, continuing to live in centuries, gradually lose their original importance, become a qualitatively different phenomenon. Arriving on the basis of a secret language of the genus, once a mystery was used in the military and the ambassadors, expressed bans of family help, served as a poetic means of transferring wisdom.

Conspiracy is a language formula, which, according to people's ideas, miraculous force. In antiquity, conspiracies were widely used in medical practice (treatment with a word, prayer). They were attributed to the ability to cause the desired state of a person (inspired a strong dream, tighten the angry Mother's angry, to keep the invading one who goes to war, to penetrate the sympathy to anyone, something, etc.) or the forces of nature: "growing repka, Sweet, grow, repka, strong "to get a good harvest.

Calendar and ritual songs (carols, reflit songs, carnival songs, Vesniki, Troitsko-Semitsky songs, dance, Kupalskiy, znjnaya) - songs whose execution timed to strictly defined calendar dates. The most significant rites and songs of the summer period, starting with Solt-Trek (Peter-Turn), 12 (25) June are associated with different states of nature. The calendar and ritual poetry contains valuable ethnographic and historical information: a description of the peasant life, morals, customs, observations of nature and even elements of the worldview.

Legend is one of the genres of Folklore, telling about wonderful, fantastic, which determines its structure and image system. One of the paths of legend is the transformation of tradition. Often, legends call oral stories about historical faces or about events that are attributed to absolute accuracy (legends about the foundation of Kiev). In these cases, the word "legend" can be replaced by the word "legend." The narrator, expecting the facts, complements them created by his own imagination or connects them with the well-known fictional motives. At the same time, the real base often goes to the background. On the subject of legends are divided into historical (about Stepan Razene), religious (about Jesus Christ and His apostles, about the saints, about the shivels of the devil), toponymic (about Baikal), demonological (about snake, evil spirits, devils, etc.), domestic (about sinners).

Small genres - a name uniting a group of different characters and by origin of genresrussian folklore, exceptionally small sizes (sometimes in two words: fillets-downtime), in which their main value is. This includes fun, puzzles, proverbs and jokes. Small genres not only decorate and revitalize other texts, they are very well adapted to independent life. Unlike the epic epic, small genres are not forgotten, relevant as thousands of years ago.

Especially - works of comic poetry, small songs, built on the principle of the rolling of completely absurd events: Thunder rolled over the sky: \\\\ Mosquito from the tree fell. It is non-bullies clearly demonstrate the reverse, the terrible side of the funny. The chain of distorted events, seemingly funny, gradually creates a single picture of the "shifted", "overwhelmed" peace. There are no less philosophicals than Epos. They, like the global laughter's metaphor, is also a way to know life: in visual simplicity, the universal relationship of opposing, "invalid" reality phenomena demonstrates us. In medieval Russia, the execution of non-pieces certainly was an integral part of the "repertoire" of the bomb.

Folk songs are a genuine art encyclopedia of the life of the Russian people. Today, the song, the richest layerrussian folklore, It is described incomplete and contradictory. Slimmingly genre division of songs on historical and ballads, robberies and soldiers, lyrical and djobs. All of them are a sample of the finest lyrics and, without exception, historically. Attractive purity and sincerity, the songs deeply reveal the nature of the Russian man who values \u200b\u200bhis fatherland; who does not get tired to admire the native edge; and their children.

The saying is a widespread expression that figuratively defining any life phenomenon or a rating that gives it: damn is not a wedge, the belly does not split. Where is a smart grief, fool fun.

The proverb is a brief, tag, sustainable in speech use. Compared to the saying - a witty characteristic, this person, subject or phenomenon and decorating speech, the proverb has a finished deep meaning, contains wise generalization. The saying, by defining the people, - "Flower", the proverb - "berry". The proverbs are captured by the life experience of the people: people quarrel, and the governors feed. Altyn thief is hanging, the half-one is honored. In the people, that in the cloud: in a thunderstorm everything will come out.

The first began to collect and record the proverbs of the famous Russian scientist and poet M.V. Lomonosov. Subsequently, collections containing 4-9 thousand proverbs were published: "Assembly of ancient Russian proverbs" (Moscow University, 4291 Proverbs), "Complete Assembly of Russian Proverbs and sayings" (Ts.M. Knyazhevich, 5365 proverbs), "Russian folk Proverbs and Proverbs "(I.M. Snegirev, 9623 Proverbs and sayings), in the famous Collection V.I. Daly "Proverbs of the Russian People" of them more than 30 thousand

Tradition - the artistic-narrative genre of folklore with elements of fiction. The plot is based on a real event. A vivid example of oral narratives of this type are legends about the son of the Tula Blacksmith Demida Antufieva Nikita Demidov - the founder of the largest factories of the Urals in the first decades of the XVIII century.

The tale is the oral folk story, without fiction the narrative of the past: Cossack and Siberian tales, the "working" prose of gold kits, master, miners, etc. According to the style of the narrative and the structure of the Skaja similar to legends and legends.

The fairy tale is one of the main prosaic folk genres of artistic and fiction character.

Scromoroshins - Marractions of mischievous arts of the squigches: smokers "Rina (epics - parody), parody ballads, songs-novels of comic content, non-liberals. Combines their one - laughter. If in the classic genres of Russian folklore, the laughter is only an element of the content, then for the descent It serves as organicing artistic start.

Species - a comic genre of folk creativity relating to the discharge of small, phrase, built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to pronounce words. Species were used in the people as a training tool in the formation of children's speech, its development and subsequent formation, as well as for entertainment purposes.

The chastushka (from frequent) is a short, usually rhymed song of humorous or satirical content. The chastushki is performed in a cheerful ingred pace accompanied by harmony.

2. Calendar ritual poetry

Western - a song calling for spring and warm. Westerns sounded in Russian villages following the carnival songs. They reminded that the time of the field work is approaching, birds fly and "carry spring". The main dates of the Spring Clichany: March 4 - the day of Gerasim Gerchevnik (Graci fly); March 9 - the day of forty martyrs (forty forts of birds arrive); March 25 - April 7 for a new style - Annunciation (day, when birds from cells are produced on the will).

The stubborn song is a kind of autumn songs in the calendar and ritual poetry. Autumn ritual poetry did not receive such a development as summer. Also known only stubborn songs, filled with gratitude and glorifying prompt women - "daughters-winches", "Rigeon-quail", "Ranny" entering the Niva and cropping harvest, "to be, whereby Donsenko, Ladnenko."

The game song is a kind of spring-summer songs in the calendar and ritual folk poetry. Already in the names of this type of songs, a fun mood is reflected due to the onset of long-awaited heat, hopes for a generous harvest (this in dirt, you will be prince!) The opportunity to throw heavy clothes, paint and look at the future bride or fiance. The game songs said about sowing and growing the future harvest, here was the main theme of the Sun - the source and continuing life, light and heat, the theme of bread cereals and other plants, song-games were called: "Mac", "pea", "Cabbage "," Len "," Rope "," Millet ". Game songs can be subdivided like this: - Horovodny, when the assembled moves in a circle or in the same circle were portrayed various scenes provided by the content of the song ("in the Birch field"); - songs-games that performed by the participants built in two ranks one against the other ("And we were sown"); - "Gone" songs, when playing, performing a song, go along with each other on the hives, braid hands, spin the rod, "curly" the ball ("braid, woven", "lingering, cabbage"). In gaming poetry survived echoes and ancient magic, and traces of ancient forms of marriage.

Blocking song (car bead) is a kind of winter (pre-New Year) songs in the calendar and ritual poetry. The new year's offensive in the people associated with an increase in the day "on the chicken step" after the winter solstice on December 22. This observation and formed the basis of folk ideas about the turning, which separates the end of the old year from the beginning of the new one. The arrival of the new year was noted by calling the strides and Avsesen. The word "striding" goes back to the Latin name of the first day of the month - Calendae (CP. Calendar). In Russia, the bond was one of the main rituals held for the New Year. It was accompanied by bypassing neighbors and boly songs (Austa), among which can be distinguished songs-magty and songs-requests:

Kupali songs - a cycle of songs who performed on the holiday of Ivan Kupala (night from July 6 to July 7 - on a new style). They contained elements of ancient magic formulas aimed at protecting the harvest from the goous evil spirits and to generously gone bread.

The carnival song is a climbing of a wide and generous carnival (it sometimes is an accreditation of Rivel).

Round-up songs - songs performed during the game accompanying fortune telling. In the dish, each playing put his object (ring), then swing up relaxed songs. Leading without looking taking out the first ring from the dish. The content of the song was considered whose ring was removed. The lowering song contained allegory, which was judged about the future.

Troitsko-Semiitskaya song is a kind of summer songs in a centered ritual poetry. With different states of the sun and world of plants, the most significant groups of rites and summer period songs, starting with summer solvent (Peter-turn) - 12 (25) of June. Summer (semitsky) rites, later jointly with the Christian Trinity, otherwise called green sagnes. In Troitsko-Semitsky songs, the central place is given to the birch - the cult tree of Slavs, a pond tree, a symbol of warmth and life.

3. Songs

Burlats songs - Songs of Burlakov and Burlaki. Burland originated in Russia at the end of the XVI - early XVII century, when the state was particularly interested in the development of water trading ties and attitudes towards running peasants or recruits, hired in Burlaki, was the most indulgent. In Burlaki, they left from family adversity, and from the cruelty of serfdom. Usually they descended on ships downstream and returned, leading the formed goods loaded by goods, besides, there were loaders, and porters.

Historical songs - songs, the emergence of which is associated with one or another historical event or face. At the same time, individual nuances of the event ("I am from the kama from the river, the walls of the sony") or the characteristic details of the artistic and poetic portrait of a historical person could be fictional, embellished or turned over, sometimes creating an image, distorted up to their opposite. Unlike the epic, with their unchanging poetic structure, historical songs, possessing the same informativeness, no longer have strict composite rules and obey the laws of other genres. Over the time, epitivity leaves the developing new genre. Songs of the XVII-XVIII centuries. become more diverse, they acquire social pain. Heroes of new songs are real characters - Stepan Razin, Emelyan Pugachev, Ivan Grozny, Ermak. With external simplicity, historical songs have a wide folklore context, the folklore symbolism is actively "working": death is perceived as a crossing over the river, the heroes are likened to eagles and falcons, and symbolic images of trees - birch, oak, rowan, etc. are widely used.

Lyrical songs - songs reflecting the world of personal feelings. The lyrical song helped the people to survive in any situations, absorbed sadness and pain of losses, offended and disappointment, was the only means of maintaining their own dignity in a state of humiliation and conversion. "Song - girlfriend, joke sister," says the Russian proverb. Through the mental soul, the sad "comalness" of lyrical songs clearly appear the greatness and moral beauty of the people.

Dance (comic) Songs - the name of this group of songs speaks for itself. Good, cheerful mood is not alien to Russian song creativity, in which there is a place and laughter, and a joke, and mockery. Many Russian dancers entered the golden piggy bank of world culture: "Kalinka" know hardly in every country. Songs are widely known "shines a month", "you are my sense of my, sense", "there was a birch in the field."

Robbing songs - songs of robbers or robber. The robbery (and prison) song as a genre was formed during the peasant uprisings, mass shoots of peasants and soldiers from a brutal subanence life (XVII-XVIII centuries). The main topic of robbery and prison songs is a dream about the celebration of justice. Heroes of robbery songs - removed, bold "good men" with their Code of honor, the desire to comprehend what is happening ("Duma Duma"), courageous readiness to take all the infancy of fate.

Wedding songs - songs that accompanied all the wedding action from the matchmaker to the "princess table", that is, the female table in the house of the groom: collusion, herbidniestnik, wedding, arrival and departing a wedding train to church. The bride and groom, a married couple in lyrical songs symbolize inseparable consoirs and spleen or especially loved ones with Swan with Swan. Duck and Sweddy - symbols of eternal femininity, each of which reflects the complex peripetics of women's fate. The Russian Wedding is a complex complex of almost theatrical rituals, including many songs: sentences, magnifies, songs-dialogues and songs-keeping, cosnil songs. 1. Wedding sentences were uttered mostly as a friend who played a crucial role at the wedding: she was her "director" and the defender of the bride and groom from evil forces. Sometimes the verdicts were pronounced wage, a matchmaker or parents. When a friend turned to some of the participants in the ritual, songs-dialogues appeased, who give the wedding rite the character of the play, in which almost every participant was. After pronouncing the sentence, parents put on the bread-salt tray, occasionally money; Then the offer was carried out. Dialogues were extremely popular at weddings. A typical example of maiden songs (performed on the bachelorette party) is a conversation of a daughter with a mother. The magnifications are the praise of the bride and groom, originally associated with spell magic: well-being, the happiness of the bride and groom seemed real, almost reaching. In the late forms, the magic spell magic displaced the expression of the perfect type of moral behavior, beauty, wealth.

In due - lyrical songs, directly transmitting the feelings and thoughts of the bride, girlfriends, wedding participants. Initially, the flow function was determined by the rite, where the bride represented his departure from the house as an undesirable, as an action committed against its will to avoid revenge the patrons of the focus. But it is impossible to argue that the crying of the bride has always been insincere. Brown songs - joke songs, often parody of magnifications. The functions of the brilline songs entertaining, they are painted by humor. Performed after the commission of all major actions of wedding rank.

Soldier songs (their name speaks by itself) began to develop after the decree of Peter I on Recruit Sets (1699). A deprivable service established by the Decree forever broke the soldier from the family from his home. Soldiers and recruit songs are permeated by the doom ("Nevzgodka Great - Service of the Sovereign"), describe the difficult moments of parting with their relatives ("From your eyes, tears are katsya, like the river flow"), the barrage of barrage ("What a day, no night , Soldatshushkam, HORMONE NO: Night comes dark - on the guard to be, Bel Denekuk comes - stand in the ranks ") and often inevitable death in battle.

Among the soldiers and recruit songs a special group is distinguished.

Horovodnyy songs - game songs, the name of which goes back to the name of the ancient solar Slavic deity of Horsa (Wed well, choirs, dance). The gathered moved in a circle, depicting the movement of the shone in the sky, thereby well, calling and silent so necessary for the crop. In the same circle, various scenes were stipulated by the content of the song. The most popular dance songs reached our time: "In the field there was a birch", "I walk and walk yes along the dance", "along and on the river, along yes, according to the Kazan", etc.

Yamchiktsky songs are songs of yamchikov or about yamchiks. Life of yamchikov, the main occupation of which was the "Yamsk gang", was significantly different from the life of the peasants. They were freed from the serves, but their position was still extremely difficult. Often, the "serunen people" did not pay a run of the money, and when the groovers refused to carry for free, they were beaten, and they were slapped into the shackles. Yamchikov who tried to return back to the village, forcibly returned to Zava. Their songs are narrated by inside fate. Especially common in the Yamchchitsky songs about the love of love for the "Red Device", which "without frost risen the heart", and the death of a yammer in the steppe, in the alien side.

    Children's folklore

The teaser is a mockery, aimed at demoralizing the non-reward of a rhymed character.

The draw is one of the most common genres of children's folklore. Like readers, drawing is designed to distribute game roles. The child chooses something one, getting a player in his team, or something else.

Slashka - baby song appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain, birds.

Lullabous songs are the most ancient lyrical songs accompanying the child's son. The lullaby song is distinguished by extraordinary tenderness, dimension and tranquility.

Pestup - a song or poem, which is accompanied by the first conscious movements of the child.

Losecake - a short song, accompanying the first games of the child with fingers, handles and legs, for example "forty-white-bobbing," when each child's finger feeds with a kopeck, and the little girl do not give anything, because it was too small and nothing worked. The most popular palishes remain with deep antiquity.

The belonging is a rhymed poem, with which playing children distribute roles and set the order to start the game.


    Anikin V. P. Theory of Folklore: a course of lectures. - M.: University, 2004.

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    Demin A.S. Art worlds of ancient Russian literature. - M.: Heritage, 1993.

    Dmitriev L. A. The most important problems of research "Words about the regiment of Igor". - Todrl, m.; L., 1964, vol. 20, p. 120-138.

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    Ancient Russian literature. Reader. / Sost N.I.Prokofiev. - M.: Education, 1988.

    Ivanov Vyach. Sun., Toporov V.N. Slavic Language Modeling Semiotic Systems. M., 1965.

    The history of Russian literature X-XVII centuries. / Ed. D.S. Likhacheva. -M.: Enlightenment, 1979.

    Karpukhin I.E. Russian oral folk creativity: educational and method. benefit. - M.: Higher School, 2005.

    Kravtsov N.I. System of genres of Russian folklore; Folklore and mythology // Kravtsov N. I. Problems of Slavic Folklore. M., 1972. P. 83-103; 113-143.

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    Likhachev D. S. Poetics of the Old Russian literature. - M.: Science, 1979.

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Folklore in nature, content and purpose is deeply democratic, truly folk art. It features not only the ideological depth, but high artistic qualities. People's work is characterized by a peculiar artistic system of fine means and genres.

What are the same genres of Russian folklore?

One species of ancient creativity was labor Songs with their simplest teams, shouts, signals supplied during the work.

Calendar Folklore Iskonly walked from the urgent practical goals of people. It was associated with the ideas about an annual agricultural cycle and with changeable natural conditions. People sought to know the future, so they resorted to the help of fortunes, interpreted about the coming on the signs.

The same explained and wedding folklore. He is permeated with the thought of the security of the family and the genus, is designed for the felt of higher patrons.

Preserved with antiquity and individual elements children's folklorewhich changed later under the influence of aesthetic and pedagogical functions.

Among the ancient genres - funeral due. With the advent of universal military duty, the mourning of those taken to the service - recruit bosses.

Genres non-stop folklore Also were under the influence of syncretism. It includes small folk genres ( parema): proverbs, affection, signs and sayings. They contained a person's judgments about the way of life, about labor, about the highest natural forces, statements about the affairs of man. "This is an extensive area of \u200b\u200bmoral estimates and judgments, how to live, how to educate children, how to honor the ancestors, thoughts about the need to follow the covenants and examples, these are everyday rules of behavior ... in a word, the functionality of the paemia covers almost all the worldview areas." nine

The genres of oral prose include traditions, Celebrations, Quilical, Legends. These are stories and cases of life, talking about the meeting of a person with the characters of Russian demonology - sorcerers, witches, mermaids, etc. This also includes stories about the saints, shrines and miracles - about communication of a person who adopted the Christian faith with the forces of the highest order .

Genres song Epos: epic, historical songs, military songs, spiritual songs and poems.

Gradually, the folklore moves away from household functions and acquires elements of artistic. It increases the role of the artistic principle. As a result, the historical evolution of Folklore became poetic on the main and fundamental qualities, recycling the traditions of all previous states of the folklore. 10

Artistic creativity embodied in all kinds fairy tales: fairy tales about animals, magic, household.

This type of creativity is presented in riddles.

Early types of artistic creativity include ballads.

Lyrical songs Also carry an artistic function. They are executed out rites. The content and form of lyric songs are associated with the expression of experiences and sense of performers.

To the artistic folklore of the newest formation, modern researchers include romances and chastushki..

Children's folklore He has its own system of genres, correlated with the age characteristics of children. It carries art and pedagogical functions. It is dominated by the gaming principles.

The artistic spectacular theatrical basis contains folklore Spectacle and Folk Theater. It is represented in all the variety of genres and species ( games, Radiations, Vertips, Raek, Puppet Views, etc.).

A separate genus of artistic representations is forms the so-called fair folklore. He arose from the fair standards, croutons of merchants, bolagated, tame, jokes, jokes and folk preasses.

At the junction of the compounds of long traditions of folklore and the trends of the new culture developed a genre joke.

A detailed story about individual folk genres will be undertaken in subsequent sections of the manual.

Works. Such folk products enter the life of a person very early, long before the speech masters.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ Literature 5 (Arkhangelsky A.N.) - Meetings with Folklore: Small genres.

    ✪ Riddles - Small Genres of Oral Folk Creativity

    ✪ Literature 5 (Arkhangelsky A.N.) - meetings with folklore. Folklore - Assistant in the game


Views of small genres of folklore


Lullaby - One of the oldest genres of Folklore, which indicates the fact that it has been preserved elements of the overpowering. People believed that a person surrounds mysterious hostile forces, and if the child sees something bad, terrible in a dream, then it will not happen again. That is why in the lullaby you can find a "sulfur wolf" and other frightening characters. Later, the lullabies lost the magic elements, they acquired the meaning of good wishes for the future. So, the lullaby song is a song, with the help of which the child is burned. Since the song was accompanied by a measuring child shaking, rhythm is very important in it.


Pestushka (From the word to park, that is, nursing, holy) - a short poetic verse nyanyushki and mothers, as they accompany the actions of the child, which he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child is wanted, the mother strokes, caresses him, saying:

Potoigunyushki, strikes,
Acupus a lot
And in the handles of the grip,
And in the rotary speakers,
And in the head is easy.

When a child begins to learn to walk, say:

Big feet
Walked on the road:
Top, top, top,
Top, top, top.
Little legs
Ran along the track:
Top, top, top, top,
Top, Top, Top, Top!


Pestech - Element of pedagogy, a sign-sentence, accompanying a game with fingers, hands and legs of a child. Pestees, like the Pestushki, accompany the development of children. Small poems and songs allow in a game form to encourage the child to action, at the same time producing massages, exercise, stimulating motor reflexes. In this genre of children's folklore, stimuli is laid for the fiction of the plot with the help of fingers (finger games or ladys), hands, facial expressions. Help helps to instill a child hygiene skills, order, develop a small motorcy and an emotional sphere.



Support (from baiet, that is, tell) - a poetic short funny story, which Mom tells his child, for example:

Owl, Sovinka, Owl,
Big head,
At Kola sat,
On the sides looked
Head spit.

Proverbs and sayings

We will pass something.

  • Road spoon to dinner.
  • Wolf fear-forest does not walk.
  • Birds of a feather flock together.
  • Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.
  • Fear has big eyes.
  • The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • Not needed treasure, if in the family of the way.
  • Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • I would know where you fall - straws would unstill.
  • Mildly stele, yes to sleep hard.
  • Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her.
  • Seven one is not waiting.
  • For two hares, you will not catch one.
  • The bee is small, but it works.
  • Bread all over the head.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
  • Wolf legs feed.
  • Master's business is afraid.


There were special songs for games. Games could be:

  • comestic. As a rule, these games were played in the evening and gatherings (they usually ended with a kiss of young guy and girls);
  • ritual. Such games were peculiar to some kind of rite, holiday. For example, the carnival walking (characteristic fun: the removal of the prize from the top of the pillar, the tug of the rope, the competition for agility, strength);
  • seasonal. Particular among children, especially in winter. They played the so-called "warming up": the presenter shows any movements, and everyone else repeat. Either traditional "prorts" and "river".

An example of a kiss game:


The spleen duck shared
Young sulfur vydy
Go, duck, home,
Go, gray, home,
Ulya seven children
And the eighth spleen,
And the ninth itself,
Kiss time!

In this game, "Duck" became in the center of the circle, and the "spleen" outside, and played like the game "Cat-mouse". At the same time, standing in the dance tried not to let the "spleen" in the circle.


Slashki - One of the types of casual songs of pagan origin. They reflect the interests and presentation of peasants about the economy and family. For example, a rich harvest spell passes through all calendar songs; For yourself, children and adults asked for health, happiness, wealth.

The shafts are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other nature phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds that were considered spring messengers. Moreover, the forces of nature were worshiped as alive: in the spring, they are requested, they wish her early arrival, they complain to winter, complain.

Forky, Forky!
Fly to us
Bring us summer warm
Carry from us cold cold.
We have a cold winter supaculate
Hands, legs frosted.


Belonging - A small rhyme, the shape of the draw, with which they define who leads in the game. The belonging is an element of the game that helps to establish consent and respect for adopted rules. The organization of readers is very important. Sees Greek: in the river Cancer,
Greek turned his hand into the river -
Cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Bull stupogub, a stupid bull, the bull of Guba Bela was Tup.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.


Mystery, like the proverb, is a brief definition of the subject or phenomenon, but in contrast to the proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately darkened form. As a rule, in the riddle one item is described through another on the basis of similar features: "Pear hangs - it is impossible to eat" (lamp). The riddle may be a simple description of the subject, for example: "Two ends, two rings, and in the middle of the carnations" (scissors). This is a folk fun, and a test on a smelling, intelligence.

The role of mysteries and added to the unprecedented-invertes, which for adults appear as nonlapitsa, for children - funny stories about what does not happen, for example:

Due to the forest, because of the mountains
Rides grandfather Egor.
He is on a svoy on the cart
On creaking on horse
Topper subjected
Belt behind the belt shut up
Boots Naraspa
On Bosu's leg zipun.

General story

Oral folk art (folklore) existed even in the complementary era. Works of folklore (riddles, patterings, non-liberty, etc.) were transmitted orally. Remembered them from hearing. This contributed to the emergence of different options for the same folk work.

Oral folk creativity is a reflection of life, life, believes ancient people. The works of folk art from birth accompany a person. They contribute to the formation and development of the child.

Folklore is system system. As well as literature, he deert on poetic childbirth: Epos, lyrics, drama. Births are divided into species (song, fairy tale, non-sucking prose, etc.), and species on the genres. Some genres have a combination of signs of different kinds (LarEpic songs). If the basis of the classification katsii to put a way to export works, then the folklore will be divided into ritual and out-of-contract. As a sign of volume, small genres are distinguished.

The genre is the main unit of the study of folklore. Each genre is a typical structural model that has the ability to implement a certain life plant. In the oral folk poetic tradition, the genres are interrelated and interact.

Many genres are universal (for example: proverbs, zagad-ki, fairy tales, legends, epic songs). Being perfect forms of artistic development of reality, they lived for centuries in folklore of different nations.

Folklore developed depending on changes in the everyday life, social life of the people and his consciousness. Many elements of folklore changed, recycled, transformed. There was a gradual replacement of the outdated genres system with a new artistic system.

Russian folklore has its own story. His roots go to the Valuely Slavic period, and then - in the times of a single ancient-Russian nationality. The feudal epoch led to the flourishing of class-blue folklore. Later an urban folklore, folklore of industrial workers, and so on.

Rannetraditing folklore, classic folklore, lateral folklore - Artistic systems, IS-thorically replaced by one another.

Folk genres:

I. Rannetraditing folklore (labor songs, fortune telling, conspiracy).

II. Classic folklore:

1. ritual.

2. Infant:

a) prosaic genres (fairy tale, legend, legend, fast);

b) poetic genres (epics, historical song, ballad);

c) Children's folklore (add-on, teaser, pigtish, sweat, pussy, belonging, etc.);

d) Small genres (proverb, saying, sign, curse, patter, etc.).

III. Late-based folklore: (Chastushki, Poetry of the Second World War, Work Folklore).

The foundations of the artistic imagery of the oral folk creative work were formed in the prehistoric period, when the Rannetraditing folklore appeared simultaneously with the language (human speech).

Rannetraditing folklore is a combination of ancient kinds and types of folklore, the archaic system, preceding the formation of the artistic creativity of the people.

The question of the early stages of the development of folklore cannot be considered on the material of only one people. It is necessary to take into account the ancient kinship of loved ones (for example, Slavs), as well as universal, typological laws of the development of the general and culture, which acted everywhere.

The explorers of the Rancast Folklore turn to the data of history and language. They monitor the life and culture of ethnic groups who delayed in their development, as well as over the remnants of primitive culture in the folklore of civilian nations. This approach is called retrospective.

Labor songs.

In the origin and development of folklore, the enormous role of IG-RAL labor activity.

During the labor processes that demanded permanent rhythm efforts, already in deep ancient times the employment of songs originated. They are known in all nations and were performed when raising gravity, scoring piles, plowing the field, waterproof, hand-made grain, stretching flax, during rowing, and so on. Such songs could be executed during single work, but they were especially important when working together. Songs contained teams to simultaneously. Their main element was a rhythm organized by the labor process.

In Russian folklore, they survived and reached our time, neither echoes of ancient labor songs, which did not lose their pro-raising functions. These are the so-called "Dubinushki" - chorus in the Burlats songs who performed on Kame, Don and especially on the Volga. They were sang by burlars, porters, boat, movers. Depending on the type of labor, its rhythm, created-smiling rhythmic pattern of the fever.

Fortune telling. Conspiracies.

Signs, fortune telling, witchcraft, conspiracies are known for everyone in childbirth. They are based on the mythical perception of the world, and the surrounding special meaning of the surrounding sense. In eaglength, they were based on a shaped, metaphorical muscle, like analogy. A striking vitality of these phenomena: superstitions and witchcraft, especially in modernized doors, exist today.

Divination- Future recognition tool. Gone does not try to influence the natural course of events, but only strives to penetrate the hidden secrets. To recognize the future, it was necessary to turn to the unclean strength, so the fortune telling is realized as a sinning and dangerous lesson (for example, gadaying crosses from themselves).

For fortunes, places were elected, where, on the presentation of the people, it was possible to come into contact with the inhabitants of the "other world" (intersection, bath, cemetery, and so on.), As well as the time of day, in which this contact was most likely (evening , midnight, to the first roosters). Nevertheless, Christian images were penetrated into divination.

Hading, people sought to get an answer to anyone important question for them: Health, the harvest and estate of cattle, about the fate of the gone to the war ... The most numerous were the Ga Denmark of girls about the upcoming marriage.

The most developed in artistic relations were complicated disposable divination - collective fortune telling about the future. They played a primary role to play the symbolism of special refluxed songs.

The name "Round-up" originated from the type of fortunes. Having gathered to any hut, the participants (most often a girl) took a dish (bowl), put in it, removing themselves, rings or other small items, poured water into the dish and covered with a handkerchief. (Also known is also a variety of this rite without water.)

The choir was performed by songs - poetic predictions, and anyone, without looking, took out items from the dishes. Okachka La gave the honor of bread and only then sang other songs. They could foreshadow wealth, wedding, continuation of the virility, misfortune, death. Whose thing was taken out, to that and treated the prediction. The number of songs depended on the number of gadgets.

Russian casual fortune telling on the worst.1858. Lubok.

Conspiracy(or spell) is a product of a magical character, pronounced with the aim of exposure to the world, its phenomena and objects to get the desired result. Protectors are part of the witchcraft. The pronouncement of the conspiracy was often accompanied by water actions, fire, various pre-metami, and so on., As well as a procession. Giving medical conspiracy (for example, in a bath), the patient was given the informants of the healing herbs, spitted, massage, elements of hypnosis were used.

Conspuses were transmitted from the eldest to the younger, more often on Rhodes. There was a conviction that the sorcerers must be sure to get rid of their knowledge before death and that they could do it to be deceived (for this they could have been touched on another person).

It also believed that the text of the conspiracy cannot be changed, otherwise the Os-Labnet is its strength. Therefore, without hoping for memory, conspiracies were sent to notebooks. There was even a written form of their life. However, despite this, conspiracies, as any folklore phenomenon, were exposed to variability.

Classic folklore - A rich system of developed, wisely full genres. It productively functioned over the centuries, was closely related to the feudal life and patri-archaeous consciousness of the people.

The works of classic folklore are customary to divide on robust and non-trim.

The ritual folkloresave the verbal musical, dra-matical, game, choreographic genres, which were part of traditional folk rites.

Non-stop folklore.

Two large sections are allocated in oral prose: fairy tales and non-sucking prose. At the heart of their distinction lies differently from the wearing of the people himself to fairy tales as fiction and "events" as truth. From the point of view of the people, fairy tales do not have a different goal, how to act on fantasy. They are striking, surprised, happy, they are interested in their unusual humorous situations.

Tradition- This is a story about the past, sometimes very remote. Tradition depicts reality in ordinary forms, although the fiction is necessarily used, and sometimes even fiction. The main purpose of the legends is to maintain the memory of national history. Traditions began to be recorded earlier than many folk genres, as they were an important source of the chroniclers. In a large number of legends would be in oral tradition and today.

Traditions are "oral chronicle", a genre of non-surprise prose with installation on historical accuracy. The word "pre-dating" means "transmit, save". For legends, the characteristics of references on old people, ancestors. The events of the concentrates concentrate around historical figures, which are unobvious from their social status (whether the king or the pre-driver of the peasant uprising) appear most often in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world.

Any legend is historical for its basis, because a genuine fact is always served to its creation: war with foreign invaders, the peasant riot, major building, wedding for the kingdom and so on. However, legend is not identical reality. As the folk genre it has the right to artistic fiction, offers its own interpretation of history. Plot fiction arises on the OS-new historical fact (for example, after staying in the given paragraph Hero of the legend). The fiction does not contradict the historic truth, but, on the contrary, contributes to her identification.

Legends- these are prosaic works, in which fan tastially meaning the events associated with the phenomena of inanimate nature, with the world of plants, animals, as well as people (tribes, centers, individual personalities); with supernatural beings (God, saints, angels, unclean spirits ). The main functions of legends are explanatory and moral. Le-Gends are associated with Christian ideas, but the pagan base is also felt. In legends, a person turns out to be immeasurably above the unclean power. .

Folk demonological stories - These are superstitious inquiry related to characters from the discharge of lower mythology.

The pagan globility of the peasants of the middle of the XIX century. Imprinted I. A. Goncharov. He wrote: "In the Oblomovka believed everything: both the restraints, and the Merrt-Gersons. Tell them that the Cocks of the Sena walked around the field, - they will not think and believe it; will anyone miss that this is not a ram and what - That's another, or that such a marfa or stepadide - after all, they will be afraid of a ram and Maternity: they will not come to mind to ask, why Baran has become not a ram, and Marfa became a witch, and still thrown on Who would undertake to doubt it, - Taxile Vera in a wonderful in the Oblomovka! "

In science, demonological stories were first named after - those. Severe stories about the leishes, houses, devils and devils, semi-fever, sorcerers, - in a word, about the representatives of the dark, unclean strength.

The demonological stories are drawn to the real, which is incredible in them - incredible, the narrator is experiencing a sense of fear. The main goal, pursued by Byulichkaya or thematic, is to convince listeners in the truth of the reported, emotionically to influence them, inspire the fear of the demonstration being. The plots of Byulichk and Capely, usually not large size, single one. Characters - man and de-monic creature. The features (devil) - a universal image denoting any "non-good strength" used very popularity. Different Charichek characters could be called Cherki.

Time is characterized, place of events, the image of a demonic creature (his portrait and behavior). The demons appear in the "unclean", the border time of the year and the day: on the shield, in the Kupalskaya night, at noon, at midnight, before dawn, after sunset. Everything happens at dusk, lightly shift night, in the fog, in the light of the month ...

A person meets with them where they stay: as a rule, in desert and dangerous Mes-Tah. It is empty, forest debris, swamps; Crossroads and Rosstany of the deserted roads; Caves, pits, reservoirs, especially pools (for example, near NIC), waterways; Wells, even vessels with water. Demons live on trees (birch and willow, in Oshness); in undergrounds and in attacks, in abandoned houses, in baths, halhes, bones; And even in the hut - under the oven or for her.

Epics - These are epic songs in which the characters of heroe events or the individual episodes of the ancient Russian history. In its original form, the eponymies were imposed and times during the early Russian statehood (in Kievan Rus), expressing the National Consciousness of the Eastern Slavs. (About Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Vladimir Monomakh, Dobryne, Sadko, Alexander Popovech, Ilya Muromtsie, etc.)

Historical songs - These are folk epic, lyrol-epic and lyrical songs, the content of which is devoted to specific events and real persons of Russian history and expresses national interests and ideals of the people. They make it possible about important phenomena in the history of the people - such that made a deep impression on the participants and remained in the memory of subsequent generations. (Songs about Ivan Grozny, about the "Time of Time", about Stepan Razin, about Petrovsky, about Pugachev uprising, about the Patriotic War of 1812)

Folk ballads - These are limit songs about the tragic-com event. Ballades are peculiar to personal, family-household topics. The ideological orientation of ballads is associated with the people's humanistic morality. In the center of Ballades there are moral problems: love and hatred, loyalty and treason, crime and repentance.

Late-based folklore - This is a combination of production of different genres and various focus, created in the peasant, urban, soldier, working and other environment since the beginning of the development of industry, growth growth, the decay of the feudal village.

For late-formative folklore, a smaller number of works is characterized by a less high art level compared to the classical folklore - a rich, developed, centuries-old, generated by feudal life and patriarchal worldview.

Lateradeyon folklore distinguishes a complex binding of a new one with the old. In the rustic repertoire there was a transformation of the classic genres, which began to test the influence of literary poetics. Proverbs and sayings, anecdical fairy tales, on-native songs of literary origin, children's folk-ENT have shown their viability.

The old standing song was strongly rested by the city-ski "cruel romance", as well as quickly and widely raised chastochka. At the same time, gradually forgotten, the eponymous, old historical songs, old ballads and spiritual poems, magic fairy tales. Folk rites and approached their poetry over time have lost their utilitarian magical significance, especially in urban conditions.

From the end of the XVIII century. In Russia, the first public factories and fortress manufactories appeared, on which voltnone-free workers from the infringement peasants, the cavalo, uncports, etc. folk Laura Workers. As the capitalism and the growth of the RIAT, the subject expanded the subject, the number of productions of oral creativity of workers increased, for which there was a characteristic impact of book poetry.

The emergence of the working class, the layer of master people led to the formation of a new branch in folk creativity, which over time becomes a noticeable and specific phenomenon.

From the peasant folklore, this creativity inherited the most democratic, valuable in socio-moral and aesthetic relations, corresponding to the spirit of the time and the needs of "their" class of tradition, experience, form, repertoire.

Their critical rethinking was happening, taking into account the requests of the working class, its position, as can be seen on the example of Russian folk songs that have existed in Russia in the second half of the XIX - early XX century.

At the first stage, the emerging songs of the workers were fed by the traditions of peasant folk songs of social protest, songs of literary origin, Decembrist, People's Songs. The peasant song often served as a plot-shaped basis for creating witness of workers.

The working song, the city romance, formed by the time in the independent branch of creativity, began to actively spread among the peasants, in turn, affecting the development of new forms of peasant folklore.

The acquisition of the working folklore of their original outlines, borrowing from other areas of creativity of various elements and their processing is full of drama process. It is associated with the negation of the peasant folklore, and in a certain sense with its genre processing, updating, simplification.

The destruction of the patriarchal lifestyle, especially the rapidly beginning from the second half of the XIX century. - Since the abolition of the serfdom and capitalization of Russia, fundamentally changed the situation in traditional creativity. Folklore gradually passed to other positions in the cultural environment. The folklore of the XX century is only one cultural development paradigm with all the fundamental changes in the basics of its existence.

Folklore in nature, content and purpose is deeply democratic, truly folk art. It features not only the ideological depth, but high artistic qualities. People's work is characterized by a peculiar artistic system of fine means and genres.

What are the same genres of Russian folklore?

One species of ancient creativity was labor Songs with their simplest teams, shouts, signals supplied during the work.

Calendar Folklore Iskonly walked from the urgent practical goals of people. It was associated with the ideas about an annual agricultural cycle and with changeable natural conditions. People sought to know the future, so they resorted to the help of fortunes, interpreted about the coming on the signs.

The same explained and wedding folklore. He is permeated with the thought of the security of the family and the genus, is designed for the felt of higher patrons.

Preserved with antiquity and individual elements children's folklorewhich changed later under the influence of aesthetic and pedagogical functions.

Among the ancient genres - funeral due. With the advent of universal military duty, the mourning of those taken to the service - recruit bosses.

Genres non-stop folklore Also were under the influence of syncretism. It includes small folk genres ( parema): proverbs, affection, signs and sayings. They contained a person's judgments about the way of life, about labor, about the highest natural forces, statements about the affairs of man. "This is an extensive area of \u200b\u200bmoral estimates and judgments, how to live, how to educate children, how to honor the ancestors, thoughts about the need to follow the covenants and examples, these are everyday rules of behavior ... in a word, the functionality of the paemia covers almost all the worldview areas." nine

The genres of oral prose include traditions, Celebrations, Quilical, Legends. These are stories and cases of life, talking about the meeting of a person with the characters of Russian demonology - sorcerers, witches, mermaids, etc. This also includes stories about the saints, shrines and miracles - about communication of a person who adopted the Christian faith with the forces of the highest order .

Genres song Epos: epic, historical songs, military songs, spiritual songs and poems.

Gradually, the folklore moves away from household functions and acquires elements of artistic. It increases the role of the artistic principle. As a result, the historical evolution of Folklore became poetic on the main and fundamental qualities, recycling the traditions of all previous states of the folklore. 10

Artistic creativity embodied in all kinds fairy tales: fairy tales about animals, magic, household.

This type of creativity is presented in riddles.

Early types of artistic creativity include ballads.

Lyrical songs Also carry an artistic function. They are executed out rites. The content and form of lyric songs are associated with the expression of experiences and sense of performers.

To the artistic folklore of the newest formation, modern researchers include romances and chastushki..

Children's folklore He has its own system of genres, correlated with the age characteristics of children. It carries art and pedagogical functions. It is dominated by the gaming principles.

The artistic spectacular theatrical basis contains folklore Spectacle and Folk Theater. It is represented in all the variety of genres and species ( games, Radiations, Vertips, Raek, Puppet Views, etc.).

A separate genus of artistic representations is forms the so-called fair folklore. He arose from the fair standards, croutons of merchants, bolagated, tame, jokes, jokes and folk preasses.

At the junction of the compounds of long traditions of folklore and the trends of the new culture developed a genre joke.

A detailed story about individual folk genres will be undertaken in subsequent sections of the manual.