Oral story about Turgenev. Interesting facts from the life of Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

Oral story about Turgenev. Interesting facts from the life of Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich
Oral story about Turgenev. Interesting facts from the life of Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich
The famous Russian writer and poet - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, the great classic of Russian literature of the XIX century, was born in the glorious city of Orle. It happened in the cool October day of 1818. His family referred to the nobility. Little Ivan's father, Sergey Nikolayevich, served as a hussar officer, and his mother, Varvara Petrovna, was a daughter of a rich landowner Lutinova.

The childhood of Turgenev passed in the Spassky-Lutovin estate. For the boy watched educated nanny, teachers and governess. The first knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwas received by the future writer from experienced tutors who taught the son of the noble family French and German.

In 1827, the family of Turgenev moved to a permanent place of residence in Moscow. Here, nine-year-old Ivan continued his studies in private board. In 1833, he entered Moscow University, from where he was soon translated into the St. Petersburg University, to the Philosophy of Faculty. In this educational institution, Ivan Sergeevich met Granovsky, who in the future found the world famous glory of a talented scientist-historian.

Already during these years, Ivan Sergeevich wondered about the creative career. Initially, Turgenev wanted to devote his life to poetic essays. He wrote his first poetic poem in 1834. To assess creative abilities, the young poet took the work created by his teacher of the Plenev. The professor noted good progress from a novice author, which allowed Turgenev to gain faith in his own opportunities on the creative field.

He continued to compose poems and small poems, and his first publication took place in 1936, when the young poet was barely 18 years old. By next year, in the collection of a magnificent and rather talented author, there were already about hundreds of poems. The most debut poetic works were "to Venus Medica" and a rather intriguing verse "Evening".

The goddess of beauty, love and enjoyment!
Long-lasting days, other generation
Pluming covenant!
Eldlas Flame Favorite Create,
What kind of charming
Your light myth is dressed!
Not our child you! No, fervent children south
One given to drink a love illness
Falling wine!
Create to express my soul native feeling
In excellent completeness of fine art
The fate of them is given!


Life abroad

After graduating from the university, which took place in 1836, Turgenev was aimed at obtaining a candidate degree, and he succeeded! He successfully passed the final exams and received a long-awaited diploma.

Two years later, Ivan Sergeevich went to Germany, where he continued his studies and the development of creative abilities. He entered the University of Berlin, where he diligently engaged in the study of Greek and Roman literature in the earliest stages of its development. After classes, the competent student continued to extract knowledge independently, studying Latin and ancient Greek language. In a short time, he easily read the literature of ancient authors, without translation.

In this country, Turgenev met many young writers and poets. In 1837, Ivan Sergeyevich met with Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. In the same period, he starts acquaintance with Koltsov, Lermontov, Zhukovsky and other well-known authors of our country. From these talented people, he adapts a precious experience, which helped in the further young writer to gain a wide range of fans and worldwide glory.

In the spring of 1939, Ivan Turgenev returns to his homeland, but already a year later, he again goes abroad. During this period, the author visited several European cities, in one of which he met a beautiful girl who caused the admiration and mass of impressionable feelings from the young poet. This meeting provoked a desire from Ivan Sergeyevich, to write an intriguing story that was published under the name "Wounds".

Two years later, Turgenev returned to Russia again. In their native country, he is trying to gain a master's degree that he succeeded when passing the exam in Greek and Latin philology. Soon, Ivan Sergeevich writes the dissertation, but understands that scientific activity is no longer causes interest. He refused to protect the finished work, after which, an important decision took for himself - to devote his life to creativity.

In 1843, the writer meets Belinsky, who was entrusted to the study of the new Paras poem in order to obtain a real estimate from the famous criticism. After that, a strong friendship was tied between them, which was stretched for all the subsequent years of life.

In the fall of 1843, the poet writes a brilliant poem "on the road". Later, it is a rhythmic work of the magnificent author of the XIX century, it was taken as a basis for creating excellent musical writings by several composers.

"On the way"

Morning misty, morning gray,
Niva sad, snow covered ...
Reluctantly remember the time being
Remember the faces forgotten.

Remember abundant, passionate speeches,
Looks so greedy and gently catching
The first meetings, the latest meetings,
Quiet voice sounds favorite.

Remember separation with a smile strange
Remember a lot of native, distant,
Listening to the ropes
Looking thoughtfully into the sky wide.

The famous poem called "Pop", written in 1844, attracted great public interest. And two years later, a few more literary masterpieces were presented to the public.

Creative Dawn Ivan Turgenev

The beginning of creative dawn in the author's career of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev accounted for 1847. During this period, the writer became a member of the famous "contemporary", where there was acquaintance and subsequent friendship with Annenkov and Nekrasov. In this journal, his first publications took place:

✔ "Hunter's Notes";
✔ "Modern notes";
✔ "Horing and Kalinich".

Great success and recognition The author received thanks to the stories of the "Hunter's Notes", it was these works that prompted the author to continue writing the stories in a similar style. The main story is in the fight against serfdom, the author considered him with a lover enemy, to destroy which, you need to use any ways. Because of such contradictions, Turgenev again had to leave Russia. The writer so substantiated his decision: "By removing from my enemy, I can gain strength for the next attack on him."

In the same year, Ivan Sergeevich, together with a good friend Belinsky emigrates to Paris. A year later, terrible revolutionary events occur on this land, which was able to observe the Russian poet. He witnessed many terrible crimes, after which Turgenev forever hated revolutionary processes.

In 1852, Ivan Sergeevich wrote his most famous story to Mumu. He continued to write works for the collection "Notes of the Hunter", regularly caught with its new creations, most of whom were written away from Russia. In 1854, the first publication collection of this work was released, which happened in Paris.

A year later, the writer meets Lvom Tolstoy. There is strong friendship between the two talented authors. Soon, in the magazine "Contemporannik" was published a story to Tolstoy, dedicated to Turgenev.

In 1970, the writer writes many new works, some of which are subject to serious criticism. The author did not hide his political convictions, boldly criticized the power and all the processes in the country, so hated for him. The condemnation of many critics, and public masses, forced the writer often to travel beyond the country where he continued his creative path.

Turgenev has had many famous personalities, famous and recognized writers and poets. They tightly communicated in the circles of the contemporary magazine, published new works and continued to build their career in authorship. Were in his relationship with famous people and some conflicts. So, for example, Ivan Sergeevich did not hide his contempt for Dostoevsky. He, in turn, also criticized Turgenev and even put it as a screaming and talentless writer, in his "demons" novel.

Dramatic History of Love Turgenev and Polina Viardo

In addition to creative career, Ivan Turgenev had to know the real feelings of love. This romantic and rather dramatic story began with acquaintance with Polina Viardo, which happened in 1843, when the young writer was 25 years old. His chosen was the singer, arriving on tour with the Italian opera. Despite the relative unattractiveness, Viardo gained great appreciation throughout Europe, which was justified by the great gift of a talented performer.

Turgenev fell in love with Polina at a glance, but the feelings of the girl were not very fiery. She did not notice anything remarkable in Ivan Sergeyevich, but, despite the coldness towards him, the couple had a love relationship, which lasted almost 40 years.

At the time of dating, the opera singer had a legitimate husband Louis, with whom Turgenev was really made friends in the future. Polyna's spouse was not jealous, he has long been accustomed to the playful and temperamental behavior of his wife. Ivan Sergeevich could not separate the family, but also to leave his beloved woman without attention, he also did not want. As a result, strong relationships were born between Viardo and Turgenev, many even say that the son of Polina was born not from a legitimate spouse, but from a young lover.

Many times, he tried to leave Polina, start her life without her, but an unknown magnet, this girl attracted a talented writer, which left in the soul of a lonely man an indelible pain. This story of love and forbidden relationships became dramatic in the fate of Turgenev.

The author often challenged his love in written works, devoted to her poems and stories, where he represented his chief in the role of the main heroine. She was his muse and inspiration. All written works he represented her, and only after the approval of Polina, they fell into the print. The girl was proud of this, she respected the attitude towards her Person of the Russian writer, but it was not able to temper his temperamental heat, forcing not only the lover, but also a legitimate husband.

Turgenev spent the long years of life with this woman, until the death. In 1883 he died of cancer, and even this event occurred on the hands of the beloved already aged. Who knows, it can precisely this woman who made a happy talented poet and writer, because despite the progress in the creative career, every living person wants real love and understanding ...

Biography Turgenev

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883) - the famous Russian writer and poet, publicist and playwright, the classic of Russian literature of the 19th century. The work of Turgenev includes six novels, many stories, leads, articles, plays and poems.

early years

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born on October 28 (November 9) of 1818 in the city of Eagle. His family and mother, and his father belonged to the nobility class.

The first education in the biography of Turgenev was obtained in the estate of Spassky-Lutovinov. The guilty of the boy was taught by German and French teachers. Since 1827, the family moved to Moscow. Tourgeyshev's training was then in private boarding rooms of Moscow, after which - at Moscow University. Without graduating from him, Turgenev was transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University. He also studied abroad, after which he traveled in Europe.

The beginning of the literary path

Studying at the third year of the Institute, in 1834, Turgenev writes its first poem under the name "wall". And in 1838, the two of its first poems come to the seal: "Evening" and "to Venus Medica".

In 1841, returring to Russia, engaged in scientific activities, wrote dissertation and received a master's degree in philology. Then, when the thrust for science has cooled, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev served as an official in the Ministry of the Interior until 1844.

In 1843, Turgenev meets Belinsky, their friendships are tied. Under the influence of Belinsky, new poems of Turgenev, poems, stories, among whom are: "Parasha", "Pop", "Breter" and "Three Portrait" are being printed.

Flowering creativity

Since 1847, at the invitation of Nekrasov. In the converted magazine "Contemporary", its "modern notes" and the first heads of the "Hunter's Notes" ("Horber and Kalinich"), who brought a huge success to the author, and he began working on the other stories about the hunt.

Work in the "contemporary" brought Turgenev a lot of interesting acquaintances, Dostoevsky was also printed in the journal. Goncharov. Ostrovsky. Fet and other famous writers.

In 1847, with his friend Belinsky leaves abroad, where it becomes witness to the February Revolution in France.

In the late 40s - early 50s, played by dramaturgy, writes the plays "where it is thin, there and breaks" and "fucking" (BBA-1848), "Bachelor" (1849), "Month in the village" (1850) , "Provincial" (1851), which are put on theatrical scenes and have success among the public.

Turgenev translated into Russian works by Bairon and Shakespeare. They have learned by the skill of possession of literary techniques.

In August 1852, one of the most important books of Turgenev - "Hunter's Notes" is published.

After the death of Gogol, Turgenev wrote a necrologist, for which Ivan Sergeevich was sent for two years in a reference to his native village. It is believed that the true cause of the reference was the radical views of the writer, as well as a sympathetic attitude towards the serf peasants, which he expressed in his work.

During the link, Turgenev writes the story "Mumu" (1852). Then, after the death of Nikolai I, the most famous works of Turgenev appear in the press: "Rudin" (1856), "noble nest" (1859), "On the eve" (1860) and "fathers and children" (1862).

Another famous works of the writer include: "Smoke" novels (1867) and "New" (1877), Tale and stories "Diary of an extra person" (1849), "Bezhin Luga" (1851), "Asya" (1858), "Wounds" (1872) and many others.

In the autumn of 1855, Turgenev met Lvy Tolstoy. Which soon published the story "Riding Forests" with the dedication to I. S. Turgenev.

Last years

Since 1863 he went to Germany, where he meets the outstanding writers of Western Europe, promotes Russian literature. It works as an editor and consultant, he deals with translations from the Russian language to German and French and vice versa. It becomes the most popular and readable Russian writer in Europe. And in 1879 he receives the title of Honorary Dr. Oxford University.

It is thanks to the efforts of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, the best works of Pushkin were translated. Gogol, Lermontov. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy.

It is worthwhile to note that in the biography of Ivan Turgenev in the late 1870s - early 1880s, his popularity has quickly increased, both in the homeland and abroad. And criticism began to rank it to the best writers of the century.

Since 1882, the writer began to overcome the diseases: gout, angina, neuralgia. As a result of painful illness (sarcoma), he dies on August 22 (September 3) of 1883 in Buvyla (suburb of Paris). His body was brought to Petersburg and buried on the Volkovsky cemetery.

  • In his youth, Turgenev was frivolous, spent a lot of parental money for entertainment. For this, his mother once lectured, drove instead of money in the package of bricks.
  • The personal life of the writer was not very successful. He had a lot of novels, but none of them ended with marriage. The greatest love in his life was the opera singer Polina Viardo. For 38 years, Turgenev was familiar with her and her husband Louis. He traveled around their family, lived with them in different countries. Louis Viardo died and Ivan Turgenev in one year.
  • Turgenev was a purebred man, dressed tidy. The writer loved to work clean and order - without it, never started to create.

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More information

"A brilliant novelist, who has learned the whole world, who knew all the great people of his age, who had read everything that was able to read the person, and who spoke in all the languages \u200b\u200bof Europe," his younger contemporary, French writer Gi de Maupassan, who was entrusted to Turgenev.

Turgenev is one of the largest European writers of the XIX century, a bright representative of the Golden Age of Russian prose. During his lifetime, he enjoyed an unfounded artistic authority in Russia and was perhaps the most famous Russian writer in Europe. Despite the long years, held abroad, all the best, which is written by Turgenev - about Russia. Many of his works for decades aroused the disputes of critics and readers, became the facts of acute ideological and aesthetic struggle. About Turgenev wrote his contemporaries V. G. Belinsky, A.A. Grigoriev, N.A. Dobrojubov, N.G. Chernyshevsky, D.I. Pisarev, A.V. Spring ...

In the future, the attitude towards Turgenev creativity was more calm, other parties to his works were released: the poetry, art harmony, philosophical issues, the scorch of the writer to the "mysterious", inexplicable phenomena of life, manifested in its latest works. Interest in Turgenev at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. It was predominantly "historical": it seemed that there was a fought malice of the day, but a harmoniously balanced, without a "objective" prose of Turgenev far from the informed, disharmonious prosaic word, the cult of which was established in the literature of the beginningXX century. Turgenev was perceived as the "old", even an old-fashioned writer, -pevets "noble nests", love, beauty and harmony of nature. Not Turgenev, but Dostoevsky and Late Tolstoy gave the aesthetic guidelines of the "new" prose. For many decades, all new and new layers of the "Crestive Glossa" layered on the works of the writer, preventing the illustrator of the "nihilists" and "liberals", the conflict of "fathers" and "children" in it, and one of the largest artists words, unsurpassed Poet in prose.

A modern look at the work of Turgenev, and above all, the novel "Fathers and Children," a pretty school "Fathers", should take into account his aesthetic credo, especially expressively formulated in the lyrical philosophical story "Pretty" (1865): "Venus Milos, perhaps, undoubtedly the Roman law or principles of the 89th year. " The meaning of this statement is simple: in all it is possible to doubt, even in the most "perfect" arrangement of laws and in the "undoubted" requirements of freedom, equality and fraternity, only the authority of the art of the messenger - it is not able to destroy nor the time nor the Bran Nihilists. It is the art, and not ideological doctrines and directions honestly served Turgenev.

I.S.Turgenov was born on October 28 (November 9) of 1818 in Orel. His children's years were held in the family "noble nest" - the estate of Spassky-Lutovinovo, who were not far from the city of Mtsensk of the Oryol lips. In 1833, he entered Moscow University, and in 1834 he was transferred to St. Petersburg University, where he studied on the verbal branch (graduated from 1837). In the spring of 1838, drove abroad to continue philological and philosophical education. In Berlin University from 1838 to 1841, Turgenev studied Hegel's philosophy, listened to lectures on classical philology and history.

The most important event in the life of Turgenev for those years is a rapprochement with young Russian "Hegelians": N.V.Stankevich, M.A. Bakunin, so-calledgradow. Young Turgenev, prone to romantic philosophical reflection, in the grand philosophical system of Hegel tried to find answers to the "eternal" questions of life. Interest in philosophy connected in it with a passionate thirst for creativity. In St. Petersburg, the first romantic poems were written, noted by the influence of popular in the second half of the 1830s. Poet V.G. Benediktova, and the drama "wall". As Turgenev recalled, in 1836 he cried, reading the poem Benedictova, and only Belinsky helped him get rid of the Char of this "Zlatoust." Turgenev began as a lyrical poet Romantic. Interest in poetry did not fade in the next decades when the prose genres began to dominate his work.

In the creative development of Turgenev, three large periods are distinguished: 1) 1836-1847; 2) 1848-1861; 3) 1862-1883.

1) First period (1836-1847), which began with imitative romantic poems, ended with the active participation of the writer in the activities of the "Natural School" and the publication of the first stories from the "Hunter's Notes". It can select two stages: 1836-1842. - years of literary apprenticeship, coincided with the enthusiasm of the philosophy of Hegel, and 1843-1847. - time of intense creative searches in various genres of poetry, prose and drama, which coincided with disappointment in romanticism and former philosophical hobbies. In these years, the most important factor in the creative development of Turgenev was the influence of V.G. Belinsky.

The beginning of the independent creativity of Turgenev, free from explicit traces of apprenticeship, refers to 1842-1844. Returning to Russia, he tried to find a decent life field (two years served in the special office of the Ministry of the Interior) and get close to Petersburg writers. In early 1843, a familiarity was acquainted with V.G. Belinsky. Shortly before that, the first poem was written - "Parasha", which attracted the attention of criticism. Influenced by Belinsky Turgenev decided to leave the service and devote himself to literature. In 1843, another event occurred, in many respects the fate of Turgenev: familiarity with the French singer Polina Viardo, who was touring in St. Petersburg. The love of this woman is not only the fact of his biography, but also the strongest motive of creativity, which caused the emotional color of many Turgenev works, including its famous novels. Since 1845, when he first arrived in France to P. Viaro, the life of the writer was connected with her family, with France, with a circle of brilliant French writers of the second half of the XIX century. (Flawor, E.Zol, Gangura Brothers, Later G. de Maupassan).

In 1844-1847 Turgenev is one of the most prominent participants of the "Natural School", the Commonwealth of the Young Petersburg Writers-Realists. The soul of this Commonwealth was Belinsky, who carefully followed the creative development of a novice writer. Creative Range of Turgenev in the 1840s. Very wide: from under his pen there were lyrical poems, and the poems ("conversation", "Andrei", "landowner"), and the plays ("negligence", "lack of money"), but perhaps the most remarkable in the work of Turgenev These years have become prosaic works - the stories and stories "Andrei Kolosov", "three portraits", "Brener" and "Petushkov". Gradually, the main direction of its literary activities was determined - prose.

2) Second period (1848-1861) It was probably the most happy for Turgenev: after the success of the "Hunter's notes", the fame of the writer steadily grew steadily, and every new product was perceived as an artistic response to the events of the public and ideological life of Russia. Especially noticeable changes in his work occurred in the middle of the 1850s.: In 1855, the first Roman "Rudin" was written, who opened the cycle of novels about the ideological life of Russia. The participant "Faust" and "Asya", the novels "The noble nest" and "on the eve" robbed the glory of Turgenev: he was considered to be considered the largest writer of the decade (the name of F.M.Dostoevsky, who was at the Katorga and in the link was prohibited , the creative way of L.N. Tolstoy just started).

In early 1847, Turgenev went abroad for a long time, and before leaving he handed over to the Nekrasovsky magazine "Contemporary" (the main printed organ of the "Natural School") is his first "hunting" story-sketch "Chorine and Kalinich", inspired by meetings and impressions of summer and In the autumn of 1846, when the writer hunted in the Oryol and neighboring provinces with it. Printed in the first book of the magazine for 1847 in the "Mix" section, this story has opened a long series of publications of Turgenev "Hunter's Notes", stretching for five years.

Painted by the success of his externally unassuming works, held in the tradition of "physiological essay", popular among young Russian realists, the writer continued to work on "hunting" stories: 13 new works (including the Burmistra, "Office", "two landlords") Were written in the summer of 1847 in Germany and in France. However, the two strongest shocks tested by Turgenev in 1848, slowed down work: these were revolutionary events in France and Germany and the death of Belinsky, whom Turgenev considered his mentor and other. Only in September 1848, he again turned to work on the "Hunter's notes": "Hamlet Schigrovsky County" and "Forest and Steppe" were created. In late 1850, early 1851, the cycle was replenished with four more stories (among them such masterpieces as "singers" and "Bezhin Mead"). A separate edition of the "Hunter's Notes", in which 22 stories entered, appeared in 1852

"Hunter's notes" - a turning point in the work of Turgenev. He not only found a new topic, becoming one of the first Russian Prosaikov, who opened the unexpassed "mainland" - the life of the Russian peasantry, but also developed new principles of narration. In stories, essayrs were organically merged with documentary and fictional, lyrical autobiographism and the desire for an objective artistic study of the life of rustic Russia. The Turgenev cycle has become the most significant "document" about the life of the Russian village on the eve of the peasant reform of 1861. We note the main features of the "Hunter's Notes":

- There is no single plot in the book, each work is quite independently. The documentary base of the entire cycle and individual stories - meetings, observations and impressions of the Hunter writer. Geographically, the place of action is geographically designated: the northern part of the Oryol province, the southern regions of the Kaluga and Ryazan provinces;

- the fiction elements are minimized, each event has a number of prototype events, images of the characters of stories - the result of the meetings of Turgenev with real people - hunters, peasants, landlords;

- The whole cycle combines the figure of the narrator, the hunter-poet, attentive and to nature, and to people. The autobiographical hero looks at the world through the eyes of an observational, interested researcher;

- Most works are socio-psychological essays. Turgenev occupy not only social and ethnographic types, but also the psychology of people in which he seeks to penetrate, looks at their appearance in their appearance, studying the behavior and the nature of communicating with other people. These Turgenev works differ from "physiological essays" of the writers of "Natural School" and "Ethnographic" essays V.I. Daly and D.V. Grigorovich.

The main opening of Turgenev in the "Notes of the Hunter" - the soul of the Russian peasant. He showed the peasant world as the world of personalities, weigly supplement the old "opening" of Sentimentalist N.M. Karamzin: "And the peasants can love." However, the Russian landowners are newly depicted by Turgenev, it is clearly visible in comparison of the heroes of the "Notes ..." with Gogol's images of the landowners in the "Dead Souls". Turgenev sought to create a reliable, objective picture of the Russian local barbell: did not idealize the landowners, but did not consider them the creatures of vicious, deserving only a negative relationship. And the peasantry and landowners for the writer are the two components of Russian life, as if caressed by the "surprise" writer-hunter.

In the 1850s. Turgenev is a writer of a circle "Contemporary", the best magazine of that time. However, by the end of the decade, ideological differences between the liberal Turgenev and democrats, which made up the core of the "contemporary" manifold clearly manifested. Software aesthetic plants of leading critics and publicists of the journal - N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Dobrobrov - were incompatible with the aesthetic views of Turgenev. He did not recognize the "utilitarian" approach to art, supported the point of view of representatives of the "aesthetic criticism - A.V. Springs and V.P. Kotkin. A sharp rejection of the writer caused the program "Real Critics", from the position of which critics of the "contemporary" interpreted his own works. The reason for the final rupture with the magazine was the publication, contrary to the "ultimatum" of Turgenev, presented to the editor of the journal N.Aneekrasov, Dobrolyubov articles "When will the real day come?" (1860), devoted to the analysis of the novel "On the eve". Turgenev was proud that he was perceived as a sensitive diagnostic of modern life, but it categorically refused to imply the role of the role of "illustrator", could not indifferent to watching his novel was used to propaganda completely alien views. Turgenev's gap with a magazine in which he printed the best his works, became inevitable.

3) Third period (1862-1883) Began two "quarrels" - with the magazine "Contemporary", with which Turgenev stopped working together in 1860-1861, and with the "young generation" caused by the publication of "fathers and children". Horses and unfair analysis of the novel printed critic M.A. Yantonovich in the "contemporary". The controversy around the novel, who did not subscribe for several years, was perceived by Turgenev very painful. This, in particular, is due to a sharp decline in the speed of work on new novels: the next novel - "smoke" - was published only in 1867, and the last - "Nov'" - in 1877

The circle of the artistic interests of the writer in the 1860s. Changed and expanded, his work was "multi-layered". In the 1860s He again turned to the "hunter's note" and supplemented them with new stories. Even at the beginning of the Decade, Turgenev has set itself the task of seeing in modern life not only "foam of days", who worn by time, but also "eternal", universal. The article "Hamlet and Don Quixote" was raised about two opposing types of attitude to life. In his opinion, the analysis of "Hamletovsky", rational and skeptic, minigration and "Donkoyotsky", sacrificial, type of behavior is a philosophical basis for a deeper understanding of a modern person. The importance of philosophical issues in the works of Turgenev was sharply intensified: remaining the artist, attentive to socio-typical, he sought to discover in contemporaries universal, relate them to the "eternal" art images. In the titles of "Brigadier", "Steppe King Lear", "knock ... knock ... knock! ...", "Punin and Baburin" Turgenev-sociologist gave way to Turgenev-psychologist and philosopher.

In mystically painted "mysterious poses" ("Ghosts", "History of Lieutenant Ergunova", "After the death (Clara Milich)," and others) he reflected over mysterious phenomena in the life of people, inexplicable from the position of the mind of the state of the soul. The lyric philosophical trend of creativity, which was indicated in the story "Pretty" (1865), in the late 1870s. He found a new genre-style form of "poems in prose" - so Turgenev called its lyrical miniatures and fragments. For four years, more than 50 "poems" were written. Thus, Turgenev, starting as a lyrical poet, at the end of life again turned to the lyrics, considering it the most adequate artistic form, allowing to express his most intimate thoughts and feelings.

Turgenev's creative way reflected the general trend in the development of "high" realism: from a decree of specific social phenomena (story and stories of the 1840s, "Hunter's notes") through a deep analysis of the ideology of modern society and the psychology of contemporaries in novels 1850-X-1860 ГГ. The writer went to understanding the philosophical foundations of human life. Philosophical saturation of the works of Turgenev second half of the 1860s-early 1880s. Allows you to consider it an artist-thinner, close to the depth of the formulation of philosophical problems to Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Perhaps the main thing that distinguishes Turgenev from these moralists writers, "Pushkinskoye" disgust for morality and preaching, unwillingness to create recipes for public and personal "salvation", to impose their faith to other people.

The last two decades of life, Turgenev held mainly abroad: in the 1860s. He lived in Germany, for a short time coming to Russia and to France, and from the beginning of the 1870s. - In France, together with the family, Polina and Louis Viardo. During these years, Turgenev, which used in Europe, the highest artistic authority, actively promoted Russian literature in France and French - in Russia. Only in the late 1870s. He "reconciled" with the young generation. The new readers of Turgenev vigorously honored him in 1879, a strong impression was discussed at the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow (1880).

In 1882-1883. Heavyly sick Turgenev worked on his "farewell" works - the cycle of "poems in prose". The first part of the book was published a few months before his death that followed on August 22 (September 3) of 1883 in Kuh-Vale, near Paris. The coffin with the body of Turgenev was sent to Petersburg, where ambitious funerals were held on September 27: they participated in them, according to contemporaries, about 150 thousand people.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883)

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev came from a rich nobility family. He was born on October 28, 1818 in the city of Orel. The writer's father was a guards officer, a man educated and kind. After the retirement, lived in the village, but died, being young, in 1834

Mother, Varvara Petrovna, was the owner of huge places not only in Orlovskaya, but also in neighboring provinces. She led the origin of the old town of Lutovinov and the same as her ancestors, was distinguished by cruelty towards the fortress peasants.

The childhood of little Ivana passed in the childbirth estate of the mother, in the village of Spassky-Lutovinovo Oryol province. The wayward and despotic appeal of the mother with the serfs, the preserver of the boy had to observe daily. It left a deep imprint in the soul, and in the future a lot of what was seen was reflected in his works. Fortress nanny and uncle were the first educators of the future writer, they later changed the governors-foreigners.

In 1827, Turgenev was moved to Moscow. Child learning was continued in a private board, but in the future they were trained at home with the attraction of the best teachers. Such attention to the formation of children led to the fact that already at 15 years old Turgenev was ready for admission to the Higher Educational Institution. In 1833, he successfully passed the zkzamemen to Moscow University on the verbal branch.

A year later, the family moved to St. Petersburg, and Ivan, successfully completing the first course, was transferred to the philological department of the Philosophy of the University of St. Petersburg. Family teacher Turgenev became a friend of Pushkin Professor P.A. Plentnev, whom a young student, according to his own words, read as the demigod.

The creative activity of Turgenev began in student years. Its first works (lyrical poems "Evening", "Ballad", etc., the dramatic poem "wall") was distinguished by romanticism and at the same time immaturity. In them, the influence of Pushkin and Byron's poems was clearly traced, the romantic writings of popular Russian writers of 183Os. However, the authentic talent of a young writer was noticeable here, and in 1838 some of his youth poems were published in the contemporary journal.

The University of Turgenev graduated from the fall of 1837, after which he left to study philosophy to Germany. He returned to Russia in the spring of 1841, he lived alternately in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, and the summer spent in Spassky.

He actively prepared for scientific activities, but gradually the literature became more and more significant for him. For some time, Turgenev served as an official of special instructions in the Ministry of the Interior, but in 1845 he retired.

Works written and published in 1842-1846. (Parasa Paras, "Palenk", the story "Andrei Kolosov", "Breater", "Three Portrait"), indicate that the writer began to move away from romanticism and was increasingly approved on the positions of realism.

In the spring of 1843, Turgenev met Belinsky, their friendship began. They were especially close to in the summer of 1847, being in Salzburg, where the critic was treated. Turgenev lived abroad from spring 1847 in the family of the French singer Polina Viardo, which was a friend of the writer to his very death. In Paris, he witnessed the French revolution

1848 His impressions of this event were reflected in the essays "Ours sent!" And "man in gray glasses."

In the fall of 1850, the mother of the writer died, and he received a solid prophecy. Turgenev wrote: "... I immediately let go of the courtyard to the will; The wishes of the peasants transferred to the lifts, in every way promoted the success of general liberation, when redeemed everywhere he lost the fifth part ... "In 1852, Gogol died.

Shocked Turgenev wrote a note about his death for the St. Petersburg Vedomosti, but the censorship banned it to print. Turgenev asked friends to print a note in the Moscow Vedomosti, and before the ban came, it appeared in the press.

The result was the arrest of Turgenev, after which the reference followed: "To learn to the homeland, under the supervision." However, the main cause of arrest and reference was the dissatisfaction of officials "Notes of the Hunter".

In the link, the writer was about one and a half years. At the end of 1853, he was allowed to leave the village, but he still remained under a police supervision. Returning to Petersburg, Turgenev began actively working, in the editorial office of the contemporary. In the 1850s, such works were created as the "noble nest", "Rudin", "on the eve", and in early August 1860

Turgenev began writing the novel "Fathers and Children", which graduated in July 1861. The last fifteen years of the life of Turgenev spent mainly in Paris.

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Perhaps every educated person knows who Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is.

His biography proves that man, despite the difficult life path, can create truly ingenious creations.

His works became a real pearl of world classical literature.

I.S. Turgenev - Russian Writer, Poet and Publicist

According to some critics, the artistic system created by Turgenev changed the formation of a nomanism of the second half of the 19th century. The writer was the first to predict the emergence of the sixties, whom he called Nihilists, and ridiculed them in the novel "Fathers and Children".

Also, thanks to Turgenev, the term "Turgenev Girl" was also born.

Biography Ivan Turgenev

Ivan Turgenev is the descendant of the old nobility of Turgenev.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883)

The origin of the surname is connected with the nickname Turgen (Turgen) and has Tatar roots.

Father and mother

His father served in Cavalry, loved to drink, walk and waste money. At Ivan's mother, Varvar, he married a calculation, so their marriage was difficult to call strong and happy.

Vanya was born only two years after marriage, and the whole children in the family of Turgenev were three.


Childhood of Little Vanya has passed in the childbirth estate Spassky-Lutovinovo, where the family moved after the second son appeared. Rich, luxurious manor included a huge house, garden and even a small pond, in which there were many different fish.

House Turgenev in Spassky-Lutovinovo

The future writer since childhood had the opportunity to observe nature, maybe it was this that formed his reverent, careful attitude towards everything alive.

The mother recalled that Vanya grew up active, inquisitive child, she was really proud of him, but did not show it. Barbara was a quiet and silent woman, so much that none of her sons could even briefly remember some bright moments associated with the mother. Now the museum has been opened on the site of the labor manor of Turgenev.

Education and education

Turgenev's parents were very educated people, therefore children from an early age joined science. Vanya has learned early to read books and talk in several languages. Forers were invited to the family who had to teach children with their native languages.

As in all intelligent families, the big focus was fed into French, in which family members spent fluently among themselves. For disobedience and insufficient diligence, the babies were cruelly punished, the mother was susceptible to frequent mood shifts, so sometimes he could do anything.

Even as an adult man, Ivan Sergeevich confessed how much was afraid of his mother. Father, on the contrary, had a minimal impact on him, and soon he left the family.

Youth years

As soon as Ivan was knocking nine, the family moved to the capital, where the boy was immediately determined in a private board. Fifteen Turgenev has already become a university student, but he studied for a long time, moved to St. Petersburg and finished the philosophical and historical department.

In the student, the future writer was engaged in translations of foreign verses and dreamed someday and himself become a poet.

Start of a creative path

In 1836, the creative let Turgenev began, his name was for the first time appearing in the press, he wrote a review of his contemporaries.

But the real celebrity Turgenev was only seven years old, publishing the work of Parasha, approved by Critic Belinsky.

They got so nearby that soon Turgenev began to consider Belinsky with ancient father.

For several years, a recent graduate turned into one of the most famous writers of his time. Soon Ivan Sergeevich began to write not only for adults, but also for children.

The kids of Turgenev dedicated a whole list of fairy tales: "Sparrow", "Pigeons", "Dog", written by simple, understandable for small readers.

Personal life writer

He loved Turgenev only once, his chosen was famous in the narrow circles of the singer Polina Viardo.

Not a beauty, she was able to charm the writer so that he could not forget her all his life until death.

It is known that in his youth, the writer broke out relationships with a white trader named Avdota. Roman lasted long, but as a result, a couple had a child, recognized by Turgenev only fifteen years later.

After parting with Polina, Turgenev tried to fall in love again, but every time he understood that he was still in love with Viaro and told it a young chosen. On the wall he always hung her portrait, and in the house there were many personal belongings.

Descendants of Turgenev

The only daughter of Ivan Sergeyevich became Pelagia, born as a result of the fleet of Turgenev with the peasant of Avdota.

The beloved writer, Polina Viardo, expressed a desire to pick up the girl and make out of her, a simple peasant, the French lady, to which the writer quickly agreed.

Pelagia was renamed to Poline and moved to live in France. She had two children: Georges and Jeanne, who died, not leaving the heirs, and this branch of the genus Turgenev finally broke off.

Last years of life and death

In 1882, after the rupture of the next relationship, the writer fell ill, the diagnosis sounded scary: Cancer bones of the spine. Thus, it is possible to answer the question, from which Turgenev died - his illness was thickened.

He died in France, away from the homeland and Russian friends. But the main thing is that his favorite woman, Polina Viardo, remained near the last days.

Classic died on August 22, 1883, on September 27, his body was delivered to St. Petersburg. Turgenev was buried on the Volkovsky cemetery, his grave was preserved to this day.

The most famous works of Ivan Turgenev

Of course, the most famous work of Turgenev is considered to be the novel "Fathers and children", which is included in the school curriculum.

Nihlista Bazarov and his difficult relationship with Kirsanov are known to everyone. This romance is truly eternal, as is the problem of fathers and children rising in the work.

Slightly less famous - the story "Asya", which, according to some reports, Turgenev wrote about the life of his illegitimate daughter; Roman "Noble Nest" and others.

In his youth, Vanya fell in love with his familiar Ekaterina Shakhovskaya, who conquered the boy with his tenderness and purity. The heart of Turgenev was broken when he learned that Kati had many lovers, among whom Sergey Turgenev, the Father Classic. Later, the features of Katerina appeared at the main heroine of the novel "First Love."

One day, Turgenev, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, reproached the writer in the fact that his daughter is forced to earn tailored clothes due to lack of money. Ivan Sergeevich took it close to his heart, and the men were firmly crowded. A duel was to take place, which, fortunately, was not, otherwise the world could not see the new creativity of someone from the writers. Friends quickly recalled and soon forgot about an unpleasant incident.

The characteristic of Turgenev consisted of solid contradictions. For example, with a large height and strong physique, the writer had a fairly high voice and could even sing on some fenders.

With the loss of inspiration, he became angle and stood there until some important thought would come to mind. He laughed, according to the testimony of contemporaries, the infectious laugh, fell on the floor and stood on all fours, sharply twitching and peak.

Writer and other oddities at different stages of life, like many creative talented people. The main thing for us, to get acquainted with the work of Turgenev and experience the whole of the depth that the author invested in his works.