Vasnetsov Veus Oleg and Volkhv. "The grave" of the thing Oleg gets bungyan

Vasnetsov Veus Oleg and Volkhv. "The grave" of the thing Oleg gets bungyan

Meet Oleg with Cudesman.
1899. Paper, watercolor. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

The "prophetic Oleg" Prince Legend, Prince-Riddle ... In the life of this great ruler, the secrets would have enough for ten ... Sly and Brutal Varyag, he came to Rus as a mercenary, in the end to become one of the most Russian princes. The Great Ruler, the Great Warrior, the Great Volkhv, he gathered the disassembled Slavic tribes together. He won new lands, "missed unreasonable Khazaras" and nailed his shield on the gate of Tsargrad, forcing the proud Byzantium to recognize Russia equal. He ruled for so long that many began to consider the prince not only with the prophet, but almost immortal, and his mysterious death inspired Pushkin to create poems that became the informal anthem of the Russian army. It is from a thing of Oleg who begins the golden era of ancient Russia - one of the strongest states of Europe, with whom it had to be considered to all neighbors.

Song of the meaning Oleg
How is the prophetic Oleg
Recycling unreasoned cheaps
Their villages and Niva for a rabid raid
Overnoch, he swords and fires;
With his friend, in the Tsareghad armor,
Prince on the field rides on the right horse.
From the Dark Forest towards him
There is an inspired cockpit,
Pokhan Perunya old man one,
The covenants of the coming messenger,
In the Molubas and Gadani, spent the whole century.
And Oleg ripped to wise ears.
"Tell me, Cudesman, Loves of the Gods,
What will come true in life with me?
And soon, on the joy of neighbors-enemies,
Grave falling down the earth?
Discover me the whole truth, do not be afraid of me:
In a reward of anyone you will take a horse. "
"Magi is not afraid of mighty Vladyk,
And the princely gift they do not need;
Truthful and free their prophetic language
And with the will of Heavenly Friend.
The coming years are burned in the MGL;
But I see your lot on the bright brow.
Remember now you are my word:
Warrior Glory - Otrada;
The victory is glorified by your name;
Your shield on the gates of the Tsarope;
And the waves and land are submissive to you;
Enlightens the unfortunate of so wonderful fate.
And blue sea deceptive shaft
In the clock of fatal bad weather
Both the right, and an arrow, and a crazy dagger
Shrink the winner years ...
Under the Terrible Armor, you do not know the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Invisible keeper can be might.
Your horse is not afraid of dangerous work;
He, Chuya, Lord,
Then the humility costs under the arrows of enemies,
That rushes along the laid field.
And cold and singer him nothing ...
But you accept death from your horse. "
Oleg grinned - however
And the gaze was darled with the Duma.
In the silence, with hand leaning on the saddle,
With a horse he peers, sullen;
And faithful hand farewell
And strokes and Treplet on the neck is steep. "Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,
It has come to part time;
Now rest! I'm not going foot
In your old stirrup.
Goodbye, comfort - yes, remember me.
You, from the other, take the horse,
Cover the poporn, shaggy carpet;
In my meadow under the heads, take away;
Bathe; feed selected grain;
Pour Water Key.
And the raids immediately moved to the horse,
And the prince of another horse led.
Wives with a buddy prophetic Oleg
Under Zvona cheerful glass.
And curls of their white, like morning snow
Over the glorious glaze of Kurgan ...
They remember last days
And the battle, where they swear together ...
"Where is my comrade? - said Oleg, -
Tell me, where is my horse's horse?
Is it how healthy? Is it still easy to run?
Is it all the same, playful? "
And the answer is the answer: the hill is steep
For a long time, it has so much for nothing.
Mighty Oleg Head Flood
And thinks: "What is fortune?
Cudesman, you are lying, insane old man!
Whether would be your prediction!
My horse and Donyn would wear me. "
And he wants to see he horse bones.
Here comes the mighty Oleg from the yard,
Igor and old guests with him,
And they see - on the hill, Bret Dnieper,
There are noble bones;
They wash their rains, fall asleep their dust,
And the wind is worried about the nickname.
Prince quietly on the skull of the horse came
And Milns: "Sleep, friend lonely!
Your old owner survived you:
On the Trenna, already not far
Not you under the secara kovyl beat
And the hot blood is drinking my dust!
So, where my destruction was buried!
I threaten death to death! "
From the dead chapter Combie,
Spike, meanwhile crawled;
Like a black ribbon, I walked around the legs
And screamed suddenly the prince.
Buckets circular, shifting, hissing
On the Trenne of the Deploy Oleg;
Prince Igor and Olga sit on a hill;
The squad is drunk at Brega;
Fighters remember last days
And the battle, where they swear together.

Victor Vasnetsov Meeting of Oleg with Cudesman. 1899 Paper, watercolor State Literary Museum, Moscow

"Meeting Oleg with Cudesman"- Watercolor Viktor Vasnetsova. Written in 1899 in the framework of the cycle of illustrations to "Song about Oleg" A.S. Pushkin.

In the design of the poem Vasnetsov borrowed the motifs of the ancient Russian traditions of books. In addition to the illustrations, Vasnetsov developed initiatives, compositions, screensavers. The cycle "Song about Oleg" Vasnetsov provided a significant impact on the development of the Russian book illustration, in particular on Ivan Bilibin and artists of the Union of Art.

Messages in the press on the presumptive recognition of an illustration of an extremist

According to some Russian media in March 2010, the picture was used in the design of the book of the Nationalist Nationalist of Alexey Dobrovolsky "Volkhiva". On April 27, 2010, the decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov seven books of Dobrovolsky, including "Magi", were recognized as extremist materials. At the same time, in some media it was stated that the cover of the book was also recognized as an extremist. The text of the examination was given, allegedly conducted by experts from Kirov and Vladimir:

Signs of manipulative psychological impact were found in the "Magi" brochure, verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-eject) means were used. It includes the design of the cover of "Magi", which shows the elder, pointing to the direction of the warriors. The eater is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, lapti, he just left the forest. The description of the old managing is read in the description. The speculating gesture of an old man's hands against warriors testifies to his commanding, possessing a certain power over them. Based on the provision that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, it can be concluded that the author's desire for the commandment, the authorities over other people, focus on the struggle

Picture of the Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova "Meeting of Oleg with Kudesnik."

The Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov recognized the picture of the Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsova "Meeting Oleg with Cudesman" Extremist. A qualified expert assessment of Vasnetsovsky "Kudesnik" was made for the court. Local specialists from the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kirov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining Education Workers.

Kirov specialists discovered for themselves, the court and the modern enlightened public that the picture "Kudesnik", written by the artist in 1899, unbelically manipulates the viewer and the reader - for this purpose she placed on the cover of his brochure "Volkhivi" writer Alexey Dobrovolsky, whose opus was put on her Vyatka Inquisition.

"The signs of a manipulative psychological impact were found in the" Volkhivi "brochure, verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means are used. It is necessary to make a non-verbal manipulative effects. In simple clothes: a long shirt, Napti, he only left the forest. In the description of the elder, the image of the pagan is read. Speaking gesture of the elder's hand in relation to warriors testifies to his commanding, possessing a certain power over them. Based on the provision that the cover of the book expresses Its key idea, it can be concluded that the author's desire for the commandment, the authorities over other people, a focus on the struggle, "the Kirov educatants brought.

An expert opinion helped the Leninsky court to conclude that Vasnetsov helped Dobrovolsky to publicly initiate a "national, racial or religious hostility", humiliate "National dignity" and promote "exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, national or racial "(Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Dal.BY resource, who spoke about the expertness of Extremism from Kirov, walterly suggested justice to introduce to the expert opinion of local cleansing also testimony of Pushkin A.S., familiar with both paintings characters - both with Prince Oleg, and with Magheva:

"As the proper Oleg is selected to dismiss unreasonable Khazaras," according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "humiliation on the national basis".

"They are sat down and Niva for a rabid raid of obork, he and fires", - Art. 353 - "Planning, preparation, unleashing or making an aggressive war."

But how appreciated the elder with representatives of state power:

"The Magi is not afraid of the mighty Vladyk, and they don't need the princely gift; truthful and free their prophetic language and with the will of Heavenly Friend."

Here is clearly traced neglect to the prince of Oleg (Art. 319 - "Insulting the Representative of Power"), which is exacerbated by the prediction: "We accept death from your horse" (Art. 320 - "Declections of information on safety measures applied in relation to official") .

The old man really "commanded" - made the prince to kill his own horse ("ill-treatment of animals", to heap). What, however, did not save the "commander-in-chief" from the bite of the snake (a pre-inflated attempt?) ".

Materials recognized as "extremist" are subject to destruction. Vasnetsov will go to the 21st century oven. There and Pushkin ...

In all pagan cultures, priests played an important role that served as intermediaries between people and supernatural forces - spirits and deities. In the pre-Christian Russia, such people were called wrappers.

Magitis carried out rituals associated with the worship of the Slavic gods, as well as, as it was believed, could recognize the will of the gods and to protrude the future. It is not surprising that they have enormous influence, including political.

The role of the Volkhvov in the pagan rus

Researchers of Ivanov and Toporov believe that the word "Volkhv" itself has the same root as "hair". Magnies wore long hair and beard, never haired, for which they could be called "hairy" ("Volkhata"). It is also likely that the words "Volshb", "Magic", that is, "witchcraft" took place.

Magi participated in religious rites, committed sacrifices, conducted magical rituals, wondered, were engaged in healing. At the same time, they occupied a rather high position in the State Hierarchy: the power of the preconditions often came to them for advice. We all know the legend about the meaning of Oleg, who wished to learn from Cudesman, which will come true with him in life, heard the prediction of the coming death from his own horse.

Magi during Christianity

With the adoption of Christianity for Magi, an unfavorable time has come. From now on, paganism was announced outside the law, and they could lose their status. This forced the Magi to speak on the side of the opposition Kiev authorities.

So, in 1024, the Volkhiva was headed uprising in Suzdal Earth. As the "Tale of Bygone Years" tells, a drought happened there, which caused cripples and hunger. Magi accused of "older tea."

The situation has grunted before the city for the settlement of the conflict arrived Kiev Prince Yaroslav Wise: "In the same summer, the summer of Volosvi was judged, the beat of the older tea is to breathe and hold the cigacious Gagolaspi. Be the rebellion is great and hunger for all Forthy country. Iosh for Volzi VSI People in Bulgarians and brought lively and taco will be noison. Hearing Yaroslav Volkhiva, I will come to the ravings of the Volkhiva ravings, and the other shows, the Sita rivers: "God to make a siny to the land of the ground with a smooth or the sea whether the burst is a penalty, but the person does not mean nothing". "

According to the Soviet historian Tikhomirov, this event was a vivid example of the struggle of the lower layers of the population - "younger chadi" against the "senior" - feudalists and nobility, with the driving force of the uprising, the researcher considers peasants (death). As for the Magi, they, from his point of view, personify the resistance of the church power.

Unlike his colleague, the doctor of historical sciences Froyanov believes that in this case it was about the conflict between the wrappers and the local pagan leaders, the elders: the first accused the second that they were delivered to rain, so that there was no harvest. As for the arrival of Yaroslav Wise, he arrived in Suzdal not at all to pacify the uprising, but for some kind of his affairs.

In general, it is clear that the Magi was present here, but who is meant by the "senior" and "younger" CHADY and what role the Prince Yaroslav played in this, remains the subject of historical disputes.

A similar situation was in 1071 in Novgorod. It is believed that the Novgorod uprising was triggered by several reasons: fault, be displevating the people, and, finally, a violent Christianization.

This is what the Soviet historian of Mavrodin writes about this in the book "People's uprisings in ancient Russia of the XI-XIII centuries": "... He headed the faders against the" Old Chadi ", who were striving to use the anti-refortion of the people to return to the same pre-Christian cults" .

Anyway, in Novgorod, at the time of the reign of Prince Gleb Svyatoslavovich, a certain MOBILE was declared and began to prophesy and conduct an "anti-Christian propaganda", the pushing people to kill the bishop.

Bishop, coming out to people in full closure and with a cross, tried to enjoy them, but he failed. Then the prince Gleb met for him with his buddy. Since none of the people moved to the side of the bishop, the prince decided to take the cunning and, approaching the magician with hidden under the cloak, asked: "Do you know that tomorrow will happen and what is today before the evening?"

Volkhv confirmed that he knows it. Then the prince asked: "Do you know what will happen to you today?". "Miracles of the Great Creation," the troubled, hesitantly responded. Gleb unexpectedly pulled the ax and destroyed the wrap. After he fell dead, people diverged, and the rebellion did not take place.

Fighting for power

Were in the XI century and other troubles associated with wrappers. In particular, they performed on the side of Polotsk Prince Bryachlivs Iaslavich against the Kiev prince Yaroslav Wise, and also supported in the struggle for power in Kiev, the son of Bryachchlava, Vslav Polotsk, who, according to the chronicles, was "born of excuses", and also himself possessed the skills of Magi , such as tumor, fortune telling and obsession (apparently, here is meant the ability to send a marrow to people). True, the printed in Kiev Vslav is not long - only seven months.

Magi in every way tried to keep the lost power. "The Tale of Bygone Years" describes how during the hunger of 1071 in the Rostov land and Belozerier, the priests accused of his causes of "best wives", that is, the most noble women, allegedly hiding edible supplies. Kudesniki miraculously delivered due to the spin of the accused "lively or fish, either protein." It is clear that it was a clever trick, in order to demonstrate their magical abilities.

Froyanov believes that the speeches of Magi were "religious and household community conflicts with their highest authorities."

The latest mentions of the waves as pagan priests are found in the Novgorod and Pskov chronicles of the XIII-XIV centuries. Later in Russia, they began to call any signs, sorcerers, warlocks and carriers of various "heresies".