The main character traits of a Sagittarius woman. Sagittarius woman traits

The main character traits of a Sagittarius woman.  Sagittarius woman traits
The main character traits of a Sagittarius woman. Sagittarius woman traits

Zodiac sign woman Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12 ) Is not just a hunter, she is a professional, and rather reckless and purposeful.

Not all men manage to keep such a gift of fate nearby. If her chosen one is lying, then the relationship will end right there. The main feature of Streltsov is no diplomacy. Everything should be clear and clear. The candy-bouquet period with Sagittarius women is more reminiscent of a knightly tournament, where the code of honor is observed, in particular, the commandment when a defeated enemy is offered a hand to rise from the ground. An opponent who claims the heart of the same beauty as the winner has the right to cling to it. A stab in the back is prohibited, so the Sagittarius woman will destroy anyone who dares to even look askance in the direction of her hero or squeeze out a laugh when he turns away.

Sagittarius women rarely compromise, but this is justified by the fact that they are ready to accept the conditions of the opponent if he turns out to be more dexterous. Negotiations with such professionals often end in skirmishes, because a sharp-tongued zodiac sign will always be in a winning position. For strong natures, this is an excellent quality if you need to establish a business, and not be scattered in words of gratitude when there are no prospects for the development of at least one direction.

Having a Sagittarius woman in the camp of enemies is dangerous. The instinct of self-preservation is inherent in Capricorn, but not in Sagittarius, so choose words and expressions so that the bow and arrows do not end up in the hands of someone who looks like a downtrodden birdie. The appearance of the Sagittarius is deceiving: under a light dress there may be a loaded revolver, which she will pull out if she feels danger. But with such a friend, you can go to a club or commit an adventurous trick. It will cover even when you need to lower your jeans to go with a whip over the rounded buttocks.

Sagittarius woman in love and marriage

Unlike the Sagittarius man, women strive for marriage in any way. It makes no difference to them that the second half is not yet firmly on its feet, there is no own housing and financial resources so that the family does not need anything. If a Sagittarius woman decided to keep the fire in the hearth, then she will do this even when her chosen one is on the run.

She will never admit to an unhappy marriage, therefore, left with small children in her arms, she will begin to earn a living on her own. A Sagittarius man would never allow this.

Often, jealousy becomes an obstacle on the way to family life, but Sagittarius women will be able to overcome this obstacle. Sincerely repenting, they take off their quiver of arrows for a while and, putting on an apron, carry it out. Their ability to cook is innate, so that the husband and children will never be hungry, and what is included in the Sagittarius menu always has excellent taste.

Sagittarius women rarely become mistresses, although some adventurism is inherent in young girls. Embarking on a love adventure, they quickly lose interest in the object caught in the net, letting go of it in all four directions and not remembering evil. For men who are distinguished by constancy, it is quite difficult to remain indifferent to the outings of a wife or girlfriend, but in order to maintain harmony in a relationship, it is worth taking your ladies to parties. A short flirtation under the supervision of a watchful eye acts like Theraflu, relieving the symptoms of a mild cold in a couple of hours.

Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius woman

In addition to their zodiac sign, Sagittarius women have a good relationship with Leo and Aries, since the temperaments of all three signs are surprisingly similar. The outlook on life is the same as the attitude towards marriage and children.

However, an ideal marriage can only be with a Gemini: a man who can live in a black and white world is not just a prey, but also something that balances the concepts of good and evil, in which Sagittarius unconditionally believes.

Sagittarius woman health

Jupiter awarded Streltsov with excellent health, so you can keep yourself in shape with simple exercises. The only thing they should avoid is prolonged stress. Physical and mental strength is the weak link of any Sagittarius, so several things at once can undermine the health of even one who looks athletic.

It is important for a Sagittarius woman to understand that not all fights end in victories, so defeat must be treated with humor. Otherwise, the nervous system will have to be treated, and for a long time, so a stroke at a young age is a disease that has taken by surprise more than one representative of the beautiful half of humanity born under this zodiac sign.

If you do not monitor your shoes, you can catch chronic tonsillitis. A huntress with a constantly stuffy nose will not seem so attractive prey even to a bear that has crawled out of its den.

And yet, the Sagittarius woman often herself becomes the subject of hunting by men. Too much in her not to be noticed. This means that sometimes the hunter allows herself to be a little - not a victim, no, she does not allow this! - a tamed noble doe, removing a delicacy with soft lips from an open palm. But - only until she feels false in this situation.

And then - the weapon is again exposed, and the beautiful Amazon again corresponds to her sign: the sign of the Zodiac is the woman Sagittarius.

It seems that many men mentally imagined the image of a beautiful huntress, and those who have Sagittarius in their wives even proudly dignified: here I am, what treasure I have! Yes, and the women themselves Sagittarius do not mind putting themselves in such a winning light, is not it? Just do not forget that the Horoscope is just a predisposition, and not the real traits of all women without exception, born under the sign of Sagittarius! And whether your character will fully correspond to the described type depends only on you, dear ladies with arrows! Or maybe without arrows, like this nimble hunter in the picture in the puzzle. By the way, maybe she is also a Sagittarius according to the Horoscope? 🙂

  • Date of birth: from November 22 to December 21,
  • Planet: Jupiter, Element: Fire,
  • Color: turquoise, Day: Thursday,
  • Stone: Turquoise,
  • Motto: I think energy: Yang.

Astrologer's advice: The different level and type of education of a person often affects the possibility of manifestation of certain qualities. The upbringing of the individual also contributes to the characterization of various properties of behavior.

Zodiac Sagittarius woman she is a seeker of truth, she wants to know everything and everyone about life. She really likes to explore and learn everything new, especially in religion and philosophy. When communicating with a Sagittarius woman, you will learn a lot, a conversation with her is always intellectual and informative.

Optimistic, bold Zodiac sign Sagittarius woman looks ahead confidently, curious about what the new day will bring. Sagittarius is constantly looking for adventure and new knowledge in everything, she loves to travel and is looking for the truth in any circumstances. She studies every person around her: man, woman or child, deeply and in detail, and there are no taboo topics for her in search of answers to her questions. Sagittarius tend to be outspoken and independent, a seductive combination for many. She is smart and extremely charming, making good use of her life experiences.

Astrologer's advice: Please note that for a detailed description, it is necessary to correct the data taking into account the time, date and place of birth. Refined data will help you better understand yourself or understand other people.

Zodiac Sagittarius woman, intellectual and adventurous, she loves noisy parties with her friends, often jokes and jokes in her own way. An excellent combination of knowledge, life experience and culture makes her a good friend and companion.

She does not care about fashion trends, convenience and comfort are much more important, this applies equally to both clothing and the surrounding interior. Natural fabrics such as cotton, wool, and linen suit her best. She loves colorful skirts, loose jeans and sportswear. Minimal makeup and little jewelry.

Astrologer's advice: We suggest you study horoscopes for a month, a year for any signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will allow you to make favorable decisions on any issues. Curious and helpful. Go to the category.

Sagittarius zodiac video:

Zodiac Sagittarius woman relationships and sex

Love is one of the eternal secrets for a Sagittarius woman, because it is, at the same time, the most desired and at the same time the most hidden goal in a relationship with a man. She wants a partner equal to her, who is both morally and physically consistent with her potential. She is often afraid of intimacy, and for her, love most often begins after friendship. A Sagittarius woman in love is very honest and loyal. She always follows the rules, and even when she is completely defeated, she will not do a backstab.

Astrologer's advice: To comprehend more deeply and better understand the nature and properties of the zodiac sign. It is advisable to consider it from many angles and this section will help you with this.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius woman wants a friend and lover who can share her love for truth and knowledge. She likes active and energetic, lovers of adventure and long distance travel. She is delighted with new ideas, her partner must be intelligent and original. This is necessary in order to walk together along the path of life.

Sagittarius women are die-hard optimists, they never get depressed. The Sagittarius woman cuts the truth-womb, regardless of the feelings of others. These ladies are excellent wives and loving mothers who manage to keep the house in perfect order and pursue a career at the same time.

Sagittarius woman appearance

These are very bright women, they like to dress pretentiously, do bright makeup, wear catchy things and jewelry. Sometimes such excesses border on complete bad taste, but Sagittarius compensate for this with grace and feline dexterity.

The Sagittarius woman knows how to walk confidently and is tall. She is very conceited. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance.

The behavior and inner world of a Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius ladies are honest and straightforward, they love to gossip or just gossip. They are great optimists and have a lot of energy. Sometimes those around them decide that their behavior is public play, but this is not so.

Sagittarius women know how to lend a shoulder in difficult times, so they have many friends and acquaintances, people love them. They become leaders of whatever community they come to. They do not hold offense for a long time, they really look at things and briskly assess their chances.

These ladies are very warm-hearted and friendly. They do not hesitate to show their emotions, they can cry out loud or laugh at the top of their lungs. Moreover, they do all this completely sincerely.

Sagittarius Woman: Positive and Negative Traits

Sagittarius are prone to creativity, they are interesting interlocutors, they have a rich imagination, they are always in a good mood, this type of personality attracts people, they always have many friends.

Also, these ladies are very straightforward and spontaneous, but they do not want to offend anyone with such behavior. And from loved ones they demand the manifestation of the same qualities, and they are very offended without noticing their presence.

Sagittarius woman (career & goals)

The Sagittarius woman is great at combining work and family. And here and there she has order and discipline.

Sagittarius Woman - Leadership

Sagittarius will be able to take custody of a person, seeing that he is not coping. But this help is not a great success; under the tutelage of Sagittarius, it will no longer be possible to take your own steps. Sagittarius are very reckless and fight to the last, even if they feel that they are losing.

In work, a Sagittarius woman can bypass any man. These ladies use a creative approach and originality in their work, show initiative, good performers. In a word, the Sagittarius woman is the dream of any company.

Sagittarius Woman: Career

The main thing for Sagittarius in work is interest, lack of monotony, the opportunity to prove himself and find a non-standard solution to the problem. They are prone to constant development, often radically change their field of activity, deciding that their previous job is bored with them.

Sagittarius woman in sex, marriage, career, family

Sagittarius in love give themselves completely to their partner. They are emotional and very sensual. The personal life of these women is quite eventful, rarely does it with just one marriage.

How do the feelings of a Sagittarius woman manifest?

1. Sagittarius can be considered licentious, all because of their immediacy and lack of conventions when dealing with men. In fact, Sagittarians are simple-minded, honest, and open-minded. They are confident in themselves and in the purity of their intentions, therefore they expect the same from a partner.

2. These ladies are comprehensively developed, they quickly find the essence of the problem, meaning in the world around them, they are very attractive to men.

3. The Sagittarius woman openly demonstrates her emotions, which captivates people and men in particular.

4. Sagittarius often idealize their partner and do not notice his shortcomings.

5. Sagittarius women strive for romance in relationships, love new sensations. They are kind, positive, fair.

6. A man should support Sagittarius in everything, share her interests, not try to limit her freedom.

Sagittarius Woman - Sexual Life

The Sagittarius woman is a wonderful lover, sensual, open to experimentation. Has a violent temperament, always openly expresses his emotions.

The Sagittarius woman is a bearer of a strong flow of energy, she is simply created for love. She experiences each of her novels with every fiber of her soul. She does not know how to live boringly. He always tries to experiment, or bring novelty to a relationship.

Sagittarius' tempestuous temperament manifests itself best in bed, but falling in love can be temporary.

Sagittarius treat relationships in bed easily and with humor, former lovers often remain their friends for life.

A Sagittarius woman treats sexual relations as a game, because of a loss she is not very upset.

A Sagittarius woman walks through life easily and easily can have several love relationships at once.

Sagittarius never play, all their emotions and feelings are open. Sometimes they can be considered rude due to their straightforwardness. The Sagittarius woman values ​​her freedom, but she cannot be alone for long.

Sagittarius woman's marriage and family

These women do not strive for marriage at all, they value freedom with a howl and feel quite comfortable in the status of “free”. It will take a man tremendous endurance to persuade this woman to marry.

In a relationship, Sagittarius values ​​trust, honesty, and openness the most. It is important for them to feel freedom.

Sagittarius ladies are always good housewives, their house is always clean and comfortable. Dull household chores overwhelm Sagittarius, so here she tries to get creative, decorate the house, and do its design. She spends a lot of money on creating a practical environment and unique design in her home.

The Sagittarius woman does not at all seek to become a mother. Although if this does happen, they show themselves as good parents, but inside they protest against the current situation.

Children feel comfortable with their mother Sagittarius, but often she is too demanding of them and tries to realize her unfulfilled dreams through them. If the child starts to protest, Sagittarius will always find a compromise.

Gifts for the Sagittarius woman

Choosing a gift for a lady Sagittarius is a very difficult task. They will definitely appreciate the voucher purchased or the paid trip to a new place. Any paraphernalia for sports activities is also suitable. Sagittarius will like household appliances, dishes, interior items as a gift. You can present a piece of jewelry, it is better to make such a gift as a surprise, this will make the present even more valuable in the eyes of a Sagittarius woman.

Sagittarius woman can be a mischievous woman and a socialite at the same time, she is never boring and passive, optimism, a sense of humor and a spirit of quest accompany her throughout her life. This woman is very sensitive and feminine, she is distinguished by her open-mindedness and openness. It is quite difficult to carry it out, the Sagittarius woman does not like deception and secrecy. The range of her interests is very diverse and wide. The Sagittarius woman is very smart and capable of handling any technical problem. When talking with her, you need to be careful, she can be very unpredictable and quick-tempered.

The most famous women born under the sign are as follows:

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, singers Patricia Kaas, Edith Piaf, actresses Clara Novikova, Zhanna Agalakova, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Nona Mordyukova, Julianna Moore, Galina Polskikh, Nina Ruslanova.

The main feature Sagittarius woman character is prudence and practicality. She always knows what she wants and how to make a dream come true. At the first meeting, she may seem like an open and cheerful woman, in fact, this woman has a rather domineering character. She will not allow herself to be limited in anything. Thanks to a positive outlook on life and endless optimism, she often succeeds in life.

Sagittarius woman does not like to do household chores and be the keeper of the hearth. Her purpose in life is to be the mistress of her own destiny and remain independent. In men, she appreciates high social status and material well-being, with such a partner she is ready to live for the rest of her life. However, if her chosen one has a weak character, then despite the best spiritual qualities, she is disappointed in him and leaves. The Sagittarius woman is not at all one of those for whom the main task of life is to get married. She does not feel a special craving for creating a family, and if she becomes someone's wife, then she will never please him with the coziness and comfort in the house.

Sagittarius woman always speaks the truth, so do not be afraid that she will lie to you. Sometimes her statements seem too harsh, because no one likes straightforward reasoning. Because of this, she suffers greatly in life, but she cannot remain silent after hearing outright lies, flattery and injustice. Therefore, she does not develop close family ties with people dear to her. She compensates for this alienation by constant travel and sports.

Sagittarius woman loves to have fun and entertain other people. In her company, no one will be sad or suffer from loneliness. Her wit, sense of humor and enthusiasm delights any person. Next to this woman there should be a man who loves sports and adventures, in this case she will become a good companion and friend for him.

Sagittarius woman often has long and beautiful legs. She is slim and graceful. Walking after work is her favorite pastime. However, over the years, she begins to gain weight, with fat being deposited in her stomach and thighs. Weaknesses in a Sagittarius woman are hips, sides and liver. In the absence of sufficient physical activity, she begins to have problems in these areas. Among the women of Sagittarius, there are many centenarians who tirelessly go in for sports until old age.

For movable women of Sagittarius proper nutrition is important. Fatty foods and alcohol, combined with physical activity, can be detrimental to her liver. Dependence on sweets is especially harmful for a Sagittarius woman. She should not get carried away with eating delicious sweets, chocolate, pastries and cakes. For the liver to function properly, vitamins C and B must be present in its diet.

Also for preserving the health of a Sagittarius woman requires silica or silicon dioxide. A deficiency in this oxide contributes to weak and brittle nails, dull hair and bleeding gums. The sources of absorbable silicon dioxide are oats, brown rice, cherries, strawberries, lean fish and seaweed.

Sagittarius woman prone to hip injuries. Therefore, at any age, she needs to be careful and avoid extreme sports. Smoking and overeating are also dangerous for her health. A Sagittarius woman should avoid the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, drink plenty of water and more fruit in the heat. Her skin is more sensitive and tender than that of women of other signs.

Mostly all women Sagittarius optimistic people. They rarely get sick and quickly recover, and they retain youth, beauty and a lively smile until old age.

After a hard day, surrounded by constant problems, such a companion will help to distract from the gray everyday life. She will willingly teach you how to get real pleasure from life. Of course, in order for your compatibility and the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman to allow you to be around long enough, you need to try. But the result obtained will be worth all the effort spent.

A lively and interesting interlocutor who can turn her head or "break off" all the best impulses of her boyfriend. The Sagittarius woman is not the easiest prey for the gentlemen who are drawn to her. After all, her sincerity, cheerfulness and openness become an excellent alternative to intrigue and ulterior motives.

Noisy, cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius girl always attracts attention in any company. She knows how to rejoice and laugh heartily. A friendly and sincere attitude towards everyone is devoid of falsity and play. She is always what she is, and it is beneath her dignity to portray what is not really there. She has a very violent imagination, which allows her to give out many interesting ideas and immediately translate them into reality. You will never get bored with such a companion.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of our Zodiac, are not characterized by manifestations of melancholy and pessimism. And in order to become discouraged or depressed, such a woman needs to endure many strong blows of fate.

Sagittarius woman traits

The main trait that a Sagittarius woman possesses is her straightforwardness. She always says what she thinks, and does not think at all about the reaction to her words from others. A woman can afford such behavior, because she knows exactly her own worth and is well aware of her advantages and disadvantages.

Truthfulness is also manifested in relation to oneself. Self-confidence makes Sagittarius a very strong and unyielding person who can stand up for himself and his opinion. Any rumors and gossip in her direction will in no way affect her conceit.

In order to enjoy work, a person born under the sign of Sagittarius entering the Zodiac must be able to create, seek and realize herself. She does not like control and pressure, they will prevent her from coping with the tasks. At the same time, it is important for her to bear social responsibility and be needed by someone. In a male team, such an employee will feel confident and will be able to keep everyone in good shape.

In her personal life, it is quite difficult for her to choose a gentleman. After all, she immediately calculates the possible compatibility and does not hesitate to voice a refusal if a man does not suit her.

Sagittarius woman love compatibility

The compatibility of the Sagittarius woman in love with other signs of the zodiac is very problematic. With all the positive characteristics, it is quite difficult for ladies born under the sign of Sagittarius to find love and a life partner. Especially when you consider how easily they mislead their boyfriends.

The behavior of this seductress and coquette leads to the fact that an opinion is created about her availability and the desire to go further. In view of this behavior, many will rely on, for example, intimacy. This is how her admirers perceive her, but they are mistaken. The flirting Sagittarius girl is able to point out to men their superficial judgments at the moment when they try to "cross the line." Anyone, even the most experienced seducer, can be plunged into extreme despondency by a harsh refusal received from the object of courtship. Sagittarius at the right moment will calmly and coldly reject the claims of a gentleman who is unable to understand the true depth of such a woman.

For this sign, lying is unacceptable and they are not shy about telling the truth. Therefore, a boyfriend who is aimed at testing himself for compatibility with Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the truth about himself. Such a companion will not think about male pride and will not soften the blow. It's just that the moment you make a mistake, she will directly tell you everything she thinks.

In love, a Sagittarius woman values ​​sincerity and strives for equality. She does not see anything shameful in quarreling with her lover on business, and then making peace with him. Cunning and slyness are not for her. She expects the same attitude from her partner.

This woman can fall in love only for her spiritual qualities, which she will not be prevented from considering by excessive tinsel. The Zodiac gave her such an opportunity. In response to sincere feelings, the partner will receive from her spiritual comfort and undemandingness. Such a woman knows how to forgive mistakes and support when a man needs it. She is able to show how easy it is to get pleasure from familiar things and will be able to charge you with a positive mood.

Not all men are suitable for a Sagittarius woman. After all, she is so bright and multifaceted that the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with many men will be very difficult.

The most harmonious union can be created by two Sagittarius. They will see only the best in each other, and understand the partner perfectly.

With an Aries man, a Sagittarius woman will also be happy. He has a solidity and assertiveness, which, at times, this lady lacks. He will help her realize even the most daring plans, and their similar temperament will make intimacy just perfect.

A proud man under the sign of Leo entering the zodiac will look down on his Sagittarius partner. But this look of his will be full of sincere admiration and admiration. He will forgive such a passionate lover a lot, even spending a lot of money on surreal projects.

Compatibility with a Libra man with a representative of the Sagittarius sign is possible. Despite the low level of initiative, he is able to organize and implement what was conceived according to her plans. He can easily smooth out sharp corners and slow down on sharp turns.

A beautiful romance awaits the lady of Sagittarius and the man under the sign of Aquarius. But at the end, the relationship will turn to friendship, since the Zodiac instructs Aquarius to save the world.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with some men is very difficult. With some zodiac signs, it may simply not be possible.

The connection between the seemingly similar partners of Sagittarius and Gemini will end quickly. Mutual overestimated requirements will reduce compatibility in other areas to "no". And Gemini owes nothing to anyone.

Men born under the sign of Pisces will bypass Sagittarius women. They will be frightened off by such irrepressible energy, and according to the properties that the Zodiac has endowed them with, they prefer the concept, not its embodiment.

Scorpio men, after meeting Sagittarius, will not agree to a second role. Self-centered and narcissistic, they will not be able to pass the compatibility test with a flirtatious flirt.

After an affair with a Cancer man, the Sagittarius lady will surely have a sediment in her soul. And he seemed to be kindled by her idea, but he will not move forward to implement it.

Very rarely, a Sagittarius woman may be interested in a Capricorn man. But after a closer acquaintance, she will prefer to leave, since the world without a miracle is incomprehensible to her.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman in marriage with other signs is very ambiguous. Of course, you can call the representative of the sign of Sagittarius, which is included in the zodiac, to marry. But whether she will agree is a question. After all, the main value for this woman is freedom and the ability to do what she likes. And the bonds of marriage are a cage, even if it is golden. Therefore, making a choice between a beloved man and her freedom, she may well stop at the latter.

There are many old maidens among the representatives of this sign, but they are not greatly burdened by such a fate. After all, they do not have to give up all their interests, of which Sagittarius has a lot. They don't need to pass up the opportunity to travel and be attached to home or family. The energy and desire for diversity that the Sagittarius woman possesses does not allow her to enjoy family peace and comfort.

And if compatibility is important to you, then you need to give her freedom of choice and direct creative thinking in the home direction. She will make a wonderful hostess. Such a woman will pamper her household with unique and delicious dishes. She can also embody interesting design solutions in the interior and direct her imagination to other household chores.

If you want a Sagittarius woman's family compatibility, then don't be surprised when she suddenly packs up her bags and goes on a trip. She needs it, and it is important to respect such a need. For communication, a Sagittarius wife may prefer another, but you should not be jealous of her. She builds a family on sincerity and trust, so do not disappoint her in this.

From the representatives of this sign, wonderful lovers are obtained. They know how to do everything with brilliance and grace. In the sexual sphere, the Sagittarius woman seeks to learn new sensations, to experiment.

Sex for women born under the sign of Sagittarius, entering the zodiac, is a source of pleasure. Knowing the erogenous zones of the signs of the zodiac, in particular the Sagittarius woman, you can give her a lot of pleasure. If the partner does not have a fiery temperament and is not capable of openness, then this can be the beginning of the end of their relationship. After all, the inability to express oneself through bed and the denial of pleasures to oneself can become the basis for stress for such women. And this will lead to the fact that Sagittarius will be unhappy.

Disharmony can lead to the fact that this woman will look for another way out of this situation. And it can be the search for sensual pleasures on the side. At the same time, all ties will be broken with a permanent partner, since she will not be able to portray what is not really there.

If the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with a partner is good, and she is supported on both sides, then such a relationship can last long enough.