Ancient Bashkirs. Historical information

Ancient Bashkirs. Historical information
Ancient Bashkirs. Historical information

Once the Tatars and Bashkirs lived together and built the Great Empire. They speak closest languages, but now these relationships sometimes cease to be fraternity. The people who historically dominate the region in the region is confident that the language of the people, also the century living in the neighborhood, is only a dialect of the Great and Ancient Language. Moreover, even the existence of an independent neighbor in question: "We, - say, - a single people." And indeed, in the region where Bashkirs and Tatars live, the differences between everyday embodiment are most often zero.

Causes of contradictions

Neighbor does not agree. "You live by yourself, and we will also go." Neighbors are confident in their identity, love their language, build their state. Such claims on the independence of the dominant people seem to be Blazh. They are confident that the neighboring country is artificial education. First of all, therefore, this promise is put forward that ethnic tatars are dominated by a significant part of Bashkvor, and Bashkirs, besides, very often speak in Tatar. The natural desire for the dominant in the territory of the population is to make their own language to state and ensure that all residents enjoy them. It is necessary to prove that the owners of this land are Bashkirs, and the Tatars of the differences in the mentality would have to recognize.

However, it does not work. Tatars and Bashkirs are one people, confident in Tatarstan and numerous Tatar settlements of Bashkortan. Bashkirov is accused of artificial assimilation and imposing language. This, together with the requirement, so that the Tatar language becomes the second state in Tatarstan.

So, historical domination approaching chasisism, against obsessive plantation. Who is more right? Bashkirs and Tatars - differences or identity?

How to freeze ethnic conflicts

It is unlikely that someone in Russia heard about such a conflict, but this is not at all because these contradictions are insignificant. They are most likely much stronger than Russian-Ukrainian. And do not know about them at all because the Russians are indifferent than Choudas, Tatars and Bashkirs live. And also Adygei, Shorents, Nenets and Dolgans. And, of course, Yakuts.

And Tatars, and Bashkirs are as close to the Russian people, like all the other 194 the nations of the former USSR. This is not counting small peoples, which is also a huge list. Here is a picture of Bashkira and Tatars. Differences photo transmits only in suits. One family!

It is difficult to resolve without the revival of the culture of the dialogue with the almost ending degeneration of national elites: Bashkirs and Tatars are a hostility. Although conflicts here did not go so far, as, let's say, in the Caucasus, where the former Polovtsy (Kumyki) never lived in the world with mountain peoples. This element cannot be suppressed, except for the use of power methods. Tatars and Bashkirs lost not all.

National difficulties

Consider the ethnic composition closer. The last census showed 29% Bashkir in Bashkortan. Tatars amounted to 25%. At the Soviet census, the census showed an approximately equal number of those and others. Now the Tatars accuse Bashkran in the attributes and assimilations, and Bashkirs prove that the "intrinsic" Bashkirs returned to their identity. Nevertheless, most of all in Bashkortan of Russians - 36%, and that they think about it, no one asks.

Russians live mainly in cities, and in rural areas, Bashkirs and Tatars prevail, the differences of which the Russian eye is not too noticeable. Russians do not have so deeply rooted contradictions with any other peoples, even those who brought Bashkirs and Tatars. The difference in the nature of the relationship is so great that the conflict of local Turks with local Russians is much less likely.

From the history of the state

Historically, Russia has developed from the territories where various nationalities live like a patchwork. And after the revolution, naturally, the question arose self-determination of all these peoples. In the first years, the authorities of the Soviets also developed the border of Bashkiria, which included such a large amount of Tatars on its territory. Tatarya offered its projects, an amazing unitedness here also showed the esters of the Idel-Urals, and the Bolsheviks of the Tatar-Bashkir Soviet Republic. It was assumed a single state and a single people.

However, Bashkirs, who were in the Russian Empire, the military estate, the same as the Cossacks, formed the army and captured power in the prison. Soviet Russia accepted them after signing the contract. It contained that Small Bashkarkdistan, where ethnic Bashkirs lived, will exist under the rule of Bashkir. The terms of the contract, of course, were disturbed from time to time, but it ended in 1922, almost all Ufa province was already part of the Bashkir ASSR. After that, some of the changes took place: Bashkar lost remote areas, populated purely Bashkirs, but they all resigned.

Today, the borders of Bashkoshvan are part of Bashkir, and they do not intend to give up. That is why Bashkirs and Tatars, the difference between which Russians, for example, are not very visible, try to dissolve each other in themselves. While the number of Tatars in Bashkiria is comparable to the number of Bashkir, the Bashkir territorial education itself is under constant threat. Of course, the Tatars living in Bashkiria resist all their forces and want the United National State.

Nonaggression pact

The ethnic conflict between the Tatars and the Bashkirs of Russia managed to freeze. But he is not killed, and there is a risk that someday breaks free. If the republics were sovereign, then the conflict would hardly remain in peace for a long time, but, in any case, you can try. The nationalist state is always bad: it is possible to recall the Ossetians and Abkhazians who were frightened by Nationalist projects of Georgia, Gagauz among Moldovan, Serbs among Croats. Also, the Tatars do not want to join the culture of Bashkir, leaving their claims to their.

While the blood was not shed, and the claims were already voiced, we can expect a peaceful dialogue and complete resolution of contradictions. The difference between the Tatars and Bashkirs in the views can be overcome.

So what are the claims of the parties? Bashkirs want the inviolability of the borders and the concept of the Bashkir state. Tatars do not want to lose lead in the region. Tatars Bashkortistanskaya want their own identity and their own language. And we must not have forgotten that the number of nationalists who want one big Tatarstan in Tatarstan.

Coordination of interests

Bashkirs want "Bashkirskost" on their territory - let her get along with the inviolability of borders. Tatars do not want assimilation - let it be guaranteed that they are not imposed by Bashkir identity and Bashkir. Tatarstan wants to be a leader in the region - should be content with equality.

All the peoples of Bashkortan should be eligible for education in their native language (with the obligatory study of Bashkir as a separate subject). Tatar language can be used in the bodies of Bashkortan, but it will not be the official language on a par with Bashkir.

Bashkran can introduce national quotas for the role of Bashkir to become leading, but there was a representation of other nations, and should also abandon the assimilation of Tatars and manipulations with censuses of the population. Tatarstan will refuse territorial claims and from the provision of dual citizenship. Bashkran refuses its claims to nationally territorial autonomy. But the hopes for the fact that such a dialogue will be held soon, not yet.

Justice lives in hell, and in paradise - only love

Such a plan will certainly seem unfair and the other side. However, what is the alternative, how will it please? The difference between the Tatars and Bashkirs in this case does not exist, and it will be bad for everyone. On the one hand, the Tatars should understand that the world is a guarantee of their claims to leadership. Tatars living in Bashkortan will serve as a link between the republics.

And if the war, even a victorious, will happen, Tatarstan receives an worst enemy at the borders, plus to this, not see international legitimacy, but there will be many suspicion from nearby republics. The peaceful Bashkirs will not give up the borders of the republic and the role of their people in this territory.

Bashkirm also needs to be aware of much. It is possible to preserve the boundaries and the status of the title nation only in the case of an agreement with the peoples living in the republic. There is an option: with national dictatorship ethnic cleansing. It doesn't sucitten anything good for Bashkortan - nor in international status, nor in relationships with the nearest neighbors.

Now about the Russians, koi most

How to be in this situation with Russian living in the territories of Bashkortan and Tatarstan? Now the Russian language has a disproportionate advantage in both republics, despite all their nationalism. There is a total prevalence of the Russian language in business, in all media and in book publishing, and state administration is carried out almost entirely in Russian, even where the number of Russian people is small.

In Bashkortostan, it is easy to go through a career ladder, not knowing neither Tatar nor Bashkir. But even ridiculous to talk about it, if a person does not know Russian. It is impossible to compare the teaching of the Bashkir and Tatar Russian children with the teaching of Russian Tatars and Bashkir. Everyone owns everything without exception in the very full volume, which cannot be said about the ownership of Russian republics.

All the same, the "Bashkirization" will come or "tatarization" - in any case, in the next few decades, at least the share of the Russian language will be much higher than the share of any national. So it happened, despite all claims to equality and justice. A political representation can be distributed by agreement, as ordinary Bashkirs and Tatars want. The differences between them are insignificant and in such important areas as religion: besides atheism and Orthodoxy, which are present in both republics, the majority professes Sunni Islam.

Good moving

Hope to improve Bashkir-Tatar relations appeared after the departure of President M. Rakhimov. The presidents of the republics exchanged visits. In Ufa, the Tatar TV channel TNV began in the form of a correspondent item.

The cultural and economic cooperation of these republics has increased. Although unresolved problems did not go anywhere and remain in the relations of two countries numerous contradictions. In fact, it is strange that the elite of peoples closest in the same language and the same established culture is not a joint approach to the problems of the plantation.

Where does this different vision of ethnopolitical space? The year 1917 with his erroneous, perhaps, decisions are incredibly far from the present moment, but, nevertheless, conflicts hidden there still affect the mentality of two fraternal peoples.

Causes of contradictions

If you dig, you can select five major factors of such developments from the canvas of events. The first is subjective, the rest are quite objective.

1. Dislike and complete absence of mutual understanding between Validi's Guard leaders and Gayaz Ishaca.

Validi Zaka was the leader of the Bashkir liberation movement from 1917 to 1920. Orientalist, historian, doctor of philosophy, professor and honorary member of the University of Manchester in the future. In the meantime - just the leader.

Gayaz Ishaca is the leader of the national movement of the Tataria, publisher and writer, publicist and politician. The zealous Muslim - domiciously in preparation, and after the first congress of Muslims in pre-revolutionary Moscow. Smart, educated people, why not agreed?

2. The land issue was considered at the Tatars and Bashkir in different ways.

Tatars for 365 years from the moment of colonization gradually lost all the land captured during the Mongol-Tatar yoke, since the position of these territories was strategic: rivers, roads, trading paths. The first time - after 1552, then in the beginning of the 18th century, feudalles were eliminated in the Tsarskoy Decree in the Tatari, and the lands were transferred to Russian migrants and treasury. Since then, landless has become a real misfortune for the Tatars.

The situation has developed in the territories of Bashkir, who had in the Tsarist Empire with a wound right and constantly fought for him. During hunger, a periodically occasionally occasionally - once every 3-5 years, as well as settlers arrived in Bashkia from both Russia and from the nearest lands. Formed a multinational peasantry. The land question stood in Bashkiria is always very acute, and after 1917 he became a factor for the formation of a national movement.

3. Pure the geographical location of Tatar and Bashkir lands.

The land of the Tatar was in the very depths of the empire, they did not have borders with any incense region, able to unite efforts in the struggle against common interests. Bashkiria almost bordered with Kazakhstan - fifty kilometers of Russian land separated these republics from each other. The probability of the Union was very large.

4. Some differences in the system of resettlement Bashkir and Tatars in the Russian Empire.

The dispersed settlement of the Tatar before the revolution, even on its lands does not constitute the overwhelming majority, against Bashkir, which constitutes the overwhelming majority on its lands.

5. Different cultural and educational levels of Bashkir and Tatars.

In the dispersed settlement of the Tatars, the main weapons became intellect, high moral qualities and organization. The power of Bashkir was not madrasa and intelligence. They owned land, were militarized and ready to stand up for their defense of their independence at any time.

Despite all these items, Bashkirs and Tatars can be quite friendly. The article demonstrates many moments of truly fraternal and good-neighborly relations.

2) The origin of the Bashkir people.

3) The first information about Bashkarah.

4) Saki, Scythians, Sarmati.

5) Ancient Turks.

6) Polovtsy.

7) Gengizhan.

8) Bashkortostan as part of the Golden Horde.

10) Ivan Grozny.

11) Joining Bashkir to the Russian state.

12) Bashkir uprisings.

13) Bashkir tribes.

14) beliefs ancient Bashkir.

16) Adoption of Islam.

17) Writing from Bashkir and the first schools.

17) the emergence of Bashkir Aules.

18) the emergence of cities.

19) Hunting and fisheries.

20) agriculture.

21) Bortfreaty.

22) Influence of the Civil War on the Economic and Public Life of Bashkiria

1) The origin of the Bashkir people. Formation, the formation of the people does not occur immediately, but gradually. In the eighth century BC, Ananyan tribes lived in the Southern Urals, which were gradually settled into other territories. Scientists believe that the Ananyan tribes are direct ancestors of Komi-Permyakov, Udmurts, Mariers, and the descendants of Ananyintsev took part in the origin of the Chuvash, the Volga Tatars, Bashkir and other peoples of the Urals and the Volga region.
Bashkirs like people did not move away from somewhere, but was formed as a result of a very complex and long historical development at the places of indigenous tribes, in the process of contacts and crossing them with the arrivals of Turkic tribes. These are savromates, Huns, ancient Turks, Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Mongolian tribes.
Fully the process of the formation of the Bashkir people is completed at the end of XV - in the first half of the XVI century.

2) The first information about Bashkarah.

The first written certificates about Bashkara are referring to the IX centuries. Especially important evidence of the Arab traveler Ibn-Fadlan is especially important. According to his description, the embassy drove a long time through the country of Oguzo-Kypchakov (Zaralya's steppes), and then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current city of Uralsk, it crossed across the YiK River and immediately joined the "Bashkir country from among the Turuquer".
In it, the Arabs crossed themselves through such rivers as a kineel, current, sheds, and the Liberty of the State of the Volga Bulgaria began behind the river Big Chereman.
The closest neighbors Bashkir in the West were Bulgars, and in the south and east - the Grozny nomadic tribes of the puzzles and Kypchakov. Bashkirs led an active trade with China, with the states of South Siberia, Central Asia and Iran. They sold their fur merchants, iron products, cattle and honey. In exchange, silk, silver and gold jewelry, dishes were obtained. Pursuits and diplomats left the stories about her through the country. These stories mention that the city of Bashkir consisted of terrestrial log houses. The Bashkir settlements arranged frequent raids of the neighbors of Bulgaria. But militant Bashkirs tried to meet enemies on the border and did not let them down close to their villages.

3) Saki, Scythians, Sarmati.

2800 - 2900 years ago, a strong powerful people appeared in the South Urals - Saki. The main riches were horses. The famous Sakskaya cavalry of rapid throws captured fertile pastures for their numerous herds. Gradually, steppes of Eastern Europe from the Southern Urals to the shores of the Caspian, Aral Seas and the South of Kazakhstan became Sakskim.
Among Sakov were especially rich families who had several thousand horses in herd. Rich families subordinate to themselves poor relatives and chose the king. So there was a Sakskaya state.

All Saki were considered the slaves of the king, and all their wealth was his property. It was believed that even after death, he becomes king, but only in another world. Koronyi kings in large deep graves. In the pit lowered the log cabins - at home, inside the weapons, dishes with food, dear clothes and other things. Everything was made of gold and silver, so that in the underground world nobody doubted the royal origin of the buried.
The whole millennium dominated Saki and their descendants on a wide steppe space. Then they were divided into several separate groups of tribes and began to live separately.

Scythians were the nomadic people of steppes, immense pasture land, stretching through Asia from Manchuria to Russia. Scythians existed the separation of animals (sheep, cattle and horses) and partly engaged in hunting. The Chinese and the Greeks described the Scythians as ferocious warriors, which constituted a single integer with their rapidly eaves. Armed with onions and arrows Scythians fought riding. According to one of the descriptions, they were filmed with scalp enemies and stored them as a trophy.
Rich Scythians were covered with a complex tattoo. The tattoo was evidence of a person's belonging to a well-known genus, and her absence was a sign of commoner. The man with the patterns applied on the body turned into a "walking" work of art.
When the leader was dying, his wife and servants were killed and buried with him. Together with the leader Kononi and his horses. Many very beautiful products made of gold found in burials, talk about the wealth of Scythians.

Kochuya along the borders of the Zararal steppe of the forest-steppe, Saki come into contact with those who live there with half-blood tribes. According to many modern researchers, these were the Finno-Ugric tribes - the ancestors of Mariers, Udmurts, Komi-Permyakov and, possibly, Hungarian Magyar. The interaction of Sakov and Ugron ended in the IV century BC, the appearance on the historic arena of Sarmatov.
In the second century before our era, Sarmati won Scythia and devastated her. Part of the Scythians was exterminated or captured, others were subordinated and merged with sackets.
Famous historian N. M. Karamzin wrote about Sarmata. "Rome was not ashamed of gold to buy a friendship of Sarmatov."
Scythians, Saki and Sarmatians spoke in Iranian. In Bashkir language there are ancient Irani via, that is, the words included in the vocabulary of Bashkirov from Iranian language: kyyr (cucumber), a kamyr (dough), a clock (board), hung (glass), Bakt (wool - molting), hiking (nara) , Shishme (spring, stream).

4) Ancient Turks.

In the VI - VII centuries, new hordes of nomads were gradually moving from the steppes of Central Asia. Turks created a huge empire from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the North Caucasus in the West, from Siberia's forest-steppe regions in the north to the borders of China and Central Asia in the south. In 558, the Southern Urals were already part of the Türkov state.

The Supreme Divine in the Turks was the sun (by other versions - heaven) he was called the Tenger. The Tenger was subject to the gods of water, wind, forests, mountains and other deities. The fire, as the ancient Turks considered, cleared a person from all sins and bad thoughts. Around the Khan Yurt and the day, and night bonfires were burning. No one dared to approach Khan until he passed through a fiery corridor.
Turks left a deep mark in the history of the peoples of the South Urals. Under their influence, new tribal unions were formed, which gradually moved to a settled lifestyle.

5) In the second half of the 9th century, a new wave of Turkic-speaking nomads is held through the steppes of the South Primea and the Volga region - Pechenegs. They were ousted out of Central Asia and the priaral of the victims defeat in wars for the possession of Syrdarya and Northern Priaral Oasisis. At the end of the IX century, Pechenegs and their tribes are becoming the actual owners of the steppes of Eastern Europe. Bashkir tribes included in the Pechenegs who lived in the steppes of the Volga region and the South Prijaria. Being an organic part of the Zavolzhsky Pechenegs of Bashkira IX - XI centuries, no way of life, nor culture, apparently, did not differ from Pechenegs.

Polovtsy are Turkic nomads, which appeared in the middle of the XI century in the Steppes of the Urals and Volga. The Polovtsy themselves called themselves with cripples. They approached the boundaries of Russia. Over time, their domination steppe became called cheap-kypchak, Polovtsaya steppe. On the days of the domination of the Polovtsy sculpture - the stone "women", standing in the steppe mounds. Although these statues are called "women", among them the images of the heroes of the heroes are dominated by the villains of the Polovtsy tribes.
Polovtsy acted as the Allies of Byzantium against Pechenegs, expelled them from the Black Sea region. Polovtsy were both allies and enemies of Russian tribes. Many of the Polovtsy became relatives of Russian princes. So, Andrei Bogolyub-sky was the son of the Polovchanka, the daughter of Khan Haepe. Prince Igor, the hero "Words about the regiment of Igor", before his campaign of 1185 he was invited to the Polovtsy himself to take part in military raids on Russia.
In the XIII - XIV centuries, the territory of the Viurala and Zauralya was settled by Kypchak. They joined related ties with other tribes in the population of this area.

6) Genghis Khan was the son of the Chief of a small Mongolian tribe. At eight years he remained orphan. When Genghis Khan's Father saw a big birthmark of the baby on his palm, he considered it a sign that the Son would become a great warrior.
The real name of Genghis Khan - Temacign. His merit was that he united into one cross-banned Union little nomadic tribes with each other. He devoted his whole life to creating the empire. The war was the instrument of this construction. There were no walking warriors in the army: everyone had two horses, one for himself, the other - for booties. We lived, rummage due to the conquered population.

Cities, if their population resisted, mercilessly destroyed with all residents. True, if they gave away without struggle, they could wait for mercy. Genghis Khan and his army acquired such fame with their cruelty that many preferred to give up to him without a fight.
The troops of Genghis Khan overcame the Great Wall and captured all China soon. In 1215, Beijing was captured and all China became part of the Great Mongolian Empire.
In the 20s of the XIII century, Genghis Khan and Horde approached the outskirts of Rus. Although Russian cities were well fortified, they could not restrain the onslaught of the Mongols. After defeating the combined forces of Russian and Polovtsy princes in 1223 in the battle on Kalka, the Mongolian army devastated the territory between Don and Dnipro north of the Azov Sea.

In the thirteenth century, the numerous troops of Grozny Genghis Khan approached the Southern Urals. Forces were unequal, in several battles, Bashkirs were broken. In reconciliation, the Bashkir leader Muitan Khan, son Tuxob Khan arrived at the Mongolian Khan's bet. He brought with him expensive gifts, including thousands of cattle heads. Genghis Khan was pleased with the expensive gifts and awarded Han with a diploma on the eternal possession of them and his descendants of the lands, through which the White River flows. Extensive lands, given under the power of Muitan Khan, completely coincides with the territory of the settlement of the Bashkir tribes of the IX - XII centuries.
But Bashkir's wide masses were not reconciled with the loss of independence and repeatedly climbed the war against new owners. The topic of the struggle of Bashkir against Mongols is most fully reflected in the legend "The last of Sartayevo", telling about the tragic fate of the Bashkir Khan Jalak, who in war against Mongols lost his two sons, all his own, but to the end remained unoccupied.

Southern Urals, Southern Pre- and Zauralye. Number 1 million 673 thousand people. In the number of Bashkira occupy the fourth place in the Russian Federation after the Russians, Tatars and Ukrainians. They speak Bashkir. Believers - Muslim Sunnis.

The great historian S. I. Rudenko in the fundamental work "Bashkira" relates Bashkir with tribes that lived in the Urals in the second millennium BC. In the Urals, judging by written sources, the ancient bashkirsky tribes lived more than a thousand years ago, as evidenced by the messages of travelers. By -X centuries, the first written information about Bashkira. About 840 g. Bashkir visited the Arab traveler Sallam At-Tarjun, who pointed out the approximate limits of the country Bashkir. Another Arabic author is Al-Masidi (died about 956), a narrative of wars near the Aral Sea, Bashkir mentions among the warring peoples. Other authors wrote about Bashkarah as the main population of the Southern Urals. Ibn Ruste (903) reported that Bashkirs were "the people of independent, which occupied the territory on both sides of the Ural Range between Volgo, Kamou, Tobol and the Upper Tower of Yaik." Reliable data about Bashkhah contains the book of Ahmed Ibn Fadlan, who in 922 in the embassy of the Baghdad Caliph visited the Volga Bulgaria. He describes them as a warlike Turkic people who are worshiped by various forces of nature, birds and beasts. At the same time, the author reports, the other group Bashkir confessed the higher form of religion, including Pantheon from the twelve-spirits led by the Heavenly God of Tengri.

The territory of modern Bashkortostan was the zone of interaction of Finno-Ugric, Turkic and Indo-European peoples. The most common etymology of self-discharge "Bashkort" - from "Bash" - "Head" and Turko-Otelkogo "Gurt", "Kurt" - "Wolf" (the influence of the Oguz tribes (Pechenegi) in the ethnogenesis of the ancient Bashkir is undoubtedly). Ibn Fadlan, who left the first reliable information about Bashkara, clearly points to the Turkic belonging of Bashkir.

Epoch Golden Horde

Adopting Moscow citizenship

The establishment of Moscow suzerita over Bashkirs was not a one-time act. The first (in the winter of 1554), the Moscow citizenship adopted the Western and Northwest Bashkirs, subject to the previously Kazan Khan. Following them (in 1554-1557), the Bashkirs of the Central, Southern and Southeast Bashkiria, which coexisted then on one territory with the Nogai Horde, were established with Ivan Grozny. The Zaral Bashkirs were forced to go to the agreement with Moscow in the 80s-190s of the XVI century, after the collapse of the Siberian Khanate. The size of Kazan, Ivan Grozny appeals to the Bashkir people with a call to voluntarily come under his highest hand. Bashkirs responded at the People's Public Assembly, they decided to switch to Moscow vassalitet based on an equal agreement with the king. It was a second case in their centuries-old history. The first was a contract with Mongols (XIII century). In agreement, the conditions were clearly stipulated. The Moscow Sovereign kept all their lands for Bashkirs and recognized the faithful right of them (noteworthy: besides Bashkir, no people who adopted Russian citizenship did not have the imaginary right to land). The Moscow king also promised to maintain local government, not oppressing the Muslim religion ("... Given the word and swore Bashkir, confessing Islam, never to rape into another religion ..."). Thus, Moscow went to the serious concessions to Bashkir, which, naturally, responded to its global interests. Bashkirs, in turn, have pledged to bear military service at their own expense and pay the treasury Yasak - to file a lot.

The collection of taxes from the territory of Bashkortostan was instructed by the order of the Kazan Palace. The territory of Bashkortostan in the XVI-XVII centuries. In the royal documents, it was designated as "Ufa County", which was divided into Nogai, Kazan, Siberian and Osinsk roads (Darugi). The Zaral Bashkirs were as part of the Siberian road. The roads consisted of tribal volosts, which, in turn, were divided into childbirth (aimaki or tubes).

In 1737, the Zaral part of Bashkortostan was attributed to the newly created Iset Province, the territory of which covered the modern Kurgan, the northeastern part of the Chelyabinsk, South-Tyumen, East - Sverdlovsk regions. In 1744, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, the highest decree commanded "to be in Orenburg province and refer to the Orenburg province and to be the governor of the secret advisor to Neptevu." The Orenburg province was formed as part of the Orenburg, Ufa and Isetian provinces.

Bashkir uprisising

During the lifetime of John the Terrible Terms of Agreement, they were still observed, and he, despite his cruelty, remained in the memory of the Bashkir people as kind, "White" king. With the coming to power of the house of Romanov in the XVII century. The policy of tsarism in Bashkortostan immediately began to change for the worse. In the words of the authorities, Bashkir was assured in their loyalty to the terms of the agreement, in fact they stood on the path of their violations. This was expressed, first of all, in the plundering of the victims of the Bashkir lands and the construction of the stamped, the sews, Slobod, Christian monasteries, lines. Seeing the mass rejection of his lands, violation of the original rights and freedoms, Bashkirs rose to the uprisings in 1645, 1662-1664, 1681-1684, 1705-11 / 25. The royal authorities were forced to satisfy many of the demands of the rebels. After the Bashkir uprising 1662-1664. The government once again officially confirmed the fixed right of Bashkir to Earth. During the rebellion of 1681-1684. - freedom of confession Islam. After the uprising of 1705-11. (the embassy from Bashkir again swore to the loyalty to the emperor only in 1725) - confirmed the defendant rights and special status of Bashkir and conducted a lawsuit ended with the condemnation for the exceedment of the authority and execution of government "prominent people" Sergeev, Dochova and Zhikharov demanding Taxes, Not stipulated by law, which served as one of the reasons to the uprising. In the course of the uprisings, Bashkir detachments were reached by Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan, Vyatka, Tobolsk, offered Kazan (1708) and the Mountains of the Caucasus (with the unsuccessful storming with its allies - Caucasian mountaineers and Russians The Cossacks-Raskolniki, theory town, was captive and later executed one of the leaders of the Bashkir uprising 1705-11, Sultan Murat). Human and material losses were huge.

The most severe on the losses for the Bashkir themselves is the uprising of 1735-1740, during which Khan Sultan Gary (Karasakal) was elected. According to the estimates of the American historian A. S. Donnelly, every fourth person died from Bashkir. The next uprising broke out in 1755. The reason was rumors about religious persecutions and the abolition of light Yasaka (the only tax to Bashkir; Yasak was taken only from the ground and confirmed their record status landowners) with the simultaneous ban on free salt mining, which Bashkirs considered their privilege. The uprising was brilliantly planned, but was broken because of the spontaneous premature performance of Bashkir, the genus Burzyan, who killed a small official - a bribe and a violence of Bragin. Because of this ridiculous and tragic random, plans for the simultaneous performance of Bashkir of all 4 roads, this time - in the Union with Mishairs, and, perhaps, Tatars and Kazakhs were torn. The most famous ideologue of this movement was Ahong of the Siberian Road of Bashkiria, Mishar Gabdulla Galiev (Batyrusha). Captive Mulla Batursha wrote his famous "letter to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna", which came to the present day as an interesting example of the analysis of the causes of Bashkir uprisings by their participant.

The last Bashkir uprising is considered to participate in the Peasant War of 1773-1775. Emelyan Pugacheva, hero of this uprising Salavat Yulaev also remained in popular memory.

The result of these uprisers was the establishment of the status of the Bashkir.

Bashkirs in the Patriotic War of 1812

Before the start of the war: The 1st Bashkir regiment was as part of the Cossack Corps of Ataman Platov, located in the city of Grodno, the Bashkir Regiment entered the 1st Brigade of Colonel Ilovai 12th, 5th Cavalry Division, the 2nd Western Army. The Timirovsky Cossack Regiment He entered the avant-garde of the 3rd infantry building of Lieutenant General Tuchkov 1st. Radant about the beginning of the war, Bashkirs immediately formed the 3rd, 4th, 5th Bashkir regiments of volunteers.

Cossack Corps of Platov, covering the waste of the Army of Bagration, 15 (27) of June 1812, accepted the fight under Grodno, in which the 1st Bashkir regiment actively participated. The ordinary Buranai Chuvashbaev, Uzbek Akmurzin, Esaul Isan Abubakirov, Khorunjy Gilman Hudayberdin, were especially distinguished.

Familiar battles of the cavalry of Platov with French avant-garde on June 17 (July 9). A team of General Touro from the six regiments was broken down by headlong. In this battle, together with the Don Cossacks, Bashkir Conneels fought. Again, distinguished ordinary Uzbek Akmurzin for this fight was produced in the ledges.

1 (13) July Corps of Platov arrived in Romanovo2 (14) July, seven cavalry regiments of the enemy were met by the Cossacks, Bashkirs, Kalmyks and after a stubborn battle. Having received a reinforcement, the enemy took the second attack, but, when he came across a persistent defense, was forced to re-retreat. Again, the distinguished office of Buranai Chuvashbayev for an excellent service and manifested bravery was produced in the ledges.

Borodino. The 3rd battalion of the Ufa infantry regiment was particularly distinguished.

in Bashkiria, and from Bashkir adjacent counties of the Perm and Orenburg province, 28 (including 6 repairs) Bashkir, 2 Mishar (Meshcheryak) and 2 Tortyrine Cossack shelf were formed.

On August 15, 1812, Bashkira, Tytyari and Mishari donated 500 thousand of the then full-time rubles of the royal chasing in favor of the army.

Every regiment had his banner. The banner of the 5th Bashkir Regiment of Volunteers is still holy in the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Bashkiro-Meshcheryak army. Cantonian control system

The most significant of reforms in relation to Bashkirov conducted by the Tsarist Government in the XVIII century was the introduction of a canton system of the management system, acting with some changes up to 1865. By decree of April 10, 1798, the Bashkir and the Mishar population of the region was transferred to the military service and necessarily to bear the border service on the eastern borders of Russia. Administratively created cantons. The Zaralsk Bashkirs were part of the 2nd (Yekaterinburg and Shadrinsky County), the 3rd (Trinity County) and the 4th (Chelyabinsk County) of Cantons. The 2nd Canton was in Perm, 3rd and 4th - in Orenburg provinces. In 1802-1803 Bashkirs of Shadrinsky county were highlighted in an independent 3rd canton. In this regard, the ordinal numbers of cantons have changed. The former 3rd Canton (Troitsky County) became the 4th, and the former 4th (Chelyabinsk county) - 5th.

Large changes in the canton control system were undertaken in the 1930s of the XIX century. From the Bashkir and Mishar population of the region, a Bashkiro-Meshcheryak army was formed, which included 17 cantons. The latter were combined in guardianship. Bashkirs and Mishari 2nd (Yekaterinburg and Krasnoufim district) and the 3rd (Shadrinsky county) Cantons were included in the first, 4th (Trinity County) and the 5th (Chelyabinsk County) - in second guardianship with centers, respectively, in Krasnoufimsk and Chelyabinsk. The law "On the accession of the black and bobbers to the Bashkiro-Meshcheryak tska." Of February 22, the Tshotarsky shelves were included in the canton system of Bashkiro-Meshcheryak troops. The very name was changed to the Bashkir army by the law "On the naming of Bashkiro-Meshcheryakgago troops by the Bashkir army. October 31, "

Proclamation of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Education Agreement

After the revolutions of 1917, the Allbizhkarsky congresses (Kurultai) are held on which the decision is made to create the National Republic in the composition of federal Russia. As a result, on November 16, 1917, the educated Bashkir regional (Central) Shuro (Council) proclaims the creation in territories with mainly Bashkir population of the Orenburg, Perm, Samara, Ufa Province of the Republic of Bashkhardistan.

Theories of Ethnogenesis Bashkir

Ethnogenesis Bashkir is extremely complicated. The southern Urals and the adjacent steppes where the formation of the people occurred, has long been the arena of the active interaction of various tribes and cultures.

In the 20th century Research Rudenko, R. G. Kuzeva, N. K. Dmitriev, J.K.Kyekbaeva, etc. The point of view is justified, according to which, in the origin of Bashkir, the formation of their ethnocultural appearance was played by the Turkic tribes of Southernibirsk-Central Asian origin with the participation of local ( Uralsky) Population: Finno-Ugorsky (including Thro-Magyarsky), Sarmato Alansky (Anneransky). The ancienturk ancestors Bashkir, who experienced the influence of Mongols and Tunguso-Manchuri on the ancestor, before joining the South Urals, nomaded in the south of Western Siberia, in Kazakhstan, then in the Priaral-Syrdaryan steppes, entering into contacts with the Pechenezhsky-Ogzu and Kimako-Kypchak's tribes. With con. 9 - in Nach. 10 V. Bashkirs live in the southern Urals with adjacent from the west, the south and east by steppe and forest-steppe spaces. From 9 c. It becomes a famous ethnonym "Bashkort". According to many researchers, he originates on behalf of the well-known sources of the military man holder Bashkhrd, under the leadership of which Bashkirs united into the military-political union and then began to master the modern territory of the settlement. Another name of Bashkir ("ICTEK" / "EXEC") was also allegedly anthroponym. In the southern Urals, Bashkir was part of the part of the Aboriginal (Finno-Ugric, Iranian) population, partly assimilated, came into contact with Kamsko-Volzhsky Bulgarians, sedentary tribes of the Ural Volga and Western Siberia.


Turkic theory.

Theory of complex origin

Traditional classes and crafts

The main occupation of Bashkir in the past was nomadic (Jaylyaouight) cattle breeding; Hunting, bortar, beekeeping, poultry farming, fishing were spread. Gathering. Crafts - weaving, highlight felt, production of lounge carpets, chalee, embroidery, skin treatment (leatherworking), wood treatment.

Kurgan Bashkira

Kurgan Bashkirs - Ethno-territorial group of the Bashkir people, compactly residing in the west of the Kurgan region. The total number is 15470 people. Remainted mainly in Almenhevsky, Safakulevsky, Schuchansky districts of the region. The largest settlements with the predominance of the Bashkir population in Kurgan Zaralya - Tanrykulovo, Sarth-Abdravo, Sharipovo, Subbotino, Sulemanovo, Suleimanovo, Peace, Yulamanovo, Azulino, Tungui, and others. The absolute majority of Kurgan Bashkir - rural residents. Believers - Muslims (Sunni)

The Language of Kurgan Bashkir refers to the Yalano-Katai subpoeor of the Eastern dialect of the Bashkir language. There are quite a few rusism in the feed. Most Kurgan Bashkir also owns Russian.

Anthropological types, common among Kurgan (Yalano-Katai), Bashkir occupy an intermediate place between the European and Mongoloidary Big Races (Yuzhnosibirskiy, Subural, Pamiro-Fergana, Pontic, Light Europeoid)

The folk culture of this group Bashkir is characterized by the great preservation of many elements of traditional family rituals, ancient samples of folklore, folk clothing. Characteristic in traditional clothes are women's breastplant jewelry "Yaga", head covers "Kushuyuzyk".

A small part of the immigrants from the Kurgan Bashkir are now residents of Cities Chelyabinsk, Surgut, Yekaterinburg, Kurgan, Tyumen. Some families since 1960-1970 (as a result of migrations) also live in the regions of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Orenburg Bashkira

Bashkirs of the Orenburg region are considered indigenous inhabitants. According to the 1989 census, Bashkirs lives compact in the following areas - Krasnogvardeysky (5378 people), Gayi (2734 people), Saraktashsky (1881 people), Kuvandyksky (1864 people). In general, Bashkirs live in all areas of the region, as well as in cities - Orenburg (6211 people), Orsk (4521 people), Mednogorsk (2839 people), Guy (1965 people), etc. In Orenburg, there is a monument of history and culture of the Bashkir people Caravan -Saray (KarauanHaray), built in 1838-44 on the initiative of representatives of Bashkir birth under the guardianship of the Military Governor Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky. The Orenburg region gave the Bashkir people outstanding people - Muhametsh Buragulov (People's Sensen, the famous folklorist, first-established the manuscript of the Bashkir oral folk epic epic "Ural-Batyr", "Akbuzat", "Karasakal and Salavat" and others, from Verkhne-Ilyasovo village of Krasnogvardeysky district ), Give Yulta (writer, from the village of Yultiyevo Krasnogvardeysky district), Sagit Agish (writer, master of short stories, from the village of Iesyangildino Charlyk district), Ravil Bikbaev (Poet, from Verkhne-Kunakbaevo village of Pokrovsky district), Gabdulla Amantai (Writer, from Village Verkhne-Ilyasovo of the Krasnogvardeisky district), Habibulla Ibragimov (playwright and composer, from Orenburg), Valiulla Murtazin-Imansky (actor, director and playwright, from the village of Imangulovo Oktyabrsky district), Amir Abdrazakov (actor and director, from the village of Kaipkulovo Aleksandrovsky district) .

Perm Bashkira

The Bashkir Runoplexian Gaine Organization in the XIII century occupied extensive territories along the shores of Kama - from the mouth of the Siva River to the mouth of the River Ochra, and then the border of the land went along the Sylva River to the top course then r. Irginka went to the upper reaches of the river rapid tanyap.

After the defeat of Kazan, the king Ivan Grozny in 1552, Bashkira-Gainnants in 1557 adopted his citizenship and received from the King "Owning diploma", according to which they remained the owners of land between the Kama River, Syll and Belaya. Later, they, like the rest of Bashkirs, were defined in a military estate like the Cossack, paid a small community tax, for they should have protected the border and participate in the wars, which Russia led. When the canton system was installed, the Guinnings entered the 1st Bashkir Canton. The most famous for them was to participate in the war against Napoleon (France). 13 Perm Bashkir for military merit in the war were awarded a silver medal "In memory of the war of 1812".

After receiving the Gainnants of the Moscow citizenship, the government began to pursue the policies of the colonization of the region. At first, hanged Gainnans from the indigenous lands, built a new-Nikolskaya Sloboda, which later turned into an Osinsky fortress. In 1618, Andrei Krylov is building a cottage, which then turned into with. Walleo. In 1739, the Shermeika River General-Annef Alexander Glebov builds a copperlative plant. Gainnants raised more than once to preserve their territory, but the uprisings were brutally suppressed. Gainnants participated in all Bashkir uprisings. According to the testimony of Batyrshi, during the uprising period of 1735-40. 400 Gaining warriors destroyed the 1000th team of "Wolitsa" at 4 guns and "only after the truce gave guns." During the period of 1755, they had a very important role in them, but the performance of Bashkir Gaine was in the embrying of the powerful Tarkhan Gaininsky Bashkir, the Rudo-industrialist and the elderly Tuktamysham Ishbulatov (in the future - a deputy from Bashkir in the Ekaterininsky laid commission and Pugachevsky Colonel). The most significant uprising was their participation in the Pugachev uprising of 1773-1775, where more than 9,000 Gainnans participated. They gave this war of 9 colonels, 7 atamans and 16 hiking elders. After that, their land remained within the Guinean parish.

The famous people appeared among the guynans of that time. This Ismail Tasimov, on the initiative of which the first mining school was opened, now the Mining University. The second bright representative of the region was Tuktamysh of Izhbulatov, who was the head of the head of the commissioned commission for 20 years, was a member of the commissioned commission, and 3 times came out at the Commission meetings. The third representative was Mansur Gata-Hazret, deputy of the State Duma, who opened the progressive madrasa in p. Sultanai.

Bashkirs Samara region

Bashkirs began to settle in the Samara region since the XVIII century, they were founded by village now located in the territories of the Trucks and Bolshalshitsky districts of the Samara region (earlier the Imaleeval parish of the Samara Province). They are also known as the Irgiz Bashkirs, since most of their villages are located in the Valley of the Irgiz River. Samara Bashkirs Despite their remoteness from the historical homeland, they speak on the literary Bashkir language, as their ancestors are immigrants from the southeast of Bashkortostan, and not from the Tatar-speaking North-West. The Samara land gave the Bashkir people a number of famous people. These writers are Rashit Nigmia (1909-1959, from the village of Dinghesbayevo Trucregovsky district), Hassan Bashar (1901-1938, from the village of Utyakaevo Trucachina (1905-1954, from the village of Khasanovo Trustshin (1893-1938 , from the village of Tashbulatovo, now Tash-Kutyanovo Bolshablushitsky district), his cousin, Language Gabbas Davletshin (1892-1937, from the same village), participant in the Bashkir national liberation movement, Assistant Akhmad Zaki Validi Haris Yumagulov (1891-1937, From the village of Hasanovo), Fatim Mustafina (1913-1998, from the village of Dinghesbayevo) Bolstered Education Minister (1955-1971).

Bashkirs Chelyabinsk region

More than 166 thousand Bashkir live in the Chelyabinsk region. The Bashkir population is presented in most areas of the region. Compact settlements of Bashkir are available in Argayash, Kunashak, Sosnovsky, Kusinsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Nazinetrovsk, Oktyabrsky, Castinsky, Chebarkul, Uysky, Kizilskiy, Agapovsky, Ashinsky, Kyshtym and some other areas of the region. To the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region there was Argayash National District Notes

    Introduction 3

    1. Historical essay 4

    2. Bashkirs - Peoples of the Southern Urals 8

    Conclusion 14

    List of used literature 15


The Turkic peoples (Turks) of the Urals resettled on both sides of the Middle and South Urals from the Volga region to Priobya are the northwestern part of the extensive Turkic ethnocultural space, limited by the Mediterranean (Turks) and Eastern Siberia (Yakuta).

Along with the Mongolian and Tungus-Manchuri peoples, Turks belong to the Altai language family. In the languages \u200b\u200bof the Kypchak branch of the Turkic group, Volga-Ural and Siberian Tatars, Bashkirs, Nogai, Kazakhs say; The language of the Chuvash forms the Bulgarian branch of the Turkic group. Pranodina Ancient Turks Many researchers consider the foothills of Altai and Sayan. According to ancient legend (recorded by Chinese sources VI century. N. E.), the Turkic tribe happened from a quartered boy and passing it in the Altai Wolf Cave. There were 10 sons of the Wolf, one of whom was the name of Ashin or Turk.

1. Historical essay

Bashkirs (self-talent Bashkort) - Turkic-speaking nomads that began their movement in the current Bashkiria in the IV century. From the south-steppe stripes. Ethnogenesis Bashkir is extremely complicated. The Southern Urals and the adjacent steppes where the formation of the people occurred, has long been the arena of the active interaction of different cultures and languages. In the 2nd floor. 1st thousand to n. e. In the south of Bashkiria, Iranian-speaking sarmatic cattlemen lived, in the north - agricultural and hunting tribes of Ananinski culture, ancestors of Finno-Ugric peoples. In 1st thousand n. e. Begins penetration of nomads to the southern urals, to con. 1st thousand. Having taken all of the Bashkiria. Having displaced and partly assimilating Aboriginal, Turk. The tribes, obviously, played a decisive role in the addition of the language, culture and physical appearance of Bashkirov, in the ethnogenesis of Bashkis, the Ogzo-Pechenezh tribes, Volzhsko-Kama Bulgars, later - Kypchaki (XI - XIII centuries) and some Mongolian tribes were participating (XIII- -XIV centuries). In Arab sources, Bashkirs are mentioned in the IX - X centuries. Under the name "Bashgird" ("Bashgourd"). So, according to Ibn Fadlan, during his journey (922) in Bulgar, crossing the river. Chagan (right. Yaika influx), the embassy fell "into the country of the people of Bashkhird". Arabic geographer and diplomat calls them "the worst of the Turks ... more than other encroaching on life." Therefore, having entered into their land, the Arabs for security were sent forward an armed equestrian squad. In the IX - XIII centuries. Bashkirs nomaded in separate births in the priestly, south. Urals and between PP. Volga and YiK (Ural). They were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, as well as fishing, hunting and fighting. In the X - XIII centuries. Bashkir began a decomposition of a generic relationship, and they began to wander already separate groups in 10-- 30 families. For a long time, their patriarchal slavery remained. In the late XII - the beginning of the XIII centuries. Easy feudal relationships. In the X - XIII centuries. Western Bashkirs obeyed Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria. Bashkirs were idolaters, from the X century. To them from Bulgaria begins to penetrate Islam; Believers Bashkira - Muslims-Cynites. In 1229, the Tatar-Mongols were invaded on the territory of Bashkiria and the Bashkir were fully conquered to 1236, which included with their nomads in Ulus Sheibani - Brother Batu-Khan. In the 2nd floor. The XV century, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the South and Southeast Territory of the Bashkir nomads went to the Nogai Horde, the western part - to the Kazan Khanty, and Northeast - to Siberian Khanate. With accession (1552) to Russia of the Kazan Khanate, Western Bashkirs became the subjects of the Russian state. From 1557 almost all Bashkir. Nomads began to pay Yasak Russian king. In con. XVI-- Nach. XVII century Eastern Bashkirs also found themselves under the rule of Russia. From 1586, an active colonization of Russian territories of Bashkirs from the north-east and lower seconds began. Bashkira themselves "considered the descendants of the Nogaites, in which they really resemble some physical features, but Kyrgyz called them the scenters and considered Bashkir as tribesmen of this Siberian people mixed with Tatars. The mountain Bashkir probably retained the initial type in the greatest purity longer, the head is most often small, but very wide; Between them there was an increasing and strong types with the correct features of the face, very similar to Transylvanian Magyars, which is advised by the Uphors origin quite a long time. Most Bashkir has a flat, round, nose small, a little sworn, small eyes, gray or brown, the ears are big, a rare beard, the physiognomy is kind and pleasant. Indeed, ordinary people were very good-natured, benevolent, friendly and accepted by ingenians with the most welcoming hospitality, which they often used the owners in evil. Slow in work, they are far surpassed Russian accuracy and health. Like Kazan Tatars, the Batters had to buy their wives, but Calma's payment could be discharged for several years, and often the husband widdled his living property after paying only half of Vienna. During the first year, a young wife had no right to talk to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, custom found on Earth except for non-equatorial African blacks. Many Bashkirs owned fairly large octaras of sheep, herds of cattle, but preference was given to herds of horses who served them at the same time both riding and harmful, and fragile; Animals gave them meat, milk (from the mare milk they made kumys - therapeutic and alcoholic drink) and the skin from which they did their clothes, kibitats, bedspreads, belts, bags, or Tresuki. It was not uncommon to meet Bashkir, who considered their own hundreds, even thousands of horses. Bashkirs (as, however, and others. Nomadic peoples and tribes) were unusually deft rider; Favorite from their military exercises were horse races, which represented an unusually exciting and picturesque sight. Beekeeping was also considered one of the most favorite classes of Bashkir, so some of the ethnographers even tried to bring out the name of the people - Bashkhart from the word meaning the profession of beekeepers. Bashkirs quite actively resisted the penetration of Russian into their lands, as they immediately began to swallow their pastures and meadows, put on the banks of the village of the village, dig mines, narrowing the suture of the shepherdic nomads in their century-old movement after her octaras and herds. In vain, however, the Bashkirs ruined and burned Russian villages, even the Russian deceaseders from the graves, so that no Moscow man remains - not a living nor dead - in their land. After each such revolt, the Russians came again, and even more than more, rather than before, now by the force of Bashkir from their possessions and building new cities and villages on them. By the middle of the XIX century. Bashkirs owned only the third former her lands. " A gradual decrease in pastures made the Bashkir to do agriculture: at first they gave their land to Russian peasants (so on. Letters) for rent for an annual or lump sum, and then slowly and themselves began to adapt to the work of the agriculture. Numerous local khans became the attachments of noble and princely childbirth and entered Ross. Nobility, and the Bashkir Princely Gifts of Aptulovy, Turnumbette, Devillet, Kulyukov, and others continued to use, as before, Tarkhanism. During the trips, Tarkhans were special detachments in Russian troops, and they were already joined by a militia, sabilized from the same and yasacha Bashkir; He always commanded Russian heads. Shortly after the adoption of the Russian citizenship of Bashkira, not wanting to deliver Yasak to Kazan and suffering from the raids of the neighboring tribes, asked the king to build a city on their land, which would protect them and wherever they were overlooking Yasak. In 1586, the construction of the city of Ufa, which became the first Russian settlement to Bashkir, if not counting Elabugi, built on the border of Bashkir. Land. In the same 1586, despite opposition Nogaisk. kn. Urus, was built and Samara. In Voevodsky Agolase (1645) mentioned about Ostrog Menzelinsk. In 1658, the city of Chelyabinsk was built for covering Slobod, stretching through the p. Iset (in Sovr. Sverdlovsk region). In 1663, earlier the existing Birsk turns into a strengthening that stood in the middle of the road from Kama to Ufa. Simultaneously with the construction of Ufa, the colonization of the edge begins: Tatars, Meshcheryaki, Bobyli, Tsery, Cheremis, and other people will settle at Bashkir as letters (Novobashkashi), take the earth for the lifts, and the Russians first occupy Siberian Slobods (in the modern Chelyabinsk region) And then begin to be embedded in the indigenous lands of Bashkiria, Vladimir Boguslavsky. Slavic encyclopedia. XVII century. M., Alma-Press. 2004.


2. Bashkirs - Peoples of the Southern Urals

AutoThennym "Bashkort" consists of two parts: "Main" (Bash) and "Wolf" (court), that is, the "Wolf-leader" and, possibly, goes back to the tongo hero-orphanage.

The main territory of the settlement

Most of Bashkir lives in the Republic of Bashkortostan - 864 thousand people, which is 21.9% of the population of the republic. Bashkirs also live in Perm, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen regions. In addition, Bashkira live in Kazakhstan - 42 thousand people., Uzbekistan - 35 thousand people., In Ukraine - 7 thousand people.

Ethnic and ethnographic groups

Up to 20 century Bashkir has preserved tribal division, there were about 40 tribes and tribal groups: Burzyan, dusty, Katata, Ming, and others.


Bashkir: In Bashkir, the South-Jurmatian and East - Kuvacan dialects, as well as the North-Western group of dialects, are distinguished. The Tatar language is distributed among the Bashkir parts.


Writing for the Bashkir language was first created on the basis of Arabic graphics, in 1929 she was transferred to Latin, and from 1939 to a Russian graphic basis.


Muslim: writing for the Bashkir language was first created on the basis of Arabic graphics, in 1929 she was transferred to Latin, and from 1939 to the Russian graphic basis.

Ethnogenesis and ethnic history

In the formation of Bashkir, the main role was played by the Turkic nomadic tribes, which the waves came to the territory of the Southern Urals from the East, starting with 4 V.N.E. Here, these tribes entered into interaction with the local Finno-Ugric and Iranian-speaking population. Of great importance for ethnogenesis Bashkir was to move to the Southern Ural of the Pechenezhsko-Ogzovsky population at 8-10 centuries, and the appearance of ethnonym Bashkort is connected with it. For the first time as "Al-Bashkird", he is mentioned under 922 in the description of the travel on the Volga Arab Traveler Ibn-Fadlan. The process of ethnogenesis Bashkir ended at the beginning of the 13th century. Bashkirs were an integral part of the population of the Volga Bulgaria, and then the Golden Horde and Kazan Khanate. In the middle of the 16th century Land Bashkir became part of the Russian state. In 1919, the Bashkir ASSR ASSR was established as part of the RSFSR, since 1992 the name of the National Statehood of the Bashkir Ethnic Sheet is the Republic of Bashkortostan.


The traditional occupation of Bashkir has long been half-pastoral cattle breeding, they bred mainly horses, as well as sheep, cattle, camels. In the warm season, periodically, pastures were changed periodically, in the winter they were returned to the aules, but a significant part of the cattle remained on the tebenevka, the hooves mining food from under the snow. Other classes were hunting, fishing, Bortnovnia. Agriculture first played a minor role, millet, barley, hemp and other cultures were grown. In the forest strip, the housing-fire system of agriculture prevailed, in the steppe - overlap. The land was treated with Plow Saban and various types of harrows. The role of agriculture began to increase from the 17th century, and soon it becomes the main occupation, but the nomadic in some areas remained until the beginning of the 20th century. In agriculture began to prevail the landing and three-rolled system, among cultures - winter rye and flax. Beekeeping played an important role in the forest zone, and in the mountains of the Bortnism - the collection of wild bees honey. Everywhere the hunt for wolves, moose, hares, cunits and other game were widespread. Bashkira's fisheries were mainly engaged in the northern regions, on the Zaral lakes and mountain rivers. Auxiliary classes and crafts were developed - weaving, woodworking, blacksmith and jewelry. A special role was played by the treatment of skins and leather, the manufacture of clothes and shoes from them. Pottery was underdeveloped, the use of leather dishes prevailed. Bashkirs were widely engaged in forest fishery - wood harvesting, fly race, griming and coal.

Traditional clothes

Traditional women's clothing consisted of a long cutting dresses in the waist with rollers, decorated with ribbons and pranks, pants with a wide step, apron, camsole, decorated with pose and gold coins. Young women wore chest decorations from corals and coins. The female headdress was the coral grid with silver coins and pendants, descending on the back of the blade, embroidered beads and Kauri's sinks. Girls wore helmet hats covered with coins on their heads. There were other types of female and maiden hats. Women's shoes were leather shoes, boots, lapties. Upper clothes were swinging cafts and non-ferrous cloths with rich finish. Diverse were female and maiden decorations - rings, rings, bracelets, earrings.

A male suit was the samepen and consisted of a tunic-shaped car shirt, pants with a wide step, put on top of them a short sleeveless - Camzole, and leaving on the street of a swing caftan - Cossakin or a coat-shaped bossy from a dark fabric. In cold weather they put on a sheepskin Tulup. The heads of men were tubages, various kinds of fur hats. On the legs of the men wore boots, Ichigi, boils, in the Ural - and Napti.

Traditional settlements and dwellings

The traditional rural settlement Bashkir was Aul. In the conditions of nomadic life, his location changed, permanent settlements appeared with the transition to settling, as a rule, on the site of the winter. For them, he was first characterized by a heap layout, then it replaces the street, in which each grouping of related families occupied individual ends, streets or quarters. The number of courtyards varied from several tens to 200-300 or more, there were 10-20 yards in the raids.

In the conditions of nomadic life, the traditional housing Bashkir had a felt yurt with a national carcass of the Turkic (with hemispherical riding) or Mongolian (with a conical top) of the type. The entrance to the yurt was usually closed by a cat. In the center there was an open focus, smoke went to the hole in the dome and through the doorway. To the right of the entrance was a female half, where the utensils were placed and the products were stored, on the left - men, there were trunks with property, weapons, horse harness. Hedicoral groups of Yurt had a summer housing. In mining and forest areas, a borama was built on the flying - a cutting hollow with an earthless floor without ceiling and windows, her two-tie roof was covered with a crust. Known was also kibitka - Tirma. Stationary dwellings were different: in the steppe zone of clay, samanny, reservoir, in the forest and forest-steppe - cutting, in the wealthy families of five-ranging and crosses, sometimes two-storey houses. The dwellings were divided into the front and economic and everyday half. Along the walls were arranged by Nara, they were covered with cats or woven pales, in the corner there was a focus or a brass Russian oven, a small chamber was attached to her side. The burdock buildings included stables, a barnyard, barn, sauna, they were few and were located freely.


In the food of Bashkir, as the main activity is transition to agriculture, the importance of flour and cereal dishes grew, but the vegetables were almost not used until the 20s of the 20th century. Nomadic groups prevailed dairy and meat products. One of your favorite dishes was Beshbarmak - finely cut horse or lamb with broth. Integro was prepared to be dried sausage from horse meat and fat. Diverse were dairy dishes - various types of cottage cheese and cheeses. From various croup cooked porridge. Popular was noodles on meat or milk broth, cereal soups. The bread was first used freshly, acidic began to enter the diet from the 18th century. The most common drink was AYRAN - diluted sour milk, from alcohol - kumys based on acidic mare milk, a bean of sprouted barley grains or a shelf, a ball of honey or sugar.

Social organization

The Bashkir tribes were generic units - aimaki, uniting groups of related families - the descendants of one ancestor over the male line, they retained the customs of exogamia, mutual assistance, etc. In family relations, a big family gradually inferior to a small place, which became the main form of the family at the beginning of 20 in . Inheritance adhered to mainly the minorah principle for which most of the property got the youngest son, for which he had to contain elderly parents. For the marriage relationship, polygamy was characterized (for the rich Bashkir), the printed position of a woman, marriages for youngsters. Before the beginning of the 20th century The custom of Levirate was maintained - the preferential right to marry the sister of his wife.

Spiritual culture and traditional beliefs

For religious beliefs, Bashkir was characterized by the weave of Islam with pagan reports. This is clearly visible on the example of the ritualness of the life cycle. So, during difficult births, to alleviate them, shot from a gun, scratching the female in the back of the paw of a mink. Three days after the birth of the child, the feast of the naming name was arranged, he was accompanied by a meal. Marriages were committed in the match, but there was a wash bride, which was released from the payment of Calma. The size was discussed during the wedding conspiracy, in Kalim included cattle, money, clothing and other values. The wedding was made after his payments of the girl's parents in the house, during her the fighting competitions, horse racing and other entertainment contests were organized. During the funeral, the body of the deceased, wrapped in Savan, brought in the cemetery and laid in a niche arranged in the grave pit. In some areas over the grave, log houses were built.

Required natural objects - lakes, rivers, forests, phenomena of nature and some types of animals and birds. There was faith in the lower spirits - the house, water, Leshgo, Albaste, as well as the Supreme Divine of Tenre. In the consciousness of Bashkir-Muslims, Tenre merged with Allah, and the lower spirits with Islamic demons - Jeans and Shaitans. To protect against the otherworldly forces, wanted - bones and teeth of animals, Kauri's sinks, coins, as well as stitched on a piece of leather or bark notes with sayings from the Quran.

Bashkir's calendar holidays were numerous: Kargatui ("Gracy Holiday") in honor of the arrival of rods, during which the ritual porridge was treated, drove dances, competed in the run, the remains of the porridge with a plot left on the field, Spring Sabantuy with a ritual zabot of the animal, a common meal, Competitions in running, archery, battle bags, Gin holiday in the middle of summer, common for a whole district, which solved important public issues with feasts, and community gins were organized.

In the spiritual life of Bashkir, song-musical creativity played a big role: the epic tales, ritual, domestic, lyrical songs were accompanied by a game on traditional musical instruments - Domre, Kumyaz, Kurae (kind of swirls).


Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, it can be concluded that in the formation of Bashkir, the main role was played by the Turkic nomadic tribes, which the waves came to the territory of the Southern Urals from the East, starting from 4 V.N. Here, these tribes entered into interaction with the local Finno-Ugric and Iranian-speaking population. Of great importance for ethnogenesis Bashkir was to move to the Southern Ural of the Pechenezhsko-Ogzovsky population at 8-10 centuries, and the appearance of ethnonym Bashkort is connected with it. For the first time as "Al-Bashkird", he is mentioned under 922 in the description of the travel on the Volga Arab Traveler Ibn-Fadlan. The process of ethnogenesis Bashkir ended at the beginning of the 13th century. Bashkirs were an integral part of the population of the Volga Bulgaria, and then the Golden Horde and Kazan Khanate. In the middle of the 16th century Land Bashkir became part of the Russian state. In 1919, the Bashkir ASSR ASSR was established as part of the RSFSR, since 1992 the name of the National Statehood of the Bashkir Ethnic Sheet is the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Bashkirs or Bashkirts are the people of the Turkic tribe, they live mainly on the Western slopes and the foothills of the Urals and in the surrounding plains. But in the second half of the 16th century, they, in small exceptions, belonged to the whole earth between Kama and the Volga to Samara, Orenburg and Orsk (then not yet existing) and east on Miass, Heasi, Pyshma, Tobol and Irtysh to Ob.

Bashkir cannot be considered by the aborigines of this extensive country; There is no doubt that they are aliens who embalted some other people, of origin, maybe Finnish. This indicates the fossil monuments of the country, the names of rivers, mountains and a broken, which are usually preserved in the country, despite the change of tribes, in it inhabited; This is confirmed by the legends of the most Bashkir. In the names of rivers, lakes, mountains, a lot of words are found quite a lot of words of the Türki root, for example, Samara, Sakmar, Ufa, IR, Mis, Isior, Ilman and others. On the contrary, the rivers, lakes and arug of the southern Orenburg and Kyrgyz steppes often wear Tatar names or, for example, Ilec (sieve), YIK (from the yikmak - expand), Irtysh (IR - Husband, Tych - appearance), etc.

According to the legends of the Bashkir themselves, they moved into their present possessions for 16-17 generations, that is, for 1000 years old Territory, as at present, it is, on both sides of the Ural Range, between the Volga, Kama, Tobol and the Upper Tower (Urals).

A. Masidi, Writer of the beginning of the 19th century, speaking of European Bashkhara, mentions the tribe of this people living in Asia, that is, remaining at home. The question of the tribal origin Bashkir is very controversial in science. Some (Stallenberg, Humboldt, Uymfalvi) recognize them for the people of the Thro-Finnish tribe, only subsequently accepting the type; Kyrgyz call them to the Estay (Ostyak), of which also bring the conclusion about the Finnish origin; Some historians produce them from Bulgar. D. A. Wollynson produces Bashkir from the Vogulian tribe, which makes up a branch of the Ugric group of peoples or part of the Great Altai Family and considers them to be the Rodonarchists of Magyar.

Having taught the new edge, Bashkirs divided the land by childbirth. One got the mountains and forests, another driving steppes. Passionate hunters to horses, they kept and countless stadium cattle, and steppe - and camels. In addition, forest Bashkirs were engaged in hunting, and beatow. Dashing riders, they differed courage and limitless removal; Total above put personal freedom and independence, were proud and hot-tempered. They had princes, but with very limited power and meaning. All important things were decided not otherwise as in the People's Assembly (Gyin), where every Bashkir enjoyed the right to vote; In the event of war or a raid, Jijn did not force anyone, and everyone went on a good wax.

Such were Bashkirs to Batya, they were left after him. Finding in Bashkiria tribesmen, Baty gave them Tamga (signs) and various advantages. Soon with Khan Uzbek (1313-1326) in Bashkiria, Islam was approved, which was repeated here. Later, when the Golden Horde broke up into individual kingdoms, Bashkirs paid Yasak to various sickresses: Some who lived in the White and Iku rivers - the kings of Kazan, others, nomaded by r. Upper, - the kings of the Astrakhan, and the third, inhabitants of the mountains and forests of the Urals, - Khanam Siberian. Collecting one Yasaka and limited the relationship of the Ordans to Bashkirs; Internal life and self-government remained inviolable.

Mountain Bashkirs even more developed their strength and fully retained their independence; Steppes appealed to peaceful nomads: and those of them that have come across Bulgarians from the Tatar pogrom (Volzhsky), began to even get used to settle down. With Russian Bashkirs came to contact still long before the conquest of Kazan. There is no doubt that enterprising Novgorod has brought trade relations with Bashkirs, since the neighboring Vyatka country began to settle down by Novgorod people in the XII century, and the rivers of Vyatka, Kama and Belaya served as the best natural way for intercourse between nations, inhabited. But that the Novgorodians had permanent settlements on the banks of Kama - it is doubtful.

Then there is news that in 1468, in the reign of John III, His governor, "Villachi Kazan Places", walked to fight and in white Volga, i.e. penetrated to p. White. After the campaign of 1468, there are no instructions so that the Russians invaded Bashkiria, and only in 1553, on the conquest of Kazan, the Russian rhe was pacified by the peoples who depended from the Kazan kingdom, and ruin the Tatar dwellings to the remote limits of Bashkir. Then, probably, Bashkirs, close raids of Kyrgyz Kaisakov, on the one hand, on the other hand, seeing the growing power of the Moscow king, voluntarily adopted Russian citizenship. But accurate historical data on the fact that they appear in Moscow with a petition, as did the Orsk people and the meadow Cheremis did not. Be that as it may, in 1557, Bashkirs have already paid Yasak, and John Grozny in the will, written in 1572, instructs the Son to his Kazan kingdom already "with Bashkirdo".
Shortly after the adoption of the Russian citizenship of Bashkira, finding the burdensome to deliver Yasak in and suffering from the raids of the neighboring tribes, asked the king to build a city on their land. In 1586, Ivan Nazhoy began the foundation of the city of Ufa, which was the first Russian settlement in Bashkiria, except for Elabugi, built on the very border of Bashkir lands. In the same 1586, despite opposition to Prince Urus, was built by Samara. In Voevodsky Agolase, 1645 is mentioned about Ostrogneck Menzelinsk; In 1658, the city for covering the Slobod, spread over the p. ISET; In 1663, earlier the existence of Birsk is being built to the fortified fort, which occupies the middle of the way from Kama to Ufa.

Bashkirs were separated on parish, which formed 4 roads (parts): Siberian, Kazan, Nogai and Osinskaya. According to the Volga, Kama and the Urals, there was a network of fortified places that we called the names of cities, sources, wintering. Some of these cities were made by the centers of county or regional governance, which were subordinated to the forefronts attributed to this ear. Bashkirs became part of the counties of the Kazan, Ufa, Kungur and Menzelinsky.

In 1662, an uprising broke out under the leadership of Seita. His ultimate goal was the revival of Muslim independence in the entire Kazan Territory and Siberia. In 1663, Governor Zelenin suppressed the uprising. Behind the assimilation should be strictly revealed to oppress Bashkir with the prescription "Keep with them affection and hello" and "their sovereign by the mercy of encouraging." Calm in the edge of Washworn, but not long. In 1705, the uprising flared up even more stubborn.

In 1699, the Nevyansky plant was launched, presented by Peter in 1702 by the enterprising Demidov; Then the factories of Uktussky, Kamensky, Alapaevsky, Sysertsky, Tagil, Isetsky, and others; Ekaterinburg arose - the place of the main management of mountain plants. By the end of the reign of Peter, with some kind of government factories there were 5422 male souls. All these plants lay outside the Bashkir lands, but they have already approached them. In 1724, Bashkirs were limited in the right of ownership of forests, which were divided into protected and unaffordants. In the construction of the city of Orenburg, they saw a further measure of imprisonment of their land ownership. They decided to resist.

In 1735, an uprising was broken under the leadership of Kilmäk-Abyza. On the first rumors about the uprising, Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev was appointed to go to pacify him. In June 1736, most of the Bashkiria was burned and ruined. By decree 1736, the Russian land was allowed to acquire Bashkir lands, and the Meshcheryakov, which remained faithful and in the riots did not participate, was granted the ownership of those lands that they were rented from Bashkir-Buntovshchikov.

In 1742, the Commander of the Orenburg Expedition, called the Orenburg Commission, was appointed IV. Yves. Nepnev, State Avestigator of Petrovskaya School. First of all, it was not necessary for the development of military settlements, the importance of which Peter pointed to the uncertainment of the region. The center of these settlements was chosen by Orenburg, who was notple for p. Ural, where he is currently. According to his ideas, the Orenburg province was established in 1744, and all the lands were included in her, and the Orenburg Expedition was introduced, and in addition, the Ifima province with the Zararal Bashkirs, Ufa Province with all cases, as well as Stavropol County and Kyrgyz steppes.

By 1760, 28 factories had already operated in Bashkiria, including 15 copper and 13 iron, and their population reached up to 20,000 male shower. In total, by this time of the progress, there were 200,000 shower of both sexes in Bashkiria. The spread of factories, which had the inevitable consequences of the exercise of land, which Bashkirs considered their inalienable property, met the strong opposition on their part.

According to the position of February 19, 1861, Bashkirs in the rights and obligations are not different from the other rural population of the Empire. For business, Bashkira make up rural societies, which are owned by public land on the basis of communities, and for the nearest management and court are connected to the parish (yurt). Rural public administration consists of a rural gathering and rural headlights, and the volost (yurt) management is from a volost (yurt) gathering, a volost (yurt) senior with a volost board and a volost court. The volost board is formed: the volost ears, rural elders and collectors of the filings of those rural societies in which they are available.

At the end of the 19th century, Bashkirs, among 575,000 people lived between 50-57 °. shir and 70-82 ° Vost. debt. In the provinces of Orenburg and Ufa, everywhere in the counties of the Bugulminsky and Buzuluk Samara Province, Shadrinsky, Krasnoufim, Perm and the Osinsky Perm lips. and the glazing and Sarapulsky Vyatka lips.

The beginning of the 20th century is characterized by lifting education, culture and ethnic self-consciousness. After the February Revolution of 1917, Bashkirs entered into an active struggle for creating their statehood. In 1919, the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. By the end of 1926, the number of Bashkir was 714 thousand people. Negatively affected the number of Bashkir's consequences of drought and 1932-33, repression of the 1930s, large losses in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, as well as the assimilation of Bashkir Tatar and Russians.

The share of Bashkir, living outside Bashkiria, in 1926 was 18%, in 1959 - 25.4%, in 1989 -40.4%. The proportion of citizens among Bashkir amounted to 42.3% by 1989 (1.8% in 1926 and 5.8% in 1939). Urbanization is accompanied by an increase in the number of workers, engineering and technical workers, creative intelligentsia, the strengthening of cultural interaction with other peoples, an increase in the share of interethnic marriages. In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR. In February 1992, the Republic of Bashkortostan was proclaimed.

Currently, the main mass of Bashkir is resettleve in the valley of the r. White and in her tributaries: Ufa, rapid Tanypa - in the north; Deme, Ashkadar, Chermação, Karmação - in the south and south-west; Siema, Inzer, Zilima, Nuguha - in the East and Southeast, as well as in the upper reaches. Ural, by average river. Sakmara and her right tributaries and rivers Large and small dogwood, Tanalyk. The number in Russia is 1345.3 thousand people, incl. In Bashkiria, 863.8 thousand people.