What is used personification in the literature. Elimination in literature and spoken speech

What is used personification in the literature. Elimination in literature and spoken speech
What is used personification in the literature. Elimination in literature and spoken speech



Elimination (or personification) is an expression that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bany concept or phenomenon by image in the form of a live person, endowed with the properties of this concept (for example, the image in the Greeks and the Romans of happiness in the form of a capricious goddess-fortune, etc.). Very often O. It is used in the image of nature, K-paradium is endowed with those or others. human devil"Enviven", for example: "Sea laughed" (bitter) or flood description in " Copper rider"Pushkin:" ... Neva All night / rushed to the sea against the storm, / did not defeat their violent dori ... / And it was not easy to argue to her ... / The weather was swept away, / Nheva sank and roared ... / And suddenly, how the beast is worse, / the city rushed ... / Siege! Attack! Evil waves, / like a thieves, climb into the windows ", etc.
O. It was especially in the go in preventive and falselycasic poetry, where it was carried out consistently and deployed; In Russian literature, samples of such O. were given in Tredyakovsky: "Ride on the island of love", (St. Petersburg), 1730.
O. Essentially, it is consequely transferring to the concept or phenomenon of animal signs and is so. arr. View of metaphor (see). Trails.

Literary encyclopedia. - at 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


Elimination also personification (Lat. Persona and Facio), expoptee (Greek. προσωποποια), - a stylistic term denoting an image of an inanimate or abstract object as an animated one. The question of how far the personification is consistent with the actual look of the poet on things goes beyond the limits of stylistics and refers to the field of world-coal. Where the poet believes himself in the animation of the subject, they depicted, should not even talk about personification, as about the phenomenon of style, for it is connected then not with the receptions of the image, but as defined, animistic Mirosal and worldview. The subject is already perceived as animate and so depicted. This is exactly the sense to interpret many personification in folk poetry, when they relate not to techniques, not to the form of expression, but to the most animized subject, that is, to the content of the work. This is especially brightly affected by any mythological creativity. On the contrary, personification, as the phenomenon of style performs in cases where it is used as allegory, i.e. as such an image of the subject that stylish converts his. Of course, it is not always possible to accurately establish from what order by personification we are dealing, as well as in the metaphor it is difficult to find objective signs of the degree of its real imagery. Therefore, the stylistic study often cannot do without data involvement and from the field of individual poetic worldview. So, very many personification of nature phenomena in Goethe, Tyutchev, german romantics Not as a stylistic reception, but as essential features of the general view of the world. Such, for example, Tyutchev is the impersonal of the wind - "What are you going about, wind night, about what you will do so insanely?"; Thunderstorms, which "grindingly-insanely suddenly sculpts"; Zarnitsa, who "as demons are deaf and a conversation between themselves"; trees who "happily tremble, swimming in the sky blue" - for all this is consistent with the attitude of the poet to nature, which is expressed by him in special poem: "Not that manty you, nature - not the cast, not a soulless face. There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it, there is love in it, there is a language in it, "and so on. On the contrary, in such works, like fables, parables, and in different types allegory (see), should talk about personification, as about artistic reception. Wed, for example, Basni Krylov about inanimate objects ("boiler and pot", "guns and sails" and so on.)

Especially in cases of T. Naz. incomplete personification, it is general common stylistic receptionwho enjoys not only poetry, but also ordinary speech. Here we are dealing, actually, only with individual elements of personification, often so walked into the use of speech, that their direct meaning is no longer felt. Wed, for example, such expressions as: "The sun gets up, comes", "the train" goes "," the streams run "," wind moan "," moving motels ", etc. Most of such expressions are one of the types of metaphor And the meaning of them in the poetic style should be said to the same as the metaphor (see). Examples of stylistic impersonation: "It doesn't want to overwhel the air ... The stars of the night, as the accusatory eyes behind him, look mockingly. And pops, shonening in a row, shaking low head, as judges whisper between themselves "(Pushkin); "Nozzles have long stopped tweak, but in the scarman there was one twin, a very foolishness, I didn't want to calm down, and she whistled one for a long time" (Gogol); "Put the bird - my longing, sit down on the branch and will sing" (Akhmatova). The image of plants and animals in the image of people, as it is found in fairy tales, fables, an animal epic, can also be considered as an impersonation.

A. Petrovsky. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 tons / edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunina, V. Lviv-Rogachevsky, M. Rosanova, V. Cheshikhina-Wind. - m.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


Watch what is "personification" in other dictionaries:

    Churches. Statue of the Strasbourg Cathedral Personalification (Personification, Exploration) Trail ... Wikipedia

    Exposure, embodiment, personification, anthropomorphism, animation, alignment, metaphor, performance, epitoma, expression Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Elimination 1. Personal impact, animation, personification 2. See the embodiment ... Synonym dictionary

    Elimination, personification, cf. (Book.). 1. Only units. Action on ch. Onsify personify. Elimination of nature forces in primitive peoples. 2. What. The embodiment of some natural strength, the phenomena of nature in the image of a living being. God… … Dictionary Ushakova

    Elimination - The personification is also personification (Lat. Persona and Facio), Exophea (Greek. Προσωποποια), a stylistic term denoting an image of an inanimate or abstract object as animate. The question of how to personify ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Personification inherent in mythopoetical consciousness The property of transfer to inanimate things and phenomena the features of living beings: human (anthropomorphism, anthropopotamism) or animals (zoomorphism), as well as attachment of animals by human qualities. IN … Encyclopedia mythology

    - (Exoprose) type of metaphor, transfer properties of animated objects into inanimate (her satiety silence ..., A. A. Blok) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Elimination, me, cf. 1. See Obid. 2. What. About living creature: the embodiment of what n. Damn, properties. Plushkin about. misappropriate. O. kindness. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    elimination - personification1, the embodiment of the personified, embodied to personify / exacerbate, embody / embody the personification2, spirituality, an animation, humanity, personification, book. Anthropomorphism Animateness, ... ... Dictionary of Tezaurus Synonyms of Russian Speech

    elimination - Impersonation occurs when the object is pretending to someone else. [Cryptographic Dictionary Carean Isaguliyeva www.racal.ru] topics information Technology In general, synonyms impersonation en impersonation ... Technical translator directory

    I; cf. 1. To handy (1 zn). And personify. O. Forces of Nature. 2. An image of which l. natural strength, the phenomena of nature in the image of a living being. Dove about. World. 3. What. The embodiment of the idea, the concepts of which l. Properties, qualities in human ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Elimination of history. Issue 2. Rich, Daria Prikhodko. In the collection "Elimination of history. The rich "entered twelve biographical essays, whose heroes were: one of the richest inhabitants of the United States ...

The meaning of the word personification in the dictionary of literary terms


Tropope view: An image of inanimate objects in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings (a gift of speech, the ability to think, feel, worry, act), is like a living being. For example: "What are you going about, wind night? // what are you doing so insane?" (F.I. Tyutchev); "Through the wavy fogs // Moon" (A.S. Pushkin) is made through. A kind of metaphor (see metaphor).

Dictionary of literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meaning of the word and what personification in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Elimination in the literary encyclopedia:
    [or Personification] - an expression that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bany concept or phenomenon by image it in the form of a live person endowed with properties ...
  • Elimination in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Exoprose) type of metaphor, transfer the properties of animated objects into inanimate ("Her nurse is silence ...", A. A. ...
  • Elimination in big soviet encyclopedia, BSE:
    expopone (from Greek. Prosopon - face and Poieo - I do), Personification (from Lat. Persona - Face, Personality and Facio - ...
  • Elimination in Encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -, cf. 1. See Obid. 2. What. About living creature: the embodiment of some. Damn, properties. Plushkin - about. misappropriate. ABOUT. …
  • Elimination in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Protecting (Exposure), View of metaphor, transfer properties forcorative objects On inanimate ("her nurse - silence ...", A.A. ...
  • Elimination in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    oliticant "Nie, Olites" Niya, Olites ", Olites", Olites ", Olites", Oslinication "Nie, Olites", Olites "by the NII, Oblinika," NII ", ...
  • Elimination in the dictionary of linguistic terms:
    (Greek. ProsopoPoieia, from Prosopon - Face + Poieo - I do). The trail consisting in attributing inanimate subjects of signs and properties ...
  • Elimination in the thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • Elimination in the thesaurus of the Russian language:
    'Expression in a specific object of any abstract qualities' syn: ...
  • Elimination in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    expression in a specific object of any abstract Quality SYN: ...
  • Elimination in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. 1) The process of validation. Glazh.: Obraw, personify. 2) a) the embodiment of some The natural strength, the phenomena of nature in the image of the living ...
  • Elimination in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    oliticital'y, ...
  • Elimination in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    elimination, ...
  • Elimination in the spelling dictionary:
    oliticital'y, ...
  • Elimination in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov:
    <= олицетворить олицетворение (о живом существе) воплощение каких-нибудь черт свойств Плюшкин - о. скупости. О. …
  • Elimination in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Exoprose), type of metaphor, transfer the properties of animated objects into inanimate ("Her nurse is silence ...", A. A. ...
  • Elimination in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    personification, cf. (Book.). 1. Only units. Action on the verb. Operate-personify. Elimination of nature forces in primitive peoples. 2. What. The embodiment of some. ...
  • Elimination in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    elimination of cf. 1) The process of validation. Glazh.: Obraw, personify. 2) a) the embodiment of some Spiritual force, the phenomena of nature in the image ...
  • Elimination in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    cf. 1. The process of action according to ch. Onsuring, personifying 2. The embodiment of any natural strength, the phenomena of nature in the image of a living being. OTT. ...
  • Elimination in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    cf. 1. The process of action according to ch. Onsify, personify 2. The result of such actions; The embodiment, concrete, the actual expression of something. OTT. Incarnation ...
  • FEMINISM in the modern philosophical dictionary.
  • Trimurti in the Index of the Teosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, the Teosophical Dictionary:
    (Sanskr.) Letters., "Three Liquors", or "Triple Form" - Trinity. In modern pantheon, these three essence of Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, keeper; And ...
  • Buryat mythology in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    a complex of mythological representations of Buryat Baikalia and Transbaikalia - Bujladov, Echirites, Horins, Hondorov, and others. More thoroughly studied the mythology of the first ...

Epitts, metaphors, personification, comparisons - all this means of artistic expressiveness, actively used in Russian literary language. There is a huge manifold. They are necessary in order to make a language bright and expressive, strengthen artistic images, attract the attention of the reader to the thought that the author wants to convey.

What are the means of artistic expressiveness?

Epitts, metaphors, personification, comparisons belong to various groups of artistic expressiveness.

Linguistic scientists allocate sound or phonetic visual means. Lexical are those that are associated with a certain word, that is, a lexema. If the expressive means covers a phrase or a whole sentence, then it is syntax.

Separately, phraseological means are also considered (they are based on phraseological units), trails (special speech speeds used in a figurative value).

Where are the means of artistic expressiveness?

It is worth noting that the means of artistic expressiveness are applied not only in the literature, but also in various spheres of communication.

The most often epithets, metaphors, personification, comparisons can be found, of course, in an artistic and journalistic speech. They are also present in conversational and even scientific styles. They play a huge role, as they help the author to implement their artistic intent, their image. They are useful for the reader. With their help, he can penetrate the secret world of the creator of the work, it is better to understand and delve into the author's intent.


Epitts in verses are one of their most common literary techniques. It is surprising that the epithet can be not only adjective, but also by nashing, nouns and even numeral (common example - second Life).

Most literary criticized epithet as one of the main techniques in poetic creativity, adorning a poetic speech.

If you turn to the origins of this word, it happened from an ancient Greek concept denoting in the literal translation of the "applied". That is, which is an addition to the main word, the main function of which to make the main thought is clearer and expressive. Most often, the epithet is facing the main word or expression.

Like all means of artistic expressiveness, epithets developed from one literary era to another. So, in folklore, that is, in folk creativity, the role of epithets in the text is very large. They describe the properties of objects or phenomena. Highlight their key features, while extremely rarely refer to the emotional component.

Later, the role of epithets in the literature is changing. It expands significantly. This tool of artistic expressiveness gives new properties and fill the functions that have not inherent in him. This is especially becoming noticeable at the poets of the Silver Age.

Nowadays, especially in postmodern literary works, the structure of the epithet complicated even stronger. The semantic content of this trail intensified, leading to surprisingly expressive techniques. For example: diapers are golden.

Epteetov function

Definitions of epithet, metaphor, personification, comparison is reduced to one - all these are artistic means that give convexity and expressiveness of our speech. Both literary and conversational. The special feature of the epithet is also strong emotion.

These means of artistic expressiveness, and especially epithets, help readers or listeners to imagine what the author says or writes, to understand how he belongs to this subject.

Epitts serve for realistic reconstruction of the historical era, a certain social group or the people. With their help, we can imagine how these people said, what words to paint their speech.

What is a metaphor?

Translated from the ancient Greek language of the metaphor - this is a "value transfer". This is how it is impossible to better characterize this concept.

The metaphor can be both a separate word and an entire expression that is used by the author in a figurative value. The basis of this means of artistic expressiveness is a comparison of the subject, which is not yet named, with some other on the basis of their overall sign.

Unlike most other literary terms, the metaphor has a specific author. This is the famous philosopher of ancient Greece - Aristotle. The initial birth of this term is associated with the representations of Aristotle about art as a method of imitating life.

At the same time, those metaphors used by Aristotle are practically impossible to distinguish from literary exaggeration (hyperboles), normal comparison or personification. He understood the metaphor much wider than modern literary critics.

Examples of consumption of metaphor in literary speech

Epitts, metaphors, personification, comparisons are actively used in artistic works. Moreover, for many authors, the metaphor becomes aesthetic itself, sometimes completely displacing the initial meaning of the word.

As an example, literary researchers lead in an example of the famous English poet and the playwright of William Shakespeare. For him, it is often important not for the life of the initial meaning of a particular statement, but the metaphoric value purchased to them, a new unexpected meaning.

For those readers and researchers who were brought up on the Aristotelian understanding of the principles of literature, it was unusual and even incomprehensible. So, on this basis did not recognize the poetry of Shakespeare Lion Tolstoy. His points of view in Russia of the XIX century adhered to many readers of English playwright.

At the same time, with the development of the literature, the metaphor begins not only to reflect, but also the lives surrounding us. A vivid example of the classical Russian literature is the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Nose". The nose of the College Assistor Kovalev, who went to his own journey through St. Petersburg, is not only a hyperbole, personification and comparison, but also a metaphor that gives this image a new unexpected meaning.

An example is an example of futurist poets who worked in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Their main goal was to remove the metaphor as much as possible from its initial meaning. Such techniques were often used by Vladimir Mayakovsky. An example, title its poems "cloud in pants."

At the same time, after the October Revolution, it was much less likely to use the metaphor. Soviet poets and writers sought clarity and straightness, so the need to use words and expressions in the figurative sense disappeared.

Although completely without metaphor imagine an artistic work, even Soviet authors, it is impossible. Metaphors' words are found practically everyone. Arkady Gaidar in the "destiny of the drummer" can be found such a phrase - "So we diverged. Topot Small, and in the field is empty."

In the Soviet poetry of the 70s, Konstantin Kedrov enters into circulation the concept of "metametaphor" or as it is also called the "metaphor in a square". A new distinctive feature appears at the metaphor - it is constantly involved in the development of a literary language. As well as speech and culture itself as a whole.

For this, the metaphor is constantly used, telling about the newest sources of knowledge and information, use it to describe the modern achievements of humanity in science and technology.


In order to figure out what personification in the literature will turn to the origin of this concept. Like most literary terms, it goes with its roots in ancient Greek language. In the literal translation means "face" and "do". With this literary reception, natural forces and phenomena, inanimate objects acquire properties and signs inherent in man. As if the author is listed. For example, they can give the properties of the human psyche.

Such techniques are often used not only in modern artistic literature, but also in mythology, and religion, in magic and cults. The personification was a key means of artistic expressiveness in testes and parables, in which an ancient person was explained how the world was arranged, which stands behind natural phenomena. They were molded, endowed with human qualities, were associated with gods or superhumans. So an ancient person was easier to accept and understand the surrounding reality.

Examples of personalities

Understand what personification in the literature will help us with examples of specific texts. So, in the Russian folk song, the author claims that "Lyko grief was preoccupied".

With the help of an impersonation, a special world appears. For him, a bad idea of \u200b\u200bnatural phenomena is characterized. When, for example, thunder grumbling like an old man, or the sun is perceived not as an inanimate space object, but as a specific God named Helios.


In order to understand the main modern means of artistic expressiveness, it is important to understand what comparison is in the literature. Examples in this will help us. In Zabolotsky we meet: "He used to be ringing, exactly the bird"Or Pushkin: "He ran faster than horses".

Very often comparisons are used in Russian folk art. So we clearly see that this is a trail in which one object or phenomenon is like to another on the basis of any common feature for them. The purpose of comparison is to find new and important properties in the described object for the subject of the artistic statement.

This goal is metaphor, epithets, comparisons, personification. The table in which all these concepts are presented, helps to clearly figure out what they differ from each other.

Types of comparisons

Consider for a detailed understanding that such a comparison in the literature, examples and varieties of this trail.

It can be used in the form of a comparative turnover: the man is stupid like a pig.

There are comparisons non-union: my home is my castle.

Often comparisons are formed at the expense of the noun in the articulated case. Classic example: he walks Gogol.

Elimination is an extremely frequent reception, which is used by many writers, prose, poets and people, somehow associated with creativity. This article will show examples of this example in real life.

The essence of personification

Sometimes, in order to give their thoughts and described in the work of a more emotional basis, the authors use personification. Similar words, when we give an inanimate subject or complex of objects, which is inherent exclusively an animated creation (person, dog, etc.), this is called personification. With this reception, the work or some kind of separate process becomes more diverse and interesting. Accordingly, the work is more and more interesting, the more his weight among ordinary readers and critics.

In addition, to use personification must be possessing some experience and skills in writing works of any form. The qualitative use of this literary tool speaks of the skills of the writer himself. Many theatrical formulations are based on personification. Often they are resorted to the attachment of the person's properties of the person, thereby emphasizing the cold and worn nature of man.

Examples of personification

Example 1:

"The forest was awakened." This phrase is an impersonation, as the forest is a complex of trees inanimate. At the same time, he was given an action that is typical of only a living being. The author could not use this admission and simply describe the natural processes that occur in the morning forest. But no, instead, he said "The Forest awakened," forcing us to present this picture in the most colorful colors and give will to her imagination. According to critics, those works that give the reader with the opportunity to think independently and draw all the process itself, without the help of the author.

Example 2:

"Cames whispers." As you could already understand, this phrase is an personification. After reading it, we can imagine a swamp, which is full of reeds and a little breeze that twisters them. From these small twitching, a rustling is created, which can be interpreted as a whisper.

If you ever begin creative activity in the literature or other similar field, take this tool to yourself. He will surely need it.

We are looking for an example of personification in poetry. We read from Sergey Yesenin:

Mescalese. Steppe and gave.

The light of the moon in all ends.

Here again suddenly buried

Drop bubbles.

Bubrentsy did not slip, but buried how women are sobbing, if they have grief.

Elimination helps a writer or poet to create an artistic image, bright and unique, expands the possibilities of the word in the transfer of the picture of the world, sensations and feelings, in the expression of their attitude to the depicted.

2.6 hyperbole (trail) - a figurative expression, consisting in exaggeration of dimensions, strength, beauty, the values \u200b\u200bof the described: At the hundred forty suns sunset gruel (V. Mayakovsky). They can be individually copyrighted and generally ( on the edge of the earth).

In linguistics word "hyperbola" Call an excessive exaggeration of any qualities or properties, phenomena, processes in order to create a bright and impressive image, for example:

blood rivers, forever late, Mountains of corpses, have not seen a hundred years, scare from death, spoke a hundred times, a million apologies, the sea of \u200b\u200bharsh wheat, I am waiting for a whole eternity, I spent the whole day, even though, a house for a thousand kilometers, constantly late.

The hyperbole is often found in oral folk art, for example, in the epics: Ilya Muromets takes "Shagu Iron, yes Kotor was the weight of exactly a hundred pounds",

Yes wherever waving, the street is falling,

And back will be seized - reulted ...

In the fiction writers, writers use hyperbola in order to enhance expressiveness, creating a figurative characteristic of the hero, a bright and individual presentation of it. With the help of hyperboles, copyright is detected to the character, a general impression of the statement is created.

2.7 littows (trail)- This is a figurative expression, turnover, stylistic figure, (trail) in which the artistic understatement of the magnitude, the forces of the value of the image or phenomenon. The litt in this sense is the opposite of the hyperbola, so it is differently called the reverse hyperbole. In lithote, on the basis of any common feature, two heterogeneous phenomena are compared, but this feature is presented in the phenomenon of the comparison means to a much lesser extent than in the phenomenon of the comparison object. .

N. V. Gogol often appealed to lithote. For example, in the story "Nevsky Prospect": "Such a small mouth that more two pieces cannot miss anything," "waist, no thick of the bottle cervix".

Especially often the litt is used in verses. Almost no poet did not go around this stylistic reception. After all, the limit is a means of expressiveness.

In verses, this stylistic figure is found as:

1. Denial of the opposite.

An example from the poem of Nicholas Zabolotsky sounds like this:

"ABOUT, i'm not bad In this world lived! "

2. As the subject of the subject.

Nekrasovsky litt. Example:

"In large boots, in a sheepskin coat,
In large mittens ... and myself with marigolds

"My Leaps so small
So small

That of the wings komarishki
Made two naughty "

2.8 Allegory (Top)- Conditional image of abstract ideas (concepts) by means of a specific artistic image or dialogue.

As a trail, allegory is used in bass, parables, morality; In the visual arts, it is expressed by certain attributes. Allegory arose on the soil of mythology, was reflected in the folklore, and received its development in the visual arts. The image of the image of the allegory is a generalization of human concepts; Representations are revealed in images and behavior of animals, plants, mythological and fabulous characters, non-living subjects that they are figuratively

Example: Allegory "Justice" - Themis (woman with weights).

2.9 periphraza (trail)- Descriptive expression used instead of a particular word, for example: The king of animals (lion), the city on the Neva (St. Petersburg). Common-language periprases are usually sustainable. Many of them are constantly used in newspapers: people in white coats (doctors). In stylistic terms, the figurative and non-shaped periprases are distinguished, Wed: The sun of Russian poetry and the author Evgenia Onegin (V.G. Belinsky).Euphemism Variety perifrase. Eufemism replaces words whose consumption of the speaking or writing for some reason is undesirable.

2.10 Irony (Top)- The use of words in the sense, the opposite literal: Where, smart, you wander, head? (I.Krylov). Smart person - Appeal to the donkey. An irony is called a thin mockery, expressed in the form of praise or positive characteristics of the subject.

Classic Russian literature N.V. Gogol in the poem "Dead Souls" With a completely serious view, tells about the polytsey bribery:

Politzmester was some way father and a benefactor in the city. He was among citizensabsolutely like native in the family, and in the shops and the living room visited howin your own storeroom.

2.11 Antithesis (Top)this is a turnover of poetic speech in which to increase expressiveness sharplyopposed to opposite phenomena, concepts, thoughts:Sleep both rich and poor, and wise, and stupid, and kind, and evil (A.hekhov).

The lexical basis of the antithesis is the presence of antonyms, which is clearly manifested in proverbs and sayings:

It is easy to make friends, it is hard to separate.

Smart teach, the fool will be bored.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Rich and on weekdays sing, and the poor and the holiday flashes.

They agreed: Wave and stone,

Poems and prose, ice and flame

Not so different among themselves.

(A.S. Pushkin).

2.12 Oxumor (trail) - Stylistic figure or stylistic error - a combination of words with the opposite value, that is, the combination of incompatible. For Oxymoron, it is characterized by intentional use of contradiction to create a stylistic effect: live corpse, large little things.

2.13 Antonasa -a trail expressed in replacing the name or name to an indication of any significant feature of the subject or a relation to something.

An example of a substantial feature of the subject: "Great Poet" instead of Pushkin. An example of a replacement for an indication of the relationship: "The author of the" war and the world "" instead of "Tolstoy"; "Peleev Son" instead of "Achille".

In addition, the antonoia is also called the replacement of a none name of its own (use of his own name in the meaning of the nominal). Examples: "Eskulp" instead of "doctor". "We sang songs, ate dawn // and meat of future times, and you - // with an unnecessary trick in the gaze // Solid Dark Semenov", N. N. Aseev.

Antonomasia and in that, and in another case, is a special type of metonymy.

2.14 gradation (art. Figure) - The arrangement of words by increasing or decreasing significance: I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry (S. Yesenin).

A bright example of ascending gradation can serve as lines from the known "Tales of gold fish " A.S. Pushkin:

I do not want to be a black peasant,

I want to be a pillars noble;

I do not want to be a pillars,

And I want to be a free queen;

I do not want to be a free queen,

And I want to be a lady with a naval.

Increasing the expressiveness of the statement, the strengthening of expressiveness using Klimaks is observed in the lines of A.P. Chekhov:

Punching jumps to him and, raising up the fists, ready to confuse, tolerate, crush.

2.15 Inversion (Art. Figure) - Location of words that violate the usual order of words:

White Sail Lonely

In the fog of the sea blue (M. Lermontov).

"There were all ready tomorrow Boy to start a new one" (M. Lermontov)

"From the damp and slept Russia restore" (M. Tsvetaeva)

"For two years, lived here, yesterday turned into tomorrow"

Inversion allows focus on a specific word or phrase; puts semantic loads in the proposal; In the poetic text, inversion sets rhythm; In prose with the help of inversion, it is possible to place logical accents; Inversion conveys the author's attitude to the heroes and the emotional state of the author; Inversion revives the text and makes it more readable and interesting. To fully understand what is inversion, you need to read the classic literature more. In addition to inversion, in the texts of the Great Writers, you can find many other interesting stylistic techniques that make it brighter and our Russian language is so rich.

2.16 Ellipsis (Art. Figure) - skip in the stylistic goals of any implied member of the sentence. Ellipsis gives speech rapid, dynamic character: We are harasses - in ashes, villages - in dust (V. Zhukovsky). Used by the authors in order to force readers to independently condemn the intentionally missed phrase or a separate word.

"... Goulai at the wedding, because - the last one!" In these rows belonging to Tvardovsky, the word "what" is missing. "Her life was longer than mine." And here is the omission of a secondary member of the sentence, an additional, which is expressed by nouns in the nominative case.

2.17 Parallelism (Art. Figure) - the same syntactic construction of adjacent proposals, the location of similar suggestions in them.

Your mind is deep that the sea.

Your spirit is high, that mountains (V. Bryusov).

What is looking for in the country far? What threw him in the edge of his native? (M. Lermontov).

2.18 Anaphora(unity of) ( art. Figure) - Repetition of identical words or revolutions at the beginning of proposals:

I stand in high doors.

I follow your work (M. Svetlov).

2.19 epiphera (art. Figure) - Repetition of individual words or revolutions at the end of the proposals: I would like to know why I am a titular adviser? Why is the titled adviser? (N.Gogol).

2.20 Asindandon (Nezuzuzie) (Art. Figure) - No unions between homogeneous members or parts of a complex proposal: Swede, Russian - Kolts, Rubit, cuts (A. Pushkin).

Flashed past booths, women,
Boys, shops, lanterns,
Palaces, gardens, monasteries,
Bukharians, Sani, Gardens,
Merchants, bargers, men,
Boulevards, towers, Cossacks,
Pharmacies, fashion stores,
Balconies, lions on the gate
And the flock of the daws on the crosses.

A. S. Pushkin

2.21 polysindeston (multi-joint) (art. Figure) - Repetition of the same union with homogeneous members or parts of a complex proposal: And boring, and sad, and some kind of hand to submit a minute of spiritual adversity (M. Lermontov).

2.22 Rhetorical Question (Art. Figure) - Using a questionnaire for a more vivid expression of thought. Sometimes they say that a rhetorical can be considered a question that does not require an answer, that is, a statement, for poetics formulated in the form of a question. In fact, the answer to the rhetorical question is so obvious that it can be read "between the letters" of the question: Do you love the theater, how do I love him? (V. Belinsky). "About the Volga, my cradle, did anyone love you like me?" (Nekrasov)

"What Russian does not like quick ride?" (Gogol)

2.23 Rhetorical exclamation (Art. Figure) - Emotionally painted proposal, in which emotions are definitely expressed by intonationally and in it is argued by one or another concept. Rhetorical exclamation sounds with poetic inspiration and raise:

"Yes, so love how our blood loves

None of you loves you for a long time! " (A.blok);

"Here it is, stupid happiness

With white windows in the garden! " (S.Senin);

"Fading force!

Dying so dying!

Before the death of the lips of cute

I would like to kiss ... "(S.Senin)

2.24 Rhetorical appeal (art. Figure) - emphasized appeal to someone or anywhere, aimed at expressing the author's attitude to one or another object, give a characteristic: "I love you, bouquet my dagger, comrade bright and cold ..." (M.Yu.Lermonts) This stylistic figure Encloses expression, strengthening speech tense: "About you, whose letters there are many, a lot in my portfolio shore ..." (N.Nekrasov) or "Flowers, love, village, idleness, field! I am devoted to you soul "(A.S. Pushkin)

In the form, the rhetorical treatment is conditional. It reports poetic speech by the desired author's intonation: solemnity, pattering, cordiality, irony, etc.:

"Clear stars, high stars!

What do you keep in yourself, what are hiding?

Stars, melting thoughts deep,

How do you have a soul in prison? " (S.Senin)

2.25 Parcelation- Special membership of the statement, in which incomplete proposals arise, following the main: And all the Kuznetsky Bridge and the eternal French, from where fashion to us, and the authors, and the muses: the roots of pockets and hearts! When you save us the creator from the hats of them! Cheptsov! And spills! and pins! .. A.S.Griboyedov. Mount from the mind.

3. Functions of the paths in the text

The most important role in the artistic speech is played by trails - words and expressions used not in direct, but in a figurative value. The trails create a so-called allegoric imagery in the work when the image arises from the rapprochement of one object or phenomenon with another.

This is the most general function of all the paths - to reflect the ability of a person in the structure of the image by analogy, to embody, according to the poet, "the rapprochement of things of those distant", thus emphasizing the unity and integrity of the world around us. At the same time, the artistic effect of the trail, as a rule, is the stronger than the further apart from each other of the breeding phenomena: such, for example, the Tyutchevskoye settlement of the grenards "deaf-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-the-mounted demons. Using the example of this trail, you can trace another function of allegorical picture: to identify the essence of one or another phenomenon, usually hidden, the potential poetic meaning concluded in it. So, in our example, Tyutchev, with the help of a rather complex and non-obvious trail, makes the reader attentively peer into such an ordinary phenomenon like a zarina, see it from an unexpected side. With all the complexity, the trail is very accurate: indeed, the reflections of lightning without thunder naturally denote the epithetoma "deaf and dumb".

The use of trails creates new combination of words in artistic speech, enriches speech with new shades of meaning, reports to a definable phenomenon, the value of the meaning that the speaker is needed, transfers its assessment of the phenomenon, that is, plays a subjective component.
And aesthetic is a function of creativity in general, the trail is the main way to create artistic image, and the art. The image is the main aesthetic category. The paths make the natural language with the language poetic, gives him the opportunity to perform the basic function of the poetic language - aesthetic.

For literary analysis (in contrast to the analysis of linguistic), it is extremely important to distinguish between the trails of the general language, that is, those that entered the language system and are used by all its carriers, and the pipes are copyrighted, which are once used by a writer or poet in this particular situation. Only the two group trails are able to create a poetic imagery, the first group - general-language trails - for quite understandable reasons should not be taken into account in the analysis. The fact is that the general-language trails from frequent and widespread use as it were "erased" lose their figurative expressiveness, perceived as a stamp and, because of this, the vocabulary is functionally identical without any figurative value.


In the conclusion of this work, I would like to note that the resources of expressive tools in the language of inexhaustible and the means of language, such as figures and trails, who make our speech beautiful and expressive unusually diverse. And they know very useful, especially writers and poets, living creativity, because The use of figures and trails imposes an imprint of individuality on the author's style.

The successful use of trails and figures increases the plan perception of the text, and the unsuccessful use of such techniques, on the contrary, lowers it. The text with the unsuccessful use of expressive techniques determines the writing as a man of stupid, and this is the greatest side result. Interestingly, reading the works of young writers, as a rule, stylistically imperfect, can make a conclusion about the level of the author's mind: Some - not realizing that they do not know how to use various admission of expressiveness, overshap, however, they are text, and read it becomes impossible; Others, understand that they cannot cope with the workshop using trails and figures, make text neutral from this point of view using the so-called "telegraph style". This is also not always appropriate, but perceived better than the rag of expressive techniques, ineptly used. Neutral, almost devoid of expressive techniques text looks like a meager, which is completely obvious, but he, at least, does not characterize the author as a fool. Only a real master can skillfully apply trails and figures in their creations, and ingenious authors can even "recognize" in their individual style of writing.

Receptions of expressiveness, such as trails and figures should be surprised by the reader. Efficiency is achieved only in cases where the reader is shocked read and impressed by paintings and images of the work. The literary works of Russian poets and writers are rightfully famous for their genius and the expressive funds of the Russian language are played in this, which our Russian writers are very skillfully used in their works.


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