Countess de Monsoro Summary to read. Historical characters "Countess de Monsoro" Alexander Duma

Countess de Monsoro Summary to read. Historical characters "Countess de Monsoro" Alexander Duma

How was it really?

Montsore Castleit is towers today in a certain distance from the shore of Loire. In the XV century, at the time of the construction of the castle, one of his facades went straight to the river, and only in 1820 the coast was equipped. The construction of the castle was engaged Jean de Cambes- One of the approximate Karl VII, which thus wanted to control the various roads crossing the terrain, including the path made by pilgrims sent to the formation of Fontiewroo. The driver, the most famous in the entire history of the castle, without a doubt, Charles de Cambes, Alexander Duma Fatherin his novel "Countess de Monsoro"This is a literary work created by the three centuries after the events described, sets out a story. Charles, his wife Francoise (not Diana, as in the novel) and her lover - Señora de Bursssi D "Amboaz

Louis de Clermont, Senor de Bursti D "Amboaz. Born in 1549th year, he was a typical nobleman of that era, brave, proud, cruel and daring. Duma almost did not distort anything in his description, only siled about some facts, by no means testifying to his nobility, for example, about the fact that during the Varfolomeev night, who uttered a successful case, a bought his relative of Antoine de Clermon, with which he had litigation The occasion of the inheritance. Thus, the controversial castle, because of which there was a litigation, I got a boss. At first, the boss was in the service of the Duke of Anjou, the future king Henry III, even accompanied him to Poland, and only later moved to his Bratufransua. The fact that Burstie was a desperate duelist and the Queen Margo's lover, this is a complete truth.

Now - the heroine. In fact, this lady was called Francoise de MaridorShe was born in the 1555th year. In 1573, she married Jean de Cosme, but already in the 1574th year, she was widowed, and in 1575 he was married again, for Charle de Chamb, Count de Monsoro. (Last, by the way, was not at all an old man, born in the 1549th year, he had a peer boss!) Well, it's over, it's not to mention that the beautiful Countess was one of the courtiers of Ekaterina Medici, the very "flying squadron" So, on her young, inexperienced and defenseless girl, she did not pull.

And here is the place of action - the castle de Monsore, and not at all the house in Paris. In the 1579th, the boss, on behalf of Francois Anjou, who was in the province, met there an excellent countess, with which, besides, he was familiar in the Parisian secular life, and, taking advantage of the lack of her husband, who was in Paris, twisted the novel with her. All b nothing, but the spicy details of these relationships he had the gentleness to describe in a letter sent to a friend to Paris. And he show the letter to the Duke of Francois, well, he handed him to the king (by the way, no information that Duke was also not indifferent to the wife of Count de Monsoro, it was not found, but I wonder why he then handed the letter?), And Henry III, who had a tooth on the boss, still because of Margo, did not miss the opportunity to finally bust him with him.
And the story received its tragic junction. Monsoro forced his spouse to invite a lover on a date, where 15 (!) Armed young people were waiting for him instead of the wonderful lady. Sumy to lay half, the boss almost escaped, but ... In general, I will not repeat these tragic details, in Duma they are described very accurately.

But further events developed not as in the novel. Francoise de Monsoro did not completely run away from her husband or avenge the duke of Francois. She just ... I came down with my husband, and then continued to live with him in love and harmony. They had two sons and four daughters, Francoise died in the 1620th year, at the age of 65, and the spouse survived it for less than a year (c) "Countess de Monsoro", or how it really was.

My favorite character ))

Shul Shiko

Shiko (1540-1591) was born in Gasconia in 1540, on the shores of the Seine. Being Southerner, he loved the sun very much. Real Name - Jean-Antoine D'Angeller. Included from the noble family. Shiko was an unusual jester. Before being called Shiko, he called de Shiko (prefix "de" meant a noble origin). The jersey jester in the entire history of France that wore a sword. Yes, what kind of! Not inferior to the boss itself.In March 1584 he was granted king the aristocratic title. She used at the court of the last Valua freedom,equal to the one who was awarded in thirty years before him, the Tribule at the court of Francis I, and the one that will be provided for forty years later, at the courtyard of King Louis XIII.

The jester possessed unlimited possibilities. He was allowed absolutely everything. Incidentally from the fact that it was possible to go to bed in the middle of the hall during the royal audience and to see people to call the king fool! The jester can sit on the royal throne, can stand ahead of the king, behind him, beside him, can speak on behalf of the king, can you imagine it? When in those days, only one of the unkind eyes in the direction of the desired Operation could entail Anger and punishment.

The jeta was not necessarily all the time to walk with bubboards on the head, motley clothes and long fuses with dotted noses, resemble the scroll. Shiko was exception here. He had a wonderful taste. He was dressing just, but tastefully, the taste of nobleman!

The main task of the jester was to have fun and entertained the king. Shikikly coped with this. He had a stunning sense of humor. He could make dead. From his dura fools, the king sometimes slightly slowed down. The king loved him very much. He was for him the closest friend. He trusted his focus on state (state-owned !!!) importance and often requested help or addressed the wise council. They were almost irremissible all the time. Always together. She was guarded by Heinrich Valua, as a mother protects the child.

He possessed with all the qualities whom should have a man who served as the courts: hypocrisy, a short-lived smiles, grimaces, a breath of irony, sarcasm and pretense. He was witty, cheerful, full of zador and energy. He radiated light and positive emotions.

He found a common language with any person. Even with the worst enemy of the king! He could join the confidence in any. Like a drunking monk so to the prince of blood. He knew almost everything that happens in the kingdom and beyond. He calculated everything for a few moves forward. In fact, Shiko was the king of France. The wisdom of the kingdom was embodied in Shiko !!!

Shiko was an excellent philosopher, he did not take anything to her heart. He laughed slowly over the ungratefulness of people and, in his way, scold his nose and chin.

In 1591, the Crested Jescho Shiko became a victim of the attempt at the Siege of Rouen (city and port in the north of France, 100 km from the mouth of all the same hay) within the framework of the mysterious intrigue organized by the Catholic league. So the life of a great jester and glorious nobleman ended (c) from the diary beauty_VIME_Hotite Behind the picture thanks gOLD-A.

About the film

There is such a genre called the genre "Cloak and swords". This usually means that in the film there will be a complete set of beauties and handsome for every taste, a lot of love, a lot of intrigues, beautiful costumes and almost certainly inscription in the Titors "based on the novel by Alexander Duma".

.. In 1997, I went to the television screens "Countess de Monsoro" immediately note the successful selection of actors to almost all the main roles, and there are a lot of them in the series. Magnificent Yevgeny Butler in the role of King Heinrich, completely stunning Shiko - Alexey Gorbunov, and of course - the undoubted success provided Alexander Domogarov in the role of De Bursti. Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Yuri Belyaev, Cyril Cossacks, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Igor Livanov, - they are all in their places.

Excerpt from an interview with the director of the films "Hearts of Three" and "Countess de Monsoro" Vladimir Popkov

- Before me, the picture was already in the preparatory period for half a year. Worked on her friend of Zhigunov, his peer, a famous actor. And when Sergey Viktorovich realized that he would not pull, he called me. In his position, a person was needed with a reputation of a professional and production officer.

When I arrived, many actors were already approved. The boss played actor Viktyuk, I insisted on Sasha Domogarov, who rejected the previous director, defended Zhen Nerzatsky, Lesha Gorbunov. Although they wanted to play shiko very much (squares, etc.), I talked about this role and with Leonid Filatov, but then he was already sick. At first, Zhigunov was categorically against Gorbunov: "I love Lesha, the film" Cargo without labeling ", but what's shiko?!" I had to convince him for a long time that the jester is the chief ideologist, the king of the king ...

Unlike Sergey Zhigunov, I was not a fan of dum even in childhood. As you remember, the Roman "Countess de Monsoro" itself is very loose and boring. After reading the script, I was horrified: he was even worse. Therefore, I put Zhigunov my conditions: my operator (Pavel Slevis), my composer (Oleg Kiva) Plus - rewrite the script. He went to it, but demanded not to shift the shooting schedule (the script was completed when we have already filmed the series ten).

And, of course, I did not agree with the candidate actress on the main female role. It came to the point that I already wanted to leave the picture. As a result, I had to completely change the concept of plan. I always need an inner point of reference, which the viewer may not catch. When it was found, everything else is a matter of technology.

In this case, I realized why the bombing and monsoro died: they are "extra" people. Bourssi is the last knight of France, and Monsoro is the first bourgeois, the owner born before his time. Diana turned out as if the death angel who accelerated their death. In the picture, it seems to me, social meaning has appeared. Therefore, we have such cool scenes of love. A lot of material was shot before this idea came to my head. I did not have another way ...

Another difficulty is an abundance in the novel of descriptions and monologues to be translated into action. This was achieved by all sorts of tricks: false intrigues and hints that support the interest of the viewer. We worked on wear, in extreme temporary framework - 200-300 useful meters per day (in Soviet times - no more than 50, and in difficult-to-plant pictures and is less). There were curious cases, because such a tagged, like Nerzhaztsky and Gorbunov (laughs), I sometimes had to be soupered, standing behind the camera. What you can not say about Yuri Belyaev (Monsoro), who always knew the text of immaculately.

The producer had tough commitments before RTR, and the display had already been transferred twice. Such forces were involved that there was no longer a speech about the work - it was necessary to pass the picture faster. Nobody expected that the shooting will drag on for three years - Zhigunov generally naively believed that he could cope with the year for one and a half. Sometimes I even had no time to recap. As a result, a kind of "patter" in the final, in which I, of course, is not to blame ... (c) Vladimir Popkov

Duma's shields are not read. But here is a snag: they are all essentially very far from Duma at all for the reasons for historical accuracy, since the story, according to his own statement, served only with a hanger for his plots. They are far from Duma in the fact that only tell us something from the life of the most historical characters that he wrote about, but in favor of cinematic spectacle, they often make them flat and two-dimensional. And the very charm of Dumas disappears, hides at one of the many curtains of luxury palaces.

Removing your series, his creators managed to have something that could do. They settled in it in Duma. And the point is not at all in the literal consequence of the book, which, as is known, most often harms good emptying than it helps. In addition to the excellent prescribed scenario, in which there is no gram of superfluous, the film is surprisingly immersed in an atmosphere of Dumas.

All small and invisible, but so important details are helpful. Music support written by Oleg Kivea. Surprisingly beautiful views of palaces and castles, both outside and inside, where public affairs are solved and intrigue. These are the most taverns and curves of the street, where they fell and fight on duels of the Heroes of the Roman.

Real taverns and streets, and not those cheap fakes that were so loved by the creators of modern pseudo-historical TV shows, in which everyone is so artificially that the diva is given how historical films can be equated to Sitkoms, where the conventions of the scenery - genre reception, completely inappropriate adventure cinema . No, in the "Countess de Monsoro", even if the tavern was created specifically for filming, then it looks like a truly dirty and smoked, and not just assembled from the foam.

But this is not the main thing. It is necessary that I managed to pink from comrades - it is to transfer to those expensive to the heart of characters in which it is impossible not to fall in love. Each of them, even seemingly the most insignificant, acquires her own place, he laid - and comes to life. And the main merit, of course, belongs to those magnificent actors that they have played all the existing persons who have a duma, as well as a lot.

It is impossible to list all, because there are such wonderful actors in the film, such as Alexander Domogarov, Evgeny Nadraztsky, Boris Klyuev, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Dmitry Maryanov, Dmitry Pevtsov. From the main heroes, it is worth separately allocating the royal jester of Shiko, played by Alexei Gorbunov, in this film performed, probably one of his best roles. It is thanks to this actor that a mocking face of the jester at any time is ready to change the excerpt of the noble nobleman.

And, of course, it is necessary to mention the brother of Goãranflo, whose role is so brilliantly executed by Vladimir Dolinsky. The lunizing caused by a drunk bar of a disturbed monk is worthy of the highest praise.

Vladimir Dolinsky (about Goãranflo, Shiko and "Countess de Monsoro"):
I loved my hero that was just bought in the image! Sometimes I changed a sense of measure, and I had to restrain me. However, he knows how to cool the dust of actors very competently, delicately. Here, let's say, De Burstie Sasha Domogarova or Shiko Alesh Gorbunov turned out to be "diamonds"! The ass is able to grind the face ...

... already so many years have passed, but when you return to your favorite heroes from time to time, we again worry about the fate of Diana de Monsoro and Count De Burstie, follow the misadventures of naive and kindly henrich Valua, trying to reconcile their people and their weakness pushing the country to crisis , Enjoy the ingenious intrigues of the noble jester shiko, you realize that after nothing there was no choice and it will be unlikely.

Probably such uniqueness increases the artistic value of this film. But sadness also sees. After all, you understand that this is the last work of the era of the gone away from the genre.
Let the movie be different. And the great narrator Dumas lives and live on the screens, albeit not large, but television, but in its true guise. (C) Going

I reread this immortal work by Alexander Duma (and as it turned out, and Auguste Maku) after acquiring the book of the ABC publishing house in the BChk series, with the illustrations of Maurice Leluara. Translation - Classic N. Butyanoty and V. Pillars, there are really many illustrations, they also look classic and in principle coincide with those laid out in open sources on engravings and paintings. The plot is certainly known for most educated people, he did not lose his fascination and today - the romantic history of "Blood-Love", duels, conspiracies, personal motives decide the fate of the kingdom, and several brave and indomitous people make the history of peoples. It attracted then, attracts now and will always attract until people believe in freedom of will.

In addition, I compared the real events and real characters (understandable on existing sources) with a brilliant cranberry authorized in the novel.

In general, it turned out that the main intrigue, which gave the name of the novel, is very rapidly interpreted by Dumas. The ordinar case of the Aduilter with the ordinary for that time the punishment for the family focus confused for the holiness (boussi was really killed, he really powerfully fought, but the monsoro still stayed alive and happily lived happily with his wife who born six children later) will be deployed in powerful love Drama and tragedy in one person.

In general, the absolute majority of the characters were by no means so devoted to political interests in order to give life for them - the life and health of the nobles of that time was preferred to give (and select) solely for the sake of Ponta and authority, not a broger and material advantage - for example, the real boss took advantage of Varfolomeev At night, to cut a relative, with whom his father had a law judicial dispute about land ownership (it is clear that after the elimination of the opponent decided in favor of the BSIST family). However, one should not refuse to be courage. Of course, with the French royal yard of that time, weak and insufficiently bold people could not advance and even more so become favorites - here the author of some characters for contrast from the bombing simply slander.

But most of all I liked that a decisive, smart, stinging royal jester Shiko not only existed in reality, but also very close to the original reflected in the novel, in contrast, for example, from D "Artanyan. Therefore, the benefit in my opinion from reading not only Entertaining, preserved historical image of a person, really worthy of respect.

Rating: 9.

Magnificent adventure novel. No worse than the "Three Musketeer", although not so famous.

If you compare this book with the first part of the trilogy - "Queen Margo", then these are very different novels. In the first almost solid political intrigues and conspiracies, palace coups. And the main characters are pale, Slobo prescribed. And in the "Countess de Monsoro", the opposite is. The political line is simpler, no plexus plot. But several main characters turned out very bright. And all the attention is focused on their destinies.

Personally, I was more interesting to read about the adventures of the jester shiko. In my opinion, this is the main character. On his background, impeccable and too idealized boss looks more pale and boring. Not to mention the Countess de Monsoro, in honor of which the book is named. Several replicas - that's all its role in the novel.

But the jester, the king, the Duke of Anjuic, the main delicious monsora - here are bright, shaped and complex personalities.

But, every reader has its favorite heroes in this book.

You can, of course, to find face that Dumas very exaggerated the advantages of a boss, which packs straightened with enemies and easily manipulates by other people. Yes, but this is just an entertainment artistic romance, the truth is based on historical events.

The book is written in a chic language. It is not outdated at all, although it is written almost two centuries ago. Reads very easily and quickly. Usually, the novels of this volume I read a month, and I passed this book in one breath in a few evenings.

Rating: 9.

I repeat the topic that I led in the estimates of the "Three Musketeers" - that we intentionally or subconsciously pay attention to the inconsistencies in the events in the novel of everyday reality

The boss --- a fencer from God, although we omit in consciousness that against the huge number of opponents of the coming on it, he in the end should "wash out", regardless of even from injuries! Just as the case concerns "Pardiyanov" (father or son no matter, but still more Son) (generalizing together because I did not find the novel here)

So, against these cockpit swords a lot of opponents, in several rows; It was worth someone from the rear row to quietly move back to carefully charge the gun and say: "Guys, pursuant, ka!" If you needed to take alive, say "Mr. Bombus (or Pardalian), as before the master Klink bow, but you don't hesitate to be a sword (well, I give it a sword (well, I give you a sword!) In general, I give you a sword, if you don't throw the sword in general. , knee and at best, the remaining life will then flicker and so you can still dream of shooting, I hope I will not watch you care well, do not stubborn! " And the proud chevalie with sigh and thyroyan would have forced to give her sword or break down (however, it seems in the case of a boss against a branch of the captivity)

What happened in France in the second half of the 1570s?
Thirty-first of May 1574 Karl IX died. Having learned about this, the future king of Heinrich III rushes from Krakow to Paris, running away from his subjects. The Polish Palace Marshal Tenchinsky is chased by the king, but Henry manages to slip away from the "faithful servant", he comes safely to France, and on February 13, 1575 he is crowned in Reims.
"Political inheritance", which was given to Henry from his brother, could pose a person with a stronger character, much more sophisticated in the political struggle than the newly-made king: the struggle between Catholics and Protestants was in full swing. Heinrich was least able to reconcile the parties and restore order in the country. In the face of the last Valua, we have an excellent sample of a representative of a degenerate dynasty.
Directly behind the Bartholomeevian night followed several wars. Huguenotes sat down in a number of cities and fought desperately. La Rochelle Royal Troops, despite the many attacks, it was not possible to take it. Finally, the charter of continuous battles, the parties in 1576 signed a peace treaty. The king agreed to all the requirements of Huggenotov: they were provided with freedom of religion everywhere, except for Paris, eight fortresses were transferred, confiscated estates were returned. Guenota leaders, Konda and Danville, was allowed to governor in a number of provinces where they became like small kings. The most important thing was that the king had to allow the existence of the political organization of Huguenots - the Protestant Confederation. In addition, the Royal Edict reported that the riots and the extreme manifestations of cruelty who took place in Paris on August 24, 1572 and in other cities in the following days, desired by the desire of the King and to its extreme displeasure, and therefore His Majesty (allegedly expressing the secret desire of the deceased Brother) completely restores the good name of all the dead gugougot leaders. As a result of the concessions from Henry Protestants, they got the opportunity to form a state almost a state with their army and administration.
The successes of Protestants forced and the opposite side to think about the protection of their interests in case of a complete impotence of the central authority, which turned out to be unable to resolve the dispute in favor of the majority, that is, Catholics. So, in the same 1576, the Catholic League arose under the leadership of Gizov. Like the organization of Protestants, she united representatives of the upper and lower layers of society. Heinrich Giz spread the appeal in which the League offered to fully restore God's laws, to resume worship only on the rites of the Holy Roman church, and in addition, to return feudal rights and liberty to seenors and provinces. Belonging to the league was declared mandatory for all Catholics; They had to unintently obey Gizu and obliged to give life for him. Heinrich Giz became the catholics idol, both the nobles and bourgeois, who saw in it a symbol of the country's unity.
The ligists acted decisively, and the king soon began to fear them much more than Huguenotov, who were still more or less satisfied (even the royal brother, Duke Alanssa, who became more than their side, received Anjou, Turny and Berry). In this situation, he is solved on the move, which became, perhaps, his most significant political maneuver: he decides to head the league and become a big Catholic than Giz himself. On January 1, 1577, the king announced that he did not recognize any religion except Catholic. In response to this, Huguenotes, headed by Heinrich Navarre, in February 1576 fled from Paris, began a new war. They were supported by the Swedish and Danish kings, the English Queen and the German princes. Military actions were accompanied by unheard of robbery and violence: soldiers who have turned into different bandits did not spare their nor strangers. In September 1577, exhausted opponents concluded the world for three years. To protect yourself, the king forbade all religious organizations - both Catholic and Protestant. However, the main problems remained unresolved, and the oscillating equilibrium was dissolved only a short respite.
Such is the historical background, on which the action "Countess de Monsoro" is deployed. It should be said that Dumas would freely cost the chronology by placing the events in 1578, the year earlier. This is due to the peculiarities of the look of Duma at all and the circumstances of the creation of the novel.
In his work, the writer adhered to the so-called "theory of small reasons", believing that palace intrigues, conspiracies, etc. cause huge historical consequences. The logic of such a look forced him to see the history of history in completely insignificant in their position, but deft and inventive people, what, for example, the Royal Jesch Shiko. From the point of view of Dumas, it is shiko that the king is saved from the goat ligists, and France from the inevitable new war. The addiction that the writer fell to bold and resourceful people, independently "making history," is partly due to his idea of \u200b\u200bthe described era as a transitional, "troubled" time. In the XVI-XVII centuries in France, a new, bourgeois-individualistic morality, moral of a person taking advantage of his personal benefit comes to replace the former feudal-Knight's Code of honor and loyalty. Duma's favorite heroes can no longer always behave honestly and straight. To achieve your own, they often have to go to the cunning, and even deceive (remember the tricks of D'Artagnian). In the "Countess de Monsore", some features of this individualism are manifested in Shiko; Surrid accounts for a "faithful knight" boss. The love story of the boss and Diana de Meridor is closely intertwined in the novel with political events. However, French researcher Pariga noticed that Dumas considers the story "As a scenery, against the background of which the passion develops."
The reader, of course, will agree that in the novel, Shiko takes at least as an important place as a boss and Countess de Monsoro. And in fact, Antoine D'Angeler (this was the real name of Shiko), a brave and cheerful Gaskonian nobleman, most of all approached in order to become a "history vertex" acting in the novel. It was his writer who prepared the role of the Savior of the King and France from the goat ligists. Were witty, courage, the ability not to be lost in the most difficult situations shiko resembles its famous countryman D'Artagnan. Ironically, Heinrich, from which an excellent jester would have come out, was a king, and Shiko, to whom the role of the king was able to be much better than His unlucky Mr. - a jerk. Shiko was not only a jerk, but also an officer. In 1574, he performed the responsibilities of the "Lieutenant of His Majesty in the castle of a horse", and serving Henry IV, which accompanied him in all campaigns. In the death of Shiko, as in his life, closely twisted the junciation and true heroism. In 1592, at the siege of Rouen, he captured the Count de Schaleni and decided to give his prisoner Henry IV. Entering with the count, he theatrically shouted the king: "Looking for me that I give you!" De Saligny, having come into rage from such an appeal, hit the sword shiko with her head, which he was uninhabited. A few hours later she died.
The novel, written in 1846, was published as separate publications in the newspaper. The need all the time to keep readers in voltage also caused the predominance of an adventurous, adventure element over actual historical. As the creator of the adventure novel, Duma admires the wealth and courage of his fantasy, but at the same time it should be noted that the plot-historical part of its works is almost always borrowed from memoirs and chronicles. Does not serve as an exception and "Countess de Monsoro". Almost all the novels are mentioned in the memoirs of the contemporary of the described events of Pierre De Burdel Brantoma (1535-1614). Dumas only spread them in a different way, something changed something, something added. What do we know about them?
Francois de Balzac, Señor d'antrage (1541-1613), the time described was opposed to the king on the side of Giza. Jacques de Levy, Count de Celamus (1554-1578), was, as in the novel, the favorite of Heinrich III and died for a duel, where, together with Mozron and Livaro, fought against Anthrage, Ribeirak and Schomberg. The kelyus died in his arms from the king, who composed in his honor the epitaph, started by the words: "He accepted death, but not dishonest ..." But Gaspar de Schomberg, Count de Nanketyl (1544-1599), has lived safely after a duel for another 20 years , Performing diplomatic instructions of the French kings in Germany. Jean-Louis de La Napernon, Duke Dupernon (1554-1642), who did not participate in duels, completely different reasons than Duma, was a gallant and brave Gasconian nobleman, the favorite of Heinrich III, as well as an excellent fencer Francois d'Epina de Saint-Luke, Baron de Kurer (1554-1597). The latter, however, enjoyed grace and with Henrich IV - he was the governor of Brittany. The famous Louis de Clermont, Count de Bursti D'AMBUAZ (1549-1579), the Favorit of the Duke Anzhuy, in 1576 he was the governor of the province of Anjou, shortly before this duke donated. There is information that he changed La Pray as the beloved Margarita Navarre. The Buressi died for the next year after the famous Duele from the hand of Charles de Shamb, Count de Monsoro, whose wife was a boss boss.
From what we learned, it can be seen how duma invested historical facts in an exciting effect. Of course, it is not always accurate when describing events. But as a writer he is at an altitude of every moment.

A. Stolyarov

Alexandr Duma

Countess de Monsoro

Wedding Saint-Luca

On the last Sunday of the carnival of 1578, after a folk walk, when there was noisy day fun on the Paris streets, in a luxurious palace, who had just erected on the banks of the Seine, almost opposite the Louvre, for the famous Montorancy family, which, having breeded with the royal house, in a lifestyle I did not ignore the princes, the magnificent festival began. This family celebration that followed public entertainment was arranged on the occasion of the wedding of Francois D "Epina de Saint-Luca, a forearm and the favorite of King Henry III, with Jeanne de Cossea Brissak, daughter of Marshal de Cossea Brissak.

A wedding dinner was given in Louvre, and the king, who with the greatest reluctance agreed to this marriage, appeared to the table with a gloomy expression, completely inappropriate for such a case. Yes, and the outfit of the king was in full compliance with his face: Heinrich was closed in a dark brown suit, the one in which he wrote a club in a picture depicting the wedding of Jurase. At the sight of this sullen greatness, this king, similar to his own ghost, guests of Chainnoles from fear, and the heart was very strongly squeezed in the young prominent, which is the king whenever he honored her look, looked off with obvious disapproval.

However, the brows of the king's bright belt in the midst of the marriage fellow, it seemed to have no wonder for anyone; Everyone knew that the reason lies in one of those palace secrets, which is better to go around the side as underwater reefs, the collision that threatens with an inevitable shipwreck.

Personally waiting for the end of the lunch, the king will jumped into the king, and all guests of the will-noili had to follow his example; Even those who whisper expressed the desire to stay at the feast table.

Then Saint-hatch, looking at his wife's eyes a long look, as if wanted to learn courage in them, approached his Mother.

"Sovereign," he said, "Will your Majesty segue to listen to the violin in the evening and decorate with your presence of the ball, which I want to give in your honor at Monmorancy Palace?"

Heinrich III turned to a newly demanded with a mixed sense of anger and annoyance, but Saint-Luke bowed to him so low, his humility was written on his face, and there was such a plea in his voice that the king softened.

"Yes, sir," he replied, "we will arrive, although you do not deserve such evidence of our favor.

Then the former maiden de Brissak, from now on Mrs. de Saint-Luke, respectfully thanked the king, but Henry turned to the newlywed back, not wishing her to answer.

- What did you get in front of the king, Mr. de Sat-hatch? - asked Zhanna with her husband.

- My dear, I will tell you everything later when this thunderstorm clouds dispel.

- And she dispel?

"Should," Saint-Luke replied.

The newlywed has not yet mastered the position of the legitimate spouse and did not decide to insist; She crossed curiosity in the deep caches of the heart and gave themselves the word to continue the conversation to another, a more favorable moment when she could dictate their conditions Saint-hatch, without fear that he would reject them.

Saint-hatch invited everyone who was listed in his friends or friends of the king. In addition, he sent invitations to Prince and the favorites of the princes, starting with the approximate of our old acquaintance, the Duke of Alanssonsky, whom the modernity of Henry III has made the Duke of Anjui. But the duke did not consider it necessary to appear on the wedding dinner in Louvre and, apparently, was not going to attend the wedding ball in the Palace of Monmodrance.

King Navarre and his spouse in Paris were not, they, as well as readers of our previous novel, were escaped to Bearn and there was headed by the troops of Huguenots, which provided the open resistance to the king.

The Duke of Anjui, according to its usual, also walked in dissatisfied, but his discontent was hidden and inconspicuous; The duke invariably tried to hold on in the rear rows, pushing forward those nobles from their surroundings, who did not sober up the terrible fate of La Pray and de Coconnas, whose execution, undoubtedly, is still alive in the memory of our readers.

It goes without saying, the adherents of the Duke and supporters of the king were in a state of a bad world: no less than two or three times a month, duels were tied between them, and only in the rarest cases did without killed or at least without seriously edged.

As for Ekaterina Medici, the most cherished wishes of the queen-mother turned - her beloved son reached the throne, which she dreamed about so for him, or rather, for himself; Now she reigned, hiding behind him with his name, to all his species and the behavior showing that in the seminal world is occupied only by concerns about his health and nothing else bothers her.

Saint-Luke, who was alarmed by the absence of the king and princes, who did not make anything, tried to calm his testing, which for the same reason was distinguished to the depths of the soul. Convinced, as, however, and the whole yard, in the fact that King Heinrich and Saint-Luca tie close friendly bonds, Marshal hoped to breed with a source of blessings, and - so on you! - Everything came out on the contrary: his daughter was combined with a marriage with a walking embodiment of royal disfavor. Saint-hatch in every possible way tried to inspire the old man with confidence he himself did not feel, and his friends - Mozhiron, Schomberg and the kelyus, smashed in the fluff and dust, are unnaturally straight in their magnificent Camzoles, with huge balls, on which the head rests on the dish, Jokes and ironic condolences only poured oils into the fire.

- e! My God! Our poor friend, - Saint-Luke Jacques de Levy, Count de Celamus, - I suppose, this time you really disappeared. The king is angry with you because you neglected His advice, and the Duke of Anjousky - because you did not show proper respect for his nose1.

"Well, no," said Saint-hatch. "Are wrong, the kelyus, the king did not come because she went on a mantis to a minima monastery, which in the Vincensky Forest, and the Duke of Anjui - because they fell in love with some lady I, as a sin, bypassed an invitation.

"Tell me," Mozron objected. - I saw, what is the minor king at dinner? But the person who hesitates does not take him a staff and do not go to the mantis, and the expression of the face is a benevolent, dying. Well, the duke of Anzhuy? Let him prevented to come some personal affairs, as you say, but where are his angets, where at least one of them? Look around - the utter emptiness, even this Banzal Bourssi did not deign to appear.

The throne of which wanted to get his native brother - Francois (Duke Alanssonsky), as well as de Giza.


The second half of the XVI century, France. In Paris, Heinrich III Valua rules. The king is weak, hairless, capricious and very religious, is not inclined to actively engage in state affairs, not too popular in the people. He surrounded himself by the favorites, among which the Fifteen Mignon is allocated (Fr. Mignon - Favorite), headed by Count de Celamus - the nearest personal friends of the king. Minions of the king are opposed by the "Angezers" - the fourthkeeper of the nobles from the Duke of the Angui, headed by the brilliant Graph de Burstie, the vocabulary and the poet, a famous multitude of love adventures. One of the few valid politicians at the court is the Royal Jesch Shiko. Good-natured, intelligent, long-scale, beautiful fencer, he has a huge influence on Henry and constantly in secret leading his game in the interests of the king. Heinrich III hates and is afraid of a boss, Shiko, on the contrary, refers to a graph with undisguised sympathy and constantly hints to the king, which would be nice to attract a boss to his side. The duke of Anjou inherits the French crown after childless Henrich, but he is not against the hurry of events. Shiko finds out that the party de Gizov, heading the Catholic league and very popular among Parishan Catholics, is preparing a coup. Giza secretly produce anointing to the kingdom of the Duke Anjou, pretending that they are going to give the throne to him as a legitimate heir to Heinrich to enlist his support. One of the most closest people of the Duke - Count de Monsoro - actively participates in the secret affairs of Anjuitsa and Gizov, for which the Prince defines for him the King of the court of the majority.

At the wedding of one of the minions, Francois D'Espin de Saint-Luca and Zhanna, the daughters of Marshal de Brissak, De Bursti quarrels with minions, and those at night attack him. De Bursti, a warned about the upcoming attack de Saint-Luche, defenders, but he gets a heavy injury; He only saves the suddenly opened door of one of the houses in the alley, where she went. The hostess of the house and her servant is provided by De Burstie, and the secretly invited doctor of Remy heals the graph. Waking up the next day on the street, De Burstie recalls a beautiful woman seen in delight. Having barely come to my senses, he rushes in search and with the help of the Remi meets by him reaches the goal - meets the hostess of the house, which is Diana de Monsore, in Major - de Meridor. Bourssi and Diana immediately fall in love with each other. Diana says that he was abducted by the people of the Duke Anjou, who was fascinated by her. Count de Monsoreo, also in love with Diana, organized her escape. The count was struggling to Diana, but her disgrace scared her stronger, and she took his help. Montsoreu was carried by Diana to Paris, and after a while, having intimidated the prince with possible goats, convinced to marry him.

Meanwhile, the king, bored, does not let go of de Saint-Luca to his wife. After the wounds of the Buressi recovered after the wounds, he holds Joan to the palace, shifted it to her group. Husband with his wife finally meet. The newlyweds sweat over the religious king with the help of the oven, in which they shout: "Show, sinner!" The discontinuity of their practicing, hung Henry removes de Saint-Luca and Jeanne from the Palace, and they go to the meridian, where they expect to find the shelter in Diana, which turns out to be a long-standing girlfriend Zhanna.

Burstie wants to help Diana get rid of a hateful marriage. He brings to Paris Baron de Meridor, whom, monsoro misled, told his daughter's death. Since the marriage has already been concluded, the only way to get rid of it is to ask the king to recognize marriage invalid. The bussy appeals to his senor - the Duke of Anjou, not being fully aware of the depth of intrigue between the Count de Monsoro and the prince around the abduction of Diana and the conspiracy of Giza. After the first hint, the prince bets on the binding their dirty secrets of the Prince: instead of the command about the dissolution of marriage, he allows de Monsoro to introduce his wife to the court, which will finally legalize their marriage. After the representation of Diana to the courtyard of Montsoro, jealous of the prince, sends it to Meridor, to his father.

The first attempt of the coup of GIZOV stopped by Heinrich III thanks to the timely help of Shiko: the king takes the Catholic league under his command, and the Duke Anjou is putting under the home arrest in the Louvre. Heinrich Navararsky organizes the Duke of Escape, he hides in Anjo and begins to prepare for war with Paris. Heinrich III gives an order about the arrest of the Angetes, but it is possible to run. The boss, warned shiko, even earlier leaves Paris, settled in Anger, a few miles from the Meridor Castle, and the lovers begin to meet regularly. Returning from Paris Montsoro caresses them walking together, but does not recognize the boss - he believes that Diana seeks the Prince. De Saint-hatch causes a monsoro to a duel and herso himself, but he who turned out to be near Remy, whom De Bursti took to himself as a personal doctor, providing assistance in a timely manner, and the monsoro recovers. He decides to return Diana to Paris. At the same time, the Queen Mother arrives in Anzher to convince Herzoga Anjousky to abandon military plans. Under the pressure of a boss, which seeks to Paris, Duke agrees.

At the reception at the King, the boss is exposed to an explicit insult from four minions and causes them all to a duel. To comply with the equality of the parties, it is agreed that, together with a bombing, the three of his friends-Anjuites will fight. For a duel, a day is prescribed, following the feast of holy gifts, pairs of fighting are distributed through lot. The boss goes to the opponents of D'Eepernon.

Giza plan during the holiday of the Holy Gifts to capture the king, to pull out his renunciation from him and build the throne of France of his king. Shiko promptly learns about these plans and arranges a trap, changing the king on the festive procession and coming instead of him to the church, where Giza was expected. However, the plan shiko is not fulfilled; The main conspirators are able to run, taking advantage of a secret pass.

Duke Anjousky learns about De Bursti and Diana's relations. From jealousy and fear of a bond with influence on a prince, he tells about everything Count de Monsoro and helps to arrange an ambush on a boss. D'Eepernon takes part in the preparation of the trap, frankly frightened by the prospect of a duel from a boss. The boss who fought off the ambush and is seriously wounded, killed by the order of the Duke of Anjou. Diana saves from the ambush de Saint-hatch. Subsequently, he reports a king of the murder, whose witness has become. A duel between the three remaining Angetes and three minions took place the day after the murder of the Buressi (D'Eepernon, having lost the enemy, did not accept participation in duels); Five were killed, including seriously wounded de Celamus. Alive remained only Anjucent Antrage, who runs from Paris.

Novel and real historical events and characters

The novel, written in 1846, originally published in the form of individual publications in the newspaper. Almost all the novels are mentioned in the memoirs of the contemporary of the described events of Pierre de Burdel Brantoma (1535-1614), but Dumas spread them and changed a lot to the actions and motives of heroes.

The "Duel Mighton Duel" novel showed in the final scene (see) in reality did not have any political footing, but was a fairly ordinary slaughter due to the personal ambitions of the nobles participating in it. Only an unusual development of events (the connection of seconds to the fight and the reaction of the king) made a significant historical event from her.

Participants of this duel, as well as other historical personality mentioned in the novel, have undergone significant changes under the pen. Francois de Balzac, Senor d'antragh (1541-1613) in the time described, opposed the king on the side of Giza. Jacques de Levy, the Count de Celamus (1554-1578) was, as in the novel, the favorite of Henry III, at Duele Mighton, he together with Mozhiron and Livaro fought against Anthra, Ribeirak and Schomberg. Real Georges de Schomberg was Minon Henrich, but he spoke at Mighton Duel as the second second d'antrague, that is, conditionally, on the side of "Gizarov", and fought with the same as he himself, Minion Livaro; Duma put it on a more natural side for his position. Another of the minions, Jean-Louis de Nogare de la Valette, Duke D'Eepernon (1554-1642), did not have a relation to this duel in reality; Duma shown in duma as cowardly and sneaky, in reality, according to De Burdaily, he was a gallant and brave nobleman. Another real historical character who fell into Roman - Henry III Favorit III, an excellent fencer Francois D'Epina de Sat-Luke, Baron de Kurer (1554-1597); He enjoyed grace and Henrich IV, who appointed him by the Governor of Brittany.

In the real duel of Mignon, three were killed: Ribeirak, Mozhiron and Schomberg. D "Anthragra got a scratch on his arm, Livaro was seriously injured, but he reconciled and died a few years later, at the next duel. The kelyus received 19 wounds, the trials of the king survived and went to the amendment. But after a month after a duel, he did not carefully ride a horse; The wounds opened, and the count died on the hands of the king, which he composed in his honor the epitaph, who began with the words: "He took the honor, but not disgrace."

The famous Louis de Clermont, Senor de Bursti D'AMBUAZ (1549-1579), the favorite of the Duke Anzhuy, in 1576 the governor of the province of Anjou, shortly before the fact of the duke donated, in reality did not have any relationship to the duel of Mighton and died later. At the same time, the circumstances of his death are close to those described in the novel: he was lured into the trap and killed Charles de Chamb, the Count de Monsoro, who learned that the boss was his wife's lover. Dumas strongly changed the story, and images of heroes: Real de Burstie was by no means an impeccable knight (he killed several of his relatives in the Bartholomew night, having received a significant inheritance), and the real intention - we are wearing the evil who had his wife by force (in fact the story His marriage is quite ordinary). In addition, the real de Burstie was not a graph, he was the eldest son of Jacques de Clermon, Baron de Bursti D "Amboise (1525-1587) and on the right of Mayorate could inherit the father's title.