Slavic tribes. Wild tribes: brutal rites of male initiation (8 photos)

Slavic tribes. Wild tribes: brutal rites of male initiation (8 photos)
Slavic tribes. Wild tribes: brutal rites of male initiation (8 photos)

The exact amount of African nations is unknown, and ranges from five hundred to seven thousand. This is explained by the fuzziness of the criteria of separation, in which the inhabitants of two neighboring villages may attract themselves different peopleswithout having any special differences. Scientists are inclined to figure 1-2 thousand to determine ethnic communities.

The main part of Africa's nation includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes. It is to such a group that refers, for example, the Mursi tribe.

Tribal Journeys EP 05 The Mursi:

Residing in the southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenia and Sudan, who settled in Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually tough customs. They are rightfully nominated for the title: the most aggressive ethnic group.

Proposed to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled application of weapons (everything is constantly carrying Calashnikov vehicles, or combat sticks). In fights, they often can score each other almost to a suicide state, trying to prove their primacy in the tribe.

Scientists refer to this tribe to mutating nero-shaped race, from distinctive features In the form of low growth, broad bones and foot curves, low and strongly compressed LBs, flattened noses and puffed short necks.

In more public coming in contact with civilization, Mursi can not always see all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic appearance of their lower lip is a business card of the tribe.

The lower lip is cut back in childhood, the bores are inserted there, gradually increasing their diameter, and the "plate" from the burned clay - Dabebe, (up to 30 centimeters !!) is inserted into her. If Mursi girl does not make such a hole in the lip, then a very small redemption will give it.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip will unscrew the long circular harness. Almost all Mursi lacks front teeth, tongue-cracked before blood.

The second strange and frightening decoration of Women Mursi are Monista, which are scored from human phaling fingers (NEC). One person has only 28 such bones in their hands. Each necklace is its victims of five-sixas, some of the jewelry of "jewelry" monista wrap the neck into several rows, boldly brilliance and publishing a sweet-riveted smell of funeral human fat, which each bone rubs out daily. The source for the bead never dedicates: a priestess of the tribe for almost every misconduct is ready to deprive the hands of a man's hands who violated the law.

This tribe is made to make scarification (applying scars). Men can afford only after the first murder of someone from their enemies or ill-wishers.

Their religion - animism, deserves a longer and shocking story.
Briefly: Women are the priestess of death, so they give their husbands daily daily drugs and poisons. Antidote distributes the Supreme Priestess, but sometimes salvation comes not to all. In such cases, the widow is drawn on the plate white CrossAnd it becomes a very distinguished member of the tribe, which is not eaten after death, and bury in the trunks of special ritual trees. The posture is made in such a priest due to the fulfillment of the Main Mission - the will of the God of the death of the Yamda, which they were able to fulfill destroying the physical body, and freed the highest spiritual essence from their man.

The rest of the dead is waiting for collective eating to the whole tribe. Soft fabrics are welded in the boiler, the bones are used for amples-amulets and thrown on the tops, to indicate dangerous places.

What seems very wild for Europeans for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Film: Shocking Africa (Shocking Africa). 18 ++ The exact name of the film - Nude Magic / Magia Nuda (Mondo Magic) 1975.

Film: In search of tribes of hunters E02 Hunting in Calahari. San tribe

In our age it becomes more and more difficult to find a corner globenot touched by civilization. Of course, in some places the so-called national flavor still remains the main bait for tourists. But all this for the most part of the exotic is intake, artificial. Take, for example, Grozny Masayev - business card Kenya. Sooting the sound of the motor's engine of the approaching bus, representatives of this tribe hide away the TVs, phones and jeans and immediately attach themselves primitive view. Other things himba - Small tribe In the north of Namibia. They preserved in their everyday the tradition of the Stone Age. Not for the sake of tourists, but because they do not want to live otherwise.

The climate of the Kunen Province, according to which Khimba wander, you won't call soft. In the afternoon, the thermometer is inexorably striving for a mark of + 60 °, and sometimes falls at night. It affects the breath of the oldest desert on the planet - Namiba.

Himba moved to North Namibia about a few hundred years ago from East Africa. Once it was a big tribe, but in mid XIX. century it was divided. Most of it moved south, to the region more rich in water. Peero's breakacied by Himba began to be called Hero. They came into contact with the Europeans that they are ultimately, and destroyed.

Several tens of years ago, the indigenous population, which preserved the life and beliefs of the ancestors remained a bit. In general, Himba decided to leave alone and allowed them to live as they want. Any laws of Namibia on their territory take effect only after the approval of the tribal leader, which is called the king.

Like hundreds of years ago, the tribe leads a half-hour life. The main occupation is breeding cows, goats and sheep. The number of cows determines social statusBurenks also serve as a payment facility. Himba money is practically not interested, because no industrial goods in everyday life are used. The exception is plastic canisters for storing and carrying water and various little things, accidentally falling into hand.

Chemicals live in Krales having a circular layout. In the middle located barnyardsurrounded by a wicker fence. Around - round or square huts. They are built from stories covered in the ground and bonded with leather straps. The frame is deceived by clay, and the roof is covered with straw or cane. Paul in Earth's huts, there is no furniture. Sleep chemicals on mattresses stuffed with straw. At the entrance to the hut there is a focus that dries in black.

As pasture exhausions, they disassemble the huts and die. Water Himba earlier mined, digging deep pits in the sand, and the suitable place for this place was found in the slave way. Crall they never put close to the source so that the outsiders could not peel, where the water is taken. Not so long ago, at the disposal of the government on nomadic routes, artesian wells were pulled out. But the aborigines do not drink this water, except that they sing her herd.

By the Dedovo way, the living moisture can be obtained only for its own use, and then in the edge. About to wash, and there can be no speech. Helps a magic ointment, which Khimba is obliged to a red skin tinge. This is a mixture of oil whipped from milk cows, a variety of plant elixirs and unwrapped in the thinnest powder of bright red volcanic pumice. Get it in a single place - on the mountain on the border of the plateau, which Himba is occupied. Mountain, of course, is considered sacred, and they do not reveal to anyone.

This composition of Women Himba flashes all body and hair several times a day. Ointment protects from solar burns and insect bites. In addition, when the ointment ointment is scraped, the dirt comes with it, which is albeit strange, but effective tool personal hygiene. Surprisingly, the skin of women Himba is perfect. With the help of the same ointment, they make traditional hairstyle: other people's hair - usually male, most often from the father of the family - they wove into their own, creating on the head "Dreada".

As a rule, one crane takes one family, but there are settlements and larger. Almost all Himba can read, count, write their name and know several phrases in English. In this merit mobile schoolswho attend almost all children of the tribe. But more than two-three classes energize units - to continue learning, you need to go to the city.

Women only work in Kralias. They wear water, care for the cattle, whip oil, sew and read out of simple clothes. In addition, the weak floor is engaged in collecting so that the diet of the tribe consisted not only from dairy products. Of course, women are also engaged in raising children. By the way, the kids on their own and strangers do not share.

Cattle graze old men and teenagers. Himba men are not thrilled. Collect and disassemble the cravy - here, by and large, and all of their affairs. Hunting is not among the constant tribe classes, it is rather a hobby of men Chemicals. The permanent duty of representatives of strong sex is the extraction of the very reddish breed, which goes to the preparation of paint for the body. However, women also make the composition.

The weak floor is a kind of engine of progress. If tourists want to acquire some souvenir at the tribe, then you only have to bargain with women. IN last years People began to use bright polyethylene bags in people's unprecedented popularity. For them, Himba is ready to give the latter. After all, in these bags so convenient to keep their poor belongings, decorations and, of course, scallops. With the help of the latter, it is very convenient to build fantastic hairstyles that are famous for Himba women. They, by the way, are considered a beauty benchmark on the African continent.

By 12-14 years, each chimba lacks four lower teeth. This is a consequence of the rite of initiation. Teeth knock down a stone. Want to be adults - Terepi. By 14 years, Khimba is allowed to marry, but the weddings happen infrequently, since the bride should pay a big ransom.

Wedding ritual is very original. Newlyweds spend the night in the hut of the bride's family. In the morning, they, accompanied by a friend's future wife leave parental house, choosing to the street by all the way on all fours. Then everyone climbs to the feet and, taking each other for the projected bandages, headed towards the "sacred fire", where the leader is already awaiting the leader to commit the ceremony. If someone from the procession gets stuck, the rite will have to repeat, but not earlier than a few weeks.

Participants of the ceremony are sitting around the fire, and the leader makes three vessels with milk - one of the sickness of the bridegroom, the bride and the leader himself. He relieves the sample, after which the remaining members of the tribe are applied to the vessels. After that, all those present are sent to the leader's hut, where newlyweds have to spend three days. In order for the first marriage night successfully, in front of the hut, the bride and the bride are again lowered on all fours and so bypass the house counterclockwise.

Even if the man and woman Himba are married, observe sophisticated loyalty They are not required. Every chimba may have so much wives as it is able to feed. Wives can be changed, and if a man goes to a long journey, then attracts his spouse to live with someone from acquaintances.

Such freedom of morals worries local authorities. More than 20% of the population of Namibia is sick AIDS, so Khimba is a kind of risk group. However, in the tribe to medical problems These are philosophically. The gods give life, they can pick it up, say Himba. In general, they are long-livers: almost all live to 70 years, and some and to a hundred.

Interesting and Justice System Himba. If, for example, the husband kills his wife or someone from her relatives, then must pay compensation in 45 cows. If a wife or someone from her relatives kills her husband, then no ransom is provided. The authorities of Namibia Khimba are not punished, considering all this by their internal affair.

Himba believes that their tribe happened from the progenitor Mukuur, who, together with his wife, came out of sacred wood OMUMBOMBONGO. Mukuur created all the existence and endowed the souls of the dead ancestors of Himba supernatural abilities. But then the enemies kicked the tribe from his original lands and captured the tree. Someday Khimba will return there. By the way, without having no idea of \u200b\u200bgeography, any chapter of the kind will show your hand to the direction where it is worth looking for OMUMBOMBONGO.

In the middle of the XIX century, Khimba almost disappeared from the face of the earth. They covered the largest and most powerful tribe of Namibia - Nama. As a result of cruel raids, Himba lost all their herds and fled to the mountains. They had to be engaged in hunting, but such a life was not like them, and they went north, in Angola.

For some time it was believed that Khimba was extinct or mixed with other tribes, as they suddenly appeared again in the old place. It happened in 1903, when Nama raised the uprising against German colonialists. European troops quickly broke the Nama and the Hero allied to them, after which the real genocide was arranged. As a result, both tribe practically ceased to exist. He did not go around the "attention" the Germans and Himba. Almost all Khimba were killed or captured and sent to the camps for blacks. Fortunately, after the First World War, the colony from Germany was taken away. And if Hero with Nama did not recover from the blow, then Khimba "rebelled", like a Phoenix bird from the ash.

For the third time they were considered extinct in the mid-1980s. The terrible multi-year drought destroyed 90% of livestock livestock, and in 1988, the last focus was revealed in the last Khimbi stamp. The remaining people of the tribe were resettled to the city down as refugees. But in the early 1990s, Khimba returned. Now they have a little less than 50 thousand, and the population is growing. At the same time they live in the same way as their ancestors hundreds of years ago.

IN modern world On Earth every year it becomes less and less and less secluded places, where the foot of civilization did not go. She comes everywhere. And wild tribes are often forced to change the places of their settlements. The same of them, which come to contact with the civilized world gradually disappear. They are soluble in modern societyOr simply die out.

The whole thing is that the centuries-old life in complete isolation did not allow properly to develop the imune system of these people. Their body did not learn how to produce antibodies capable of withstanding the most common infections. The banal cold may be fatal for them.

Nevertheless, anthropologic scientists continue to study, as far as possible wild tribes. After all, each of them is nothing but a model ancient Mira. Kind, possible variant Human evolution.

Indians of the Piala tribe

The lifestyle of the wild tribes in general is stacked in the framework of our presentation of primitive people. They live mainly by polygamy families. Engage in hunting and collecting. But here the way of thinking and the language of some of them is able to hit any civilized imagination.

Once, a well-known anthropologist, Linguist and preacher Daniel Everett in scientific and missionary purposes went to the Amazonian tribe of Pirach. First of all, he was struck by the language of the Indians. It only had three vowels and seven consonant sounds. They did not have the slightest concept On the only I. multiple number. In their language, there was no numeral. And why do they need them if the pirah did not even have the concepts of that, more and less. And it also turned out that the people of this tribe live out of time. He was alien to such concepts as the present, past and future. In general, the Polyglot Eversette with the study of the language of the Pirah had to be very difficult.

The missionary mission of Everett and waited at all a big confusion. First, Dikari asked the preacher whether he was personally familiar with Jesus. And when they found out that he was not, then immediately lost all interest in the gospel. And when Everett told them that God himself created a man, they had completely fell in full bewilderment. This bewilderment could be translated as follows: "What are you? Such stupid is not, how are people doing? ".

As a result, after visiting this tribe, the unfortunate Everett, according to him, from a convinced Christian almost turned into a finished one.

Cannibalism still exists

There is some wild tribes and cannibalism. Now the cannibalism among the savages is found not as often as years, about a hundred ago, but still cases of eating themselves are not yet rare. The Savior Island Borneo is the most successful in this business, they are famous for their cruelty and inseparability. These cannibals are happy to eat, and tourists. Although the last outbreak of Cakibalism dates from the beginning of a vulnerable century. Now this phenomenon in the wild tribes is episodic.

But in general, according to scientists, the fate of the wild tribes on Earth has already been solved. In just a few decades, they will finally disappear.

In the current world, where everyone lives on a schedule, working around the clock and without taking off from their cell phones, there are some groups of people who focused on nature. The lifestyle of these tribes is no different from the one they led several centuries ago. Climate change and industry development significantly reduced their number, but this momentThese 10 tribes still exist.

Kayapo Indians

Kayapo is a Brazilian tribe that lives along the colon river in 44 separate villages, which are barely visible paths. They call themselves furnished, which means "people of big water". Unfortunately, their " great water"Resolutely transformed, as a huge dam is built by White Monte on the Schinger River. The reservoir of 668 square kilometers is flooding 388 square kilometers of forest, partially destroying the habitat of the kayapo tribe. Indians fought against penetration modern man For centuries, fought with everyone, from animal hunters and catchers, to lumberjacks and rubber miners. They even successfully prevented the construction of the largest dam in 1989. Once their population was only 1,300 people, but since then has grown almost 8,000. Today, the question is how people will survive if their culture is under threat. The members of the Kayapo tribe are famous for their bodyriat, agriculture and bright heads. The technologies of modernity are already penetrated into their life - Kayapo manage the motor boats, watch TV, or even harvest the forest on Facebook.


Located in the Pakistani mountains, on the border with the Taliban controlled by the area of \u200b\u200bAfghanistan, is the most unusual tribe White, European-looking people who are known as Kalash. Many swings have blond hair and blue eyes, which absolutely contrasts with respect to their neighbors with darker skin. Not only is the Kalash tribe differs in physical signs, they have a very different culture from Muslims. They are polytetic, have a unique folklore, produce wine (which is forbidden in Muslim culture), carry brightly colored clothes and give much more freedom Women. They are resolutely happy, peace-loving people who love to dance and arrange numerous annual festivals. Nobody knows for sure how this cement the tribe appeared in a remote Pakistan, but Kalashi claim that they have long lost descendants of the Army Alexander the Great. Proof of DNA tests show that they had the infusion of European blood during the time of the conquests of Alexander, therefore, there is a chance that their stories are true. During for long years Muslims surrounding Kalash and forced many to accept Islam. Today, approximately 4,000-6,000 representatives of the tribe engaged in mainly agriculture remained.

Tribe Kauwla

While Southern California is most often associated with Hollywood, surfingists and actors, in the area there are 9 Indian reservations inhabited by the ancient people of Kawuel. They lived in the Camerel Valley more than 3,000 years and settled there, when there was still a prehistoric lake of Kauwla. Despite problems with diseases, gold fever and persecution, this tribe managed to survive, although it has exhausted up to 3,000 people. They lost most His heritage, and the unique language of Kaufort is on the verge of extinction. This dialect is a mixture of Utah and Aztec languages, on which only 35 people of old age can be expressed. Currently, the senior persistently try to transfer their language, "birds of birds" and others cultural features young generation. Like most indigenous peoples North AmericaThey encountered the problem of assimilation with a wider community, in an attempt to preserve their old traditions.

Tribe Spinifeks

Tribe Spinifex, or Saw Ngur - Indigenous Residents Living in Big desert Victoria. They live in one of the sharper climates for at least 15,000 years. Even after the Europeans settled in Australia, this tribe was not affected, as they took too dry, intensely surrounding the environment. Everything has changed in the 1950s, when the ground of Spinifex, not suitable for agriculture, chosen for nuclear tests. In 1953, the British and Australian governments blew up nuclear bombs At the homeland of spinifices, without any consent and after a short warning. Most Aboriginal was moved and did not return back to their homeland until the end of the 1980s. After return, they encountered severe opposition, trying to recognize the area by their property by law. Interestingly, their beautiful works of art helped prove the deep connection of spinifices from this land, after which they were recognized as a native population in 1997. Their works of art received massive recognition and appeared on art exhibitions worldwide. It is difficult to count how many representatives of the tribe currently exists at the moment, but one of their most numerous communities known as Tyuntyunya, there are approximately 180-220 people.


On the Philippine Island, Palawan lives the Bakak people, the tribe of the most genetically diverse people on the planet. They believed belong to the Negroid-Australoid race distantly connected with those people from which we all happened. This means that they are the descendants of one of the first groups who left Africa about 70,000 years ago and traveled from the Asian mainland to the Philippines about 20,000 years later. Typical for innoors, bathas have little Grow and strange, unusual hair. Traditionally, women wear sarongs, while men cover the body only with a granted bandage and feathers, or jewels. The whole commune works together to hunt and collect harvest, after which they arrange the celebrations. In general, Bataki - shy, peaceful people who prefer to hide deep in the jungle without entering confinary with outsiders. As with other local tribes, diseases, the seizure of territories and other modern invasions devastated the Bakak population. Currently there are approximately 300-500 people. Strangely enough, the protection of the biggest dangers for the tribe was ambient. The Philippine government banned the deforestation of the forest in certain protected areas, and the battles traditionally practice cutting down trees. Without the ability to effectively grow food, many suffer from insufficient nutrition.


Andamanians are also classified as blacks, but due to their extremely short height (adult men below 150 centimeters) they are usually referred to as pigments. They inhabit the Andaman Islands in Bengal Bay. Like Bataki, Andamanians are one of the first groups that migrated from Africa, and developed in isolation until the 18th century. Until the 19th century, they did not even know how to dilute the fire. Andamanians are divided into separate tribes, each of which has their own culture and language. One group disappeared when her last participant He died at the age of 85 in 2010. Another group, senalinets, so violently resists external contacts, which even in the modern technological world very little is known about them. Those who have not integrated into a large Indian culture still live as their ancestors. For example, they use the only type of weapons - onions and arrows to hunt a pig, turtle and fish. Men and women together collect roots, tubers and honey. Obviously, their lifestyle works on them, as doctors assess the health status and the state of nutrition of Andamanesev, like "optimal". SAME big challengesThey have the impact of Indian settlers and tourists who force them to leave the Earth, bring illness and consider these people, as if animals in a safari park. Although the exact number of the tribe is not known, as some still live in isolation, there are approximately 400-500 existing Andamanians.

Tribe Pirach

Although there are many small primitive tribes across Brazil and Amazon, the pirah is highlighted by a mansion, because they have their own culture and language, unlike many other people on the planet. This tribe has some bizarre features. They have no colors, numbers, past time and puttinglements. While some might call this language simplified, these features are the result of the values \u200b\u200bof the piras that live only in the present moment. Also, because they live completely together, they have no need to normalize and share property. Many unnecessary words are eliminated when you do not have any story, nothing should be tracked, and trust only what you see. In general, piras differ from the inhabitants of the West to almost everyone. They sincerely rejected all sorts of missionaries, like all modern technologies. They have no leader and do not need to exchange resources with other people, or tribes. Even after hundreds of years of external contacts, this group of 300 people remained mainly unchanged since ancient times.

People Atoll Takuu

Atoll's people Takuu - Polynesians by origin, but are considered one of the isolated crops, as they live in the regions of Melanesia instead of the Polynesian triangle. Atoll has a particularly different culture that some is called the most traditionally Polynesian. This is caused by the fact that the tribe Takuu is extremely protecting his lifestyle and protects against suspicious foreign. They even achieved compliance with the ban on missionaries for 40 years. They still live in traditional straw buildings. Unlike most of us, spending most of the time to work, Takuu is devoted to 20-30 hours a week singing and dancing. Surprisingly, they have more than 1,000 songs that they repeat over memory. 400 members of the tribe are somehow related to each other, and one leader manages them. Unfortunately, climate change can destroy the lifestyle Takuu, since the ocean will soon absorb their island. The growing levels of the seas have already contaminated freshwater sources and flooded grain crops, and although the community has created dams, they turn out to be ineffective.

Tribe of Spirit

Spirit - last group Mongolia's nomadic shepherds with a history belonging to the time of the Tana dynasty. About 300 members of the tribe left, carefully guarding their cold homeland and believing in the Holy Forest, where the ghosts of their ancestors live. In this cold, mountainous region, very few resources, because the spirit rely on the reindeer for milk, cheese, transportation, hunting and attracting tourists. However, due to the smallness of the tribe, the lifestyle of the spirit is under threat of breakdown, since the population of reindeer is rapidly decreasing. There are many factors contributing to this reduction, but the most important is excessive hunting and predation. Aggravating the situation, the opening of gold in North Mongolia brought here a mining industry, which ruins the local wildlife. With so many problems, many young people leave their ancient roots and chooses life in the city.

El Molo.

The ancient tribe of El Molo in Kenya is the most small tribe in the country, also encountered with many threats. Because of the almost constant persecution of other groups, they already isolated themselves at the remote coastline Lake Terkana, but still can not breathe calmly. The tribe depends solely on fish and aquatic animals for survival and trade. Unfortunately, their lake evaporates on 30 centimeters every year. This contributes to water pollution and a decrease in fish population. Now they need a week to catch the same amount of fish they have previously caught the day. El Mole has to risk and immerse yourself into water crocodiles for catching. There is a cruel competition for fish, and the El Mole is under threat of invasion of the warring neighboring tribes. In addition to these environmental hazards, the tribe transfers outbreaks of cholera every few years, which most people exterminate. The average life expectancy of El Mole is only 30-45 years. They are approximately 200 people, and anthropologists estimate that only 40 of them are "clean" El Molo.

Amazing, but in our age of atomic energy, laser guns and pluton research still exist primitive peopleAlmost not familiar with the outside world. Throughout the land, except in Europe, scattered great amount such tribes. Some live in complete isolation, perhaps not even knowing the existence of other two-legs. Others know and see more, but do not hurry to come to contact. And the third is ready to kill any stranger.

How to be to us, civilized people? Trying with them "make friends"? Carefully follow them? Fully ignore?

Just these days, disputes resumed when the authorities of Peru decided to enter into contact with one of the lost tribes. Aboriginal defenders sharply against, because after contact those may die from diseases to which they have no immunity: it is not known whether they will agree to medical care.

Let's see about whom this is speechAnd what are the tribal distant far from civilization are found in the modern world.

1. Brazil

It is in this country that lives most of the non-contact tribes. Only for 2 years, from 2005 to 2007, their confirmed number increased by 70% at once (from 40 to 67), and today in the lists of the National Fund of Indians (FUNAI) there are already more than 80.

There are tribes extremely small, just 20-30 people, others can with 1.5 thousand. At the same time, together, they constitute less than 1% of the population of Brazil, but "original land", which they are allocated, is 13% of the country's territory (green spots on the map).

To search and taking into account the isolated tribes of the authorities periodically flip flip forests of Amazon. So in 2008 near the border with Peru were noticed unknowndelivery Dicaries. At first, anthropologists have noticed their huts from the aircraft, similar to the elongated tents, as well as half-and-half women and children.
But during the re-inlet after a few hours, men appeared on the same place with spears and onions, from head to feet painted in red, and the same warlike woman, all black. Probably, they accepted the plane for the evil spirit of the bird.
Since then, the tribe remains unexplored. Scientists only guess that it is very numerous and prosperous. The photo shows that people are generally healthy and fed, their baskets are full of roots and fruits, even something like fruit gardens noticed from the aircraft. It is possible that this people have existed for 10,000 years and since then keeps the primality.

2. Peru

But the very tribe with whom they want to enter the Contact Peruvian authorities are Indians mashko-Pyro.who also live in the wilderness of Amazon forests in the territory national Park Manu in the south-east of the country. Previously, they always rejected strangers, but in recent years they often began to leave the chat in the "External World". Only in 2014 they have noticed them more 100 times in populated areas, especially along the banks of the river, from where they pointed out passersby.

"Looks like they themselves come to contact, and we cannot pretend that we do not notice. They also have the right to this, "they say in the government. There are emphasized that in no case will not force a tribe to any contact or a change in lifestyle.
Officially, Peruvian law prohibits contact with lost tribes, which in the country there are no less than a dozen. But with Masha Pyro, many have already managed to "communicate", from ordinary tourists to Christian missionaries who shared clothing and food with them. Maybe also because no punishment is provided for violation of the prohibition.

True, not all contacts were peaceful. In May 2015, Mashko Pyro came to one of the local villages and, having met the inhabitants, attacked them. One guy was killed on the spot pierced by an arrow. In 2011, the members of the tribe killed another local and wounded the arrows of the National Park of the National Park. The authorities hope that contact will help prevent people's death in the future.

This is probably the only civilized Indian Masha-Pyro. As a child, local hunters stumbled upon him in the jungle and took with them. Since then, he is named Alberto Flores.

3. Andaman Islands (India)

The tiny island of this archipelago in the Bengal Bay between India and Myanmar inhabit the extremely hostile to the outside world. seninteltsy. Most likely, these are direct descendants of the first Africans who risk off the black continent about 60,000 years ago. Since then, this is a small tribe and engaged in hunting, fishing and collecting. How they are bred fire, unknown.

Their language is not identified, but judging by his exploration difference from all other Andaman laws, these people did not enter into millennia with anyone with anyone in contact. The number of their communities (or scattered groups) is also not established: presumably from 40 to 500 people.
Sentinelets are typical negritosAs ethnologists call them: pretty low-spirited people with very dark, almost black leather and short smoke of hair. Their main weapon - spears and bows with different species arrows. Observations showed that they accurately affect the goal of human growth from a distance of 10 meters. Any strangers tribe considers enemies. In 2006, they killed two fishermen who slept peacefully in a boat, accidentally nailed to their shore, and after they met a search helicopter arrivals.
There were only a few "peaceful" contacts with the Stennicians in the 1960s. Once coconuts left for them on the shore, to check, put them on or eaten. - Ate. Another time "presented" live pigs - savage them immediately killed and ... buried. The only thing that seemed to them is useful are red buckets, as they hurried to carry the island deep into. And exactly the same green buckets did not touch.
But you know that the strangest and inexplicable? Despite its primitiveness and extremely primitive shelters, the Steninelians were generally survived after a terrible earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. But throughout the coast of Asia, almost 300 thousand people died, which made it a natural disaster with the most deadly in modern history!

4. Papua New Guinea

The extensive island of New Guinea in Oceania stores a lot of unexplored secrets. Its hard-to-reach mountain areas covered with thick forests only seem uninhabited - in fact it native home For many non-contact tribes. Due to the landscape features, they are hidden not only from civilization, but also from each other: it happens that there are only a few kilometers between two villages, but they are not suspected of the neighborhood.

The tribes live so isolated that everyone has their own customs and their own language. Just think - linguists distinguish between 650 Papua Russian languages, and in total in this country they say more than 800 languages!
The same differences may be in their culture and lifestyle. Some tribes turn out to be relatively peaceful and overall friendly, as a funny nation for our hearing huli.The Europeans learned about only in 1935.
But others have the most sinister rumors. There were cases when members of expeditions specially equipped with the search for Papuan savages disappeared without a trace. That is how one of the members of the richest American family of Michael Rockefeller disappeared in 1961. He separated from the group and, as suspected, was caught and eaten.

5. Africa

At the junction of the boundaries of Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan, there are several peoples, about 200 thousand people who are generalized called surma. They bred cattle, but do not roam and share general culture With very cruel and strange traditions.

The young men, for example, for the sake of conquest, the brides are satisfied with the walking battles that may end with serious injury and even death. And the girls, decorating themselves to the future wedding, remove the lower teeth, pierce the lip and stretch to fit the special plate there. What she is more, the more the bride will give livestock, so the most desperate beauties manage to squeeze the 40-centimeter dish! True, in recent years, young people from these tribes began to learn something about the outside world, and more and more girls Surma are now refused to have such a "beauty" ritual. However, women and men continue to decorate themselves with curly scars, which are very proud of. In general, the acquaintance of these peoples with civilization occurs very unevenly: they, for example, remain illiterate, but quickly mastered the automata AK-47, which fell into them during civil War In Sudan.
And another one interesting detail. First people out external worldwho came into contact with Surma in the 1980s were not Africans, but a group of Russian doctors. The aborigines then frightened, having accepted them for the lives of the dead - after all, they had never seen white skin before!