Russian rulers in chronological order from Rurik to the decline of the Grand Duchy of Kiev. The first Kiev princes

Russian rulers in chronological order from Rurik to the decline of the Grand Duchy of Kiev. The first Kiev princes
Russian rulers in chronological order from Rurik to the decline of the Grand Duchy of Kiev. The first Kiev princes

On September 21, 862, residents of the Novgorod Principality called to edit the Varyagov Brothers: Rurik, Sineus and Trumor. It is this date that it is considered to be the beginning of the state Rus. From Rurik, the dynasty of the Russian rulers, nicknamed Rurikovichi begins. This dynasty is ruled by a state more than seven and a century. We remembered the most significant representatives of this surname.

1. Rurik Varangian. Although the Novgorod Prince Rurik Varyazhsky and did not become the united ruler of the united state, he was forever in history as the founder of the dynasty of the first Russian autocrats. During his reign, Finnish lands began to join Russia, as well as the territories of some scattered Slavic tribes. From here there was a cultural association of the Eastern Slavs, which contributed to the formation of a new political formation - the state. According to the researcher S. Solovyov, it was from Rüric that the important activity of Russian princes began - the franchment of cities, the concentration of population. The first steps of Rüric in the formation of an ancient Russian state graduated already prince Oleg Probe.

2. Vladimir Svyatoslavich Red Sunny. The contribution of this Grand Prince to the development of Kievan Rus is difficult to overestimate. It was he who went down in history as a Baptist of Russia. Preachers of many religions wanted to lean the prince to their faith, but he sent his ambassadors to different lands, and on their return he heard each and preferred Christianity. Vladimir liked the rites of this faith. Woning the Christian city, Kherson Vladimir took his wife Imperial Tsarevna Anna and accepted the holy baptism. The idols of the pagan gods on the orders of the prince have grown and burned. New faith ordinary people accepted, barely in the waters of the Dnieper. So, on August 1, 988, the Russian people following the ruler adopted Christianity. Only residents of Novgorod opposed the new faith. Then Novgorod residents baptized with the help of a squad. However, at the same time, the first special theological colleges were created in Russia, where unlushed boyars were studied divine books translated from Greek Kirill and Methodius.

3. Yaroslav Vladimirovich Wise. The nickname "wise" Grand Duke Yaroslav received from the people for his wise board. He is considered the creator of the first arch of laws and civil statutes "Russian truth". Prior to that, in ancient Russia there were no laws prescribed in a single collection. This is one of the most important steps in building statehood. Until this days, the ancient lists of these laws are preserved, which give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of our ancestors. According to the chronicler, Yaroslav was "Chromonog, but his mind was kind and he was Herbra." These words also prove the fact that under Yaroslav Mudrome, Russian troops committed themselves with the raids of the nomadic tribe of Pechenegs. The world was also concluded with the Byzantine Empire.

The nickname "wise" Grand Duke Yaroslav received from the people for his wise board

4. Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. His reign was a period of the last strengthening of the ancient Russian state. Monomakh knew well that to calm the state should be done so that the external enemies would have to attack Russia. For his life, he made 83 military campaigns, concluded 19 peace treaties with Polovtsy, captured more than hundreds of Polovtsy princes and let all let him go, executed more than 200 princes. Military successes of Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh and his children glorified his name all over the world. Greek empire trembled on behalf of Monomakh. Emperor Alexy Komnin after the son of the son of Vladimir Mstislav Frakia even sent the great gifts to Kiev - the symbols of power: the cornelial bowl of August-Caesar, the cross of the life-giving tree, the crown, the gold chain and Barma of Grandfather Vladimir Konstantin Monomakh. The gifts brought Metropolitan Efesse. He also proclaimed Monoma to the Russian ruler. Since then, a monomach hat, a chain, a silepter and bark were indispensable attributes on the wedding day of the Russian rulers and were transmitted from the sovereign to the sovereign.

5. Vsevolod III Yuryevich great nest. This is the tenth son of the Grand Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, who formed the city of Moscow, and the younger brother of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. With it, the Great Northern Principality Vladimir reached the highest power and finally began to prevail over the southern Kiev principality. The reasons for the success of the politics of Vsevolod - a support for new cities: Vladimir, Pereslavl-Zalezsky, Dmitrov, Gorodets, Kostroma, Tver, where boyars have been relatively weak, as well as a support for the nobility. With it ceased to be the existence of Kiev, and Vladimir-Suzdal Rus was finally imposed. Vsevolod had a big offspring - 12 children (including 8 sons), so he got a nickname "a large nest". An unknown author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" was noted: his army "Volga can splash, and don to the shellami to lean."

6. Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. According to the "canonical" version, Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history. During his rule, Russia was shifted from two sides: Catholic West and Tatars from the East. Nevsky showed the non-happy talent of the commander and diplomat, concluding a union with the strongest enemy - Tatars. Relaxing the attack of the Germans, he defended Orthodoxy from Catholic expansion. For the faith of the Grand Duke, for the love of the Fatherland, for the preservation of the integrity of Russia, the Orthodox Church ranked Alexander to the Lick of Saints.

7. Ivan Danilovich Kalita. This great prince became famous for the fact that it began with the elevation of Moscow Rus. Moscow at Ivan Kalita became the real capital of the Russian state. In the instruction of the Metropolitan of Peter, Ivan Kalita in 1326 laid the first stone church of the Assumption of Our Lady in Moscow. Since then, Russian Metropolia moved from Vladimir to Moscow, which raised this city over others in the Vladimir Principality. Ivan Kalita became the first prince, which received a label in the Golden Horde on a great reign. Thus, he increasingly strengthened the role of the capital of the state for Moscow. Later, for silver, he redeemed a label to the reign in other Russian cities, attaching them to the Moscow Prince.

8. Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Donskoy Great Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich nicknamed after the first serious victory over the Tatars in the Kulikov battle in 1380. After a number of significant military victories over the Golden Horde, she was not solved on the battle with Russians in the open field. By this time, the Moscow Principality became one of the main centers for the association of Russian lands. The city was built a white-stone Moscow Kremlin.

9. Ivan III Vasilyevich. During the rule of this Grand Duke and the Power Supplement, there were many decisive fate of the Russian state of events. First, there was a consolidation of a significant part of the scattered Russian lands around Moscow. This city is finally becoming the center of the communional state. Secondly, the final liberation of the country was reached from under the power of the Horde Chanov. After standing on the River Ugra, the Tatar-Mongolian Igo finally dropped. Thirdly, at the Board of Ivan III, Russia's territory increased five times and began to make about two million square kilometers. The situation was also adopted - a set of state laws, and a number of reforms were conducted, laid the foundations of the local landing system. The scene was established the first in Russia mail, urban councils appeared in the cities, drunkenness was forbidden, armament of troops increased significantly.

10. Ivan IV Vasilyevich. This is the ruler called Grozny. He headed the Russian state longer than all rulers: 50 years and 105 days. The contribution of this king in the history of Russia is difficult to overestimate. With it, Boyar gravestia ceased, and the territory of the state increased almost 100 percent - from 2.8 million square kilometers to 5.4 million. The Russian state has become the size of the whole of the rest of Europe. He caused the defeat by the slaveragovy khanate to Kazan and Astrakhan, joined these territories to Russia. Western brain, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Donors, Bashkiria, the Land of the Nogai Horde were attached with it. Ivan Grozny entered into diplomatic and military relations with the Don and Terco-Ring Cossacks. John IV Vasilyevich created a regular shooting army, the first Russian military flotilla in the Baltic. Especially I would like to note the creation of a judiciary of 1550. A collection of laws of the period of thesis monarchy in Russia - the first in the Russian history of the regulatory act, proclaimed by the only source of law. He contained 100 articles. With Ivan Grozny in Russia, the first typography appeared (printed courtyard). With it, the election of the local administration was introduced, the network of primary schools was created, a postal service was created and the first fire team in Europe.

The history of Russia has more than a thousand years, although the very different tribes lived to the emergence of the state in its territory. The last title period can be divided into several stages. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, are people who were true sons and daughters of their eras.

The main historical stages of Russia's development

Historians consider the most convenient classification:

Board of Novgorod Princes (862-882 years);

Yaroslav Wise (1016-1054);

From 1054 to 1068, with the authorities, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich was;

From 1068 to 1078 years ago, the list of Russian rulers was replenished at several names at once (Vslav Bryachvovich, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod Yaroslavlovich, in 1078, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich Rules again

1078 was marked by some stabilization on the political arena, until 1093 Vsevolod Yaroslavovich Rules;

Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich was on the throne from 1093 to;

Vladimir, nicknamed Monomakh (1113- 1125) - one of the best princes of Kievan Rus;

From 1132 to 1139, the authorities had Yaropolk Vladimirovich.

All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin, who lived and regulated during this period, until now, have seen their main task in the prosperity of the country and strengthen the role of the country in the European arena. Another thing is that each of them went to the target with its own way, sometimes completely in another direction than predecessors.

The period of fragmentation of Kievan Rus

In the time of the feudal fragmentation of Russia, the change on the main princely throne was frequent. None of the princes left a serious track in the history of Russia. By the middle of the XIII century Kiev came to absolute decay. Mention is only a few princes, which ruled in the XII century. So, from 1139 to 1146, Kiev Prince was Vsevolod Olgovich. In 1146, the helm had two weeks to Igor Second, after which the rules of the rules of Izyaslav Mstislavovich. Until 1169, people like Vyacheslav Rurikovich, Rostislav Smolensky, Irayaslav Chernigov, Yuri Dolgoruki, had time to visit the princely throne.

The capital moves to Vladimir

The period of the formation of late feudalism in Russia was characterized by several manifestations:

Weakening of the Kiev Prince of Power;

The emergence of several centers of influence that competed with each other;

Strengthening the effects of feudal.

On the territory of Russia, there were 2 largest influence points: Vladimir and Galich. Galich is the most important political center at that time (located on the territory of modern Western Ukraine). It seems interesting to explore the list of rulers of Russia, which are reinforced in Vladimir. The importance of this period of history will still have to evaluate researchers. Of course, the Vladimir period in the development of Russia was not so long as Kiev, but it was after him that the formation of monarchical Russia begins. Consider the dates of the board of all rulers of Russia of this time. In the first years of this stage of development of Russia, the rulers have changed quite often, there was no stability that will appear later. More than 5 years in power in Vladimir were such princes:

Andrey (1169- 1174);

Vsevolod, son of Andrei (1176-1212);

Georgy Vsevolodovich (1218-1238);

Yaroslav, Son of Vsevolod (1238-1246);

Alexander (Nevsky), Great Communion (1252- 1263);

Yaroslav III (1263- 1272);

Dmitry і (1276- 1283);

Dmitry II (1284-1293);

Andrei Gorodetsky (1293- 1304);

Mikhail "Saint" Tverskaya (1305-1317).

All Russian rulers after the transfer of the capital to Moscow before the appearance of the first kings

The transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow chronologically roughly coincides with the end of the period of feudal fragmentation of Russia and the strengthening of the main center of political influence. Most princes were on the throne longer than the rulers of the Vladimir period. So:

Prince Ivan (1328-1340);

Semen Ivanovich (1340-1353);

Ivan red (1353-1359);

Alexey Biakont (1359-1368);

Dmitry (Donskaya), famous commander (1368-1389);

Vasily Dmitrievich (1389- 1425);

Sophia Lithuanian (1425- 1432);

Vasily Dark (1432- 1462);

Ivan III (1462-1505);

Vasily Ivanovich (1505-1533);

Elena Glinsky (1533-1538);

The decade to 1548 in the history of Russia was a difficult period, when the situation has developed so that the princely dynasty actually broke off. There was a period of timeless when the Boyar family was in power.

Rust of the kings in Russia: the beginning of the monarchy

Historians allocate three chronological period of development of the Russian monarchy: until joined the throne of Peter the Great, the Board of Peter the first and after it. The dates of the board of all Russian rulers from 1548 to the end of the XVII century are:

Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny (1548-1574);

Semen Casimovsky (1574-1576);

Ivan Grozny again (1576-1584);

Fedor (1584-1598).

Tsar Fedor did not have heirs, so it was interrupted. - One of the most difficult periods of the history of our Motherland. The rulers replaced almost annually. From 1613, the country of the Romanov dynasty is ruled:

Mikhail, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1645);

Alexey Mikhailovich, Son of the First Emperor (1645-1676);

Ascended a throne in 1676 and rules for 6 years;

Sofya, his sister, rules from 1682 to 1689.

In the XVII century in Russia, finally, the stability came. The central government has strengthened, the reforms are gradually beginning, which led to the fact that Russia has grown geographically and strengthened, leading world powers began to be considered. The main merit in changing the appearance of the state belongs to the Great Peter I (1689-1725), which became both the first emperor.

Russian rulers after Peter

The time of the reign of Peter the Great is a flourishing when the empire gained his own strong fleet and strengthened the army. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, understood the importance of armed forces, but a little was given to realize the enormous potential of the country. An important feature of that time was the aggressive foreign policy of Russia, which was manifested in the violent accession to new regions (Russian-Turkish wars, Azov campaign).

The chronology of Russian rulers from 1725 to 1917 is as follows:

Catherine Skavronskaya (1725-1727);

Peter the second (killed in 1730);

Queen Anna (1730-1740);

Ivan Antonovich (1740-1741);

Elizabeth Petrovna (1741-1761);

Peter Fedorovich (1761-1762);

Catherine Great (1762-1796);

Pavel Petrovich (1796- 1801);

Alexander I (1801-1825);

Nicholas I (1825-1855);

Alexander II (1855 - 1881);

Alexander III (1881-1894);

Nicholas II is the last of Romanov, rules until 1917.

This ended the huge period of state development, when the kings were in power. After the October Revolution, a new political entry - the republic appears.

Russia during the time of the USSR and after its decay

The first few years after the revolution were complex. Among the rulers of this period, Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky can be allocated. After the legal registration of the USSR as the state and until 1924 led the country Vladimir Lenin. Next, the chronology of the rulers of Russia looks like this:

Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich (1924-1953);

Nikita Khrushchev was the first secretary of the CPSU on the death of Stalin until 1964;

Leonid Brezhnev (1964- 1982);

Yury Andropov (1982-184);

Secretary General of the CPSU (1984-1985);

Mikhail Gorbachev, First President of the USSR (1985-1991);

Boris Yeltsin, Head of Independent Russia (1991-1999);

The acting head of state Putin - President of Russia since 2000 (with a break for 4 years, when the state was led by Dmitry Medvedev)

Who are Russian rulers?

All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin, who were with the authorities for the entire more than a thousand-year history of the state are patriots who wanted the heyday of all lands of a huge country. Most of the lords were not random people on this difficult field and made each of their own contributions to the development and formation of Russia. Good and prosperity with their subjects, of course, wanted all Russian rulers: the main forces were always directed to the strengthening of the borders, the expansion of trade, the increase in defense capability.

The process of property and social bundles among communities led to the allocation of the most prosperous part from their environment. Rostoplex know and the wealthy part of the community, subordinating the mass of ordinary communists, needs to maintain their domination in state structures.

The germinal form of statehood was East Slavic unions of tribes, which united in supersonunions, however, fragile. Eastern historians talk about existence on the eve of education Old Russian state Three major associations of Slavic tribes: Kuiabs, Slavia and Artania . Kuiaba, or Kuiyuy, then the area around Kiev was called. Slavia occupied the territory in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen. Her center was Novgorod. Artania's location is the third large association of Slavs - not defined.

1) 941 - ended in failure;

2) 944 - Conclusion of a mutually beneficial contract.

Killed Dutches when collecting Dani in 945

Yaroslav Wise (1019 - 1054)

Artified at the Kiev throne after long gravestics with the Svyatopolk Okayann (the nickname received after the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb, in the future ranked saints found) and Mstislav Tmutarakan.

He contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state, patronized education and construction. Contributed to the elevation of the international authority of Russia. Set wide dynastic connections with European and Byzantine yards.

Carried out military campaigns:

In the Baltic States;

To the Polish-Lithuanian lands;

In Byzantium.

Finally defeated Pechenegs.

Prince Yaroslav Wise - founder of written Russian legislation (" Russian truth "," True Yaroslav ").

Vladimir Second Monomakh (1113 - 1125)

Son Mary, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine of the Ninth Monomakh. Prince Smolensky (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavsky (from 1093), the Great Kiev Prince (from 1113).

Prince Vladimir Monomakh - organizer of successful campaigns against Polovtsy (1103, 1109, 1111)

He played for the unity of Russia. The participant in the congress of the Old Russian Princes in Lishech (1097), which addressed the issues of the harm of the interdiscructures, the principles of ownership and inheritance of the princely lands.

It was called upon to the reign in Kiev during the national uprising of 1113, which followed the death of the Svyatopolka of the second. Princessed until 1125

The "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" was put into effect, where interest on loans were limited in legislative procedure and it is forbidden to pay dependent human debt into slavery.

He stopped the disintegration of the ancient Russian state. Posted " Teaching ", in which assicted gravestones and called for the unity of the Russian Earth.
Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. He was married to the daughter of the English king Harold Second - Gita.

Mstislav Great (1125 - 1132)

Son Vladimir Monomakh. Prince Novgorod (1088 - 1093 and 1095 - 1117), Rostov and Smolensky (1093 - 1095), Belgorod and Co-citizen Vladimir Monomakh in Kiev (1117 - 1125). From 1125 to 1132 g. - United Kyiv ruler.

He continued the policy of Vladimir Monomakh and managed to preserve the unified Old Russian state. Attached to Kiev Polotsk Principality in 1127
Organized successful campaigns against Polovtsy, Lithuania, Chernigov Prince Oleg Svyatoslavovich. After his death, almost all principalities come out of the obedience to Kiev. There is a specific period - feudal fragmentation.

Hi friends!

In this post we will focus on such a difficult theme as the first Kiev princes. Today there will be 7 copyright historical portraits with Oleg to Vladimir II Monomakh, all these historical portraits are written on the maximum score and meet all criteria for evaluating work on the exam.

You see the map of ancient Russia, or rather, the tribes that lived on their territory. See that this is the territory of Ukraine and Belarus. Ancient Russia extended from the Carpathians in the West, to the Oka and Volga in the East and from the Baltic in the north, to the steppes of the Black Sea region in the south. Of course, Kiev was the capital of this ancient Russian state and it was there that the princes of Kiev was sitting. We will start learning ancient Russia from Prince Oleg. Unfortunately, it has not been preserved about this Prince, and only the legend of the "Legend of the Bottle Oleg" is preserved, which you all know everything. And in 882, Oleg went to Kiev from Novgorod. He was a warrior of Rurik (862-882) and while the son of Rurik, Igor was small, Oleg was his regent. And in 882, Oleg seized Kiev, killing Ascold and Dira and this moment began his jurisdiction.

Oleg Veus - Historic Portrait

Lifetime:IX century - startX century

The years of the Board: 882-912

1. Internal policy:

1.1. He made Kiev the capital of ancient Russia, so some historians consider Oleg founder of the ancient Russian state. "May Kiev will be the mother of the cities of the Russians"

1.2. Combined the Northern and Southern Centers of the Eastern Slavs, by the conquests of land lands, tivers, radar, northerners, arms, subordination of such cities as Smolensk, Lyubek, Kiev.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Making a successful campaign to Tsargrad in 907.

2.2. Enclosed the country's profitable peaceful and trade agreements with Byzantium.

Results of activities:

Prince Oleg during his reigns significantly increased the territory of Russia, concluded the first trade agreement with Byzantium (Constantinople)

The second ruler after Oleg was the old and about his rule of modern history, much is unknown and we only know about the last four years of his reign in Kiev.

Historic portrait of Igor Old

Living lifetime: EndIXVEK -II quarterXvek

Years of the Board: 912-945

Main activities:

1. Internal policy:

1.1. Continued the union of East Slavic tribes

1.2. Was a governor in Kiev during the reign of Oleg

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Russian-Byzantine War 941-944.

2.2. War with Pechenegs

2.3. War with Trees

2.4. Military campaign on Byzantium

Results of activities:

Completed his power to the Slavic tribes between the Dniester and the Danube, concluded a military trade agreement with Byzantium, won the Drevlyan.

After the murder of Igor Trevlyans for the excessive collection of Dani, his spouse came to the throne - Olga.

Princess Olga

Lifetime:II-Queen QuarterX century.

Years of the Board: 945-962

Main activities:

1. Internal policy:

1.1. Strengthening the central power by reprisals on the Tribe Tribe

1.2. Spent in Russia the first tax reform: Introduced the lessons - a fixed size of the collection of tributes and the seats - the place of the village of Dani.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. It was the first Russian princess and in general the government, who accepted Christianity.

2.2. She was able to prevent the workflow in Kiev, the Kneise Dynasty.

Results of activities:

Olga strengthened the inner position of the young Russian state, established relations with Byzantium, raised the authority of Rus, was able to preserve the Russian throne for his son Svyatoslav.

After the death of Olga, the Board of Svyatoslav Igorevich, known for his rich foreign policy

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Living lifetime: the second half of the 10th century.

The years of the Board 945 - 972.

Main activities:

1. Internal policy:

1.1. Led further strengthening the ancient Russian state, as well as its predecessors.

1.2. I tried to create an empire.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Spent a military campaign on Bulgaria in 967.

2.2. Defeated Khazar Kaganat in 965.

2.3. Held a military campaign against Byzantium.

Results of activities:

Diplomatic relations with many people's peoples have proven, strengthened the position of Russia on the world stage, removed the threat from the Volga Bulgaria and Khazar Kaganata, expanded the possessions of the Kiev Prince, wanted to create an empire, but his plans were not destined to come true.

After the death of Svyatoslav, Prince Yaropolk (972-980) entered the Kiev throne (972-980), which for 8 years of his reign has made a very small contribution to the history of ancient Russia. After his reign at the Kiev throne, Vladimir I entered, in the people nicknamed in the Red Sun.

Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich (Holy, Red Sun) - a historical portrait

Living lifetime: 3 fourth of the X century - the first half of the XI century (~ 960-1015);
Years of the Board: 980-1015

Main activities:
1. Internal policy:
1.1. The final attachment of the land of Vyatichi, Cherven cities, as well as land on both sides of Karpat.
1.2. Pagan reform. In order to strengthen the high-rise power and the introduction of Russia to the rest of the world, in 980, Vladimir was held a pagan reform, according to which Perun was put at the head of the Pantheon of the Slavic gods. After the failure of the reform Vladimir I, the decision is made to baptize Russia on the Byzantine rite.
1.3. Adoption of Christianity. After the failure of the pagan reform, with Vladimir in 988, Christianity was adopted as a state religion. The baptism of Vladimir and his approximate was committed in the city of Korsun. The reason for the choice of Christianity as the main religion was the marriage of Vladimir on the Byzantine Tsarevna Anna and the prevalence of this faith in Russia.
2. Foreign policy:
2.1. Protection of Rus borders. Under Vladimir, for the purpose of protection, a single defensive system from nomads and alert system was created.
2.2. The defeat of the militia of the radar, a trip to the Volga Bulgaria, the first collision of Russia with Poland, as well as the conquest of Polotsk Principality.

1. Internal policy:
1.1. Association of all Lands of Eastern Slavs as part of the Kiev Rus.
1.2. The reform ordered the pagan pantheon. The prince of Vladimir prompted to turn to a fundamentally new religion.
1.3. Strengthening the princely power, raising the authority of the country on the world arena, borrowing of Byzantine culture: fresco, architecture, iconography, the Bible translation was translated into Slavic ...
2. Foreign policy:
2.1. A single defensive system from nomads and alert system helped to quickly notify the center about the crossing of the border, and accordingly about the attack, which gave Russia an advantage.
2.2. Expansion of RUS's borders by active foreign policy of Prince Vladimir Saint.

After Vladimir, Yaroslav turned out to be a very noticeable ruler, nicknamed wise.

Yaroslav Wise

Living lifetime: EndX-middleXIBER

Years of the Board: 1019-1054

Main activities:

1. Internal policy:

1.1. Establishing dynastic ties with Europe and Byzantium, by concluding dynastic marriages.

1.2. Founder of written Russian legislation - "Russian truth"

1.3. Sophia Cathedral and Golden Gate

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Military trips to the Baltic States

2.2. The final defeat of Pechenegov

2.3. Military campaign on Byzantium and Polish-Lithuanian lands

Results of activities:

During the reign of Yaroslav, Rus reached his heyday. Kiev became one of the largest cities in Europe, Rusi's authority rose on the world stage, it was necessary to start the active construction of temples and cathedrals.

And the last prince whose characteristic we will be given in this post, will be Vladimir II.

Vladimir Monomakh

INlifestyle: Second half of the 11th century - the first quarter of the 12th century.

Years of the Board: 1113-1125

Main activities:

1. Internal policy:

1.1. He stopped the disintegration of the ancient Russian state. "Everyone yes keeps his father

1.2. Nestor composed "Tale of Bygone Years"

1.3. Introduced the "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh"

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Organized successful hiking of princes against Polovtsy

2.2. Continued policies to strengthen dynastic ties with Europe

Results of activities:

I could briefly unite the Russian lands, became the author of "teaching children," he could stop Pilovetsky raids on Russia.

© Ivan Nekrasov 2014

Here is such a post, dear readers of the site! I hope he helped to navigate the first princes of ancient Russia. Best thanks for this post - your recommendations on social networks! You may, anyway, I am pleased))

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In modern historiography, the title "Kiev princes" is made to designate a number of rulers of the Kiev Principality and ancient Russian state. The classical period of their reign began in 912 by the Board of Igor Rurikovich, the first of the title of "Grand Prince Kiev", and lasted about the middle of the XII century, when the collapse of the ancient Russian state began. Briefly consider the most prominent rulers during this period.

Oleg Probe (882-912)

Igor Rurikovich (912-945) -the first ruler of Kiev, called the "Grand Prince Kiev". During his reign, a number of military campaigns were held against the neighboring tribes (Pecheneg and Drevlyan) and against the Byzantine kingdom. Pechenegs and Drevlyan recognized the rule of Igor, but the Byzantines, in a military sense, equipped better, presented persistent resistance. In 944, Igor was forced to sign a peace treaty with Byzantium. At the same time, the terms of the contract were beneficial for Igor, because Byzantia paid a significant tribute. A year later, I decided to once again attack the Drevlyan, despite the fact that they have already recognized his power and paid him tribute. Igor's warriors, in turn, were able to prove with the robberies of the local population. Drevlyan arranged an ambush in 945 and, capturing Igor, executed him.

Olga (945-964) - The widow of Prince Rurik, killed in 945 tribes of the Treed. He headed the state until the Son, Svyatoslav Igorevich, did not make an adult. It is not known when it was the power of the son. Olga adopted Christianity the first of the rules of Russia, while the whole country, the army and even her son still remained with pagans. The important facts of its board was to bring to the submission of the Drevlyans who killed her husband Igor Rurikovich. Olga has established the exact sizes of the filters that were supposed to pay the subjects of Kiev to Kiev systematized the frequency of their payment and timing. An administrative reform was carried out that divided the land, obeying Kiev, on a clearly established units, at the head of each of which was established by the Princely Officon Tyun. At Olga, the first stone buildings appeared in Kiev, Terem Olga and the city palace.

Svyatoslav (964-972) - Son of Igor Rurikovichi Princess Olga. A characteristic feature of the Board was that most of his time actually rules Olga, first due to the minority of Svyatoslav, and then due to its permanent military campaigns and the absence in Kiev. Accepted power around 950. Did not follow the example of the mother, and did not adopt Christianity, unpopular then in the environment of the secular and military nobility. The Board of Svyatoslav Igorevich was noted by a series of continuous conquesting campaigns, which he conducted against neighboring tribes and state entities. Attacks were subjected to Khazara, Vyatichi, Bulgarian kingdom (968-969) and Byzantium (970-971). War with Byzantium brought heavy losses to both sides, and ended, in fact, in a draw. Returning from this campaign, Svyatoslav fell into an ambush, arranged by Pechenegs, and was killed.

Yaropolk (972-978)

Vladimir Saint (978-1015) - Kiev Prince, the most famous for the baptism of Russia. He was a Novgorod Prince from 970 to 978, when he captured the Kiev throne. During the reign, there were continuously hiking against neighboring tribes and states. She conquered and joined the tribes of Vyatichi, Yatvägov, Radmich and Pechenegs to his state. He conducted a number of state reforms aimed at strengthening the power of the Prince. In particular, he began the chasening of a single state coin, replaced by the previously used Arab and Byzantine money. With the help of invited Bulgarian and Byzantine teachers, began to distribute literacy in Russia, by passing children to study. Founded the city of Pereyaslavl and Belgorod. The essential achievement is considered the baptism of Russia, conducted in 988. The introduction of Christianity as a state religion also contributed to the centralization of the ancient Russian state. Resistance to the diverse pagan cults, which was common in Russia, weakened the power of the Kiev throne and was brutally suppressed. Prince Vladimir died in 1015 during the next military campaign against Pechenegs.

SvyatopolkAplated (1015-1016)

Yaroslav Wise (1016-1054) - Son Vladimir. Communted with his father and seized power in Kiev in 1016, having rushed his brother Svyatopolka. The time of the Board of Yaroslav is presented in the history of traditional raids on neighboring states and internecine wars with numerous relatives who claimed to the throne. For this reason, Yaroslav was forced to temporarily leave the Kiev throne. Built in Novgorod and Kiev, the temples of Hagia Sophia. It is she who is dedicated to the main temple in Constantinople, so the fact of such a building spoke of the equality of the Russian Church with Byzantine. As part of the confrontation with the Byzantine Church, independently appointed the first Russian Metropolitan of Hilarion in 1051. Yaroslav also founded the first Russian monasteries: Kiev-Pechersk Monastery in Kiev and Yuriev Monastery in Novgorod. For the first time, the feudal law codified, issuing a code of the laws of "Russian True" and the church charter. He conducted a lot of work on the translation of Greek and Byzantine books to the Old Russian and Church Slavonic languages, constantly spent large amounts on the correspondence of new books. He founded a large school in Novgorod, in which the leaders studied the children of Starost and priests. Strengthened diplomatic and military connections with Varyagami, so the northern borders of the state. Died in Vyshgorod, in February 1054.

SvyatopolkAplated (1018-1019)- Secondary Temporary Board

Izyaslav (1054-1068) - Son Yaroslav Wise. According to the father's will, sat on the throne of Kiev in 1054. Throughout almost the entire Board, he was hostile with the younger brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, who sought to seize the prestigious Kiev throne. In 1068, the troops of Izyaslav were broken by Polovtsy in the battle on the Altea River. This led to the Kiev upright of 1068. At the Veneer Meeting, the remnants of the broken militia demanded to give them a weapon to continue the fight against the Polovtsy, however, Izyaslav refused to do this that made the Kievan rebel. Izyaslav was forced to flee to the Polish king, his nephew. With the military aid of the Poles, Izyaslav returned the throne for the period of 1069-1073, again was overthrown, and for the last time rules from 1077 to 1078.

Vslav Wizhard (1068-1069)

Svyatoslav (1073-1076)

Vsevolod (1076-1077)

Svyatopolk (1093-1113) "The son of Iaslav Yaroslavich, before the classes of Kiev throne periodically headed the Novgorod and Turov Principles. The beginning of the Kiev principality of Svyatopolk was marked by the invasion of Polovtsy, who caused the troops of the Svyatopolk, a serious defeat in the battle by the Sturden River. After that, a few more battles followed, the outcome of which is reliably unknown, but in the end, the world was concluded with Polovtsy, and Svyatopolk took his wife's daughter Khan Toggang. The subsequent Board of the Svyatopolka was overshadowed by the continuous struggle of Vladimir Monomakh with Oleg Svyatoslavich, in which Svyatopolk usually supported Monomakh. Also, Svyatopolk reflected the permanent raids of Polovtsy under the leadership of Khanov Toggang and Bonyaka. Suddenly died in the spring of 1113, it may have been poisoned.

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)he was Chernigov Prince, when his father died. I had the right to the Kiev throne, but I lost to his cousin Svyatopolk, because he did not want the war at that time. In 1113, the Kiev residents raised the uprising, and, having dropped the Svyatopolk, invited to the kingdom of Vladimir. For this reason, it was forced to accept the so-called "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh", facilitating the position of urban bases. The law did not affect the foundations of the feudal system, however, regulated the conditions for the challenge and limited the profits of Roshovshchikov. With Monomakh Rus reached a peak of his power. The Minsk Principality was conquered, and the Polovtsy were forced to burst into the east of Russian borders. With the help of an impostor that issued himself for the son of the previously killed by the Byzantine emperor, Monomah organized an adventure, having a goal to put it on the Byzantine throne. Several Danube cities were conquered, but further to develop success failed. The hiking ended in 1123 by signing the world. Monomakh organized the publication of improved editions of the "Tale of Bygone Years", which exactly in this form reached our days. Also, Monomah independently created several works: autobiographical "paths and fishing", the set of laws "Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich" and "Teaching Vladimir Monomakh."

Mstislav Great (1125-1132) - Son of Monomakh, formerly the former prince of Belgorod. Ascended to the throne of Kiev in 1125 without resistance from the rest of the brothers. Among the most prominent acts of Mstislava, you can call the campaign in Polovtsy in 1127 and the plunder of the cities of Izyaslav, Strezhev and Lagozhsk. After a similar campaign in 1129, the Polotsk principality was finally joined to the possessions of Mstislav. In order to collect Dani, several trips to the Baltic States were committed against the tribe, but they ended in failure. In April 1132, Mstislav suddenly died, however, however, to transfer the throne Yaropolk, his brother.

Yaropolk (1132-1139) "Being the son of Monomakh, he inherited the throne, when his brother Mstislav died. At the time of coming to power was at the age of 49. In fact, only Kiev and its surroundings controlled. In their natural, the inclination was a good warrior, but did not possess diplomatic and political abilities. Immediately after the adoption of the throne, traditional civil engineers began, associated with the inheritance of the throne in the Pereyaslav Principality. Yuri and Andrei Vladimirovichi were expelled from Pereyaslavl Vsevolod Mstislavich, planted there Yaropolk. Also, the situation in the country was complicated by the frequent raids of Polovtsy, who, together with the Allied Chernigov, robbed the neighborhood of Kiev. The indecisive policy of Yaropolk led to military defeat in the battle on the R. Supoy with the troops of Vsevolod Olgovich. The cities of Kursk and the Postene were also lost during the reign of Yaropolk. Such a development of events further weakened his authority than Novgorod who announced their branch in 1136. The result of the Board of Yaropolk was the actual decay of the ancient Russian state. Formally, Kiev retained only the Principality of Rostov-Suzdal.

Vyacheslav (1139, 1150, 1151-1154)