Epoch man in Russian literature: What to tell the students about Nicolae Gogol? On the iconic works of Gogol.

Epoch man in Russian literature: What to tell the students about Nicolae Gogol? On the iconic works of Gogol.

Molchanin Alexey Stepanych - Secretary of Famusov, living in his house, as well as a fan of Sofia, in the soul despising her. M. Translated by the Famusov from Tver. The surname of the hero expresses its main feature - "Wantlestone". It was for this that M. M. his secretary did. In general, the hero, despite his youth, is a full representative of the "century past," since he learned his views and lives according to his principles. M. strictly follows the covenant of his father: "please all people without rewritten - the owner, boss, his servant, a dog of the janitor." In a conversation with Chatsky, M. sets out its life principles - "moderation and accuracy". They consist in the fact that "my summer should not make their judgment to have." According to M., it is necessary to think and act as accepted in the "Famovsky" society. Otherwise, you will be shifted, and, as you know, "evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistols." Roman M. with Sofia is also explained by his willingness to everyone. He obediently fulfills the role of a watery, ready night to read love novels with Sofia, listen to silence and trill Solovyov. Sophia does not like M., but he cannot refuse to favor the daughter of his boss.

Skalozub Sergei Sergeich - In his image, the "ideal" groom was derived - rough, uneducated, not too smart, but rich and saturated by himself. Famuses will be read by S. into her daughter's husband, but she considers it a "hero not his novel." At the time of his first arrival in the house of Famusov S. talks about himself. He participated in the war of 1812, but the Order "On the neck" was not for the fighting feats, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. "Metit to the generals." The hero despises the book wisdom. He humiliantly responds about his cousin, reading books in the village. S. is trying to externally and internally embellish himself. He dresses on the army fashion, "dragging" belts to the chest to be a wheel. Nothing in the accusatory monologues of Chatsky, he, however, joins his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.

Sophia Pavlovna Famusov - 17-year-old daughter Famusov. After the death of the mother was brought up by Madama, the old Frenchwoman Rye. A friend of childhood S. was Chatsky, who became her first love. But for 3 years of lack of Chatsky S. very much changed, as her love changed. On the formation of C. influenced, on the one hand, Moscow habits and morals, on the other hand, the books of Karamzin and other Sentimentalist writers. The girl imagines himself heroine "sensitive" novel. Therefore, she rejects the ulcer and bold Chatsky, as well as the scalosis - stupid, but rich. On the role of the Platonic Raughty S. Chooses Molchalin. In his house, S. It is not possible to develop mentally. The only thing that she is capable is to - imagine himself the heroine of the novel and flow according to this role. It comes up with sleep in the spirit of the ballads of Zhukovsky, then it is pretended to faint and so on. But the "Moscow" education makes itself felt. During the ball, it is she spreads his rumor about the madness of Chatsky. The romantic behavior of the heroine was just a mask, her true essence is this nature of the Moscow young lady. In the finals of Comedy S. punishable. She learns about "treason", which flies with Liza and unlockingly responds about C. In addition, Magazov, having learned about the novel of his daughter with his secretary, decides to remove S. from Moscow "to the village, to aunt, in the wilderness to Saratov" .

Famusa Pavel Afanasyevich - Moscow Barin, "manager in a state-owned house." Father Sofia, friend of Father Chatsky. The events of the plays occur in his house. F. - one of the brightest representatives of the "century past". In one of his monologues F. praises Moscow morals, the unchanged century from the century. Here on the Father "and the Son of Honor"; Here who has "Souls Thousands of two generics, that and fiance." Moscow ladies can be sent to "Command in Senate", so much they are "aware"; Moscow daughters "and flax to the military", allegedly, "because patriot"; Moscow old people designed to solve serious affairs, "convey, will send ... and disperse." In the "Famovsky" society, everything is kept on the relationships: "Well, how not to try to a native little man." Such a model of life is represented by F. and other members of the Moscow society are ideal, they consider it the only right and do not want any changes. F. Bilic. He argues that "Monastic is known to be rude," but at the same time she fell for a servant Liza. F. Fearless of new trends. During a conversation with Chatsky, he plugs her ears so as not to hear bold speeches. The main enemy F. - learning, as it makes changes to a quiet Moscow life. Hero's dream is "pick up all the books and burn." As a typical Moscow Barin, F. deceive everything to whom is not too lazy. And the daughter of Sophia, and the secretary of Molchanin, and the maid of Lisa. The last yield of the hero on the scene is timed to the final date of Sofia and Molchalin. Seeing young people together, F. comes to horror. He accuses the "Funthy" daughter "new" Moscow, which is infected with free ideas and the "spirit of the Kuznetsky Bridge" (that is, Paris). First, F. threatens to predict this disgraceful case ("in the Senate Subsum, Ministers, Sovereign"), but he immediately recalls that his daughter will be shoved in all houses of Moscow. In the tear horror, F. exclaims: "What will say the princess of Marya Alekseevna !!!" The opinion of this princess means for F. more than the opinion of the king itself, because in the "Famovsky" society it takes one of the main places.

Chatsky Alexander Andreich - Young nobleman. Representative of the "Century of the present". Progressive person, well educated, with wide free glances; True patriot. After a 3-year lack of C. again comes to Moscow and immediately appears in the house of Famusov. He wants to see Sophia, which he loved before departure and in love so far. But Sophia is very coldly meets Chatsky. That wonders and wants to find the cause of her coldness. Staying at the House of Famusov, the hero is forced to join the fight with many representatives of the "Famovsky" society (Magazus, Molchanin, guests at the ball). His passionate integrity monologues are directed against the orders of "subservation and fear", when "he was famous, whose neck was bent." When Famuses proposes as an example of a worthy man of Molchanlin, Ch. Pronounces the famous monologue "And who are the judges?" In it, he denounces the moral samples of the "century past", mired in hypocrisy, moral slavery, etc. He considers many areas in the life of the country: civil service, serfdom, upbringing a citizen, education, patriotism. Everywhere hero sees the prosperity of the principles of the "century past". Conducting it, C. Following moral suffering, tests "grief from the mind." But in no less, the hero is experiencing "grief from love". C. Learning the reason for the coldness to him Sofia - she is in love with insignificant silence. The hero is offended by the fact that Sophia chose it to "the most demanding creation." He exclaims: "Silence dominates in the world!" Very frustrated, Ch. Falls on the ball in the Magazine House, where the color of the Moscow society gathered. All these people are ch. Yes, and they do not tolerate the "stranger". Sophia, in resentment for silence, dissolves a rumor about the hero's madness. All society gladly picks it up, putting forward him as the main accusation of the hero's freedomity. On the ball C. Pronounces a monologue about the "French from Bordeaux", in which the slave worship exposes before all foreign and contempt of Russian traditions. In the finals of the comedy, the true face of Sofia opens. He is disappointed in it as well as in the rest of the "Famovsky" society. The hero remains nothing, how to leave Moscow.

One of the main features of the comedy "Mount from the mind" A.S. Griboedov is the presence of two conflicts in the play, which are closely related to each other. One of them is love, another public. This determines the arrangement of the heroes of the comedy "Mount from the mind." The love line is represented by Chatsky, Sofia and silent. The public line is expressed by the confrontation of the conservative nobility, the main expressant of the ideas of which is Magovousov, and progressive views on the structure of society that Chatsky preachs. Mr. Solvelin also belongs to the Famiss Company, Sofia Beloved. Love and public conflicts are united by Chatsky, the main character of "grief from the mind."

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky Returned from abroad and immediately went to the Famusov House, where he was once brought up and where it was not three years old. Chatsky dreams to see with his beloved Sofia, the daughter of Famusov. But Sophia meets him extremely restrained, because she is in love with Molchalin. The hero does not understand the reasons for cooling the girl to it. He begins to ask her for her own, her father. And in verbal battles between these heroes, serious contradictions on the issues of morality, culture, enlightenment, the Company of the Company are manifested.

Famuses In the comedy represents the "age of the past". The main feature of the worldview of the conservative nobility is that it does not want any changes, because changes threaten their well-being. In the noble society, which Satyra Griboyedov is directed, only ranks and money are appreciated. And the migrauses are no exception. He proudly responds to his uncle, Maxim Petroviche, who knew how to "sympathize" and therefore "before everyone knew." The only thing that truly cares faith is the opinion of society about him.

From the face of the "century of the past" stands also Molchanin. His main advantages "moderation and accuracy". He is a worthy successor of the views of the Moscow Higher Society. He knows how to hear, seeks to start and maintain useful dating. Even his connection with Sofia is nothing more than hearing in front of her father.

Chatsky is sharply opposed to these heroes. He is alien to their views on the structure of society. Chatsky - owner of an active, creative mind. He wants to serve "the case, not to persons," because he highly appreciates the freedom of personality, honor and dignity. Chatsky is the only hero of the comedy, representing the "century century". He expresses the ideas of the author himself - the ideas of morality and enlightenment, which conservative nobles are not ready to perceive.

When characterizing the heroes "grief from the mind" the most difficult to interpret the image Sofia Famusova.

It cannot be attributed to the "century current", "nor to the century of last". Unlike his father and from Molchalin Sofya is not afraid of the opinions of society. She says to silence, when he asks her to annoy it and not to show his feelings in public. She is engaged in music, reads books that Famuses considers excess and even harmful. But Sophia and not on the side of the Chatsky, since its accusatory monologues threaten not only the comfortable life of the nobles, but also her personal happiness. That is why Sophia allows a rumor that Chatsky Crazy, and society so actively spreads this gossip.

The list of actors "grief from the mind" is not limited to the main characters. For understanding of the issues, the secondary characters "grief from the mind" are also important. For example, it is impossible to imagine the development of love intrigue in a comedy without servants Lisawhich helps Sofye and silence to keep their dates in secret. Also, the image of Lisa participates in a more complete disclosure of other characters "Griboedov". She has a sign of attention to Molchanin, and the reader immediately becomes clear that he has no feelings for Sofye.

Colonel Scalozub Also participates in the development of the love line. He is ashamed in the fiance of Sofye, because he has money. It is a pity that there is no mind at all. But it helps in a satirical key to portray the army.

Special semantic load carry extratent characters. They do not participate in the actions of the comedy, but they say other heroes about them, which makes it possible to more fully imagine the morals of the noble society of that time. The most famous extratent character is Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusovawho fell separately several times at the reception at the Empress to hang it and earn respect for the court.

It should be noted that all images of the heroes of the comedy acquire a deeper sound than it was made before the appearance of the play "Mount from Wit". There are neither absolute rags, nor heroes without flaws. Griboedov refuses the traditional division of characters on bad and good. So the Mizhsov is a caring father for his daughter, and Chatsky in some moments show excessive hotness and unceremonia.

The characters created by Griboedov do not lose their relevance and now. After all, the problem of changing the old looks new is always treasurely. At all times, people who carry society are living progressive ideas, and those who refuse to perceive new, protecting their obsolete views.

This article describes the main actors of the Comedy Griboyedov. The description of the heroes and their characters will be useful to students of grade 9 in the preparation of the report or essay on the topic "The main characters of the Comedy" Mount from Wit ".

Test on the work

The main men's and the only positive character of the comedy. He remained pretty early orply, and brought up in the house of his father's friend - Famusov. The patron woman gave him an excellent education, but he could not instill his worldview to Chapkom. Having matured, Chatsky began to live separately. Subsequently, he threw the military service, but did not become an official.

One of the main characters of the comedy. If you translate the name of the Magazov from Latin, it will mean a "known, enjoyable glory." Famusov lives in the estate, but judging by his numerous friends, he is a very famous person in his circle. Loves to brag, which belongs to the noble nobles. Pharmuses are hospitable, sociable, lover live on a wide leg.

Central female comedy character. Events are unfolded around it. Sofye is 17 years old, her father and older Rye brought it up. She lost her mother when was very small. Sophia is very beautiful, smart, witty and smart, but because of reading French novels, it is a little sentimental and romantic.

The most negative character in the comedy. It does not belong to the highest layers of society, he is a native people. I came to the service from Tver. Lives in the house of Famusov, works by secretaries and cares for his daughter Sofia. She strives to make a career. The purpose of his life is the highest ranks and wealth.

The secondary, but very important character of the comedy, a fun, young maid, who lives and works in the Famusov House. She is a typical subtrake, which helps her hostess Sofye in love affairs. It can be said that Lisa is smart and very intelligent.

A secondary character, a rich colonel who wants to become a general, and Pharmuses sees the perfect groom in it for his daughter. Although he did not like the whip, there was weight in society. The whole life of the rockozub is connected with the army. He is rough and ignorant, as he has received education in the barracks.

Secondary character in the comedy, one of their first guests on the ball in the house of Famousov; A typical representative of the "Famovskogo society", Podkinnik and hypocrite. Peter Ilyich appears on the ball not alone, but with the whole family - with the malicious and stinging wife Marya Alekseevna and six daughters for granting.

The secondary character in the comedy, which appears the most recent on the Ball of Famusov. He is the old friend of Chatsky, than can be judged according to the words he meets him: "Heart friend! Kind friend! " On the other hand, it is very soon becoming clear that this character is just an empty talker and a superficial person.

One of the most memorable minor heroines of the comedy, with which the author introduces the reader at a party in the evening at Famusov; The powerful and coarse lady-serpentine. The full name of the heroine is Anfisa Nilovna Hlesov. She is the silent of Famusov, and according to the aunt's sofa.

Minor character in comedy. He appears on the evening in the evening in the house of Famusov and perfectly complements the Chivadium Society. This is a secular man, well known in wide circles. He loves to be in the theater, attend balls and dick evenings. At the same time, everyone knows that Zagoretsky selected fraudster, a gambler and a plow.

One of the most memorable minor characters in comedy; Guest of Famusov and the ancient buddy of Chatsky. Platon Mikhailovich Goric served with Chatsky in the same shelf. Now he resigned, married and lives in Moscow. Chatsky notices the change that occurred in his comradist after marriage, and it is illuminated on this.

Plato's wife Mikhailovich Korich in comedy; A vivid example of the incarnation of female power. Natalia Dmitrievna completely subjugated her husband, turned to him as a child, that is also called him, causing him. She killed his life excitement in him with his excessive concern about the health of Plato Mikhailovich, he saw that Chatsky had seen in his eyes before.

Heroic characteristicPavel Afanasyevich Famusovfamilia "Famusov" comes from the Latin word "Fama", which means "Molva": this Griboedov wanted to emphasize that the Mizhsov was afraid of molts, public opinion, but on the other hand, the word "Famuses" is the root of the Latin word "Famosus" "- famous, famousA rich barain-landowner and a major official. He is a famous person in the circle of Moscow nobility. Rooded nobleman: as a relationship with the noble, Maxim Petrovich, is closely familiar with Camvering Kuzma Petrovich. According to his views, he "Strover", an ardent defender of the right of the fortress nobility, the opponent of the whole new, progressive Interesting narrator Loving and caring father. The larger barin, in the service of strict with his subordinates, but patronizing its relatives. He is deprived of the practical everyday mind. Good nature. Cool on false and pretense, quick-tempered, flattering before those depends on the hero of the Hero is diverse, contains proverbs, folk expressions. In the intonations, the attitude of the Famousov's attitude to other heroes is well traced: Grubly dismissive to those who are "lower" or equal ; Flusted and incorrect notes with those who have an impact and power: a gentle-patronage in relation to Sofye.Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin Low-plane and dealers. Strengthening to the career, the ability to sympathize, hypocrisy - this is what is the basis of the character of the hero. It is a few: "Not rich in words," "After all, they love victims." What is short phrases, carefully choosing words, depending on With whom he says. There is his behavior tactics to achieve a cherished chain - a high position in society and material well-being. It is two talent: "moderation and accuracy". There is no moral ideas about the happiness and debt of a citizen, about love and loyalty. The Chatskoma refers is negligible and patronically trying to teach him how to live in the world.Sergey Sergeevich Scalozuboblock. Lisa: "And the Golden Bag, and Metit to the generals"The officer-careerist: "I just had to go to the generals." He is a mental attitude, he is a negligible person (Sophia on the climbing: "He did not speak the words of the smart one."). Expicts the condemnation of all education and enlightenment. Condeming his cousin. "Constellation of maneuvers and Mazurki." Not devoid of applub and arrogance.Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky "The selected fraudster, Plut", "Iv cards do not sit down: sell!" Lygunshka he, gambler, thief. "Samen the assumption that the hero can be close to political cheese. Always participate in scandalous stories, a gossip," Master Service " Despite a dubious reputation, adopted in all the noble houses: "We will scold everywhere, but they take everywhere," says Gorich.Retclones (the surname comes from the French word "Relay", meaning "repeating")She strives to sign an advanced person. He has his beliefs, since everything he says, he does not understand, but simply repeats with a significant and important view. The surrender, quick transitions from one topic to another characterize the inner emptiness of the hero. "Noise and only " According to its own definition - "Pleaspel".Sophia Pavlovna Famusov Smart, proud, with a strong temper, with a hot heart, dreamy. The average, avenitian. It is very accurate characteristics to guests in the house of their father. The mind is manifested in the statements of a generalized nature: "Do not observe the happy hours." "Think about how happiness will be easier, and the grief is waiting for the corner." "This is a mixture of good instincts with a lie, a live mind with the lack of every hint of ideas and beliefs, confusion of concepts, mental and moral satellite - all this does not have the character of pile defects, but is like common features of its circle." (A. I. Goncharov "Millon Torzania")Alexander Andreevich Chatskyiza: "... so sensitive, and cheerful, and osther ..." Sophia: "Oster, a smart, eloquent. In friends especially happy ... "The mind of Chatsky is a mighty force in the fight against cosnosis and despotism. In this context, the "smart" synonym for the concepts of "free-thinking", that is, a person of independent, freedom-loving views. Patriotic, sincerely wanting prosperity to their Fatherland. It despises good-covering and careerism. It develops a serfdom, speaks of the unfair of the centuries of the past "humility and fear", "a century to flatter and sleeves." It condemns the imitation of everything foreign, the worship of French or German traditions, advocates the development of national, Russian. It believes that a person deserves respect for its origin or the number of fortresses, but for his personal advantages.

The representative of the old Barity Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov becomes a character, in the house of which all comedy events are developing.

The image and characteristic of the Famusov in the comedy "Mount from the mind" helps to imagine and understand the ideology of the society of the time, the essence of the conflict of generations.

Description of the appearance and nature of the Famusov

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - Widower, raising his daughter Sophia. Barin is proud of his widow. A rich man did not associate himself with new marriage bes, because the mother was windy. Freedom is compared with power. Magovsov, "Mr. himself," does not want to depend on women's whims. This position does not make it a person who sides the opposite half. The nobleman flies with the maid. From speech, hear words that help to imagine how the owner of the house behaves when nobody sees him:

  • picks up;
  • flirting;
  • indulges;
  • changes facial expressions.

A rich man aged, but looks cheerfully and fresh: boasts his strong physique. He is talking about his health and behaviors:

  • fussy;
  • hip;
  • restless.

An interesting scene where the planning of events is being planned. Pavel Afanasyevich seeks not to lose in memory all the necessary events: christening, balls, commemoration, put them in the calendar. Such a relationship is characterized by real Bar. Characterizes the Hero of Comedy, like dual quality. On the one hand, the property is positive. The owner of the estate does not want to offend someone by missed an important event. On the other, negative. Play, as planned to visit the birth of one who has not yet appeared, funny. It is perplexed. Blastingly to arrange the christenings and the commemoration nearby, without even thinking about the significance of human life. From another position, such behavior is very real. Famuses are not a fictional character, but the personification of the majority.

Positive features

Reality is confirmed by a nearby negative and positive features of the person.

Good nature. Positively characterizes Pavel Afanasyevich attitude towards the Chazza. After the death of the father of Chatsky Famuses took him to his house and began to raise as a son. It could only make a kind and caring father of the family, a true friend. This is presented in relation to the daughter and a friend of childhood. Good feelings are currently visible in relation to some courtesy, to the secretary of Slschanin.

Hospitality. Many scenes confirm such a quality of Famousov: the arrival of Chatsky, the ball, the arrival of the scalose. It should only be understood that the hospitality in the house is only rich. Poor and not noble place.

Love for the past. All old men protect the past events. The owner of the house protects the last, afraid of critics. All that went, is his fate. Bear past - the task of its generation.

Negative personal qualities

Obese. The nobleman, the owner of the house, behaves in Meshchansky. It is angry and often in the mood when everyone is dissatisfied. Hurry up, grieves and griends courtiers. It's amazing that the man knows himself about such a property. But this gives him only a lot of pleasure. It seems that Brand is his usual state.

Coarseness. In handling those who serve him, the owner of the house is not shy in expressions. Such rudeness was inherent in all nobles of the conservative part of society. Roughness and power in this case are synonyms. For Famousov, servants - donkeys, chumbs, lazy tetteries. Roughness disappears when Magazov is surrounded by people of his circle or above the status. Also equilibrium and modesty itself.

Loud intonation. The owner's loudness scares tenants. It is heard everywhere. The voice is compared with pipes. Barin is not trying to speak quietly. His position: I am the owner and I have the right to scream.

Madness. Father can create such things that he is called polulm. Famuses are a true representative of the rule of the rule. Select expressions, change behavior not in its rules.

Flattering. Pavel Afanasyevich Lies and is ready to please from whom the benefit is possible. Several scenes of his conversation with the colonel scalosis give a visual example of such behavior: changes in the pose, speech and manner to speak.

False entrepreneurship. In the time of Famusov, this quality was called differently, the dealers. Any funds are good to achieve their goals. Make everything that helps him achieve the right rank and rewards.

Samples of life and ideological principles

Famuses serves as managers in a statement state institution as most Moscow nobles. It comes to the service of relatives, close and distant. Gives them awards, promotes the career ladder. Related ties for him above all. "Rade" before the relatives, realizing that the status of the whole last name depends on it. Wealth and title explain the desire of Paul Afanasyevich to find a rich husband's daughter. It is desirable that the bridegroom was noticed, had a reward and sought to improve.

Famuses - a member of the club, considered prestigious for the elite of the Moscow nobility. The English club allowed himself to imagine himself politically educated and advanced.

Barin is worried when events occur that can change the relationship to it. It is afraid of gossip, human moloss and robes.

Speech features of the hero

Pavel Afanasyevich speaks in a pure Russian, confirming that he is a true nobleman. In his speech there are many spaticrous phrases and expressions:

  • "Not no urine;
  • "kill";
  • "Diarby";
  • "Account";
  • "Beat the bumps."

The original speech of the nobleman allows you to believe that Pavel Afanasyevich loves and honors the traditions of his country, the Russian people. Pharmus speech can not be called poor. The nobleman says clearly, competently expressing his thoughts. There are no scientific terms among the vocabulary stock. So, the barin is still limited in education. It is reason why his attitude to scholarships. He did not need study, it is also not needed. The scholarship is a disease, comparable to the plague, striking quickly and irrevocably. Books are evil, which is better to destroy, burn so that there is no trace. But the father understands that the scholarship took its place in society, so the daughter, as it should be, has a teacher. I know Famuses and foreign words, but uses them extremely rare.