Interesting facts about the history of ancient Greece. Ancient Greece: her story, religion, culture

Interesting facts about the history of ancient Greece. Ancient Greece: her story, religion, culture
Interesting facts about the history of ancient Greece. Ancient Greece: her story, religion, culture

Winged words and expressions

Augean stables

In the Greek mythology of Augean stables - extensive stables Avgii, King Elida, who continued for many years they were not cleaned. They were cleared in one day Hercules: he sent the alifea river through the stables, whose water was taken out all the sewage. This myth is first reported by the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Sicilian. The expression "AUGIEVA stables" originated from here - about the extremely launched room, as well as (tolerate) about the affairs in the extreme disarray.
In the Roman mythology of Aurora - the goddess of the morning dawn. In the figurative and poetic speech at all synonymous with the morning dawn. The expression "Rosoperable Aurora" entered the literary speech from Homer's poems. In Greek mythology, it corresponds to EOS.

In the Greek Mythology of Antey - Giant, Livia's rulers, the son of God of the Seas of Poseidon and the goddess of the earth of Gay. He caused the battle all who appeared in his possessions, and was invincible until it was in contact with the Mother-Earth. Strangled by Hercules, who ruined him from the ground. This myth is transferred by the Greek writer Apollodor in the Library. Antea image is used when they talk about strength, which a person has, if it is connected with his native land, his native people.

Argus, ARGOS
In Greek mythology, Argus is a satellite Giant, the personification of the starry sky, the son of gay. The goddess of Hera forced his ruins of IO, his beloved of her husband of Zeus, turned into a cow to protect them from anger jealous wife. Hera scored a cow from Zeus and put Argos to her, who Zorko Early Her - only two eyes at him at the same time closed, others were open and vigorously followed by IO. Only Hermes managed to kill him. Gera moved the eyes of Argos to Peacock's plumage. The name of Argus became nominative for vigilant and non-primary guards. On another legend, Stone Argus personifies the starry sky.

Ariadnina thread, thread Ariadna
In the Greek Mythology Ariadne - the daughter of the Kratsky Tsar Minos and Pacifia. When Karevich Teshev arrived at the Crete from Athens, Ariadne arrived in love with him, Ariadne arrived in love. Minotaur was in a labyrinth - a palace with so many transitions that it was impossible to get out of it. Ariadne gave the Teshe Tseut of Threads, which he unwound, entering the labyrinth. Having killed the minotaur, Tesove was released from the labyrinth on the unlocked thread (Ovid, metamorphosis). IN figurative sense Thread Ariadna - a guide thread, an opportunity to help get out of a predicament.

region in the central part of Peloponnese (Greece). IN antique literature And later (mainly in pastorals, 16-18 centuries) Arkady was depicted by a paradise country with patriarchal simplicity of morals. In a figurative sense - a happy country.

Achilles' heel
In Greek mythology, Achilles (Achilles) is one of the strongest and brave heroes; He makes Homer in Iliad. The staffing myth, transmitted by the Roman writer Gigin, reports that the mother of Achilla is the goddess of Fetid, wanting to make his son Immortal, immersed it in the sacred waters of the Stetens River; Only the heel for which the fetis was kept him, did not touch the water and remained vulnerable. In this heel Achill and was mortally wounded by an arrow of Paris. The expression "Achilles heel" appeared from here is used in the meaning: weak, vulnerable.

Poor like Ir
In Greek mythology, the IR is one of the characters "Odyssey", the beggar, who entered into a fight with Odyssey, when he returned to his home under the guise of a beggar. In the figurative sense - poor man. ("The poet was poor as IR." Herzen A.I. Purre and Duma).

Danaid barrel, bottomless barrel
Danaida in Greek mythology - fifty daughters of Tsar Libya Dana, at the order of his father who killed his husbands to the wedding night. Only one decided to disobey the Father. In punishment, Danaida had to fill the bottomless barrel in the Aid. In the figurative sense - "Danaid Barrel", "Work Danaid" is useless and endless labor. The myth of Danaidah for the first time is set forth by the Roman hygine writer (Basni), but the image of the bottomless vessel is found in the ancient Greeks earlier. Lucian first used the expression "Danaid Barrel".

Astrey century
In Greek mythology, Dicky Astreya is one of the OR, the goddess of justice, the daughter of Zeus and Femids. Dick reported Zeus about all the injustices, curly on earth. The time when she was on earth was happy, the "golden age". She left the Earth in the Iron Age and since then under the name of the Virgin shines in the constellation of the zodiac. Astrey nickname (star, heavenly) is probably due to the idea that true justice is possible only in heaven. The expression "Astrey Century" is used in the meaning: happy time.

Limit [worship] Bakhus [Wakhu]
Bakhus (Vacc) - Roman Name greek God Wines and fun Dionysus. In the ancient Romans, with sacrifices, the gods existed the rite of the campaign, concluded in the pouring of wine from the bowl in honor of God. From here there was a joking expression "Limitting Bahusu", used in the meaning: Break. The name of this Ancient Roman God is used in other humorous expressions about drunkenness: "worship Bakhusu", "serve Bakhus".

Hercules. Hercules work [feat]. Hercules pillars [pillars].
Hercules (Hercules) - In Greek mythology, the hero, son of Zeus and the death female of Alcmena. Made the famous twelve exploits: strangled the Nemey Lion, killed the Lerneal hydraulic hydraulic, cleared Augean stables, and others. In memory of his wanders, Hercules put "Hercules pillars". So in the ancient world they called two cliffs on the opposite shores of the Gibraltar Strait. Pillars These were considered the "edge of the world", on whom there is no way. Therefore, the expression "walk to Hercules pillars" began to be used in the value: walk to the limit of something, to the extreme point. The name of Hercules itself has become a nominable for a person who has a large physical force. The expression "Hercules Labor, feat" is used when they talk about any matter requiring extraordinary efforts.

Hercules at the crossroads
The expression arose from the speech of the Greek Sofist of the prerigation, which became known to us in the statement of xenophon. In this speech, Prodik told the allegory of the Hercules (Hercule) who was sitting on the crossroads and reflected on the life path, which he had to be elected. Two women approached him: a lot of faithful life, and a virtue that indicated him a hard way to glory to him. Hercules preferred the last and after many works became God. The expression "Hercules at the crossroads" applies to a person finding in the choice between two solutions.

In the Greek mythology of Hydra - a multi-headed snake, which in the place of severe heads grow new ones. For the first time myth about it was transferred to the ancient Greek poet Geotod in the "Theogony". Portable: hostile strength, the fight against which is extremely difficult.

Hymen. Tsets [Chains] Gimenta
In the Greek and Roman mythologies, the deity of marriage. Depressed by the nagim young men, decorated with flowers garlands, with a torch in hand. In the figurative sense of the "Guimenta's bond" - a married union.

Homeric laughter (laughter)
Uncontrollable extraordinary power Laughter (from the description of the laughter of the gods in the poem of Homer "Iliad").

Sharme Pelion on OSS
Pelion and Osse - Mountains in Fessels, located near Olympa. The expression "Bold Pelion on the OSS" originates from the Odyssey of Homer, where it is narrating about how the aloud brothers, Otok and Ethealtes, tried to ramp the mountain Pelion on the Mount Osce and to climb to Olympus. Only Apollo was able to stop them with his arrows. "Shake Pelion on the OSS" means to make something unusual and grandiose.

Sword of Damocles
The expression originated from an ancient Greek legend told by Cicero. Damocl, one of the approximate Syracuse Tirana Dionysius senior, has become envy to talk about him as a happiest of people. Dionysius to teach the envious, put it in his place. During Pera Damocle saw that a sharp sword hangs on his head. Dionysius explained that this is a symbol of those hazards he, as the ruler, is constantly exposed, despite the seemingly happy life. Hence the expression "Damocles Sword" received the value of the horn, threatening danger.

Greek gift. Trojan horse.
The expression is used in the meaning: insidious gifts carrying with themselves for those who receive them. It originated from the Greek ledids about the Trojan War. Danaires (Greeks), after a long and unsuccessful siege of Troy, resorted to tricks: they built a huge wooden horse, left it at the walls of Troy, and they themselves pretended that they were floating from the shores of Troy. Priest Laocoon, seeing this horse and knowing the tricks of Danaans, exclaimed: "What would it be, I'm afraid of Danaans, even gifts bring!" But the Trojans, who does not listen to the warnings of Laocoon and the propheted Kassandra, dragged the horse to the city. At night, Danaires, hidden inside the horse, came out, killed the guardian, opened the city gate, let the comrades returned on the ships and thus captured Troy ("Odyssey" of Homer, "Aneida" Vergilia). The semi-edge Virgil "I am afraid of Danaytsev, even the gifts of bringing", quoted often in Latin ("Timeo Danaos Et Dona Ferentes"), entered the saying. From here there was an expression "Trojan horse", used in the meaning: a secret, cunning plan; betrayal.

Two-bit Yanus
In Roman mythology, Janus - God of time, as well as any start and end, entrances and exits (Janua - the door) - was portrayed with two persons facing opposite sides: young - ahead, to the future, old - back, in the past. The expression "Twilight Janus" expression or simply "Janus" means: a hypocrite, a two-room person.

Dragon Seed (seed of discord)
Ancient Greek myth tells about how the FVAN king Cadm killed the dragon guarding the caustal key. Athena ordered the dragon's teeth and sow them. Cadm made that the goddess commanded, and immediately from the dragon's teeth grew by a whole detachment of armed warriors, who entered into a meeting-friendly fight and killed each other. From this legend, the expression "Dragon Seed" was born - i.e. Seed of discord.

In the Greek mythology of the Echidna - a monster, a midwayer, which has breeding a whole series of monsters: Sphinx, Cerber, Nemoye Leo, Chimera, etc. In the figurative sense - an evil, stinging and cunning man.

The Golden Fleece. Argonauts
In ancient greek myths It is described that the hero Jason went to mine the Golden Fleece - the golden skin of the magic sheep - which guarded the dragon of the king of Colkhide Eeta. Yazon built the Argo ship and collecting the greatest heroes, which by the name of the ship became known as Argonauts, went on the road. Overcoming many adventures, Jason mined the golden fleece. The first of this myth outlined Ponddar's poet. Since then, the golden rune is called gold, wealth that seek to master; Argonauts - bold navigators, dealers of adventure.

Golden age
The golden age of Hesiod called the very first and happy time in the history of mankind, when people did not know any wars, nor care, no suffering. In a figurative sense, the golden age is called the time of the highest heyday.

Golden Rain
This image arose from the Greek Miph of Zeus, who captured the beauty of Danai, the daughter of King Akrismia, appeared to her in the form of a golden rain, after which she had a son of Perseus. Announced gold coins rain is depicted in the pictures of many artists of the Renaissance (Titian, Corredjo, Wang Dyk, etc.). Portable "golden rain" is called abundant income, profits, wealth.

Cook in summer. Summer
In the Greek Mythology of Summer - the river oblivion in the underground kingdom. Souls of the dead, tasted the water from the leaf, forgot about their earthly life. "Cook in the fly" - to be forgotten, disappear without a trace.

Cassandra, things Cassandra
In the Greek mythology of Cassandra - the daughter of the Trojan king Priama. Cassandra received a prophetic gift from Apollon, but when she rejected his love, did it so that she stopped believing her. So, the Trojans did not get the words of Cassandra, who warned his brother Paris from Elena's abduction, the last, as you know, led to the Trojan war and the death of Troy. The name of Cassandra has become a numerous name of a person who warns the danger, but which they do not believe.

In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth is a palace from which it is impossible to find a way out. Built skillful master Dedalom in Crete on the sample of a similar Egyptian palace. Now the word "labyrinth" is used to indicate the tangled network of tracks, moves communicating with each other of the premises. In a figurative sense, a complex, confusing location, a combination of something.

Mars. Son Mars. Marso Field
In Roman mythology Mars (Greek. Ares) - God of war. A military or military-minded person is sometimes called the "son of Mars." The expression "Marso Field" in antiquity was used in the value of the "battlefield". Also in ancient Rome called one of the parts of the city on the left bank of the Tiber, intended for the military and gymnastic exercises. In Paris, this name is the area in the western part of the city, which served originally for military parades. In St. Petersburg, the area was so called between Summer garden And the barracks of the Life Guards of the Pavlovsky regiment, at which, under Nicolae I, a large military parades were held.

Between Scylla and Charibda
Szillla and Charibda are two monsters who lived on both sides of a narrow strait and destroying seawares sailing between them. Hence the expression "between Scylla and Charibda" is used in the meaning: to be between two two hazards, between two lights.

Mentor. Mentoric tone
Mentor is a peers of Odyssey and his closest on each other. Odyssey, going under Troy, instructed the Mentor the care of his son and house. The wise and reasonable mentor always stood on the guard of the interests of the Odyssey family. Having accepted his image, Athena feces and instructs Telemach, the son of Odyssey, during his drink in Greece (hence the "mentor" is an authoritative mentor). Mentoric tone is strict and taking.

Morpheus. Hugging Morpheus
In Greek mythology, Morafi is a god of dreams. He was people in dreams, taking the appearance of any person. Depicted usually in the form of a young man with wings on the temples. In the figurative sense - "plunge into the embrace of Morpheus" - sleep and see dreams.

Tantalum flour
In Greek mythology, Tantalum is the son of Zeus and the Frigian queen Pluto. Lidia or Frigian king, cunning and greedy man. Being a demigod, took part in the fears of the gods, while he painted the nectar and Ambrosius with their trapes and distributed to his earthly relatives, disclosed the secrets of the gods. One day, wanting to experience their omniscience, Tantalt filed them during the meat meat of his son Pelops. The gods resurrected a young man, and Tantalulov did the eternal flour in Aida ("Tantalov Flour"): Standing on the throat in the water and seeing the fruits descending from the tree, Tantalt could not quench her thirst and hunger, as water went out of his lips, and The branch with the fruits was removed. Hence, there was an expression "Tantalum flour" - torment caused by the proximity of the achievability of desire and the impossibility of implementation.

Narcissus. Narcissistic
In Greek mythology, Narcissus- Lovely young man, son of the River Kefis. Seeing his reflection in the water, he fell in love with his own reflection in the water (hence the expression "narcissistic narcissus") and died with longing. According to one of the names of myth, Narcississ rejected the love of Nymphs Echo, for which he was punished with Aphrodite: he fell in love with himself and from hopelessness. From the droplets of his blood rose a flower of Narcissus. His name has become a nominative for a person who admits himself, narcissistic.

Start with eggs ice
In Greek mythology, Leda - the daughter of King Etolia Testya and Levkippa, the spouse of the Spartan king Tyndaray. Zeus, captive by the beauty of the ice, took possession of her by turning to the swan. Elena appeared from this connection. According to one of the myths, Elena was born from one egg ice, and her brothers, the twins Kastor and Paldhevk - from the other. Elena, subsequently, having married Meal, was abducted by Paris and served as the culprit of the Trojan War. The expression "starting with Ice Eggs" goes back to the Homer, who praises Homer because he does not start his story about the Trojan War - not from the egg (meaning myth about the ice), not from the very beginning, and immediately introduces the listener In Medias Res - in the middle of things, in the most creature of the case. It should be added to this that the expression "AB OVO" in the Romans was spinning; In full: "AB OVO USQUE AD MALA" - from beginning to end; Literally: from the egg to fruit (the Roman dinner began with eggs and ended with fruit).

Nectar and ambrosia
In Greek mythology, nectar is a drink, ambrosia - food of the gods, giving them immortality. Portable: Unusually delicious drink, exquisite dish; Higher pleasure.

Olympus. Olympians. Olympic bliss, greatness, calm
Olympus - Mountain in Greece, where, as described in Greek myths, gods lived. Olympians - immortal gods; In the figurative sense, people standing above ordinary passions and excitement, preserving a calm-quiet look and external greatness. From here there was a number of expressions: "Literary Olympus", "Music Olympus" - a group of recognized poets, writers, musicians. "Olympic Bliss" - the highest degree of bliss; "Olympic Majesty" - solemnity in manners, in the whole appearance; "Olympic calm" is a calm calm.

Panic fear
In Greek mythology, Pan is the God of herd, patron of shepherds, then all of nature. Pan can send such a fear when a person gets up to run away, without disassembled roads, through the forests, through the mountains, along the edge of the aggregates, not noticing that the escape threatens him every minute. It happened that Pan was inspired by such fear, and it turned into an uncontrollable flight. The Greeks believed that such fear he struck Persians in the battle under the marathon. Hence the "panic fear" - scoreless, sudden, irrepressible fear, covering a person or many people causing confusion. Hence the word "panic" originated.

In Greek mythology, Parnas - Mountain in Arcadia. The sacred castal source dedicated to the muses originates on Parnassa. Habitat Apollo and Muses. In the figurative sense of Parnass - the world of poetry, poets. "Parnassic sisters" - muse.

In Greek mythology - the winged horse Zeus. From the impact of the head of Pegasus on Mount Helicon, the source of hippocrene originated from which the poets were drawn. Symbol of poetic inspiration.

Penelope. Work Penelope
In the Greek Mythology Penelope, the spouse Odyssey, waited for the return of her husband from under Troy for twenty years, stubbornly rejecting the harassment of numerous grooms. She promised to choose a new husband after he finished weave covered on the coffin of his mother-in-law, so that the custom, when he would die, prepare him worthy funeral. However, at night she dismissed everything that he had time to push during the day. The image of Penelope is a symbol of female nobility and marital loyalty. Allegorical: work Penelope is an endless job.

Pygmalion and Galateia
In the ancient Greek myth Pygmalion - the king of Cyprus. Feeding in love with Aphrodite, he carved her statue from marble and turned to the goddess with plenty to breathe into cold sculpting life. Touched by such love, Aphrodite revived the statue, which under the name of Galatei became the wife of Pygmalion. In a figurative sense, a person who fell in love with his creation.

Procrustean bed
The procrusteo bed - the bed, for which the giant-robber progresses forcibly laid the travelers: those who were short, cut his legs; Those who were long, pulled out. In the figurative sense - artificial measurement, not corresponding to the entity of the phenomenon.

Prometheus. Prometheus fire
Prometheus in Greek mythology - Titan, in the myths acts as a gogle and defender of people. After the victory of the gods over the titans of Prometheus began to face people, kidnapped fire from Olympus and brought him to people. For this, on the orders of Zeus, I broke your chest on the order, and he was chained to a rock on the sings of the Caucasian ridge and was doomed to constant flour: the eagle who killed every day burned his liver, who was refining again per night. Figure Prometheus symbolizes a person fighting for the truth and in the name of the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to the worst torment. The expression "Prometheus Fire" is used in meaning: the sacred fire burning in the soul of man.

Crack Gordian Knot
In Greek mythology, proud is the first king of Frigia, the eponym of the same name in Malaya Asia. Gordies were a simple agriculture, and once during the pack of Eagle sat on the yoke of his ox. It was interpreted as a sign foreshadowing proud royal power. Soon, Frigians, remaining without ruler, turned to the Council to Oracle, who to choose the king. Oracle predicted that it was necessary to choose the one who would be the first to meet traveling on the wagon. This man was Gorgiy. After becoming a king, he built the city, who received his name, and put his wagon in the citadel, enhancing her the most difficult knot. It was believed that the one who dismantle this node will become the ruler of all Asia. According to legend, Alexander Macedonsky in 334 BC Instead of unraveling the node, I simply cut it with a sword, from where the expression "crawl Gordian Knot" - take a quick and bold solution.

In the Greek mythology, Horn isobania - Horn of the Goat of Amalfia, who focused on his milk Zeus; He possessed the magic property to give everything that his owner wishes. In a figurative sense - an inexhaustible source of wealth, benefits.

Sisyphers work
In Greek mythology, Corinthian King Sisifa for his numerous sins was punished by the gods: in the afterlife kingdom was sentenced to the mountain heavy stone, which, barely reaching the top, rolled down, and had to start rebound. The expression is used in meaning: severe, endless and fruitless work.

Sphinx. Mysterious like Sphinx
In Greek mythology, Sphinx is a winged half-seater, a half-dog, who dwells on the rock near Phi. I asked each approaching traveler the same riddle ("who in the morning walks on four legs, at noon on two, in the evening on three"). Unable to find the answer, the monster devoured. Only Oedip had solved the Sphinx riddle, responding that it was a person - in childhood, maturity and old age; After that, the Sphinx rushed from the cliff. Sphinx is an embodiment of secrets. "Mysterious as Sphinx" - they talk about a person, the words and actions of which are incomprehensible to others.

In the Greek Mythology of Titans - the archaic gods of the first generation, born by gay and uranium. They rebelled against the Olympians, for which they were overthow in Tartar. Portable Titans are people who are characterized by the power, the gigantic power of the mind, genius; Titanic - huge, grandiose.

Themis. Femis scales. Servants of the femids
In the Greek mythology of the Femid - Goddess of Justice. Depicted with a bandage in the eyes (symbol of impartiality), with a sword and weights in hand. Allegorical: Femid - justice, law; Themis scales are a symbol of justice; The servants (priests) of the femids are servants of the law, judges.

Phoenix. Rebel like phoenix from ash
In Greek mythology, Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba fabulous bird similar to an eagle covered with fire-red and golden plumage. She lives 500 years old, and before death burns herself, but immediately reborn from the ash. Symbol of rebirth and update. "Rolling like a Phoenix from the ashes" - to die and ride again.

Fortune. Wheel of Fortune
Fortune - in the Roman mythology goddess of the blind case, happiness and misfortune. She was depicted with a bandage on the eyes standing on a bowl or wheel and holding a steering wheel in one hand, and in another - a horn of abundance. The steering wheel indicated that Fortuna controls the fate of a person, the horn of abundance - on well-being, the abundance that it can give, and the ball or the wheel emphasized her constant variability. Her name and the expression "Wheel of Fortune" is used in value: case, blind happiness.

In Roman mythology - each of the three goddesses of Muschens (in Greek mythology of Erynia). Eschil, who brought Erinia to the stage, depicted them with disgusting old women with snakes instead of hair, with pouring eyes, with dried languages \u200b\u200band grinding teeth. Portable - evil, grumpy woman.

In Greek mythology, Chimera monster with his head and the neck of the lion, the goat torso and the tail of the dragon. Allegorically, Chimera is something unreal, impracticable, unrealized and strange dream.

In Greek and Roman mythology, Cerber - a monstrous three-headed dog with a snake tail guarding entrance to underground kingdom. Hence, the word "Cerber" is used in the meaning: evil, fierce supervisor.

Cyclops. Cyclopeic buildings
In the Greek mythology of cyclops - three one-eyed giant. They were attributed to the construction of giant buildings. From here "Cyclops" is used in the meaning of one-eyed. "Cyclopic structure" - huge, gigantic buildings.

Cyrce (Latin form; Greek. Kirk) - Magician with about. Ey, who addressed Odyssey satellites in pigs, and his most held on his island during the year. In a figurative sense - a cunning seducer.

That the Jupiter is permitted, the bull is not allowed
According to the ancient Greek myth, Jupiter (Greek. Zeus) liked the daughter of the Phoenician king of Europe. Jupiter turned into a bull and kidnap her. QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI - Proverb says about an indiscreet or unfavorable claim

Apple of discord
In Greek mythology, an apple of discord - a golden apple with The inscription "the most beautiful", which threw the goddess of Erid's contention to three goddesses: hero, Athena and Aphrodite. The mortal young man Paris had to award an apple with the decent ("Court of Paris"). Gera promised Paris power and wealth, Athena - wisdom and military glory, and Aphrodite - to give to his wife the most beautiful woman. And Paris admitted the most beautiful of the goddesses of Aphrodite. By fulfilling his promise, the goddess helped Paris kidnap the most beautiful of mortal women - Elena. From this abduction began the Trojan War. The expression "apple of discord" means: the cause of the dispute, discord.

Pandora's Box
In Greek mythology, Pandora is the first woman created by the gods in punishment to people for the abduction of the flam of fire. Zeus gave her to marry Titan Epimeta. In the wedding Zeus presented Pandore a box, in which all human defects, misfortunes, misfortunes and illnesses were concluded, but forbidden to open it. Seeing this vessel in her husband's house, curious Pandora, despite the ban, opened it, and all the disasters from which humanity suffers, spread throughout the land. Only one hope remained at the bottom of the vessel, as Zeus wished. In the figurative sense, the Pandora drawer is a source of any disasters.

Interesting Facts About ancient Greece.
Ancient Greece is reasonably considered a cradle of world civilization. The traditions and foundations remaining relevant and to today's day. The foundations of philosophy, democracy, feminism and many other phenomena have ancient Greek origin. It is worth noting that Ellade and its population have a number of specific features.

The mythological belief system of ancient Greece is characterized by complex systematization and a large variety. Numerous legends and legends closely enveloped the life of the ancient Greeks. So, famous myth About the apple of discord with the participation of competing goddesses became the basis for a fairly known custom. For the manifestation of their sympathy to representatives of beautiful sex, the Men Eldlats threw them with apples. Such a somewhat dangerous way of expressing feelings was evidence of the influence of mythological beliefs on the daily life of society.

The consequence of the developed system of mythology was the establishment of sports competitions held in honor of the numerous gods of the ancient Greek Pantheon. Local sporting event over time has gained large-scale fame and worldwide popularity. A number of interesting facts are also associated with this event. For example, the first Olympic Games held in 776 BC., Included only one sport - running. And antiquity athletes for the greatest convenience performed on sports game extremely naked. In the future, the composition of the Olympic Games somewhat varied. In particular, the athletes began to compete in different types Martial arts.

It is worth noting that the ancient Greek athletes differed in incredible excitement. So, the ancient Greek champion Arrichion won the last victory already being dead. In a terrible confrontation with the enemy, he managed to bring him to the knockout, however, he himself died from choking. The judges recognized his corpse winner and held the appropriate award ceremony.

Politics was also one of the favorite topics for discussion. To people who are not interested in this problem, they treated quite dislike. They were denoted by the term "idiot". In compiling laws, interesting moments often happened. For example, the Green Law existed without changes for a long time. The reason for this was one interesting point, which said that a person proposed to make some amendments to the legislative system was to commit a suicidal act with a positive consideration of his proposals.

Democracy is also a product greek civilization. An entertaining fact is that to attract a large number of people to participate in the elections, they were paid. That is, every citizen of Greece, who expressed his opinion through a vote, received a monetary reward. And to distract people from transient material values, iron bars served in some regions of Greece. Their heavy weight and big size contributed to the curiosity of corruption actions.

It's no secret that the ancient Greeks loved to relax well. Special place on their holidays occupied alcohol. It was then that Pythagore was invented a glass that prevents rapid alcohol intoxication. Designed in accordance with the law on reporting vessels, the glass could be filled only to a certain mark. Excess the features threatened with the pouring of the entire contents.

Women of ancient Greece occupied a special place in the life of society. The main purpose of their existence was to decorate the world around the world with their presence. Therefore, most often they did not burden themselves to get any knowledge. Opposition Most women accounted for so-called "hetera". The originating notes of feminism provoked them to receive education.

As for the male, the education played an important role in his life. Many modern terms from the education sector have ancient Greek origin. The truth was used in Eldead in a slightly different meaning than now. For example, the word "school" initially meant rest. People, tired of everyday fuss, gathered in certain places and led the philosophical conversations. Gradually, such people have young listeners, gradually turned into students. And the term teacher was marked by people who contributed to the upbringing of children. However, during the period of ancient Greece, this contribution was to bring the child to school and pick it up from there.

Considerable success achieved ancient Greece in the field of medicine. Hippocrates, famous for his oath, first in history began studying oncological diseases. The cancer tumor takes its name from his work. Describing the tumor, the hypocrat compared it appearance With a stabulous being. Subsequently, the name is somewhat transformed, but the essence remained the same to the present.

The art of love was highly revealed by the ancient Greeks. The famous phrase Socrates "I know that I don't know anything" has a continuation. The famous philosopher noted "I always say that I don't know anything, except for one very small science - erotica (Love science). And in it I am terribly strong. " The term love in ancient Greece had many semantic shades. Dozens of different concepts were used to designate this light feeling.

Homosexuality was sufficiently disseented in the territory of ancient Greece and did not disagree. The facts suggest that even created special military units and units, which included men with non-traditional orientation. It is noteworthy that such detachments were distinguished by special courage and courage. And examples of desertion and flights of them were practically observed.

Greece is an interesting country, with a centuries-old history and traditions, the cradle of many sciences. And it seems to be even familiar school courses Stories and famous ancient Greek myths. And on a humorous famous phrase that "there is everything there." But it turns out that the reality is somewhat different from inspired by the mythology of ideas and superficial knowledge. Having learned curious facts about the legendary elda, many will be surprised.

about country

In Greece, centuries-old traditions have been preserved, and an ancient story is very valued.

This is confirmed by the following facts:

Favorite saying: "When the rest of the peoples still climbed on the trees, the Greeks have already suffered from cholesterol." Somewhat arrogantly, but at the same time fairly: according to scientists, Greek language more than 4 thousand years old, writing - more than 3,000.

Strikingly, but the Greeks provided precipitated leads in lead so that they did not destroy ancient monuments. The case was during the war of independence with the Ottoman Empire. The Turks surrounded in Acropolis began to extract lead from the elements of the oldest columns. To stop such vandalism, the Greek warriors themselves began to supply material for bullets enemies. Illogical, but significantly.

The word Barbarian went from Ellinov, who so contemptuously called tribes that did not know their language. By the way, so far the population is divided into Helleides (indigenous people) and Pontians (ethnic emigrants from other countries).

Here is the attitude to your own history and the state. And now a little bit about him:

  1. The territory consists of a mainland and 1,400 islands, of which 227 are settled, the most famous and visited Rhodes, Crete, Thessaloniki.
  2. The population of 10.75 million people (of which 40% live in the capital of Athens), at the same time about 17 million tourists arrive annually, and the tourist business brings the execution of 16% of GDP.
  3. Currently, the majority of the population - competent, knows at least 2 foreign languages (in school Program Included English and one more choice), and in the 50s of the last century, many could not read and write.
  4. In publicly available sources, it is mentioned about 3 or 5 seas that wash the mainland and island part of the country. In fact, they are more. Only in the Waterwater of the Mediterranean Sea includes Balearic, Tyrren, Ionian, Adriatic, Ligurian, Aegean, Cyprus, Cretoe, Libyan Sea and Alboran. There are other "historical" seas that modern maps Not referred to. If you take into account all the inner seas separating the islands from each other, then Greece can be considered the world leader in the number of seas wash it.

  1. Also, the country's leading position occupies in imports olives (3rd place in the world), marble (7% of the world market) and European shipping (70% of the European Union Ships, most of the crew - Greeks).
  2. The area here is mountainous (80% of sushi occupy mountains), navigable rivers do not, the distance from anywhere in the country to the sea is no more than 140 km. In a year 250 sunny days, which allows the use of alternative energy sources (NPPs are missing here, and the TPPs work on the corner produced by the career method).
  3. From the point of view of architecture, Greece is not just unique - she herself has the right to be called historical and architectural monument. Various evidence of the oldest greatness is literally at every step, in some cities every 100 meters!

The most ancient buildings and statues are carefully restored. So it was with the Treasury of Athenians in Delfa, her age dates back to the VII century. BC e.

Another example: In the construction of a single metro in the capital, a lot of ancient sculptures were found in the capital, after the restoration, they decorated modern stations.

Interesting fact: Famous marble souvenirs from Acropolis actually - a modern fake. They are specifically scattered so that tourists can take themselves to the memory of the "ancient" stone. So protect True historical values From the attempt from lovers of souvenirs.

Greek islands, coast and sea are very beautiful. And clean: local residents They are tremendous to order on the streets, it is not accepted to litter here. The transport network is well developed: a record number of airports in the world, until 23-00 walks public (public) transport, excellent roads (paid and free) and many taxis. True, their services, like gasoline, very expensive. But you can ride the hitchhiker, and for long distances.

Curious: the indigenous inhabitants practically do not comply with the rules road, and that drivers are that pedestrians. But tourists do not forgive such violations. And here the lowest crime rate in Europe, there are no homeless, almost do not meet beggars. There is a mobile phone forgotten in the cafe, and on the coast you can safely leave things unattended and go swimming. And people are very sociable and friendly, always ready to help tourists, and sincerely, and not according to the "duties" before guests.

Traditions and culture

Going on a journey, always useful to learn a little about the country in which you go. This will help to navigate and behave correctly. Even those who have not chosen the Greek coast for recreation, some facts will be interesting:

The midst of the tourist season falls on the winter months, from January to March, carnavals are held here, which may well compete with Brazilian.

The Greeks are very sociable, can invite an unfamiliar person to visit. On local traditions, this means friendship. Abandon such a visit - it means to offend the owner. Tip: Be sure to take a watermelon or sweets with you, with "empty" hands do not go to visit here.

Local can be late for a meeting, cancel it literally 5 minutes before the appointed time or not to come to work, such forgetfulness and slowness here is the norm.

Tourists should be prepared for an unusual mode of operation: most supermarkets and shops are closed early (about 6 pm), evenings only small kiosks and cafes work (mostly until midnight). At night and during the Seside, they do not work here, and it is not accepted to make noise, otherwise you can expect the arrival of the police.

Siesta lasts from 14-00 to 16-00, many shops work only in the morning or after lunch, on Sunday - the day off. After midnight, disturb the surroundings are not accepted, everyone slept, but they get up around 5 in the morning.

The Greeks talk loudly and actively gesticulate.

Interesting and useful fact: If the local nods - this means "no". Consent is expressed by a sharp movement of the head back and the sound of "NE". And the well-known gesture "OK" means a hint of homosexual orientation and is offensive. By the way, the local can rummage quite loudly and emotionally or arguing, but the fighting almost does not happen.

In Greece, it is very reverent to the family: there are almost no divorces (according to statistics - no more than 5 per 1000 marriages), older generation Lives in children's families interethnic marriages Not welcome. But in some moments, the morals are very free: young people can live together for several years, and women are quite capable of make friends with her husband's mistress. Marriages are exclusively in the church, there are no regulations.

99.9% of the population - baptized Orthodox. Baptism is generally one of the main holidays in the family. And the family is considered all the nearest relatives, so that the festivities of 250 people are just a meeting of all relatives, this is normal. At the same time, the pedigree knows all family members well.

About Holidays: Nobody celebrates his birthday, only name day (day of baptism). Incredibly: Children may not give name before the day of Captain. And the surname of the newborn can be either a father or mother (by agreement). Women leaving married, do not change their surname.

Interestingly, in Greece everything is on "you", even strangers. Apparently this is another ancient heritage: In the oldest times, even the score of the emperor said "you", it was accepted. And the acquaintances greet each other with two kisses in the cheek, both women and men.

Like these ones cultural traditions in this country.

Local kitchen

Studying interesting facts about Greece, it is impossible to do without a description of the peculiarities of national cuisine:

  1. Only here you can try this Greek salad (his recipe differs significantly from the usual modification) and learn about 60 varieties of local cheese (this is at least each island has its own recipe).
  2. In Eldead, there are practically no tea, coffee is popular here, and they drink it with liters. From alcoholic beverages, beer and local variety of wine mixed with brandy - methax are most often used.
  3. Meat - mandatory part of the diet, served beef, lamb, pork, chicken. No less popular fish and seafood, snails. And for fans of fruits and sweets here is just paradise. Even in the cafe dessert (like a glass of water) is served free of charge, as a bonus to ordered dishes.
  4. Very popular fast food: the analogue of the shawarma in the Greek version and Friesh potatoes. It is worth noting that fast food is distinguished by excellent quality. There is an analogue of the buffet - many fish and meat dishes With different sauces.
  5. It is accepted 4 times a day: an early morning light breakfast, a second breakfast (actually a small snack), a rich lunch in a siesta and late dinner. Curiously, but at home is not particularly accepted: everyone prefer to spend time in cafes and restaurants after work.

It is worth noting that the dishes served are very tasty. Even local olives are much tastier: fresh, large, juicy. Interesting fact: unique natural conditions Significantly prolong the life of olive trees. Here are even fruiting those that were planted in the 13th century!

In informative about Eldeada

To find out about Greece is interesting not only for adults, but also for children. Here are some facts that may interest:

This country is the genericant of many sciences, for example, mathematics, philosophy, medicine. BUT greek mythology Very interesting and informative.

Many words are borrowed from Greek. Here is an example: the word is colossal - this is the modified name of the colossus of the Rhodes, very high (303 meters) of the sculpture of God Helios.

Motherland Olympic Games And democracy is Allada too.

In schools after graduation school year Textbooks burned, learn accepted only on new textbooks.

Most teachers in schools are men, this is an honorary profession.

There is very interesting and numerous flora and fauna. And many wild animals, some of which can be found only on greek Islands (One of the types of Salamandr, Mountain Goat Cree Cree, Some Insects and Plants).

Only on the island of Rhodes you can observe the rarest phenomenon - butterflies of different species collected in one place as an incredible live collection. The place of their habitat is called - the valley of butterflies.

Many migratory birds are wintering on the islands.

Water in the seas is clean and transparent, you can watch the behavior of underwater inhabitants for hours.

It is better to enter marine water in special footwear For swimming, after all, a spiny sea hedgehog can be found near the shore. And during bathing, some fish can swim and pinch down. It does not hurt, but rather unexpectedly.

Total 10 facts about Greece, and how many interesting children are already told! Yes, and adults such knowledge will not interfere.

History is generally very interesting and I would like to give her more time. Therefore, in this article we will look at interesting facts about ancient Greece. So let's go!

1. All the well-known underground river Styx, on which he sent the souls of the dead in Aid. But it is interesting that in the 18th century in Perm one of the rivers was also named, or rather in honor of the Styx River. So decided to call it, because she separated the city from the cemetery.

2. The name of the stone "Amethyst" was invented in ancient Greece. This word meant "undiaming". In those days it was believed that if drinking wine from a vessel made from amethyst, it was impossible to be injured.

3. Another everyday word that has come from ancient Greece is the word "teacher". This word was translated as a "leading child." Thus called not teachers and educators, but slaves who assigned children of their masters to school and brought them back. Such slaves were generally no longer suitable for any work, but they differed in particularly loyalty to their home.

4. When we look at the films about ancient Greece, we often see sculptures and statues that are depicted by vague. But studies of scientists confirmed that in those days such sculptures were painted with different colors, giving realism, but after a lot of centuries under the influence of light and air, all sculptures were discolored and had already reached our days as we knew them.

5. In ancient Greece for storing grain, wine, oil, etc. used large clay vessels, which were called Pyphyos. Such vessels are mainly buried to the ground for storing products. It was in such a Pyphosa who lived a well-known ancient Greek philosophy Diogen, and not in a barrel as many think. The fact is that the Greeks did not know how to make barrels and they simply did not have, simply the wrong translation. By the way, "Pandora's Box" is also not really a box, but Pyphos.

6. The word "oligarch" also went from ancient Greece. So called very rich people who also took part in the management of one city or another. This word was translated as a "ruling minority."

7. The first ancient Greek consisted of only one discipline, namely running. By the way, on one of the Olympic Games, one of the participants of the race flew a loin bandage and he fled naked. As a result, he also ran first. After that, all the runners began to participate in naked games, as it began to be considered that participation in nude contributes to success.

8. Ancient Greece Motherland Theater. It was there that began to put the performances, the truth was all the two genres - satire (comedy) and drama (tragedy). But at that time only men could play in the theater. If a man played a beautiful woman, he put on a white mask, and if he played an ugly lady, he put on a yellow mask. But it is also interesting that the audience was also only men and the performances brought with me food, drink and even pillows, as the idea could go for a few hours.

There were not enough places on all viewers in the theater and people came to take places a few hours before the start of the performance. And it was not real to move to the toilet, since someone could sit on your place (I understood the ass "the ass - the place was lost" relevant today). Therefore, in the ranks there was a special person with long vessels.

9. In ancient Greece, there was already democracy and the appearance of people to elections was very high. And all due to the fact that they paid money for the appearance in elections. Here is such an incentive).

10. In ancient Greece, the national currency was drachma and she was replaced by euro only in 2002. Those. This currency lasted almost 3000 years and is considered the oldest currency in Europe.

11. Ancient Greece was not a single state. Each city had its own laws and army. By the way, these ancient Greek cities fought with each other. The largest city-state was always Athens.

State B. Southern Europe. Enters the European Union and NATO. The population is more than 11.3 million people., Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 131,957 km². It takes the 84th place in the world in terms of population and the 95th territory.

The country is located on the Balkan Peninsula and Numerous Islands. Washed by Aegean (including the Ikaria Sea) and the Thracian seas in the east, ionic in the West, in the south - the Mediterranean and Cretan seas. It has a land border with Albania in the North-West, Macedonia and Bulgaria in the north, with Turkey in the northeast.

G Region - the most interesting facts

Greece is one of beautiful countries In all over the world with a rich cultural and historical heritage.

Greece is a developed European country, its capital is the famous city of Athens. It takes about 132 thousand square meters. km. - One of the largest countries in the territory.

Greece marked the beginning of modern Western civilization. Conditionally divide the mainland into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia - invented the Greeks too.

It is noteworthy that it was the feminine start that provided so rapid growth And the prosperity of Cretan culture in the Mina Epoch. In those days, more than 4 thousand years ago, in Crete, the woman occupied a particularly high position that in the subsequent patriarchal century it was lost.

After World War II, Greece experienced a Greek economic miracle. GDP growth rates on average accounted for 7% between 1950 and 1973. Since then, Greece has taken a number of structural and financial reformsWhen you get significant financial support for the European Union. In 2001, Greece joined the eurozone.

Greek is one of the oldest among the currently currently (it is spoken for more than 4,000 years, and write - over 3000 years).

Greece is the birthplace of Western philosophy, literature, mathematics, theater, history and political science.

Greece - the country of the Sun, more than 250 days a year there is clear weather. This circumstance allows you to widely use solar batteries.

Among the birds, you can most often see wild ducks, winterwinds and partridges, as well as predators - owls, eagles and Korshunov.

The capital of Greece is the city of Athens, one of the oldest cities in the world and at the same time one of the youngest capitals in Europe - this city status acquired only in 1834 after the events of the Greek national liberation wars XIX. century. Currently, about 35% of the country's population lives in the capital, along with Piraeus there are about 4 million inhabitants.

Football is national sports Greece, and he scored the greatest popularity after the victory of the Greek national team at the 2004 European Championships.

The distance from any point of Greece to the sea coast does not exceed 137 kilometers.

Crete tirelessly developed trade and cultural ties with its neighbors: Cyclades of Islands, Mainland Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Syria. During this period, the level of development of life on the mainland has slowed down significantly from CRT. Cultural centers Then the city of Mycenae and Tirinf, located on the southern Peloponnese Peninsula, in many respects, and duplicate achievements of the Mina Crete.

The head of state is the president, who is elected by the Parliament for a period of 5 years. The Constitution entered the president with broad powers, putting on him the implementation of the executive. The President appoints the Prime Minister and on his recommendation appoints and recalls other members of the government.

The classic period of Greek philosophy is traditionally associated with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. In this epoch, the ancient Athens become the center of Greek philosophy. Socrates is the first to think over the human person, Plato founded the Academy and created a philosophy as a logical-ethical system, and Aristotle is a philosophy as a doctrine of the real world.

Greece - Carnival Country. These festivities are held every year from January to March.

The average life expectancy of ancient Greek women was 36 years old, and the average for men was 45 years old. Currently, the average life expectancy of women is 82 years and 77 years for men.

The origin of the Dorians still remains a mystery. But according to legend, they were descendants of Hercules.
This troubled period was one of the most difficult in the history of Greece. At first, after the invasion of the Dorian tribes, the country rose on the path of degradation, but soon gradually began to "gain momentum", synthesizing the remnants of the Mycena, Cretan, Ahasey, Asian and Dorian cultures, completely new civilization.
During this period, Greek is formed. It is at this time that the Great Homer creates his immortal poems, filling them with all the colors of their era.

Crete is the largest island of Greece. Center of Ancient Cretan Civilization. Near the island there are many small islets-satellites (chri, etc.). From the South Island is washed by the Libyan Sea.

Greek literature is divided into three periods: ancient Greek, Byzantine and new one.

In Greece, men should serve from 1 year to 18 months in any kind of armed forces. Government spends 6% of the annual gross internal product (GDP) to the army.

In 1980, Greece re-joined the NATO Military Union (in 1974 she came out of him in protest against the occupation of Northern Cyprus).

Greece belongs to more than 2 thousand islands, but people live only at 170 of them.

In the Civil War of 1946, the Communist Party of Greece was defeated. In 1949, the monarchy was restored in Greece, which was finally canceled on April 21, 1967, after the military coup "black colonels" supported by the United States of America. After the overthrow of the military junta in 1975, a new constitution was adopted, the previous prime minister Konstantinos Karamanlis returned to the country from Paris, and, according to the results of the nationwide referendum, the monarchy was abolished and Greece became the parliamentary republic.

In Greece, the world is most in the world of archaeological museums.

The first historian in the world is Herodotus - a writer who lived in 484-425 BC. He was the author of the first big historical book in the topic "Greco-Persian Wars". Herodotus is a man symbol of Greece.

Greek language is one of the oldest among modern languages \u200b\u200bof the world. They have been used for more than 4,000 years, and Greek writing has already been 3,000 years.

In the early 2000s, Greece was one of the leading investors in the economy of almost all of its Balkan neighbors. In 2006, the National Bank of Greece in 2006 acquired 46% of the shares of Turkish Finance and 99.44% of the Shares of Serbian Vojvođanska Bank.

Greece includes more than 2000 islands, from large (Crete, Eviea) to tiny (Patmos, Chri, Meisti). They account for about 20% of the entire Greek territory.

Greek nature is the most diverse among Europe.

Greece has the lowest amount of divorces in the European Union.

The highest point of Greece - Mount Olymp (2917 m). Almost 2000 meters are rising, Pindas, Parnas, Central Greece and Taigaets Mountain Chain.

Drachma as the oldest currency in Europe, the euro was replaced in 2002, the residents of Greece used drachma for 2650 years.

Greece as the Motherland of the Olympic Competition has the oldest sports traditions in the world. She is three times new story She took the Olympic Games of modernity: the first Olympics of 1896, the first extraordinary Olympic Games 1906 and in 2004 the next summer Olympic Games in Athens.

For the Greeks, a more important holiday than a birthday. Each Orthodox Sacred has a memory day, which people who bear the name of this saint receive gifts from friends and family and arrange big parties with an abundance of food, wines and dancing.

During every Olympic Games, the ancient Greeks sacrificed Zeus a hundred bulls.

The Greeks call their own Ellas (Hellas, Ellada) country, and its official name sounds like The Hellenic Republic. The name "Greece" is exactly called the country in the world, comes from the Latin word of GRAECIA, which was used by the Romans and which literally means "Greek Land".

The literature of the 20th century is represented by the talents of many writers and poets, including Andreas Calvos, Yannis Psychory, Alexandros Pallis, Angelos Sichelianos, Costa Palamas, Fairy Tale Penelope Delta, Yannis Ritzos, Alexandros Papadiamandis, Kostas Kariotakis, Kostas Varnalis.

A significant proportion of Greece's income comes from tourism; It is on it that, according to 2009, accounts for 15% of the country's GDP.

About 7% of the total marble produced in the world of Greece.

The flag of Greece is a rectangular cloth with horizontal isometric alternating five blue and four white stripes. An image of a straight cross white cross is placed in a shine. The width of the flag refers to its length as 2: 3. The modern flag was adopted on December 27, 1978.

John Capodistria became the first president of independent Greece. However, a monarchy was installed soon in Greece and was invited to the throne of a minor Otton Bavarian from the Vittelsbach dynasty. The uprising September 3, 1843 forced the king of Ottone to provide the Constitution and establish a representative National Assembly.

In Greece, it is customary to celebrate not his birthday, and the "Name Day" of the Holy, whose name wears Greek.

The largest group of national minorities make up the Turks. Albanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Armenians and Gypsies live in the country.

The cult and architectural and composite center of the ancient Greek city was Acropolis with a temple dedicated to the Divine - the patron of the city. The classically completed type of temple was the peripter. The brightest example is considered main church Athenian Acropolis - Parfenon.

Education in Greece is mandatory for all children aged 6 to 15 years. It includes the initial - 6 classes, and incomplete average - gymnasium, 3 classes, education.

There are almost no nursing homes in the country, the elderly parents live their age in their daughters. Young people before entering into marriage usually live with parents.

In the sphere of tourism, about 900 thousand people are employed, including in the field of Horeca - 6.9% of the total population, this is the third figure in the EU after Malta and Spain.

Greece received its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1830, after the National Liberation War of 1821-1829.

Greece continues to remain a country with the lowest level of suicide in the EU.

A national park is currently located around Olympus. It has more than a thousand species of plants and hundreds of different animals. Some of them dwell only here. Many tourists are sent to see the beauty of these places, and prefer to do it on foot - the path will take about two days.

16.5 million tourists arrive annually in Greece, while the country's population is only about 11 million people.

About 98% of the population professes Orthodoxy.

The Constitution of Greece recognizes Orthodoxy by the leading religion in the country, at the same time guaranteeing freedom of religion for all citizens.

In 2014, Greece adopted 22 million tourists.

John Argiris is a Greek mathematician and an engineer, one of the authors of the method of finite elements and the direct rigidity method.

Each learning day of Greek schoolchildren begins with prayer.

The kitchen of Greece can be called Mediterranean, and in something she is close to the kitchen of Italy and France, but has its own specifics. Historical facts Greece is stuck that there were two main types of kitchens - urban and rustic.

Rhodes Island was recognized best resort European tourists.

The few residents of several islands of the Aegean Sea, in their time owned by the Venice Republic, are Catholics.

The residents of Greece eat more cheese than anyone else on earth - about 2 kilograms per month. The most popular variety is definitely national pride - feta cheese.

Judaism exists in Greece for more than 2,000 years.

Crete - eighth through the territory in Europe (8259 km²).

In Frakia and on the island of Rhodes, in addition to Greeks, Turks-Muslims live (1.3%).

Greeks take care of the ecology of their country. There are no nuclear power plants throughout the territory, the wind and heat power plantsCoal. In the 2000s, a wide program was launched to reduce the number of emissions of harmful gas in the air from cars, as well as progress touched by water management. Therefore, despite its scale, the Greek Republic remains favorable in this regard to the state.

Greek law provides that 75% of the crew of the Greek vessel must be Greeks.

Source - Internet