How to draw snake snakes and pencil lizards. How to paint the snake (viper) how to draw a poisonous snake

How to draw snake snakes and pencil lizards. How to paint the snake (viper) how to draw a poisonous snake
How to draw snake snakes and pencil lizards. How to paint the snake (viper) how to draw a poisonous snake

Despite the seeming simplicity, drawing a snake puts in the dead end of the parents of kids. Children can not always draw a snake believable, so they ask for adults. So, let's gradually understand the process of drawing a snake.

How to draw a snake stepmate

Stage 1 - For a start, we draw the oval of the snake head. Then from the head down and right to carry the contour of the body in the form of a winding line.

The 2 stage - thickening the drawn "skeleton" of the body, two parallel lines, and, near the head, they must be wider, and it is smoothly dried in a tail, and draw the line of the top of the head.

3 Stage - Drawing of head parts. In the form of a point draw the nose, we depict your eyes, pupils that are located vertically. In the left part oval is drawing a split language. Decorate her body here are such a variety of stains.

4 Stage - Eraser We remove all the auxiliary lines, trying not to break the pattern, and we make the main outline.

5 Stage - Now you can start coloring the pattern.

There is nothing complicated in the lesson how to draw a snake in a phased pencil. Draw snakes quite easily. Of course, I can not know what angle you need a drawing of reptile, but in this method of drawing you can draw a snake in any perspective.

How to draw a snake stepmate

Let's start the lesson as draw a snake With the fact that in its structure, the snake is quite simple. The body is elongated without limbs, and that is why it is not difficult to draw snakes.

Take a simple labeling pencil with the letter "... in" (soft) and spend the wavy line that you see in the figure below. Dorisite oval to this line. It looks more like a computer mouse).

Next, circle this wavy line on both sides and connect with a snake head. Try so that the thickness of the body on both sides was the same. In the figure below, everything is well shown. At this stage, try the snake's head correctly.

Now take the eraser and remove the line that was the basis for drawing a snake's body. Draw your eye, reptile language. In the picture of the second eye is not visible, but mark it with a "hubby". Spend the mouth of the snake.

At this stage, you can finish the drawing. And you can still draw patterns on the body of the snake. You, of course, saw the snake not live, so in the photo. Surely paid attention to what beautiful patterns the nature of these reptiles was awarded. So dare, beautifully show off the snake!

Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, alligators and ... Dragons, they all have one common line - they are covered with natural armor. There are many types of scales, each type has a special pattern that performs the protective function and empowers power. Once you learn how to create such a pattern, you can draw realistic scales on any animal!

What you need

  • Pencil HB.
  • Pencil 2b.
  • Pencil 5b.
  • Pencil 8b.
  • Rule
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser (selectively)

Before you start, take a look at what we will draw. It is very important to draw things as they are in fact, and not as we think about them!

The scales of snakes and lizards are very similar in design, so I will show them next. Feel free to choose the one you like!

Step 1

First, draw the borders of the body, including the line in the center. For this purpose, use a HB pencil and a ruler, do not press too stylish on the pencil - later we should easily close them.

Step 2.

Draw the first scales upstairs. Its shape and the size will determine the rest of the pattern. Snakes are usually longer and smoother scales than lizards.

Step 3.

Take a ruler again, draw the line across the body, right under the scaly.

Step 4.

Divide the body to equal segments. You can use a ruler for measuring the height of the scales, if you want, but it is optional, just make sure that they look fairly equally.

Step 5.

Draw a curve across four segments.

Step 6.

Copy this curve along the whole body. Be careful - these curves should be the same form, otherwise, you will have a chaotic pattern of scales of various sizes.

Step 7.

Draw the same curve, only overtook ....

... and copy this curve again along the whole body. The pattern should appear!

Step 8.

Draw a series of scales, within the boundaries of the guide lines. Do not get on the trick: do not blast each rhombus in the pattern, and it is better to draw rounded scales inside it, which will leave the rhombus from above.

Step 9.

Depending on the type, the scales may have different forms. Some snakes have rounded and convex scales that narrow at the base. If scales are not very tight, then you can see this narrowing at the base. Lizards, on the other hand, scales often go with a keel, with "spikes" at the end.

Step 10.

Schek pattern ready! Before we proceed to shading, it will be good at the beginning to consider the color scheme. Dark colors are dispersed differently than bright. Pattern on the body of the snake usually repeats the scales pattern. The color lizards are often distributed throughout the body regardless of individual scales. Scales can also be individually painted.

Use a pencil HB.for the basics of bright colors, and a pencil 2b.for dark. Tilt pencil and freely draw a pencil.

Step 11.

Use the same pencils, press them a little stronger that the sides become darker, giving the texture a more rounded look.

Step 12.

Now staring individual scales, remembering their 3D shape. Take a look at the original image, if you have difficulty with imagination.

Step 13.

Take a pencil one step softer for each shade to create a higher contrast. Observe the light pattern.

Step 14.

Take a look at your drawing to decide what else to do. Do not rush - the last phase should go most of all!

It's no secret that snakes are very dangerous predators. Some are able to kill a person with their poison in a matter of minutes. In this article we will talk about how to draw a snake and analyze their most popular species.

Realistic example

The first example will be the most difficult, so if you want to know how to draw a snake in stages and simply, we recommend to skip it and flipped further. Well, for those who are not afraid of difficulties, we proceed.

Even the most complex drawing begins with something simple. At the first stage, we must portray the simplest sketch as in the picture below.

The second step will be the continuation of the body. The tip of the tail will ride up.

So, the scheme of our future drawing is ready. Now it's time to do with detailing. Let's start with the head, draw your eyes, nostrils and the top of the grazing.

Add sharp teeth and the bottom of the grazing. The head is ready and can now go to the rest of the body.

The body of the snake is simply drawn enough, but due to the fact that it is strongly bent with you may have difficulties in drawing. In fact, three lines are drawn: the central then erases, and the side remains.

We carry out the line to the bottom.

Complete the body and the tail of our anaconda as in the pictures below.

We wash all auxiliary lines and get ready-made drawing.

If you do not want to dwell on the achieved, you can go even further, namely putting a light of a light. Since our pet has essentially the shape of the pipe, then it is not difficult to impose a light of it, as opposed to some bear.

Simplified method of drawing

Compared to the previous way, this method is much easier and will easily be able to master newcomers. Prepare pencils, for now you will learn how to draw a snake pencil.

In contrast to the previous example, this one consists of only four stages. Nevertheless, they have the same start, draw the scheme.

We depict your head with an open hood and work on the torso. If something is incomprehensible to you, then you can view the video tutorial at the end of this paragraph, in which this snake will be lived.

We refirm the body and tail.

And in conclusion we put the light and draw the scaly.

Snake for children

And in this example, we will look at how to draw a snake for children of any age.

Let's start with my head. Draw it as in the picture below.

Detailing it, that is, add such small details as eyes, nostrils and a long tongue.

Now draw a smooth, wavy and long body.

Draw her scaly.

It's time to paint. It is not necessary to choose the standard green color. In nature, a huge number of creatures and all of them have a variety of amazing colors. You can choose yellow, red, blue or any other color.


Cobra has a special distinctive feature - a hood, which she opens up protection or attack. Now you will learn how to draw Cobra and make a steep focus on her hood.

Let's start with the top of the head and draw narrow eyes, which will give our character a hostile appearance.

Dorisus the mouth, from which there will be two sharp teeth and a long tongue.

Draw a hood. This stage is very, very complicated for beginners, as the snake is in the half turn. Hence the prospect, which means that you must take care that the neighbor part of the hood seemed more than the long-distance. We recommend that you work out and explore the peculiarities of the perspective.

This time we will not bother with complex weavers of the body, as it was in the first two examples. The body of our snake will just go wave.

We supply all the lines with a marker and erase with a pencil sketch of an eraser.

Now take colored markers or pencils and paint the resulting picture. If you don't like black and red colors, then you can paint your cobra into any shades you like.


Pythons are no less dangerous than anaconda or cobra. They are able to compress their prey, break her all the bones and slowly eat it. If the previous snakes had enough active postures, then in this case we will learn to draw python, which curled into the circle.

Draw two oval, one will be small, and the other is big.

Detailing our ovals. Draw a head, neck and tip of the tail.

We are modifying our snake torso. Try to draw neat and smooth lines, then your drawing will be as beautiful as possible.

Now we depict the scales and patterns. Patterns can be rather chaotic, have different shapes and sizes.

The final step will be painting the patterns of our snake.

Many people have a snake causes fear. Perhaps because snakes of poisonous, or simply from them the hidden aggression and deceit. However, the snake is an ordinary animal from the family of reptiles using their poison, as a rule, for self-defense. In addition, there are also unmarried snakes (s).

How to draw a snake to similarity to be unconditional? The snake has almost no skeleton, which is why it is very plastic. This quality must be shown in the picture. In the contour of the snake a little complicated details, so it is not possible to draw it. At the same time, the drawing should take a look. To do this, we need to transfer the threatening type of snake, which is open to the mouth, and fangs are naked. For the simplicity of actions, let's try to draw a snake pencil.

We begin to paint the cobra

For the image, choose one of the most famous snakes - Cobra. This snake at the time of the attack sacrifice lifts the top of the body, making a jump. This moment and you need to portray. For a start, draw a circle of snake head. Then from the head down the contour of the animal body in the form of a folded "rope".

Now adding two parallel lines on the skeleton skeleton. They must defend the main circuit on both sides by the magnitude of a small uniform retreat. Where the tail is narrowed, you can limit the same line.

You can erase unnecessary lines in the "skeleton". Correct the proportions of the body and move to the head, more precisely to the mouth. We draw two elongated rectangles that are at an angle to each other. Then you need to more accurately designate the shape of rectangles, as can be seen in the figure.

Now add the remaining details into the mouth of the snakes: nostrils, eyes and four fang threatening.

Here we distracted a little from our particular cobra and try to draw separate snake's head in all its glory, with a disclosed mouth.

First draw the shape of the shape of the serpentine head.

Now on this template I pay out the shape of the head: the upper part, lower, jaws. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the jaws in the snake have a little elongated shape.

The snake is endowed with very expressive eyes: predatory, cold, ruthless. She is not ashamed to swallow an innocent bunny or another animal. This is necessary to display in the picture. For this purpose we specify the edges of the eyeball and we indicate the gaps of the pupil. Now around the edge of the mouth will circuit, and curved lines for the language are added to the mouth. Then we will more specifically work on the tongue and add small parts into your mouth. Draw an elongated neck.

Under the end, we remove unnecessary lines with an eraser and once again we carefully circle the contours of the snake head.

Now it is clear how to draw your head in all the details.

Let's go back to our cob. Snake skins resembles a little fish. But she has other scales, similar only in shape. Most of the whole scales of snake skins are like a mosaic collected from pieces of various colors and sizes. Drawing a snake skin, you need to remember that the belly of the rest of the other parts.

In complete in some places of the Snake Body, you need to add shadows. If the drawing is assumed to be color, then the shadows are not needed. After all, in the nature of Cobra, like any other snake, has a rather unusual and bright color, which the pencil cannot pass. That's what happened.

Thus, the snake is not difficult to draw a pencil. If you follow all the instructions and attract your own fantasy and knowledge, the drawing may turn out to be beautiful and quite realistic.