Eternal Rome. About historical monuments and urban areas

Eternal Rome. About historical monuments and urban areas
Eternal Rome. About historical monuments and urban areas

Rome is the heart of Italy. It is undoubtedly the most popular in the tourist plan by the Italian city, can be compared with whom Milan can. In this summary, the main attractions of Rome are collected.

In crowded monuments of the antiques and the Christian faith, the city is difficult to decide where to start a tour. You can make your own route, but there are certain places included in the list of the most prominent landmarks of Italy and all of Europe, such as the Colosseum and Pantheon. Try to explore Rome in such a way as not to attend too many ancient monuments or churches in a row. Alternate these sights of Rome with some other places - the Spanish staircase, or a fountain of Trevi. Rome is so big that it can easily squeeze all the juices from you, so try not to hurry, periodically rest in a cafe, or in parks.

Roman Colosseum and Arch Constantine

The most significant and most "prominent" attraction of Rome is, of course, the Colosseum is hard not to notice such a commodine. Colosseum and Arch Constantine. The largest of the Roman facilities preserved to this day, the Colosseum is still an excellent model for sports arena - modern projects of football stadiums are clearly followed by this oval Roman plan. The construction was started by Vespasian in 72, and his son Tit was added by the Fourth Level Coliseum. Opening took place in the 80th series of magnificent games. The Colosseum was quite large for theatrical ideas, festivals, circus numbers or games, followed by high-ranking faces from the lowest level, aristocratic Roman families from the second, and the population from the third and fourth. Near the Colosseum is located Arch Constantine - a triumphal arch, installed by the Senate in honor of the emperor, as the "liberator of the city and a messenger of the world" after his victory in the battle of 312 years.

Roman forum

Not far from the Colosseum are the ruins of the Roman Forum, carefully protected by the state. The Roman Forum in the midst of the pulsating modern city allows you to plunge into the history of ancient Rome, for several millennia ago. Once upon a time the forum was the center of Roman life and the government, while maintaining only a small part of its original shine to this day. Nevertheless, his columns and arches still impress, especially if you imagine that for many centuries, the history of the forum was the history of the Roman Empire and Western world. Roman political and religious life was entirely concentrated here, along with courts, markets and places of collecting local residents. After the seventh century, the buildings turned into ruins, and the stones were used to build other buildings. Only during the excavations in the 18th and 19th centuries under the 10-meter level of rubble and land were discovered ancient buildings. It was possible to partially restore the Temple of Antonina Fiya, the Temple of Dioskur Castor and Pollux, the Temple of Saturn, the Triumphal Arch Septimia of the North, the Arch of Tita and the Vesta Temple.


One of the most memorable attractions of Rome is Pantheon, annually visited by millions of tourists. This building is easy to learn from space, because in the center of his dome gambs a huge hole. This is the best preserved monument to Roman antiquity, an amazingly intact during 2000 years of its history. Pantheon retained his greatness Despite the fact that Pope Roman George III removed the gold-plated bronze mosaics from the roof, and Pope Urban VIII dismantled the bronze roof, remembering it to the gun for the Castle of St. Angel.

Pantheon was restored after a fire of 80 with a unique masonry confirming the extremely high technical skill of Roman builders. His 43-meter dome is the highest achievement of the Roman architecture, as if he is soaring in the air without any visible support. The nine-meter central span is the only source of light in the building. The harmonious effect of the inside is the result of the ideal proportions of the Pantheon: its height coincides with the diameter. Despite the fact that the first Christian emperors banned the use of this pagan church for religion, in 609, Pope of Roman Bonifacea IV dedicated him to all Christian martyrs, and since then Pantheon became the burial site of the Italian kings and other famous Italians, including the painter of Rafael.

Castle of the Holy Angel

Another amazing Roman building striking the unusualness of his forms is the castle of the Holy Angel.


It is impossible to go around the attention and symbol of the unification of Italy - Vittoriano, called for its appearance "typewriter". An impressive memorial in honor of the first king is a magnificent monument, monumental construction and one of the most impressive Roman attractions. Viktor Emmanuel II National Monument was created between 1885 and 1911 to honor the success of the national liberation movement of the risorgemento and the achievement of Italian independence in 1870. This is a huge construction of 135 meters long and 130 meters wide rise by 70 meters. Near Vittoriano, the Altar of the Fatherland and the Grave of the Unknown Soldier. In the eastern part of the monument is the Renaiss Museum dedicated to the Italian motion for independence.

Piazza Navona

Walking around Rome, it is impossible not to get into the two main squares of this city - decorated with fountains Piazza Navona and the round Piazza del Popolo, from which you can get into a huge park called Villa Borghese. These are those places that you should be visited in Rome. One of the most characteristic baroque areas of Rome, Piazza Navona still retains the remains of the Roman stadium created here by the emperor Domitsian. This place was used for festivals and races during the Middle Ages, and was restored in Baroque Baroque style. He designed a magnificent series of palaces and the church of Sant Anise-In-Agone on the western side of Navona, which became the prototype of many other churches in Italy.

In San Sant Anise, the remains of the Roman mosaic floor are preserved. Despite the fact that Borrurini developed the Square itself and the surrounding facades, it was his main opponent Bernini created the central attraction of Navona - a beautiful baroque fountain Fiumi. A powerful fountain represents four rivers of different continents - Neil, Gang, Danube and La fee. Two other Piazza Navona Fountain - Del Moro of the 16th century before the Pamphil Palace and Neptune Fountain of the 19th century. Today, the area is constantly filled with the Romans, tourists, street artists, souvenir kiosks, cafe, and during December there is one of the best Christmas bazaars of Rome. Between the area and Pantheon there is a Church of San Luigi Di Franch with three main masterpieces of Caravaggio.

San Giovanni in Latherso

Also, the well-known Roman Basilica of San Giovanni in Lathersan, which is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. As it should be expected from the Episcopal Church of the Pope, San Joanni in Latherso - one of the most impressive churches of Rome. After the ages of the changes, it still retains its original form of the times of Constantine Great. The facade of the church is an excellent example of a baroque period, along with mosaics in apse and a beautiful wooden ceiling of the 16th century. The octagonal Baptistery San Jryani Font has become a model for later structures throughout Europe. In Latherso - the oldest Christian Baptistery in the world. In the church, Santa's cliff on the other side of the square is the holy staircase with 28 steps, which were moved to Rome in the fourth century from Pilate Pilate in Jerusalem.

Trevi Fountain

Although I do not argue with the fact that the invisite symbol of Rome is the Colosseum, for me the most amazing and beautiful place of this ancient city is the Trevi Fountain. One of the most popular attractions of Rome, this 17th-century masterpiece was immortalized in films and novels. A cast of coins in the Trevi Fountain is a tradition guaranteing re-visiting the city. Initially, an aqueduct delivering water to the baths Mark Agryptova, the great patron of the arts of the first century to AD was created in this place. The biggest fountain of Rome was built Nikolo Salvi for the Pope of the Roman Clement XII between 1732 and 1751. Trevi is crowned with the statue of the maritime god Neptune riding horses. Water descends along numerous statues, shapes and artificial rocks, and is going in a large pool, always filled with coins.

Spanish staircase

At the foot of the Spanish stairs also installed an interesting fountain - Barkachcia Fountain. Oddly enough, the construction of the Spanish staircase was funded by the French ambassador, and she leads to the French church of Trinit di Monti. The staircase, however, takes his name from Spain Square in one of the quarters of Rome. Oval Fountain of Barcaccia at the foot of the stairs was created by Pietro Bernini, the son of the great architect of the Baroque Lorenzo Bernini era. The church of Trinit Di Monti, built Louis XII in 1502, still retains some original gothic arches, and to the southwest of Spain's Square, the most fashionable trade street of Rome is leading. Her famous Caffe Greco is famous for famous artists, writers and musicians who often visited it.

Attractions Rome and Vatican

The Vatican is the smallest independent state in the world with a region of less than half a square kilometer. Behind the Vatican Walls there are palaces and gardens, the Cathedral and Saint Peter's Square. This area is managed by Pope, the Supreme Head of the Roman Catholic Church. The compact space of the Vatican is a huge tourist interest, with numerous museums and the largest basil. In the Cathedral of St. Peter there are masterpieces of Michelangelo, Pieta, sculptures and Altari Bernini and many other values. The main attraction of the Vatican - Sicastinskaya Capella, the magnificent ceiling of which is decorated with frescoes - the most famous work of Michelangelo. It is worth paying attention to the rooms of Rafael, the Chamber of Borgia, the Vatican Library and many museums, including the art gallery, a museum of secular art, Etruscan Museum and others. Their collections are covered by everything from ancient times to the art of the 20th century with a reflection of important religious topics.

Catacombs and appiyev road

The catacombs of San Callisto and San Sebastiano along the Appia Road are striking with their sizes and complex multi-level networks of passages and tunnels. By Earth there are six sacred chapels created between 290 and 310 years from the pagan and early Christian wall painting. San Sebastiano is one of the seven pilgrimage churches of Rome, created in the fourth century on the site of old cemeteries and catacombs. Domitel's catacombs are the largest in Rome, with 15 kilometers of underground passages and underground basilica. More than 80 tomb and the fresco of the second century "last dinner" have been preserved here. Appeiyeva Road is one of the oldest and most important Roman highways. It was built approximately 300 BC and expanded to Brindisi's port in about 190 BC. In parallel with the road, you can see the ruins of aqueducts that delivered water to the city. Among the cypresses on both sides of the road there are residues of graves belonging to the aristocratic Roman families. The most prominent of them is the grave of Cecilia Metella and her husband.

Terms diocletiana

Diocletian's terms were so huge that to this day there are two preserved churches, part of the Cartesian monastery and the largest museum. Michelangelo used extensive tepidarium (hot baths) as a basis for his church of Santa Maria del Angeli and the National Museum of Rome. Here are kept the most valuable treasures of antiquities: Greek and Roman sculptures, pre-Christian and later sarcophages, beautiful mosaic and frescoes. The church of the 16th century San Bernardo Alla Terme was created in the Rotunde at the corner of the Diocletian Term. Her dome is like a dome of the Pantheon, but twice as smaller.

Palatinsky hill

A strategically located over the Tiber Palatinsky Hill is proof of the early settlement of Rome. Archaeological finds in front of the Kibel temple prove the human activity already in the ninth century BC After several centuries, the hill was chosen by emperors and great aristocratic families for their palaces. Farnesian gardens were created in the 16th century for Cardinal Alessandro Farnes with many terraces, pavilions, lawns, flower, trees and fountains. Special decoration of the Palatinsky Hill is the Chamber of Libya, a semi-oiled cryptoportic, Flavia Domus, Agustan Domus and the most impressive bath septimia of the North. The Palatinsky Hill is a great place to study the sights of Rome, a combining park with magnificent Ancient Roman ruins.

Forum Trajana

The largest and best preserved Forum of the Roman Empire, the Emperor Tracyan forum was created at the beginning of the second century and included an impressive complex of buildings and monuments: the temple, basil, the series of markets and three monuments in honor of the emperor. During the Middle Ages in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forum, new buildings were built, including the Militia Tower, Santa Maria Di Loreto Church and Santissimo Di Maria. Modern streets were also laid. The ruins of Ulpyia Basilica are located at the Far End of the Thracian Forum, with a Hall with dimensions of 130 by 125 meters and two libraries. Between the libraries, a magnificent monument to the scattering of Roman sculptors is preserved - a victorious pillar of 38 meters high, created from marble from the Greek Island of Paros. It is covered with a spiral border of 200 meters long, with more than 2,500 scenes of Trank wars, paintings by fighting soldiers, jumping horses and Roman military equipment. The gold urn with the ashes of Emperor Trajan, in which the Roman Empire reached its highest development point. Impressive walls made of red bricks and rows of semicircular indoor markets rise behind the forum on the slopes of the protrusion of Quirinale.

Terms of Caracalla

Terms and Baths have always held a special place among the attractions of Rome. Built in 216 the terms of Karakalla, were something much more than just public baths. They were a full-fledged sports center, with hot and cold baths, swimming pool, dry and steam saunas, gymnastics hall, social facilities, gardens, libraries, hairdressers and shops. A large and impressive structure covered the area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters, a complex of giant halls whose domes were supported by huge columns. The terms could accommodate up to 1,500 people at a time. Their floors and walls were covered with marble, mosaic and frescoes.

One of the most ancient world civilizations is the Sacred Roman Empire - gave humanity the greatest culture, which included not only the richest literary heritage, but also a stone chronicle. For a long time there is no people who inhabited this power, but thanks to the preserved architectural monuments, you can recreate the lifestyle lifestyle. April 21, on the day of the founding of the city on seven hills, I suggest look at 10 sights of ancient Rome.

Roman forum

The area located in the valley between Palatin and Velia from the south side, the Capitol with Western, Esquilin and the slopes of the Quinala and the Vimentary, the Dorim period was a wetland. Until the middle of the 6th century BC e. This territory was used for burials, and settlements were located on nearby hills. The place was dying during the reign of the king Tarquicia of the ancient, who stopped him in the center of the political, religious and cultural life of citizens. It was here that the famous truce between the Romans and Sabines occurred, the elections took place in the Senate, and the judges were held and worships were committed.

From the West to the East through the entire Roman Forum, the sacred road of the Empire - Via Appia, or Appia Road, along which there are many monuments of both ancient and medieval times. At the Roman Forum are the Temple of Saturn, the temple of Vespasian and the Vesta Temple.

The temple in honor of God Saturn was erected around 489 BC, symbolized victory over the Etruscian kings from the genus Tarquines. Several times he died during fires, but revived. The inscription on the frieze confirms that the "Senate and the people of Rome destroyed by fire restored." It was a majestic building, which decorated the statue of Saturn, it included the premises of the state treasury, Erairies, where documents on state income and debts were kept. However, only a few columns of an ionic order came to this day.

The construction of the temple of Vespasian began by the decision of the Senate in 79 N. e. After the death of the emperor. This holy building was dedicated to Flaviam: Vespasian and his son tit. It was 33 m length, and in the width he stretched 22 m. To this day, three 15-meter columns of the Corinthian order reached.

The temple of Vesta is dedicated to the goddess of a homemade focus and in ancient times connected with the house of Vestnok. In the interior was constantly supported by the sacred fire. Initially, he was guarded by the daughter of the king, then they were replaced by the priests-Vestniki, who also conducted worship in honor of Vesta. This temple was a cache with the symbols of the Empire. The building was a rounded form, the territory of which the 20 Corinthian columns focused. Despite the fact that there was a way out in the roof, fires often arose in the temple. He was saved several times, reconstructed, but in the 394th emperor Feodosius ordered to close it. Gradually, the building is windy and declined.

Column Trachana

Monument of the ancient Roman architecture, erected in 113 AD. Architect Apollodor Damasci in honor of the victories of Emperor Trajan over Daki. The marble column, hollow inside, rises above the ground by 38 m. In the "body" of the structure there is a spiral staircase with 185 steps leading to the sightseeing site to the capitals.

The barrel of the column is 23 times with a spiral of a ribbon of 190 m long with reliefs depicting the episodes of the war of Rome and Dakia. Initially, the monument walked an eagle, later - the statue of Trajan. And in the Middle Ages, the column began to decorate the statue of the Apostle Peter. At the base of the column there is a door leading to the hall where gold urns were placed with the ashes of Trianta and his wife Pompeii Dam. The relief tells about the two Wars of Trachan with Daks, and the period 101-102. AD Separated from the battles of 105-106, the figure of the winned Victoria, writing on a shield surrounded by trophies, the name of the winner. It also depicts the movement of the Romans, the construction of fortifications, crossing the rivers, battle, the details of the weapons, armor of both troops are drawn in very detailed. A total of about 2,500 human figures on a 40-ton column. Traian appears on it 59 times. In addition to the victory in the relief there are other allegorical figures: Danube in the form of a majestic elder, night - a woman with a closed bedspread face, and more ..


The temple of all the gods was built in 126 by N. e. Under the emperor Adrian on the site of the previous Pantheon, erected in two centuries before the bracket of Vipsania Agrippa. Latin inscription on the frontman says: "M. AGRIPPA L F COS TERTIUM FECIT "-" Mark Agrippa, Son Luce, elected by the consul for the third time, erect it. " Located on Piazza-della Rotonda Square. Pantheon is distinguished by the classic clarity and integrity of the composition of the inner space, the magty of the artistic image. Lained exterior decorations of a cylindrical shape building crowds dome covered by negligent carvings. The height from the floor to the hole in the vaults exactly corresponds to the diameter of the base of the dome, presenting an amazing proportionality. The weight of the dome is distributed over eight sections that make up the wall monolith, between which niches are located that give the massive building a sensation of airiness. Thanks to the illusion of open space, it seems that the walls are not so thick, and the dome is much easier than in reality. The round hole in the arch of the temple skips the light, illuminating the rich finish of the inner space. Before this day everything came to almost unchanged.


One of the most significant structures of ancient Rome. A huge amphitheater was built for eight years. He was an oval building, on the perimeter of the Arena of which were located 80 large arches, are smaller on them. The arena surrounds the wall in 3 tiers, and the total number of large and small arches was 240. Each tier decorated columns made in different styles. The first - doric order, the second - in the ionic, and the third - Corinthian. In addition, sculptures performed by the best Roman masters were installed on the first two tiers.

The amphitheater building included galleries intended for the recreation of spectators, there were cryptic merchants in the same way. Outside, the Colosseum was decorated with marble, on its perimeter there were beautiful statues. The room was conducted by 64 entrances, which were located from different aspects of the amphitheater.

Below were privileged places for the noble venoms of Rome and the throne of the emperor. Paul Arena, where not only gladiatorial battles occurred, but also the real sea battles, was wooden.

Nowadays, the Colosseum has lost two thirds of its original mass, but today he is a majestic structure, being a symbol of Rome. No wonder the saying says: "While the Colosseum stands, it will stand and Rome, the disappearance of the Colosseum - Rome will disappear and with him the whole world."

Triumphal Arch Tita

A single-span marble arch, located on the road Via Sacra, was built after the death of the emperor of Tita in honor of the capture of Jerusalem in the 81st G. N.E. Its height is 15.4 m, the width is 13.5 m, the depth of the span is 4.75 m, the width of the span - 5.33 m. The arch is decorated with half-colonnes of a composite order, four figures of Victoria, the bas-reliefs depicting the title controlling quadriga, winning Procession with trophies, among which the main shrine of the Jewish temple - Menorah.

Terms of Caracalla

The terms were built at the beginning of the III century AD. With the brand of Aureli on the nicknamed Karakalla. The luxurious building was intended not only for the wetting process, but also for a variety of leisure, which included both sports and intellectual. In the "Ban Corps" led four entrances; Through two centrals included in the covered halls. On both parties there were rooms for meetings, recitations, etc. Among the many all sorts of premises that were on the right and left of the rooms were washed, two large open symmetrical, surrounded by three sides of the head of the courtyard, whose floors were decorated with a famous mosaic with athletes. The emperors not only faced the walls of marble, covered the floors with mosaics and put magnificent columns: they systematically collected articles of art here. In the terms of Caracalla, there was no time for the Farnese bull, the statues of Flora and Hercules, torso Apollo Belvederersky.

The visitor found here and the club, and the stadium, and the garden of the rest, and the House of Culture. Everyone could choose what was to taste him: Some, washing out, sat down to chat with friends, went to look at the struggle and gymnastic exercises, could themselves themselves; Others wandered in the park, admired statues, were sitting in the library. People went with the reserve of new forces, rested and updated not only physically, but also morally. Despite such a gift, fate, the thermows were destroyed.

Temples Portuna and Hercules

These temples are located on the left bank of the tiber on another ancient city forum - bull. In early republican times, vessels moored here and walked in cattle, hence the name.

Portuna Temple is built in honor of god ports. The building has a rectangular shape decorated with columns of an ionic order. The temple has been well preserved, as about 872 years old. It was turned into the Christian Church of Santa Maria-In-Great, in the V century, consecrated to the Church of Santa Maria-Egizian.

The church of Hercules has a monoprat design - a round building without inner partitions. The structure dates back to the second century BC. The temple has a diameter of 14.8 m, decorated with twelve Corinthian columns with a height of 10.6 m. The design is based on the foundation from the tuff. Earlier, the temple had an architecture and a roof that were not preserved to our times. In 1132, N.E. The temple has become a place of Christian worship. Initially, the church was called Santo Stefano al-Caroz. In the XVII century, the newly sanctified temple became called Santa Maria del Sol.

Marso Field

"Marso Field" - so called part of Rome, located on the left bank of the Tiber, originally intended for military and gymnastic exercises. In the center of the field there was an altar in honor of the war of war. This part of the field remained and subsequently free, while the rest of the parts were built up.

Mausoleum Adriana

The architectural monument was conceived as the tomb of the emperor and his family. The mausoleum was a square base (the length of the parties is 84 m), in which the cylinder was installed (diameter - 64 m, the height of about 20 m), topped with a bulk hill, whose vertex was decorated with a sculptural composition: the emperor in the form of the Sun controlling the Svadriga. Subsequently, this gigantic structure has become used in military and strategic purposes. The century was modified by its initial appearance. The structure has acquired an angel courtyard, medieval halls, including the junior hall, apartments of Pope, Prison, Library, Treasure Hall and secret archive. From the terrace of the castle, over which the figure of the angel rises, offers a magnificent view of the city.


The catacombs of Rome are a network of antique buildings used as a place of burials, for the most part during early Christianity. In total, Rome has more than 60 different catacombs (150-170 km long, about 750,000 burials), most of which are located underground along the appieiye road. The labyrinths of underground strokes, by one version, originated on the site of the ancient Kamenolomen, on the other, were formed in private land. In the Middle Ages, the custom to bury in the catacombs disappeared, and they remained as evidence of the culture of ancient Rome.

The culture of ancient Rome existed more than 12 centuries and had its own unique values. In the art of ancient Rome, the worship of the gods, love for the Fatherland, was chanting, a soldier's honor. About ancient Rome has prepared many reports in which his achievements are described.

Culture of ancient Rome

Scientists share the history of ancient Roman culture for three periods:

  • Tsarsky (8-6 centuries BC)
  • Republican (6-1 centuries. Up to BUT.E.)
  • Imperial (1 c. BC - 5 V.N.)

The royal is considered a primitive period in terms of cultural development, however, it was then that the Romans appeared his alphabet.

The artistic culture of the Romans was similar to Hulling, but had its own characteristic features. For example, the sculpture of ancient Rome acquired emotions. On the faces of the characters, Roman sculptors began to transmit the state of the soul. Especially numerous were the sculptures of contemporaries - Caesar, Crassa, various gods, ordinary citizens.

In the days of ancient Rome, for the first time such a literary concept appears as Roman. Among the poets that composed comedies, Lucilius was the most famous, which is the author of poems on household topics. His favorite theme was to make rise to the obsession of achieving various wealth.

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Romans Libyan Andronik, who worked as an actor tragedy, knew Greek. He managed to translate the "Odyssey" of Homer to Latin. Probably, impressed by the work, Vergil will soon write its "aneid" about the Trojan of Ether, which has become the distant ancestor of all Romans.

Fig. 1. Abduction of Sabinets.

Of unusual development has reached philosophy. The following philosophical flows were formed: Roman stoicism, whose task was to achieve spiritual and moral ideals, and neoplatonism, whose essence was the development of the High spiritual point of the human soul and the achievement of ecstasy.

In Rome, an antique scientist Ptolem was created by a geocentric system of the world. He also owns numerous work on mathematics and geography.

The music of ancient Rome copied Greek. Musicians, actors and sculptors were invited from Eldlands. ODY Horace and Ovid used popularity. Over time, musical ideas have acquired a spectacular character, accompanied by theatrical ideas or gladiator battles.

The letter of the Roman poet of the Marziala, in which he claims that if he becomes a music teacher, then there is a comfortable old age. This suggests that the musicians enjoyed in great demand in Rome.

Fine art in Rome was utilitarian. It seemed to be the Romans as a way to fill and organize a living space. It, as well as architecture, was performed in the form of monumentality and greatness.

Summing up, we note that the Roman culture can be considered the successor of Greek, however, the Romans brought a lot and refined in it. In other words, the student surpassed the teacher.

Fig. 2. Construction of the Roman Road.

In architecture, the Romans built their buildings for the century. The terms of Karakalla are a vivid example of giantism in construction. Architects used such techniques as the use of a palist, peristyle, gardens. Baths were supplied with complex technical equipment.

Majestic Roman buildings can be considered roads that are used to this day, the famous defensive shafts of Trajan and Adriana, aqueducts and, of course, Amphitheater Flaviev (Colosseum).

Fig. 3. Colosseum.

What did we know?

In summary of the culture of ancient Rome, we note that created with the militarist and majestic orientation, created for the century, laid the foundation of the entire future European culture, she put his imprint on the development of civilization and caused admiration for the descendants.

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Ancient Rome is an antique state that existed the 12th centuries and left a huge cultural heritage. The breakdown and the completion of the ancient period is connected with Rome. Passing the way from a small town to a huge empire, Rome was able to become a cradle of modern European civilization.

1. The period of the kings (VIII - VI century BC)

According to the testimony of Warre Rome arose on the banks of the Tiber River in 753 BC. The myth of the brothers Rememe and Romule, fidgeted by the Wolf and the founded Great City, is widely known.

Rome inhabited Latinians, Sabinians, Etruscans and other nations. The descendants of the founders of the city called themselves patricians. Plebeans called immigrants from other places.

During this period, Rome ruled the kings: Romulus, Numa Pubrugi, Tull Guests, Ank of Marcions, Tarquinia Ancient, servi Tully, Tarquiniya proud.

The king was elected by the people. He led the army, was considered the main priest and peak the court. The king shared the power with the Senate, where there was a 100 elders of the genus of Patrices.

In Roman society, the basis was a genus. Later he was replaced by the family. The head of the family had continued authority and absolute power over its members.

In the royal period, the religion of the ancient Romans was anomistical. Everything around was filled with different entities and deities, which should be sacrificed and worship.

Under the influence of the Etruscan and Greek religion, the Romans began to form his pantheon of the gods, which were attached by human traits. Vera Romans demanded the most accurate observance of numerous rituals. Hence the development of the institution of priesthood followed. Priests in ancient Rome chose the people. There were so many of them that they formed their colleges.

Applied art during this period still retained Etruscan and Greek influence. Red or black ceramics had an intricate complex shape in the form of people, animals or plants. To decorate the products of the wizard, as well as the Greeks, used geometric patterns.

Painting for the most part was decorative. Walls of houses and tombs described bright frescoes with household and religious scenes. Images of battle scenes, flora and fauna, mythical beings were widely used.

Sculptures were mostly manufactured in small forms of bronze, wood, stone, ivory. The masters were just beginning to portray human figures, so they are cut out simplistic. But the artists tried to convey the realism of the pictures. This is especially noticeable in tombstones. Relief sculptural images were used in the subjects of everyday life (jugs, chests, caskets, weapons, etc.).

During this period, the protective wall around Rome was expanded and strengthened. An aqueduct was erected to the city. The buildings were made laconic, but durable, the decor paid little attention. In 509 BC On the Capitol Hill was erected by the Temple of Jupiter. His architecture combined the elements of Etruscan and Greek cultures. The development of the forum has begun - a popular place in Rome. There was a market here, solemn and religious ceremonies were held, the election of officials, the court over criminals.

Until the VI century BC. Mainly used oral creativity: songs, fairy tales, myths. Then the Romans began to record the legends about the deities and heroes, ritual songs and texts. Many stories adopted in the Greeks and were transferred to Roman realities.

During this period, Roman culture began to form. She carried a lot of borrowing from other peoples, mainly Etruscans and Greeks. But at the same time, the originality of the Romans and their own worldview was already manifested.

2. Republic (VI - I century BC)

2.1 The period of the early republic (VI - III century BC)

The last king of Tarquinius proud was tyrant and was overthrown. In 510 BC. The Republic formed in Rome. She ruled two consuls, whom elected every year. A little later, there was a dictator who had extreme authority. He was appointed for 6 months by consuls by decision of the Senate at the moments when Rome threatened the danger.

During this period, there were many wars in Rome. The company was broken by internal contradictions. As a result of a conquest policy, Rome manages to establish domination on the apentes.

In the middle of V c. BC. The laws of 12 tables are accepted. For a long time, they become the first written source of Roman law and regulate property, family, hereditary relations.

In the 4th century BC Monetary relations came in return for natural - the first copper coins were included in the appeal.

To iv c. BC. The influence of Etruscans is weakening, original Roman products appear in ceramics and bronze. However, in the V century BC. Some decline of crafts occurred compared to the royal period.

As for the architecture, here the influence of the Etruscans is still strong. Romans were erected by wooden temples with terracotta sculptures and wall paintings. The dwellings were built without special excesses, copying Etruscan houses with an atri (internal courtyard with a shallow pool for collecting rainwater).

Folk creativity was represented by songs (wedding, magical, triumphal, heroic).

In writing, Etruscane letters are replaced by Greek, the further formation of the Latin alphabet occurs.

In 304 BC. Edil Gneus Flaviem published a calendar. It is considered the first Roman literary work.

At 280 BC Public speech was recorded, uttered in the Senate Appia Claudius. He also released a collection of moral sayings of "Centencing". One of them in the go so far: "Each blacksmith of his happiness."

2.2 The period of the late republic (III - I century BC)

Numerous wars in the II century BC (Punic, Macedonian) led to the expansion of the power of ancient Rome. Carthage, Greece and Macedonia were destroyed, was destroyed in Roman provinces. This entailed the enrichment of the Roman nobility. Slaves and gold during wars were major trophies. Gladiatorovsky fights appear - favorite entertainment of ancient Romans. Rome becomes a strong state, but inside it is breeding contradictions, which caused civil wars. Establishing a dictatorship of Sulla and Caesar in II - I centuries BC They later led to the principle of Octavian Augustus.

Guy Julius Caesar

Under the Greek influence the city architecture changes. Secured Romans build houses with marble facing, in the decoration of housing use mosaic, frescoes. Inside place statues, paintings and other art objects. In the sculpture, a realistic portrait becomes a characteristic phenomenon. To the I century BC. Roman architecture acquires its originality. With Cesar, a new forum was built, gardens and parks began to break in the city.

New morals came to Rome from East and Greece. Romans began to dress in multicolored clothes, richly decorating herself with jewels. Men began to smoothly shave and briefly cut.

Changes and customs inside the family. Women got more freedom. They could dispose of their property and even submit for a divorce. However, by the end of the period of the republic the number of divorces increased heavily. This indicates the decline of the Family Institute.

In 240 BC Fully published Greek under the name Tit Libyan Andronik translated Greek plays to Latin. Since that time, Roman literature began. His follower was Nevi from the campaign. He composed the plays, taking the Greek as the basis, but used his close events and recognizable people. Known was also a comediograph of Tites Makcuction Float. At the same time, the Romans were popular folk farms and mimes.

Descriptions of modern history appeared. So at the end of the III century BC. Quint Fabiy Pictor and Luchi Zingnia Alima wrote "Annals" - a detailed presentation of the history of Rome. The works of the Katon of the elder "On Agriculture", the "beginning", "instructions of the Son,", where he stands for patriarchal Roman values, criticizing the fashion for all Greek.

In the days of the late republic, the big heritage in the life of Rome left Varon. The main work was called "the antiquity of the deals and human". In addition, he wrote many historical, biographical, philosophical works, creating an encyclopedic picture of knowledge about ancient Rome.

During this period, fashion for political journalism comes. Many well-known personalities seek their activities in written written works. Among them, Sodipion Senior, Sulla, Publists Rutil Ruth, Guy Julius Caesar, etc.

Oratoric art develops. A special role was played by Cicero. The Romans took the lessons of eloquence, it was very important for them to be able to publicly act in the Senate, Court, on the forum. Successful speeches were recorded. The Greek School of Eloquence prevailed in Rome, but Roman appeared soon - more concise and affordable in the simple segments of the population.

In the first century BC. Poetry blooms. Talented poets were Lucretia and Katull. Lucretia wrote the poem "On the nature of things", and Katull was famous for its lyrical and satirical works. Satirian pamphlets were popular and were a political struggle.

At the same time, the further Hellenization of the Roman religion took place. The cult of the Greek gods of Apollo, Demeters, Dionysus, Hermes, Asclepia, Aida, Persephone, and others. Ritals were becoming more magnificent and complex. From the east in Rome also penetrated the cult of Goddess Kibel. By the end of the i century BC. Egyptian sacred cults appeared in Rome. Astrology, fortune telling, magic became popular.

3. Empire (I century BC - V century AD)

3.1 The period of the early Empire (principal) (I century BC. - II century AD)

In the 30s BC. Caesar's nephew Octavian Augustus became a single ruler of Rome. He called himself "princeps" - the first among equal. And later he received the title of emperor, focusing in his hands all the power. So began the imperial period of the history of Rome - the "golden age" of Roman culture. The patronage of poets and artists provided friend Octavian Augustus Guy Metzenate, whose name became nominative.

At this time, special heights reached poetry. The most famous poets were Horace, Ovid, Vergili. Works of Vergil - "buculates", "Georgiki", "Aneida" glorified August and predicted the offensive of the "Golden Age". At the same time, he describes the nature of Italy with love, refers to the traditions and self-awareness of the Romans. "ODD" Horace still remain a model of lyrical poetry. Ovid became famous for love lyrics. The greatest fame acquired its works of "Metamorphosis", "Fasta", "Science of Love". At this time, the realistic Roman Roman is gaining great popularity. The most famous "Satirikon" Petronia and the Golden Opel Apuleua.

At the time of August, scientific thought developed. The historical works of Tita Libya and the Galicar Own Dionism told about the greatness of Rome and his role in ancient history.

Geographer Strabon described many peoples and countries, Agrippa was a map of the empire. Vitruvius wrote a treatise on architecture. Pliny Senior created a "natural history". Ptolemy outlined all modern astronomical knowledge in his work "Almagest". Doctor Galen wrote a treatise on the anatomy "On parts of the human body".

In order to combine parts of a huge empire, roads, aqueducts, preserved to our times, were built. Temples - Apollo and Vesta on Palatina, Mars of Avengers at the New Forum of Augustus were erected in Rome. In I - II century AD. Such well-known architectural monuments as Pantheon and the Colosseum were built.

New architectural forms appeared - a triumphal arch, a two-story colonnade. The provinces also built temples, baths, theaters and circuses for the fighting of gladiators.

3.2 Late Empire Period (III - V Century AD)

After the death of Augustus, emperors, possessing unlimited, despotic authorities on the manner of Eastern Tirani come to power. Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Vespasian conducted brutal bloody repressions and, in turn, were killed as a result of conspiracy of their surroundings.

However, there were emperors left behind good glory - Traian, Adrian, Mark Azeri. They have increased the role of provinces. Their natives were provided with access to the Senate and the Roman army. At the same time, it was impossible to hide the internal contradictions among the Roman society. Despite Rome's attempts to establish strong power, the colonies sought independence.

The architecture becomes a monumental, embodying the idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of the supreme power. Grand buildings were built: stadiums, forums, mausoleums, aqueducts. An example of such an architecture can serve as a forum trayan.

By the III century, the Roman Empire experienced a decline. In 395, the Roman Empire was separated into two parts: Western and Eastern. At this time, Christianity originates. At first it is under the ban, its followers are brutally pursued. Emperor Constantine permits Christians to confess their faith, and soon Christianity becomes official religion.

Unfortunately, the triumph of the Christian faith led to the destruction of many ancient monuments. On the basis of Roman, early Christian art begins to develop: the Basilici temples are built, painting in the form of paintings appears in the caves. Figures of people in them are shown quite schematically, more attention is paid to the internal content of the scene.

Rome (Italy) is one of the greatest cities in the world. His story has thousands of years. The city strikes with its monumental architecture, fabulous squares, colorful markets and streets with interesting people - the magnificence is simply at every step.

But if you go on a trip to Rome, you need a clear plan. Otherwise, there is a risk of overload from a variety of things that can be seen in the eternal city.

We have collected for you on the same list the main tourist attractions of the city of Rome with a photo and description: from the most famous Roman ruins to majestic churches, artistic art museums, charming areas and lively food markets.

You are probably not to do with one trip to Rome to see all the attractions from this list and the places that did not fit it. But you need to start with something!

Founded by Pope Julia II at the beginning of the 16th century and complemented by the following pontiffs, the Vatican museums can boast one of the greatest collections of works of art in the world.

Exhibits that occupy about 7 km of halls and corridors are as diverse as much as possible: from Egyptian mummies and Etruscan items from bronze to the ancient busts, from paintings by classics to modern works.

The main places to visit: an impressive collection of classic sculptures in the Pio-Clementino Museum, several exhibition halls with frescoes of Rafael and painted Michelangelo Sicstinskaya Capella.

Address: Musei Vaticani, Viale Vaticano, Rome, Italy.

You can visit the excursions:

Big Gladiator's Arena Rome is the most exciting city from the ancient attractions. Opened in the 80s of our era, the Colosseum on 50,000 places, also known as the Amphitheater of Flaviev, was built from travertine and covered with a huge tarp awake raised by 240 masts.

Inside the arena was surrounded by multi-level stands, and she was built over the underground complex (hypologic), where animals were sitting and decorations were preparing. Gladiators, fighting wild animals or each other, participated in the games.

Address: Colosseo, Piazza Del Colosseo, Rome, Italy.

Entrance: Paid.


The Colosseum can be visited as part of the excursions:

Presenting a meeting of Ruins, earlier, the Roman Forum was the central place of ancient Rome, a grand area of \u200b\u200btemples, basil and lively public places.

This place, which was originally an Etruscan burial ground, was first settled in the 7th century BC, and eventually turned into a social, political and commercial center of the Roman Empire. Attractions include the arch of Septime of the North, Smoky and the House of Vests.

Like many great cities of ancient Rome, the Forum lost its meaning after the fall of the Roman Empire, until in the end he did not become used as pasture land. In the Middle Ages, it was known as Campo Vaccino ("Cow Field") and underwent progress due to stones and marble.

The area began to systematically explore in the 18th and 19th centuries, and excavations continue to this day.

Address: Foro Romano, Via Della Salara Vecchia, Rome, Italy.

The Roman Forum can be visited as part of the excursions:

Saint Paul's Cathedral

There are many outstanding churches in this city, but none of them compares with the Cathedral of St. Peter - the biggest, rich and impressive basilica of Italy. Built on the site of the 4th century church, he was consecrated in 1626 after the completion of 120 years of construction.

His luxurious interior includes many famous works of art, including the three most famous masterpieces of Italy: "Pieta" Michelangelo, his soaring dome and a 29-meter Bernini Bedalchin over the papal altar.

In the cathedral, most likely, you will be waiting for a queue and rules of a strict dress code (no shorts, mini skirts or naked shoulders are allowed).

Address: St. Peter's Basilica, Piazza San Pietro, Vatican, Papal See (Vatican State).

St. Peter's Cathedral can be visited as part of the excursions:

Located between the Roman Forum and Circus Massimo, the Palatine Hill is an atmospheric zone with high pines, majestic ruins and unforgettable species. It is assumed that it was here that Romulus founded the city in 753 to our era, and here, in the crazy luxury, the emperors Rome lived.

Pay attention to the stadium, the ruins of Domus Flavia (the Imperial Palace) and the stands overlooking the Roman Forum from Orti Farneziani.

Address: Palatino, Rome, Italy.

If you have time only to visit one art gallery in Rome, come here. Here is what is often called the "queen of all private collections from works of art": Gallery boasts paintings by Caravaggio, Raphael and Titian, as well as some unknown sculptures of Bernini.

In general, there is something, but look first of the Ratto Di Proserpina (Proserpina kidnapping) Bernini and Venere Vincitrice (Venus Ventex) canow.

To limit the number of visitors, they are allowed with a two-hour interval, so you need to pre-book tickets and find out the entry time.

Address: Museo E Galleria Borghese, Piazzale Scipione Borghese, Rome, Italy.

Capitol Museums

Capitol Museum. | Photo: Dvdbramhall / Flickr.

Capitolian museums built in 1471 are the oldest public museums of the world. Their collection of classical sculptures is one of the best in Italy, including the famous Lupa Capitolina (Capitol Wolf), a sculpture of Romulus and Rem under Wolf and Galata Morente (dying Gall), describing the death of war.

There is also a huge picture gallery with Titian's masterpieces, Tintoretto, Rubens and Caravaggio.

Address: Musei Capitolini, Piazza Del Campidoglio, Rome, Italy.

The magnificent temple with a 2000-year history, now the Church, Pantheon is the most preserved from the ancient Roman monuments and one of the most influential buildings in the Western world. Built by Adrian on the basis of the earlier temple of Marcus Agrippa in 27 BC, it stands here about 125 AD, and although his gray appearance corresponds to his era, he is still a unique and exciting monument. .

You will definitely need to pass through huge bronze doors and look at the largest unarmed concrete dome.

The Temple of Adrian was devoted to the classic gods, hence the name Pantheon, derived from the Greek words Pan (all) and Theos (God). But in 608, the temple was consecrated as the Christian Church and is now officially called the name Basilica di Santa Maria Hell Martyres.

The present charm of the Pantheon is its huge sizes and an impressive dome. Its considered the greatest architectural achievement of ancient Romans, he was the largest dome in the world until the 15th century and is still the largest dome from unarmed concrete.

Its harmonious appearance is due to exactly verified symmetry - the diameter of the dome is exactly equal to the internal height of the pantheon of 43.4 meters.

In his center, the oculus with a diameter of 8.7 m, which symbolically associated the temple with the gods, plays a vital role for geometry, absorbing and redistributing the huge forces of the dome tension. Rain water falls, but flows through 22 almost invisible holes in the inclined marble floor.

Address: Pantheon, Piazza-della Rotonda, Rome, Italy.

You can visit within the excursion:

Calendar of prices for flights

Lateran Basilica (Basilica San Giovanni In-Laterano)

Lateran Basilica. | Photo: Paval Hadzinski / Flickr.

For a thousand years, this monumental cathedral was the most important church in the Christian world. Built by order of Constantine and consecrated in 324 of our era, it was the first Christian Basilica built in the city. Until the end of the 14th century, she was the main place to worship the dad. This is still the official cathedral of Rome and the place of Pope of Roman as a bishop of Rome.

Address: Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, Italy.

The Trevi Fountain, the scene of the swimming scene of Anita Eberg in the film La Dolce Vita (Sweet Life), is a bright baroque ensemble of mythical figures and wild horses, which takes the entire side of the Palazzo Poly 17th century.

After restoration sponsored by Fendi in 2015, the fountain flickers brighter than before. A tradition is maintained here, guaranteeing the return to Rome - throwing coins into water. On average, about 3,000 euros are thrown into the fountain every day.

Address: Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Trevi, Rome, Italy.

Navona Square

Navona Area.

Piazza Navona with its spectacular fountains, Palazzo in the style of Baroque, colorful actors and street artists, traders and tourists are an elegant embodiment of culture in the center of Rome.

Built on the site of the 1st century domiciano stadium, it was paved in the 15th century and for almost 300 years was the main market of the city. The central part includes the "Fountain of the Four Rivers" of the Sculptor of Bernini is a bright fountain with Egyptian obelisk and muscular personification of the rivers Nile, Gang, Danube and La Plata.

Address: Piazza Navona, Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy.

The road is named after Consul Appia Claudia Tsekus, who laid the first 90-kilometer plot in 312 BC. It was the main road Rome, later in 190 BC, it was extended to get to Brindisi.

Appeiyeva road for a long time was one of the most exclusive places of Rome, a beautiful crucible highway surrounded by herbaceous fields, Roman buildings and high pines. The most magnificent building on it was Villa Dei Quintytili, so desirable that the emperor Commod killed her owner and began to own her himself.

This road has a dark story - it was here that Spartak and 6000 of his followers slaves were crucified in 71 BC, and it was here that the first Christians were buried by people in three hundred taking underground catacombs. You will not be able to visit all 300 km, but the three main catacombs of San Callisto, San Sebastiano and Santa Domitilla are open to visiting.

Address: Parco Regionale Appia Antica, Via Appia Antica, Rome, Italy.

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore. | Photo: Mario T. / Flickr.

One of the four patriarchal Basil of Rome, this monumental church of the 5th century stands on the top of the Esquilin hill, in place, where, as they say, the snow fell miraculously in the summer of 358 of our era. In commemoration of this event, every year 5 August thousands of white petals are lowered with the basilica caisson ceiling.

During the centuries, this architectural hybrid is impressive of the Romanesque Bell Tower of the 14th century, the 18th-century baroque facade, mostly a baroque interior and a series of magnificent mosaics of the 5th century.

Address: Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore, Piazza Di San Maria Maggiore, Rome, Italy.

You can visit within the excursion:

Rome National Museum: Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme. | Photo: Richard Cassan / Flickr.

One of the greatest Museums of Rome, an incredible treasury of classical art. The first and second floors are devoted to sculpture, some works simply capture the spirit. Look at the pugile (boxer), the Greek bronze of the 2nd century BC, the elegant ErmaFrodite Dormiente (Sleeping Hermaphrodges) also the second century BC. e. and idealized IL Discobolo (disc thrower).

On the second floor there are magnificent color frescoes that should be seen.

Address: Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme, Largo di Villa Peretti, Rome, Italy.

Gallery Doria Pamfili

Doria Pamphil Gallery. | Photo: Damian Entwistle / Flickr.

This wonderful gallery hidden behind the dirty-gray facade of Palazzo Doria Pamfili, boasts one of the richest private collections of Rome, which keeps the work of Raphael, Tintoretto, Titian, Caravaggio, Bernini and Velasquez, as well as several Flemish masters.

Masterpieces are abused, but the undisputed star is a portrait of an implacable Pope of Innocent X's hands of Velasquez, who outraged that the image was "too real." For comparison, look at the sculptural interpretation of Jana Lorenzo Bernini of the same acting person.

Address: Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Corso, Rome, Italy.

Basilica Di Sant'Agnese Fuori Le Mura & Mausoleo di Santa Costanza. | Photo: Allie_caulfield / Flickr.

Although it is a little difficult, but it is worth looking for this intriguing medieval church complex. Located over the catacomb, where the holy agness was buried.

It includes the Basilica of Sant-Agnes-Fori-le-Mura, where there is a stunning Byzantine mosaic of saints, and the Mausoleum of Santa Costa People, the Round Mausoleum of the 4th century, decorated with the oldest mosaics of the Christian world.

Address: Basilica di Sant'Agnese Fuori Le Mura, Via Nomentana, Rome, Italy.

Church of Jesu (Ile - Jesu)

Church of Jesu (Ile - Jesu). | Photo: Karim Rezk / Flickr.

An impressive example of the architecture of counterperm, the most important Jesuit Church of Rome is a fabulous example of Baroque art. Main works include the fresco of Giovanni Battists Gauli (he, Il Bachichchi) and the luxurious tomb of Andrea del Pozzzo for Ignatia Loyola, Spanish soldier and Saint, who led Jesuits in 1540.

Saint Ignatius lived in the church from 1544 to his death in 1556, and you can visit its private rooms in Cappella di Sant'ignazio.

Address: Chiesa del Gesù, Via Degli Astalli, Rome, Italy.

Rome National Museum: Palazzo Altemps. | Photo: Dvdbramhall / Flickr.

Located north of Navona Square, the Altempse Palace is an excellent Palazzo of the end of the 15th century, which keeps the best of the huge collection of classic sculptures of the Rome National Museum. Many works occur from the famous collection of Loudese, collected by Cardinal Louis Loudeovisi in the 17th century.

Address: Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Altemps, Piazza Di Sant'APollinare, Rome, Italy.

Basilica San Paolo Fori Le Mura

Basilica San Paolo Fori Le Mura.

This magnificent basilica is the biggest church in Rome after the Cathedral of St. Peter (and the third largest in the world), and stands on the spot where Saint Paul was buried after decapitation in 67 of our era.

Built by Konstantin in the 4th century, it was largely destroyed by fire in 1823 and much of what you see is the reconstruction of the 19th century.

Address:Basilica Papale San Paolo Fuori Le Mura, Piazzale San Paolo, Rome, Italy.

Square of Spain and Spanish staircase

Spanish staircase. | Photo: Paolo Margari / Flickr.

Spanish staircase (Scalinata Della Trinità dei Monti), which from the 18th century attracts visitors, is an ideal place to observe people. 135 sparkling steps rose from Piazza Di Slunches to the famous sights of Kyes della Trinity Dei Monti.

Spain's area was named after the Spanish Embassy under the Holy Throne, but the staircase designed by the Italian Francesco de Santis was built in 1725 for money versed by a French diplomat.

Address: Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti, Spain area, Rome, Italy.

Palazzo Colonne

Gallery column. | Photo: Dvdbramhall / Flickr.

In this luxurious gallery of the 17th century, the only part of the Palazzo column, open to the public, is a private collection of works of the art of the column family.

Six gallery rooms are crowned with magnificent ceiling frescoes dedicated to Markantonio Column, the greatest ancestor of the family who defeated the Turks in the sea battle at Dadano in 1571. Joanni's work and Philippo Gerardi in the Big Hall, Sebastian Ricci in the Landscape Room and Giuseppe Bartolomeo Kiari in the Throne Hall talk about his merits.

Pay attention also to the cannonic core, stuck in the marble ladder of the gallery, a bright reminder of the siege of Rome in 1849.

Another wing includes a luxurious chainnote room and a rich collection of tapestry artemisia of the 17th century. From May to October, an open cafe on the terrace.

Address: Galleria Colonna, Via Della Pilotta, Rome, Italy.

You can visit within the excursion:

Castle of the Holy Angel.

This castle with a round fortress is an instantly recognizable attraction. Built as a mausoleum for Emperor Adriana, he was transformed into the papal fortress in the 6th century and was named after the vision of the angel, which happened to Pope Gregory Great in 590.

Currently, it is the National Museum of the Castle of the Holy Angel and his collection of paintings, sculptures, military memorabilia and medieval firearms.

Address: Castel Sant'angelo, Lungotevere Castello, Rome, Italy.

Basilica of the Holy Clement

Basilica of the Holy Clement.

Nowhere is it better not to capture various stages of the stormy past Rome than in this fascinating multi-level church. The terrestrial basilica of the 12th century is located on the foundation of the church of the 4th century, which, in turn, towers over the pagan temple of the 2nd century and the Roman home of the 1st century.

Address: Basilica di San Clemente, Via Labicana, Rome, Italy.

Palazzo Barberini. | Photo: Stin Shen / Flickr.

Barberini Palace, built in honor of the climbing of the Barberini family to the papal authorities, is a luxurious palace in the Baroque style, which is impressive before you see an addictive art. Many famous architects worked on him, including competitors Bernini and Borryni.

Among the masterpieces do not miss Il Trionfo Della Divina Provvidenza Pietro da Corton ("Triumph of Divine Providence" 1632-39) and the most spectacular frescoes on the ceiling of the Palazzo in the main hall on the first floor.

Address: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini, Via Delle Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy.

The terms of Caracalla.

The remnants of the bath complex of the emperor Caracalla are among the most impressive Roman ruins. The complex was opened in 216 of our era and held a plot of 10 hectares. There were baths, gyms, libraries, shops and gardens. Complex daily used to 8,000 people.

Most ruins are what remained from the central bath. It was a huge rectangular building surrounded by two sports halls and located in the center of Frigidaria (Cold Room), where swim hingers stayed after warm tempic and kaldarium with a dome (hot room).

Address: Terme di Caracalla, Viale Delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy.

You can visit within the excursion:

Villa Medici. | Photo: Marthelelièvre / Flickr.

This luxurious Renaissance Palace was originally built for Cardinal Ricci and Montepulcianly in 1540, but Ferdinando Medici bought it in 1576. He remained in the hands of Medici until 1801, until Napoleon acquired it for the French Academy.

Address: Villa Medici, VIALE DELLA Trinità dei Monti, Rome, Italy.

Trayan market.

Tracy Market - Ruins of shopping buildings on the forum of Trajan in Rome. It was a 5-storey complex, which built Appolodor Damascus. The structure was on the hillside and was built in the form of terraces. It was about 150 outlets, taverns, snack bars and distribution points of free products for the population.

Each shop has exit (Vitrina) to the street. Spices, fruits, wine, olive oil, fish, silk and other goods from the East were sold in the benches. In the middle of the market, Via Biberatica was located - the street, named for the harchers.

Address: Mercati Di Traiano, Via Quattro Novembre, Rome, Italy.

Santa Mary Del Popolo

Santa Maria del Popolo. | Photo: VGM8383 / Flickr.

The magnificent storage of works of art is one of the earliest and rich Roman Renaissance churches.

From numerous exhibited works of art, here two masterpieces Caravaggio can be distinguished here: "Holy Paul's appeal" (1601) and "Saint Peter's crucifix" (1601) in the chapel to the left of the main altar. But there are other wonderful work here.

Address: Basilica Parrocchiale Santa Maria Del Popolo, Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy.

San Luigi dei Francise

The church in the French community of Rome is known since 1589. This luxurious baroque church is home to the famous Trios of Pictures Caravaggio: Vocazione Di San Matteo (Call of Matthew), Martirio Di San Matteo (Martiwhew Martiology) and San Matteo E L'Angelo (Holy Matteo and Angel), famous for the general name cycle Saint Matthew.

These three canvases placed in Cappella Contarelli to the left of the main altar are among the earliest of the religious works of Caravaggio, written between 1600 and 1602, possessing realism and stunning use of Chiaroskuro (brave contrast of light and darkness).

Address: San Luigi Dei Francesi, Piazza Di San Luigi de 'Francesi, Rome, Italy.

Catacombs of St. Sebastian

Catacombs of St. Sebastian.

These underground catacombs extending under the Basilica of San Sebastiano were the first to be called catacombs - the name happened from the Greek Kata (nearby) and Kimbas (depressions), because they were located next to the cave.

The catacombs were largely used from the 1st century, and during the deputy Board of Vespasian, they gave asylum for the remains of Saints Peter and Paul.

The 1st level is now almost completely destroyed, but at the 2nd level you can see the frescoes, stucco and epigraphs. There are also three well-preserved mausoleum and a plastered wall with hundreds of appeals to Peter and Paul, engraved by believers in the 3rd and 4th centuries.

Above the catacombs is a basilica, a highly modified church of the 4th century, which stores one of the arrows, allegedly used to kill Saint Sebastian, and the column to which he was tied.

Address: Catacombe di San Sebastiano, Via Appia Antica, Rome, Italy.

Quirinal Palace. | Photo: Martha de Jong-Lantink / Flickr.

This huge palace overlooking Piazza-del Corinal Square is the official residence of the head of the Italian state, namely the President of the Republic. For almost three centuries, it was a summer residence of Pope, but in 1870, Pope Pipe IX handed over the keys to the new King of Italy. Later, in 1948, the palace was transferred to the Italian state.

Address: Palazzo Del Quirinale, Piazza del Quirinale, Rome, Italy.

This dazzling area was laid in 1538 and it is located at the northern gate of Rome. Since then, it has been rebuilt several times, the last time Juseppe Valadier in 1823. The center of the square has a 36-meter obelisk, which is brought by August from ancient Egypt, initially he stood in Circo Massimo.

Address: Piazza Del Popolo, Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy.

Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere. | Photo: Scott Sherrill-Mix / Flickr.

Located in a quiet corner of the Central Square of Trastevere, it is, as they say, the oldest church dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Rome. In its original form, dates from the beginning of the 3rd century, but underwent a large restructuring in the 12th century with the addition of the Romanesque bell tower and a sparkling facade. The portico appeared later, added Carlo Fontan in 1702. Inside there is a mosaic of the 12th century.

Address: Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, Italy.

Main villa.

The Roman headquarters of the Sovereign Maltese Order, also known as Cavalieri di Malta (Maltese Knights), is located on the shaded cypressions of the square, from which one of the most famous species on Rome opens.

Address: Piazza Dei Cavalieri Di Malta, Piazza Dei Cavalieri di Malta, Rome, Italy.

National Museum of Villa Julia.

Villa of the 16th century Pope Julia III provides a charming atmosphere for the exhibition of the best Italian collections of Etruscan and Roman treasures. Exhibits, many of whom came from tombs in the vicinity of the Lazio region, range from bronze statuettes and black buckling cutlery to temple decorations, terracotta vases and sophisticated decorations.

Attractions include a polychry terracotta statue of Apollo from the Temple in Weo and Sarcofago Degli Sposi (sarcophage collapsed), found in 1881 in Cveturi.

Address: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Piazzale di Villa Giulia 9, Rome, Italy.