Military history, weapons, old and military maps.

Military history, weapons, old and military maps.
Military history, weapons, old and military maps.

Black sails, black realtors, black humor, black stripe - black color is unlucky, people perceive it exclusively in a negative sense. Well, of course, black envy, but what have the diggers got to do with it? This is the name of the unofficial search engines associated with earthworks. Hundreds of amateur archaeologists annually in summer time go in search of the glory of Heinrich Schliemann, who opened the legendary Troy to the world.

History, very often, keeps its secrets underground. Once prosperous, ancient cities are hidden from the eyes of their contemporaries under age-old layers of dust, ash and earth. I remember the archeological practice at the university in the 4th year. For a whole month, as part of a scientific expedition, we were at the Caravan Saray excavation site in ancient Bilyar, one of the cities of the Volga Bulgaria (X-XIII centuries).

Each student was allocated a plot of 2x2 meters. We had to go 3-4 meters deep to the cultural layer of the 10th century. It was necessary to dig in layers, 20 cm each, with extreme care and attention, sifting all the soil through special nets. Before starting a new layer, you need to clean the cut and present it researcher together with finds for photos and descriptions. Only then can you start processing the next layer. All finds in mandatory are subject to special accounting and inventory. This work is hard and painstaking, often unsuccessful. But this is the work of archaeologists. All of these are official - white diggers.

Black diggers are very often people who are passionate about history. For years they have been rummaging in old books and documents, studying all the available scientific literature looking for information on the internet. But they are attracted primarily by treasures and treasures, products from precious metals, ancient artifacts of cultural value.

Black diggers is a collective name. Diggers themselves subdivide themselves into: treasure hunters, trophy hunters and black archaeologists. And among them are "field workers", "foresters", "barrowers", "bugroviks". Real white archaeologists oppose, they argue that black archaeologists have nothing to do with science and that they are all a kind of criminal world, because they openly violate applicable laws.

With the advent of foreign and domestic metal detectors, portable devices capable of detecting metal objects at a depth of 300 cm, black digging acquired catastrophic proportions in the European part of Russia and in the western republics. the former USSR... If before this was done by loners, now they are doing it, technically equipped and well organized groups... They are often subsidized by resellers, intermediaries and other support structures. As a result, many scientifically valuable finds are deposited in private collections or antique salons. All this testifies to the imperfection of legislation in this area and the inaction of law enforcement agencies.

Violating the methodology for the development of state-protected archaeological sites without official permission to conduct prospecting work, they cause serious, irreparable damage historical science by depriving historians of scientific material. Sloppy dug up plots of land are often an irreplaceable loss for our culture, the cause of "white spots" in Russian history.

Widespread popularity in recent times were received by black rangers who, in search of military awards, weapons and artifacts, conduct illegal excavations in the burial places of warriors of participants in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Finds of weapons and ammunition pose a particular public danger. The black market is literally crammed with captured, restored weapons that are nowhere to be found and are not wanted by anyone. And the so-called jackals - young black trackers very often arrange detonations of the found ammunition, not realizing all the danger to the lives of those around them.

The legislation provides for severe penalties for those engaged in such activities. In some cases, up to 8 years in prison. At the same time, the state encourages the creation of search detachments and groups dealing with the history of the Great Patriotic War, and issues them official permits to carry out excavations in places of battles and unknown burials of soldiers.

Black archaeologists, treasure hunters, trophy hunters and other types of black diggers who excavate without permits. Photo and video of finds of black diggers.

In the news, the definition of "black diggers" is increasingly flashing. It sounds creepy enough for the layman. Which immediately begins to imagine black silhouettes in the darkness of the night. In fact, journalists and some government officials call this the people who are looking in the ground historical values and . The legal regulations are very strict in this regard. And often without even knowing, you can violate one or the other. It's funny, but anyone can get into black diggers. To do this, sometimes it is enough to stick a shovel too deeply in a vacant lot that no one needs.

You can smile, but the fact remains. Any research-type excavation requires government approval. In the modern world, several types of people looking for values ​​in the earth have fully formed. The division of such searchers into types is rather arbitrary. Often they are engaged in several areas at once, moving from one group to another.

Usually, the term "black diggers" means:

Black archaeologists and their findings

Often this kind of free seekers are called simply diggers. Black archaeologists are only interested in historically valuable items. They do not hesitate to climb without demand and in areas requiring a pass or special permission for excavation. Turning at such moments into outright violators of the law. Despite the criminal raid of the activities of such black diggers, among them there are often very smart and really savvy people in archeology. At the same time, real scientists object to the use of scientific terms in designating such people. According to official scientists, these are just criminals. Which, moreover, by illegal excavations cause irreparable harm to science.

The settlement of Kolozho (XIV-XVII centuries), located in the Opochetsky district of the Pskov region. Black diggers have caused irreparable damage to the archaeological site by illegal excavations federal significance... The depth of some pits reaches 1.5 m. Photo source

In the photo there are traces of the work of black archaeologists at an ancient cemetery in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region:

As in other shadow business areas, black archaeologists line up in whole structures. After all, it is necessary not only to find something valuable in the ground. It is necessary to sell it profitably, and before that, find out by any means exactly where it is worth digging. The staff of such not entirely legal groups in illegal excavations is often replenished by real scientists and archaeologists. Becoming, in turn, criminals for a while. The severity of the laws forces seekers to resort to trickery. They act with caution, accuracy and understanding of their crimes.

Finds of black archaeologists seized by the FSB and transferred to the Krasnodar Archaeological Museum. Photo source

Where do the finds dug out of the ground by black archaeologists go to? Using their connections, black diggers through intermediaries sell them profitably to everyone. Wealthy people often don’t mind buying antiquity or an interesting historical artifact. Once in a closed collection, such an object simply disappears for official science. Depending on the scale of the work of such diggers, even representatives of local authorities or law enforcement agencies may be involved in the chain of criminal business. Who, for a fee, turn a blind eye to the activities of certain black archaeologists in the territory accountable to them.

Video about black archaeologists of Crimea:

Treasure hunters

Another type of black diggers are treasure hunters who, carried away, transcend the law. This is the largest group of black diggers. The romantic atmosphere of outdoor treasure hunting attracts many people to this activity. Especially attracts those who, by their nature, are inclined to adventurism, risk and moderately vain. In an effort to find products made of precious metals or expensive items antiquity, they are often distinguished by their particular impudence in illegal excavations.

Whether all treasure hunters are black diggers is a moot point. But the fact is that not all treasure hunters strictly follow the law when carrying out their search work.

It is not uncommon for such photos with the finds of treasure hunters to appear on the sites and forums of treasure hunters. Photo source:

For what the authorities think about modern treasure hunters, see the following video:

Finding treasures is even more dangerous than black archeology. Taking into account the specifics of the places where you have to work and the conditions of the work itself. The black digger can be in real danger. Dilapidated houses, dungeons and attics crumbling from time to time. Wild animals, aggressive locals, robbers. And much more, even if you forget about the fact that at any time there may be problems with law enforcement agencies. Especially if the treasure was found by a seeker on land belonging to another person.


Another class of black diggers is called "trophy-diggers". As the name suggests, they are primarily interested in trophies. That is, what has remained in the earth since the Great Patriotic War or even earlier. It may seem to some that the war ended a long time ago. It would seem, what to look for there? After all, everything has decayed, covered with rust and crumbled. Not at all. For example, if you find an old pillbox covered with earth, there will be a lot of interesting things in it. Boxes with weapons of the Second World War and ammunition in oil. Which, by the way, have been perfectly preserved over the past decades. And this is just one of hundreds of examples that can be cited.

You can get acquainted with the finds that come across on the battlefields of the Second World War by watching the following video:

Sometimes such diggers are also called "black trackers". For the reason that in their activities there is more search and analytical work than digging in the ground. Traces of past battles have been of interest to many since Soviet times. Special squads, endowed with the power and authority to conduct prospecting work, walked through the forests. Excavations were carried out by students and schoolchildren. The pros removed old mines and unexploded ordnance. Scientists and local historians searched for the graves and identification marks of the soldiers. But now not so patriotic people are going in search. They are holding high-class metal detectors. Some of them take the present in their hikes. firearms... From which one can guess how exactly they will solve problems with law enforcement agencies or business competitors.

You can usually find trophyers quite easily by poking on the map in places where there were serious fighting... Such black diggers are usually interested in decently preserved ammunition and its elements, military awards. They are glad of the found weapons and ammunition. In this case, often dug out faulty German assault rifles or other weapons can be sent for repair. And after that - for sale. They are looking for stripes, shoulder straps, helmets, surviving grenades and whole mines. Soldier tokens, bayonets and buttons. Anything that can somehow be resold on the black market.

The reader may exclaim: but who will buy this stuff? Who needs it and why? Refurbished weapons can go to the private collections of rich and not so rich madmen. Machine guns, pistols and other items of weapons come true perfectly in the underworld. After all, do not forget that this weapon is not registered anywhere. This means that the police do not know where to look for him. At the same time, a Russian soldier can be killed from a German pistol or an old machine gun, and this is enough for criminals. Battle awards at the same time it is already a long-standing object of interest for collectors. Including abroad. Even the insignia of German soldiers and officers can also find buyers.

Finds of black diggers conducting their searches on the battlefield of the Great Patriotic War (WWII):

A machine gun found and recovered by black diggers. The dangerous find ended up in the hands of the police after the diggers tried to sell the weapon. Photo source

Finds from the battlefield of the Second World War, discovered by law enforcement officers in garages owned by black diggers. Photo from the site

A kilogram of TNT, a Mosin system rifle, a Shpagin submachine gun, 118 rounds and 19 fuses were found by employees of the Center for Countering Extremism of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Voronezh region in two garages that were owned by black diggers. Photo from the site

The activities of such black diggers are always illegal. Problems can arise even for those people who decided to buy a couple of items from the trophy. Collections of functioning weapons will be immediately confiscated if discovered by the police. Scientists, on the other hand, hate trophyers. Since after the visit of such black diggers to the scene of hostilities, any research in fact it is impossible. Items have been looted, the layers of the earth are damaged, and it is no longer possible to restore the events.

Video about the detention of a black digger who was trying to earn extra money on the sale of edged weapons and ammunition during the Second World War:

Among black trackers, there is another very narrow group of diggers. Which someone calls "gravediggers", and someone "vultures". They specialize exclusively in the burials of soldiers. The production in this case can be very rich. Especially if a high-ranking German officer was buried. For a trophy, the grave of a German soldier with a token is a double prize. They rob the personal belongings of the deceased. And information about the grave of a particular soldier can be sold to the authorities or relatives of the deceased in Germany.

What does the future hold for black diggers?

Despite the obvious revival of black diggers in last years, the phenomenon is not new. Even among the peaceful and law-abiding population, there are always those who want to plunder a rich burial site, an archaeological site, or something similar. It would be foolish to think that black diggers were not in Soviet time... There were, but the problem was not highlighted so brightly.

What makes people go black diggers? First of all, of course - excitement. The feeling that you have personally found something valuable, dear and important in the earth. The second point that makes people break the law is the desire to quickly earn extra money on wasted objects lying in the ground. Usually the argument sounds like: the dead don't care, but at least I'll live normally. The third reason people are pushing people to become illegal diggers is romance. If in your character there is even a drop of adventurism, love of freedom and vanity, you will probably think about looking for a treasure.

The problem is that the forbidden searches for values ​​in the earth sometimes do not leave scientists any field of activity. The more black diggers come out on the road, the more burials and caches of antiquity cease to exist forever. For science, these are forever lost opportunities to restore the chain of certain events. Monuments of antiquity are destroyed by the thousands, and more and more new people are joining the ranks of black diggers.

The experience of some states is interesting in this regard. Who are absolutely brutally fighting black diggers and the like. The sale of professional equipment, detectors and special equipment is limited. And if a person is convicted of illegal excavations, he faces a serious prison term. It is quite obvious that the activities of black diggers have two sides. From the point of view of science, these are criminals. If you ask a treasure or trophy seeker for his opinion, he will explain everything in a completely different way. And he will find thousands of excuses for his activities. Therefore, who the black diggers are for you personally is up to you, and only you.

“Black diggers” is a broad concept. These people include trophy seekers, black archaeologists and treasure hunters. They are distinguished only by the purpose of the excavation. They don't care where and when to dig. "I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles".

Illegal activities without permits, excavation and trade in artifacts are the main features of all black diggers. Archaeologists and scientists consider these "rogue seekers" to be criminals and criminals. In their opinion, "black diggers" cause irreparable damage to history as a science.

Many historical chains can no longer be restored due to their unprofessional and criminal activities. However, there are many people among them with a great knowledge of history and archeology.

Finds of black diggers

Items excavated in German dugouts during the Second Patriotic War are in great demand on Internet auction sites. Black trophy seekers have a saying, "Every badge has its own fool." On the fields of former battles, trophyers are looking for military insignia, weapons, parts of soldiers' ammunition, helmets.

There are many who want to buy pistols, machine guns from black diggers. These are collectors and neo-Nazis. Iron crosses and Luftwaffe insignia can be sold on the black market for a few hundred Euros. Often, along with the remains of German soldiers, the bodies of Soviet soldiers are found. Marauders, trophyrs, even shoot wedding rings and pectoral crosses.

For these scumbags, human remains are just ballast that does not bring money. But there is a category of "black diggers" for whom this is a hobby, and not a pursuit of profit.

Significant finds of "black diggers" are the result of their personal interest in enrichment. They spend colossal amounts of money on the purchase of genuine historical maps, equipment, and gadgets. Having "secret" access to historical archives, their chance of successful excavation increases significantly. Officially working archaeologists do not possess such means. This affects the result and quality of search work. Museums cannot redeem valuable exhibits due to lack of funds. For this reason, they are not of interest to criminal diggers. Their main clients are wealthy collectors from all over the world.

Today intelligence analysts are sounding the alarm. Restored pistols, assault rifles and machine guns from the Second World War are increasingly taking part in criminal showdowns. There are frequent cases of contract killings from rare weapons obtained by the "Black Diggers".

The choice of such a weapon is justified. It is impossible to identify and trace its place of origin. But without cartridges, this small arms is simply useless. Find cartridges in the ground that have not lost their fighting qualities from time to time - great luck... Searching for spoils of war is a dangerous occupation. There is always a risk of being blown up by a projectile. Only especially desperate diggers choose this type of activity.

Black digging communities have many forums where exploration expeditions and tours are formed. Photos of the loot after the raids are posted on the Internet and printed editions... This popularizes this type of criminal income in society. There are no problems with purchasing metal detectors. Online stores are vying with each other to invite customers, colorfully describing the benefits of purchasing such a product.

"Black" and "White" diggers

"Black" and "White" diggers meet and communicate with each other. Exchange information. There are often cases when legitimate search engines are given things Soviet soldiers for reburial. There will always be people who have not completely lost their conscience. Black diggers are a global phenomenon. There are especially many of them in Egypt. Conclusions of scientists about countless treasures under tons of sand attract adventurers from all over the planet to this region.

“Black diggers” were, are and will be. At all times, all the peoples of the world had such "worthy" members of society in their councils. The hope of luck and the desire to get rich quickly, never to be rooted out in the ranks of humanity.

Watch the video black diggers

In Russia, in the post-war years, a new phrase has appeared. At first it was not clear what "black diggers" were. However, over time, the activities of these people more and more often declared themselves. People call them differently "black diggers", "black trackers", "black archaeologists". Black because they work without official permits and certainly not for the good of humanity.

So what are black diggers?

This is the name of the people involved in excavation with the help of metal detectors in places of fierce battles during various wars. Their goals are also different: someone is busy in scientific interests, and someone - from personal material motives. Searchers can work one at a time or in organized groups. As a rule, they are all well versed in historical artifacts and fully assume what they can find.

Artifacts can be parts of soldier's ammunition, weapons, ammunition, awards, household items and more. Those who study the area and its burial places for scientific purposes, then often donate what they found to museums. Another category acts only for the purpose of making money and is supplied found on the "black" market. Rare items from the time of the war are in greatest demand; collectors pay significant sums of money for them. Items with SS symbols are popular for the young fascist movement in the Russian environment. Such treasure hunters go to great lengths so that, as they say, the "truth about Sparta" was hidden, that is, it is not at all in their interests to reveal either the excavation site or the amount and composition of what was found there. Although such facts can sometimes change part of the history associated precisely in the local battle, where black archaeologists were excavating.

Quite often, black treasure hunters find themselves in the networks of law enforcement agencies, they are detained, tried, but the number of "black" workers, as before, does not change. The money received in this way seems to them an easy profit, and they are not embarrassed that in search of artifacts they are destroying archaeological sites. the main problem archaeologists from the side of treasure hunters - this is what you can buy hand-held metal detectors absolutely freely. They also turned to the Prime Minister of the country for help, who promised to consider the possibility of introducing licensing for the sale of such equipment.

At the same time, it should be noted that the existing protection measures in the Russian legislation are not sufficient; in fact, "black diggers" can be involved only under several different articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The current version of the page has not yet been reviewed by experienced contributors and may differ significantly from the one reviewed on January 20, 2019; checks are required.

Black diggers- has become a traditional collective name for amateur search engines different directions, singles or organized in groups involved in the illegal digging of various antiques.

There are three main directions: "black archaeologists", "treasure hunters" and "trophy hunters". These names arose spontaneously (like the digging slang itself), therefore they have variants and regional differences. The most common term used is “diggers”.

"Black archaeologists" (also "archi", "diggers", "field workers", "foresters", "barrowers", "bugroviks") are individuals or organized groups searching for historical artifacts at archaeological sites without having " open sheet ”, that is, official permission for the scientific study of the monument, which puts them outside the framework of the law. The title plays up the opposition with "white archaeologists", that is, with scientists [ ]. Archaeologists, as well as historians and other caring people are protesting against the use of the word "archeology" for black diggers, who belong to the world of crime. This activity without an open list is criminally punishable and punishable by imprisonment for up to six years (Article 243 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Another branch is usually called "treasure hunters" (also "field workers", "diggers"). They search ("chos") in abandoned villages, as well as in the surrounding lands. Their activity is not entirely harmless, since not only small household items become prey different periods, but also real treasures. Experts say that the situation with the hoards is even more acute. Treasures are rapidly chosen, with rare exceptions, dismembering into individual items, and marketed on the black market. Despite this, the search for treasure is not prohibited by law.

Some treasure hunters examine evicted houses in cities ("burglars", "attic", "underground") or various dungeons ("diggers"), others are looking for lost items on the beaches ("beachgoers"). Another area is engaged in underwater search ("divers").

Trophy workers ("militants", "black trackers", "diggers") are engaged in searching on the battlefield, mainly during the Great Patriotic War. The name "black trackers" was assigned to these search engines back in Soviet times. He was used in the press as a contrast "Red rangers"- schoolchildren involved in military-patriotic search work [ ]. In our time, the opposition with "Red diggers"- by official search engines. The activity of the trophy crew took on a mass character immediately after the liberation of Koenigsberg, where, among other things, they searched for burial grounds(hiding places) of the fleeing German population and opened with the aim of robbing the grave. The main finds of trophyers are: weapons, ammunition, explosives, parts of ammunition, awards, soldier's tokens, etc. Some are engaged in the restoration of weapons. Often finds go on sale, including weapons and explosives, in which the underworld is interested. In Russia, the created collections of weapons often do not comply with the existing legislation, therefore, if found, they are confiscated. Some diggers ("gravediggers", "grave diggers") rob not only unburied soldiers, but also unearth graves in search of personal belongings and tokens. Of greatest interest to them are German soldiers ("hans-lounger"), since information about them is sometimes paid for by the German side, and Nazi paraphernalia are eagerly bought by neo-Nazis. Heavy equipment is also removed. One of the former "black diggers", who was engaged in military archeology in the period from 2002 to 2008, wrote a book about his stormy activity. Without trying to justify himself and his hobby, he quite truthfully, in a biographical manner, talks about his initial motives, about the geography of excavations at the battle sites and about changing his worldview as he gets acquainted with the “echo of war”.

They do not necessarily participate in the excavations themselves, but by searching through printed and archival sources, they provide information to all other categories.

One of the many holes dug by a black digger and an abandoned find. year 2013

Black diggers harm archaeological sites - primarily by erasing the context in which the thing was found.

A practice similar to that deployed by black diggers has existed at almost all times and around the world. In old Russia, this was done by the so-called "bugrovshchiki", that is, those who dig up burial mounds. In Egypt, the population of entire villages was engaged in a similar "business", passing on the "craft" from generation to generation.

Grave diggers are especially active during periods of political instability, but prosperous countries also have this problem. Plundering graves, Nighthawks). During World War II and in the post-war period, in search of gold and jewelry, Polish peasants dug up the remains of Jews from mass graves on the territory of the former concentration camp

Destruction of archaeological sites damages cultural heritage, depriving science of the opportunity to restore many pages of history.

Some archaeologists, historians and other concerned citizens are opposed to the activities of black diggers and dealers of metal detectors in Russia. In some [ what?] European countries banned the sale of metal detectors, and in some countries of the former USSR (Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine) it is forbidden to use metal detectors without special permission when organizing scientific and archaeological research.

The digging community contains dozens of forums on the Internet, which are actually the headquarters of the movement, where groups openly knock together for the next outing, treasure hunting tours are offered. And often we are talking about medieval and even Neolithic monuments. The results of the raids are posted on the forums in the form of photos, videos, stories. Also printed publications (newspapers, magazines, works of art), popularizing the activities of black diggers. Treasure hunting tours are also offered on the Internet.