Non-traditional drawing techniques. Master class for young educators "Miracle of non-traditional drawing

Non-traditional drawing techniques. Master class for young educators
Non-traditional drawing techniques. Master class for young educators "Miracle of non-traditional drawing


"Non-traditional techniques Drawing and their role in the development of preschool children "


Poklebalova N.A.



Non-traditional drawing techniques and their role in the development of preschool children "

"Art is to find in an unusual ordinary and ordinary in unusual." Denis Didro.

Preschool age is the period when the visual activities can become more often sustainable hobbies not only "especially" gifted, but also of all children. Communication with art gives great pleasure in the life of preschoolers.

All children love to draw when they are good. Drawing with pencils, brush requires high level Ownership of drawing technician, formed skills and knowledge, work techniques. Very often the lack of these knowledge and skills quickly disgusts the child from drawing, because as a result of his efforts the drawing is incorrect, it does not correspond to the child's desire to get an image close to his plan or a real object that he tried to portray.

Observations on drawing efficiency in kindergarten lead to the conclusion about the need to use non-traditional techniques who will create a situation of success in pupils, will form a sustainable motivation to drawing.

Dear caregivers, what do you think, what can mean the word non-traditional? (Answers of the educators) Nontraditionally - not based on traditions. Because due to the established tradition, having arranged not according to the manual custom. Differing originality. Without adhering to traditions.

Pick the words synonyms for the word "unconventional"(Answers of educators) words - synonyms: individually, on new way, extraordinary, unique, non-standard, nontrivially, original, in a new way, in its own way, originally, independently, is peculiar, peculiar.

What is meant by the phrase "non-traditional drawing"? (Answers educators)

Unconventional drawing is art, not based on tradition.

Drawing with unconventional methods, fascinating, fascinating activity, which surprises and admires children.

Objectives of non-traditional visual activities:

1. Wear artistic creativity, imagination, fantasy preschoolers. Form individual, intellectual creative abilities through the use of non-traditional techniques and materials in the visual activities;

2. Develop the ability to independently create, apply, use various non-traditional material and non-traditional techniques in artistic creativity.


1. To bring and maintain interest in non-traditional drawing techniques: to create an object and developing environment for artistic creativity;

2. To acquaint preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques; find non-standard (creative) ways of image objects and phenomena;

3. Wear visual skills, skills, systematize the knowledge gained;

4. Technical developing art skills and skills on the principle: from simple to complex (transition from simple unconventional ways to image more complex);

5. To develop a feeling of color, shape, composition, spatial imagination, artistic and aesthetic taste;

6.Ship view of an excellent through observation in nature, viewing beautiful interior items, artists reproductions, illustrations in books, albums, listening to classical music, visiting beautiful and cultural places in the city: art salons, exhibitions.

7. Powered children's team by joint creativity.

8. Write the desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from recognizing new.

9. Flow and enrich children's knowledge about different types of artistic creativity;

10.Shipure hard work and the desire to achieve success with their own difficulty.

11.Look attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creative self-realization.

When organizing an educational process, the most effectively educational region " Artistic creativity"Integrates with the following educational areas:

. "Communication" - the development of free communication with adults and children on the process and results of productive activities, practical mastering by pupils of speech standards;

. "Cognition" - sensory development, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of the horizons in the series visual arts, creativity, formation of elementary mathematical ideas;

. "Reading fiction"- the use of artwork for enrichment of the content of the region, the development of children's creativity, admission to various types art, development of artistic perception and artistic taste;

. "Physical Culture" - Development of shallow and large motility, use on the educational activity of the artistic and creative cycle of physical investigators, motor tasks, formation proper posture;

. "Music" - use musical works To enrich the content of the region, the development of children's creativity, an introduction to various types of art;

. "Labor" is the formation of labor skills and skills, upbringing of hard work, upbringing the value attitude towards their own work, the work of other people and its results. Formation of the ability to cook and remove your workplace, carefully refer to benefits and materials, make order after games and educational activities;

. "Safety" - the formation of the basics of safety of its own vitality in various types of productive activities;

. "Health" - color therapy, formation of initial ideas about healthy education Life as images on health topics. Use on the educational activity of the artistic and creative cycle of eye gymnastics, finger games, self-massage techniques;

. "Socialization" - the formation of gender, family affiliation, patriotic feelings, feelings of belonging to the world community, the implementation of the partner cooperation "adult is a child."

Unusual materials and original techniques attract children to the fact that there is no word "it is impossible" here, you can draw than you want and how you want and even you can come up with your unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and by emotions, you can judge the mood of the child, that he pleases that he is sad.

Creative hold artistic activities Using non-traditional techniques:

Contributes to the removal of children's fears;

Develops confidence in its forces;

Develops spatial thinking;

Develops in children to freely express his idea;

Encourages children K. creative search and solutions;

Develops the ability of children to act with a variety of material;

Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, flavor, sense of texture and volume;

Develops fine motility of hands;

Develops creative abilities, imagination and flight of fantasy;

During activity, children receive aesthetic pleasure.

Do you use non-traditional drawing techniques in your activities? What non-traditional drawing techniques do you use? (Answers of educators).

Non-traditional techniques: finger painting, drawing with palm, drawing with various prints, monotypia, routine, nitkograph, drawing with candle, coal, point drawing (Pointelism), drawing on fabric, kleaxography, blowing, etc.

The combination of the basis for the technician of traditional drawing and non-traditional techniques of visual activity gives positive results, children receive true satisfaction from artistic activities.

Do your students in unconventional visual activities apply? What use non-traditional material, technology? (Answers educators)

With kids junior preschool Age is recommended to use:

Drawing with fingers;

Prints from potatoes, carrots, foam;

Drawing with palms.

Children middle preschool age can be acquainted with more complex techniques:

Stick of hard semi-dry brush.

Stamp foam rubber;

Printing corks;

Wax chalk + gouache

Candle + watercolor;

Print leaves;

Pictures of palm;

Drawing with cotton chopsticks;

Magic ropes;

Monotype subject

IN senior preschool Aged children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

Drawing salt, sand, semolina;

Painting soap bubbles;

Drawing with crumpled paper;

Cleaxography with a tube;

Monotype landscape;

Printing on stencil;

Cleaxography is usual;



Important role In the development of the child plays a developing creative environment, which should stimulate a child for active activities.

When organizing the subject - developing creative environment In the visual activity you need to take into account the needs of children. And the need for them is that they can freely, independently and accessible to traditional and non-traditional visual materials in the group, also need to be considered individual characteristics, level of knowledge, skills and skills in drawing, age of preschoolers.

Tasks of the corner of creativity: development in children of interest and desire to engage in visual activities; consolidation of skills and skills in drawing, modeling, appliqués; Expanding ideas about color, properties and qualities various materials; Development of finger motility, creative imagination, creative fantasy.

What is the objective and developing environment for non-traditional artistic creativity of children created in your group? (Answers educators)

The objective and developing environment for visual activities in the kindergartal group should contain:

Beauty Corner:

Reproduction with painting with painting, sculpture of small forms, articles of graphics, books with beautiful illustrations, Genuine products of craftsmen art-applied art; children's encyclopedias on visual activities; Discs with a beautiful calm melody, classical music, record player.

Corner of visual activities:

Coloring books; card file of non-traditional drawing techniques; albums for viewing "Gorodetskaya toy", "Khokhloma painting" and others; Albums with different images of grass, trees, sun, houses, etc., didactic games for the development of creative abilities, imagination;

Gouache, watercolor paints, wax pencils, pastel chalk, wax crayons, markers, markers of different thicknesses, colored pencils, graphite pencils, set of ballpoints, wool, cotton wands, foam sponges, stumps, coal, sumps, candles, cocktail tubes, prints of different shapes, threads, dry leaves, etc.; clay, plasticine, dough, materials for decor; paper of various textures and size, cardboard, PVA glue;

Tools: Brushes nylon or with a natural pile of No. 2 to No. 10 (depending on age and tasks in drawing) and bristles № 7, 8, scissors, palettes, modeling boards, seats, roller, sticks, stamps, foam rubber, stencils by topics; panel for children's work, magnetic board, easels; Adhesive tablecloths, double banks, stands under a cyst.

Thus, the artistic objective environment should ensure the principle of accessibility and the most comfortable state of preschoolers in the group.

Do you provide freedom to choose visual materials in artistic activities? (Answers educators)

In artistic work, it is necessary to provide children with freedom to choose visual materials. Nessesary to use different materials: Paints, color pencils, crayons. This makes it possible to choose art material at will, independence is developing in work, cognitive and experimental activity, creativity.

Finished works are necessarily exhibited on a blackboard or laid out on the table, carpet at the end of the lesson. Analysis of artistic activities is important for the development of children's creativity, primarily the fact that children see the results of their activities, learn to solve fine tasks. Children love to see their work with pleasure, talk about them. This teacher's activity must support, develop. The analysis of the work is necessarily associated with the visual task. It is estimated not to the child himself, but its drawing.

In order to interest the children, the teacher can offer them to show the favoring work, tell why they like. In another case, the teacher appeals to the author himself so that he explain why he chose such a form, in the third - offers each performer to evaluate his work. The result brings the whole group.

Success in the development of interest in unconventional techniques depends largely on what methods and techniques use a teacher to convey to children a certain content, to form knowledge, skills and skills in the visual activity. It is important, before you show children a certain non-traditional technique, the teacher must examine all the subtleties of this technique, its technique. The result will depend on the correctly selected material, equipment, accessibility of explaining the sequence of actions. The teacher must be chosen and explored the literature on non-traditional drawing, pick up the material, taking into account the hygienicness and safety of the material, planning, taking into account the age of children, their individual features and skills in drawing, to be a creative person, to love to draw.

Methods that need to be applied in the visual activities:

Informationally recipe; reproductive; research; heuristic; Problem statement of material.

The information and receptive method includes the following techniques: viewing; observation; excursion; conversations; listening to musical works; reading fiction; Show tutor.

The reproductive method is a method aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of children. In other words, this is the ownership of drawing technique. Drawing technique is the language of the artist, do not own drawing technique, mean not to be able to transmit your impressions and sensations in the picture. This method of exercises, bringing the visual skills to automatism.

The heuristic method is aimed at independence in the performance of the drawing, the manifestation of creativity, fantasy in artistic activities;

The research method is aimed at developing in children of cognitive activity and the ability to experiment with artistic materials and technicians in visual creativity;

The method of problem presentation of the material is to find decisions in problem situation or in question. This problem situation is creating a teacher in front of children.

The development of artistic activities with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques occurs in stages:

From drawing individual items to drawing plot episodes and further to plot drawing;

From the use of the best simple species non-traditional equipment image to complex;

From the use of finished equipment, material to use that you need to make;

From the use of the method of imitation to self-fulfillment;

From use in the figure of one type of technology to use several non-traditional techniques for use;

From individual work To the collective image of objects, plots in non-traditional drawing techniques.

The creative process is a real miracle. Each of the non-traditional techniques is a small game. Their use allows children to feel freely, bolder, immediately, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. Children reveal their unique abilities, feel the joy that creates them. Here they begin to feel the benefit of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps to achieve the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their lives. Children are better to inspire: "In the work, there is no right path, there is only your own way"

In many ways, the result of the child depends on his interest, therefore it is important to intensify the attention of the preschooler, to encourage him to artistic activities with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

The game (didactic, the experimentation game, creative), which is the main activity of children and motivates them.

Games for the development of art imagination: "On what it looks like," "Let's declare", "continue drawing", "Magic pictures", "Dorisui", "What our palms look like", "Magic Blots", "Magic Thread", "What the music told", "non-existent animal or plant", "colored fairy tales", "draw the mood", "barn", "continue drawing", "imagine", "point, point".

· Surprise moment - a favorite hero of a fairy tale or a cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;

· Please help, because children will never give up help, it is important for them to feel significant;

· Creating a problem situation;

· Musical accompaniment reading artistic word etc.

· Emotional explanation for children of action methods with unconventional materials and showing different techniques of non-traditional image.

Are you experiencing difficulty using non-traditional techniques in drawing in class? What problems arise?

Difficulties in the use of non-traditional drawing techniques can be concluded:

In planning and building a system of classes, taking into account age and individual characteristics of children;

In the selection of equipment and materials;

In the application of methods and techniques for working with children, based on their individual characteristics;

In the development of criteria for tracking the level of knowledge, skills and skills of children.

Unconventional drawing is closely related to the development of visual effective and clear-shaped thinking, also with the development of analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, synthesis. Working on the drawing, preschoolers learn to allocate features, quality, external properties of objects, main and secondary parts, to properly install and relate one part of the subject on the other, to transmit proportions, to compare the value of parts, compare your drawing with kindness, with peer works.

In the process of drawing, children learn to reason, draw conclusions. There is enrichment of their vocabulary. When drawing from nature in children, attention is developing, when drawing on the presentation - memory.

In artistic activities using non-traditional techniques, children develop tentatively - research activities, fantasy, memory, aesthetic taste, cognitive abilities, independence. The child uses the color as a means of transferring mood, experiments (mixes paint with soap foam, the depicted object with colored small shames makes gouache). For direct contact Hands with paint children know its properties: lush, hardness, viscosity. In the image fabulous images There is a skill to transmit signs of unusual, fabulousness.

Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates a positive motivation of painting activities, causes a joyful mood in children, removes the fear of paint, fear of not cope with the drawing process. Many species unconventional drawing Contribute to raising the level of development of visual - motor coordination. For example, drawing the glass, the painting of the fabric, drawing with chalk on velvet paper.

These technicians do not tire preschoolers, they have high activity, efficiency throughout the entire time allotted to perform the task. The use of non-traditional techniques images contributes to cognitive activities, correction mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers in general.

Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual - motor coordination. If excessive active child It needs an extensive space to unfold activities if his attention is scattered and extremely unstable, then in the process of non-traditional drawing the area of \u200b\u200bactivity, the amplitude of movements is reduced. Large and inaccurate leaders are gradually becoming thinner and accurate. Unconventional techniques of images contribute to the development of cognitive activity, correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers in general. Artistic creativity is very important when preparing a child to school learningThanks to the picturesque activity, children learn to hold a certain position of the hull, hands, the slope of the pencil, brushes, adjust the scope, the pace, the press force, to fit at a certain time, to evaluate the work, to bring the started to the end. By participating in the creative process, children show interest in the world of nature, color harmony and forms. This allows for a special look at all their surroundings, instilling the love of everything.

In the work you need to use such forms of organization as: Target Walking, Photo Exhibitions, Exhibitions Figures, Competitions, Entertainment.

Knowledge that children acquire are folded into the system. They learn to notice changes arising in visual arts from use in the process of working non-standard materials. By purchasing the appropriate drawing experience in non-traditional techniques, and thus overcoming the fear of failure, the child will continue to enjoy work, freely move to mastering all new and new techniques in drawing.

Successes in the development of creative abilities from your pupils!

Favzana Ayupova

Since 2009, I head the "School of the Young Pedagogue". In my earlier publications there are methodical materials "Schools". The pedagogical composition of our institution changes annually and updated. The concept of "young teacher", of course, is relative. School classes are visited and those who are not very young in age, but for one reason or another, have not worked for a long time in kindergarten, has interrupted pedagogical experience or arrived from other regions. Today, you present to your attention a master class "Miracle of non-traditional drawing", which we prepared and conducted with a teacher in the pictorial activities of Svetlana Anatolyevoy Sparrow.

Purpose: Show teachers The efficiency of using non-traditional drawing techniques for the development of imagination and creative activity of children. To introduce teachers with a variety of non-standard drawing techniques.

Plan master class

1. introduction Head about the meaning of the technician of non-traditional drawing - F. F. Ayupova

2. Brief comments of the teacher according to the S. A. Vorojoyvoy on the slides of the presentation "Miracle of non-traditional drawing".

3. Showing the equipment "GRUTAZH" and "MONOTHIPIA". Independent work educators for the development of these techniques.

4. Selection of technician for fixing theoretical part.

1. Fine activity is one of the most interesting types of children's activities. It allows the child to express their attitude towards the world around the world and has great importance For the comprehensive development of children, it helps to reveal and enrich its creative abilities.

In recent years, the content and tasks of the visual activity have been changing. If several years ago, there were children in the frame of copying the sample, showing the sequence and receptions of drawing, they were taught to portray the objects of the realistic world, now, using new, innovative programs and pedagogical technologies, we try, without imposing our own point of view, to realize their creative potential . For this, the skillful and purposeful management of the creative development of children is necessary. Huge value in disclosure creative potential Children has unconventional drawing. What do you think, what can designate the word non-traditional?

Unconventional - on "sensible dictionary" T. F. Efremova. 2000 -

Do not be based on traditions. Because due to the established tradition, having arranged not according to the manual custom. Differing originality.

Without adhering to traditions. Consequently, unconventional drawing -

art is depicting without based on traditions.

There is a lot of techniques of non-traditional drawing, their originality and uniqueness is that they allow children to quickly reach desired result. For example, young children are always interested in painting with fingers and palm, put the blots on a white leaflet and get funny images And guess what it looks like? That is, thereby children achieve a quick result.

Fine activities with the use of non-traditional materials and techniques contribute to the development of a child:

small Motoriki hands;

spatial orientation and visual perception;

visual skills and skills, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness,

the ability to find new ways for an artistic image;

ability to transfer their feelings in the works using various means of expressiveness.

In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops creative imagination.

The creative process is a real miracle. By creating your unique drawings, children begin to feel the joy of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps to achieve the goal, and not an obstacle. Children are better to inspire: "There is no right path in creativity, there is no wrong path, there is only your own way."

2. What techniques of non-traditional drawing can be used in working with preschoolers?

1. Drawing with fingers and palm. The child lowers a finger or palm in the paint or makes the paint with the help of the brush and leaves the image on the sheet. Colors can be used different, depending on the plan. An image after drying the paint is complementary by the details.

2. Drawing with cotton chopsticks.

In the palette we will drag the desired color of the paint. Well wet your paint sticks. For a different color, you can use one wand from different ends. Touch the sheet of paper with a cotton waller. On paper remains smooth circle. You can draw flowers, leaves, rain, snow, etc.

3. "Tick" method(drawing a rigid semi-dry brush)

At the dry rigid tassel, we absorb very slightly gouishes of the desired color and, holding a brush vertically, we make the "post" from above. Such technique you can draw a fur animal (it gives fluffy or thoroughbuilding, crown of trees, flowers in a meadow, snow-covered trees on a colored background.

4. Spray

We divor into a little gouache with water, put stencil on a sheet of paper and start splashing. Splashing with a toothbrush and a small piece of cardboard. To get less dirty, we used bottles - splashes. Carefully remove stencils and see clear prints.

5. "Crumpled paper"

Fliminate a piece of paper, adjust into the paint, then adjust the drawing. (Clouds, drifts, flower petals). For more expressive drawing, you can use different shades of the same color.

6. Drawing watercolor on wax chalk

First, draw wax crayons on a white sheet, and then paint it all watercolor. A drawing drawn by multi-colored crayons remains impaired.

7. Printing leaves. To print a sheet, you can use any paint. Apply paint on dry leaves need to face with streaks. Color sheet and gently press a sheet to paper. At the end of work, draw missing parts with a brush.

8. Cleaxography and drawing through the tube

By typing paints on a brush, with some height drip on the middle of the sheet, then we til down the paper in different directions or bleak through a cocktail tube on the resulting drop without touching the end of the paint tube. Fantasy will then tell me who became similar to the acquired blossom.

9. Monotypia. Translated by S. greek Monotype is one imprint. The drawing is applied first on a flat and smooth surface, and then it is imprinted on another surface. The surface on which the paint is applied to do the case later can be: landscape paper, cardboard, glass, metal plate, etc.

Monotype can be subject (these are symmetric items). First, the sheet of paper is folded twice and draw half of the displayed item and while the paint does not dry, fold in half to get an imprint (clown, wood, butterfly).

Landscape monotype is more complicated, with its help you can reflect the trees in the river.

10. GRITAZH - Method of performing a drawing by turning to a sharp tool for paper or cardboard, filled with inlet or gouache. Another name of the equipment is flushing. First, the sheet is painted with wax shallow (without lumen, you can with one color or several colors. Then they paint these sheets of black gouache. After drying, you can apply the drawing with a sharp end of the stick.

Not all the techniques are familiar with young educators. Such techniques, as routing and monotypes are used quite rarely. Svetlana Anatolyevna demonstrated educators ways to obtain an image on these techniques. Next, young educators had the opportunity to use the development of the theoretical part in practice. It turned out to be an interesting and fascinating business.

I bring to your attention a photo report master class.

Our izostudium "Sudarushka"

Examples are offered work, both adults and children.

"Monotypia" on the glass.

Development of equipment "GRUTAZH"

On the back of the petals - the names of the technician of non-traditional drawing.

Educators choose who should apply what technique in practice.

"Blowing a blots tube"

It turned out a fountain!

"Printing with leaves"


"Printing Designer Details"

"Drawing with a cotton wand"


"Wax chalk + watercolor"

I wish you all creative inspiration and creative good luck!

Consultation for educators

"Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their role in the development of preschool children"

Savenko Maria Sergeevna

Childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that each child is a small researcher, with the joy and surprise of an unfamiliar and amazing world around for itself. The more diverse children's activity, the more successful there is a versatile child development, its potential opportunities and the first manifestations of creativity are being implemented. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of working with children is the visual activities, creating conditions for the involvement of a child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful is created, unusual. It is necessary to teach step by step, from simple to complex. And this mission is assigned to an educator having life experience and special knowledge.

Fine activity brings many joy to children. The need for drawing is laid on them at the genetic level: copying the world around, they study it. Initially, any kind of children's art is not reduced to what to draw and on what, and fantasies and imagination in modern children more than enough. Teacher's task - to teach children to use unconventional image methods.

The use of non-traditional drawing techniques contributes to the enrichment of the knowledge and presentations of children about objects and their use, materials, their properties, use methods. Children are taught to draw not only paints, pencils, markers, but also tinted soap foam, candle, show how to use glue to drawing, etc. Children get acquainted with different ways of painting paper, including color hill, using paint splashing, learn that it is possible to draw not only on paper, but also on a special glass. They try to draw with palm, fingers, cam, palm edge, get images with the help of priests (threads, ropes, hollow tubes) and natural material (trees leaves). In class using unconventional equipment, preschoolers are given the opportunity. With the direct contact of the fingers of the hands with paint, children know its properties (density, hardness, viscosity), and when adding a different amount of water to watercolor get various shades colors. Thus, tactile sensitivity develops, flowering. All unusual attracts the attention of children, makes them surprise. The guys develop the taste for knowledge of new, research, experiment. Children begin to ask questions to the teacher, to each other, enriched and activated their vocabulary. As you know, children often copy the sample offered to them. Unconventional image techniques make it possible to avoid it, since the teacher instead of the finished sample demonstrates only the method of action with non-traditional materials, tools. It gives impetus to development

imagination, creativity, manifestation of independence, initiatives, expressing individuality. Applying and combining different ways of image in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think to independently decide which technique to use so that this or that image is most expressive. Then they analyze the result, compare their work, learn to express their own opinion, they have a desire to make their drawing more interesting, unlike others. Non-traditional image techniques require compliance with the sequence of manufactured actions. So, children learn to plan the drawing process. Working with unconventional techniques of the image stimulates a positive motivation in a child, causes a joyful mood, removes the fear of the drawing process. Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual coordination (for example, drawing on glass, tissue painting, drawing chalk on velvet paper, etc.). Correction of shallow motors of the fingers of the fingers contributes, for example, such an unconventional image technique as drawing on the tireless hand. This and other techniques require accuracy and speed of movements (you need to perform the next action until the paint dried), the ability to correctly determine the power of the pressure on the material or the tool (so that the paper does not break, the crayon did not break), patience, accuracy, attention (otherwise the result can And not reach). Drawing using unconventional techniques Images does not tire preschoolers, they have high activity, efficiency throughout the time allotted to perform the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desires, interest. Drawing in several hands, as a collective form of creativity, brings clips children. They develop the skills of the culture of communication, there are emotionally warm relations with peers. Children easily assimilate moral norms, rules of behavior.

Thus, the use of non-traditional techniques of the image contributes to the intellectual development of the child, the correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers.

With children younger Preschool age is recommended to use:

Drawing with fingers;

Prints from potatoes, carrots, foam;

Drawing with palms.

Middle children preschool age can be acquainted with more complex techniques:

Stick of hard semi-dry brush.

Stamp foam rubber;

Printing corks;

Wax crayons + gouache

Candle + watercolor;

Print leaves;

Pictures of palm;

Drawing with cotton chopsticks;

Magic ropes;

Monotype subject

In senone preschool age Children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

Drawing salt, sand, semolina;

Drawing with soap bubbles;

Drawing with crumpled paper;

Cleaxography with a tube;

Monotype landscape;

Printing on stencil;

Cleaxography is usual;



An important role in the development of the child playsdeveloping creative environment which should stimulate the child to active activities.

When organizing a subject - developing creative environment in the visual activity, you need to take into account the needs of children. And the need for them is that they can freely, independently and accessible to traditional and non-traditional fine materials in the group, it is also necessary to take into account individual characteristics, level of knowledge, skills and skills in drawing, the age of preschoolers.

Tasks Corner of creativity: development in children of interest and desire to engage in visual activities; consolidation of skills and skills in drawing, modeling, appliqués; expanding ideas about color, properties and qualities of various materials; Development of finger motility, creative imagination, creative fantasy.

By purchasing the appropriate drawing experience in non-traditional techniques, and thus overcoming the fear of failure, the child will continue to enjoy working, freely move to mastering all new and new techniques in drawing.

In each of us, the artist and poet live, and we do not even know about it, more precisely forgotten. Remember the parable of "buried talents". But really many "bury" their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. So there are "unscrewed talents" through the streets and live in everyday life. Just no one drew attention to the deposit and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no urgent children, there are unscrewd children. And help reveal these talents should we, adults!
As V.A. said Sukhomlinsky: "The origins of the abilities and taking children on the tips of the fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, there are the finest threads, which feeds the source of creative thoughts. In other words, the more skill in a children's hand, the smarter child. "


Non-traditional drawing techniques as a way

development of petty motility of children of preschool age.

Prepared a teacher of the middle group

Savenko Maria Sergeevna

Artistic creativity is one of the most interesting and exciting activities for children of preschool age. In the process of productive activity, interest and various kinds of art in general are brought up. Classes drawing, modeling, designing - one of the biggest pleasures for the child. They bring many joy for children. Drawing, the child reflects not only what sees around, but also shows his own imagination. We must not forget that positive emotions make up the basis of mental health and the well-being of children. And since the visual activity is a source of good mood, you should maintain and develop the interest of the child to work. In the visual activity goes intensive cognitive development.

How many amazing, extraordinary can carry children's drawing. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The origins of the abilities and diving children are on the tips of the fingers." This means that than more baby I can, wants and strive to make hands, the smarter and inventive. After all, at the tips of the fingers - an inexhaustible "source" of creative thought, which "feeds" the brain of the child. The level of preparation of the preschooler's hand to the letter, which means the degree of studies of learning the child in the degree of development of the Motory primary school.

Preschool childhood, a very short segment in a person's life, just the first seven years. But they are great value. During this period, development goes rapidly and rapidly. Especially closely improved the baby's hand brushes. The movement of fingers and hands has a special, developing effect. Relying on extensive experience with children of teachers, scientists, it is possible to note the pattern: if the development of the movements of the fingers of the hands corresponds to age, then speech development Located within the normal range; If the development of the movements of the fingers lags behind, speech development is delayed.

In recent years, a lot has appeared methodical literature For the development of children's creativity and teaching children, drawing techniques, however, the mastery of the image technique remains relevant. Children with poorly developed manual motility awkwardly hold a spoon, pencil, can not buttons buttons, cord boots. It is difficult for them to assemble the scattered details of the designer, work with puzzles, counting chopsticks, mosaic. Over the time of movements, the hand turns out to be insufficient for mastering the letter, forms school difficulties. That is why it is important for specialists and parents to monitor the level of development of common and shallow motors.

Drawing with pencils and paints requires a high level of possession of a high-level technician, formed skills, knowledge of work techniques. However, despite the efforts, the drawing can, it turns out unattractive, there are unconventional methods of drawing to help. The non-formation of graphic skills and skills prevents children to express in the figures conceived, adequately depict objects of the objective world and makes it difficult to develop knowledge and aesthetic perception. This leads to monotony of ways of image objects, the availability of "learned" images (templates), which are repeated from the drawing in a drawing with minor changes and additions. Unconventional technique does not allow copying a sample, which gives an even greater impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, independence, initiatives, manifestation of individuality. The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the surrounding world, convey images of imagination, embodying them with a variety of materials into real forms.

The purpose of this area is: comprehensive development in children of preschool age, small motility of hand tools for non-traditional drawing techniques.

The tasks of the artistic - creative development of children:

Develop a graph motor skills to have a good mobility, flexibility, disappeared the movement disappeared, changed pressure on a pencil, a brush - for the best mastering of the letter skill;

Develop memory, attention, creative imagination, thinking, speech, eyes, cognitive interest;

Form interest in children to fine creativity in class and in independent activities;

Call the children in children are divided by their impressions from the results obtained, tell and explain;

The organization of educational activities on artistic creativity with the use of non-traditional drawing technology contributes to the development:

shallow motors of finger hands, which positively affects the development of the speech zone of the cerebral cortex;

visual skills and skills, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;

mental processes (imagination, perception, attention, visual memory, thinking);

tactile sensuality (with direct contact of the fingers of the hands with various means of artistic activity, children will know their properties, applications, etc.);

spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eyelasor and visual perception;

the approximative and research activities of preschoolers - the child is given the possibility of experimenting (mixing paint with soap foam, hubber, applying gouache or watercolor on natural materials, etc.);

in the process of this activity, the preschooler is formed the skills of control and self-control.

And although the conclusions are still early, I want to note that the use of non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of the child not only the shallow motors of the hands and tactile perception, but also a spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eyelasor and visual perception, attention and perception, visual skills and skills. , observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness, help to teach thought boldly and freely.

I want to finish my consultation with the words of M. Shklyarov: "Non-traditional drawing techniques will help children feel free, will help to liberate, see and pass on paper what in conventional ways Make much harder. And most importantly, non-traditional drawing techniques give the child the opportunity to surprise and rejoice in the world. "

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1 municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 77 combined species master class for teachers "Modern non-traditional drawing techniques" prepared: Merenkov A.I. Educator Odintsovo, 2017.

2 Purpose: expanding knowledge of teachers for artistic aesthetic development Through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: to introduce teachers with non-traditional drawing techniques; To teach practical skills in the field of visual activities using several unconventional methods in drawing (drawing with milk, shaving foam); Increase the level of skill of teachers. Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical, verbal, visual. Equipment: Didactic means - drawings made in the technique of non-traditional drawing; Tables, chairs for teachers; Material for practical activity Gouache, jars with water, brushes, landscape sheets, shaving foam, PVA glue, transparent plates, toothpicks, wet napkins for each teacher; AudioSpenings - Presentation "Unconventional drawing techniques", CD player, projector, laptop, USB media. Preliminary work: studying Internet resources on this topic, the preparation of equipment. 1. The theoretical part. Master class: Drawing using non-traditional techniques fascinates and fascinates children. This is a free creative process, when the word is not present can not, but there is a possibility to violate the rules for using some materials and tools. We are all practitioners and know that the visual activities affect comprehensive development child personality: creative, aesthetic, cognitive, etc., that's why I chose this direction Priority in Ov pedagogical activity. Humanity does not stand still, we are constantly developing and invent something new. So in the field of amusement, many new non-traditional techniques appeared, about which today I want to tell you. Drawing on foil. Drawing on foil is very different from paper. First, it is clearly visible how colors are mixed, secondly, the paint greatly slides. Suitable for the development of sensory sensations in kids. You can draw with fingers, tassels, cotton wands.

3 Drawing toothpicks on PVA glue. Pour the PVA glue on paper and draw on it the divorces with toothpicks or cotton wand. If you use a transparent plastic cover as the basis, for example, from under sour cream, then after the drawing is driving, it can be cut out of it, for example, a heart and on the rope on the Christmas tree. Salt drawing. The drawing is applied by PVA glue, sprinkle with salt and let dry. Then, with the help of brushes, pick up paint and drip it on a salt base. The paint herself spreads and is beautifully mixed.

4 Pointelism for children. One of the most interesting and unusual directions of painting. This is such a manner of writing patterns with separate strokes of the right, point or rectangular shape. Artists, causing clean paints to canvas, counted on the optical mixing of flowers in the eye of the viewer, and they managed it. For children, such a technique is difficult, and therefore I offer you an unconventional pointelism for children. The name of the flow in painting Pointelism occurred from the French word Pointiller, which means "writing points." Artists who worked in the style of pointelism were applied to the canvas clean, not mixed at the paint palette. Optical mixing of paints occurred at the stage of perception of the picture by the viewer. The optical mixing of three pure primary colors and several pairs of additional allows you to get quite large brightness than by mechanical mixing pigments. I suggest you to master the technique of "Pointelism" using not quite traditional materials for it, color markers (markers). Preschool children love to experiment with visual materials. The proposed image method by points with the help of felt-tippers allows not only to develop a small motility of preschoolers, their perishability, color perception, but also to increase the emotional background, since the image with the help of felt-taps (color markers) does not require drying, screaming of paints or inaccurate mixing. Zentahl and Dudling. Combination (sindudling) drawing techniques, in lately gaining great popularity. Interest in them is connected with the fact that they are a good way to relax, enjoy, show their creative abilities, even if you do not know how to draw in the classical understanding of this word. These technicians are well suited for adults, and for the youngest children who only learn to keep drawing accessories. Dudling (from the English doodle unconscious drawing) is drawing using simple elements (circles, swear, rhombic, dots, sticks, etc.). This consists of ease. However, complicated compositions affecting the imagination may be made of these simple elements. But basically is the unconscious drawing that allows

5 "turn off the brain", which opens the road with pure creativity, not cited by the rules. To such drawing, many of us indulged in boring school lessons. About what happens in the end, we do not know and do not think about, the hand draws in itself. Will this a variety of plants, non-existent worlds or simply geometric figures no matter. The main thing is to enjoy the drawing process of the Zentahl (from Zen equilibrium, calm and Rectangle rectangle) is a combination of meditation and drawing. Traditionally, 9x9 cm squares are used for the drawing of the Zentngol. The zentangle helps to increase the collence, concentration, contributes to psychological unloading, inland soothing, improves visual coordination and fine motor skills, and also develops creative abilities and creativity. The mixture of these two XENDOODLING techniques (Zendoodling) is ideal for classes with children. The easiest option is to take advantage of the coloring or contour of the animal, flower, birds (anything, drawn by stencil, and offer a child to fill it with simple elements, and then color them. You can complicate the task of smaking the drawing on the part and fill out the resulting segments with different patterns. More option to offer to kid differently Fill out the same images of animals, objects, etc. FRROTTAGE Application technique for paper, fabric. To appear the picture, a relief surface is used, which is located with back side Paper (tissue, this embossed surface is displayed on the front side of the paper (fabric) by friction painting material (for example, a pencil). One of the most popular objects are the leaves of trees. Fresh leaves are suitable for work, and dry. You should decide on the form, the size of the leaves and collect the composition. Very often in the skill use many surfaces of one copy. The dense material is not suitable for firotage. It is better to work with writing paper, apply pencils of various softness or wax crayons, pastel. However, this does not mean that the more gentle the better. At all soft pencilRather, it closes what the relief shows. Can

6 Try to stroke in a different direction effects can differ significantly. Rubbing is made with caution: you should keep a paper sheet, not shifting the silhouette under it. The second option: so that the leaves do not move, they can be glued to the paper (on the back of the picture, and then draw in small-sided color. The tones that the plane shares for obtaining the artistic result is complemented and covered each other. Conducting electronic physical attacks for teachers "Merry Mouse ". 2. Practical part. Drawing on milk. For bold creative experiments, very simple and safe ingredients will be needed: whole milk, it is important that it is not degreasing, better, if homemade; diluted in water food dyes; flat plate or shallow tray; Liquid soap or means for washing dishes. To begin with, we pour a little milk into a plate and give a child a jar with paints, of which it should be on several drops of paints in any order different colors. The resulting drawing will already be very interesting. But that's not all. In our container you need to drop a little liquid soap or dishwashing agents. And further only to observe what is happening in a plate wonderful transformation and movement. Each drop, falling on the surface, launches a fantastic dance of flowers. The process and its unexpected results will like the child insanely. Observe the amazing transformations very interesting and very instructive. In addition, this amazing transformation series can be photographed and, printed interesting abstract photos, decorate the results of joint creativity with children interior. Photos can work out a lot, because the movement and conversion in a plate will continue for a long time. After conducting such interesting

7 Experience, next time you can offer the child to participate in the process itself and try to form a drawing. For this, the preparatory stage will be the same, but the dishwashing liquid does not pour into milk, and make ordinary cotton sticks in it and give a child. When it drops them into milk, the process of transformation will begin, and the baby will be able to participate in the creation of patterns. Joint drawing with teachers. Drawing for shaving foam. Drawing for shaving foam process exciting and interesting. The foam is pleasant to the touch, gives new tactile sensations and a pleasant smell. Easily washed off with hands, clothes and any surface. Creativity using such non-traditional drawing techniques creates a positive motivation to drawing, relaxes, wakes up fantasy and gives a lot of positive emotions! The "volumetric" paints you will need: 2 pieces of shaving foam + 1 part of PVA + paint glue. First you need to mix glue and paint, then add a shave foam. Mix everything thoroughly. Paints are ready, they can be applied to the finished circuit or (and) to show fantasy - come up with a drawing yourself. Joint drawing with pedagors for shaving in the technique of "volumetric" paints on a free topic. "Tube" "volumetric" paints put in a dense food package (or tube). Cut off the tip of the package with scissors, it turned out a kind of confectionery syringe. Pressing on the package with paint, create a drawing. Conclusion. Children like unconventional drawing methods. This contributes to the development of creative thinking, imagination, creativity, expanding the ideas about the world around and, like usual drawing, develops a small man's hand, trains the muscles of the brush hand, prepares a hand to the letter. In addition, the lessons are unconventional include many ideas. Sometimes provocative, but interesting for children. They are unusually combined with material and tools. And everything works fine, and indifferent is definitely not! Thanks to all the participants of the master class! I hope the material was useful for you and interesting!

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Childhood is a very important period in the life of children. Just B. this age Any little baby is a small researcher, readily and surprise an unfamiliar and amazing world around. The more diverse children's activity, the more successful there is a versatile child development, its potential opportunities and the first manifestations of creativity are being implemented. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of working with children is the visual activities, creating conditions for the involvement of a child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful is created, unusual. It is necessary to teach step by step, from simple to complex. And this mission is assigned to an educator who has a life experience and special knowledge.

Fine activity brings many joy to children. The need for drawing is laid on them at the genetic level: copying the world around, they study it. Initially, any kind of children's art is not reduced to what to draw and on what, and fantasies and imagination in modern children more than enough. Teacher's task - to teach children to use unconventional image methods.

The use of non-traditional drawing techniques contributes to the enrichment of the knowledge and presentations of children about objects and their use, materials, their properties, use methods. Children are taught to draw not only paints, pencils, markers, but also tinted soap foam, candle, show how to use glue to drawing, etc. Children get acquainted with different ways of painting paper, including color hill, using paint splashing, learn that it is possible to draw not only on paper, but also on a special glass. They try to draw with palm, fingers, cam, palm edge, get images with the help of priests (threads, ropes, hollow tubes) and natural material (trees leaves). In class using unconventional equipment, preschoolers are given the opportunity. With direct contact of the fingers of the hands with paint, children know its properties (luxury, hardness, viscosity), and when adding different amounts of water in watercolor, various colors are obtained. Thus, tactile sensitivity develops, flowering. All unusual attracts the attention of children, makes them surprise. The guys develop the taste for knowledge of new, research, experiment. Children begin to ask questions to the teacher, to each other, enriched and activated their vocabulary. As you know, children often copy the sample offered to them. Non-traditional image techniques make it possible to avoid this, as the teacher instead of the finished sample demonstrates only a method of action with unconventional materials, tools. It gives impetus to development

imagination, creativity, manifestation of independence, initiatives, expressing individuality. Applying and combining different ways of image in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think to independently decide which technique to use so that this or that image is most expressive. Then they analyze the result, compare their work, learn to express their own opinion, they have a desire to make their drawing more interesting, unlike others. Non-traditional image techniques require compliance with the sequence of manufactured actions. So, children learn to plan the drawing process. Working with unconventional techniques of the image stimulates a positive motivation in a child, causes a joyful mood, removes the fear of the drawing process. Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual coordination (for example, drawing on glass, tissue painting, drawing chalk on velvet paper, etc.). Correction of shallow motors of the fingers of the fingers contributes, for example, such an unconventional image technique as drawing on the tireless hand. This and other techniques require accuracy and speed of movements (you need to perform the next action until the paint dried), the ability to correctly determine the power of the pressure on the material or the tool (so that the paper does not break, the crayon did not break), patience, accuracy, attention (otherwise the result can And not reach). Drawing using unconventional techniques Images does not tire preschoolers, they have high activity, efficiency throughout the time allotted to perform the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desires, interest. Drawing in several hands, as a collective form of creativity, brings clips children. They develop the skills of the culture of communication, there are emotionally warm relations with peers. Children easily assimilate moral norms, rules of behavior.

Thus, the use of non-traditional techniques of the image contributes to the intellectual development of the child, the correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers.

Drawing with fingers;

Prints from potatoes, carrots, foam;

Drawing with palms.

Middle preschool children can be acquainted with more complex techniques:

Stick of hard semi-dry brush.

Stamp foam rubber;

Printing corks;

Wax chalk + gouache

Candle + watercolor;

Print leaves;

Pictures of palm;

Drawing with cotton chopsticks;

Magic ropes;

Monotype subject

In a senior preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

Drawing salt, sand, semolina;

Drawing with soap bubbles;

Drawing with crumpled paper;

Cleaxography with a tube;

Monotype landscape;

Printing on stencil;

Cleaxography is usual;



Each of these technicians is a small game. Their use allows children to feel greedy, bolder, immediately, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

An important role in the development of the child is played by a developing creative environment, which should stimulate the child for active activities.

When organizing a subject - developing creative environment in the visual activity, you need to take into account the needs of children. And the need for them is that they can freely, independently and accessible to traditional and non-traditional fine materials in the group, it is also necessary to take into account individual characteristics, level of knowledge, skills and skills in drawing, the age of preschoolers.

Tasks of the corner of creativity: development in children of interest and desire to engage in visual activities; consolidation of skills and skills in drawing, modeling, appliqués; expanding ideas about color, properties and qualities of various materials; Development of finger motility, creative imagination, creative fantasy.

By purchasing the appropriate drawing experience in non-traditional techniques, and thus overcoming the fear of failure, the child will continue to enjoy working, freely move to mastering all new and new techniques in drawing.

In each of us, the artist and poet live, and we do not even know about it, more precisely forgotten. Remember the parable of "buried talents". But really many "bury" their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. So there are "unscrewed talents" through the streets and live in everyday life. Just no one drew attention to the deposit and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no urgent children, there are unscrewd children. And help reveal these talents should we, adults!
As V.A. said Sukhomlinsky: "The origins of the abilities and taking children on the tips of the fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, there are the finest threads, which feeds the source of creative thoughts. In other words, the more skill in a children's hand, the smarter child. "