Booklet for parents "Miracle - Drawing. Non-traditional drawing methods"

Booklet for parents
Booklet for parents "Miracle - Drawing. Non-traditional drawing methods"

Non-traditional drawing techniques in children's garden.

Kirinna TA

from. Zarechny, 2012

All children love to draw. Creativity for them is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands - tools of the soul. Faced with the beauty and harmony of the world, taking the feeling of delight and admiration, they experience the desire to "stop great moment", Displaying your attitude to reality on a sheet of paper.

Drawing for a child - joyful, inspired work, to which it does not have to be forced, but it is very important to stimulate and maintain a baby, gradually discovering new opportunities in front of him.

Original drawing Attracts with its simplicity and accessibility, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials. This is especially clear when working with kids to a fine period, when they have not yet formed technical skills to work with paints, brush, when there is no accurate proportional concept as it is necessary to take water, how much guashi ...

And the main thing is that non-traditional drawing plays important role generally mental Development Child. After all, self-concrete is not the final product - drawing, and the development of the personality: the formation of self-confidence, in their abilities, self-identification in creative work, focusing activity.

Print leaves

In autumn, walking with a child in the park, you can collect leaves with different treesdiffering in the form of size and coloring. The leaves are covered with gouache, then the painted side is put on a sheet of paper, pressed and removed, it turns out a neat plant imprint.

Example Technique Print sheets:

    Take any leaf you like. And on a separate sheet, paper is well scorched by his gouache with a brush. Try not to leave empty places and not scratched edges.

    Put the leaf painted side down on the blank sheet of paper. Place a piece of paper down and press it tightly, trying not to move it, otherwise the image will be blurred.

    Gently take a piece of paper and smooth movement up gradually to spare it from the album sheet.

    The following leaves can be painted in other colors, and you can make one leaf to the two-color. Print the composition from other places. You can take the already used leaf and paint it into another color, then when mixing different colors can get an unusual shade.

    When the drawing is filled with fingerprints, brush draw the trunks of trees, the printed bodies of the leaves will resemble a sprigs in the color crown.

Drawing by pumping method

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, such as a cotton wand. I lower your cotton wand in the paint and the exact movement from top to bottom, we make the stumps along the album sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The fingerprint form will depend on which form it was selected for the post. If the stitch do purposefully, for example, on the finished circuit and inside it, the depicted object will turn out to be an interesting inhomogeneous texture. This method can draw falling snow, decorate the finished drawing of the ornament and much more.


    Gusheye green paint a long main branch and a few short sidelines, the quantity depends on how much flower covers will be on the main branch.

    From short sprigs on the sides green Draw thin outgoing sprigs for flowers.

    Take a cotton wand, omit in yellow And we make a yellow middle of the floweries at the end of short thin cuttings.

    Between the bunches of the brush to draw short cuttings for the leaves. At the end of each cutken, draw a leaf.


The basis of this drawing technology is the usual blossom. In the process of drawing, spontaneous images are first obtained. Then the child telesses the details to give completeness and similarity with real way.

It turns out that the blots can be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but, on the contrary, also praise. It does not need to suffer with pen and ink, and you can use multicolored blots From the paints. If you fold the leaf in half, one side pour a few drops of liquid paint and tightly press the other side, then you can get unusual fancy patterns. And then in the beaches received to try to consider trees, flowers, algae. To begin with, you can try to work with one paint, then with several.


    Fold in half the album sheet, thoroughly try the fold line. Reveal a sheet.

    Score more paint on a brush and drop on one half of the sheet.

    Fold the sheet in half and thoroughly smooth out.

    Reveal the sheet and see what happened

    To do the same operation with paint another color, each time dripping into a clean place and only one of the halves of the sheet.

    See what happened and, if necessary, draw details.

Inflating paint

This technique is something similar to klyaxography. Just like when there are several drops of liquid paint on the sheet of paper, they do not fold the sheet, but take the tube. You can take a cocktail tube, and you can from ordinary children's juice. The lower end of the tube is sent to the center of the blots, and then with an effort to blow into the tube and inflated the klyaks from the center in different directions. Children really like when the blots are running out in different directions "legs". On the spot you can also work and control them, converting into any intended object, the individual parts of which are described by a conventional brush or with felt-tip-tapes. Efforts to inflave paint contribute to the active work of the lungs.

Example of paint drawing and technique

    Tassel draw a trunk of a brown tree.

    Over a tree trunk we apply a brush with a large drop of bright color (yellow, red, orange, green), diluted with water. If we breed strongly, then the "legs" when inflating will be thick, if the passage is thin and neat.

    We put in the center of the tube and begin to swell in different directions, turning the sheet.

    Next to the first to apply a stain of another color and fan it. At the same time, the legs of adjacent stains can intersect and merge. Of several stains, we depict a rounded crown of wood. In the same way, you can perform 2-3 trees.

    In addition to the composition, draw the same method of hedgehogs. The stain of the black color is blown up in its upper part. Brush draw frills and paws. On top of a needle leaf, fungus or an apple.

    You can draw the sun and clouds.


This technique is used for the image of the mirror reflection of objects on the water stroke (pond, lake, rivers, etc.). This technique is similar to kleaxography: a sheet of paper is folded in half, on one half the objects of the future landscape are drawn and paint paints, and after the sheet it is folded in half and strokes. After receiving the output, the initial objects of the drawing are enlivened by the paints again so that they have clearer contours than their reflection on the "water surface" of the reservoir.

Example of drawing in Montotype technique

    Take a blue leaf. Pre-white sheet You can paint blue paint. In the top of the sheet, the objects of the landscape: trees, shrubs, mountains, house, sun, clouds, etc.

    Then fold the sheet at the bottom limit of the transition of the drawing into the water surface and press. Thus, it will reflect the landscape in the water.

    Landscape on the shore to revive with paints so that it is clearer and bright than its reflection in the water. It is not necessary to reflect on the water. It remains slightly blurred.

    Complicate the drawing, fold the sheet into three parts, then the reflection of the items that are on the water, for example, a boat with a sail.

Photocopy - Candle Drawing

For the main drawing, any water repellent material is used: a candle, a piece of dry soap, white wax chalk. Invisible outlines will not be painted when watercolor paint applies on top of them, and they will manifest themselves how this happens when the film is manifested.

Example of drawing in photocopy technique " Frosty pattern»

    Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.

    Perform a drawing on a sheet with a candle or white wax chalk.

    Evenly covered with watercolor watercolor or purple watercolor.

Fit drawing

it mixed technique Drawing various materials. The main goal is to familiarize yourself with the properties and features of the materials. The conceived plot is performed by wax pencils (crayons). Then watercolor is applied on top of the picture. Watercolor paints roll off the picture, and it seems to be manifested.

Example of drawing "Festive salute over the city"

    At the bottom of the drawing draw wax crayons Low home or only roofs. Coloring them. Well click on the wax chalk so that the trace is clear and bright.

    On the remaining part of the sheet, draw multicolored bundles of salute in the form of circles, fetown, fountain, etc. At the ends of the rays draw lights in the form of stars, circles, snowflakes.

    Cove the finished composition with black watercolor (purple, dark blue).

Stained glass performance - glue pictures

The outline of the future figure is made by PVA glue from the bottle with a dosage nose. Pre-sketch can be drawn simple pencil. Then the boundaries of the contour must dry. After that, the space between the contours is painted bright colors. Adhesive borders do not allow paint to spread and mix.

Stained-glass example:

    Simple pencil without pressure to divide the leaf by intersecting lines in different areas, Mandatory from the edge to the edge (the design of the snowflake).

    To spend the lines from the ends of the resulting snowflakes to the middle of each beam, so that the windows are "pieces of glass."

    Cut the contour with PVA glue and give dry.

    Coloring the space between the adhesive boundaries with bright colors.


If a sheet is to portray an undersized contour of the subject or some doodle, then you can see some objects in them. If you draw and add these objects, you will get a holistic recognizable object. The complexity of the tasks of developing performance and visual memory, this method of learning is the most difficult, as it requires a certain level of development of imagination, experience, observations.

At initial acquaintance with Karakulrafia, it is more reasonable to offer a child with a sheet with doodles (halfcoming with the image of acquaintances of animals). If the child will experience difficulty in recognizing objects, you can use leading questions, riddles.

Example of drawing:

    Carefully consider the unfinished circuit, define the missing items of the subject.

    Take the missing details of the object with a simple pencil.

    Coloring ready drawing.

    Optionally, add the composition with thematic elements.


To draw a subject in this technique, you must submit from which geometric figures it consists. Each complex item can be depicted using simple components: triangles, circles, squares, ovals and rectangles. This technique involves the outlining of pre-prepared patterns of geometric figures - in order to draw up and depict a separate object or a storyline.

Draw on the template:

    Start creating an object in the following sequence: At the beginning you need to outline the main, largest, form and only then go to the details.

    Simple pencil outlines geometric formsSo that the finished image amounted to a single integer.

    Read the finished composition in color.

Right items

Part of anyone creative process It is the ability to see the world figuratively, with children inherent only to child directness, with faith in miracles on an emotional-sensitive level. This method of drawing is built on existing already visual experience, the ability to express their attitude to the drawing object in various ways and expressive means Through the color, lines, the transmission of characteristic poses, facial expressions. Let the child dream and present that the most ordinary things that surround us, suddenly come to life.

Drawing example:

    Offer the child to draw different things from any subject group (Vegetables, fruits, clothing, household items, dishes, plants, etc.), which suddenly came to life.

Drawing on stones

Interesting can be for children's creativity This kind of art is drawing on the stones. After all, these simple gray goals can be turned into a real miracle!

When you go with a child for a walk, collect pebbles in a bucket of different shapes and size. The smoother surface of the stone - the better.

Come home, thoroughly wash the stones and dry them. And now consider them from all sides. The shape of the stone itself will tell you who or what was hidden in it. "Turn on" imagination. Maybe this is a bunny pressed ears? Or is a tricky fox? Or maybe a fire-bird?

The sculptor cuts off from the stone everything is more superfluous and it is born his miracle. It is only worth looking for the missing. And that's a magical way the stone comes to life in your skillful hands.

Do not be afraid to experiment! You can first offer the baby to draw dots god's cow Or paint the tilt mouse.

You can draw acrylic paints or ordinary gouache. And be sure to cover the craft of varnish (you can even with a colorless nail polish) so that the drawing is not erased.

In our group, such work became traditional.

    use different forms artistic activities: Collective creativity, independent and gaming activities children on the development of non-traditional techniques of images;

    in planning classes in visual activities, comply with the system and continuity of using non-traditional fine techniques, given the age and individual abilities of children;

    increase your professional level and skill through familiarization, and mastering new unconventional ways and techniques.

    materials (pencils, paints, brushes, markers, wax pencils, etc.) It is necessary to have a kid in sight so that he has a desire to create;

    familiarize him with the surrounding world of things, lively and inanimate nature, subjects visual arts, offer to draw everything, what the child loves to speak, and talk with him about everything he likes to draw;

    do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time stimulate the child's classes with drawing;

    praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!


Davydova, G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part I. -M.: Scripture, 2003. - 80c.

Nikitina AV Non-traditional drawing techniques. -: Karo, 2009. -120c.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten.

Kirinna TA

from. Zarechny, 2012

All children love to draw. Creativity for them is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands - tools of the soul. Faced with the beauty and harmony of the world, taking the feeling of delight and admiration, they feel the desire to "stop a wonderful moment", making their attitude to reality on a sheet of paper.

Drawing for a child - joyful, inspired work, to which it does not have to be forced, but it is very important to stimulate and maintain a baby, gradually discovering new opportunities in front of him.

The original drawing attracts with its simplicity and accessibility, discloses the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials. This is especially clear when working with kids to a fine period, when they have not yet formed technical skills to work with paints, brush, when there is no accurate proportional concept as it is necessary to take water, how much guashi ...

And the main thing is that non-traditional drawing plays an important role in the general mental development of the child. After all, self-concrete is not the final product - a drawing, but the development of personality: the formation of self-confidence, in their abilities, self-identification in creative work, focusing activity.

Print leaves

In the autumn, walking with the child in the park, you can collect leaves from different trees, differing in the form of size and painting. The leaves are covered with gouache, then the painted side is put on a sheet of paper, pressed and removed, it turns out a neat plant imprint.

Example Technique Print sheets:

    Take any leaf you like. And on a separate sheet, paper is well scorched by his gouache with a brush. Try not to leave empty places and not scratched edges.

    Put the leaf painted side down on the blank sheet of paper. Place a piece of paper down and press it tightly, trying not to move it, otherwise the image will be blurred.

    Gently take a piece of paper and smooth movement up gradually to spare it from the album sheet.

    The following leaves can be painted in other colors, and you can make one leaf to the two-color. Print the composition from other places. You can take the already used leaf and paint it into another color, then when mixing different colors can get an unusual shade.

    When the drawing is filled with fingerprints, brush draw the trunks of trees, the printed bodies of the leaves will resemble a sprigs in the color crown.

Drawing by pumping method

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, such as a cotton wand. I lower your cotton wand in the paint and the exact movement from top to bottom, we make the stumps along the album sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The fingerprint form will depend on which form it was selected for the post. If the stitch do purposefully, for example, on the finished circuit and inside it, the depicted object will turn out to be an interesting inhomogeneous texture. This method can draw falling snow, decorate the finished drawing of the ornament and much more.


    Gusheye green paint a long main branch and a few short sidelines, the quantity depends on how much flower covers will be on the main branch.

    From short sprigs on the sides of green, we draw a thin outgoing sprigs for flowerfish.

    We take a cotton wand, omit in yellow and make a yellow middle of flowers at the end of short thin cuttings.

    Between the bunches of the brush to draw short cuttings for the leaves. At the end of each cutken, draw a leaf.


The basis of this drawing technology is the usual blossom. In the process of drawing, spontaneous images are first obtained. Then the child telesses the details to give completeness and similarity with real way.

It turns out that the blots can be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but, on the contrary, also praise. It does not need to suffer with pen and ink, and you can use multicolored blots from the paints. If you fold the leaf in half, one side pour a few drops of liquid paint and tightly press the other side, then you can get unusual bizarre patterns. And then in the beaches received to try to consider trees, flowers, algae. To begin with, you can try to work with one paint, then with several.


    Fold in half the album sheet, thoroughly try the fold line. Reveal a sheet.

    Score more paint on a brush and drop on one half of the sheet.

    Fold the sheet in half and thoroughly smooth out.

    Reveal the sheet and see what happened

    To do the same operation with paint another color, each time dripping into a clean place and only one of the halves of the sheet.

    See what happened and, if necessary, draw details.

Inflating paint

This technique is something similar to klyaxography. Just like when there are several drops of liquid paint on the sheet of paper, they do not fold the sheet, but take the tube. You can take a cocktail tube, and you can from ordinary children's juice. The lower end of the tube is sent to the center of the blots, and then with an effort to blow into the tube and inflated the klyaks from the center in different directions. Children really like when the blots are running out in different directions "legs". On the spot you can also work and control them, converting into any intended object, the individual parts of which are described by a conventional brush or with felt-tip-tapes. Efforts to inflave paint contribute to the active work of the lungs.

Example of paint drawing and technique

    Tassel draw a trunk of a brown tree.

    Over a tree trunk we apply a brush with a large drop of bright color (yellow, red, orange, green), diluted with water. If we breed strongly, then the "legs" when inflating will be thick, if the passage is thin and neat.

    We put in the center of the tube and begin to swell in different directions, turning the sheet.

    Next to the first to apply a stain of another color and fan it. At the same time, the legs of adjacent stains can intersect and merge. Of several stains, we depict a rounded crown of wood. In the same way, you can perform 2-3 trees.

    In addition to the composition, draw the same method of hedgehogs. The stain of the black color is blown up in its upper part. Brush draw frills and paws. On top of a needle leaf, fungus or an apple.

    You can draw the sun and clouds.


This technique is used for the image of the mirror reflection of objects on the water stroke (pond, lake, rivers, etc.). This technique is similar to kleaxography: a sheet of paper is folded in half, on one half the objects of the future landscape are drawn and paint paints, and after the sheet it is folded in half and strokes. After receiving the output, the initial objects of the drawing are enlivened by the paints again so that they have clearer contours than their reflection on the "water surface" of the reservoir.

Example of drawing in Montotype technique

    Take a blue leaf. Pre-white sheet You can paint blue paint. In the top of the sheet, the objects of the landscape: trees, shrubs, mountains, house, sun, clouds, etc.

    Then fold the sheet at the bottom limit of the transition of the drawing into the water surface and press. Thus, it will reflect the landscape in the water.

    Landscape on the shore to revive with paints so that it is clearer and bright than its reflection in the water. It is not necessary to reflect on the water. It remains slightly blurred.

    Complicate the drawing, fold the sheet into three parts, then the reflection of the items that are on the water, for example, a boat with a sail.

Photocopy - Candle Drawing

For the main drawing, any water repellent material is used: a candle, a piece of dry soap, white wax chalk. Invisible outlines will not be painted when watercolor paint applies on top of them, and they will manifest themselves how this happens when the film is manifested.

Example of drawing in the technique of photocopy "Frosty pattern"

    Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.

    Perform a drawing on a sheet with a candle or white wax chalk.

    Evenly covered with watercolor watercolor or purple watercolor.

Fit drawing

This is a mixed drawing technique with various materials. The main goal is to familiarize yourself with the properties and features of the materials. The conceived plot is performed by wax pencils (crayons). Then watercolor is applied on top of the picture. Watercolor paints roll off the picture, and it seems to be manifested.

Example of drawing "Festive salute over the city"

    At the bottom of the drawing, draw a low home or only roofs. Coloring them. Well click on the wax chalk so that the trace is clear and bright.

    On the remaining part of the sheet, draw multicolored bundles of salute in the form of circles, fetown, fountain, etc. At the ends of the rays draw lights in the form of stars, circles, snowflakes.

    Cove the finished composition with black watercolor (purple, dark blue).

Stained glass performance - glue pictures

The outline of the future figure is made by PVA glue from the bottle with a dosage nose. Pre-sketch can be drawn with a simple pencil. Then the boundaries of the contour must dry. After that, the space between the contours is painted with bright colors. Adhesive borders do not allow paint to spread and mix.

Stained-glass example:

    A simple pencil without pressure is divided by a leaf by intersecting lines in different directions, be sure to edge to the edge (the design of the snowflake).

    To spend the lines from the ends of the resulting snowflakes to the middle of each beam, so that the windows are "pieces of glass."

    Cut the contour with PVA glue and give dry.

    Coloring the space between the adhesive boundaries with bright colors.


If a sheet is to portray an undersized contour of the subject or some doodle, then you can see some objects in them. If you draw and add these objects, you will get a holistic recognizable object. The complexity of the tasks of developing performance and visual memory, this method of learning is the most difficult, as it requires a certain level of development of imagination, experience, observations.

At initial acquaintance with Karakulrafia, it is more reasonable to offer a child with a sheet with doodles (halfcoming with the image of acquaintances of animals). If the child will experience difficulty in recognizing objects, you can use leading questions, riddles.

Example of drawing:

    Carefully consider the unfinished circuit, define the missing items of the subject.

    Take the missing details of the object with a simple pencil.

    Coloring ready drawing.

    Optionally, add the composition with thematic elements.


To draw a subject in this technique, it is necessary to submit from which geometric shapes it consists. Each complex item can be depicted using simple components: triangles, circles, squares, ovals and rectangles. This technique involves the outlining of pre-prepared patterns of geometric figures - in order to draw up and depict a separate object or a storyline.

Draw on the template:

    Start creating an object in the following sequence: At the beginning you need to outline the main, largest, form and only then go to the details.

    A simple pencil outline the geometric shapes so that the finished image makes a single integer.

    Read the finished composition in color.

Right items

Part of any creative process is the ability to see the world figuratively, with children inherent only to child directness, with faith in miracles on an emotionally sensitive level. This method of drawing is built on the existing already visual experience, the ability to express its attitude to a drawn object in various ways and expressive means through the color, lines, the transmission of characteristic poses, facial expansion. Let the child dream and present that the most ordinary things that surround us, suddenly come to life.

Drawing example:

    Offer the child to draw different things from any subject group (vegetables, fruits, clothing, household items, dishes, plants, etc.), which suddenly came to life.

Drawing on stones

Interesting can be for children's creativity this kind of art - drawing on the stones. After all, these simple gray goals can be turned into a real miracle!

When you go with a child for a walk, collect pebbles in a bucket of different shapes and size. The smoother surface of the stone - the better.

Come home, thoroughly wash the stones and dry them. And now consider them from all sides. The shape of the stone itself will tell you who or what was hidden in it. "Turn on" imagination. Maybe this is a bunny pressed ears? Or is a tricky fox? Or maybe a fire-bird?

The sculptor cuts off from the stone everything is more superfluous and it is born his miracle. It is only worth looking for the missing. And that's a magical way the stone comes to life in your skillful hands.

Do not be afraid to experiment! You can first offer the baby to try the dots of God's cow or paint the tail.

You can draw acrylic paints or ordinary gouache. And be sure to cover the craft of varnish (you can even with a colorless nail polish) so that the drawing is not erased.

In our group, such work became traditional.

    use different forms of artistic activities: collective creativity, independent and game activity of children on the development of non-traditional techniques of images;

    in planning classes in visual activity, keep the system and continuity of using non-traditional fine techniques, given the age and individual abilities of children;

    increase your professional level and skill through familiarization, and mastering new unconventional methods and images.

    materials (pencils, paints, brushes, markers, wax pencils, etc.) It is necessary to have a kid in sight so that he has a desire to create;

    meet him with the surrounding world of things, lively and inanimate nature, art objects, suggest to draw everything, what the child loves to speak, and talk with him about everything he likes to draw;

    do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time stimulate the child's classes with drawing;

    praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!


Davydova, G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part I. -M.: Scripture, 2003. - 80c.

Nikitina AV Non-traditional drawing techniques. -: Karo, 2009. -120c.

surfaces with plasticine ballsor ball plasticine.

1. Ride small balls, the right color.

2. Place them on the horizontal surface, filling the surface of the displayed object corresponding to the color.

3. Slightly press.

Textric plasticography

an image of large sections of the picture on the horizontal surface and giving them the texture (bas-relief, burner, counter-relief).

Multilayer plasticography

through image The stucco pattern on the horizontal surface, with the sequential application of the layers.

1. To begin with, we take different plasticine colors.

2. We make plates from them. The billets are superimposed by one on top of another. We received the so-called "puff pastry", in the manufacture of which it is desirable to go from dark colors - to light. Just do not press the layers very much to each other, just put one layer on the other.

3. And now you can very carefully bend our workpiece over the midline - it passes where the top, the smallest layer ends.

Or roll the sausage and cut it.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"MDOU Kindergarten №4 Baby"

Technics unconventional drawing


Developed: Starikov.O.A.

2017 year


("Character" - to create, depict, "Plasticine" - the material, with which the design is performed). The principle of this non-traditional technology is to create a stucco pattern with an image of convex, semi-use objects on the horizontal surface.

Types of plasticography

Straight plasticiography -

image of a stucco pattern on horizontal


Features of performance:

1. Roll alternately details of the image depicted, first bulk form (in the form of a ball, sausages).

2. Place them on the horizontal surface.

3. Then flatter, connecting items.

Reverse plasticography

(stained) - image of a stucco pattern with back side Horizontal surface (with contour designation).

Features of performance:

1. Use a plastic transparent surface to work (transparent plastic covers, containers, etc.).

2. From the reverse side of the transparent surface with a marker to draw the contour of the pattern.

3. Roll alternately details of the image of the object, first the bulk form (in the form of a ball, sausages).

4. Position them on the surface, rubbing and filling the details of the image.

Contour plasticiography

an image of an object by contour using "flashers".

Features of performance:

1. Draw a drawing with a pencil or marker.

2. Roll from plasticine sausages or thin flavors.

3. Sequentially lay out a long flagella on the contour of the image.

4. You can fill the inner surface of the image with flavors of another color.

Modular plasticography

image of a stucco pattern on horizontal

surfaces using rollers, balls, braids, multilayer disks.

"The origins of the abilities and talent of children are on the tips of the fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest threads are going - the streams that feed the source of creative thoughts. In other words, the more skill in the children's hand, smarter child" V.Sushechinsky

Drawing is one of the most interesting and exciting activities for children. preschool age. In the process of drawing, observation, aesthetic perception, artistic taste, are improved, creative skills. The non-recognition of graphic skills and skills prevents the child to express in the figure conceived and makes it difficult to develop cognitive abilities and aesthetic perception.

Complex for preschoolers is a method of image objects with thin lines. And not all children cope with the task set before them. It entails a negative emotional attitude towards the entire process of drawing and leads to the development of childhood uncertainty. Solve these problems help unconventional drawing methods

Drawing classes with children should be started with ways that do not require non-small artists of professionally clear lines carrying an important artistic burden. First you should learn to draw your finger. Then the task can be complicated: use in the process of drawing tamps, hard brush.

In subsequent classes, bring children to solving new tasks and use different ways Images of the plot, landscape, still life. An integral part of the work should be experimenting with paints (creating new shades) and the joint development of drawing methods.

This type of activity allows: to make the work of children more interesting, expressive, colorful to develop children's activity and independence, thinking and visual genesis find new ways for artistic image; Transmit their feelings in the works with the help of various means of expressiveness.

Drawing with fingers on the cereal on the tray croupe (manka) is scattered. Children with fingers create familiar simple images.

Ebru The essence of this technique comes down to the fact that there are different density and non-dissolving paints in liquids, they are held on water and creating a thin film.

Volumetric winter paints If mixed in equal amount of PVA and shaving glue and shaving foam, then the wonderful air snow paint.. After some time, the paint will freeze, and it will turn out a bulk winter picture.

Drawing with salt and glue offer little artist new way Drawing with salt and glue. You will be surprised how much delight and emotions will cause this unusual way drawing. It is so interesting to observe how the paints themselves "diverge" in the drawing, but the picture is bright and volumetric.

Drawing on shaving foam foam foam creates a unique drawing database. It allows you to stretch and twist the paint drops into bizarre curls and zigzags, and then get a picture with your unique plot that only children are able to solve. Of course, this method of drawing is developing creative thinking And imagination, and the process is fond of so that one day will have to stock up for shaving foam.

Air paints Drawing by air paints Integrates children of preschool age due to the fact that children of this age is completely small life experienceThat's why they even many ordinary adult people things and phenomena seem to be a real miracle. Already the process of making paints is fascinating the children.

Drawing on foil Drawing on foil by the method of journaling Surely hobble in the child, and will also help develop small motor And attention.

Plasticine painting from the syringe take the syringes from the water, press on the piston and squeeze the flagella. Discover the children album sheets, you can with a picture of a picture, a child lays out the picture, and you can distribute clean lists And here comes the time to dream.

Paints in the paint package pour into a transparent file for a folder or food package. Close the package and stick it with a tape on the window glass. The kids will be happy to prescribe to the package, trying to mix the colors among themselves. Package can be joined and on the table, if it is not possible to do it on the window

Drawing stained in paints Stained glass paints - These are paints for drawing glass. They will give children a lot of pleasure, allowing you to fully show their fantasy. And make them with your own hands, it turns out very simple and easy!

Draw on milk with milk you can easily create beautiful paintings Even without brushes!

Cotelet Therapy Work S. different colors Attracts the child's attention, makes a bright and interesting occupation. You need to draw accurately and carefully, so children learn the concentration of attention and their movements are becoming increasingly coordinated. The child picks up with a pipette colored water and "draws" droplets on a plastic board or paper.

Drawing with wax crayons Drawing molten shallow requires special attention and careful supervises from adults. But the process surprisingly captures all the participants, and the result differs from other techniques. . O.

We draw soap bubbles with a plastic tube to make more soap bubbles. Legend to bubbles paper so that it turned out the imprint.

Teachers Recommendations Use different forms of artistic activities: collective creativity, independent and game activity of children on the development of non-traditional techniques of images; In planning classes in visual activity, keep the system and continuity of using non-traditional fine techniques, given the age and individual abilities of children; Increase your professional level and skill through familiarization, and mastering new unconventional methods and images.

Thanks for attention

Formation creative personality - one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice on modern stage. Best tool For this is fine activity. And unconventional drawing methods allow you to develop observation, artistic taste, aesthetic perception, emotions, creative abilities and skill with accessible tools to create beautiful.

Drawing with unconventional methods is very popular with all children. Such drawing should not be studied specifically, it is not necessary to learn to spend straight lines, draw oblique lines, do not learn to draw circles, triangles, etc. In a word, to bright and quickly draw, it is not necessary to receive special training. It is just necessary to take several ordinary items from home everyday everyday, unanimized with them in a certain way, and the drawing is ready!

Unconventional drawing in the younger group

Since the children of the younger preschool age, just begin to get acquainted with non-traditional drawing, then in class it is better to start acquaintance with the most simple techniques: drawing with hands and stamping.

For such classes, you will need: white paper, brushes, paints (gouache or Finger ), rag or napkin for wiping hands. The essence of such a drawing is that using the hand and its parts instead of a tassel, leaving prints with them, get interesting drawings: Fence, Sun, Hedgehog, and you can just print with your finger.

Work with stamp

Children love to stamp something very much, so they gladly print the contour of the desired figure. If you wish, then these figures can be drawn within the desired details.

Unconventional drawing in the middle group

During this period, children continue to draw with their hands, get acquainted with drawing and printing various objects (leaves, cotton sticks, threads, etc.), tight brush technique.


You can use: foam, crumpled paper, foam, leaves, cotton swabs and much more.

It will take: subject leaving the desired imprint, bowl, gouache, slim foam stamped pad, white paper.

Drawing technique: The drawing in children is obtained as a result of the fact that the child presses the object to the impregnated paint pad and then puts off on white paper. To change the color, you should wipe the stamp and change the bowl with paint.


It will take: thread, brush, bowl, paint gouache, white paper.

The drawing technique is very simple: the child folds in half a sheet of paper, then applies the selected color to the thread, lays it on one side of the paper, and the second covers on top, then he drives well and quickly pulls the thread. When the sheet is revealed, there is some image that can be drawn to the intended image.

Stick Technique Rigid Brush

It will take: a rigid brush, a gouache paint, a white sheet with a painted pencil circuit.

Drawing technique: Children do from left to right through the contour line of the drawing drawing with paint, not leaving between them white space. Inside the resulting circuit, children are painted by the same tiles made in random order. If necessary, the drawing can be drawn with a thin tassel.

Non-traditional drawing B. senior group

In the senior group, children already get acquainted with more complex techniques: Drawing with sand, soap bubbles, swaxography, stencil printing, monotype, plasticiography, watercolor mixing with wax chalk or candle, spray.

Drawing watercolor on the candle or for wax chalk

It will take: wax shallow or candle, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Drawing technique: Children are first painted with wax chalk or candle on a white sheet, and then paint it all watercolor. The drawing drawn by shallow or candle will remain white.


Need: paper white color, Brushes, paint (gouache or watercolor).

Drawing technique: Children fold a white sheet in half, on one side draw a half of the specified item on one side, and then the sheet is folded again and it is well stroked, so that the dry paint has not yet printed on the second half of the sheet.


It will take: liquid paint (watercolor or gouache), brush, white paper.

The method of drawing: a child, typing paints on a brush, from some height drips on the middle of the sheet, then tilts the paper in different direction or blows on the resulting drop. Fantasy will then tell me who became similar to the acquired blossom.

The relevance of the use of non-traditional drawing in kindergarten is that such drawing causes only positive emotions in children, since children are not afraid to be mistaken, become more confident in their power and they have a desire to draw.

And at ten years and seven, and five
All children love to draw.
And everyone freely draws
All that interests him:
False space, Middle Forest,
Flowers, cars, dances, fairy tales ...
All draw! There were paints,
Yes a sheet of paper on the table,
Yes World in the family and on earth!
V.D. Berestov.