What is marketing simple words: species and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan. Theory: Marketing Policy: Goals

What is marketing simple words: species and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan. Theory: Marketing Policy: Goals
What is marketing simple words: species and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan. Theory: Marketing Policy: Goals

Marketing is a market concept for the management of production and sales and technical activities of the enterprise. Philipp Kotler identified marketing as a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs and needs by exchange. Peter Drucker formulated the main goal of marketing - to make efforts to sell unnecessary, his goal is so good to know and understand the client that the goods or service will accurately approach the last and sell themselves.

The main tasks of marketing are:

Formation and stimulation of demand;

Ensuring the validity of the management decisions taken;

Expansion of sales, market share and profits.

The development of marketing is associated with the sequence of its concept.

The main marketing functions include:

1) Analytical function.

It includes the following subfunctions: market study, goods, consumers; Analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

2) Production function. It consists of the following subfunctions: Organization of production of new products and new technologies, organization of logistics production, quality management and competitiveness of finished products.

3) The sales function is the organization of the sales and range, the formation of the demand and stimulation of the sales and organization of the service.

4) The function of management, communications and control is related to the creation of organizational management structures, planning, communications and control organization.

Based on social significance, the following main marketing objectives are distinguished:

Maximization of consumption - maximizes production, level of employment, and, consequently, the well-being of society;

Maximization of the degree of customer satisfaction: more important is not a simple increase in consumption, but to achieve the growth of consumer satisfaction;

Maximization of consumer choice: it is necessary to ensure such a variety of goods so that consumers can be able to find goods, exactly satisfying their tastes;

Maximizing the quality of life is one of the alternative marketing public objectives, according to which marketing not only must provide quantities, quality, diversity and availability of goods at reasonable prices, but also the quality of the cultural and physical habitat of people.

It seems obvious that simultaneously satisfy the listed goals is completely impossible.

There is another classification of goals. At the macro level, the purpose of marketing is to identify and model the patterns and trends in market development, the assessment of the market situation, the definition and forecast of the market capacity. At the level of organizations (micro level) is an assessment, analysis and forecast of our own capabilities and the prospects for the development of the market segment, on which the company is valid.

The tasks of the organization in the field of marketing are:

Determination of conditions under which the optimal relationships between supply and supply of goods on the market are achieved;

Identifying the competitive positions of specific types of products of the company and the company itself at the studied market;

Orientation of production on the production of products that ensure maximum sales and profits.

At this stage of economic development, the marketing is understood as the management function, which determines the market and manufacturing policy of the enterprise. The goal of the marketing and oriented system of the enterprise is to ensure the solution of the tasks supplied by the enterprise (scientific and technical, industrial, commercial and sales), taking into account available resources (material, financial, human, etc.). Marketing as an enterprise management system should provide:

Reliable, reliable information about the market, structure and dynamics of the needs and demand, tastes and desires of consumers, that is, information on the external conditions of the enterprise;

Creating such a product, a commodity assortment that meets the requirements of the market, better than the goods of a competitor satisfies demand, solves the problem of the consumer;

The necessary impact on the consumer, in demand, to the market, ensuring the highest possible control over the realization.

The marketing system as a tool, on the basis of which economic decisions in the field of production, scientific and technical, financial and sales policy should occupy the main place in the enterprise management system. Marketing plays a leading role in ensuring high quality products that meet the requirements of consumers.

Setting the marketing system at the enterprise can be carried out by the following stages:

1) the introduction of marketing ideology, which will allow the company to adhere to market orientation in making management decisions.

2) Development of key components of the marketing system.

3) organization based on the selected marketing components of the management cycle: information collection, solutions, their implementation and control. Based on this, you can develop marketing functions in the enterprise.

4) Distribution of marketing functions between company divisions, including actually behind the marketing department.

5) detailing the functions of the marketing department and their distribution between the structural divisions of the marketing department (if any).

The organizational management structure of the marketing system creates prerequisites for organizing the effective work of the marketing department. Next, it is necessary to take into the marketing department of qualified specialists, distribute duties between them, give them the necessary powers. All this should be carried out by the head of the marketing department together with the management of the enterprise. Each employee of the marketing department must be enshrined individual tasks, for example: one employee is engaged in the market research, the second - development of new products, the third - promotion of products to the market, etc. In the aggregate, all employees of the marketing department are developing and implement a marketing company plan.

The distribution of functional duties between the employees of the marketing department should be aimed at the optimal implementation of the enterprise marketing strategy. From the correctness of the development of the organizational structure of the marketing department and the distribution of functions between employees, the efficiency of the company as a whole depends largely. The organizational structure and functional processes must comply with the nature of the enterprise and its marketing strategy. A constant verification of compliance of the adequacy of the organizational structure of the organization's goals is required.

The implementation of the marketing strategy is a continuous process that consists of a decision step, their implementation and evaluation of their effectiveness. The longest time is the last stage, which involves the analysis of various performance indicators of the enterprise, as well as amendments to marketing plan on the basis of an analysis. Evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing allows you to identify new opportunities and assess the likely threats. Evaluation and control turn the implementation of the marketing strategy into a continuous closed process, since these functions are simultaneously the first and last stages.

The marketing plan is based on the market analysis, industries, competitors, as well as activities aimed at stimulating sales. There is no single standard for developing a marketing plan for its volume or the degree of detail of its elements.

A set of measures to implement the marketing plan includes its development, implementation and evaluation of efficiency. All these stages are aimed at ensuring that the enterprise is carried out within the framework of a single marketing strategy. Due to the fact that the process of implementing the marketing strategy is continuous, as a rule, is developed by an annual marketing plan with subsequent detail. Based on the developed plan, the annual marketing budget is coordinated.

Marketing Plan is a plan for marketing complex, aimed at implementing a marketing strategy.

The frequency of making a marketing plan depends on the activities of the enterprise, its goals and marketing activity. Annual plan reflects the market selection strategies, positioning, various marketing activities, pricing policies, etc.

The main elements of the marketing plan are the following:

Market analysis results. This section contains a market characteristic, an assessment of its capacity, forecasts for market development. It provides data from the analysis of price markets, data analysis of competitors, competitive advantages of an enterprise in the chosen market. The section must only contain conclusions on the analysis carried out, and the results themselves are appropriate to attribute to the application to the plan. In the event that the company simultaneously operates its activities in several markets, it is important to place priorities between them in order to further implement the distribution of resources;

Tactical goals. This section contains the tactical objectives of the company's marketing strategy. It should reflect the planned financial indicators, market share, etc.;

Positioning strategy. This section describes the wishes of the enterprise about how the products of the enterprise should be perceived by consumers. Marketing activities, aimed at promoting products, as well as pricing policies are subject to described here. For each point of the marketing program, the deadlines and persons responsible for their implementation should be indicated. Responsibility for the development and implementation of the marketing plan is distributed among the functional divisions and managers. In addition, it is necessary to distribute responsibility for each planning object and for each functional process associated with the implementation of the marketing plan. This section of the Plan should also contain the procedure for the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances;

Forecast and financing. This section of the Plan reflects the forecast of financial revenues and expenses related to the implementation of the marketing plan. Forecasts and estimates are calculated by employees responsible for the implementation of individual elements of the plan. This section may contain the dynamics of the company's performance, obtained on the basis of sales data, profits, expenses.

The main requirements imposed on employees of the marketing department are as follows:

Wide horizons, including in the field of economics, commerce, production, etc.;



Diplomaticity, the ability to resolve conflicts.

In addition, the employee must have punctuality, cheerfulness and high cultural level.

An employee of the marketing department must own specific knowledge in the field of marketing, as well as to a certain extent to own information on production technology, business and economics.

The main functions of the marketing department at the enterprise are the following:

Market analysis, identification of its capabilities and threats;

The formation of the demand and development of sales incentives;

Implementation planning;

Management and control over marketing activities of the enterprise.

Not so long ago, on one of the forums, I met the question: what is the marketing policy - a document in which the organization of the marketing department or the company's marketing strategy is prescribed? Naturally, more close to reality was the second answer. However, there was no clear definition there ... I will try to give it:

Definition: Marketing Policy - this is a comprehensive plan focusing on the basic idea or certain values \u200b\u200b( goal) and establishing the main framework of behavior ( strategy), as well as describing the necessary operational actions ( use of marketing tools).

In this way, The structure of marketing policies You can describe as follows:

Objectives of the enterprise and marketing goals

Marketing strategies

Marketing mix

Definition: marketing strategy - This is a conditional, global plan "behavior" to achieve the goals of the enterprise and marketing purposes.

Why this plan ...

... conditional? Because the marketing strategy is developed in a specific situation at a certain (not always full!) Information level.

... global? Because interaction is assumed with other parts of the enterprise.

Thus, marketing policy development takes place in several stages, this is a complex planning process.

Before Marketing planning The following tasks are:

1. Analyze the situation within the company and the environment

2. Choose the market

3. Determine the size of the market coverage

4. Develop basic principles of behavior in relation to market participants

5. Determine key points in the use of marketing tools

Summary : Marketing policy development is made using marketing analysis and includes three stages:

1. Setting goals

2. Development of marketing strategy

3. Determining the use of marketing tools

Topic 2. Setting goals

Marketing policies - part of the company's general policy. Based on the analysis of each company builds General system target. It can be represented as follows:

1. Purpose of the company. Mission (Business Mission)

2. "Personality" company(Corporate Identity) - describes the traditions of the company, pursued policies, points of view, position of managers and workers. It is the "personality" of the company creates its image in the eyes of society and in the eyes of his employees.

3. Priorities companies. What the company is focused, depending on the level of profit (on customers, to workers, on the environment, for profit and growth)

4. Operational goals: At this level, the task of management is to submit a mission of the company, taking into account its priorities and its "personality" as a set of specific operational purposes. The latter are divided by

Common goals (for example, increase profits before ...)

The objectives of the functional units (here and include marketing goals, as well as procurement goals, production goals, etc.)

Business targets

Goals using specific tools.

The entire range of company goals can be grouped by the following Categories:

Objectives associated with

1. Market (market share, turnover, new markets)

2. profitability (profit, profitability of equity, etc.)

3. Finance (creditworthiness, liquidity, degree of self-financing, capital structure)
4. Employees (employee satisfaction, employee income and social security, social integration, personality development)

5. Prestige (independence, image, political influence, public influence)

It must be borne in mind that all these goals are closely related to each other.

When making marketing purposes, you must fulfill two conditions:

1) Determine the dimension of the target. Put such goals whose achievement can be monitored (for example, increase the market share by 10%). More about this below;

2) create a market oriented target system. Marketing goals must comply with the general goals of the company and each other.

If some goals contradict each other, it is necessary to clearly define priorities, i.e. What is more important. For example, an increase in the turnover of goods causes a decrease in profits by increasing costs, for example, advertising. Here it is necessary to decide whether it is possible to increase turnover, say, in the medium term, to allow a short-term reduction in profits.

When setting a goal formulates the following aspects of:

1. The content of the goal - Describes what to strive for. In terms of content, there may be:

(BUT) Economic: closely related to the general objectives of the company (profit, profitability, security). Their achievement is simply monitoring, as they are focused on the visible part of the purchase decision process. These are such goals as

Increase sales

Increase market share

Certain Market Access

Use of market potential

(B) Psychographic: A set of measures to increase turnover and sales should influence consumer behavior, i.e. To actually provide psychological influence on (potential) buyers. It is very difficult to measure and control whether the goals were achieved, because here we have the case by psychological motives of buyers' action, willingness to make a purchase and finally, with the probability of making a purchase. And the exact indicators reflecting these parameters does not exist.

The following goals are assessed:

Increase the degree of fame of goods or brand

Change / Immediate Image and Consumer Relations

Strengthening the intention to make a purchase

Change preferences

2. Scale goal - goals can be formulated for sure or Generalized. An example of a generalized goal - profit maximization, market share, etc. In practice, goals are usually formulated for sure (on the basis of indicators obtained during marketing analysis), i.e. For example, increase the market share of up to 30%, reach the increase in turnover by 20%, etc.

3. Time to achieve the goal - For what period of time this purpose should be achieved. Those. Objectives can be formulated short-term, medium and long term.

4. Market segment - For which group of buyers (highlighted on geographical, socio-economic, psychological factors) and / or for which product is formulated this goal.

An example of marketing goal: Increase the share of the product market A in the region B by 10% in the next three months.

Summary : When setting marketing purposes, it is necessary to focus on the overall system of the company's goals. The marketing goal should cover 4 aspects: the maintenance of the goal, scale, period, market segment + goods.

When preparing this article were used:

MEFFERT, HERIBERT, MARKETING: Grundlagen der Absatzpolitik, Berlin, 1990

For any enterprise there are three options on the market.

The first option is the so-called " mass marketing"When an enterprise offers the same item or service to all consumers, without considering some differences in their requirements. The brightest illustration of the use of mass marketing is the words of Henry Ford that each buyer has the opportunity to purchase a car" of any color, provided that that this color is black. "Mass marketing is possible in conditions when:

  • there is a deficit on the market (at least insignificant);
  • buyers are sensitive to the price and possess a fairly low solvency.

At the same time, your company must have the ability to produce large batch goods for profitable use of mass marketing strategy to produce large batch of goods (to obtain savings on the production scale), as well as have reliable access to commodity sources. The main benefits of mass marketing are low product costs, the ability to keep low prices and low marketing costs. However, this option has and danger - the loss of the market with a sharp change in tastes, fashion, technology, as well as the lack of skills to work with several groups of buyers with different needs. It should be noted that today there are practically no markets left on which we can successfully apply mass marketing.

Second option - " concentrated marketing"When the company chooses one group of buyers with similar needs and produces a product or provides a service, the most appropriate requests for this group. At the same time, the product may not satisfy the requirements of all other groups of buyers. In order to adhere to the strategy of concentrated marketing, the enterprise must find a rather large enterprise. A group of buyers with the same tastes, relatively low sensitivity to the price, which pays great attention to the quality of goods or services and have high solvency. To use the strategy of concentrated marketing, the enterprise must have any Know-How: to produce non-standard products that are not able to quickly Copy. As a rule, this strategy elects enterprises possessing limited production facilities. The advantages of concentrated marketing is the ability to appoint an overestimate price to its products due to its uniqueness, as well as relatively low marketing costs. The main danger to enterprises focused on concentrated marketing is that they fall into dependence on the group of buyers they serve, from an unexpected change in their tastes and preferences.

And finally, the third option is " differentiated marketing"When the company is focused on several groups of buyers and adapts its product / service for the requirements of each group. This model of behavior is appropriate to use in saturated markets on which there is no explicit deficit, in conditions of high competition. To use this model, the company must have a flexible organizational and enterprise. Production structure. The main advantage of this option is that, focusing on different consumer groups, you can minimize risks, therefore, the company will have a high market stability. Among the disadvantages can be noted high costs for marketing and production, the impossibility of saving on the scale, the need to develop its own Strategy for every group of buyers.

Thus, the company can focus on the entire market immediately, one or several groups of consumers. Since you have already conducted a SWOT analysis, you have a sufficient level of knowledge about the market, consumers, competitors, as well as the possibilities of your enterprise, to choose from three possible work options in the one that will be most effective in your situation.

A group of consumers with similar needs and similarly reacting to marketing incentives (advertising, public relations, etc.) is a market segment. In order to apply concentrated or differentiated marketing, the enterprise must be pre-divided by the market for segments and choose from them the most attractive.

To split the market to segments, you must select the so-called "segmentation variables". It can be a geographical location, the floor and age of buyers, the composition of the family, the level of income of buyers, the desired benefits when buying, buying behavior and many other parameters. For example, buyers of billiard equipment can be segmented by the purchase goal (for themselves or for the organization), in terms of income (high, medium), according to the degree of professionalism (professional, amateur, newcomer). It is necessary that the variables selected for segmentation really allowed to highlight customer groups that are significantly different from each other. For different products, these variables may be different. For example, segmented car buyers in the color of the hair makes no sense, but manufacturers of shampoos successfully use this criterion, releasing shampoos for light hair.

After you select segments, you need to collect information about the representatives of each segment - who they are needed, etc. After you collect this information, you can start choosing a segment (or segments) on which you are going to work. In order for the segment to be quite attractive to the enterprise, it must meet the following conditions:

  • Be measurable: there must be an opportunity to clearly determine the boundaries of the segment and evaluate its capacity and potential;
  • Have significant sizes to provide an enterprise the opportunity to achieve the planned financial results on the turnover and profits;
  • Being achievable - consumers within one segment must be quite similar to each other so that they can be offered one marketing program;
  • Being stable: the needs of buyers that make up this segment must remain relatively unchanged for quite a long time.

When choosing a target segment (segments), one can be guided by the following criteria:

  • the size of the segment (determined by the value of the demand, which is calculated, based on the number of consumers, the frequency of consumption of this product and the magnitude of the consumption per capita);
  • the availability of competitors and the level of competition in this segment;
  • compliance of the company's products with the requirements of this segment; availability of the enterprise necessary for work on this segment of resources and technologies;
  • the potential of the segment (as a segment will develop in the future).

Secasting the market and choosing the target segment (or segments), you can answer the first question: who is buyers of products and services of the enterprise. Next, it should be determined for what reason consumers should buy products of your enterprise than it differs from the goods and services of your competitors, in other words - what is its distinctive advantage.

Positioning: What is your difference

Positioning - the actions of the enterprise aimed at creating a certain image of the product or the enterprise itself in conscious consumers.

For successful positioning, it is necessary to base it on a distinguishing advantage of the product or enterprise. Under the distinctive advantage is meant something that the company or one of its products has, which the target consumers really want, and what is not yet competitors.

In other words, to detect a distinctive advantage, it is necessary to find a characteristic that:

  • it is from your product;
  • need customers;
  • none of products-competitors.

To do this, make a list of strengths of your product (services) or enterprise. For example, it can be a long shelf life (for milk) or round-the-clock operation (for the store). Then check whether your competitors have these advantages (here you will again come up with the results of SWOT-analysis). All the strengths that are not only with you, but also from competitors, strike out - they are not suitable for the role of a distinctive advantage. Next need to check whether your unique strengths need your consumers.

In case you do not find the characteristics that would satisfy all three conditions of the distinguishing advantage, one of two ways can be made. The first way is to take the strong side of your product needed to consumers, but the competitors' products available (which, however, do not emphasize it) and make it with their "distinctive advantage". The second way is to take a unique strong side of its product, not important for consumers (but meets general market trends), and with the help of advertising, stimulating sales and public relations to convince consumers in the importance of this parameter, making it in this way with its distinctive advantage. . As an example, here you can lead Jonson & Jonson, which was accepted in this way when moving the skin care of the PH 5.5 series. Before the appearance of this advertising, consumers did not interest the level of acidity of funds, and now the inscription "corresponds to the natural level of pH" can be found on each second cosmetic agent.

By chorating the target segment and determining that it can be the basis of positioning, you can move on to the setting of the goals of your company.

Objectives of the enterprise: direction of movement

The purpose of the enterprise is the desired state that can be achieved by the coordinated efforts of all employees at a specified period of time.

It is customary to distinguish between 3 types of objectives: short-term (installed for up to 1 year), medium-term (from 1 to 3 years) and long-term (over 3, sometimes over 5 years). However, long-term planning makes sense only in the conditions of a stable economy, when a high probability that the situation will not have time to change dramatically during this time. In our opinion, it is too early to move to long-term planning in our terms yet, so we will consider only short-term planning. However, the processes of establishing goals for 1, 3, 5 years or other periods are not different from each other.

The system of company purposes can be depicted in the form of the so-called. "Tree of goals." The vertex is the main goal of the entire enterprise for the period under review (in our case - year). Further, the main goal is decomposed (divided) on the purpose of the functional divisions of the enterprise - the objectives of the production department, the goal of marketing, the purpose of separating sales, etc. These goals are formulated in such a way as to achieve the main goal. At the same time, each "branch" of this tree describes not a way to achieve the main goal, but a specific end result, expressed by any indicator. Next, there is a further decomposition of the goals already within each unit: for example, marketing goals can be divided into sales goals, promotion, product development, research, etc. Detailing can be continued until specific tasks that are put in front of each employee.

Setting goals can occur in the following directions:

For example, a firm engaged in the sale of billiard equipment can develop in several directions:

  • an increase in its share in the billiard equipment market in the region where it is already working (old goods - the old market);
  • the offer of new goods and services in the market of this region, for example, the opening of own billiards (new product - the old market);
  • search for new markets: sale of billiard equipment in other regions or other customer groups than those with which the company works now (old goods - a new market);
  • the offer of new goods and services in new markets; For example, the opening of billiard clubs in other regions (new product is a new market).

In order for the targets to be left only on paper, they must meet several important requirements.

  • Goals should be extremely specific. So that all people involved in the process of achieving them understood what they consist.
  • Goals should be memberSo that you can find out that they have been achieved. It is very useful to highlight not only the final, but also intermediate evaluation criteria in order to be able to check how much you have advanced in achieving the goal.
  • Goals should be achievable From the point of view of external factors and internal resources. When setting goals, you should feel that it is possible to achieve them in a specified period. And at the same time, they should be quite complex to make efforts to achieve them.
  • Goals should relate With other, more general purposes, as well as with the strategic goals of the enterprise, and work on their achievement.
  • For each target should be outlined time se Frames. It is required to determine the period for both the final result and for the intermediate.
  • Goals should be flexibleThey need to be installed in such a way that they leave the opportunity to adjust them in accordance with the changes occurring in the external environment of the firm.

There are two main method of formulating goals: authoritarian and expert.

Using authoritarian method Formulation of the goals The company's head establishes the goals alone. It can request information to him and / or listen to the opinions of specialists, but at the same time the decision will be made independently. The effectiveness of this method of formulating the objectives of the enterprise depends on the competence of its first person.

Using expert method Goals are formulated by a group of managers and / or enterprise specialists. As a result of the group discussion, the main problems of the enterprise and the ways to solve them are revealed. The advantage of this method, in addition to the opportunity to look at the problems of the enterprise from various sides and find out the opinion of all interested parties, is also the fact that the opportunity to determine the objectives are eliminated by possible conflicts between senior employees and their motivation increases to achieve their goals. However, in the Great Team, it is not always possible to come to a general opinion, in any case, the process of setting goals in this case can be somewhat delayed.


With this article you can answer three questions:

  • for which group of consumers you are going to work;
  • what strong side of your products should be emphasized and consolidated in consumers' consciousness;
  • what purposes your company is going to achieve over the next year.

To answer the first question, you need to choose one of the three way to work on the market: mass marketing (attempt to please all buyers at once), concentrated marketing (work for one group of buyers) or differentiated marketing (work for several groups of buyers). In case you have chosen a second or third option, you need to share the market for segments, evaluate each of them. And choose one or several for work.

To answer the second question you need to find such the quality of your product (or enterprise), which would be necessary to consumers, but there was no competitors' products. This quality will be your distinctive advantage, at the expense of which the company will be able to compete on the market chosen.

To answer the third question, you need to establish the main goal of your enterprise for the coming year, formulate the goals of each unit (or employee - it all depends on the size of the enterprise), the achievement of which will contribute to the achievement of the main goal, further - to continue the decomposition of the goals.

Objectives may concern:

  • the work of your company in the old market with an existing product;
  • work in the new market with an existing product;
  • work in the old market with a new product;
  • works in the new market with a new product.

The goals of your enterprise must be specific, measurable, achievable, relate to each other, fit into certain time frames, and also be flexible. You can establish the goals of the company independently either resorting to the help of managers of divisions and / or specialists.

In the next article, we will turn to the development of marketing programs for your enterprise.

In the preparation of the article, the following materials were used:

  1. Westwood J. Marketing Plan. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 256C.
  2. Dibb S., Simkin L., Bradley J. Practical manual for marketing planning. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 256C.
  3. Zavgorodaya A.V., Yampolskaya D.O. Marketing planning. - St. Petersburg: Peter. 2002. - 352c.
  4. Koter F. Marketing Management. - St. Petersburg, Peter Kom, 1998. - 896c.

Most of the older entrepreneurs who began commercial activities in the 90s of the last century, as a rule, weakly represent what marketing tasks are. This is explained by the fact that many businessmen have old formations there are no higher economic education, they earned the initial capital, selling consumer goods at prices that exceed the purchasing value of goods by 200-300%. It is not difficult to guess that there is no need to study various economic disciplines to implement such commercial projects.

The entrepreneur goes to Poland, purchases at wholesale prices products that in demand in the post-Soviet space returns home and sells his goods. If the entrepreneur bought goods for ten thousand dollars, he will be able to sell them, receiving 20-30 thousand.

But today, such a scheme will not work, and in order for your business to bring good profits, it is desirable to have an economic education or at least to know the foundations of entrepreneurship, management, marketing, etc. The presented article will help you figure out what goals and marketing objectives are and how this information can be applied in practice.

Definition of Marketing

Marketing - This is an activity aimed at a detailed market analysis and impact on it, in order to promote goods / services from the manufacturer to the final consumer. You can not put a sign of equality between the sale of products and marketing. The latter option includes the following elements and activities: market research, pricing policy, product advertising and its promotion, drawing up a range of goods, determining the purchasing power of potential customers, incentive demand, warranty service. In the presented list, nothing is not specified about the impact of marketing on the production process.

This is due to the fact that the main tasks of marketing are reduced to the compilation of the general picture of the goods, which is demand. This information is an instruction for the production of products. For example, at a factory that releases clothes, employees of the marketing department conducted market research and concluded: in the spring and summer of this year there will be a steady demand for dark tones tips. This information is transmitted to other departments in order to quickly establish the production process of products, which is very quickly implemented and will bring a solid profit to the enterprise.


Analyzing the goals, functions and objectives of marketing, you need to seekly deal with each factor individually, and then trace the relationship between them. Each enterprise has certain marketing purposes that may differ from each other, but they all contribute to the achievement of the main goal of any commercial firm - get the highest possible profits.

In economic theory, the following marketing goals are allocated:

    Won your niche in the market, attracting potential buyers with all sorts of ways (low cost of goods, their high quality, warranty service, accumulative discounts, etc.).

    Examine the needs of potential customers to offer the most optimal product range.

    Create a positive image of an enterprise and make it so that all representatives of the target audience be recognized.

    Significantly improve the quality of customer life (for this it uses the above assortment of goods, their operational and functional parameters, cost, etc.).

    Preservation of ecology.

    The choice of the optimal profit mechanism.

The above list is marketing goals that cannot be estimated in monetary terms, but there are other directions measured by quantitative indicators:

    Increase sales, revenues and profits.

    Rising volumes of products.

    Reduced permanent and variable costs.

And the first, and the second group of marketing targets should be real, it is impossible to build plans that even without pay and detailed analysis look unacceptable. In addition, always consider that life does not stand still, the essence of the purpose and objectives of marketing can change or transform or transformed over time. Marketing is quite a dynamic science, the fact that today it was very important, tomorrow can be minor or insignificant.


To achieve his goals, as a rule, you need to solve some tasks:

    Constantly analyze the situation on the market of your products, as well as those products whose production you can very quickly establish. For example, an enterprise engaged in the manufacture of motorcycles can organize the release of motoblocks and offer to customers a good price for them. In case of continuous monitoring of the situation in the motor-block market, you will immediately see changes in the indicators in demand, which will allow you to start the line for the production of the presented technology and earn a solid amount on this.

    Carefully explore the consumer mood of your customers. In case of unfavorable changes for your business, you can quickly react and avoid unnecessary losses.

    Use internal marketing in the enterprise to increase the efficiency of working with personnel.

    Control each step of your competitors. It will give the opportunity to save your customer base, as well as win new buyers if competing companies can permiss a serious mistake.

    Create useful communications.

    Constantly engage in the promotion of their goods / services. Use for this Internet, all sorts of advertising, carry out interesting promotions, etc.

    Watch out for changes in the cost of goods.

    Use all available marketing technologies to develop a new promising product or modernization of old products.

    Watch out for technological innovations that are related to your activities.

    Create a strategic action plan, both short-term and long-term periods.

The readers should be paid to the fact that at large enterprises the above tasks are performed not only by the marketing department, but also other employees: accountant, economists, analysts, etc.


Some entrepreneurs sometimes do not distinguish forms and marketing tasks, assuming that this is the same. But it is not.

Main forms of marketing:

    Industrial Marketing. In this situation, the entity of entrepreneurial activity is not working with a finite buyer, but with another enterprise that is acting as an intermediary and, often, not the last.

    Direct marketing works through the distribution of a direct advertising message. To do this, we use television, radio, newspapers with an indication of the direct phone number of the manufacturer of goods / services.

    Network marketing is the most well-known form in the territory of the post-Soviet countries. In this case, a personal connection with the buyer is used, which contributes to an increase in the volume of products sold.

    Retail. Marketing, the foundation of which is the relationship between the subjects of trade relations.

    Marketing services. Refers to the market for any services (financial, mediation, consulting, etc.).

    Integration marketing is a combination of all working methods for promoting products, a brand or company.

Regardless of the presented forms, marketing tasks in the enterprise, the institution / organization will not be implemented if there is no prepared specialist for these purposes.


If you figured out what marketing challenges are to the company, you can proceed to the study of its functions.

Analytical function is reduced to a detailed study of markets for products, potential buyers, competitors and sold goods. This feature allows you to learn the capacity of the market, the preferences of the target audience, the number of competing firms, turnover, and also find out how much competitors you have.

The production function is focused on optimizing production manufacturing at the expense of new technologies, improve the quality of the final product, etc. It can be said that in this case there is a comparison of the requirements of the market and the possibilities of the company, which makes it possible to produce an optimal amount of goods with the lowest cost. For example, take the production of paving slabs.

Five workers during the shift produce 4.5 tons of finished products if you invite five more people and work in the second shift, the performance will grow only by 3.5 tons (the work in the night shift). That is, when working in two shifts, the cost will be higher, but in this case, by increasing the volume of tile sales, the entrepreneur will earn more. But there are situations where the increase in sales volumes without changing the production technology becomes unprofitable.

The distribution and sale of finished products includes the agreed work of logistics, warehouse and transportation departments. In addition, this function is directly related to the pricing policy of the enterprise and advertising events. If your products will instantly "post", by visiting the product independently, you do not need to rent additional warehouses, pay for shipments for unloading / loading goods, which will eventually have a positive effect on the financial condition of the company.

Management function is focused on planning, rational use of resources, organizing the production process, as well as control in the enterprise. If you are interested in marketing tasks at the business growth stage, you must ideally know all the listed items so that in the process of the future firm you did not have unforeseen expenses, etc.

All listed criteria and factors are basic, that is, they will be relevant in a year, two or five. If you understand the essence of the question, then you should not be afraid of some unforeseen situations, you can safely begin to organize the work of the future firm. The main thing is that you in six months (or even earlier) have not forgotten the main tasks of marketing and could always briefly describe their meaning. Some IP believe that economic sciences are not needed for their business. Example from life. Bought meat for 10 thousand, they fucked kebabs, received the cash desk - 30 thousand, it means that everything is fine, the business has succeeded. But suddenly a competitor appeared nearby, and all former buyers instantly moved to a new cafe.

The reason for such "desertion" is very simple. Businessman knows how to use his knowledge in marketing. Even before the opening of the cafe, beautiful advertisements appeared in the whole area. On the day of the opening, each visitor received a good portion of the kebabs (the return was even more than from advertising), in the institution is always clean and cozy (a special "contingent" culturally asked to leave the cafe), visitors always get clean napkins, the car constantly duty near the cafe, Ready to take customers home. This is a real example of life that shows the effectiveness of the application of marketing for the development of small businesses.Types of marketing | Main species

2017-01-05 00:54:58

[...] In each particular case, the enterprise of marketing functions can be used stronger, or weaker, but comprehensively. As for marketing tasks about this more than more details, you can read in the material - "Marketing Tasks". [...]

F. Kotler allocated marketing in a separate specialty. He also made the definition of new science.

Classical interpretation of F. Cotler, Professor, Founder The Theory of Marketing: Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs, needs by exchange. What is marketing, oddly enough, they know today only people directly related to this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. And in non-specialists sometimes quite blurred ideas about this area of \u200b\u200bwork. In addition, it can be said that marketing in a broader sense is a philosophy of the enterprise management, according to which the problem solving and meeting the needs of consumers will lead to marketing goals - the company's commercial success - and benefits society.

Obviously, despite the huge number of interpretations of this term, they are all close to each other. It is not enough to know only the importance of the word "marketing". Its definition will be incomplete if it is separately not to highlight the marketing complex. It belongs to all that the company can take to increase demand for its goods and services. The catcher determines the marketing complex as a set of controlled and prediction of variables of marketing factors, the combination of which an enterprise applies to obtain the desired reaction from the target market. The components of the marketing complex include price, goods, distribution policies and sales stimulation. These 4r, as a rule, reflect trade marketing. The definition of the marketing complex for the service sector will already be wider. It includes people, processes and physical environment.

Marketing goals

Marketing tasks

  • An integrated approach to the study of the market, to achieving the company's goals. Commercial success is ensured by using all instruments of the marketing complex.
  • Detection of unsatisfied consumers and potential demand.
  • Planning the range and formation of pricing policy.
  • Development of a set of measures for the maximum possible satisfaction of current demand for goods and services.
  • Development of control optimization measures.
  • Formation of demand.
  • Planning and implementation of sales policy.

Marketing functions

  • Analytical function. Includes the study of the internal and external environment of the company. This is a market analysis, its structure and dynamics; study of the work of competitors and intermediaries; Analysis of consumer behavior and product suppliers.
  • Production product function. It implies the creation of a new product, the most fully reflecting the needs of the market and possessing sufficiently high competitiveness by studying the environment of the market.
  • Sales function. The marketing system is responsible for creating certain product sales conditions so that it is always in the right place, in the required quantity and at a certain time. Examples of virus marketing on social networks, for example, can be one of the ways to sell goods.
  • Control function, communications and control Need to ensure reduce the degree of possible risk and uncertainty in the economic activity of the enterprise. Also here refers control over the implementation of medium and long-term plans.

Strategy Development

Marketing strategies are based on the study of consumer demand, behavior of competitors and conjunctures of the direction of the enterprise at a certain point in time, which make it possible to solve the fundamental tasks of the company, based on available resources in the conditions of a changing market situation.

Strategy elements

Any marketing strategy consists of the following elements:

  • Marketing plans concerning potential consumer markets.
  • Justification of the effective position of the goods or company in the market.
  • Forecast market dynamics.
  • Analysis of the potential market sales market.
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Marketing strategies will be effective in the case when they will take into account many indicators, such as: analysis of the marketing market, external environment, enterprise.

The implementation of the marketing strategy includes the following steps.

  • Comprehensive analysis of the enterprise.
  • Analysis of the potential market.
  • Evaluation of the potential of the enterprise on a specific market.
  • Study of the industry.
  • Comprehensive analysis of competitors.
  • Analysis of the possible impact on the draft external factors.
  • Marketing audit of the inner medium.
  • Conducting and monitoring marketing events.

The marketing strategy of each enterprise depends on its goals (retention or conquest of the market segment, conducted commodity policy, the formation of demand). Depending on the need to maintain its part of the market or conquer a new segment distinguish the strategies of retention, offensive and retreat. The attacking strategy provides for the active position of the company in increasing market share. The retention strategy is responsible for preserving its share in the market. The retreat strategy is usually forced and lies in gradual collaboration of the business in this segment.