How to draw kids with space with wax pencils. Drawing in unconventional technique "Space

How to draw kids with space with wax pencils. Drawing in unconventional technique
How to draw kids with space with wax pencils. Drawing in unconventional technique "Space

We will need:

  • dense paper for watercolor (Watman);
  • tassels (thin and thick);
  • watercolor;
  • white gouache;
  • toothbrush;
  • water.

Draw Phatepno

To get an original drawing, you will show space in a circle. Take a thick brush, dry it into clean water and walk along the sheet of paper. This is necessary in order to get beautiful divorces. It is best to start painting space with light paints, taking yellow, orange, red and blue. Use chaotic strokes so that the transitions between flowers looked natural.

Divide several saturated blue shades on the palette, mixing them with purple and black paint. To draw watercolor space, it is necessary to apply smears with rapid chaotic movements, not forgetting to rinse the brush in the water for each new shade. So the colors of the starry sky will be clean and more contrastful, and the divorces will be spectacularly looked.

Go from the center to the sides, filling an improvised space circle with paints. Do not be afraid to enter the brush to already dried areas, modifying the pattern of space in the process and adding saturation areas.

When you fill in the entire circle with paints, you can proceed to work out parts. Take a thin bruster and walk in red and yellow in the glow area. The color transition will become more interesting, making the star nebula colorful.

Want to draw space with millions of stars? Then wait until the drawing is completely dry, take a toothbrush, dry it into the white gouache and leave on a sheet of splashes, carefully spending your finger on the bristle.

So that the picture of the space is more interesting, you can draw planets over to draw. For this, white gouache shows the circles of different sizes. After the paint is driving, a thin tassel impose colored dotted strokes, not forgetting about the semicircular shadow on one side of the planet.

Another way to draw space watercolor

1. In order to draw the universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least, from such quantity can be started. Important: The watercolor sheet should be very dense, so that it is not wrinkled from the water and that the paint is beautiful and evenly spread.

2. The circuit can be described in a solid simple pencil to designate the space that you will wet water. Water part of the selected space.

3. Apply to the moistened area of \u200b\u200bpaint. Try the contours to be beautiful.

4. Water the remaining part of the water space and apply paint of another color. Selectively make bright splashes throughout the drawing. The drawing should be wet so that the paint is beautiful spread.

5. After the drawing is completely dry, apply stars. This can be done white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars can be drawn carefully.

If you sprinkle the salt on a low pattern, the structure of the cosmos will turn out even more interesting. Salt absorbs part of the paint, and having shook it after complete drying, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds at the salt.

An image of a cosmos pencil

To determine how to draw space with a phased pencil and get a high-quality image, you need a little more attention and perfection.

An image technique with a pencil is a bit more complicated compared to paints. As in any drawing, you need to decide on the composition of the picture. To create the background, it will be necessary to draw the right classic strokes that will give the pattern a feeling of spatiality. Starting with the darkest strokes, gradually moving to brighter colors. The main thing is to avoid sharp corners and hard lines. Add images of the planets, moon, stars, etc. add images, the depth, smoothness and softness of the space should be reflected in the figure.

Simple picture of cosmos pencils

1. A large solar system consists of the Sun, around which 8 planets rotate. So at first we need to draw a big circle.

3. On each line you will need to draw on one planet. Each planet has its own sizes and distinctive features. For example, Saturn is on the sixth position from the Sun, and it has a rings system. Also, uranium has rings. There are 30 of them 30, but in the figure we denote this by one line. Also, draw one comet and field of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter (between the fourth and fifth planet). Asteroids will also be depicted for the last planet. They are called the bed of the bed.

4. Obligate each element in the picture with a black marker.

5. We start painting space. First of all, let the color of the sun, which you need yellow and orange shades. There are no superfluous tones in more dark places.

Then, in order, go to other planets and paint them with the same pencils. An yellow pencil will give the color of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Also we will apply strokes with orange pencil in Venus, Mars and Jupiter. But Saturn's rings will paint the brown pencil.

6. We now turn to other planets. They will color the pencils of blue and blue colors. These will be uranium and neptune. But our planet Earth distinguished himself from others. After all, it will have various shades in themselves - both yellow, and blue, and green. Belt with asteroids to color brown pencil.

7. Now let's give the color space. To do this, use pencils of blue, blue and purple colors.

8. On this pattern, the space is completely complete. Of course, here you can draw a lot of details, but let's leave it for our imagination to dream and feel the whole essence of the universe.

Some interesting pictures of space

Summary: Children's drawings on the subject of space. How to draw a drawing to the Day of Cosmonautics.

On the eve of the day of cosmonautics will be relevant to talk about children's drawings on the topic of space. In this article we want to tell you how to draw space using unconventional drawing techniques. Here we will look at the drawings on the subject of space, made in the equipment of the GRUTAGA, PASPARTU, "SPEA". You will also learn how to draw an unusual drawing to the Day of Cosmonautics using a shaving foam or an air-bubble film. The spaces described in the article are easy to perform and are available including children of preschool and primary school age.

1. Pictures on the topic Space in Engineering

The word "GRUTAZH" occurred from the French Gratter - scrubbing, scratching, so another name of the equipment - the equipment of the scratch.

To draw a drawing on the subject of space in the GRUTABT technique, you will need:

White high-density paper (or cardboard)
- Colored wax crayons
- Gouashe paint black or mascara
- dishwashing liquid
- Brush
- any acute subject (wooden spanchka, toothpick, needle, etc.)

Work plan:

1. Color paper with colored wax chalks in free style. Do not regret the crayons, they must cover the paper with a thick layer. Note: Even a small child can cope with this part of the work.

2. Mix 3 pieces of black gouache paint (carcass) and 1 part of the dishwashing liquid. Smooth layer cover the paper with the resulting mixture.

3. Give the paint to dry completely. You can speed up this process using a hair dryer. And now the most interesting! Take any sharp object and scratch your drawing on the topic of space. As a result, the original work on the Day of Cosmonautics, made in unconventional equipment drawing equipment

2. How to draw space. Drawing in the technique of "Pasparta"

This is a very unusual and exciting drawing technique. First, as in the previous technique, you need to paint a sheet of paper with colored wax chalk. As a result, you will get a bright, colored rug. After that, on the cardboard, draw the patterns of planets, flying plates, cosmic missiles, stars, etc. Cut patterns. On a dense paper sheet of black color Spread out the cut patterns in the form of a composition. Cut them with a pencil, after which cut silhouettes with manicure scissors. Note: This stage of work must perform an adult. Now impose a black sheet of paper with carved silhouettes to be painted with shallow "rug". Cosmos drawing in the "Pasparta" technique is ready. Link to the original source.

3. Children's drawings on the subject of space. Draw with shaving foam

For children in creativity, the process itself is more important than the result. We, adults, are interested in the final product of our activity. Today we want you to offer such a type of game with paints, which will satisfy the needs of both children and adults. The website describes an interesting way to create a so-called. "Marble paper" with conventional shaving foam and paints (or food dyes). Taking advantage of the detailed instructions for the manufacture of "marble paper", described on this site, you can make beautiful drawings on the topic of space for Cosmonautics.

4. Pictures of the Day of Cosmonautics. Draw space for music

In 1914-1916, the English composer Gustav Cansto composed symphonic suite "Planets". Suite consists of 7 parts - by the number of planets of the solar system (with the exception of the Earth), known at the time of writing. We invite you to spend your next interesting occupation with the child, dedicated to the topic of space, on the acrimible of the day of cosmonautics.

Give the child a large sheet of paper and paint. Ask for a simple pencil to divide the sheet into four equal parts. Now let him take turns listening to any 4 pieces of suite (for example, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus). Listening to every part of the musical work, he should depict emotions and feelings on canvas that this music causes him. Children such work, as a rule, really like. This is what one of our students painted.

Of the resulting abstract paintings, then you can cut the planets and stick them onto a sheet of black paper. Drawing to the Day of Cosmonautics Ready!

5. Pictures on the topic of space. We draw space with a toothbrush

We offer you to make a drawing on the topic of space in the so-called. Software "spray". With a toothbrush on a black paper sheet spray white paint. You will have a starry sky. Planets can be drawn with a sponge, smearing the paints of different colors. See what a beautiful drawing on the topic of cosmos turned out from us!

6. Children's drawings on space. Non-traditional drawing techniques

If suddenly you have a piece of air-bubble film, now it's time to use it for children's creativity. After all, with the help of this wonderful material, you can simply paint the planet. It is only necessary to apply paint to the film and attach it to the drawing in the right place.

The planet in the figure below is also made in this technique of non-traditional drawing. Additional prints are made using a cardboard roller from toilet paper and plastic tubule. Also, when drawing this picture on the theme of space was applied by the so-called. Technique "spray".

7. Pictures of space. Cosmonautics Drawings

An interesting project for kids for the Day of Cosmonautics has prepared the site On this site you can download and print the Figure of the Moon. The moon is represented in three sizes: large (22 sheets), medium (6 sheets) and small size (1 sheet). Print the drawing, glue the sheets on the wall in the correct sequence.

Now suggest the child to dream, who lives on the moon. Let him draw her inhabitants, their homes, transport, etc.

8. Pictures on the topic of space. Children's drawings on the subject of space

These charming aliens are drawn using such non-traditional drawing techniques as paint blowing through the straw (plastic tube). What is this technique?

We apply with brushes (or pipettes) on a sheet of paper paint, diluted with water so that the sheet turned on the sheet. After that, we blow on the paint through the straw, it spreads into different directions and we have a stain of a bizarre form. When the paint is driving, we draw all the necessary details to our aliens.

The world environment for preschoolers is a means of knowledge and source of artistic images that they are happy to embody on paper in the process of drawing. In the senior and preparatory group, the pupils of kindergarten get acquainted with the unknown world of the Universe. He attracts children's attention, makes it ponder and fantasize. As the result, the guys create wonderful compositions on the topic "Cosmos".

Features of drawing on this topic in senior preschool age

To realize the huge unknown world of space, you need to maximize the imagination. Preschoolers can easily cope with this task - can imagine themselves on board the spacecraft flying past unknown planets, or the aliens saving from a black hole.

Cosmos is one of the topics that develop children's fantasy. The emphasis in such drawings is placed on three main directions. First of all, it is the creation of a cosmic landscape with many stars, beautiful, not similar to each other planets, comets, asteroids, etc. In some works of preschoolers, the foreground can be clearly distinguished - the landscape of the planet or other space body is drawn in detail (for example, the moon - satellite Land).

Another direction of drawings on this topic is an image of a technique intended for the development of space: rockets, satellites, cosmic ships. Senior preschoolers create quite realistic images, paying attention to detail. Along with such devices, the guys love to paint the means of movement of fictional aliens, the so-called flying plates.

And one more part of the work on the creation of cosmic compositions is an image of astronauts in its professional equipment and fantastic anthropomorphic creatures - aliens. The latter may look in children's presentation completely differently, to be cute or deliberately ugly, have their own character - kind or aggressive.

The teacher in the classification of space does not give senior preschoolers of ready-made patterns. So, to create a cosmic landscape, the guys will have enough to have a poster before the eyes with the image of the solar system to have an idea what the various planet looks.

Poster for preschool children

Drawing a rocket is usually not a complexity for children - the teacher only clarifies its component elements with the guys. In addition, the drawing is usually preceded by appliqué on this topic.

As for the creation of a cosmonaut's image, the image of a person is always a difficult task. However, in this case, the work is simplified by the presence of a volumetric spacecraft, therefore the detailed transmission of the features of the person or the proportions of the body parts will not be so much relevant.

Drawing aliens is an extremely creative process when children are independently looking for ways to create a fantastic image. However, the educator can provide preschoolers a picture with various types of these creatures (for example, on the basis of a cartoon).

Poster for preschool children

In the senior and preparatory group, the final part of the classes is important - the analysis of finished works. For example, if the guys painted aliens, the teacher organizes a discussion about the expressiveness of the created images. Children tell what colors they used in the work, which is best to portray. In addition, each child can come up with a name to his aliel and tell about his character, as well as about the planet with which he flew.

Most relevant materials and workforce

Drawing on a space topic involves the use of a specific basis. If it is a drawing with paints, the sheet of paper is usually toned in a dark color - black, brown, dark blue, dark purple. Although individual drawings are wonderful and on a blue basis. Also, a gradient background with beautiful color transitions is also spectacular.

The basis for drawing a space landscape

The form of the foundation may be not only standard (A4 format). An interesting solution is to offer the guys big circles of gray paper (moon), on which they will depict the lunar landscape or fictional inhabitants of this space object.

The basis of the pattern is a circle containing A4 format

As for paint, the gouache in this case will be preferable to watercolor, as it allows you to create bright and rich images.

Space compositions are also created by senior preschoolers with colored pencils or wax shallow. The background is painted in the process of work, and, unlike pattern paints, it is not too dark.

Always unusually combined materials. For example, on a watercolor drawing, the contour of the white rocket is drawn by a bright marker.

By using the felt-meter, the watercolor image becomes brighter and contrast

Since, when drawing on the topic "Cosmos", unconventional techniques are often involved, the teacher provides children with appropriate accessories - foam sponges, toothbrushes, cotton wands, toothpicks for scratching pattern, glue. You can even use such an unexpected material like soap bubbles or shaving foam.

At the visual lesson on this topic, the guys can also offer stencils with an image, for example, comet, aliens, a spacecraft. At the same time, it is possible to tonterate the basis of beautiful color transitions, and the images of screening objects can be made by monophonic and contrast.

Materials for drawing

Images and techniques of images used when drawing on a space theme

Creating compositions on a space theme, senior preschoolers work out all previously mastered paints and pencils. Improved technique for working with a brush (tip and all pile). Children regulate push strength on a pencil, exercise in a silhouette of rhythmic unidirectional movements. The teacher is watching whether the pupils hold the tool correctly, makes comments as needed (it is relevant even in the preparatory group).

In the elder, and even more so in the preparatory group, the guys are already well able to mix paint, achieving interesting shades. This skill is useful to them when drawing cosmic landscapes.

Such an unusual and mysterious topic, like "Cosmos", opens great space for disclosing the creative fantasy of preschoolers. In this regard, great opportunities provide non-traditional image techniques.For example, endless spaces of space depicted in watercolor can be effectively supplemented with a toothbrush spray - in this way we will show numerous distant stars, minor asteroids and cosmic dust.

Figure using unconventional spray technology

To create an image of the mysterious universe, the equipment is perfectly suitable - scratching silhouettes on a dark background. Previously, the base is painted with multi-colored wax cramped and covered with a thick layer of black guashi (preschoolers may well do it on the eve of the classes.

Technique GRUTAK.

The most interesting is the process of scratching the pattern. As a result of this work, the original image is obtained.

Drawing in Engineering Groat

Fancy images of aliens are well obtained using a swinging - blowing paint through a cocktail tube with a subsequent addition to the details.


Draw a lunar landscape with characteristic craters will help the ordinary PVA glue in a bubble with a narrow neck. On the surface of the moon, embossed circles are depicted, which are covered with gray paint after drying.

Drawing with plow glue

An interesting embossed image is also obtained using an ordinary salt. The silhouette of the cosmic object is first indicated by glue, and then sprinkled with a large salt. When the image gets up, it is covered with paint.

Drawing salt followed by painting

Consider and such an unusual reception as drawing a shaving foam. Foam is mixed with paint - resulting in a beautiful marble effect. In this way, you can depict our native planet Earth.

Drawing for shaving foam

The kindergarten is also often practiced drawing with wax crayons, followed by watercolor or gouache paper sheet. In this case, the property of wax crayons repel the water. Initially, preschoolers draw space objects, rockets, cosmonauts, etc., and then cover the entire sheet of black paint using a brush. From sections covered with wax, paint rolls. The result is a beautiful contrast image.

Figure watercolor and wax crayons

Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating work, the implementation of an individual approach in occupation

When drawing on such a creative theme as "Cosmos", of course, it is necessary to encourage preschoolers to use additional activities. Thus, it is possible to implement an individual approach to class. For example, a bright picture depicting a distant alien planet with its bizarre inhabitants will decorate the applique in the form of paper silhouettes of wicked trees.

Drawing with appliqué elements

The composition will make more original and plasticine parts.

Combination of drawing and plasticography

Options for drawing on the topic "Cosmos" in the senior and preparatory group

Cooking on the space theme with the older preschoolers is the logical of everything in early April - on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Cosmonautics. Before such productive activities, it is advisable to conduct a lesson on the knowledge of the surrounding world on the topic "Cosmos" so that the guys reflect their knowledge and impressions in the picture.

As a specific topics, the following are as follows:

  • "Space landscape." Here, the focus is on the most space space flying in it comets, meteorites, cosmic dust, etc.)
  • "Planets of the Solar System." The guys depict the sun in detail and rotating the planets around it, reflecting the characteristic external features of certain space objects (red Mars, Saturn Rings, Green-Blue Earth, Orange Venus, Very Little Mercury, Huge Jupiter, etc.).
  • "Flying to the moon" (as an option - "Flight to Mars"). Preschoolers depict a lunar surface, a spacecraft on it. You can also include an astronaut image in the composition. Another option - the moon is depicted from afar, and the spacecraft is pumped to it.
  • "Cosmonauts in space." Children draw astronauts in a safe planted in weightlessness in open space space.
  • "Aliens in space" (as an option - "Martian"). This is a fantasy work in which preschoolers create a fictional image of an aliens, hanging it with the most unthinkable exterior features.
  • "Rocket in Space", "flying satellite". Here the emphasis is placed on a detailed image of technical objects created by a person to master the space.

Drawing on a cosmic subject If you wish can be organized as a collective work. To do this, you can take this topic as the "Solar System" - every child in the subgroup depicts a certain planet.

Organizing the motivating principle of directly educational activities: a surprise moment, a cognitive conversation, reading a fairy tale, poem, reviewing illustrations and other

Cosmos drawing occupation should pass in the creative atmosphere so that preschoolers get in touch with the mysterious and magical world of the endless universe. First of all, it will help to make thoughtful play motivation.

For example, the educator informs the guys that he received a message from space, in which someone asks for help. It turns out that it is a dunning who flew to the moon and cannot return back. He is scary one in an unfamiliar place. I must definitely need to help - send an astronauts rescue squad to the moon. But you can only go there on a rocket or spacecraft that you need to draw.

A letter to preschoolers can also send astronauts. It is also attached to the parcel with a gift - helmet. Cosmonauts, knowing that the guys are well drawn, asking them to send them pictures with the image of a space landscape.

Interesting motivation using a toy character. A new cosmos comes to visit children. He says he liked the big and beautiful planet Earth. There are many people living on it, but he is sad and lonely, because he lives at all alone on his planet. Alien asks the guys to please him - draw friends.

Soft toy that can be used in class

In order for children to imbued with a space theme, the educator can offer them to turn into astronauts. For this, preschoolers wear pre-prepared paper helmets and under the appropriate music are a flight. The guys open their eyes and see a poster with the image of the solar system.

Photography with open classes in kindergarten

Drawing on the subject of space can be started with a fairy tale.A wonderful modern work is a fairy tale Iris Review "about a resourceful girl and generous sun." It says that once for a long time, our planet was illuminated only during the day when the sun's rays covered all the living. But at night it was so dark and scary that it is impossible to describe. And here is one little girl turned to the sun asking anyone to shine and at night, because she is very afraid of darkness. The sun wondered and decided to make a miracle - his races gave the light of the moon, so that she in turn would send him to the ground. In addition, the Moon volunteered to help stars. Now the nights were not so dark, and the little girl was no longer afraid to sleep.

After reading this beautiful fairy tale, the pupils of a senior or preparatory group can be suggested to draw a cosmic landscape, where the bright moon and stars will illuminate the globe in the darkness of the universe.

You can also recommend the "Tale of Lonely Star". The main heroine is a small asterisk (although it actually was more than our sun). She was very lonely, because other stars are arranged far away, and the planets were not interested in her life. They just argued with each other about whose trajectory is more correct. And somehow a comet flew past the sprocket at night. The heroine has never seen them before. They talked. Comet said that she was a heavenly traveler - flies where she wants. It is made of ice, but there are still other comets - from stones and metals. The asterisk asked for a comet not to fly away, and to swim around her and tell about the wonders, which he saw in the universe. The comet agreed, began to rotate around the star along with the planets and daily told amazing stories. From her stories, the asterisk learned that there are a lot of stars varieties: young and old, hot and almost cooled, small and gigantic. And the most interesting thing is many stars who are visible in the sky, in fact, long ago went out, and the light from them still goes and for a long time will go. An asterisk confessed to comet that her innermost desire is to talk to other stars. And the new girlfriend told her that the stars communicate with each other with their flicker (they will flare up brighter, it would almost go out) - this is their language.

Soon the comet flew away. And the asterisk looked at the sky, wanting to solve a mysterious language. And suddenly one at night when she admired the bright red star, she began to blink - three short flashes, then one bright. Then the same star did the same. And then the little asterisk understood that it was a greeting, and also mad distorted stars. Now it remained only to wait for a response, let him even come in a thousand years.

The picture you can illustrate a fairy tale

The plot of this wonderful fairy tale will be a good motivation for drawing space objects - stars, planets and comets.

The teacher can also tell pupils from the first person such a fabulous story:

"Once I was at the Star Space Ball. In the center, on a high throne, without the movement sat Queen Bala - Polar Star. She had a magnificent blue dress, and her head decorated the crown. Multicolored stars circled around the waltz, constellations danced in different masks. Crystal ringing of the bells reported on the arrival of Mrs. Comet. Her tail was overflowed by all the colors of the rainbow, the outfit was irresistible. Comet is called cosmic heraway. Fast, where only she does not happen !? Looks at the most remote corners of the universe. The first learns about the birth of new stars and planets. So now she told about where meteorites and meteoric rains will soon fall. And she passed the polar star recognition in love from sailors, pilots and astronauts from the planet Earth. They really love her for always indicating the right direction. "

The following fairy tale is interesting in which the planets are sunny system are endowed with anthropomorphic features.

"Lives in the universe a friendly family - a solar system. Mom is called the Sun, and her children are planets. As chickens around the chicken, the planets circling around the Sun, and it loves everyone, heats. The very rapid son is called Mercury, the most beautiful daughter - Venus, and the most good - the earth. The most dying son wears the name Mars. The largest and most terrible name is Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are distinguished by the strength and quiet character. Saturn is considered a merrycloth, and only a small Pluto is always placing and gloomy. The planets have friends - satellites. For example, the Earth is a girlfriend name Moon. They never separated, and the moon is spinning in the yellow sundress around the earth, looks into her eyes. Cannot be in space without friendship! "

Poster that can illustrate a fairy tale

After reading this unusual short fairy tale, it is possible to offer the guys to portray the planets in an unexpected perspective - with a human face, while trying every one of them to put out their character.

There are also many interesting poems on the space theme, on the plot of which you can also build a drawing experience. Let's give some examples.

"Space is so great!" O. Akhmetova

Space is so cool!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly float!
Space is so cool!
Sharp rockets
At huge speed
Rush there and here!
So wonderful in space!
So magically in space!
In this Space
I visited once!
In this Space!
In the one who saw through
In the one who saw through
Paper telescope!

"Ten Lunatikov" (song-game, words Usachev A.A.)

Ten Lunatikov lived on the moon.
Ten Lunatikov swore in a dream.
And suddenly one Lunatic fell from the moon in a dream
And nine Lunatikov remained on the moon.
Nine Lunatikov lived on the moon.
Nine Lunatikov swore in a dream.
And suddenly one Lunatic fell from the moon in a dream.
And eight Lunatikov remained on the moon.
Eight Lunatikov lived on the moon.
Eight Lunatikov swore in a dream ...

Consider Lunatikov as long as:

And suddenly one Lunatic fell from the moon in a dream!
And more Lunaticov did not become on the moon!

And if you do not want to sleep,
Start count again!

N. Tsvetkov

Blue sky opened
Yellow-orange eye
Sun - Day Light
Laskovo looks at us.
Spinning smoothly planet
In Sybank Merzian Lights.
In space somewhere comet
Next tends to her.
Rushing with orbit Mercury,
Wants to make Venus.
This magnetic storm
Maybe Mercury raise.
Distant stars blink
Something Signal Earth.
Black holes are gaping
Eternal mystery in the Mol.
Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where is waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation of the Virgin,
Maybe in the conversion of Pegasus?

V. Tatarinov "Cosmonaut".

I am a rocket, I will leave on the distant way,

The most radiant will choose a star.

And in the way, of course, I remember a cute house

And five-pointed stars over the Kremlin.

Where the planets are circling, my ship will pass.

There is a sunny people with me.

And the boys are local will meet with me,

I will sing them about the native earth.

An even more interested in children the topic of space will help physical councils and dynamic pauses on this topic:

Fizkultminutka "Cosmonaut"

Fizkultminutka "Cosmonaut costume"

Fizkultminutka "We go on the cosmodrome"

Finger gymnastics "Cosmos"

  • In space, we flew with you,
  • Aliens met,
  • And for fingers charging
  • Together with them performed.
  • Got acquainted first
  • One, two, three, four, five,
  • Became friends, hugged,
  • And then went to watch
  • In the telescope on the star path!

Movable game "Cosmonauts":

  • Children, holding hands, go in a circle:
    Waiting for us quick rockets
    For walking on planets
    What will want, -
    For such a fly!
    But in the game one secret:
    Late - no places!

Children scatter and try to take places (in hoops). Only two cosmonauts can sit in one rocket.

Abstract classes

FULL NAME Name of abstract
Smirnova A.V. "Space Landscape"
(senior group)
Educational tasks: Learning to portray the solar system, get different shades of paints by mixing.
Developing tasks: Develop composite skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: Rail interest in the world of space.
Integration of educational regions: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demonstration material: illustration of space, solar system.
Handout:a4 paper sheets, watercolor paints, oil pastel, tassels, smoothie, napkins
Travel course:
The teacher resembles preschoolers that during the walk they considered the sky, and asks to describe it. It turns out that the sky happens different: on a sunny day - bright blue, in a cloudy - gray, at sunset - orange. At night, the sky seems black, thousands of stars light up on his background. In addition to our planet, in space a huge number of other planets, stars, dust, gases, asteroids.
Children are invited to make a fascinating journey through the universe, to imagine that they rose so high that the earth seems like a small blue ball. The sky has become an outer space filled with different objects. The guys find out that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, and the solar system consists of eight planets.
Reading the poem V. Shipunova "On a distant planet ...":
  • On a distant, amazing planet
    (We do not fly for ten years)
    Sun emerald shines brightly
    And the orange bear lives.
    On silk lilac grass
    Quietly wanders pink deer -
    Pearl horns on the head -
    Silver hoofs bays shadow.

Conversation on the topic: What else can be on a distant amazing planet.
Music warm-up "10 Lunatikov" (as if A. Usacheva).
The attention of the children is a poster with the image of the solar system. The teacher is multiple indicates the external distinguishing features of the planets. For example, Mercury has many crater, and Venus and Earth are called "sisters" for their identical size. Mars from Cosmos seems red, the earth is blue, and uranium is green. Saturn is surrounded by rings consisting of stone and ice.
Preschoolers are invited to draw their journey with the help of watercolor paints and small oil pastels. Space objects are drawn with crayons, and the airspace is painted with watercolor.
Independent activities of children. Exhibition of work.

Alyaeva O.A. "We fly into space"
(senior group)

The mystery is nothing:

  • Round field hat
    And in the pants to the knees
    Busy different things
    Only learn to him too lazy.
    Who he is quickly guess,
    What is his name? (Dunno)

Dunno sends a message from Space, in which he asks for help - he
Flew to the moon and can not return. The guys should turn into astronauts to fly into space and help the character. But for this they
you need a rocket that you need to draw.
The scheme of the solar system is considered.
Children are offered a didactic game "Delated Martian": you need to call, from which geometric figures are portraits of aliens, and calculate them.
The teacher informs the guys that they will draw the rocket and space objects in the equipment of the routine. Preschoolers consider three samples of work in this technique.
Fizkultminutka is carried out - the guys imitate the movements of astronauts in weightlessness to slow music.
Independent productive activity. Analysis of work.

Garifullina V.V. "Aliens from Cosmos"
(Preparatory Group)

The educator invites preschoolers to go to a virtual space trip - to imagine yourself on board the spacecraft. Conversation about the planets of the solar system.
The teacher asks the guys to fantasize how aliens may look like, whether they look like us. Children express assumptions that aliens can be huge, green, have the third eye, etc.

There is a toy alien odcha. He flew off from a distant planet, but there he lives at all alone. Chucha asks the guys to draw him friends - different aliens - and come up with names (motivation).
Holding finger gymnastics:

  • Got acquainted first
    In space, we flew with you,
    One, two, three, four, five,
    Aliens met,
    Became friends, hugged,
    And for fingers charging
    Six seven eight nine ten.
    Together with them performed.
    And then went to watch
    In the telescope on the star path!

Independent activities of preschoolers. Analysis of work. Children talk about their aliens and the planet with which he flew, call his name.
Drawings guys give chief and invite him to fly to them again.

Deeva T.
(Preparatory Group)

The occupation begins with mysteries about the rocket and astronaut:

    Miracle Bird - Scarlet Tail
    Flew into the sty of stars.
    Our people built this
    Interplanetary ...
    He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
    He leads a plane
    And a huge rocket,
    Name who it is.

Movable game "Cosmonauts".
Brief conversation about the day of cosmonautics. Reading poem V. Stepanova: "Yu. Gagarin ":

  • In cosmic rocket
    With the name "East"
    He is the first on the planet
    Climb to the stars could.
    Sings about it songs
    Spring droplets:
    Forever will be together
    Gagarin and April.

Discussion of the profession of cosmonaut necessary for her qualities. A teacher talks about the tests that are subject to astronauts on Earth. Preschoolers represent that they flew into space, consider illustrations on the space theme.
Fizkultminthka is carried out:

  • Once, two is a rocket,
    (Children check posture)
    Three, four - the plane.
    (hands aside)
    Once, two are cotton in your hands,
    (cotton in your hands above your head)
    And then on every account.
    (four cotton in front of them)
    One two three four
    (hands up, pull)
    Hands above, shoulders wider
    (hands on the sides, forearm up)
    One two three four
    And on the spot was like.
    (walking in place)
    And now we are with you, children
    We fly on the rocket.
    (Hands up, palm to connect - "Dome of the Rocket")
    On socks rose,
    (Stop on socks)
    Fast, fast hands down
    (Right hand down, left hand down)
    One two three four -
    Here the rocket is flown!
    (pull head up, shoulders down)
    In the clear sky the sun shines,
    Cosmonaut flies in rocket.
    (Pulling - Hands Up)
    And at the bottom of the forest, the fields
    Earth spreads.
    (Low tilt forward, hands dilute to the sides)

Preschoolers are invited to draw a rocket with a stencil, looking with fingers of the windows. Planets will be depicted with lids from
bottles (printing). White and yellow stars are drawn with cotton chopsticks.
Productive activities of children. While the drawings dries, the guys lay on the carpet of a rocket from counting sticks.
Reading the poem of Lagzdin "Cosmonaut":

  • I would need it very necessary
    Cosmonaut brave to become.
    I would need it very necessary
    To fly to two bear
    Have a mess around
    Their head can be treated.
    Such is there Nature:
    Neither flowers nor bees nor honey
    And then smell in rocket
    To the northern planet ...

Senior preschoolers compositions with comments on work

"Space landscape, solar system planets"

Pupils of the senior and pre-conforming groups create wonderful paintings of the space. Always spectacular drawings on a dark background: planets and stars seem brighter and contrast. In this regard, we note the work "Unknown Planet", "Mysterious Saturn", "Saturn", "on the expanses of the Universe".

Original compositions in which non-traditional drawing methods are involved. This is the work "Unknown Cosmos", made in the technique of a routine, drawing "Our neighbors in space", where Mars and green fragments of the Earth are depicted with salt. And the composition "Silence and calm in space" is a whole combination of non-standard techniques - spray, drawing with soap bubbles and a sponge. Sprint is also applied in the work "Comet".

Preschoolers love to portray the structure of the solar system. This is the collective work "Our Solar System", where every child in the subgroup drew a certain planet. Interesting interpretation of this topic in the fantasy figure "Solar System", where the sun has portrayed a smaller size than Saturn, and most planets painted in mysterious purple color.

Photo Gallery: works of preschoolers

Drawing a gouache drawing of a gouache using salt watercolor and pencils (collective work) Drawing a gouache with the use of spray technique drawing with wax chalk drawing of a gouache drawing in the technique of a drawing watercolor drawing a gouache drawing drawing watercolor and felt-faucers drawing in unconventional technique: spray, drawing with sponge and soap bubbles

"Rockets and Space Ships"

Senior preschoolers very realistically depict rockets and other types of space technology. These are bright work "Cosmic Flight", "Rocket" performed by gouache. Neat drawing on a beautiful blue background - "Rocket on the way." The compositions "Forward to the unknown worlds" and "the rocket started from the ground" are interesting to their technique (bitch and pencil drawing with the predominance of black shades).

Present an interest in space ships. In the figure "Unknown Planet" technique masters the surface while the cosmonaut establishes the Russian flag. And in the composition "Squirrel and Arrow" from the spacecraft, the dogs famous for the whole world look.

Images of rockets and space ships are invariably adjacent to the cosmic landscape, which includes stars and planets. Often, in the figures, I see our land ("Squirrel and Arrow", "Rocket", "the rocket flies the planet"). We see Saturn with a smiling human face on Issunka "Journey in Space".

Photo Gallery: Pictures of children with image of space

Drawing a gouache drawing in the technique of a drawing with a pencil drawing with flomuses drawing a gouache drawing pencil drawing watercolor drawing a gouache drawing watercolor drawing watercolor

What and how to draw space, so that work looks, saturated, bright and realistic? You can take the usual simple pencil and by imposing light-shadows to make an exquisite and beautiful work. Either use watercolor paints and create an image of stars on the distant depths with their cool lumines onto the Watman sheet. Or with the help of gouache and acrylic, perform a juicy landscape with planets, satellites and space rockets.

For coativa fans there is a more original way - try to draw space with a conventional kitchen sponge, thus obtaining a practically unique picture on a star-galactic topic ... As you can see, there are many options and all of them are described in detail in phased master classes with step-by-step instructions, photos and videos, Available to children and beginner artists. Choose the most interesting way for yourself and create beautiful picturesque masterpieces on the joy of yourself and close people.

Pictures on the subject of space for children Pencil Phased, master class

Very beautiful drawing on the theme of space can be done with children, following the advice and recommendations of this master class. For execution, only simple pencils of different rigidity and landscape paper of medium density will be required. Ready work will be realistic and completely reflects the atmosphere of another planet, which has just landed astronaut researchers.

Required materials for children's drawing on the space theme

  • sheet of Watman
  • simple Pencil HB.
  • simple pencil 2b.
  • rule
  • compass
  • erasing rubber

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw children an interesting drawing on the subject of space

How to draw space watercolor gradually for beginners

Cosmos with watercolor paints - the most pleasant and fascinating occupation, if only because it allows the flight of fantasy and allows even novice artists to create a truly unique, exclusive work of novice artists. In the process, you can make your own adjustments and introduce any colors that like and enjoy the eye. The main thing is that the general image looks harmonious and answered the general ideas about the appearance of the outer space.

Required materials for phased watercolor pattern Space

  • paper
  • set of watercolor colors
  • brush
  • subframe or board
  • stationery buttons

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw space with watercolor paints

How to draw space a gouache - planets, stars and satellite

To draw such classic elements of the cosmic landscape, like planets, stars and satellites, you can use gouashe paints. The work performed in this technique will be bright, juicy saturated and serve as an excellent decoration of the room designed to celebrate the Day of Cosmonautics.

Required materials for drawing on the topic of cosmos gouache

  • paper
  • set of gouache colors
  • simple pencil
  • erasing rubber
  • brushes (Wide and Thin)

Step-by-step instruction, how to draw a guise of planets, stars and a cosmodic satellite

  1. Make a preliminary conditional sketch and designate a large semicircle planet on paper in the foreground, a smaller planet with rings a little further in the upper right corner and a small satellite meteorite in the left upper part of the composition.
  2. Dark blue thick flowers toned the upper part of the painting. Make wide strokes and not to rub them along the edges so that different shades are visible to the eye and read better.
  3. In the lower part of the composition make a lighter background, diluting blue paints by leaks.
  4. The largest planet to color in the right side is lighter, and to the bottom saturated bluish-gray tones.
  5. The meteorite is made as dark as much as possible, and the planet with rings paint a bright orange juicy tone.
  6. Then take a more subtle brush and emphasize the details. On the meteorite, outlaw bends and bulges so that it looks in volume and realistic. On the largest planet draw the crater volcanoes and emphasize the Belils that are on the sunny side.
  7. In the dark blue background "scatter" large eight-pointed stars, and in some places small white dots, symbolizing distant shining. Wait when work will dry well, and hang it on the wall.

How to draw space acrylic paints - a simple master class in stages for children

A simple, phased master class will tell everyone how to make a bright and optimistic pattern of space with acrylic paints. They have excellent covering ability, allow you to achieve saturated, thick colors and quickly dry out. All these characteristics make acrylics a very convenient working material not only for experienced painters, but also for very young novice artists.

Required materials for the image of the cosmos acrylic paints

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • erasing rubber
  • set of acrylic paints
  • pussy

Step-by-step instructions for master class "Children's drawing on the subject of cosmos acrylic paints"

  1. On a clean sheet of paper in the upper right and right-handed corners, we denote two semicircles of planets of different sizes. On the remaining empty space, place 3-4 small planets, space ships and stars. In the lower semicircle, to portray the cosmonaut figure, and in the top draw a flying rocket.
  2. Coloring the drawing is quite conventionally, without resorting to mixing different colors. The upper planet is toned with bright red, and the bottom - yellow-orange.
  3. Heavenly arch cover very dark blue or even in black. Stars paint the light yellow, pinkished and silver tones.
  4. Little planets to paint in their own taste, for painting spacecraft use bright, contrast tones.
  5. The cosmonaut standing on the lower planet, "dress" into an orange skate and "give in hand" the Russian state flag.
  6. In the portholes of interstellar ships and space plates to draw faces of the aliens. Wait when the picture dries, and hang it on a prominent place or submit as an exhibit to the school competition.

How to draw space sponge - master class in stages

The author of this video roller tells how to draw picturesque cosmic gave with the help of a conventional kitchen sponge. Of the additional materials for work, a toothbrush is required, plastic covers of different sizes and a small piece of fiberboard. Paints can be used any, including acrylic, gouache or watercolor. The process does not take much time, but requires a certain skill. You need to learn to carefully and clearly clean the sponge, imposing certain tones on paper. Since the work is pretty "dirty", it is better to do it in some place where there is no risk of staining interior items, walls and furniture. It will not hurt to put on apron or some simple clothes for which it is not sorry to plant a color spot. But the final picture with interest compensates for all these inconveniences and delivers a lot of pleasure to both the author and the audience.

"Every atom of our body
Was sometime the star. "
Vincent Freman.

A week ago in our creative instagram @miftvorchestvo, we launched a competition for better task from a notebook "642 ideas that draw." The task sounded simple - space. For the competition published a lot of creative and creative works. You can see them all by tag. We publish the best works and give a step-by-step master class, how to learn how to draw space.

Best Works for Competition # 642Ieikosmos

"If you can't fly into space, do it so that he flew to you." Author photo - @ al.ex_kv.


True, they are cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you have not participated in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save yourself somewhere these step-by-step instructions, what and how to do to get bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least, from such quantity can be started. Important: The watercolor sheet should be very dense, so that it is not wrinkled from the water and that the paint is beautiful and evenly spread.

2. The circuit can be described in a solid simple pencil to designate the space that you will wet water. Water part of the selected space.

3. Apply to the moistened area of \u200b\u200bpaint. Try the contours to be beautiful.

4. Water the remaining part of the water space and apply paint of another color. Selectively make bright splashes throughout the drawing. The drawing should be wet so that the paint is beautiful spread.

5. After the drawing is completely dry, apply stars. This can be done white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars can be drawn carefully.

Photo for master class from

If you sprinkle the salt on a low pattern, the structure of the cosmos will turn out even more interesting. Salt absorbs part of the paint, and having shook it after complete drying, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds at the salt.

In our creative instagram @miftvorchestvo, we regularly hold contests on the notepads "642 ideas to draw", "642 ideas, as to write about" and "642 ideas, what else to write" (novelty!). Subscribe to keep abreast of all creative and interesting and creative-fun.

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