What are the pencils? What are the differences in solid and soft pencils? How to draw with simple pencils of different hardness.

What are the pencils? What are the differences in solid and soft pencils? How to draw with simple pencils of different hardness.
What are the pencils? What are the differences in solid and soft pencils? How to draw with simple pencils of different hardness.

The pencils They differ mainly on the nature of the writing rod (which determine the writing properties of the pencil and its purpose), as well as in size, the form of the cross section, color and type of wood shell coating.

In the USSR, from the fifties, pencils were produced according to GOST 6602-51. The quality was good. Today's situation is quite sad. Talk about what was before.

The pencils

Depending on the writing rod and its properties, the following main groups of pencils are distinguished: a) graphite - writing rod made of graphite and clay and saturated with fats and waxes; The letter leaves the gray-black color of various intensity, which is mainly mainly due to the degree of hardness of the rod; b) Colored - writing rod made of pigments and dyes, fillers, bonding compositions and sometimes fat; c) copying - writing rod made of a mixture of water-soluble dyes and a binder with graphite or mineral fillers; When the letter leaves the feature a gray or color, difficult rubber band.

Stages of production of pencils from glued milkheads

Production pencils It consists of the following main processes: a) the manufacture of a writing rod, b) the manufacture of wood shell and c) finishing a finished pencil (painting, marking, sorting and ypping). The composition of graphite rods includes: graphite, clay and adhesive substances. Graphite is very brands and leaves on paper a line of gray or gray-black. In graphite for the connection of its particles, clay is mixed, in a mixture of graphite with clay for giving plasticity adhesive substances are added. Suitable graphite in the vibration mills is crushed to the smallest particles. Clay is dumps in water. Then these components are thoroughly mixed in special mixers, pressed and dried. The dried mass is mixed with adhesive substances, repeatedly presses, turning into a homogeneous plastic mass, suitable for molding of writing rods. This mass is laid in a powerful press, which from the round holes of the matrix squeezes thin elastic threads. The threads on the outlet of the matrix are automatically cut into segments of the required length, which are writing rods. The segments are then laid in rotating drums, where they are rolled off, straighten and dried. At the end of the drying, they are loaded into the crucible and burned in electric traits. As a result of drying and roasting, rods acquire hardness and durability. The cooled rods are sorted by straight and direct on impregnation. This operation is intended to give rods having an increased rigidity, softness and elasticity, i.e. the properties necessary for the letter. Salomas, stearin, paraffin and different types of wax are used for impregnation of graphite rods. For the manufacture of non-ferrous and copying rods, other types of raw materials are used, the technological process is partially changing.

For color rods, water-insulated dyes and pigments are used as coloring substances, as fillers - Talc, as a binder - pectin glue and starch. The mass consisting of dyes, fillers and binders is mixed in the mixers, the firing operation falls. The strength of the color rod is attached to the pressing mode and the adjustment of the number of binders inserted into the mass, and this, in turn, depends on the nature and number of pigments and dyes. For copying rods, water-soluble aniline dyes are used as coloring substances, mainly methyl virtue, which gives the line of purple color, methylene blue, giving a line of greenish blue, a diamond greens - bright green color, etc.

The strength of the copier rods is regulated by the recipe, the number of binder and pressing mode. Ready rods are placed in wood shell; Wood must be soft, possess low cutting resistance along and across the fiber, have a smooth, glittering cutting surface and a smooth shadow and color. The best material for the shell is the wood of the Siberian cedar and linden. Wooden suites are treated with ammonia pairs (for removing resinous substances), soaked with paraffin and scratched. Then they make "tracks" on the SPETSSTAND, in which the rods are stacked, the skins are glued and divided into separate pencils, at the same time giving them hexagon or round shape. After that, the pencils are grouped, ground and stained. Coloring is made by flashing nitrocellulose colors and varnishes with clean tone and bright color. After a multiple coating of the shell, these varnishes are formed on it a durable lacquer film that gives the finished pencil a glossy, shiny surface and a beautiful view.

Classification of pencils

Depending on the initial materials of the writing rod and destination, the following groups and types of pencils differ.

1. Graphite: School, Stationery, Chert, Drawing;

2. Colored: School, Stationery, Chert, Drawing;

3. Copy: Stationery

In addition, pencils differ in dimensional indicators, on the hardness of the rod, the shell decoration. The dimensional indicators include: a cross-sectional form, length and thickness of the pencil. In the form of a cross section of pencils there are round, faceted and oval. Some groups or types of pencils are assigned only one form of cross-section; For others, various are allowed. So, the pencils of the intensive are produced only face - hexagon, copying pencils - only round; Stationery can have any of these forms, as well as three-, four-, eight-marched or oval transverse sections. Pencils have a length of 178, 160, 140 and 113 mm (with admission to these sizes ± 2 mm). The main and most frequently used of these sizes is 178 mm, it is required for graphite pencils - school, drawing and drawing; For color - drawing and drawing; For pencils of stationery, length is also allowed Length 220 mm. The thickness of the pencil is determined by its diameter, and for the grunges, the diameter is measured in the inscribed circle; It varies from 4.1 to 11 mm, the most common thickness is 7.9 and 7.1 mm.

By hardness The writing rod of pencils is divided into 15 groups denoted by letters and digital indexes in a sequential manner: 6m, 5m, 4m, zm, 2m, m, TM, ST, T, 2T, IT, 4T, 5T, 6T, 7T. The letter "M" indicates the softness of the writing rod, the letter "T" - its hardness; The greater the digital index, the one is stronger than this writing rod. On school graphite pencils, the degree of hardness is indicated by numbers No. 1 (soft), No. 2 (medium) and No. 3 (solid). On copy pencils - words: soft, medium hardness, solid.

Abroad, the degree of hardness is denoted by Latin letters "B" (soft) and "H" (solid).

Graphistic school pencils were produced by the average degrees of hardness, the intensive - all existing degrees of hardness, color of all types - usually soft.

Graphist pencils Drawberry "Designer"

The color of the wood shell coating is also poured for different pencils; The shell of colored pencils, as a rule, was painted in the color of the writing rod; For the shell of other pencils, each name was usually assigned one or more permanent colors. The shell color was a few species: one-color or with colorful marble, decorative, with ribs or edges painted in contrasting colors or covered metal foil, etc. Some types of pencils were produced with a decorative head, which was painted in colors other than the color of the shell , with plastic or with a metal head, etc. Also produced pencils with plastic or metal tips, with a rubber band (graphite only), with sharpening of the rod, etc.

Depending on these indicators (the properties of the writing rod, the cross-sectional form, the dimensional indicators, the type of finishing and design), various names were assigned to each type of pencils and sets.

Graphist pencils Drawberry "Polytechnic"

Assortment of pencils

Pencils are divided into three main groups: graphite, colored, copying; In addition, there is a special group of special pencils.

Graphistic pencils for destination are divided into school, stationery, cheeky and drawing.

School pencils - for school classes in writing and drawing; Three degrees of hardness were produced - soft, medium and solid, - denoted by numbers: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.

Pencil number 1 - soft - gave a trait of thick black and was used for school drawing.

Pencil number 2 - medium hardness - gave a clear black trait; Used for writing and drawing.

Pencil number 3 - solid - gave a pale line of grayish-black color: Designed for drawing and initial work on the draw in school.

School-related pencils that had a metal nipple, in which a round elastic band was fixed to erase records made by a pencil.

Stationery pencils - for letters; Made mostly soft and medium hardness.

Checker pencils - for graphic work; We were produced in the degree of hardness of the writing rod from 6m to 7t. Hardness and determined the target pencils. So, 6m, 5m and 4m are very soft; ZM and 2M - soft; M, tm, st, t - medium hardness; ZT and 4T - very hard; 5T, 6T and 7T - very hard, for special graphic works.

Drawing Pencils - for drawing, extinguishing Sketches and other graphic works: Only soft, various degrees of hardness are produced.

Assortment of graphite pencils

Color pencils For the purpose divided by school, stationery, cheeky, drawing.

School pencils - for initial children's drawing and drawing works of students of junior classes; Produced round shape, sets of 6-12 colors.

Stationery pencils - for signature, proofreading, etc., 5 colors were produced, sometimes two-color - for example, red-blue, mainly hexagon, except for the "Svetlana" pencils that had a round shape.

Checker pencils - for drawing and topographic works; produced mainly by sets of 6 or 10 colors; Hex shape; Color coating - rod color.

Drawing Pencils - for graphic works; Several species were produced, differed from school-length and number of colors in sets, from 12 to 48, mainly round form, except for drawing No. 1 and No. 2, which had a hexagonal form. All sets had 6 main colors, additional shades of these colors and usually white pencils.

All pencils manufactured in sets were packaged in cardboard artistically decorated boxes with multicolor labels.

Assortment of colored pencils

Copier pencils Two species were produced: graphite, i.e., containing graphite as a filler, and the colored, the writing rod of which contained instead of the talc graphite. Copy pencils were manufactured by three degrees of hardness: soft, medium hardness and solid. Copy pencils were produced, as a rule, round shape.

Assortment of copy pencils

Pencils Special - pencils with special properties of a writing rod or special purpose; Made graphite and colored. The group of pencils of special graphitetes treated "carpentry", "retouch" and portfolio pencils (for record books).

Pencil "carpentry" Designed for tree marks when performing carpentry and joinery. It had an oval shape of the shell and sometimes a rectangular shape of the cross section of a writing rod.

Pencil "Retouch" - For retouching photos, steamed, applying shadows. The writing rod contained finely grilled birch coal, as a result of which gave a fatty line of densely black.

We produced four numbers that differed hardness: No. 1 - very soft, No. 2 - soft, No. 3 - medium hardness, No. 4 - solid.

Special color pencils treated "Glassogram" and "Traffic light".

Pencil "Glassogram" had a soft rod that gave fat and thick features; It was used for marks on glass, metal, china, celluloid, for laboratory classes, etc. There were 6 colors: red, blue, green, yellow, brown and black.

Pencil "Traffic" Presented the form of colored pencils, had a longitudinal-composite rod, consisting of two or three colors, which gave the opportunity when writing one pencil to get a trait of several colors. Pencils were designated numbers corresponding to the number of colors, which wrote the rod.

Names and main indicators of special pencils

Quality pencils

The quality of the pencils was determined by the correspondence of the sealing rod, shell, finishes and packaging with the requirements established by the standard. The most important indicator of the quality of pencils was: for graphite - strength on the break, hardness, the intensity of the feature and sliding; For color - the same indicators and (color matching approved standards; for copying - the same and copying ability of the rod. For all these indicators, special devices were checked and in laboratory conditions. In almost definition of the quality of pencils, it was necessary to be guided by the following requirements. The writing rod had to be guided. to be sworn in a wooden shell firmly and as soon as possible in its center; the neccentricity of the rod was determined by the smallest, that is, the thinnest part of the shell, the dimensions of which were installed by the standard for pencils of the 1st and 2nd grades; the wristing rod should not have loose from the shell when sharpening a pencil or on a naja on it from the end; it was supposed to be whole and homogeneous in all its length, should not contain foreign impurities and inclusions that scratching paper with a letter should not have no obvious nor hidden cracks, not should have crumble at sharpening and when writing. With a pencil, with a vertical on The press for the captured tip of the rod lady should not have given chips, i.e. arbitrary bowel or rocking of the rod particles. The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe rod on the ends of the pencil should have been smooth, smooth, without damage and chipping. For color rods, the feature of the color and intensity of the trait during the letter along the entire length of the rod was required.

The shell of pencils was made of benign wood, without bitch, cracks and other vices; It was supposed to have a small cutting resistance, that is, it is easy and gently to refine the sharp knife, it does not break with olive and have a smooth surface of the cut. The ends of the pencils had to be cut smoothly, smoothly and strictly perpendicular to the axis of the pencil. The pencil should be straight and smooth along the entire length, without deformation. The surface was supposed to be smooth, brilliant, without scratch, dents, cracks and lacquers. The varnish coating should not be lightering, turning and sticking at moisture.

According to the defects of the appearance of pencils, two varieties were divided: the 1st and 2nd; And the writing properties for the pencils of both varieties were supposed to be the same. The 2nd varieties include pencils in which the arrow of the deflection along a length of not more than 0.8 mm, chole wood or a lacquer film from the end of the pencil not more than 1.5 mm, the codset on the ends of no more than half of the cross section of the rod - to depth no more than 1.0 mm, the neccentricity of the rod is not more than 0.33 D-D (D - the diameter of the pencil shell in the inscribed circle, D is the diameter of the rod in mm), as well as scratches, dents, roughness and influx (width and depth of no more 0.4 mm) not more than 3 throughout the surface of the pencil, a total length of up to 6 mm and a width of up to 2 mm.

Pencils were marked with a bronze or aluminum foil on one or more faces. The marking was to contain the name of the manufacturer's factory, the name of the pencils, the degree of hardness (usually by bad designations) and the year of release (usually two last figures of the corresponding year (for example, "55" means the release of 1955). The marking contained the abbreviated word "copier" on the copy pencils. . On the pencils of the 2nd grade, in addition, there was no "2 s" designation. The marking should have been firmly held on the surface of the pencil, to be a clear, clear, freely read, all lines and signs should be solid and not merge.

Pencils: Ruslan, Rogdai, Ratmir (factory them. Krasina)

Pencils were packaged in cardboard boxes preferably 50 and 100 pieces of one name and variety. Pencils Colored school and drawing were packaged by sets of different colors of 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 colors in one set. Graphistic drawing pencils, colored intensive and some other types of pencils were also produced by sets of different content. Boxes with pencils of 50 and 100 pieces and sets of all kinds were drawn up with a label of multi-stage artistic labels. Boxes with sets and pencils of 10 and 25 pieces stacked in cardboard cases or packaged in packs of dense wrapper paper and tied with twine or braid. Boxes with pencils of 50 and 100 pieces were bandaged with twine or braid, either wrapped with paper parcel. Boxes with color pencils were flooded with multicolored labels, usually with artistic reproductions.

Pencils "Cosmetics" (Slavic State Pencil Factory MMP HSSR)

Graphic pencils "Painting", "Youth", "Color"

Set of colored pencils "Youth" - art. 139 of 6 pencils. Price 77 kopecks.

Set of color pencils "color" - art. 127 and 128 of 6 and 12 pencils. The price of one pencil, respectively, 8 kopecks and 17 kopecks.

Set of color pencils "Painting" - art. 135 of 18 pencils. Price 80 kopecks.

Pencils Graphite Colored "Painting", "Art"

Set of color pencils "Painting" - art. 133 of 6 pencils. Price 23 kopecks.

Set of color pencils "Art" - art. 113 of 18 pencils. Price 69 kopecks.

Set of color pencils "Art" - art. 116 of 24 pencils. Price 1 ruble 20 kopecks.

Graphite pencils that exist to this day, invented the French scientist Nikola Conny In 1794. Usually, the graphite pencil is called a "simple" pencil, in contrast to color pencils. Graphite pencils can be divided into two main types: soft and solid. The type is determined by the softness or hardness of the stylus located inside the pencil body. The type of pencil can be found by looking at the letters and numbers written in the way. The letter "M" denotes that the pencil is soft, and "T" is solid. There is also the TM type - firm-soft. The degree of hardness or softness of the pencil can be found in numbers written in front of the letter. For example, 2m two times soft than M. and 3T three times harder than T. in many countries of the world abroad, for example, in England, the letter H or B. H is written, it means hard, b - respectively Soft, and HB is firmly soft.

A vivid example for comparing pencils is visible in the picture:

The choice of pencil depends on the type of paper, from the work performed and, as well as the personal preferences of the artist. For example, I prefer HB pencils from Faber Castell. Pencils are more convenient to sharpen the stationery knives. Historically, knives for sharpening stationery (feathers), got the name "Pershes" knives. It is very important to protect pencils from falling. From the blow, the stylus can crash into small pieces. It is also important to take care of pencils from excessive humidity. When referring and subsequent drying, the pencil shirt may be deformed that he will impact the integrity of the griffel. There is also another type of graphite pencil, which is called "Mechanical Pencil". They are convenient because it is not necessary to sharpen. In such pencils, the stylus is movable. Its length can be adjusted using the button. Mechanical pencils are with very thin pylographs (from 0.1 mm). There are also mechanical pencils with an intermediate thickness of the griffel. The worst stylograph of a mechanical pencil that came across in hand is 5mm. Such pencils often love to draw professional artists.

Marking of hardness pencils

Pencils differ in the hardness of the giffel, which is usually indicated on the pencil.

Graphistic drawing pencils are produced in Russia, several degrees of hardness, which is indicated by letters, as well as numbers in front of the letters.

In the US, the labeling of pencils of numbers is used, and in Europe and Russia, a mnemonic combination of letters or just one letter.

The letter M is denoted by a soft pencil. In Europe, this use the letter B, which is actually a reduction from the Blackness (something like a blackness, if you can express it). In the US, use number 1.

To designate a solid pencil in Russia, use the letter T. in Europe, respectively, H, which can be decoded as Hardness (rigidity).

Folding pencil is denoted as TM. For Europe, it will be HB.

Standard firm-soft pencil besides combinations in Europe may be denoted by the letter F.

For orientation in these international issues, it is convenient to use the table of compliance with the scales of hardness that is shown below.

History pencils

Starting from the XIII century, artists used for drawing a thin silver wire, which soldered to the handle or stored in a case. Such a type of pencil was called "Silver Pencil". This tool demanded a high level of skill, as it is impossible to erase the stacked. Another characteristic feature was that with time gray strokes applied with a silver pencil became brown.

There was a "lead pencil", which left a nonsense, but a clear trace and was often used for the preparatory sketches of portraits. For drawings made by silver and lead pencil, a thin dashed manner is characteristic. For example, Dürer used like pencils.

Also known is the so-called "Italian pencil", which appeared in the XIV century. He was a rod made of clay black slate. Then it began to make it from a powder of a grazing bone bonded by vegetable glue. This tool allowed to create an intensive and saturated line. Interestingly, artists and now sometimes silver, lead and Italian pencils are used when they need to achieve a certain effect.

Graphite pencils are known from the XVI century. The first description of the graphite pencil was found in the declarations of the Swiss nature of Konrad Gaisler, relating to 1564. In addition, the opening of the graphite deposit in England is the opening of the Graphite field, in Cherberland where graphite was saw on pencil rods. English shepherds from the Cumberland's area found the dark mass in the ground, which they used to mark sheep. Because of the color, similar to the lead color, the deposit was accepted for the deposits of this metal. But, by defining the unsuitability of a new material for the manufacture of bullets, it began to produce thin pointed ones on the end and used them for drawing. These wands were soft, stacked hands and fit only for drawing, but not for writing.

In the XVII century, graphite usually sold on the streets. The artists so that it is more convenient and the wand was not so soft, clamped these graphite "pencils" between pieces of wood or branches, wrapped in paper or tied them with the beggie.

The first document in which the wooden pencil is mentioned is dated 1683. In Germany, the production of graphite pencils began in Nuremberg. Germans, mixing graphite with gray and glue, got a rod of not so high quality, but at a lower price. To hide it, manufacturers of pencils resorted to different tricks. In the wooden case, the pieces of clean graphite were inserted at the wooden body, in the middle there was a low-quality artificial rod. Sometimes the inside of the pencil and was empty. The so-called "Nuremberg Goods" did not use a good reputation.

Only in 1761 Kaspar Fabar has developed a method for strengthening graphite by mixing a confused graphite powder with a resin and antimony, resulting in a thick mass, suitable for casting more durable and identical graphite rods.

At the end of the XVIII century, Czech I. Harthmut began to make rods for pencils from a mixture of graphite and clay followed by firing. There are graphite rods that resemble modern. By changing the amount of clay added, it was possible to obtain rods of various hardness. The modern pencil invented in 1794 a talented French scientist and inventor Nikola Jacques Conte. In the late XVIII century, the English Parliament introduced the strictest ban on the export of precious graphite from Cumberland. For violation of this ban, the punishment was very severe, up to the death penalty. But despite this, graphite continued to fall into continental Europe with smuggling way, which led to a sharp increase in its price.

On the task of the French convention, Kontte developed a formulation of blending graphite with clay and production from these materials of high-quality rods. With the help of high-temperature treatment, high strength was achieved, but even more important was the fact that the change in the proportion of the mixture was allowed to make rods of different hardness, which served as the basis for the modern classification of hardness pencils. It is estimated that with a pencil with a 6-cm length with a 6 cm long line or write 45,000 words! In modern giffylands, polymers are used that allow you to achieve the desired combination of strength and elasticity, make it possible to produce very thin vulture for mechanical pencils (up to 0.3 mm).

The hexagonal shape of the pencil body suggested at the end of the XIX century Count Lothar von Faberkastle, noting that the pencils of the circular cross section are often rolled from inclined surfaces for the letter. Almost ² / 3 material constituting a simple pencil goes into waste when it sharpened. It pushed the American Alonso Townsende Cross to create a metal pencil in 1869. The graphite rod was placed in a metal tube and could easily be extended to the corresponding length. This invention affected the development of a whole group of goods used today everywhere. The simplest design is a mechanical pencil with a 2 mm trap, where the rod is held with metal clips (coluins) - a collet pencil. Canggi is open when the button is pressed at the end of the pencil, which leads to a length of length adjustable by a pencil user.

Modern mechanical pencils are more perfect. Each time you press the button, an automatic feed of a small section of the griffel occurs. Such pencils do not need to be sharpened, they are equipped with a built-in (usually under the pylon button) an eraser and have a different fixed thickness of the line (0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.9 mm, 1mm).

Figures by graphite pencil have a grayish tone with a light glitter, there are no intense black. The famous French cartooner Emmanuel Poire (1858-1909), born in Russia, came up with an aristocratic sounding to the French manner pseudonym CARAN D'Ache, who began to sign his work. Later, this version of the French transcription of the Russian word "pencil" was chosen by the title and branded sign of the Swiss brand Caran d'Ache, founded in Geneva in 1924, which issues exclusive writing tools and accessories.

What could be easier for a pencil? This simple tool familiar to everyone since childhood is not so primitive as it seems at first glance. It allows not only to draw, write and draw, but also create a variety of art effects, sketches, paintings! Any artist is obliged to be able to draw a pencil. And, not less important to understand them.

Graphite ("simple") pencils are pretty different from each other. By the way, the "pencil" occurred from two Turkic words - "Kara" and "Dash" (black stone).

The writing rod of the pencil is inserted in a rim of a tree or plastic and can be made of graphite, coal or other materials. The most common type is graphite pencils - differ according to the degree of rigidity.

The eye of a person distinguishes about 150 shades of gray. At the disposal of the artist drawing with graphite pencils - three colors. White (paper color), black and gray (color graphite pencils of different rigidity). These are achromatic colors. Drawing only with a pencil, only shades of gray allows you to create images transmitting the volume of objects, the game of shadows and glare light.

Stiffness of Gryuchil

The stiffel hardness is indicated on the pencil with letters and numbers. Manufacturers from different countries (Europe, USA and Russia) labeling stiffness of pencils is different.

Stiffness designation

In Russia, the hardness scale looks like this:

M - soft; t - solid; TM - hard-roofing;

European scale is somewhat wider (marking F has no Russian compliance):

B - soft, from blackness (black); h - solid, from Hardness (hardness); F is the average tone between HV and H (from the English. Fine Point - subtlety) HB - firm-soft (hardness blackness - hardness black );

In the United States, a scale of numbers is used to refer to the stiffness of the pencil:

Corresponds to B - soft; - Complies with HB - firm-soft; - F - medium between firm-mild and solid; - corresponds to H - solid; - 2H corresponds - very solid.

Pencil Pencil Return. Depending on the manufacturer's company, the tone of the line drawn with a pencil of one marking may differ.

In Russian and European labeling pencils, the figure in front of the letter denotes the degree of softness or hardness. For example, 2b is twice as softer than B, and 2H is twice already voltage than H. You can find pencils with marking from 9H (the hardest) to 9b (the most soft).

Soft pencils

Start from b to 9b.

The most frequently used when creating a picture of a pencil - HB. However, this is the most common pencil. This pencil draws the basis, form of pattern. HB is convenient for drawing, creating tonal stains, it is not too hard, not too soft. Draw darkened places, highlight them and place accents, make a clear line in the figure. Soft pencil 2b will help.

Solid pencils

Start from H to 9h.

H is a solid pencil, from here - thin, bright, "dry" lines. Solid pencil paint solid objects with a clear contour (stone, metal). Such a solid pencil on the finished pattern, on top of the shaded or decisive fragments, draw thin lines, for example, draw strands in the hair.

Shading and drawing

Strokes on paper are painted with a pencil, inclined at an angle of about 45 ° to the sheet plane. In order for the fatness of the line to be more you can rotate the pencil around the axis.

Bright stroke stroke rigid pencils. Dark plots, respectively, soft.

When drawing is gradually moving from bright areas to the dark, as part of the picture is much easier to darken the pencil than the dark place to make lighter.

Graphite pencil trait - fragile material. Despite the protection of the wooden shell, the pencil requires careful circulation. When the griffel falls inside the pencil disintegrates on the part and then crumble when draining, making a pencil unsuitable for use.

And a little about pencils, the firms of which you may have been known for a long time.


Perfectly proven inexpensive pencils, made of high-quality wood species, the stylus is not breaking and easily sharpened. Environmentally friendly, easy to lie in the hand, the stiffener of the stiffeness is always corresponding to the letters specified on the pencil (the last two parameters are very obvious, but users of various forums for artists often celebrate them in their descriptions).

Quite good, high-quality pencils, many artists are a favorite model. Sold by sets of 24 pieces. Have a strong body, it turns well. As the peculiarities of these pencils, their persistent and fairly specific smell, as well as, sorry for the tautology, the softness of soft pencils. They are really much softer similar to the number of models of other firms, the most soft even crumble a little and smear. But in general, it is an excellent option even for pro, very comfortable and high-quality pencils.


Qualitative, well-sharpening, these pencils are easily erased and do not break at all, even after multiple falls on the floor.

Sold apart separately and in stylish metal boxes - in general, they use one pleasure. The only drawback is the price, they are often among the most expensive in the assortment of a single shop. By the way, they received their name in honor of a large diamond "Cokhinur", one of the most famous precious stones in the world.

If you have your favorite firm pencils, then you can tell about it in the comments.

Thanks for attention!

Pencil is a graphite rod in a wooden frame of a soft tree, such as a cedar, about 18 cm long. Graphite pencils from the existing raw graphite for the first time began to apply at the beginning of the XVII century. Prior to that, lead or silver rods were used for drawing (known as silver pencil). A modern shape of a lead or grate pencil in a wooden frame entered the use at the beginning of the XIX century.

Usually, the pencil "works" if they lead it or press the paper to paper, the surface of which serves as a peculiar grater, splitting the griffel on the smallest particles. Thanks to the pencil, the chiffel particles penetrate into the paper fiber, leaving a line, or a trail.

Graphite, one of carbon modifications, along with coal and diamond, is the main component of the pencil stalem. The hardness of the grief depends on the amount of clay added to graphite. The milder brands of pencils contain little - or do not contain clay at all. Artists and drawers work as a whole set of pencils, choosing them depending on the tasks set in front of them.

When the stall in the pencil is erased, it can be used to use it, sharpening with a special sharpener or razor. Sharpening a pencil is an important process that depends on the type of lines applied by a pencil. There are a lot of sharpening methods of pencils, and each of them gives its result. The artist must try to sharpen pencils in different ways to know which lines can be carried out by one or another pencil with different sharpening methods.

It is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of the pencil, as each material you work with. Different brands of pencils are used in certain cases. The following section discusses some types of drawings with an indication of which brand of pencil or graphite material they have been completed.

The above examples give an idea of \u200b\u200bstrokes and lines made by different pencils. Looking at them, take turns take your pencils and see what strokes you can get, working with a particular pencil. Surely you will not only want to try every pencil and discover new features for drawing, you suddenly find that you have risen a "pencil feeling". We like artists feel the material that we use, and it affects the work.

Materials and examples of strokes and lines.

Solid pencil

You can apply strokes that are almost different from each other, which is almost no longer. The tone is usually created by hatching crosslines. Solid pencils are denoted by the letter N. As well as soft, they have gradation of hardness: NV, N, 2N, ZN, 4N, 5N, 6N, 7H, 8H and 9N (the hardest).

Designers, architects and specialists who create accurate drawings, for which subtle neat lines are important, as when creating perspective or other projection systems, are usually used by solid pencils. Although the strokes applied by a solid pencil differ little from each other, they can be very expressive. The tone, as well as soft, can be created by a solid pencil, stroking cross lines, although as a result we will get a thinner and more formal pattern.

Systems of projections for solid pencils

Solid pencils are ideal for creating drawings. As we said, such drawings usually perform engineers, designers and architects. Ready drawings must be accurate, they should specify the sizes to make the performers, such as the wizard, following the instructions, could create an object on the project. Drawings can be made using different projection systems, starting with a plan on a plane and ending with images in perspective.

Strokes solid pencil
I do not bring examples of strokes applied with pencils of 7n - 9n.


The soft pencil has great opportunities for tinting and transmission of texture than a solid pencil. Soft pencils are denoted by the letter V. Pencil with labeling of HB represents a cross between a solid and soft pencil and is the main means between pencils with extreme properties. In the range of soft pencils, Pencils of the HV, B, 2B, ZV, 4B, 5B, BV, 7B, 8B and 9B (the most soft) are included. Soft pencils allow the artist to express his ideas thanks to tinting, reproduction of invoice, imposing hatching and even simple lines. The wildest pencils can be used to tinted the group of items, although in general I believe that in this case it is more convenient to use a graphite wand. It all depends on which surface should be applied to. If it is a small pattern, for example, on paper AZ format, a soft pencil is probably suitable. But if you want to apply tone to the drawing of a greater format, I would advise you to use a graphite stick.

The only soft pencil, convenient to perform drawings requiring high accuracy, is the palm of championship, of course, for a solid pencil, is a pencil with a clamping thin chiffel.

Other types of pencils

In addition to the pencils described above, there are other pencils representing much more opportunities for experiments and discoveries in the field of drawing. You will find these pencils at any store selling products for artists.

- A pencil, placed in a frame of twisted paper, is graphite in a frame of twisted paper, which turns away to release the griffel.
- The swivel pencil is produced in many species, with the most different mechanisms that open the edge of graphite.
- Pencil with clamping chiffel - pencil for sketches with a very soft fake or thick chiffel.
- Standard thick black pencil, for many years known as "black handsome".
- Carpentry pencil - used by joiners and builders for drawing sizes, records and sketches of new ideas.
- Graphite pencil or wand. This pencil is a solid graphite of about the same thickness as the usual pencil. A thin film, closing the edge from the outside, turns away, opening graphite. A graphite stick is a thicker piece of graphite, like pastels wrapped in paper that is removed as needed. This is a universal pencil.
- Watercolor sketchy pencil is an ordinary pencil, but if you lower it into the water, it can be used as a watercolor brush.

What is graphite.

Graphite is a substance from which the pencils are made, but the graphite existing in nature is not placed in a wooden frame. Graphic produced in different fields varies with the thickness and varying degrees of hardness / softness. As can be seen from the drawings, graphite is not intended to create detailed drawings. It is more suitable for expressive sketches, graphite is convenient to work with the vinyl eraser.

A graphite pencil can be made fast, heavy, dramatic sketches, where energetic lines are used, large areas of dark tones or interesting textured touches. This method of drawing will go well, but is completely not suitable for the drawings. Graphite is better to draw large drawings: the reasons for this are understandable to everyone. Graphite is a versatile agent, and before you begin to work, find out more about its properties and features. Since it does not have an outer rim, you can fully use its side surfaces. We do not have such an opportunity when we draw a pencil. You will be pleasantly surprised when you see what can be achieved by drawing graphite. Personally, I have been drawing in a free and dynamic manner, I always use graphite. If you in such a manner, too, will draw graphite, then no doubt will achieve great success.

Drawing with soft pencils and graphite

Unlike a solid pencil, a soft pencil and graphite you can make thicker touches and create a wide tone spectrum - from deep black to white. Soft pencil and graphite allow you to do it quickly and efficiently. Soft, sufficiently sharp pencil you can convey the contour of the subject, as well as its volume.

Figures performed by these means are more expressive. They are associated with our feelings, ideas, impressions and thoughts, for example, it may be outline in notepad, as the result of our first impressions about the object. They can be part of our visual observation and records. Figures transmit tone change in the process of observation, or thanks to creative fantasy, or express the surface of the texture. These drawings can also arbitrarily explain or express expression - that is, they themselves can be works of fine art, and not billets for future work.

Eraser enhances the action of a soft pencil. Soft pencil and eraser allow you to achieve greater expressiveness of the drawing. Eraser used with a solid pencil is most often used to correct errors, and as a supplement to a soft pencil and angle is a means of creating an image.

You can achieve different results if, when using a soft pencil and graphite, it is possible to press them differently on them. Press allows you to transform the image, or changing the tone, or making strokes more weighty. Look at the examples of tone gradations and try to experiment yourself in this direction. By changing the pressure on the pencil, try to change the maximum number of the image using various movements.

What is erases.

As a rule, we first get acquainted with the eraser when you need to correct the error. We want to erase the place where the error is allowed, and continue to draw. Since the eraser is associated with the correction of errors, we are quite negative about it and its functions. Eraser seems inevitable evil, and the more he is erased from constant use, the more often we believe that OM does not meet our requirements. It's time to reconsider the role of eats in our work. If you skillfully use the eraser, it may be the most useful subject when drawing. But first you need to abandon the thought that errors are always bad, because on errors learn.

Performing a sketch, many artists consider the drawing process or decide how the drawing will look like. Sketches may be erroneous, and they need to be corrected during the work. This happened to each of the artists - even with such great masters like Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt. The revision of the representations is almost always part of the creative process, it is noticeable in many works, especially in sketches, where artists develop their ideas and ideas.

The desire to erase the entire error in work and start drawing again - one of the common mistakes of novice artists. As a result, they make even more mistakes or repeat the old, which causes a feeling of dissatisfaction, leading to a feeling of failure. When you make corrections, do not erase the original lines until you give you a new drawing and you will not feel that these lines are extra. My advice: Keep the traces of correction, do not destroy them completely because they reflect the process of your reflection and clarification of the plan.

Another positive lasty function is to reproduce the area of \u200b\u200blight in a tone pattern made by graphite, coal or ink. Eraser can be used to impress strokes that emphasize the texture - a vivid example of this approach is the drawings of Frank Auerbach. In them, the technique of "Tinking" is an example of using an eraser to create a feeling of the atmosphere.

Many types of erases are presented on the market, with the help of which traces of all substances that the artist works are removed. Below are the types of erases with the indication of their functions.

Soft eraser ("Klyachka"). Usually used for drawings with coal and pastel, but it can be used and in the pencil drawing. This eraser can be given any form - this is its main advantage. It helps to work out a positive drawing approach, because it is intended to bring new in the drawing, and not destroy the made.

- Vinyl eraser. Usually they erase touches of coal, pastel and pencil. It can also be used to create some types of strokes.
- Indian eraser. Used to remove strokes applied by light pencil.
- ink eraser. It is very difficult to completely remove the strokes made by ink. Erasers to remove ink and typewritten text are manufactured as a pencil or have a round shape. You can use a combined eraser, one end of which removes a pencil, the other ink.
- surface cleaners, namely scalpels, razor blades, pumice, thin steel wire and sandpaper, are used to remove non-donutric traces of carcass in the drawings. Obviously, before using these means, you need to make sure that your paper is tight enough so that it can be removed its top layer and do not rub to holes.
- Tools applied on paper, such as corrective fluid, titanium or Chinese Belil. Invalid strokes are smelted by an opaque layer Belil. After their drying on the surface, you can work again.

Artist's security measures.

Working with materials, do not forget about safety measures. Carefully contact the scalpels and razor blade. Do not leave them open if they do not use them. Find out if you are not toxic if liquids you use are not combined. Thus, the application of Belil is a very convenient and cheapest way to remove ink, which is based on water, but bleached poisonous, and we need to use them, observing caution.

Pumice is used to remove difficult strokes. However, the use of pumice should be carefully, as it can damage the paper. The razor blade (or scalpel) allows you to scrape the strokes that cannot be removed by other means. They can be used in case of extreme need, because, removing extra strokes, you can

Simple pencils, differences. What is a pencil? This is a kind of tool that has a view of a rod made of writing material (coal, graphite, dry paints, etc.). Such a tool is widely used when writing, drawing and drawing. As a rule, the writing rod is inserted into a comfortable frame. Pencils can be color and simple. Now we will talk about such "simple" pencils today and talk, or rather what the types of graphite pencils exist. The first item distantly resembles a pencil was invented in the XIII century. It was a thin silver wire soldered to the handle. Keep such a "silver pencil" in a special case. In order to draw a similar pencil, there was an unauthorized skill and skill, because it was impossible to erase it was impossible. In addition to the "silver pencil" there was also "lead" - it was used for sketches. In about the XIV century, a "Italian pencil" appeared: the rod made of clay black slate. Later, the rod began to be made from a fierce bone powder mixed with vegetable glue. Such a pencil gave a clear and saturated line line. By the way, such a kind of writing tools is still used by some artists to achieve a certain effect. Graintial pencils became known from the XVI century. Their appearance is very interesting: in the terrain of Cumberland, the English shepherds was found in the land of a kind of dark mass, which they began to mark sheep. Since the color of the mass was similar to Lead, she was taken for the deposits of the metal, but later the thin sharp sticks were made from it, which were used for drawing. The wands were soft and often broke, and there were hands, so it was necessary to put them in any case. The rod began to clamp between wooden chopsticks or pieces of wood, turned them into dense paper, tied up with a twine. As for the Graphite Pencil, which we used to see today, then his inventor is Nikola Jacques Conte. CONTE has become the author of the recipe when graphite was mixed with clay and underwent high temperature treated - as a result, the rod was durable and, moreover, such a technology allowed the hardness of graphite.

The rigidity of the griffel The hardness of the stylus is indicated on the pencil with letters and numbers. Manufacturers from different countries (Europe, USA and Russia) labeling stiffness of pencils is different. Designation of stiffness in Russia The hardness scale looks like this: m - soft; T - solid; TM - hard-roofing; European scale is somewhat wider (marking F has no Russian conformity): in - soft, from blackness (black); H - solid, from Hardness (hardness); F is the average tone between HV and H (from the English. Fine Point - subtlety) HB - firm-soft (hardness blackness - hardness-hardness); In the United States, a scale of numbers is used to designate the stiffness of the pencil: - corresponds to B - soft; - Complies with HB - firm-soft; ½ - corresponds to F - medium between firm-soft and solid; - corresponds to H - solid; - 2H corresponds - very solid. Pencil Pencil Return. Depending on the manufacturer's company, the tone of the line drawn with a pencil of one marking may differ. In Russian and European labeling pencils, the figure in front of the letter denotes the degree of softness or hardness. For example, 2b is twice as softer than in, and 2H is twice already voltage than H. On sale you can find pencils with marking from 9H (the hardest) to 9b (the most soft) solid pencils start from H to 9h. H is a solid pencil, from here - thin, bright, "dry" lines. Solid pencil paint solid objects with a clear contour (stone, metal). Such a solid pencil on the finished pattern, on top of the shaded or decisive fragments, draw thin lines, for example, draw strands in the hair. A line conducted by a soft pencil has a slight loose contour. The soft stylus will significantly draw representatives of the fauna - birds, hares, cats, dogs. If you need to choose between a solid or soft pencil, artists take a pencil with a soft blade. An image drawn by such a pencil is easy to grow by a piece of thin paper, a finger or eraser. If necessary, it is possible to finely clean the graphite rod of the soft pencil and draw a thin line similar to a line from a solid pencil. The hatching and drawing of the stroke on paper is painted with a pencil, inclined at an angle of about 45 ° to the sheet plane. In order for the fatness of the line to be more you can rotate the pencil around the axis. Bright stroke stroke rigid pencils. Dark plots, respectively, soft. It is inconvenient to stroke a very soft pencil, since the griffel is quickly dulled and the thinth of the line is lost. Exit - either very often sharpening the edge, or use a tougher pencil. When drawing is gradually moving from bright areas to the dark, as part of the picture is much easier to darken the pencil than the dark place to make lighter. Please note that the pencil should be sharpened not a simple sharpener, but a knife. The griffel should be 5-7mm long, which allows you to tilt the pencil and seek the desired effect. Graphite pencil trait - fragile material. Despite the protection of the wooden shell, the pencil requires careful circulation. When the griffel falls inside the pencil disintegrates on the part and then crumble when draining, making a pencil unsuitable for use. Nuances that should know when working with hatching pencils at the very beginning should be used hard pencil. Those. The dry lines are obtained by a solid pencil. The soft pencil is drawn ready drawing, to give it compatibility and expressiveness. Soft pencil leaves dark lines. The more stronger the pencil, the wider there will be his trail. However, with the advent of pencils with a thick gryphant, this need disappears. If you do not know how the final drawing will look, it is recommended to start with a solid pencil. The solid pencil can do the necessary tone. At the very beginning, I myself admitted such a mistake: I took too a soft pencil, why the drawing was obtained dark and incomprehensible. Pencil rims of course, the classic option is a stylograph in a wooden frame. But now there are plastic, lacquered even paper rims. The stylus in such pencils is thick. On the one hand, it is good, but on the other - such pencils are easy to break, if you put in your pocket or unsuccessful. Although for the transfer of pencils there are special cases (for example, I have a set of black pencils KOH-I-NOOR PROGRESSO - good, good quality packaging, like a penalty).