Unusual technology drawing gouache. Unusual techniques and drawing methods for children

Unusual technology drawing gouache. Unusual techniques and drawing methods for children
Unusual technology drawing gouache. Unusual techniques and drawing methods for children

If your baby often gets upset that it does not know how to draw, or the picture is not as expected, to offer crumbs not to draw according to the sample, but use alternative drawing techniques that will get involved in it and become excellent motivators for creativity!

We offer you 20 variants of non-traditional drawing techniques for a child who will reveal his individuality!


In this drawing technique for children, negligent "ball" baby is inserted into a sheet with a cut out of the animal, tree, flower, etc. You need to cut a pattern, for example, in the form of a chamomile and apply from above to the baby's smelter. Thus, the inconspicuous drawing will become part of a special idea.


A sheet of paper needs to be put on a flat relief object and shade with a color pencil its surface. You will get a beautiful picture-writing, with the silhouette of the subject-substrate! Children who tried to draw on the table with a relief tree, probably know that sometimes this technique "connects" in the drawing is completely accidental.

Air paints

To prepare such paint mix in a small dish:

  • 250 g. Flour, Paul C.Loda, Paul C.L. Limonic Acid
  • couple drops of food dye
  • 1 tbsp. l Soli.

Fractional technique:

  1. In the dishes with the above ingredients, pour some water so that the paint turns out the desired density.
  2. Apply paint to a dense cardboard with a brush or cotton wand.
  3. Put the picture into the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds until the mass gets up. The drying time depends on how much your paint turned out to be thick and what kind of layer you did in the picture.

Make sure that the cardboard does not contain synthetic materials and films. Choose either the most common option, or take color dense paper.

Marble paper

For this drawing technology, you will need:

  • shaving foam
  • watercolor paints or food dyes
  • flatware
  • paper
  • scraper

Work plan:

  1. In a thick layer, apply on any flat dishes of the shaving foam.
  2. Make a saturated solution of each color of paint with water - dilute dyes to a liquid state.
  3. Take a pipette (or simple brush) and drop a few drops of paint of different shades on the foam layer.
  4. Brush Warm paint on the surface, try to do it so that beautiful lines and shapes are obtained. This stage can be considered the most creative and interesting!
  5. Apply from above to such a foam with a pattern of pieces of paper.
  6. Put the sheet on a flat surface and remove the entire foam with a piece of cardboard from it.
  7. Under foam you can see unusual marble divorces, similar to the Northern Lights! Now you need to put a picture in a dry place for 2 hours so that it dries.

Soap painting

Mix the paints with several caps of ordinary liquid soap, then apply a brush on paper. You will see that small soap bubbles appear from the paint, which create a beautiful pattern of pattern.


To perform this technique, you can use the tube to blow out a bliss, and you can do without it. Ask a child to drop paint on a sheet of paper, then tilt it in different directions, and then draw something to the blossom to get a beautiful drawing.

You can also make a swax, and then folded the sheet in half, so that it is imprinted on his second half. Then give the child to dream, which is similar to the kleax and ask to draw the necessary elements.

Drawing on a wet surface

Moisten the paper sheet with water and leave to dry literally for half a minute, and then start drawing on it with watercolor. Paints will be spread in different directions and you will get very original divorces with influx.

Bunch of pencils

Carefully collect in the beam 5-6 color pencils, tie them with a sticky ribbon and give the baby to pour.

Small and starch

Make the starch solution and moisten them a blank sheet of paper. Give the crawling chalk, let it try to draw on such a slippery basis. Use the main colors of chalks and they will give new shades on paper!

Multicolored glue

Prepare several empty tanks and burst in them PVA glue, then drip into each cup to a couple of drops of paint different colors. In such a color glue, draw everything that the soul will wish! Especially beautiful drawings are obtained in "drip technique"

Figure Salu.

Draw a simple pencil sketch on paper, pass the wet brush along the contour of the pattern, and then sprinkle with salt. After 10 minutes, the toss salt, draw the missing items. With the help of salt, you can beautifully draw butterflies, birds, snow.

Drawing wax

On a white sheet. Draw a wax candle of the contours of people, trees or flowers. When a child starts painting with watercolor drawing, he will "create" beautiful white images. You can also cover the multicolored paint all the sheet, dry it, then richly graze with wax.

Apply a dark gouache over the wax and let's dry. After that, a thin needle or a wooden wand can be "scolding" a bright pattern on a dark background.

Foam or sponge

Washing a sponge or a piece of foam rubber gouache, the crumb can draw the crown of trees, flowers, winter landscapes and much more.

Drawing with cotton chopsticks

Bundle of cotton sticks tie tender tape or rubber band, offer the child to dip it in the paint and draw clouds, trees, snow drifts, snow. The missing details can be drawn by a simple tassel.

Drawing points

First, the crumb should draw the contour of the item, and then fill the entire background of the multi-colored dots using paint or felt-meter. To make the drawing turned out to be colorful, you need to alternate the color of the points.

Drawing splashes

Take a dry toothbrush and lubricate it with a gouache. Do not overdo it, the paints should not be much, but it should be thick. Place the sheet on the table, lean over it, in one hand, keep the brush with paint, and another descend the bristle in your direction. The bristles must be turned down to the drawing, otherwise you risks the whole house with a child.

If you put several colors on the brush, you can create salute. Yellow and orange gammas are suitable for the drawing on the autumn themes, and the blue will help create a beautiful winter landscape.

Drawing prints

Take an apple, cut it in half and create beautiful drawings, dipping halves into the paint. For these non-traditional drawing techniques, you can use other interesting "stamps" that you will find at home!

Drawing balls

For this technique you will need: Cover from box, balls, paint, paper, tassels.

Put the paper sheet on the bottom of the flat box (or on a crash from any other), sprinkle with watercolor paint abundantly. Then throw several glass balls (or balls from bearings) and shame a little shakes to ride, thereby mixing colored splashes on a sheet and creating a drawing.

Drawing feet

This drawing technique for children is very relaxing and developing a child's fantasy! Secure the scotch paper on the floor. Insert the baby between the fingers of the feet of the pencil and ask for something to draw.

You can also draw paints, mock toes in the gouache and creating beautiful prints on paper.

Many is associated with the album and drawing equipment: paints, pencils, tassels and wipers. Meanwhile, there are a lot of ways to make a lesson on an unusual and exciting, such that will cause positive emotions not only in children, but also in adults.

Unusual drawing techniques for children, with the help of non-standard means and materials, is a great opportunity to show fantasy and create spectacular, memorable crafts.

Draw hands

A very simple way to draw unusual and varied pictures, using the tool, which is always at hand, namely, the hand of the artist himself. From the smallest age, you can have simple abstract pictures and when the child becomes older, you can complicate the task. Children's hand provides ample opportunities to create plots, here are the two simplest.


Take a sheet of paper, put it horizontally. Bend in half, firmly fix the fold line, then break the sheet. Type a little guachi to the brush (let the color of the child choose on its own), and paint the baby's palm. If the child is good and confidently keeps a brush, then he can paint his own palm himself, it will give him a lot of pleasure. Paddle pads and palm is better to paint in different colors, it will make the drawing more brighter.

A young painted young artist puts into a sheet of paper. The base of the palm of the palm must be at the line fold line. Since the butterfly wing consists of two parts, then once a child applies his palm, slightly turning the fingers down the drawing, the second time the opposite - pulling the palm to the fingers.

Then attach the second half of the sheet to the published hand-up, and you will have a wonderful butterfly. For accuracy, you can draw from the hand torso and the head of the butterfly or cut them out of colored paper and glue glue.


An excellent version of the image of a tree with the help of the same hand, however, it will now be needed not only palm, but also a part of the hand above the brush.

The technique is simple: the child paints a brown gouache palm and a piece of hand just above the wrist, and applies it to a vertically lying sheet of paper. It turns out a tree trunk, which remains to draw foliage. Here are also possible options: it can be painted it yourself, and you can glue the real leaves collected in the autumn forest.

Pictures in stamps

A creative solution that will make any drawing unexpected and attracting attention is drawing its elements with stamps.

What is a stamp? This is a piece of the base on which the desired drawing is cut into either fixed.

Materials for the manufacture of stamps can be anything:

  • cheese potatoes;
  • small apples cut in half;
  • plasticine;
  • elements of the designer lego;
  • looks from small jars;
  • match boxes and threads.

Universal and inexpensive material for the manufacture of writing, which will be found at all.

  • Choose small tubers, wash and clean them.
  • Cut the tuber in half. At the resulting surface of the stamp, you will depict one comfront you want to get, let's say it will be a leaf of a tree.
  • Do not cut off the knife imitating the structure of the sheet. Then plunge the finished stamp into the paint and make an impression on a pre-prepared piece of paper.
  • To create a complete composition, you can make the necessary workpiece, for example, the image of the tree branch, the leaflets on which can be drawn by the resulting stamp.

ATTENTION: Potatoes quickly and well absorbs paint, so it is necessary to use a new stamp (potato tuber) to obtain insisters of different colors.

Stamps on plasticine

One of the families in children to create their own stamps. To do this, it will be needed: a piece of thick plasticine and a ballpoint pen (for small parts). For larger parts that need to be squeezed on withdrawal, it is better to use a pencil with a thick blade.

We make prints:

  • Skipped from plasticine a sausage in a length of 2-3 cm. Night sausages make smooth and smooth.
  • Take a ballpoint pen and put, deeply indigeting inside, point in the middle of the base of the ottis. It will be the core of the flower.
  • We apply a ball handle to the stampa as follows: a pointed end to the center, we press well. We make a few writing, forming petals around a flower core.
  • Fill out the resulting deepening of the paint stamp, better if it is acrylic paints or gouache. Watercolor will pour out, giving unsaturated colors.
  • We print on paper. The composition can be diversified by making several stamps with different patterns.

Apple Card

For this "delicious" drawing technique, you will need a few small apples, gouache or acrylic paints, two or three sheets of thick color cardboard.

Cut the apples on the halves, spread several colors in extra dishes. In order for the prints to be saturated, do not bred paints strongly. Having dropped the apple to the paint to the paint, offer the child to make several writing on the slices of color cardboard.

Let the parents do not scare, what seeing bright and appetizing prints, children will have a desire to apply them to cardboard in incredible quantities. When the prints are dried, the sheets of cardboard can be cut, sewed them under the format of the postcard, or cutting the square with apple prints, stick it on a large piece of cardboard of contrasting color. Apple tails can be drawn separately. It turns out a wonderful picture for the kitchen!

Through stamps

This type of creativity attracts children with funny geometric patterns resulting from the use of ordinary threads.

The main materials for this unusual technology are simple and are available - this is the boxes of matches (you will need only boxes, no matches), thick threads of woolen or synthetic yarn, and paint (everything except watercolor).

In order to make a stamp, you need to take a small stretch of the thread and wrap them with matchboxes. The thread should not be too thin and must make the boxes tightly. Macaus the resulting stamp in the paint and get a spectacular impression with a geometric pattern.

Unusual drawing and natural materials

The most interesting drawing techniques for children are associated with natural materials of various textures: wood, stone, plant seeds, and, of course, foliage trees.

Collecting the leaves in the autumn forest with the wellness, we sometimes do not suspect what space for fantasy flight and unusual drawings lies in the usual dried sheet of oak or cock.

Figures with autumn foliage

The leaves for these works need any: large and small elongated and round, green, yellow with cuttings or without them. Walking in the forest, emphasize the attention of children on the variety of shapes and colors of autumn leaves.

Prints of leaves

Option first

We take a sheet of not very dense white paper, put it in front of children on the table. It is better to fasten his corners with scotch, for this type of work it is important that the sheet does not slip on the table. We lay out three sheets of different shapes with each other near and "printed" each piece of leaf, sketching it with a colored wax chalk.

Second option

"We print" with leaves, pre-applying paint on them. This drawing method is as follows.

Take a few large sheets and offer the defector to work with autumn wizards. Let them independently paint one side of each sheet with paints - as they like, in random order. Then let the leaves applied to the painted side to the white sheet of paper. It turns bright, juicy prints.

This type of work will allow creating interesting and bright collages on the autumn theme!

Create colored paper yourself

Few people know that it is enough to just create a spectacular multicolored paper at home yourself. As a result of this unusual technology, it will be bizarre, unusual color, resembling a pattern of marble stone.

To create this type of colored paper, you will need:

  • male shaving foam;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • disposable paper plate for mixing paints;
  • paper;
  • a piece of dense cardboard.

We apply a uniform dense layer of foam on a plate. Lightly draining paints with water, the colors should be rich and bright. Then take a little paint of each color with a tassel and "drip" for several drops of different shades on a plate with foam in an arbitrary order.

The next part is most like children of any age. Taking a cotton wand in hand (you can remove it on the grade from the wool) or toothpick, the child must dissolve colored drops in the foam. As a result, completely bizarre forms are formed - blots, points, divorces and incredible combinations of colors.

Then you need to take a sheet of paper and attach it to the plaffron to the colorable foam formed in a plate. Turn the sheet, put it with a dry side on the table. Now it is necessary to scrape the remains of foam from the surface of the sheet. To do this, it is enough to take a piece of dense cardboard, and holding it vertically, remove the surplus of foam.

The leaf of the resulting colored paper is bright and cheerful coloring can be used when it will dry.

All listed variety of work, made by children and adults in unusual drawing techniques, is ideal for lessons of home creativity, creating drawings in collage technology and design of family albums in scrapbooking technique.

Lecturer, Specialist Children's Developing Center
Druzhinina Elena

In this article you will find many interesting ideas, how to diversify painting classes with paints with a child and make them interesting and informative.

Environmentally friendly paints for children

For children there are 3 kinds of safe paints, which parents prefer:

  • finger
  • gouache
  • watercolor

It is better to start with finger paints, they fit the kids shame. You can learn more about them from the article. Gouache and watercolor for older babies.

It is interesting to investigate something new to the child, but with time it may be bored with a monotonous coloring of the paint sheet. So that this does not happen, parents need to show the child as you can still draw.

There are many drawing methods with the above paints. The various technicians will not give your child to get bored and show him a lot of new things and interesting what he has not seen.

Drawing with fingers for children

This is the most interesting occupation for cut, because the paint must first feel, before learning it to draw it. Pulse the index finger in the paint and put them with specks on paper, draw them a flower or caterpillar. Spend your finger line, make rays from the sun. Show the child that you can draw and let him create yourself, let him draw what he wants.

Drawing with a tassel for children

When a child can already hold a brush in handles, show him how to draw it. Explain to the child that before you take a new color, you need to wash it. Take paint to the tassel and apply it on a sheet of paper. Try to draw different sizes in size and shaped with tassels, look at what pattern it turns out.

You can draw with a brush in the following ways:

Point drawing for children

Show how you can draw dots, for this you can use a brush, and finger, and a cotton wand. Lock your tool in paint and quickly quickly touch the paper. You can decorate simple pictures with this technique, the kids such a lesson like it very much, besides it is very useful for the development of shallow motility hands.

Drawing stamps for children

Apply paint on the stamp and attach it to paper, press. On paper will be imprinting pictures. Show the baby how to work with it. Stumpika can be painted with different colors, instead of ready-made stamps you can use homemade. For example, make the crashing of straw, you can use figures from sorts, detail from the designer and even cut vegetables and fruits.

Very interesting texture It turns out if instead of the stamp to use a conventional napkin with bursts. Pulk it into the paint and, as if missing, go through the sheet of paper.

Patrolone drawing

Cut the piece of foam rubber and plunge it into the paint, then press it to paper and remove it. You can spend lines, paint some shapes. Show the baby as they can draw. Also, the child will be wondering if you make different geometric shapes from the foam rubber. You can attach them to the pencil or wand and use as stamps. So you can, playing, learn not only colors, but also forms. Then complicate the task, try to draw ornaments, first of the two figures, then use more forms.

Drawing on wet paper

Moisten a sheet of paper for drawing with water. And now Pour paint on it. The contours of the lines are blurred, become fuzzy, smooth transitions and haze are excellent. Just do not overdo it with water, it will be better if you wipe it with a wet rut. This technique is good for paintings with rain, images of fog, colors behind a curtain.


Teach the child to put the blots, because then it is so interesting to guess what they look like.

Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half, expand and put several klyax on fold, you can make them in one color or different. Fold the sheet along the fold line and swipe from the center of the drawing to its edge. You can simply say something like "SIM Salabim".

Expand the sheet and show the baby that you have left. When a child is growing a little, you can ask him that he sees in the picture that he reminds him. When the drawing is dry, you can draw small parts with a felt-tip pen or circuit out. This is very well developing imagination and abstract thinking.


To do this, you will need a sheet of thick paper and a wool thread. The leaf bend in half and deploy, laid in a jar with paint, then put it on paper and fold it. Take the thread, pressing the palm sheet. Expand and see what happened. You will see chaotic paint strokes, consider them with a child, may you see some familiar items in them, circle them and draw the items, say what they are called. The combination of creativity, mental and speech job will help your child intellectually develop.

Drawing wax

This is a very common and interesting technique. Draw on a sheet of paper with a wax shallow or a piece of wax candle wall, and then with a child put this sheet of paper paint. Since the fat is fat, its paint will not be painted and you will see your drawing. This method can still make secret notes or write greetings.

Wrinkle and drawing technique

Place anything under a sheet of paper, such as a coin or other embossed object and soda the sheet of wax, cover the paint top and you will get an image of the subject.

Pictures of Solu

Sprinkle the finished pattern of salt. When the paint is driving, salt will remain on the sheet and give an interesting texture picture. Thus, it is possible to make a bulk drawing, for example, to highlight the stones or a path in the image. On the blue paint, salt will look like snowflakes, if we sprinkle with a green leaflet salt, they will become like alive, translucent.

Pictures of painted scotch

The molar tape is well glued and dugs off the paper, so it can be used in drawing and get interesting effects. For example, you can make a birch forest: cut the trunks of the trees from Scotch, you can stick bits and branches from the residues, glue the tape to the sheet of paper. From above, draw all the paint when it gets up, remove the tape, the white stripes will remain under it. It remains to add details and the forest is ready!

You can cut something more complicated, such as houses and draw a whole city. Scotch is good because it can be used instead of a stencil, but it is unlikely to get the folds of paint, and it is not necessary to fix it.

You can still use a scotch as a frame for a picture when you remove it, the edges of the picture will be clear and it will be neat.

Drawing drawings using a food film

Yes, with the help of a food film, you can also make busy pictures. Her bed on a sheet of paper, covered with wet paint, and rejoice slightly around. When you save it, you will see interesting abstractions resembling crystals.

Blowing paint through the tubes

Divide paint with water so that it is likely. Take one or two colors. Drip the paint onto the sheet and pouted into the tube, directing it in different directions on the paint. Drawn will resemble the weave of the branches of the trees, or you can add a lychanically and it will be hair - give the child to dream.

Figure painting

Draw some animals on a sheet of paper and ask for a child to hide it, just show how: fill it completely paint. You can at the same time tell a fairy tale, for example, that there was a mouse, she went for delicious cheese, and a cat was waiting for her who wanted to eat a mouse. And ask the baby, how can you help the mouse? Of course, it should be hidden. And ask him to do it.

Figure leaf

Very interesting method of drawing. To do this, you will need leaves from trees. Apply paint on the leaflets, you can paint with different colors, attach sheets with paint to paper and press, then remove carefully. You can make such a beautiful forest.

If you include a little fantasy, you will come up with a lot of new ideas with which drawing will be not only a cheerful occupation, but also cognitive, training and useful.

In addition to the paints, there are also other drawing tools. Your baby will definitely like wax pencils, markers, chalks. More detailed about the pictorial and other types of creativity is described in the article.

VIDEO: We will draw paints! Games drawing

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. Each child in the soul is an artist and sculptor, singer and musician. Creative gusts in children are manifested in the unimaginable form, but very often associated with artistic activities. Many mothers are sooner or later asked about what the child learns to draw? And truth, why, if you do not plan to grow another Surikov or Aivazovsky? If your task is to see your child with successful self-confident man, then encourage creative manifestations, because any visual work is an important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and at home helps to develop spatial thinking, eye meter, coordination. After all, the baby needs to be associated with a single composition, the ratio of the size of parts and harmoniously arrange them on the sheet. When working on a complex decorative composition, a child learns to plan their actions, choose the appropriate material. It is very important for him to understand that he can create something with his own hands.

Everyone knows that drawing is one of the most favorite classes of our children. With great pleasure, they draw with colored pencils, woven, paints, a brush in a bright substance. Why not mock your finger or smearing the paint all the palm? Fine creativity cannot be installed framework, you need to destroy all the boundaries of the usual and traditional!

Non-traditional drawing techniques attract our fidgets significantly more, because they do not require amazing, they give their potential more brightly during creativity, familiar to the child with the ability to unusually apply us things around us as materials for creativity. If the most unusual paints and bright pencils at the kid no longer cause their own interest, you can dilute the work of your fidget by other methods of drawing. What is useful to draw with unconventional ways in kindergarten and at home?

  • The kid uses a variety of materials, learns differences in textures, which makes it possible to improve small motility.
  • There is a familiarity with the volume, form and space, which develops imagination.
  • The ability to combine and mix shades is developing aesthetic taste.
  • The use of unusual materials is developing thinking, teaches to accept non-standard solutions.
  • Pictures using such techniques are much faster that it pleases the crumbs, which is so lacking perpetuity.
  • Adds confidence in yourself and faith in your strength, because without outstanding skills you can create a unique "masterpiece"!

All the most interesting techniques and techniques collected and systematized G.N. Davydova in the book "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten". This book is an excellent assistant for both the teacher and the mummy, which wants to diversify leisure with the baby.

We start to create: fingers or palms

Unconventional drawing techniques imply an image of images using various materials, including "non-counted": crumpled paper, foam rubber, thread, paraffin candle or wax chalk, dried leaves; Drawing without using tools - palms or fingers and many more than. Such methods are successfully used both in kindergarten and at home.

For different ages, you can offer your technique, for example, the smallest will be interesting to draw with your fingers, because it is still difficult to keep a brightest to the crude, but the baby is already posing brilliantly with its own handles. Bold the palm of the crumbs in the paint and offer to leave a trace on paper, how to leave traces of kitty and dogs. Consider a print with the baby, to whom it looks like? Looks like an elephant or a turtle, and if Dorisis Glazik, there will be a fish! All the action only runs the fantasy of your baby, and if he suddenly confused, help him, spend a master class - color your palm and leave the imprint. "Look, I got a mom of an elephant, and where is the baby elephant?", - the child will gladly turn on such a funny game.

You can hurt in paint and not all palms, but only fingers, and leave tiny prints. The more multicolored prints, the more interesting the picture, - let the kid fantasize in his pleasure. Adults should be prepared for the fact that the paint will not only be on the leaves, but also on the baby, more precisely, the baby will be all the surrounding items too. Therefore, it is possible to take care of the cleanliness in advance: check the table where you plan to arrange a creative workshop, the glue, and put on the toddle of the apron and the wrappers, otherwise about what flight of fantasy can be a thing if you constantly defeat the baby: "Carefully get dirty!".

We continue to fantasize. Stamps, ottysi

Children of different ages during the drawing like to use stamps. This unique technique of an unconventional drawing method in kindergarten is so easy to perform and diverse in manifestation, which is perfect for work and in kindergarten, and at home. Finished stamps can be purchased at the art goods store. But it is much more interesting to make a stamp yourself, and even better with the baby.

Almost everything is suitable as a stamp, which can be hushed into the paint, and then leave a print on a sheet of paper. You can cut an apple or potatoes - this is the easiest stamp. On the half of the potatoes, you can cut some feature: a heart or flower. A stamp is still made from ordinary threads, wounding them for any reason. Threads can not be coated, but simply immerse in paint. After careful impregnation, they are laid out on one sheet, others are covered, slightly pressed, and admire the intricate pattern.

It is easy to make a stamp from ordinary plasticine. Come up with an interesting form and make a small piece of plasticine. Paint for classic stamps is better to choose thick. The unusual texture of the background can be given by applying a crumpled napkin or paper, and then on the spent scheme: Macaem in paint and stamps. Very beautiful stamps are obtained from dried leaves: Paint the leaf of paint on the one hand, put on paper and press it. After the painted leaf was removed, the painting "Golden Autumn" was a kid in full delight.

There is another non-traditional drawing technique, similar to a stamp, but with an interesting feature, - drawing by foam rubber. Cut a small piece from an ordinary sponge, dip in the paint and with a mesmer pressure cover the sheet. It is so easy and simply a wonderful background for further drawing, and if you use stencils or patterns for children's drawing, it turns out an amazing floral, or a geometric pattern.

Drawing points

As a method of visual creativity for kids, you can select drawing by points. This simple technique is understandable even to the crumb. You will need paints and cotton wands or ordinary marksters. Put the wand in the paint, and we draw a point on a sheet of paper, then another one - so as long as the invented image does not manifest on the landscape sheet. You can help the baby, drawing the outline of the future picture, and it will fill it with a large number of bright prints. The theme of the point pattern can be any - and a winter tale, and a bright sunshine. Training in such a gentle age should be carried out unobtrusively in the form of a game.

MONotypia technique

For older children, you can offer more interesting types of artistic creativity. For example, an interesting technique, which is also based on prints - "Monotypia". Its purpose is to create a symmetric pattern, such as a mushroom, an insect (butterfly or ladybug), for the senior preschool group you can depict a landscape that reflects in the lake.

We take the album sheet of paper, bend in half, then we turn around and draw on one half relative to the fold line. Since we agreed to portray the butterfly, we draw one wing, then stroke the hand folded sheet. Reveal - the butterfly has two wings and they are completely the same! The missing items can be drawn with a brush.

The feeling of delight is provided, while the child understands that his "hooligan" actions, when blots and splashes fly on a leaf of the album, is also a kind of art. "Klyaxography" still has the name "spray". Such technicians can achieve unusual artistic effects.

Sprinkling paint, he "spray". Toothbrush will come to your aid. Gently make her in the paint and are mildly tapping with a pen or pencil towards himself. The sheet remains a huge number of small droplets. With the help of such non-traditional drawing techniques, a very realistic winter landscape is obtained or a distant space with a lot of stars. "Klyaxography" will help the young artist settle the uninhabited planets of space with funny aliens. It is only possible to score more paint on the brush and give her to drain on a sheet of paper, it turned out a blots. And now I blow on it, accelerating the rays in different directions. Dorisuy the dried blossie a couple of eyes, and you can also two pairs, it is an unknown animal, and send it to settles his distant worlds!

An interesting texture can be achieved by using a dry brush. A dry wide brush is slightly immersed in the gouache, wipe over the jar of excess paint. Draw vertical tile movements. The image is obtained by "lochmata" and "barbed", in such a way. Christmas trees and hedgehogs are obtained, a field with green grass. In such an unconventional way in kindergarten, flowers can be drawing, for example, asters.

Incredible capabilities of familiar things.

  1. Bubble.

It turns out that soap bubbles can not only pour and burst, and they can still draw. In a cup with a soap solution to dilute a little paint, take the tube and pushing the bubbles into the glass. Such a focus your kids do with pleasure. Well, a lot of bright multicolored foam, apply a sheet of paper to it, and as soon as bubbles begin to manifest, paper should be removed - the colorful pattern is ready!

  1. Salt.

Do not be surprised, but salt can be used not only in cooking. An interesting texture will turn out if a low drawing sprinkle with salt, and when the paint dries, just to decide.

  1. Sand, beads and various cereals are also used to create creative textures. There are several options for using such materials.
  • Pre-covered sheet covered with cereal, sand or beads, and then draw on a textured surface.
  • Covered by glue areas in places where the drawing will be depicted.
  • In advance to paint and dry the desired materials, and then decorate with the drawing.

Classic in unconventional reading

Let's postpone stamps and salt, extremely handles, soaked with paint, get watercolor and tassels. Boring? It is not boring at all, but very interesting, because with the help of classic watercolor colors we will work wonders!

It is necessary to take a dense paper (the best option is special watercolor), wet so that it is enough to wet. Type a brush a little paint and a slight movement, touch the brush to wet paper. Movements should be easy and smooth, the beauty of the result depends on it. In your eyes, the paint droplets are sprawling in different directions, turning into something amazing! Suitable time to tell the baby about the rules for obtaining new colors and shades. Now this practice is most visual. The resulting inconceivable divorces will serve as an interesting background for future creative works.

The following non-traditional drawing technique, which we consider, too, from the category of "miracles nearby", is called "Aquatipia".

This is a drawing technique with paints and water, it is also known as a water seal. Just as in the previous method, you will use dense paper, pick up the paints no less traditional - gouache, still need black or any dark mascara. Think with the baby, what would he like to portray? This method is extremely beautifully flowers. After drying the paints, the leaf is fully fascinated, then immerse your work in a bowl with water, and enjoy wonderful transformations! Gouache will dissolve everything, only your drawing will remain on a dark background. What is not magic?

A series of incredible transformations did not end! Take all the same dense paper, and wax shallow (if it was not at hand, you can use an ordinary candle) I will apply a drawing or pattern. Further, we apply watercolor paint on the entire sheet (places treated with wax not painted). On a colored watercolor background, a drawing will appear, which will be for the baby a surprise, because when you draw a colorless chalk through a white sheet, it is quite difficult to present the end result. The process of magic in the end can also bring a fairly practical result.

The manufacture of "marble paper" is an extremely fascinating occupation that I really like the kids: it's funny to play with things that are not allowed at all. For example, daddy shaving foam. For work you will need:

  • shaving foam;
  • watercolor paints;
  • flat plate;
  • dense paper sheet.

First you need to get a saturated solution: mix the paint with water. Then apply a thick layer of shaving foam to a plate, and drop a few bright paint drops in chaotic order. With the help of brushes, paint paints on the foam, getting intricate zigzags and patterns. Here it is a magical sacrament, which will completely absorb the passionate baby. And here is the promised practical effect. Sheet apply to rainbow foam, and then turn over so that the foam is from top of the sheet. Removing foam on paper we clean the scraper. And - about a miracle! From under the foam, unimaginable divorces appear similar to the marble pattern. Paper has absorbed paint. After drying, "marble paper" can be used in the manufacture of crafts or as an addition to the decor.

No limit creative manifestations

For the guys who have already met many interesting techniques and showed their uncommon creative abilities, you can offer a rather difficult drawing technique - "GRUTAZH".

Dense paper is needed, it is necessary to color it with wax shallow, preferably bright colors, then, with a wide brush, cover with black gouache or ink. If you intend to use gouache, add a bit of PVA glue so that the dried paint does not crumble. When the mascara (or gouache) is dry, the workpiece for further work is ready. Now we take a thin stack (any sharp, not writing tool) and begin to draw. But this process can be drawn only conditionally, as the top layer of paint occurs. So, the stroke behind the stroke is manifested by a bright wax layer and projected into the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist.

For young artists will be an exciting drawing technique with a plasticine on glass.

Choose your favorite drawing, cover with glass, apply a black felt-tip pen of the picture on the glass. Then proceed to filling the contours of soft plasticine, trying not to act as the edge. The explorer looks not so accurate, but the front side is visible bright and clear picture. Insert the work in the frame, and as a background you can use color cardboard.

There are still a number of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten, which will easily unlighten the children of the middle and older pre-school group. For everyday occupations, a combination of appliqués with a classic pattern can be suitable. Pre-carved elements are glued to the landscape sheet, and then with the help of pencils or paints give the image a finished look.

One of the available and entertaining techniques is "Front".

This type of visual creativity is familiar to us since childhood, remember, hid the coin under the sheet of paper and shaped a simple pencil? In the same way, instead of a coin, you can use dry leaflets, and not shaped with a pencil, but a colored pastel. The drawing will be bright and saturated.

We met with a lot of drawing techniques and have already learned much, so why not apply our knowledge in practice? With the help of both traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques decorate any interior items. Decorative drawing in kindergarten is also applied, the child can already decorate, for example, a stand for pencils or a clay vase, and may be pleased with mom and create a unique pattern on a cutting board. It should only be remembered that the paints for such work need to choose waterproof: acrylic or oil. So that the result pleased longer, cover the finished craft of varnish.

For the interior decor, the Stained Service technique is used.

The essence of the technique is to apply the adhesive contour and filling it with paint. Options for execution of this technique There are many, but one of the most interesting is the drawing of a drawing on the liner, and after drying, the drawing can be removed from the cylints and glued to any surface, for example, on the glass, it will be a translucent bright picture.

Let us dwell in more detail on the technique of execution.

The ideal option will be used by specialized stained paints, but if there have been no such, you can manifest a mixture and make them yourself. Take an ordinary gouache and add PVA glue, after drying, paints have an elastic structure, which will allow you to decorate the picture from the film without difficulty. Select the picture you like and apply its contour to the transparent liner (you can take a regular file or plastic transparent folder). The contour is better to do the first pencil or felt-tip pen, and then bother or ready-made stained glass outline, or conventional pva glue from a tube with a dispenser. Wait for the contour drying, then fill in bright colors. After complete drying, you can draw a drawing from the film, and decorate the planned surface.

You can decorate not only interior items, but also the wardrobe items with special paints for fabric. This technique is called "Cold Batik". Offer the child to make the designer painting of an ordinary white T-shirt, this will only have your baby, the only and unique!

  • Previously, the T-shirt must be fixed in the stares for embroidery or in the subframe for drawing on the canvas.
  • With the help of a pencil and tracing, transfer the image of your favorite cartoon hero on the fabric.

One of the main stages of this method is to apply a reservation composition, in other words, a protective contour, which will prevent the spreading paint on the fabric. The contour must be closed to prevent spreads.

  • After drying, according to us, the scheme is fill in paint contours.
  • Then the drawing must be fixed. Place one sheet of paper under the drawing, and the other to the drawing and endure the iron.

You can erase such a product, but better in manual mode in cool water. The unique product is ready.


All considered non-traditional drawing techniques are applicable only in placing conditions. What about the summer walks in the fresh air? Is only mobile games suitable for the street? No, you can enjoy visual creativity. Drawing in the summer in kindergarten can be held on the street using classic chalk. Drawing on asphalt in kindergarten is a great entertainment and cognitive occupation. Children draw crayons everywhere where there is more or less solid coating: asphalt, tile, fence, walls of the house. It is wonderful to see instead of gray asphalt bright embodiment of fantasy.

Activities for visual art makes it possible to enjoy positive emotions, feel like a master of their creativity. Children are studying and learn to know the world around, copying it. Their drawings reflect personal attitude towards everything that happens around. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of work on the visual activity develops the artistic abilities of the child. This article presents certain types of non-traditional drawing techniques.

What is unconventional drawing?

This such art that is not based on traditions does not adhere to them, but differ in the inability, originality. Drawing in unconventional style is fond of, fascinating, admire and surprises children. After all, unusual materials are used here, and most importantly, there is no place for the word "it is impossible." You can depict what you want, as you want and what you want. Moreover, it is not rebeling to think of a new image technique.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in the school of kindergarten teach the guys to express his intended freely, without any restrictions. Children's fears retreat, confidence appears. The unusual of unconventional drawing is that it allows children to quickly get the desired result.

What is the image of an image technique when creating a children's drawing?

In the work of the guys around them the world opens every time in different ways. It depends on the inner state of a small artist: from his desires and sensations. Children are more exposed to emotions. In their imagination, there are such images that are not amenable to any explanation. They can draw red elephant, yellow rain, running house.

Why do the child want to create that it encourages it? First of all, of course, an imaginary image in his mind. At first glance, everything seems to be simple: I saw and drew. But in fact, this path is very difficult for the child, and requires a lot of knowledge and impressions from him. These are spiritual experiences, and the ability to surprise, watch.

Painting. Unconventional technique. Senior group

An image of a drawing on paper with pencils or paints helps the child to prepare for the learning process at school. After all, during classes, children show their individuality. Properly organized drawing lessons develop the intellectual abilities of the child, corrected mental processes. And it is not by chance. At such classes, preschoolers have the opportunity to confidently assess their strength, which is very important for the future school team. The development of shallow motility of the hands contributes to the technique of non-traditional drawing. Children of a senior group of kindergarten are studying drawing with fingers, wax, palms, foam rubber, watercolor. The guys with great interest are drawn by the method of discaxography, point image, prints, splashing.

Cleaxography using threads

To write a drawing in this technique, the brush is not needed. Non-traditional drawing technique, which is presented to your attention, the attractiveness that there are no strictly designated canons. For example, this klyax must be drawn at a compulsory rounded form. Using non-traditional drawing techniques in the technique of technology, there are ample opportunities for children's fantasy.

So, you need threads, paints and white paper. First, the thread should be painted in that color that more likes. Then decompose it on a cooked sheet of paper in a chaotic order, but so that the tip remains behind the field. To cover with another sheet, and stretch the thread. It turns out stains and fancy lines. With the help of a pencil, they easily turn into the desired image.


Non-traditional drawing techniques for children are a variety of. One of them is splashing, or spray. In this technique, the drawing should be done with a rigid tassel or brush for teeth cleaning. To get some image, you first need to dip in the gouache, and then spray all over the sheet. Small droplets are obtained, which places merge into large spots. Enough to take a pencil and draw a favorite character or subject. If a brush to dip in the toothpaste and spray, it will be snow.


They are distinguished by a large variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Monotype is one of them. This is perhaps the most magical drawing genre: and not painting, and not the graphics, but something between the focus and beautiful fairy tale. Children's non-traditional drawing techniques enable free self-expression. This drawing method is very tempting for preschoolers, although it is rare in classes on visual arts. What is he?

This technique is used if you need to get a mirror reflection. With it, it is reflected on the water, objects located symmetrically. First, the drawing is depicted on smooth cellophane. To do this, you will need a soft bruster or match, watched. In the extreme case, you can draw a finger. Paint need to use bright and thick so that it does not spread. Further action is: While the paint does not dry, the white sheet of thick paper turns over the cellophane with a pattern down and as if screaming. Then carefully, not to smear, rises. It turns out two identical patterns: one on paper, the other on cellophane.


This word translated from French means "scratching, scrubbing," from here and another name of this technique is a scratch. To perform a picture in this technique, you need to pour paraffin cardboard, apply mascara, wait until complete drying and scratch the desired drawing.


The drawing in this technique is performed using water. To do this, on dense paper, a large drawing of a gouache is depicted. When the paint is driving, the whole drawing is covered with black ink and manifests itself in water. Gouache will wash with water, and the mascara will remain. Miracles are creating unconventional drawing techniques. Flowers drawn in such a method are especially beautiful.

Water print

This is a kind of drawing method. To work, you will need a bath with water. A paint of different colors is poured right onto its surface, and the album sheet of paper is put on top of it. It turns out an image, it can be completed with strokes with a brush.

Drawing with candle or wax crayons

Very many names have techniques of unconventional drawing. One of them is drawing a candle. To do this, you need to paint a sheet of white paper with pencils of different colors. Then the candle is drawing at home, stars or some other item or image. After that, paint our drawing with watercolor paints.

Drawing dots

Unconventional drawing techniques are very familiar with children. Writing the drawing with points belongs to an unusual admission. For this, color pencils or markers are taken and points are applied on a white sheet of paper. But it is better to make paints.

The match is cleaned from sulfur, winding a piece of watts on the tip, dip in the paint and cause points.

Patrolone drawings

Many people have drawing with paints associated with a tassel. But this is not quite a faithful judgment. After all, instead of a tassel, you can cut geometric shapes from the foam rubber, attach them to a inexpensive pencil or any smooth wand. Homemade brush is ready. Next, each figure is dipped into the paint and stamps on paper. Thus, there are circles, triangles, and diamonds. Of these, you can make an ornament.

Drawing chalk

Children love when a variety is introduced into their lives. This can be done using ordinary chalk or coal. They are well idle on the asphalt, ceramic tiles, stones, porcelain. Cutting images of plots are well draw on asphalt.

If the work is not finished, you can continue the next day. Of course, there may be disappointments if it is raining and wipes the whole drawing. According to drawn plots, children make up whole stories. On the ceramic tiles it is convenient to portray small items, patterns. But on large stones - the head of fabulous animals.


Normal in use material - potatoes - can be depicted on the animal paper. To do this, you need to make a vegetable seal. Potatoes are cut in half and on the smooth side of the handle draw an animal or subject. Then the tip of the knife is neatly cut along the contour to the height of 1.5 centimeters, they attach a handle and print ready. The child applies the spot to the foam rubber with the paint, then the impression is affecting the paper. If the color of the paint needs to be changed, another seal and foam rubber takes. This drawing technique especially like children. After all, the same thing can be depicted as far as possible and make a whole composition of it.

Prints leaves

Conducting classes with children, you can apply a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in Dow. Early spring, when young sticky leafs are blooming on the trees, and late in the fall, when they change the color and fall, a child is watching them with interest. Therefore, when in class children is invited to print the most real leaf of birch or maple, they do it with great pleasure. First you need to cover the sheet of paint, and then the painted side is applied to white paper. Every time you should take another piece. So the bodies will be better printed. If there is no stuff, it does not matter. It can be easily drawn with a tassel.

Inflating paint

If you need to portray shrubs, trees, unusual fabulous plants or corals, use this technique. You need to drop the paint onto the sheet of paper and with the help of a cocktail tube to inflate it in accordance with the estimated image. The drawing is obtained bright, expressive. This technique is particularly suitable for those who are hard to express their creativity through a line.

Draw on wet paper

Types of non-traditional drawing techniques are so diverse that for each child it is possible to choose the most interesting and fascinating method for it. One of these is the image of a pattern on wet paper. The fact is that until recently, it was considered possible to draw only on dry paper, since the paint diluted with water and so it moisturizes it.

But there are such plots, images, items that need to make blurry, uncertainty. For example, fog, dreaming sleep, night. However, the paper should not be overwhelmed, otherwise the drawing will not work. All paper is not needed to dip in the water. It is enough to wet a piece of watts, squeeze it and spend on the surface of a sheet or separate parts. Paper is prepared for work, you can proceed to image images.

Hand drawing

Children of the eldest kindergarten group with pleasure are enjoying this method of unconventional drawing. After all, the work uses fingers that the child lowers in the gouache and begins to draw them without any brushes. Each finger can be dipped into the paint of different colors. Thus, a whole set of tassels. And if you paint the paint palm and attach it to paper, the imprint will remain on it.

The guys themselves attach the desired forms. They easily turn it into a dragon, a butterfly, who has enough fantasy. Performing this task, the children make different movements with their hands: scrape, bother, smear.

Drawing tissue tampon. Master class on the topic

This form of training in kindergarten attracts children, their parents and educators. With great pleasure, you wanted to visit the master class. Non-traditional drawing techniques are always interesting to their mysteriousness and novelty. If the topic of the master class designate the drawing of the landscape in black and white, then it will take a gouache of the corresponding color, pieces of cotton fabric, a white sheet of paper, pva glue, color cardboard, scissors.

So, we start working. Famming the fabric and make a swamp from it of this size so that it is convenient to keep it. It will be your tassel. Saving it into the black paint and on the sheet paper spend a horizontal line. She is a horizon, that is, separates the sky from the ground. The higher this line, the more space opens a breath.

We continue to draw a non-traditional technique. We will depict the forest at a remote distance. For this, haotic adjusting movements print shrubs and trees from the horizon line up. It should always be remembered that the foreground items are always larger and more distinct than on the far. This rule applies to non-traditional drawing techniques. The pictures are then obtained beautiful, the objects depicted on them become similar to real.

Now fill the foreground and draw the line of the shore in the way of pulling from left to right. All the same tampon printing bushes, then the way to smear the puffs and clouds in the sky. Next, we depict ripples on the lake, the sun and its reflection in transparent water. Drawing by unconventional machinery is completed. The picture is ready.