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 Free gifs, animated images. Download here! Funny gifs
Free gifs, animated images. Download here! Funny gifs

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"We are on the air!". From these words, a career of hundreds of well-known and not very young people began. Playing video games in parallel to speak the microphone, while even without installing anything - it would seem that here is special. Just have time to substitute your pockets under the streams of money from donates. In fact, everything is much more complicated. In this post, along with the new Striming platform WASD.TV, we will tell you what you need to start having to fight.

Why do you fight?

"Does I have something to tell people?" - The first question to which you want to answer. After all, Stream himself is the same standa. Going to the public, you must clearly understand why they came to one or another platform, what thought you want to convey about what conflict to tell. Running streaming (or "stream") is simple, but it is already more difficult to become a popular streamer with constant and loyal viewers.

If the mood is strong, like Tony Stark costume, then ahead! But it is important to remember that there is there ahead, you are waiting for a lot of failures, just like in the game fromoftware, but the final is worth it. And to get to this finals, one improvisation is not enough - you need planning. Decide with the genre, key themes, solve the issue with the equipment, ask yourself the question: "What will be the chip of my streams?" First, let's see what genres are (and there are a lot of them!).

Explete / passing. Suitable for those who do not miss any novelties of the Gaming Industry. The main thing is that there is an infoovod, and it does not matter whether this blockbuster release will be like Tom Clancy's The Division 2 or a new hero for Apex: Legends. We play, show people the cat scenes, we try not to rustle at this moment by packing from cookies. In this case, your channel serves as a news tape.

Alternative: highly specialized passage. We take some niche (for example, horror or strategy) and work out it at the maximum. But there are two important points here: you must very well understand your niche and sooner or later you will have to go beyond it when we drink to the ceiling for the audience coverage.

Cybersport. Here is the opposite! It is not necessary to chase new items, close the niche of a whole genre of the series - too. And even if the strife of this direction is frankly enough Charizma, but he masterfully distributes "Headshots in Dashe" - this is already enough to collect the audience around them. Who needs a smart face and jokes, if live, for free and without SMS, people show steep eversport highlights.

Lifty. If you have a royal charisma and / or know how to make something with your hands (for example, draw or play on a musical instrument), you can safely try yourself in life-striming. Without such popularity skills in this genre, do not see.

Even if the leading of such broadcasts is not in the frame, according to almost all the streamers in the rest of the genres, and allegedly not in the spotlight (let's say, it will be reports from events), then the success will depend on it. Who will introduce a viewer to the case? Who will be in real time to maintain interest in streaming, create some kind of plot on the go, intrigue? The video game will do it herself, and when it is not, the responsibility for the envelope of the audience is entirely falling on the shoulders of the lead.

Beauty. They adore and hate simultaneously, throw up tens of thousand rubles on Donatas and wish Fiasco at any convenient case. The girls include a "webcam", begin to smile in it and ... sometimes it is even enough to start getting donates. As you understand, this is an exclusively female genre - due to the fact that most of the game community (and therefore the audience of the cutting sites) - Men's. Beauty Streamy dilutes the game and cybersport community and do not suffer from the lack of viewers.

What is interesting, at WASD.TV, the charisma and skills are primarily appreciated, so it's just that in a flat place to collect the mountain subscribers will not work. Want to attract attention - prove that you can. In the future, culinary, artistic and spoken shows will appear on the platform, and then beauty-streams and lifefile may become more massive.

What you need for Stryming (not only computer)

As soon as we decided with the format of streaming, you can start picking equipment. In case you have chosen for yourself not playing the subject, everything will be very simple. It is enough to have a computer medium power, a webcam, a USB microphone and a more or less wide Internet channel: 20-25 Mbps. Enough on Stream in a 1080p resolution with a bit rate of 3500 kbps. It is important not to forget that 20-25 Mbps belong to the speed of unloading information on the Internet, and not download (Upload, not download), because we give the flow to the network, and not accept it.


It is USB, since it is easier to handle it easier than with an analog, and the row speaker streaming differences will not feel like you. It is better to forget to use the built-in microphone or headset. The sound must be clean. For a bad sound on a string, you will scold subscribers, and any "buzz" of the microphone will reduce the number of viewers.

Favorite streamer solution - Blue microphones. This is simultaneously a simple solution for beginners, and a good combination of price and quality, and mainstream: "Everyone has such, I will take and I am!". Blue microphones are all colors and any wallet - from budget for 5,000 rubles to professional devices for 30,000 and more expensive. If the budget allows you to take a closer to the Yeticaster set. It includes a USB microphone, a microphone bar (it will help organize a workspace, and with it you will look like a real professional) and a shockman (thing that suppresses the vibration of the table). The full set costs 21,000 rubles.


It was so necessary that most of the streamers use Logitech cameras. And there is only one reason: competitors have a very meager choice. With a camera for 6,000 rubles, you will be completely able to allow a very good picture on the ether. Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 is a good starting gadget. This is not the most budget decision, but the image from the webcam on the stream should be good, or it should not be at all. And how things will go uphill, reproach to Brio Stream Edition, which is already worth 15,000 rubles. Expensive, but in it - everything you need from the streamer webcam: and the video in 4K-resolution will record, and the background itself will cut out.

Software is something, without which your stream just does not start. Consider several options:

You are a beginner streamer. Starting capital went to the camera and the microphone, what's next? The best program for capturing an image for direct ether (or records) is OBS Studio. It is free, with an old-fashioned, but understandable interface, it enjoys almost everything. Of course, in addition to it, there is still good old (and paid!) Xsplit Broadcaster, as well as a new-fashioned, but they both lose our hero in OBS.

By the way, plans to release its free streaming software. Now, at the end of March 2019, the program is at the test stage and will soon be available to all users of the site.

If the budget allows you to have two computers at once, you can not worry about the quality of the picture - everything will be fine. So your local video bit rate will be so high that the picture when transmitting from a computer to a computer will not lose as at all. The main thing is to combine their video capture card. For maximum quality, Avermedia GC553 will be required.


Over time, when you are lean with streams, click on your format and create an audience, it is time to go to the design of Stream. At an early stage, you can not soar your brains. The viewer looks first of all on you and on the game, and different additional whistles are only a pleasant bonus.

Chromaaci.It will remove the rear background and allow you to pochat. Just remove the green wall - boring. You can, for example, shove yourself into the metro car or the ISS. Over time, you achieve the DISRESPECT level, that is, a superphanage on a piece of creativity with a chromaker.

Shine. Everything is simple. The brighter the light beats you in the face, and the clearer white balance on the camera and the better you look in the frame. This we all know from the first photo on the passport. But in this case, do not blind, you need high-quality sophibes and a place for them.

Entourage. Complete opposite chromaque. When there is enough Staffa (for example, beautiful figures and posters), you can put them on your back, thereby reviving the frame.

Streaming is very difficult, although there is nothing complicated to start it. Success depends only on how much persistence is in you. Do not stop due to small difficulties and improve. Recognition of the audience is directly proportional to your skill. What? And this already depends on the genre you chose. Good luck!

To make your life more fun, we have collected a selection of cool gifs, each of which can be downloaded for free. Improve yourself and closely funny gif animations :)

How to download funny gifs from our site?

To download the gif's favorite animation, you need to do the following:

  1. press the gif and run it;
  2. press the right mouse button on the running gif, or press and hold your finger longer if you are from mobile;
  3. in the menu that appears, click "Save the picture as ...", or "Copy the URL of Pictures". In the first case, you download the animation, in the second you can send a link to it. Many popular social networks (for example, VKontakte) automatically load pictures from links, so you do not need to download the gif.

Funny gifs that can be downloaded for free

Something from this gif is in our selection.

Cat and dog - Best friends!

When on Friday on the clock is already 22:50, and you have not yet fortified beer

Caricature in the best traditions of bearded jokes

Cat on guard at home

When they gave a jar of cucumbers

Our police will choose us. Clever detention with karate elements

When you revise American pie

My face when I connected 3 monitors to a computer :)

Karma exists! Also broke the tile

Selfie with a stallion did not work

Lezginka from the guarage of order at the holiday

And who said that cats are not liquid?

Sorry the cat, but nothing terrible happened, and he moves his feet!

When you have a worm ...

Not bad parody

Dragged the chick to himself in Berlnogo

0 for equipment, 10 for krash

When the former says he missed

Funny Gifka - Scene from the film "Ace Ventura: Pet Search"

Full splitting on the boat

Thinking younger brother

Present thriller chilling

Dog, able to wear glasses

Two-point right between eyes

Football players - superheroes for familiar business

If you do not know how to draw, but friends-artists want to hang out at home.

Polevka-necromance is something new.

Someone will surely seem funny.

Great car.

These guys will teach the body to play.

Gifka, which is easy to set up by writing to her description

When toilet paper ended, you have to go into the course of old proven ways.

A brilliant humorous actor in a cool gif deftly changes kefir on a bottle.

Even on the ring of mixed martial arts K-1 there is a place for affairs and tenderness.

Haircut only in joy if you sniff your hair.

This cool gif is required voice.

And the cucumber would fit with your bed?

Thunderstorm crime