Essay in the picture I.I. Levitan "Spring

 Essay in the picture I.I. Levitan
Essay in the picture I.I. Levitan "Spring

Spring big water

The first essay option.

After hard cold winterGradually, as if reluctant, nature wakes up. Svetaled the droplets, and even higher above the horizon at the dinner, the sun rises. And then it becomes noticeable how clean the air is as far as it is transparent. And on the soul is also clean and everything is clear. And it is thought only about good.

But ... a big water came. For nature, she is a real benefit, the bay meadows will receive its portion of nutritious il, the spring ropes will be cleaned, new pools will appear where the fish settle down. Yes, it is not enough, a person who will get along with all his history closer to the water, from a big water can be quite injured. It happens that some villages in a spring flood fall for a while in isolation. In this case, the connection with the Big Earth is carried out using a boat. It was her who was depicted Levitan on foreground His famous work "Spring. Great water" This shows us that there are cases in life when even such a small thing, like this little boat, becomes significantly. Each viewer examining the picture involuntarily becomes co-author of the plot.

The villages are visible, which in Russia there is a lot, flooded, gray, and it becomes a bit sad.
The main part of the landscape occupies water, this is the river left from the shores. She poured huge spaces, and froze in a quiet expectation. The trees are also sick, they are still bare, without foliage, and as if in the mirror are reflected in calm water in anticipation of the spring heat. And yet, the picture is filled with light,

To transmit all the charm of spring, the author when writing a picture uses bright colors, uses many yellow tones, from which the mood at the viewer is improving. Depicting water and sky Isaac Levitan spent a big job great amount blue shades, from light white to saturated blue color. Yellowish trunks birch, reflecting in the water create an impression of light airiness from the viewer.

With great skill, a narrow strip of the shore is depicted, which is beautifully curving takes away the viewer's view of the speaker.

Lorism and poetry, light sadness and faith in good, all this is present in the works of a great landscape player. The canvas "Spring. Great water "transmits us the beauty of the arrival of spring. It instills optimism in us, the desire to strive for the better, and rightly occupies a prominent place in the works of Isaac Levitan.

Brief essay Description 4th grade.

Considering the picture "Spring. Big water. " I. Levitan involuntarily think about the strength and beauty of Russian nature. The artist portrayed a flood on the canvas, the water flooded everything around.

In the foreground, an old duck boat is drawn. Apparently, it is not by chance it is depicted in the picture. This boat is a symbol of human powerlessness. But at the same time, there is nothing evil in the picture. Everything is very calm, quiet, so-made. Birches flooded with water, as if frozen. The smooth rumbled river Cista and is transparent as a mirror. In the background we see the valley with houses where people live, perhaps this is a small village, or a farm. Water did not touch at home, which, according to the artist's plan, reflects the unity of man and nature.

The picture brings the viewer a feeling of patriarchalness, calm. Notes of tenderness are present everywhere - colors, composition, plot. By this work of art, the author wanted to express his love for his native nature.

Third Writing Description Description

In front of me, the picture of the great Russian painter I. Ilitan "Spring. GREAT WATER. " Full charm and attractiveness, it brings to lyrical reflections on the approaching warmth, impermanence and indispensability of the elements.

On the canvas is depicted spring landscape. Nature seems to breathe the first truly warm days, as if he had just woken up from the winter, who walked her for long days of strong sleep. Discussed wide seasonal flood flooded small forest thickets, not yet dressed in green bright outfits.

In the foreground, the boat was luxurized in the forefront, the only vehicle of the village of Rustic Luda.

From the ground, prescribed by brown and orange tones, is cool. Spring sun has not yet heated her surface with its rays.

Water - crystal clean, as if the smooth of the mirror reflects the windless blue sky, slightly tormented by the trusting wrap, foreshadow. But despite this, the timid rays of the sun, making his way through dense clouds, still playing non-strokes on the water stroit. Non-stroke outlines of young birchings and Osin in water visually makes them higher, playing with their reflections to the magic game of the castorcal. Their oscillating shadows, as if shyly dance dance. Trees are pronounced among the water, they look ridiculous, but nevertheless in their own way.

The mighty barrel of Maple spread the branches, as if he was boghed, he rushes over weak, twisted birchings, probably not the first time he survive the spring flood.

In the background, in the distance, you can see a couple of houses covered by flood. They are very lonely, left until water is left, only their black sad roofs are visible. To the right of them, the sharp eye will find a couple of houses that won the misfortune. They are located on the hillock and walked from the most autonomous spring outcomes of nature.
Silence is a circle, not visible man. It seems that only a light breeze disrupts calm, playing with the branches of trees with its affectionately.

In this canvas, Russian nature is all its power, beauty and greatness are drawn in simple, but bright landscape. Tens of tens of shades different colors, Magician-Spring, awakening everything alive from sleep, seeks to reveal its warm embraces.

There is a big trembling love, devotion and empathy of the artist Russian nature of his creation.

Isaac Levitan - a Russian landscape artist who gave the world a large number of Wonderful works and all of them are beautiful, without exception. The picture of Levitan "Spring is big water" also fascinates. Why exactly the artist called his work, you begin to understand when you look at the picture. After all, on her the author captured the awakening of nature, it is the moment when spring is entering into his rights, when the sun hesitates and snow begins to rapidly.

This is the reason for the release of rivers from the shores that their waters implies the adjacent territories, be it forests, meadows, villages. Just spring flood, or as the people are customary to speak, big Riverwhich comes, and depicted Levitan on the Spring - Big Water canvas.

Levitan Great Water Description Painting

Now in front of me the reproduction of the levitan canvas "GREAT WATER" and I have a description of the painting. What now I will do.
Most of the painting occupies water. Wherever you look, wherever you look, we see the blue, still cold, mirror water, which reflects the sky with clouds and from this water seems bottomless. Water flooded the entire district and even long-range buildings maybe it is sheds, and maybe rural houses. This is not so important, it is important that they are also in the water. In the water there is a small young grove. All subtle trees were "knee-deep" in the water. They are still without leaves, because warmly just recently returned to the ground, but still a little bit and they all put on beautiful green dresses.

On the left we see the lane. It has a yellowish color, perhaps it is clay, and maybe bright sun He poured the Earth with his light and it seems light. This land plot only emphasizes the blue water, its transparency.

We see a boat ahead. She stands at the shore. Perhaps it was charged with the flow, and someone sailed from the villagers, but now she is empty, there is no one who has broken silence.
Completing his reflections about the painting of Levitan "Spring - Greater Water", which set out in writing, I note that the author of the picture did not miss the slightest detail, depicting a sunny spring day. Here you and trees, which are reflected in the water, and the shadows that appeared, thanks to the Sun, and the thin branches of trees, who seek to swell to a spacious sky, to solar heat.

The painting of juicy, bright, and blinding the audience sunlight. And, despite the fact that the water flooded everything around, the picture causes only positive emotions, emotions of joy and waiting for a real warmth.

This picture of Levitan refers to the most famous and significant work. He portrayed the river during the spring flood. Water flooded everything around, it was much left of the shores. In the water turned out to be birch Grove, field, village. Water in the river is shown fixed. It reflects, as if in the mirror, heaven and trees.

The sky artist portrayed light paints, Blue tones, which also speaks about the arrival of spring. The water shows the reflection of the branches and trunks of the trees. In the foreground, the picture depicts a boat. In the distance are visible wooden leaveswho stand on the high shore, as well as flooded buildings from the tree local residents. Very nice Levitan showed the shore. The artist drew it in yellow-red paints. He wriggles and takes attention to himself, deep into the flooded village.

It is necessary to love nature very much, the native Russian land, sincerely admire her beauty to be able to be able to show birch trees so accurately. Each tree is beautifully curved, it is elegant and touching. They are also waiting for the arrival of spring, heat. Involuntarily admire this landscape, subtle oskins. The sky is shown high, the sun shines everything brighter, heats all the warmer. From the picture and fes the spring air, it is still cool, but every day becoming becoming more and more warm, truly spring.

The entire landscape is permeated by the sun's mood of the spring. The artist used only bright colors, without adding bright colors. He showed that nature awakens from a long winter sleep And filled new life. Blue color The artist applied for the image of the sky, and for the image of the river, but did it different shadesIt turned out surprisingly beautiful. Also Levitan used green, yellow shades. The variety of shades is simply amazing: from the milk to the dark blue. When I look at this picture, remember or musical works, or poems about spring.

In this article we will tell about life and work the famous artist Isaac Levitan, who was a master of landscapes, whose beauty is striking to the depths of the soul. Talent, artist's skill cause delight and admiration. Your attention will be given one of many works of genius, namely, the painting of Levitan "Spring. GREAT WATER. "

Biography of the artist

Isaac Levitan appeared in 1860 in impoverished jewish family. Absolutely recently found evidence that Levitan was not a native child, he was adopted in infancy, his father had to him native Uncle. This fact explains the last secret of two brothers and the lack of an artist's birth record.

The boy's father worked on the construction of the translator, perfection owning German and french languagesIn this regard, he was offered work in Moscow. In the capital, the family moves in the 1870s, this period is associated with the arrival of Levitan to Moscow art school. The boy learns easily, everything was given to him without difficulty, but at the same time he exists an incredible effort in work. The family could not fully pay for their studies. young man. Soon the trouble was: the family lost its only foodfather, being on the verge of poverty.

Taking into account this fact, the school takes payment for himself, as talent young artist It should not have been vainly lost. A gifted Jewish boy caused irritation among Russian teachers, Levitan does not receive a diploma of the artist, he was given a document with the record of the "teacher of cleaning".

In those years, an attempt was committed to the life of Tsar Alexander II by a Jewish nationality. In this regard, all the Jews were sent for the territory of the city of Moscow and other major cities including.

Throughout his life, Levitan has a lot and works fruitful. The artist left behind a number of landscape cloths, whose skill is impressive to this day of the viewer. Acquaintance with A. P. Chekhov left a big mark in the life of each of them. Friendship and rivalry united these two men. Chekhov in Pest. artistic work "Pumpguard" described the situation arising in Levitan's life. Love triangle The artist was put to review the public, thus caused the discontent of the artist. In view of the restless life, poor childhood, intense labor, the health of the artist deteriorates sharply. He dies in 1900, leaving behind a lot of unfinished work, one of them is the famous "lake".

In 1897 it appeared famous work Levitan "Spring. GREAT WATER. " The pattern of awakening nature is gentle and at the same time piercingly realistic, full of freshness, light lyrics.

Awakening Spring. Detailed description of the painting

After a long snowy winter snow begin to melting, the approaching spring turns them into water. Every year in the middle lane of Russia, we are observing the phenomenon - the flood. IN school essay In the picture of Levitan "Spring. Big water "must be described this moment. Cold water, flooding all coastal areas, fills the area of \u200b\u200bthe plains. Quiet joy, peaceful calm fill out the whole nature.

In the description of the painting of Levitan "Spring. GREAT WATER »It should be noted that the artist shows the viewer awakening after the winter sleep of Russian Nature. At this time, we can see the first spring paints, which with the tenderness and caution of spring covers nature. Cold, clean and clear water Like a mirror canvase. Gently and defenselessly looks trees against the background of flooded water. And without that thin and slender birches lit by the Spring Sun, seem pink, it seems even more touching. The painting of Levitan "Spring. Big water "is filled with light and breathes the beginning of spring. It was levitan that the transmission of light was given to the light. It seems that fresh breath of spring touched your face. Old old boat nailed on the edge of the shore, small peasant houses can be seen, some of which surrounded the wondering spring water.

In writing in the picture of Levitan "Spring. GREAT WATER "It is necessary to show the binding thread between the spectator and the work of the artist, it is possible to become a collaborator of the picture, delving into its description by studying the items and features of the transmission of the game of light. The boat, visible away at home: All this suggests the life of the people of that era. High green fir creates a contrast with thin and bare birch.

Color palette web

In his picture "Spring. GREAT WATER »Levitan used gentle shades of blue, green, yellow flowers. Blue gamma prevails, which dissolves in the reflection of water with yellowish-gray trunks of trees. The sky is naked, light air clouds fill heavenly gave. The shrill shades of the sky and the monstering water differ noticeably, we can see the transitions from a dark blue color to a pale, almost white shade. The painting of Levitan "Spring. Great water "is written in gentle and transparent paints. The paints are so soft as the Russian nature itself is early in spring.

Lyrical mood from the picture

Description of the painting of Levitan "Spring. Great water "produces a positive impression that fills optimism and instills hope associated with the spring awakening of nature, to new changes for the better. At the same time, the impression of incredible fragility and such naturalness of Russian nature is created. Lyrical mood fills all the space. Water filling out everything around, windy the earth and will give the beginning of a new life. Such simple and at the same time invaluable fragments of life are imprinted in the picture of Levitan "Spring. GREAT WATER. "

Conclusion. Outcome

In conclusion, summing up the said, I would like to once again note that the description of the painting of Levitan "Spring. GREAT WATER "is given easily, the canvas brings pleasure to perceive. There is no sorrow that is peculiar early work artist. All this indicates that the 90s in the work of the artist passed under the motto of Lorism.

The work of Levitan, the picture "Spring. Great water ", by the way, belongs Tretyakov GalleryToday, the viewer is relevant and interesting and interesting, the accuracy of real life transmission is striking.