The most ancient families of the world. Top most famous family clans of the planet (photo and video)

The most ancient families of the world. Top most famous family clans of the planet (photo and video)
The most ancient families of the world. Top most famous family clans of the planet (photo and video)

Our world is controlled by mighty families of illuminates. They secretly control governments, media, financial corporations and rule us out of the shadows. There are only 13 powerful families in the hands of which there is an unlimited power.

Shadow forces are standing for the creation of a "new world order" and gradually implement their plan to establish complete control over humanity and resources of our planet.

Power to create money from nothing! Exceptional control over the world money Rothschilds and their spouses are one of the best and least clear secrets. modern history and modernity. Family of Warburg - a large spouse of the Rothschilds. The history of Warburg is no less interesting than the story of Rothschilds. After flight from Mohammedan, the ancestors of the Warburg settled in Spain. Because of the persecution of Fernando Aragon and Isabella Castilskaya, they moved to Lombardy. Soon he changed his name to "Warburg". In the urban register, it is indicated that he was a lender and trader by profession.

Experts call this plan "T-shutter totalitarianism, because strong Mira This gradually, step by step twist the nuts and climb with their tentacles to our pockets and minds.

At the top of this secret organization is the "Council 13". This is an elite club of the most powerful families of the planets that our destinies decide.

Over time, the Wurgerians have become so active worldwide. Between them was an agreement on the exchange of their growing offspring with each other so that they could learn from each other. Elegant houses. Max Warburg learned from Rothschilds in London. He not only occupied an important place in the German banking system, but also was considered one of the best connoisseurs of German and international "financial problems." Prince Bernhard von Bulov asked him to advise the emperor on financial issues. As you know, Warburg was also the head of the German secret service.

Smart people gradually begin to understand that only 1% of people control 99% of resources. Power is in the hands of these thirteen, but there is no opportunity to apply for entry into their clan. They consider themselves as descendants of the ancient gods, the rulers of the earth.

Here is the list of these families: Rothschild (Bayer or Bauer), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), Medici, Hannover, Habsburg, Krupp, Plantagenets, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (Saint Claire), Warburg (del Blanco), Windsor (Saxen Coburg-Gote).

Five days after the cease-fire agreement, Max Warburg was also one of the directors of the German Reichsbank. Paul Warburg met at the wedding of his brother Felix the youngest daughter Nina from the banker Salomon Leba. Shortly before they got married. During World War, he was a member of the Federal Council backup system And as such, he had a decisive influence on the development of American finances. Often he was consulted by the government as an expert on financial issues.

Felix Warburg was represented by a diamond business of his uncle, a famous banker Oppenheim. He married Frida Schiff and settled in New York. Felix Warburg belonged to large quantity charitable organizations and cultural institutions. Warburg has spent billions of dollars on various projects and international organizations, all aspiring the goal of a single global government. Rockefellers come from Spain and emigrated to America. The most famous of them was an influential industrialist, a financier and a member. Round Table. John Davidson Rockefeller.

Perhaps this is not full listBut it is these dynasties that decide the fate of the world. The most influential is the Rothschild dynasty. Their wealth includes about 500 trillion dollars! This is more than the budget any of the existing countries.

He was considered the richest American of his time. Before he entered the oil business, he devoted himself to selling drugs. It was also John Davidson Rockefeller, who acquired his property in Pokantico Hills, New York, which then served as the main residence of this family. Today, more than 100 families of rockefellers live on their private land in Pokantico Hills. His power is so extensive that it surpasses all the national borders, establishes or overthrowing governments, launches or finishes wars, and also destroys or increases the company between Rome and Bangkok.

Families exercise their influence with the help of network controlled by him personally.

Among them: London City - the financial center is not part of the UK; The US Federal Reserve - Private Bank is not part of the United States; Vatican - an ideological center, is not part of Italy; Washington - Military, Strategic and Political Decision Center is not part of the United States.

In short, it is a direct or indirect effect on all humanity. The distribution and propaganda of the occult is also one of the objectives of the Illuminati! On the spiritual Plan It will be a sanat, the lord of the world. A five-pointed star is one of the favorite signs of witches, satanists and other demonic inspired groups. A five-pointed star from time to time is attracted to people with greater efficiency. It appears not only on many flags and military machines, but also in films, television programs, in the literature, on the items of clothing, etc. Anxiety is also an increase in cartoons in which this star takes place.

Washing brain

The existing education system is aimed at growing thoughtless slaves, which will open to work, carry out orders and enrich the same elite. Schools and institutions do not teach to think, they force to memorize without analyzing the information and obey the existing order.

He refers to them in "good", so thus teaches children to subconscious. Many of the early marriages of this family were made between brothers and sisters! Although Ann was a Huguenota woman, she worked as a medium with a spiritual world. She was born from the old, noble family who lived in Burgundy, France. He was also the first of this family who had direct connections with the Illuminati.

There he also began the national education plan. This education system was the purpose of the Illuminati to gain control over the thoughts of children. American President Jefferson was also a leading illuminat and a close friend of Pierre Samuel Dujn. All that requires any chemical substances, Located in the production stage. Russell family not only played important role In the opium trade at the beginning of the illuminati security system, this is the Russell Foundation. This is a legitimate organization deck for the secret order "skull and bone."

If you think about it, then the problem lies much deeper. The proportion of the population is created by comprehensive processing from educational and religious institutions, the media and the financial system.

People become frantic slaves, blindly believe in what they are told and submissively performing orders given to them.

Every year 15 new members, all of which occupy influential positions in American society are devoted to this society. The watchtower has its roots in the freezing of the founder of Charles TEZ Russell, which can be clearly identified as the Knight Templar not only because of its famous "Temple Speech", but also because of the symbol on his grave. Last words Russell before his death was: "Please wrap me in Roman Togu." Completely incomprehensible for an innocent man that a dying person lying in last momentNo other concerns, except one in one Roman Toga, should be wrapped.

Currency slaves

Every day we work at least 8 hours. This is necessary for making money that we spend on food, travel and dubious purchases and entertainment that we do not choose. Choose for us by forming our tastes and desires for advertising on TV, on the Internet, magazines and newspapers, billboards on the street.

However, for the connoisseur, a clear indication: Toga, Tunic, and many other ancient vestments, as well as the skirt of the priest and EPSA relate to a variety of suit in varying degrees of American Freemasonry. Very high levels of World Satanism not only long ago control the Society of the Watchtower, but there are also various problems with the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses regarding satanic ritual violence. Areas in which the Watchtower Society has a great religious influence and accumulates the reports of Satanism, is South California, Florida, Caribbean, Scotland, Central Film and various places in New York.

The rulers need submissive robots that will work without asking unnecessary issues. But do you want to live like that?

Angelina Jolie, after he adopted and adopted Maddox, Pax and Zakharu, gave birth to her children from Brad Pitt: Shailo and twins Knox and Vivien. She applies efforts so that children do not remain in ignorance about their roots.

Charles Taz Russell also owned the cemetery in Pittsburgh. It is important to know that the leading Satanists on different reasons They are constantly trying to take possession of their own cemeteries. On the one hand, it gives them the opportunity to immediately destroy the bodies of those killed in satanic rituals. These people are usually buried under the graves of the "normal" deceased. Now that the coffin is laid in the grave, Satanists can be sure that no one else is rummaged under the real grave. Secondly, magic force Related to cemeteries. "Circle of Light", focused on the naked Satanist, seeks to gain the spiritual power of the dead.

"Some of my children were born in countries that survived armed conflicts," says Jolie. "I'm just trying to explain to them that there are other families in the world that are not so lucky as ours."

Cardashian family

This clan Kardashian Jenner, led by the Olympic champion Bruce Jenner and his active wife, Chris includes children Chris from her last husband Robert Kardashian, who has already died: daughters Kim, Chloe, Courtney and Son Rob, Four Bruce Children from different mothers, as well as their daughters Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Family demonstrates their earring life on TV channel E! In the Keeping Up with The Kardashians, Bradon Jenner also takes part in their project.

Thirdly, Satanists need special bones, such as skulls and left hands. Left hands are preserved, and then serve as devil fans for their ritual actions, for example, to keep candles during some ceremonies. The powerful group of leaders of the Brooklyn Watchtower is "separated personalities" that have a "cult age" and speak on Enochian. It has its own language and his own Enochian alphabet. This alphabet is used by Satanists who stand and work at the highest levels of the Watchtower Company as an occult language.

Family Parker Broderick

When Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick decided to replenish the family through surrogate motherhood, Parker knew that this decision would not like everyone. "I knew that there would be a conversation like" Why didn't you take the adoptive child? ", But the fact is that we did not choose one of two," the actress shared, commenting on the fact that they and her husband became a mom and dad. In their family there is also the eldest son James Willow.

Rituals in their headquarters are all made on this occult Language. It should also be mentioned that thousands in publications of the Watchtower Society found Satanic symbols. Jehovah's Witnesses Leaders are simple dolls, skillfully directed in the background invisible hands. The Watchtower Society always represented and defended the interests of the illuminates.

The agreement found that the world will be divided into an international cartel. It is also the reason that it is possible to observe the same tank truck delivering gasoline to all different filling stations in the area. Aristotle Oressis was the king in the hierarchy of the Illuminati. His power spread to such a lot different regions human lifeMany researchers concluded that he must have been the most powerful person in the world. However, these researchers did not know that the power was divided between leaders or illuminator kings.

Before in 2011 the actress married Jim Tota, she brought up the children of Dicon and Ava alone and taught them to appreciate what they had. She divorced them with their dad Ryan Phillipp in 2006. In the family of Witherspoon, the son of Tennessee James was born in 2012.

"I do not allow excess to appear in our life"

Aristotle has really world power, but it was just because he was part of the occult hierarchy, which manages our world. Many people think that their life was surrounded by secrets and opposites, but it is not. His life is surrounded by foggy walls. Leadership skills in these individual areas overlap. Oncis even had sexual relations with Eve Pereon! There was a lot of disinformation and it is argued that some of the families are fighting for control over the world.

Although it is true that they compete with each other in some sectors, at the same time they need each other. All of them are closely connected with their secret religion. The problem for researchers working on this topic is that they often do not take into account the Satano-spiritual measurement of the families. Satanists believe only in power. There is always a struggle for power between the highest Satanists, but it is just their lifestyle. Satanists of themselves high level Usually do not die "normal" death.

The routine of the life of Tori Spelling and Dina McDermott synchronized with the Tori & Dean reality show on the Oxygen Channel, which shows all the adventures of the couple, as well as their children Liam (born in 2007) and Stella (2008 year). Five months after the birth of the Chatty daughter in 2011, Spelling became pregnant with the son of Finn. "For us it was too. They, Hatty and Finn, the difference of 10 months, "she shared about his two youngest children. - It was hard for me to go from three to four. It seems that we have twins. It is not simple!"

Fighting and killing each other are part of their religion. However, this does not mean that they are not the blood brothers and that they will not work together! He still possesses a very large power in the hierarchy of the Illuminati. After the death of the Aristotle onssis, the Rockefeller and Bundy family took up the billionaire business. Bundy family is a very old American family, which has always been part of the so-called "institution". For some exceptions, such as Congressman Sollaan Bundy at the beginning of the century, this family entered the center of attention in this century.

Not only Harvey became the Deputy Secretary of State, but also became a special envoy W. Treasury Secretary and the Special Representative of the Military Minister during World War II. Harvey was one of the main acting persons In the observation of the Manhattan Project, the project that was responsible for the development nuclear bombs. Harvey Bundy served as a key figure in the Pentagon. This is a very important institution for the Illuminati and serves for free financing of various projects. Thanks to its advisory work, Bundi had a talent to always be present at the top of the authorities.

Ashley and Jessica, who are now too moms, grew up in the Tina family and Joe Simpson (now they are divorced). Ashley shared that her son Bronx could not play with his cousins And Brother Maxwell and Ace. "He is so caring and enthusiastic perceives all that is happening with Maxwell as they grow up," said Ashley before Jessica gave birth to Son Eys in 2013. - He's crazy about everything! "

They held all important positions to provide them with access to all the information provided to the American president. It is often argued that you need to look at the "advisor" of a person to find out who really controls things. If you look at the presidents of the United States, you will see that the kings of the Illuminati have always been advisors to these presidents. This is the Council of "Mudretsov", which are under the direct control of the "Satanic Council 13", which secretly dominates in all major industrialized countries.

He also had a very important post of national security advisor, and in this position he decided that the president should hear and that he did not hear. His brother occupied an important place in the State Department. Other members of this influential family also appeared in less well-known in public places. Bundi could no longer control his family and ultimately became one of the most famous and worst mass killers in the history of the United States. Eric Bande must follow him. Influential families outside the Illuminati system must join or submit to conspirators.

"For our family, at the very basis of the understanding of life, at home, work, the goal of everything is to be able to make each other happy," said Will about his wife Jade, daughter Willow and Son Jaden, they all take part in the entertainment industry. "Glory is a practically nothing meaningful product that we actually try to do. We are trying to create something good in the world, cheer people and become the best in the process of doing what they love. "

At the time when Julian tried to get pregnant, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This happened in 2011. Since then, there have been many unsuccessful attempts to Eco and in the end the son of Dewuk appeared on the world with the help of surrogate motherhood in 2012.

"We are husband and wife, but we and better friends. Strange, but many people when they appear a child, put it in the first place, and their second relationship, "says Juliana. - For some, this option is suitable. For us, we put our marriage in the first place, and then the child, because the best thing we can do for him is to be a strong family. "

Traveling to the set, where McConaehs are removed, including the shooting of the "Dallas Club Buyers" paintings in New Orleans, gave their positive fruits. "Levi and View recognize and know a lot of new things. We call ourselves pioneers, "explains Alves. Matthew McConaja Camila Alves, a designer bags and a model, joked about their non-standard life with their children Levi, See and Levingston

"Our house is the road. We have a family touring circus "

"To be a mother is very interesting, but it is not what appears to be ahead. This change occurs gradually. First, life does not differ from the former. Next to you, this baby you want to carry throughout the city and you are such proud, and everything is wonderful, Gwen Stephanie said Vogue about his life with her and Gavin's husband with Kingston's sons and zoom. - They grow up and life really changes. For example, they start going to school, they need to finish the first class, they need to learn to read. "

She is - former soloist sPICE groups Girls fashion designer, and he is a famous football player, but Victoria Beckham It insists that her family life Not as strange as fans might think. "Honestly, when children fall asleep, I prefer to work or make a face mask and progress your eyebrows," said Victoria, Mom's sons of Brooklyn, Cruise and Romeo and Daughter Harper, in an interview vogue magazine Australia on how they are usually held. - By the time Brooklyn finally stacked sleep, I am ready. We are much more normal than people think. "

Actress from Beverly Hills, 90 210 "Jenny Garth brought up his daughters alone, after in 2012 he broke up with Peter Fachinelly. In an interview with Retailmenot, Garth said that after the divorce became more economical. "Every day I raise and make breakfast for my girls. I sit on the rug and listen to stories at the school of my daughter; I myself make costumes for the presentation in the first grade; I make treats for the "sweet" table, "she tells about his life in the role of Moms Luke, Lola and Fiona.

"Every minute the road and now more than ever. Every dollar that I bring home or postpone the guarantees greater safety and stability for my family and our future. "

Talk about unusual upbringing! The son of Kate Middleton and Prince William, Prince George, will be brought up in luxury, the former nurse of his father and the venge couple in the famous Kensington Palace will take care of him. "For me, Catherine and now still little George most precious. In the past few weeks, I survived unexpected emotions, "said the eldest son of Princess Diana in an interview with CNN a few weeks after the birth of the Son. "I didn't even think that I would feel so." Now I look at a lot with other eyes. "

The children of Millionaires Donald and Ivanov Trump, Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric are busy in the family business of their Father, in the company TRUMP Organization. "For me, the family is always in the first place, but this fact acquires interesting meaning Given the fact that I work with my father and the two brothers, "said Ivanka, Mom's daughter Arabella, she also expects another child. "I don't even try to look for peace of mind in life, because she (life) takes some surprises all the time."

Four children and others! After making marriage Kim Zolsiak on November 11, 2011 - the event was shown on the BRAVO TV channel - with a football player from the Atlanta Falconce club, Crow Birmann, her new husband Fucking two children Kim from her former marriage, Ariana and Brill. "I don't know, I would love to love so someone's children, like Croes loves girls," said Zolsiak E! News about your husband. "I'm just not sure that I have such an ability." The couple also has the sons of the cache and Cra Jagger, and next year their house will also be replenished.