Feng Shui in a personal life - Yin-Yan energy to attract love and marriage. Feng Shui attraction of love and perfect partner

Feng Shui in a personal life - Yin-Yan energy to attract love and marriage. Feng Shui attraction of love and perfect partner
Feng Shui in a personal life - Yin-Yan energy to attract love and marriage. Feng Shui attraction of love and perfect partner

Love ... What can be more beautiful in the life of every person? Mutual strong feelings - a dream. For someone, this fairy tale has become a reality, and there are people who cannot find their personal happiness and know what real love is. All attempts to meet and meet their soul mate in vain, the dream remains only a dream. Sad, but nothing is impossible. Today I would like to reveal you the secrets of Feng Shui, how you can attract love to your life by means of changes in your apartment, what is a zone of love and how to activate it. All these tips are not so difficult to implement, but the effect will get a stunning.

Preparation of apartment

Before talking about how to attract love in your life on Feng Shui, you need to remove and clean the house. You may seem strange, but it is very important for a good hairdryer Shui in the apartment. To get the expected result, you need to activate positive energy - it is necessary on the Safety Technique on Feng Shui. This stage, under no circumstances cannot be neglected. So, the first thing you have to do is throw away the old things that you will not need to disassemble the cabinets, rub dust. After all, all old and unnecessary things in your home are negative energy and over time it is gaining great power.

Now that you cleaned the house, let's talk about disarray. It can be diverse. For example, if you go to bed scatter clothes on the floor, thereby you do not give the energies of qi freely move around the room all that time you sleep. And if you want to attract love to your life and find a satellite of life, then you have to teach yourself everything to put yourself in your place and not to arrange mess.

And another advice - making cleaning in the house, arrive in a good mood. When you retire, imagine that you brush not only the house, but also your life. Throwing the trash, you remove the place for new and joyful changes.

Now, when you all removed and thrown out, it's time to start directly, for which it was still treated, to attract love in your life.

Where is the Love Sector on Fen Shui

On Feng Shui, the Love Zone is located on the southwest sector of the house. Therefore, let's make this sector here's a real island of love and romance that will attract love to your life.

Do not forget that the Energy of Love is very strong and lively. It is always necessary to remember this, then your love zone contributes to you in the realization of your dreams of love, and will turn them into reality.

But at first I would recommend you to solve one question: Do you really need it? After all, the southwest part of your apartment is not only a zone of love, but also a marriage zone. The Chinese have love, family and marriage are inseparable. Therefore, if you begin to promote the activation of this zone, you must be prepared for marriage. One more thing. If you want to fall in love with a feten shui, who does not love you, then you should not do this. Feng Shui is not magic and not a guidance potion, his rituals will not be able to help you with this. Feng Shui can only be completed to complete the stage of your life and open you new rainbow perspectives.

I hope you understand everything and are ready to make marriage soon. If so, then we will say in stages, how to attract love in your life and save feelings.

If the love zone in the kitchen or in the bathroom

Each apartment has its own location, and the south-eastern sector can fall on any room in the house. So, if your zone of love falls on a bath or toilet, then with the help of Feng Shui we will remove obstacles that prevent you from finding love. If the love zone is damaged by the toilet or bath, then your happiness in love will be broken every day. The same effect will be if the southwest sector you have to go to the kitchen. The kitchen will suppress your love. And if there is a pantry in this zone, then your marriage will slowly fade.

To make a better toilet door situation, bathroom and kitchens are always closed. It is also recommended to paint the door in red or you can hang a large mirror on the door. Thus, we will symbolically hide the room, and thus all negative energy is neutralized. But if you do not want to paint the door or hang on her mirror, then you will come to the rescue. The tubes can be wooden, but it is desirable that the talisman itself is big.

Well, if you are lucky, and your love zone is in the bedroom or living room, then it's time to take care.

How to activate the love zone

In order to accurately attract love in your life, before telling you about stimulation and activation of the love zone, I want to give one small advice: do everything with pleasure and faith in what you will do today, will definitely give the desired result. It is this key to success.

So how to activate the love zone in the apartment? First, make sure that there are no destructive elements of wood and water in this sector, as the love zone is a fire element, and water, as the fire is known. But the metal should not be much. Observe the measure. But the ordinary stone found on the street can become an excellent element to activate the love zone on Feng Shui. Just look so that the stone does not have threatening forms. Make a composition of stones and gems and place it in the love sector. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the love zone may seem hard. And for a larger effect, the composition or the stone itself can be tied up with a red ribbon.

To activate the love zone on Feng Shui and attract love in your life, hang in your corner pair hearts of red or pink colors - hearts are the strongest of other love talismans. Hearts can be made of any material, but if they are from rose quartz, it will be wonderful. You can insert your photo into the frame in the form of a heart and hang it in your own corner. In a word, do so that your photo is surrounded by hearts and believe - the universe will not miss such a signal outgoing from you. In the Love Sector, you can put chocolate candies or chocolates. They imply romance and love relationships.

But in general, only pair things are appropriate for the love zone. And it does not matter what it will be things, but best if it is clarified - Mandarin. In the love sector, two red candles are still needed. They need to light once a week and be sure to new moon. Look on the lights of the candles and imagine your future sweetheart, and it does not matter whether this is a real person or the fruit of your imagination. Next to the way his beloved, imagine your happy image.

Crystals are also the best way to activate the love zone on Feng Shui. Crystals can have any shape, but still the best are round crystals. Clean them in salted water and put in the love zone. The red lamp will also help attract love in your life and approach your cherished goal. Put it in the love sector and light up every evening for three hours within forty-nine days and be sure - your desire will be executed.

Images of lovers are no less efficient than pair things. To attract love in your life, hang on the wall in your corner your photo, where you are with a man about which you dream. If there is no such photo, then make a man from the magazine from the magazine and make a collage of his and your photos. As soon as a real man appears in your life, replace the photo.

Just once again repeat, do not hang that photo on which you are with a former partner.

The positive effect will produce the Music Music Talisman, hanged over your photo or near her. To do this, purchase the Music Music Talisman with suspended hearts, and the tubes must be metallic pink. This talisman is a good energy activator qi. And as soon as you hang it in the love zone, you can be sure - the love energy began to be powerfully activated.

In fact, love talismans great many, as well as techniques for attracting love. Feng Shui is allowed to use them all for a greater effect or stop at those who most like you. This is the case of everyone and on Feng Shui there are no restrictions.

So, we continue to talk about attracting love with the help of Feng Shui, namely, the mascots that will help to activate the Love Sector, and attract love to your life.

Good Activator for Feng Shui for the Love Zone may also be the symbols of good luck. For example, amulet double luck. This amulet can be hung in the very zone of love or placed under the bed. Double luck talisman is very effective to enhance good luck in love. It will help make a sore life calm. He is also able to help a pair that cannot have children.

Another very good love mascot to attract love to your life is the figurine of the Fairy of the Moon. The Chinese consider the Fairy of the Moon of Goddess Love and Happiness. They believe that she blesses the whole house.

Vases from various materials enjoy in Fesh Shui special popularity. It is believed that they protect the luck of all family members. And also, brings peace and happiness to the house. To activate the love zone on Feng Shui, any vases are suitable, but just watch them to be either yellow or red, it's if the vases are not crystal. It is still very important to take into account the shape of the VAZ. Better if you buy a vase with a wide base and a narrow neck. In this case, they will be better to do their "work" on the capture of positive energy, which saturates your island of love.

As I said, each vase is good, but to attract love to your life, if you have the opportunity, purchase Chinese vases with the image of the dragon and the phoenix together. It is the pair of dragon and phoenix that symbolizes the best harmony in marriage. But if you did not find a vase with this image, you can buy a vase with the image of two birds.

That's just the flowers in such vases can not be installed. After all, as you know, it is not recommended to keep water in the bedroom. Experts recommend filled with coins with a vase or natural stones, it all symbolizes well-being.

Newlywed or young couples are recommended in the love sector to put a picture with the image of peonies. This is a very favorable amulet of love, he symbolizes a blast passion, love and bliss. In China, peonies are considered "kings of flowers", as well as they are considered to be a real impersonation of Yan energy. But with these flowers be attentive. The image of these colors should be tested only in the first year of married. And when a child is born in the family, it is better to remove peonies from the bedroom, because They will mean treason. Hang roses or asters on the place of peonies. These flowers are a symbol of love, romance and tenderness.

Well, if you lack love, then the best way to attract it is roses. These charming flowers placed in the southwestern sector will very quickly attract love to you. It can be both live flowers and pictures with the image of roses.

And in general, the flowers in the love zone are very appropriate. You can decorate this sector with lilac flowers, carnations, iris, lilies, orchids. And, having studied the color of the colors, you can create "speaking" bouquets. They will be beautiful talismans and allies in the realization of your dreams.

But in the bedroom still do not hold live flowers, use their better image. In the bedroom, where one woman lives, the flowers scare the love luck. And in the married bedroom, flowers will lead to various quarrels and distrust to the partner.

Balass Yin and Yang

Masters Feng Shui claim: To attract love in your life, you need to balance the female and male energy at home. Very often in the apartment of lonely women on the walls hang posters and paintings with women. It is not surprising, but for some reason women very often adorn their interior with female images. These images contain exclusively to Yin energy, and that is why the woman has been left for a long time.

If you decide to attract love in your life with the help of a hairdry shui, then let's not neglect the centuries-old wisdom. And this wisdom says that everything on Earth should have a couple. So, hang on the walls of your housing of a man and a woman together. And remember, in the apartment of a woman who wants to meet his love should be the balance of female and male energy.

If you are hanging exclusively on the walls, and the interior is made in flowery tones, then you have very little chance to find a permanent satellite of life. In the interior of your apartment a little male. Pick up the interior colors, hang posters that would like more man. In a word, create an equilibrium.

How to attract love

If all of the above did not help, and you still have not met a man's dream, it's time to move to decisive measures to attract love to your life. The first thing you have to do is buy the underwear of red, and put it in the love zone. Color one wall in your love zone with red paint or stick red wallpapers. All of this you explode the energy of love.

If you live not alone in the apartment, and your relatives against such a "explosion", do not argue with them, but paint red paint anything in your zone so that it is not noticeable. All these actions, you do not just ask the universe to send you a partner, you demand this, and believe me, the universe does not ignore this requirement.

How to keep love and passion

It does not mean to find a companion of life that your relationship will forever remain as they were when you only met. All flows, everything changes, and your relationships can also change not for the better. Very often, a couple who lived more than one year together, realizes that their relationships were walked, that the spouse became less likely to perform marital debt that was not common interest. And in this situation, Fen-Shui will come to help us.

If your husband cooled to you, put under the mattress, to the side where the husband is sleeping with a red fabric. And the results will not make a long time to wait. And you can break the bedroom with wallpaper of red, pink or peach color.

But there are situations when it's the opposite. You are very good in bed, but no spiritual intimacy. In this case, the Feng Shui recommends yellow in your bedroom or in the marriage zone.

But you have to clearly understand that even though a hairdry shui can, but still he is not omnipotent. And if you have problems in relationships, do not silent, do not take offense in yourself, but sit down and calmly talk about everything, and Feng Shui will help keep harmony in your relationship.

Previously, China was not considered a problem when a man had many mistresses, on the contrary, the presence of mistresses raised his status in society. But since our women do not suit it, with the help of Feng Shui we will be able to avoid treason or, if it has already happened, return your beloved husband in the family.

If married loyalty is already broken, then you should not despair and succumb to panic. It is better to go, walk and raise the stone, which you will like most. The stone can be any, big or small - it does not matter much. Pebble tie red ribbon and attach to the right leg of the bed. When the case is done, persuade your husband to sleep on the right side of the bed. And last when attaching a stone to the leg, follow your mood and thoughts. You should not have bad thoughts, and you must arrive in a relaxed state. Now you can be sure your husband will stay with you.

In this article you will learn:

Using feng Shui for love and marriage It is capable of changing the flow of internal energy and beneficially affect human fate. The study of the elements of the direction helps to apply them with benevolent intentions for themselves and the surrounding people.

Bedroom - Basis Relationships on Feng Shui

Bedroom - a symbol of love, sensuality and partnership. Therefore, its arrangement is worth a particular importance. It is advisable to choose warm shades, "earth": yellow, orange.

It is impossible to use the element of water in the bedroom, because it is capable of misunderstanding in relationships and treason. The elements of the tree and metal in the bedroom are also undesirable, because they deplete the element of the Earth.

The metal element adds the relations of partners of the severity of sensations in the intimate sphere. Element for nutrition of the sexual sphere - gold. Therefore, at the entrance to the bedroom, there are golden stars on the doors or any pictures with gilding on the frame.

Attract love With the help of gold jewelry so: we have them on the bedside tables.

The bedroom should not have a mirror in which the bed would reflect. It can take good luck in romantic affairs between spouses.

Sometimes girls want to get married faster, but in the house everything contributes to the longer one as long as possible. There are things that should be avoided in the love relationship sector. If you get rid of errors, then in a short time you can attract the desired partner and happy marriage.

Necessary properly organize space in the house. Residential premises should not be a single lair. It is better instead of a single double bed, a pair of pillows, 2 chairs, 2 light bulbs. If all these items will be present in a single instance, then you should not be surprised why it is so difficult to find the right satellite of life.

Over the bed it is necessary to free the space. If there is a number of shelves, on which there are a lot of jets, they should be removed.

If a person has a workplace in the south-western sector, there will be no love. It is worth transferring a computer desk to a more suitable place. The zone does not have to have dirty clothes, toys that remain from childhood or presented former men.

The main principle of harmonious design is the balance of all elements.

The strongest elements are water and fire. They must be present in the apartment in moderate quantities. A tree and metal can be used more, because these are calm matter. Neutral element - Earth. It should be applied in the whole house.

The Love area affects the earth energy, which is supported by the fire. Such an union helps to disclose and strengthen the susceptibility, the adoption of another person, healthy emotionality and in the right situations passivity.

Staying female and male start

The ancient teachings of Feng Shui considers the world from the position of Yin and Yang. These are not opposing aspects, but complementing each other. So you need to treat the female and male principle. They should not fight among themselves, but to harmonize.

Yin and Yang are in equilibrium, although they are polar: as black and white. Each time there is a reincarnation of opposites into each other, they are always in motion, they flow, which gives rise to the stream of energy qi.

Balance of emotions, male and female start, helps the development of harmonious relationships in personal life.

Attracting love on Feng Shui - Daily work. A person needs to be benevolent, harmoniously equip the personal space. It should have a balance of male and female energy. For example, a single woman should not fill the entire apartment with cute floral ornaments, card figures and lace. In such a space there is no male energy, the involvement of the partner is unlikely. The Space of Yanskaya Energy should be added: to purchase saturated colors, "men's" energy.

Talismans to attract love

Important ritual to attract love - Getting rid of souvenirs, gifts of previous partners, even if the idea arises that these trinkets resemble traditional talismans that attract love energy. They block happy streams.

Candles floating in water, incense helps to attract love relationships during the full moon. It is worth accepting a fragrant bath with these talismans to meet the desired partner in the near future.

Flying stars

On the door of the bedroom you can hang appliques in the form of flying stars. This symbol is not used by chance. In Chinese teaching, the stars are given great importance.

Flying stars are an effective equipment of Eastern Teaching. Stars symbolize 9 types of qi energy. They are in constant motion at the same trajectory. Each star has its own character, 2 sides: positive and negative.

In every house, flying stars vary. It depends on the time of construction, the first tenants, the direction of the facade. At the same time, the situation may vary, so it is important to study your home every year, from the point of view of Feng Shui, and make adjustments to the interior.

Then you can be sure that the elements are present in the room that the happy life is symbolized - the symbols of love and loyalty need not only to choose, but also to be located in accordance with the character of flying stars.

For love is the Green Star. Her positive aspects are sexuality, artistry. Negative side - quarrels between spouses, problems in finding a partner, divorce, gynecological diseases.

Love Signs on Fen Shui

Paired bird figures, animals symbolize a harmonious union. It can be cats, ducks, dolphins, swans. The most recognizable talisman is bright mandarinks. They symbolize strong family bonds and loyalty. After all, these birds in nature choose the partner only once and keep loyalty to the whole life. The main thing is that the souvenirs liked a pair. Then they activate the love sector.

Figurines should be the same color as animals, birds. Talismans should choose from materials corresponding to earthly elements. Well, if they are decorated with semi-precious stones.

It is worth selecting figurines in even quantity. Otherwise there is a risk to invite the third extra in your relationship.

Paired mandaroon ducks should be placed correctly so that these souvenirs attracted the desired energy:

  • in the southwest sector;
  • in a married bedroom;
  • on a prominent place;
  • near indoor plant or aquarium;
  • near the boxes in which wedding rings are stored.

To activate the love sector, a decor is suitable in the form of paired seashells, the statues of elephants. All this helps to ignite the passion in relationships and contributes to healthy offspring.

Blocked love Energy Reproductions or snapshots of lonely people. Because these images attract the state of loneliness, despondency, unnecessaryness.

If you are going for a date, it is worth choosing a red tissue. It enhances energy circulation.

Photo narrowed

Your own photos should not hang in the house. It is better to find a place for a photo of a person who liked. This will attract it to life.

Support, reinforce and distribute romantic energy in the house of pictures with the people of the opposite sex, which like externally.

The most harmonious combination of colors for the arrangement of residential space is red, orange, which are balanced with brown and green. Those who in relationships are prevailing passion, the interior is better to include calm shades. Do not choose bright yellow tones, because they lead to depression.

For tranquility and peacekeeping in the house there must be an element of a tree, for example, aloe plants in pots. You can hang pictureswhere nature is depicted.

For stability and comfort in marriage in the house there must be bookshelves.

Water element for the circulation of love energy is also necessary. But it should be placed in the bathroom, and not in the bedroom. Blue objects, sea stones, natural shells are suitable. All this will drink earth Energy.

For kitchen arrangement, it is worth using tanks with aphrodisiacs, spices, exotic spices: cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg. These products ensure a sense of grounding, which is important for the opening of love strength. Do not have cacti or lio-like flowers in the kitchen. They carry the power of the quarrel.

Indoor plant

Mandarin tree symbolizes loyalty and love fire. Therefore, a pot with a citrus tree is worth installing in the marriage sector. Even if the feelings began to fade, they are able to flare out with a new force.

Passion can be attracted by images: a pattern with saturated red peonies - in the bedroom. Good and cards that can be put on a shelf with a flower:

  • with roses or peonies - symbolize sincerity, trusting relationships, stormy feelings;
  • with couples - project the energy of happy unions on their own life;
  • with a full moon - help to attract the chosen character with the desired features of character and appearance.

Love Sector in Apartment

Geographically, the western, southwest wing is responsible for marriage relations. Here is the formation of relations between his wife and husband, all family members, relatives, buddies.

Inside each room in the apartment there is a territory that is responsible for the love sector. It can be an angle or a whole wall. To find out the zone, you can use the Bagua mesh. The scheme may occur in the form of 8 identical parts of the octagon or 9 equivalent shares of the square. Images are located on top of the plan of the apartment, then they need to be correlated with the compass data.

The basic principle feng Shui to attract love and marriage - the attractiveness of this zone. Everyone should be pleasant here.

Western zone can be activated Ritual based on flavors, sounds, colors, sensations. You can spend prayer, light the candles, lay down the room using incense. This ritual symbolizes the beginning of a new life, complete love and harmony. Only after that it is worth making a permutation in the house, change the interior.

In the summer of love, you want even complete cynicians, intense careerists and individuals pragmatic and to the sublimation not located. Therefore, I decided to find out how quickly and with the guaranteed result to attract love to life. And found the whole 11 ways to do it.

Method 1: Duck stories

First of all, I entered the request "how to attract love" into one of the search engines of the Internet. Oddly enough, several dozen references dropped on the first page were devoted to the topic "Duck-Mandarin". At first I decided that this is a technical failure -, of course, love also happens, judging by the number of ducklings in the Moscow reservoirs, but I'm looking for a man, not a spleen.

And it turned out that the Mandar Duck is one of the main Talismans Feng Shui, which helps to attract and keep love. Duck-mandarins in nature always hold together, fly in pairs and show gentle care about each other, which in itself is symbolic. According to the Chinese, dedication and mutual love of these birds can envy each. If the pair of clarine-tangerines (ceramic, of course) settled in your house, you will soon meet real love.

Method 2: Vocabulary

Many famous psychologists are confident in the strength of positive thinking. Therefore, if you try to lure love in your life, you need to constantly repeat a few affirmations, such as "I radiate love all the time," "giving love, I get more love", "People just wait to love me and I They allow them. " Repeat better about yourself so that friends and colleagues do not decide that you are crazy.

Method 3: tenderly lower

"To attract love, please yourself by going shopping. Buy yourself a stunning red underwear, "Feng Shui experts advised me. - Shopping makes a positive attitude to our life. Buying underwear symbolizes internal readiness for sexual relationships. And the red color attracts love. "

Method 4: Everyone dance!

Music has a strong influence on our psychological and physical condition. If you want to meet real love, listen to passionate Latin American songs. And even better go to Latin American discos and learn to dance Salsa, Kumbia and Meling. A girl who knows how to move beautifully, long one will not stay!

Method 5: Homework

Make home general cleaning. Get rid of old things, disperse in the cabinets, wipe dust. Garbage is a negative energy that prevents love to come to your home. And also, remember: during cleaning you should have a good mood, only in this case the energy of love will be on your side.

Method 6: Cacti - not

Feng Shui specialists are confident that all items with sharp corners negatively affect our personal life. Therefore, to attract love to your dwelling, soften the corners of the room with round and oval objects. And most importantly, get rid of all cacti! This plant is the main enemy in personal life, give it to his rival.

Method 7: as on request

Take a notebook and handle and make a clear description of the "your" man. Imagine how it will look like doing what books to read, etc. Psychologists assure that the more details you describe a man's dream, the more chances you have to meet a person with whom you will be happy.

Method 8: Birch Conspiracy

"If you want to find love, hunting birch," said my grandmother. It turns out that birch from ancient times is considered an impersonation of purity, virtue and love. It gives women vitality and adds charm. So in the lunch break, go to the street and hug a birch - love will not make yourself wait long. (By the way, men should hug oak.)

Method 9: Floral motifs

After the story with the birch, my grandmother remembered another popular recipe. In order to attract love, you need to grow at home pansies. There is no explanation for this, but the beautiful flowers have not spoiled any house. Water them, of course, you need more often than cacti! But love requires victims and free time.

Method 10: stove bake

There is another way, tested by time and not one generation. True, for the sake of him will have to forget about diets for a while. On Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, stand early in the morning and bake the cake. During his cooking, think about what you are ready to meet your love. It does not matter how the recipe you will oven and what a cake will be filling. But you should eat it completely for one calendar day. The more Pie, the sooner you will meet your love.

Method 11: Hair Venus

Decorations with "Love Stone" are very popular in the Crimea, who has many names - the hair of Venus, the arrows of Amur, quartz hairstyle. According to the legend, the goddess of Love Venus during swimming in the mountain lake has lost their golden hair strands. Winter came, and the water in that lake turned into ice, and after in a wonderful crystal, the stone preserved the hair of Venus ... Now this stone is the best talisman for those who dream to meet their love. Perhaps this is just the beautiful fairy tales of the Crimean jewelers, but my friend met his second husband immediately after acquired this pebble.

"Love like the sea. Shirus does not know the shores. All the blood and soul give to her - here measures are not different "Hafiz Shirazie (East Sage)

Feng Shui to attract love argues that any suffering can lead to his life if desired. We will help you make friends with this eternal source of happiness with small tips.

We master the style of minimalism in the interior. Energy should be free to circulate around the house, so get rid of all too much. Remove all sad paintings from the walls, photos with lonely, sad people. We do not need to attract the energy of the lonely. Instead, you can place images of peacocks or phoenixes (these birds indicate love the right road). The plants will also help you, especially peonies - the signs of passion.


The interior of this room is better to arrange in peach-pink tones. To attract harmony, there should be two red shada candles. On the southwestern side of the room, put the talismans of sympathy (sea shell or pink crystal).

Remember, in the bedroom it is impossible:

  • Mirror
  • Have flowers, especially artificial (they turn feelings in dust)
  • Heavy shelves hang on the walls
  • Decorate the room with souvenirs and pictures with the image of water (it is washing away love from destinies)


Get a double bed. To attract love to bed, a large blanket with a pair of pillows should always be. On Feng Shui, place the bed so that both sides are in free access. In this room there should be no iron talismans.

Pictures on the walls

Remove from the walls of all drawings with the image of lonely, wounded animals and birds, abstractions, and also get rid of dynamic images from which itifies rage and speed. It is better to see Panel with the image of the Moon (she has the energy of attracting clean love), gentle beloved or peonies flowers.

  • Peonies. This national sign of China, he personifies the passion, torture and, accordingly, a meeting with just such a man. But for a married lady, it is better to remove peonies, otherwise the cheating of the spouse is possible.
  • Macs. Assist to attract a persistent, decent and generous partner. A real defender, which will be a reliable support for you.
  • Sakura, blooming peaches. This is tenderness, romance, kindness. You will have a sensual, devoted man.

Remember: peonies can not be used in the apartment where married couple has lived between 40 years. There is a risk of care of one of the spouses and the novel on the side.


Stimulate the attraction of love energy can various mascots that need to decorate the apartment. Choose for yourself those who are closer to you in spirit.

Tangerine Ducks

One of the most powerful symbols of a successful marriage, family creation. This is a relationship, where confidence and harmony reigns. On a hair dryer Shui, the mandarin mandarin is wanted very highly appreciated and promises strong attachment between two people. For lonely hearts, such talismans will give a long-awaited meeting, and for family pairs they will help attract stable happiness in the marriage.

Paired souvenirs

These are any items, talismans, bird figurines, animals or people. Important conditions - they must be in general.

  • People in love. An indicator of sincere emotions, mutual attraction. By the way, such souvenirs are well attracted by love if they are located their bedroom.
  • Candlesticks. They will be able to attract the resistance of the Spirit in the event of difficulties on the path to harmonious relations.
  • Wolves. These are mascots of family loyalty, idylls and devotion.
  • Dolphins. Good luck when choosing a satellite of life.
  • Swans. Emblem of love and loyalty to the last breath.
  • Flamingo. Tenderness, care for each other.
  • Plants. Especially peonies to attract love and trust.
  • Pigeons. Happiness in married life, reciprocity.

Pink Quartz

Such a mineral is very popular in the awakening of feelings. Quartz souvenirs are strong talismans to attract love on Feng Shui. They will find a satellite of life, will increase harmony in a relationship, bring more romance. It is also capable of attracting and developing love for yourself. After all, this is the basis for happy relationships.

Zone attachment

Romantic feeling always lives nearby. Moreover, she has its own place in the house. This is the southwest part of the house - the Love Sector. This area is regularly wiped with clean water, remove dust in time. Remove from there everything is superfluous, remove broken things. To attract relationships, place pair items there (there may be two chairs or armchairs) hang a picture with a loving couple, will also benefit the flowers of peonies.

Make sure that there are no water elements here - they carry a destructive action (love is a fiery element, the water is quenched).

In the love zone rules the element of the earth. Her kel is yellow, beige, brown. Here each item needs to choose a suitable pair. You can put chocolate there, which will help to attract romance into proximity.

What if this zone gets on a bathroom or toilet

Of course, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it means daily flushing of love, as well as difficulties when understanding each other. It is corrected.

  1. The entrance in these rooms should always be closed so as not to miss the attraction of feelings.
  2. In the inner parts of the doors, place mirrors that will prevent the energy leakage
  3. Strengthen southwestern bedroom or living room

Activation of sectors

To activate, we need element of fire, as the fire awakens the earth. For this element, bright items are needed with characteristic colors: orange, red, pink. Candles, images of the sun, fire. To attract love on Feng Shui, to activate the zone you need to add several bright accessories of the appropriate tone.

Light red candles every night for 49 days. They must burn for three hours. Candles yourself Place among the compositions of stones or crystals. For a larger effect, tie up the entire ensemble with a red ribbon to attract reliability in relationships. Stones are especially appreciated by those that you brought from travel. They already have your positive energy and good emotions.

The whole composition should be on red tissue in the center of this sector. Instead of stones, you can use crystals, but they must have a rounded form. If the stones or crystals are contaminated - wash them in salted water.

Star of romance

In addition to the Love Sector, you need to activate your romance symbol. This symbolic sign is responsible for attracting love, he makes a person more harmonious. All 4 stars wear animal names (see Table).

How to activate the desired zone?

By defining your sector on Feng Shui, you need to find this area that when activated will help you find love. When searching, you can arm a compass. Here it is necessary to place living cut inflorescences (there may be 4 or 9, these are numbers of romance). Next to them, put the souvenir feature of the animal that matches you. Buy a pendant or keychain with your animal, wear it always with you.

It is impossible to use this method of married couples, otherwise the amure triangle will happen

Our advice

  • Going to the store, take some things "for two"
  • To attract love on Feng Shui Try to use red items in clothes
  • Workplace Plan in the northwest of the room, and in the east place the stuff of the red shade (vase, drawings, souvenirs)


Affirmations or word-thoughtformers that need to speak constantly, especially if you activate the Schui Feng Sector. It can be any expressions similar to this:

  • I am open to harmony and happiness
  • The universe calls me to meet the only
  • The energy of charm fills my soul
  • I am happy, I found my beloved
  • My happy meeting is waiting for me, I am ready for her

Such practices are guaranteed to contribute to you to become a happy, in love with a person and create a long harmonious connection!

Suddenly the magic of love will open your doors. Believe and wait? Not! Believe and act with a hairdryer shui.

Chronic solitude is not a diagnosis. And the more verdict. This is the situation that needs to be resolved. If there is no man in your house - it needs to be attracted. How to attract a man in your life Fengshui - technologies - will tell one of the most ancient teachings on the harmonization of the external space and internal state.

Road Qi!

First of all, Masters Feng Shuy are recommended to bring full order in the house. Dirt, dust, garbage, extra things interfere with healthy flow through the house of the life-quality energy of qi. Muddy windows, dull chandeliers, deposits of old magazines - all this prevents the penetration into the house of sunlight, and with him - the male element Yang.

It is necessary to clean the conscience, because the invisible and not visible dirt under the sofas, cabinets and in the cabinets can be one of the main reasons for stagnation in your life.

  • carpets and pillows - in dry cleaning;
  • dishes with chips and cracks - in the garbage chute;
  • unnecessary, but good things to sell;
  • what remains - to distribute;
  • full trash together with old fur coats, grandma towels and charges from non-existent phones - also in the garbage chute;
  • books in the cabinet wipe or spent;
  • clothing to sort over packages or organizers;
  • computer keyboard Disassemble and rinse, laptop keyboard supplies;
  • computer or laptop from bedroom to remove forever.

Such a volume of work is not necessary to turn on one day. But it's not worth stretching. The week is quite a real time to prepare a home for the second stage and learn how to attract a man on Fengushui.

Zoning of the room

In the practice of Feng Shui, the octagon of Bagua is active. This is a convenient tip of the regulation of energies in the zones of each room. For love, the side of your bedroom (or another room) is answered, which is facing southwest.

The color of the sector on the octagon is pink. So the love zone in the house should determine the same color. Also favorable colors are considered red, beige, ocher. And unfavorable - black, blue, green.

Squares and triangles are the optimal form for everything that falls into this zone. Rectangular things are better to move to another place.

Talismans on love

To make Feng Shui to attract a man to work, in the love zone you need to install special talismans that attract feelings are crystals of rose quartz. Ideally - hearts from it.

The symbol of love in this system is also considered peonies. Therefore, the picture with their image will be a very strong talisman. Figurines or dolls in the form of happy couples also normalize the Balance of Yin-Yang.

In general, everything in the bedroom should be pairing: pillows, candles (2 red candles - in the love sector!), Bedside tables, frames. Be sure to start two birds - alive or porcelain. Especially well "work" the ducks-mandarinks and cranes.

But the pictures depicting lonely girls are not allowed.

Elements in the service of feelings

In the southwestern sector, the main element - Land. Therefore, it is necessary to the presence of a houseplant there (but in no case is not a tree!)

Feeding element - the fire. Regularly ignite in the love zone two red candles.

Tree and metal Must be present there at a minimum, as weaken the zone.

An excellent island of the elements "Earth" will create a stack of flat pebbles, pebbles. To enhance properties, you can tighten with it with a red ribbon.

House for love

To the question of how to attract a man in your life Feng Shui gives an unequivocal answer - prepare your home for the lives of two. The bed should be double, with two pillows and convenient approaches on both sides.

The rooms must be present purely men's things that carry energy yang. These are magazines, shirts, hygienic accessories, slippers.

To balance the energies, you need to hang on the windows of crystal balls, the light, laid out on the spectral rainbow, brings the desired harmony.

Thoughts for love

Hairdryer Shui To attract a man offers every day to repeat out loud or about themselves special affirmations.

These are brief texts that soothes the internal storms and customize the result. For example:

My life is solid joy. I love myself and accept what I am. I love the whole world. And love enters my life is free and easy, I study take it with dignity and gratitude.

Select the optimal formula optimal for your internal state, enjoy in excellent words and repeat several times a day. At the same time, be sincere!

Waiting for miracles

The house was removed, the love zone is all in pink, the bed is moved away from the wall, the circle of flowers and rainbow. And where is the prince? Calm! He is already on the way. And in the meantime, your home is transformed, the streams of energies are normalized, it seems that even the air has become fresh and cleaner. This is the beginning of a big change. It is important not to stop and go further.

  • wear beautiful linen always;
  • bring in the house food that could please a man;
  • sometimes include sports channels during football or hockey matches;
  • learn to tie a tie and cook borsch;
  • put in order the hairstyle and manicure;
  • write down on two pink quality leaves, which should be present at the future beloved and the features that should not be, twist the sheets in the tube and place in the love zone;
  • yes, it is now very cool at home, but the prince here does not come back, so go out into the light, chat, Meet, soon he will meet you.
  • do not share your affairs and achievements with girlfriends or relatives, told the dream is carried out with great difficulty;
  • if you have visited despondency - buy colors. Another simple way is to wash off the meal with water with fragrant oils. Bath with candlelight will tell your body that you love him;
  • support the induced order every day. It takes only half an hour and saves many nerve cells.
  • every day, except for household waste, throw out one thing. Unnecessary, of course. So you will be released a place in the closets for things of your man.