Fatherland Old New Eternal Fatherland Old New Eternal Unlucky General Lesson Courage Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev Mou Sosh them. M.N. Zagoskina S.

Fatherland Old New Eternal Fatherland Old New Eternal Unlucky General Lesson Courage Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev Mou Sosh them. M.N. Zagoskina S.
Fatherland Old New Eternal Fatherland Old New Eternal Unlucky General Lesson Courage Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev Mou Sosh them. M.N. Zagoskina S.

D. M. Carbyshev 14 (26) - Photo Photos | Soviet military leader, professor, doctor of military sciences, Lieutenant-General of Engineering Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev was born in Omsk on October 26, 1880. In 1898, the Omsk Cadet Corps graduated with honors, then the Nikolaev Military Engineering School and Nikolaev Military Engineering Academy. Member of the Russian-Japanese and First World War. Already then he showed himself as an outstanding fortifier. During the Civil War, Carbyshev participated in the construction of a number of fortified districts and the organization of engineering support for the Red Army operations. In the interwar period, Carbyshev served in responsible positions in the Red Army and at the same time led to teaching work at the Military Academy. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers on various sectors of military engineering art and military history. Scientist. Warrior.

The hereditary military, officer first the Russian Imperial - she served in it 18 years old, and then the Soviet Red Army, he passed all the wars of his era. The journalist to the Russian-Japanese (for it was awarded 5 orders), a division engineer, in the first world-participant of the legendary Brusilovsky breakthrough, Lieutenant Colonel to civilian. But the work of his life remained fortification - strengthening cities and borders throughout the country. The latter turned out to be the Brest Fortress. And in how long the defenders will hold on, the merit and general of Karbyshev. Brest Fortress - fortified outpost from western borders of Russia. Resistance to the Hitler's troops in the Brest Fortress continued from the first day of the war to the 20th of July 1941.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Carbyshev at the beginning of the war was in Belarus in the area of \u200b\u200bthe actions of our 3rd and 10 - armies, he was sent there for inspecting fortification. With the beginning of the war, he could return to Moscow. But the general did not leave the troops. Dmitry Mikhailovich was 61nd year. August 8, 1941 When you try to escape from the environment with a group of fighters and commanders of the 10th Army, General Carbsishev was contused and in a unconscious state was captured. German doctors led him to feel just a day later. War…

Carbishev was kept in German concentration camps: Zamosc, Hammelburg, Flosssenbührg, Maidanek, Auschwitz, Zakshenhausen and Mauthausen. The fascist concentration camp of Auschwitz - a terrible symbol of mass destruction of people Such traces left after themselves the fascist executioners in concentration camps

The Germans set out to be the goal of at any cost, to move the Soviet general to the German fascist service. It was very important to receive data on new types of weapons from a well-known and authoritative military specialist, especially Katyushe. In concentration camps, the fascists continued to resort to blackmail and provocations, but did not break the will of the general. Without having achieved his own, the fascists who ordered D.M. Karbyshev on faithful death. Conductive recruiters from Berlin promised Carbishev High Chin in parts of the Wehrmacht, the post of commander of the Russian Liberation Army instead of Vlasov, a portfolio of the military minister in the "New Russian Government". For persuasion, he was taken even to Berlin, in the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. The general refused to cooperate with the German command and found himself in the dungeons of the Berlin Gestapo. Here, it was subjected to inhuman torture for a month, in particular, for example, around the clock torture with dazzling electric light. Honor I have ... Russian General Carbishev

Sorrowful, bitter fame fell out to the share of the Austrian town of Mauthausen. In March 1939, soon after the occupation of Austria, Hitlerian troops, near the quiet and cozy Mauthausen, the construction of the next Nazi concentration camp began. Not usual, but a special type: death camps. The prisoner, who came here, had an ominous mark: "Return is undesirable", or "the return is not subject to" .USYDU did not return prisoners. Among them are Soviet prisoners of war. Camp of death Mauthausen

From the camp to the camp, the prisoners of war transferred him to: not to lose even in disgrace! And the order of Karbyshev: "Captivity is a terrible thing, but this is also a war, and until the war goes to homeland, we must deal here." Among the prisoners of war, General Carbyshev led an active underground work. Dmitry Mikhailovich saw the power and salvation of Soviet people who captured, in the struggle and only in the struggle. From the memories of the prisoner, L.I. Hoffmann: "In front of me stood extremely exhausted, with a flying face and legs of a gray-haired old man, clouded in ripped striped clothes, with loose wooden pads on the legs. Only strict face features and burning passionate eyes testified that the will of this man is unshakable. " Is it wondering that the words "Russian General Carbyshev said" for prisoners of war of all nationalities sounded indisputably like a password. The twentieth general developed a set of rules for the behavior of Soviet people in captivity: "Organizations and cohesion ... mutual assistance. First of all, help the sick and wounded ... Highly keep the honor of the Soviet Warrior ... Create patriotic groups for sabotage and sabotage ... break the myth about the invincibility of the Hitler's troops and unail the prisoners of war in our victory ... ". Symbol of inflexible will and resistance

February 16, 1945. Mauthausen concentration camp. Frost 12 degrees. The camp command was walking along the rows of prisoners of war. Canceled with the sick and old. Weak fascists expelled themselves. Prisoners were ordered to warm out the devil. They were driven into the bath and put cold out of the shower first, and then hot water, then people were kicked out to frost, water flowed from them, which immediately frozen on the bodies. The SS will ordered to pour prisoners with icy water. Screams, moans. People gradually fought with an icy crust, their voices were poketed, broke out ... Among them was Dmitry Karbyshev. He stood under the jets of water, leaning against the wall. In the eyes of many people, a unlucky Russian general turned into an icing monument of military durability and loyalty to debt. Last words Karbyshev: "Bodray, comrades! Think of your homeland, and the courage will not leave you. " 450 prisoners died. The last step in immortality ...

The monument was established in 1963. Author: Sculptor Vladimir Tsygal passed decades, the whole generation separates humanity from the atrocities that were going on in Mauthausen. The air above it is clean and transparent. But a person here is, if he is a man, nursing. Squeezes the hearts of the heart. Blood sweat. To breathe with nothing. And it is might: Gar, and smoke is still a impenetrable veil, envelop the camp. Monument towers in front of the iron gates of Mauthausen. From a large massif of a noble white marble, exactly from the ice block, the Giant Figure of the Warrior grows. He stands, mighty and strong, full faith in the rightness and the triumph of the case for which they fought. On a dark wide granite plate, the pedestal is carved in two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and German: "Dmitry Carbishev. Scientist. Warrior Communist. His life and death were a feat in the name of life and life, and death - a feat ...

Only the faded photos were preserved, where Dmitry Karbyshev - then with the famously swirling mustache in the Junker coin, then on the Budenovsky shooting range. His daughter keeps them as the greatest relic - the memory of the Russian officer who was her father. Store Elena Karbyshev and father's letter. "Firm, launch, and most importantly - never fight anything and do not worry - here's my covenant. I wish you success. Dad." "In the morning of June 23, I ran for the telegram, and there were no telegrams on the 23rd, never more," he will not write a line, and the fate of Elena Elena will learn only after the war. For 4 years she will learn all his letters for 4 years. And then Last - from Grodno, after which there will be a surroundings, captivity and Nazi death camps. The father wanted Elena to become a military specialist. She graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School. During the Leningrad Blockade, defensive structures built, served in the main headquarters of the Navy, then In the main headquarters of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Awarded the orders of the Patriotic War, the Red Star, Friendship of Peoples, Medals "For Martial Merit", "For the defense of Leningrad" and others. Karbysheva Elena Dmitrievna Remembering Daughter:

And among the cadets of engineering schools, the construction song is particularly popular, the chief of which ends with the words: "... I can carry the example of Karbyshev as serve unless you can serve." Monuments Karbishev installed in Moscow, Kazan, Vladivostok, Samara, Omsk and Pervouralsk, and others. His name wears Boulevard in Moscow, Karbyshev Street (St. Petersburg), Streets in Brest, Kazan, Balashikha, Minsk, Kiev, Togliatti, Samara, Perm , Kherson, Gomel, Ulyanovsk, Vladivostok and Omsk. Its name is also called a small planet of the solar system. D. M. Karbysheva's name is a number of schools on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Memory

Memorial board D. M. Karbyshev on the building of the Military Engineer Academy. MOSCOW The ship "General Carbyshev" Monument to D. M. Karbishev. Sculptor V.Pedorov. Omsk Monument in Moscow on Karbysheva Boulevard Pskov region. 47th rocket troop training center

Russian General Awards Medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union On August 16, 1946, Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbishev was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union Order of Lenin Order of the Red Banner of the Red Star Order of the Red Star Order of St. Sv.anna 3 Art. Order of St. Vladimir Order of St. Vladimir Order St. Jung 4 Art. Order of St. Stanislav 2 Art. Polish Order of St. Stanislavawa 3 Art. Roshin E. P. General Carbishev: DOCUM. Tale - M.: Publishing House Dosaph USSR, - 317 p.: Il. School encyclopedia "Russika". Russian history. 20th century. - M.: Olma - Press Education, - with E.Smirnov. In the school museum // Murzilka // -S.7-8. Karbyshev Dmitry Mikhailovich // - M.: - S. 114: Karbyshev Dmitry Mikhailovich // Heroes of the Soviet Union: Pros. BioGr. words. - M.: - T. 1. - P. 626: sources of information ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/karbyshev nvo.ng.ru/history/ /5_karbyshev.html

January - February, 2010

Good morning, Rob.
Sorry, I left while you slept. I did not want to wake you up. And ... you know, I am so much easier. Much easier to say goodbye to you.
P.S. Do not look for your shirt. I don't completely repent, but still I really hope that you will forgive me. I wanted to take with you a part of your heat.
Already miss.

Your one. Your Kristen

He squeezes a sheet of paper in a fist and closes his eyes so much and so abruptly, that the eyelids hurt. The feeling of gravity covers it uncontrolled avalanche. And only a leaning emptiness remains that it seems to penetrate directly into the soul, leaving deep scars there and the lines scorched in memory.
Rob leaned back on the pillow, which still kept the memories of her warm, and his head was skipped. Her smell. The native, necessary, durable, whining the smell mind. He is everywhere. They are impregnated with a pillowcase and blanket, it is in the air, in his hands, hair, skin. Everywhere.
Strong, almost burning coffee absolutely did not help. Robert did not feel any taste at all. And with some silent despair settled the first, but not the last cigarette.
Robert: I know you are still on the plane, and you will read this message, only when you land in Los Angeles. Just not even believe that you are with every second farther from me ... I i do not want to believe it. You know, my pillow still smells like you. And it seems to me that you are near. I will open my eyes - and I will see your smile. I do not understand why I write to you all this. Probably I'm crazy. But I am going crazy every time you leave. Sorry about that.
P.S. And I do not apologize for the shirt. Do not even ask. No way.
Kristen: Lack of your voice. As an air ...
Robert: I'll get you now, can I?
He drives his fingers, and he, trying to take a shiver, presses the heated "send".
Kristen: Do not ask more stupid questions, okay? ..
He hops make mistakes in words. Fixes, rewrites, removes. And now why it is so difficult, it is almost impossible to get together with thoughts. And the most wrong, damn wrong in this situation is that such important, even if there are banal things, he has to talk like this
Robert: You need me so much, Chris.
So simple. So few. So short. And she curses cheekbones from a wide happy smile.
Kristen: We will assume that you agree.
Robert: I can not sleep. You do not mind if I call you now?
It leans his forehead to the cool glass. No strength move, think, blink, breathe. There is no strength. There is no strength even to fall asleep in human. And the air is so spicy, so thick, so smoked ...
Kristen: We seem to negotiate about stupid questions, remember?
He finds some kind of well hidden inner reserve - and smiles. And this feeling is someone else, such a forgotten, such lost. Forever disappeared in spicy cigarette smoke.
Robert: Sorry. Habit. Stupid questions - the secret of my charm.
It does not drive the eye from the mobile screen. The most expensive heart is the thing that he remained. Looks with some kind of inexplicable doom. As dependency.
Kristen: And I have a bad head for myself, what I found in you ...
Kristen: Rob, and I can and me a stupid question?
Robert: Ask anything.
Kristen: What are you thinking about now?
He closely peers into the cold rain, which ruthlessly, heartlessly kills the fragile, weightless snow cover, turning it into an insignificant dirt ...
Robert: I sometimes seem to me that I have already learned to think about something except you ...
Tom: Get ready, let's go to heal your heart wounds tonight.
Robert: Damn, now I feel mentally ill. Who told you, my friend, what are they treating them alcohol?
Tom: You are completely behind, Rob. I will tell you a lot of secrets of modern medicine.
Robert: Well. It turns out, not one I am not friends with your head. Now I feel not so defective.
Tom: Well, why do you still need friends, Pattinson?
She printed all his emails. Re-read each. From the first letter to the last. Binding each point, every letter, every ellipsis.
How to smoke want.
Kristen: I want to hear your voice. Are you busy now?
Robert: I seemed to me, stupid questions - my chip. Do you remember? Are you trying to impress?
Kristen: No. I just missed very much ...
New double. Another scene. Black and white Paris covered with snow-white cover. And everything around at all does not look like bright, picturesque, exciting paintings, in which all the romance of the world are in absentia. All is dull. Without paints, without color, without life. The filming of the film "Cute Friend" go in full swing. Be they cursed ...
Robert continuously fools over his own appearance and avoids reflective surfaces so as not to get enough. It is hard to pull frosty morning air, squeezing in hand a hot cardboard cup. Takes off the shooting of endless unsuccessful dubs and an infectious laugh, for which he comes from hand. And only when they declare about the break, he, remaining in the long-awaited loneliness, removes the mask with false carelessness and with some strange hopelessness, the powerlessness stretches for a bundle of cigarettes. And this is bitter and shameful defeat ...
Kristen: I miss you.
Without empty and unnecessary "hello. How are you?". Just like that. Just and sincerely.
Robert: My joy. My. My Kristen. I did not think that I would miss so much. I did not know that I could miss so. I miss you so much. I want to announce every second to tell you about some stupid trifles. Every time I see something, I hear, I feel, I feel the vital necessity to tell you about it. And I stop miracle. After all, in La now half of the third night, right? .. You need so much, Kristen. So need.
Kristen: You know, Rob, the most torrentant now is time. I probably never felt so acute in my life. And I so sincerely believed that it would stop at least a moment. Give at least a second to come to yourself to come true. To not so hurt. But it was simply not. And, you know, now I am almost used to living in your time zone. After all, we are at different ends of the world. And it turns out, it is not romantic at all. It just hurts, Robert.
Robert: I want very much home.
Kristen: I always believed that London is your home. That is the place where your soul comes from.
Robert: I also thought so too. But now I finally realized my soul - where you are.
She is already endlessly sits on the floor for a long time, smiling silly, forever capturing this elusive moment in memory. A small, neatly packaged parcel, and on it the most expensive heart name.
Thin, fragile fingers gently tear the envelope. And in it his male checkered shirt and a small leaf of paper on which even handwriting is derived: "I want you to be warm. All your heart. Robert".
Robert: What do you do, my joy?
Tightening. One more. Smoke envelops a tart foggy could, impregnating through. And it is so ... more than ever tangible.
Kristen: Pew tea. Green.
Bitter semi-jelly. A few more convulsive tighters. In the throat burns. And she quietly slides her back on a penetrating cold wall. Kristen Stewart with all the heart, all the soul, with each of its cell hates winter, cold and ... loneliness. And again the tightening. As if he had never been a solemn promise to quit. She knows that he will not leave. it addiction.
Robert: I sympathize.
Kristen: Are you sure English, Rob? .. It always seemed to me that all of you are turned on tea, football and bitles. In general, it is not so important. What are you doing?
Rob confused looks around. Everywhere only ashes remaining countless cigarettes. He spends his hand on the bristle thoughtfully. And what is he busy? ..
Robert: And I smoke. Again.
From caustic smoke from her slightly pinching eyes. Cursed habit. Addiction.
Kristen: I ... Damn, I, too. I also smoke, Rob. Again and again.
Robert: I know my dear. I know it…
And they, being in hundreds of thousands of kilometers from each other, are smiling at the same time.
Kristen: How are you? How to shoot? How is London? ..
Robert: London. London waits. Trite sounds, right? Shooting. Go in full swing. And I ... I miss, Chris. I miss you very much.
Kristen: You know, for what I do not like La? Damn, there is always such good weather here ... Even in February, you imagine? Even in February. And now I want so rain. Very very…
Kristen: And more ... I don't know how you and I already I hate this movie. And these damn shooting. And ... Call me, Rob. I'm waiting for your call so long.
Kristen: I can not smoke more in such quantities. I just can not. Save, please, my lungs.
She once again re-read the message and bitterly, somehow too bitterly, smiled. He ran through the screen again, stepped on his pocket in search of lighters.
He breathed deeper the damaging bitter smoke and ... one fellible removed everything.
Cameron: My priceless sister! Where did you go? And is it all alive at all? You can not believe, but I worry. No matter how you turn into one of those depressive maidens that chocolate eat tons, they believe in love horoscopes and kiss portraits of loved ones for the night. I will come today. And I swear with all the saints, I will pull you out of your "Scoop" on the light of God. What could I not cost this. See you, native. Kiss.
Rob strongly squeezed in his hand a glass, filled with something suspiciously drinking. In the crowded pub it became too noisy. Stunning outbreaks of laughter and VRVA were distributed everywhere, somewhere playing live music, someone persistently tried to shout her in karaoke. Here she is. Saforn and cold England ...
He did not understand why his head was so hard. From surrounding screaming chaos? From the extra glat of whiskey? From illustrately happy couples around? ..
He reached out for the phone, but an unrelated envelope was shone on the screen. So, her nerves have passed faster.
Kristen: I hate this damn day.
Rob Something as opened the door of the room, the edge of the eye notes something small and white on the floor. The envelope. The heart is mad, almost painfully swam. Letter? The sender's name truly warms the soul. Maybe valentine? He barely disappeared from the last thought. Just think about it. Valentine. That only will come to a cross head.
But I want so much. Valentines, stupid candies in the form of hearts, banal bouquets and sweet kisses somewhere on a bench in a frozen park.
Robert neatly printed the envelope, and for an endless moment it seemed to him that the sheet was clean. But only for a moment. On snow-white paper shone her lips imprint. Clear contours, elegant bends, and below a small nonsense signature: "You are the most expensive that I have".
Robert: Favorite, I'm so sorry that this damn day I spend away from you. How I would just like to be right next to you. After all, it is so simple, Chris.
Kristen: I need you, Rob. I just can't ... I'm trying, but I can not. Can not live without you.
That's better. It's easier. She would not tell him all this by phone. Could not. The voice would have faltered.
Robert: Week left, sunshine. One damn week.
She closed her face with his hands. Defending, hiding, renounced from everything. Only one week.
Kristen: Happy Valentine's Day, Rob.
Robert: You are the most expensive that I have, Kristen.
You have seven missing from Robert.
Kristen: Do not understand me wrong, but now it's easier for me to just write to you. I want, I really want to hear your voice. But for me it is only proof of your absence. This is hopelessness. Impotence. Addiction. Call how you want. Sounds stupid. Worse, it sorry sounds. Just give me time. And remember ... I love you.
Before the cry, uncomfortable shoes, - she, damn, will never learn to walk on heels - too short dress, dozens of inaccurate strokes, called autographs and again a photo, photo, photo ... why so much? Who needs them?
She smiles, fueling a naughty strand for the ear, and, fading in words, trying to honestly, sincerely and non-standard answer the standard questions. This is all the stewart.
"Yellow shoes of happiness." Memories are such dull, fuzzy. Faced under the dazzling gloss of world glory.
So long ago. Life back. Even before the Epopea, under the name "Twilight," that one fell, she crossed out everything that she once had it, he struck out the one she was once.
Robert: How was the premiere, kid?
Kristen: Premiere normally. As always. Do not call me so, Rob. You are welcome.
Robert: Sorry.
Kristen: It's forgive me. I do not know what's going on with me. Just ... What if there were no saga? If we never met? How would I live without you?
Robert: We would definitely meet. You are my life. You are my soul. You are my fate, even though I do not believe in it. We would meet. I know it. I feel it, Kristen.
Kristen rushed into a heavy blanket, exhausted by attracting her knees and closing his eyes. Insomnia has become the same inalienable daily torture, like cigarettes ...
A cozy men's checkered shirt still kept his smell. And Chris in full breasts breathed inexplicably, indescribable, the favorite fragrance is impossible.
Robert: three days. Just three days, love.
The clock is stubbornly show the beginning of the third night. And it means today I first surrendered to Rob ...
And she smiles into the dark, pressing the phone to him. Three days…
Chris put several hysterically screaming alarms at once. And herself woke up as soon as the sun looked out due to the horizon. Rob, in turn, could not sleep at all that endlessly night.
Kristen: Today. Already today.
She was surprised when taking a cup of just boiled coffee in his hands, only weak warmth felt. The temperature is under forty degrees. What at the moment can be more beautiful? ..
But even this circumstance could not break it today. Today. They will see today.
In the headphones, the music has grumbled, but she did not hear a single sound. Antipyretic did not help. In the head, only the echo heard heard from the root before landing: "You are not together, Chris, do you remember this? So there, in front of the journalists and during the ceremony, keep away from each other, good? Ideally, pretend that they are not familiar with.
Kristen: I love you so much, Robert ...
London weather was pleased with the winter cold rains. Flashes, screams, close attention of the public, endless questions. She suddenly remembered, for which the red paths hates so much.
He smiled heroically, posing for the photo, and she could not. It is very difficult to smile when you burn alive. In all senses.
She was sincerely anyway, where she is now. On Bafe, Oscare or at the next premiere. Talented actress Kristen Stewart hardly tolerated this damned mask indifference on this damned absurd festival.
Only somewhere in the hall she accidentally caught his eyes. And I realized that it was not alone ...
It was not scary to go on the scene. It was not scary to receive a reward. Let it even fall three times. It is not scary. Even talking about the multi-thousand public was not scary. It was terribly submissive and limply to obey their role. It was terrible that she could not just look at a man who loved, without which went crazy. This was truly scary.
Kristen barely nodded to him and, probably for the first time in the whole evening, smiled.
The ceremony was truly infinite, as all these long months of separation. She lived him, he was unsuccessfully tried not to look in her direction.
Chris did not hear congratulations and confessions. She tried at least sometimes to remove his eyes to look at someone else. Someone besides him. It turned out badly.
Rob tried not to smile, as if the last idiot when he felt her fleeting look. It did not work at all.
They, as if small children, played in glance, and were not afraid to be caught. He smiled again, and she whispered some lips: "What?".
Rob laughed loudly when she even happily rushed to say goodbye to those present.
And now, after a moment, she, who once every evening, dreaming of becoming invisible, violates the linking silence of the empty corridor with high heel shudders. And his silent steps feels somewhere nearby.
Another moment - and she desperately cling to thin fingers for his silk tie. Rob neatly pushes it into the cold wall, covering cheeks, eyelids, forehead, chin, lips with gentle kisses. Her hands hug his neck, he carefully takes her face in the palm of her face, greedily dug in his favorite lips. How he missed ...
They interrupt each other kisses, inhales and exhalations. And so warm, so good.
Her quiet breath echo is given away from the walls. His hot breathing almost burns. Has hot tears roll on her cheeks, and he gently kisses every tear, every wet eyelash.
And she hides a glued face in the bend of his neck, mixing tears with kisses, and he, laughing, presses her to his chest, breathing and exhausted the smell of her hair.
- How I love you, Kristen. My good one. How much I love you ...
And this is exactly what she dreamed of hearing so long ago ...
On the street they are met by stunning cries, tired, but still screaming fans, blinding outbreaks, loud exclamations of paparazzi, but they do not notice it anything.
She goes ahead, allowing him to burn her back careless, frankly with distinct glances. And he repeats every second person: "She is here. She's nearby".
Rob hastily takes a look aside and even imagine is afraid, what a stupid smile bangs on his face. Somewhere on the backyards of consciousness he hears a stranger: "Robert, are you happy for your colleague Kristen Stewart?"
And he, laughing, responds sincere, simple, simple: "Yes, yes, glad, definitely pleased."that, it seems, even louder than her lipstick on his lips, screaming about his feelings to the whole world ...

I will very much to hear your feedback. If after reading some thoughts or emotions remained, share with me. Even if they are not the best. I really appreciate objective criticism. Thank you for reading!

Tasks: to promote the creation of the image of the fatherland as the unity of the present, past and the future for his citizens. Move students to explore the past and real native land through the study of the history of their family and villages. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditions of its village, about the need to comply with universal values.

Relieve a sense of pride for your small homeland, patriotism.

Reliable respect for the historical heritage of their people, families, the desire to continue family traditions.

Develop the cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren.

1. Introduction to the subject of the lesson.

Read the topic of our lesson. What do you think we will talk about?

(about his homeland, about her past, present, future)

2. Work on the concept of "Fatherland".

What is common between these words (words are written in 2 columns.)

Father Rod (Single words related to the native home)

Father native

Patronymic Parents

Name of Motherland, Native Earth

Compatriots people

How do you explain the word "Fatherland"? Select synonyms for the word "Fatherland"? Who are compatriots such?

3. Working with a textbook: p.38.

1) -Perize the interpretation of the word Fatherland in the textbook. Compare it with your answers. Did you think right?

2) - Read the text V. Peskov to yourself. Find words in it that will seem the most important to you. (The concept of the Motherland is a memory of everything that is expensive in the past, these are affairs and people of the current days, this is a native land with everything that grows and breathes on it)

How do you explain the word memory? / These are memories of someone or something, the ability of a person to preserve the impression and experience in consciousness and reproduce them. /

Each person has cherished memories, in memory of them we store photos, gifts, cute hearts of things.

What is the name of the thing that stored as a memory of the past, which is the subject of reverence? (Relics)

At the last lesson, we got acquainted with the relics of your families, issued an exhibition. Knowing the history of his family, we learn the history of the Fatherland.

Relics - Mini Museum of the Family,

From past years to us reached

And if these things in the hands take -

They will be able to tell a lot.

You take these things,

Do not lose, not damage.

In the family they are sacred,

From generation to generation transmit.

4. Work on the concept of "tradition"

But not only relics we get from our ancestors. In each family there are traditions.

Tradition - from Latin "Transfer". This word means the current and transmitted data from generation to generation native language, customs, rules of conduct. Each people have many beautiful rites, songs, dancing. Children imitate older, thereby adopt the traditions of the family. Over time, the rules of behavior, language, laws change, something goes into the past, something is added new, and traditions remain unchanged.

5. Fizminutka: Russian dancer.

6. Project protection:For a month, we worked with you to study the history of your family. They constituted their pedigree, talked with family members about their lives, learned family relics.

Your family photos, memories of close relatives gave start a research project called:

"On the pages of the family album"

1 group History of our village.

2 group Cultural life sat down.

1 group.

From the memories of countrymen, we learned about the life of the village in the 20th century. People united labor in the general farming called the collective farm. In the collective farm there was a pig farm, a barn, horse yard, forge, mill, carpentry workshop. Then the collective farm renamed the state farm. The first chairman became Fedor Ivanovich Glebov. His name is called one of the streets of the village.

Our state farm was famous for its harvests. The farm grown all kinds of vegetables up to watermelons. The famous Novolikeevsky gardens, winter greenhouses were famous for the entire district. Students, schoolchildren, the citizens came to help in harvesting. The whole harvest was stored for cars and passed the state.

Multi-storey houses appeared in our village immediately. People lived in log or brick houses. There was no water supply. For drinking water was taken from wells, Rodnikov, later spent water pipes From the village of Karaulova. For irrigation, laundry laundry water from a kacked pump into a special tank, which stood not far from the current church.

The village has grown, people needed at home. The chairman did a lot in order to provide people with housing. Workers of the state farm gave housing for free. And those who had their own house helped. Over time, the village built school, kindergarten, bath, ambulatoria..

2 group.

Previously, there was a church in the village. But due to the fact that the religion was banned, it was broken. From the brick built the building of the Novolikeevsky House of Culture. The club had a cinema for 200 seats, a dance platform and a library. The club had a stand with photographs of the heroes of socialist labor and the front of the state farm.

For young people, discos were held, first under the bayan, later there were vocal - instrumental ensembles, which came from the city, and before closing the club, the music sounded already from the tape recorder with speakers.

For more than 20 years worked as the director of the club. The club was a venue and games. Here it was possible to play billiards, checkers, chess. In the summer, in front of Kinosteans, they played volleyball, and in the winter they rode on a flood next to the rink club.

The club worked a drama. Forces of rural teachers put theatrical productions. The Novolikeevsky Choir of the Russian Song was one of the best in the area. The best soloists of the choir were Kuznetsov in, recalls - teacher of English language.

"Our choir occupied the first places. We circled with concerts the whole area, performed on the fields for the workers of the village "

7. School - continuer of traditions:

All people love holidays. This time is having fun: go to visit, prepare treats, sing songs and dance. Holidays are family, church, school, state. Each holiday has its own feature. The years are passing, laws are changing, and festive traditions remain unchanged.

What holidays are especially loved in your family?

After the closure of the club, the school became the center of culture on the village. What rural holidays is our school for residents of the village? (All Rural Holidays: Day of the Elderly Man, Wire Wires, Rally by Victory Day

Do you know that this year for the school jubilee. Exactly 35 years ago she opened the doors for students. (Time tape.) Our school has opened September 1 1977.

Which of you know the name of the first director of the school?

The first director was called. Former front-line, teacher-historian, Ivan Andreevich was constantly engaged in patriotic education of the guys. And it was he who began to climb about the construction of the monument to the Novolikeevians who died during the Second World War.

Last year we were with you in the office of the story, where the relics are kept dedicated to this war. What did you remember what you saw?

Keeping the past, we do the present stronger and stronger. Therefore, there is a museum in our school. They are managed. High school students collect material for the museum, conduct excursions.

8. Work on the concept of "eternal":Let's think with you a little about the future. You and your children will live in this time. Can it happen that in the future will cancel the Convention on Human Rights? There will be no right to life with people will cancel equality between people, respect for elders ?

Why can this not happen? (This will lead to the death of a person)

There are moral rules, laws that were respected by all people on the planet in all periods of history. These norms are called universal values. They are raised in people since childhood and must be respected throughout life. it good, debt, work, conscience, Honor, love, homeland. These values \u200b\u200bare eternal, while people comply with the main Bible rule: remember this rule: "Do in relation to others as you would like them to come to you."

9. Outcome lesson, reflection: Our lesson ends on the topic: Fatherland: Old, new, eternal. What a trace will leave in your memory? Finish the phrase: - Today at the lesson I ... learned, I understood, I decided ... (I realized how important it is to know the history of my fatherland, I decided to maintain family relics.)

What is the symbol of these concepts? (World Tree) What do the roots of the tree symbolize? (Old, story, our ancestors)

What does the trunk of this tree say? (about the present person)

What do the tree branches symbolize? (Future, eternal values)

It is important for a person to know his roots, keep the traditions of his people. The more person values \u200b\u200bthe memory of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the deeper he feels responsibility for the future.

Goes old - new comes

592 \u003d Rider light - the eighth interdimensional DNA layer (26) \u003d 2012th year - galactic initiation \u003d the number written in words becomes a word (38) \u003d What is the "cycle"? - It leaves the old - comes new \u003d

"Numeric codes." Book 2. Crane Hierarchy


I am what I am!

I am manas! Greetings, Lord!

Svetlana, 2012 year - year of galactic dedication, what does it mean, do you know, but do people around you know about it?

Yes, you now say that they are busy with other concerns, and even hear do not want about higher knowledge from the Creator. But we do not condemn them, we argue. If no one will talk about higher knowledge from the Creator, how people find out that there are star systems leading evolution of your solar system. It is necessary to disclose the secrets of the space Internet, and then the cybernetic Internet on the planet created, and in fact, it is based on the natural laws of living space - the living divine space.

Or maybe it's time to talk about living divine space?

And then thunder rattles, lightning sparkle, and people do not understand the living divine electricity, or do not want to understand? Nature of electromagnetism Divine! Non-ruffle - the wrong light is the living light of God. The nature of consciousness is electric, it means that consciousness exists everywhere in space.

It's time to think about the fact that eternity exists. But how do you exist in eternity - this is the process of knowing the thin bodies of the soul and fiery bodies of the Spirit, it is time for the children of the Creator adults becomes, otherwise the world is ready to turn the world, not knowing his main law - the law of universal unity!

The general unconscious field of a man of the species got insights with a ray of knowledge of the Creator, a cell as a microcosm, received a signal to lift the frequency, which leads to an increase in consciousness, evolution, the development of the highest abilities of the soul. The fall in the spirit into the matter is over, now the spirit will clarify the matter - this is the law of space development of the energies, this is the galactic dedication of the Earth, that is, the Earth has received the status of the planet of the bright worlds, the residents of which have reached the consciousness of the unity of the life system of all things.

God is all! The functions of God need to know, then your actions in the world will be Others, you will be responsible for peace, for its preservation, you will be the creator of cleanliness, joy, beauty - harmony in the world, and not the consumer of all the world's world, without giving life.

The general unconscious field of a man of the species got a ray of knowledge from the Creator, and the souls ready to perceive the beam of knowledge of the Creator had already awakened, and now help the nearest surroundings to realize the arrival of new energies of higher star systems on the ground, and new energies carry new knowledge, so we will learn everything and This is a natural process of the development of a person's consciousness, originally laid down by the Creator in the human genome. The new one does not need to be afraid, to the new one must strive. The Creator reveals all his secrets, at least never closed them, just the undeveloped consciousness of man, could not solve the secret. Thunder and zipper were always, but few people wondered about the living energy of the Creator, it's time to know ourselves and peace.

Svetlana, you now understand what your desire led to: - "I want to know everything, where did you come from and where to go?".

To the knowledge of eternity!

We hope that everyone will want to know themselves and peace, they will also want to talk to the Creator and everyone will succeed, it is necessary only to want. I am everywhere and in everything!

Love you!

Heavenly Father, through Manas and Svetlana.

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