The theme of love in the captain's daughter arguments. Romantic love in Tale A

The theme of love in the captain's daughter arguments. Romantic love in Tale A

\u003e Works on the work of the captain's daughter

Essay on the topic: Love Greenyow to Masha

In the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Captain's daughter", not only the topic of honor and loyalty, the theme of the peasant uprising, but also the topic of love of the main character.

Seventeen-year-old Peter Grinyov comes to serve in the Belogorsk fortress, where Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov was compete. Mironov lived constantly in the fortress with his wife and daughter Masha. At the first meeting with the daughter of Mironov Peter saw the girl "Yearsmress, a round-blood, ruddy, with light - Rusy hair, smoothly taped behind her ears," she did not make a big impression on him, because Shvabrin called her with a complete fool, and her mother said, That Masha is a stupid panty, from the ruins of the guns, almost fainted. But over time, Grinyow realized that Masha was a very modest, sincere and prudent girl, her simplicity and mentality, she conquered the heart of Peter. He wrote poems for her and decided to show Schwabrin, but he just laughed and advised to buy a couple of servers for her, then he immediately achieved favor. Peter, as a person of honor, could not tolerate such conversations towards the girl and called Schvabrin on a duel, which ended with his injury. While he was wounded, Masha cared for him, did not move away from him. Peter realized that she loved her very much and confessed in his feelings, Masha responded with reciprocity and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. But their plans for a happy marriage were not destined to come true. There are many difficulties in front of them.

At first, Peter's father did not allow him to marry, and Masha could not get married without the blessing of his parents, then Emelyan Pugachev captured the fortress and killed Masha's parents. Greenwavel had to leave the fortress, and Masha after experienced horror sloped in a fever. Already in Orenburg Grinyov received a letter from Masha, in which she wrote that Schvabrin keeps her under the castle on the water and bread, thus causing marry him. She asked Peter help. The general did not want to lead his soldiers to the liberation of the Belogorsk Fortress, and Peter went to save Masha, as he could not leave his beloved in trouble. On the way, he met Pugacheva and told about his misfortune, Emelyan promised to save Syrotot. When they arrived in the fortress, then Pugachev learned from Schvabrin that Masha's daughter Captain, who did not want to go to their side and was killed for it. Pugachev still pardoned Masha, but she didn't even know how to accept such liberation, because Pugachev was the killer of her parents. Peter sends Masha to his parents, and himself remains to serve further, but soon Pugacheva caught and it would seem that now no one can prevent their happiness, but Peter is arrested as Emelyan's accomplice. And the hardness of the character of Masha and its purposefulness opens. She proves his love for Peter, goes to the Empress, to achieve the liberation of Peter, and it all turns out.

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I got an essay on the captain's daughter :) Take someone necessary!))

In the name of love.

The novel "Captain's daughter" tells about the dramatic events of the 70s of the 18th century, when the dissatisfaction of the peasants and residents of Russia's outskirts resulted in the war under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. Initially, Pushkin wanted to write a novel dedicated to only Pugachev movement, but censorship would hardly have missed it. Therefore, the main plot line becomes the love of a young nobleman Peter Greenieva to the daughter of the captain of the Belogorsk fortress Masha Mironova.

In the "Captain Daughter" simultaneously develops several storylines. One of them is the story of Love Peter Greeneva and Masha Mironova. This love line continues throughout the novel. At first, Peter reacted to Masha negatively due to the fact that Schwabrin described her "I breathe foolish." But then Peter meets her closer and discovers that she is "noble and sensitive." He falls in love with her, and she also responds to him.

Grineh loves Masha very much and for her very much. He proves it more than once. When Schvabrin degrades Masha, grieving quarrels with him and even shoots. When in front of Peter it is worth choosing: to comply with the decision of the general and stay in a deposited city or respond to the desperate cry of Masha "You have one patron saint, stand up for me, poor!", Grine leaves Orenburg to save her. During the trial, risking life, he does not consider it possible to call the name of Masha, afraid that she will be subjected to a humiliating interrogation - "it occurred to me that if I name it, the Commission will require her to answer; and the thought is inhaling it between beats Villas and its very lead to an embezzle ... ".

But the love of Masha to the Ginoves deep and deprived of any egoistic motives. She does not want to marry him without parental consent, thinking that, otherwise, Peter will not have happiness. "With a timid" panty "she, by the will of circumstances, is reborn into a decisive and persistent heroine, who managed to achieve justice. She goes to the courtyard of the Empress to save his beloved, defend his right to happiness. Masha was able to prove the innocence of Greeneva, in the Erity of his oath. When Shvabrin wounds Greeneva Masha worshiped him, "Marya Ivanovna did not leave me." Thus, Masha will save Greenieva from shame, death and links just as he saved her from shame and death.

For Peter Greeneva and Masha Mironova, everything ends safely, and we see that no informances of fate will never be able to break a person if he is configured to fight for his principles, ideals, love. A unprincipled and dishonest man who is an unaware sense of duty, often expects the fate to stay alone with his ships, lowness, meanness, without friends, loved ones and just loved ones.

Like this It often happens, through the fate of simple, ordinary people, the story is laid on their way. And these fates become bright "color of time". Who is the main character in the "Captain daughter" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? Representative of the People's Thought of Pugachev and Pugachev? Independent, free in his relationship to Pugachev? Honest captain Mironov and his wife? Their daughter Masha? Or maybe the people himself?

In the "Captain Daughter" The innermost thought is much deeper and more significant. Yes, as it would be hidden in the image of the narrator, the Russian officer, the contemporary of Pugachevsky uprising, not only a witness, but also a participant in historical events. But it seems to me that in any way you can not forget about human relations, about the strength and depth of people's senses. All in the story is full of mercy. Pugachev was supposed to pardon Greeneva, because one day the Grinewan saw a man in Pugachev and cannot already forget this Pugachev. He loves and tearfully regrets Marwan Ivanovna, Syrotot, who has no close to anyone around all over the world, Grinev. He loves and saves her knight from the terrible fate of the dishonor of Marya Ivanovna.

Greatness of love! As accurately and briefly describes the author of Captain Greenieva, when he, anxious for the fate of Marya Ivanovna, entered the curfew. A rapid view of Grinevo took a terrible picture of the defeat: "Everything was empty; chairs, tables, chests were fermented; Tableware is interrupted, everything is cleaned. " In Svetlice, Marya Ivanovna is all interruption; Grinev presented it in the hands of Pugachevtsev: "The heart broke ... I truly uttered the name of my kind." In a short scene, the complex feelings that swept the young hero were transferred to a small number of words. We see and fear for your loved one, and the willingness to save Masha by all means, and impatient to learn about the fate of the girl, and the transition from despair to sober calmness.

We know, As the captain Grinev, and Masha - Face Fiction, but without them we could not imagine, our knowledge of the life of the XVIII century would be poor. And then we would have no thoughts about honor, human dignity, love, self-sacrifice, which appear when reading "Captain's daughter". Grinev did not leave the girl in a difficult moment and went to the Belogorsk fortress, occupied by Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that she was not her husband. She said: "He's not my husband. I will never be his wife! I better decided to die, and die, if I don't get rid of me. " After these words, Pugachev understood everything: "Come out, the Red Maiden; I give you will. " Masha saw a man who was the killer of her parents, but at the same time and her delight. From an excess of contradictory feelings, she lost consciousness.

Pugachev let go Grneev With Masha, saying:

  • "Take your beauty; Where do you want to go, and give you God Love yes advice! " Greeneva's parents adopted Masha well: "They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor syrot. Soon they were famously attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love. "

Love Greeneva to Masha no longer seemed to be his parents "Empty Blazew", they only wanted to marry their son to the captain's daughter. Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Mironov, was worthy of his parents. She took them the best: honesty and nobility. It is impossible not to compare it with other Pushkin heroines: Masha Trocery and. They have a lot in common: they all grew up in solitude on the village of Nature, once loving, each of them remained forever true to her feeling. Just did not accept the fact that the fate prepared her, but began to fight for her happiness. Inborn dedication and nobility forced the girl to overcome timidity and go to see the intercession of the Empress itself. As we know, she has achieved excuse and liberation of a loved one.

TrulyThe power of love is huge. So throughout the novel gradually changed the character of this girl. From the timid, short-sighted "panty" she became a bold and decisive heroine, able to defend their right to happiness. That is why Roman is named "

Alexander Pushkin himself did not know the numerous examples of courage and cowardice, because he lived in an era, when to hide the character manifestations was almost impossible. Duel, Military Service, Hunting, Maps - All Entertainment Nature demanded a demonstration of courage and protection of honor. Maybe that's why the writer has invested his strength to create a historic mirror of the past era, where the moral advantages and imperfections of man were even more obvious. On the pages of the work, he tried to give a lesson to his generation and those who would be replaced, to teach people the true virtues of the soul. In particular, in the "Captain Daughter" you can find convincing arguments on the theme "courage and cowardice" that will help graduates in writing a final essay in this area.

  1. An example of a brave person is the main character of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter". He shows his courage in the defense of the fortress when the rebels are attacked. Peter rushed into battle and did not mind the honor of the nobleman. But much more shakes his refusal of oath Pugachev, who promises martyrdom. However, the grove is not from timid, and he does not think himself by the traitor. This feature respects even the enemy. Therefore, the next heroic act falls on his share after the liberation from the fortress. The young man helps Masha, and at the same time hesitated command. As a result, it wants to condemn it for the formal "treason. But in this situation, the Grinev is not justified and does not regret his act, because courage in man is often neighboring conscientious, honor and dignity.
  2. Phenomenal cowardice depicts Pushkin in the story "Captain's daughter". Schvabrin becomes a traitor to the bone's brain due to the fault of his all-consuming fear. Alexey is ready for anything, just to avoid danger. For example, he drops his dignity, using a dishonest admission to a duel with Peter. To avoid competition from his part, he also comes in a treat: Files in the cavaller's eyes. But the lowest act was the oath of the Bunchovshchik Pugachev, to which he prepared in advance, anticipating defeat. So, the cowardice caused the moral decomposition of the person.
  3. The courage demonstrate not only men. The heroine of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter" became brave due to the tragic circumstances: her family killed rebels during the capture of the fortress. She remained alone in the enemy camp, and even alone with a pet-traitor, who forced her to marry him forcibly. In such a situation, not every girl could cope with feelings. But Marya patiently demolished the test while they did not need decisive actions. When Peter was arrested for going to her revenue, she went to the Empress and risked asking for a "traitor." The young heroine without ties and help at the court went to seek salvation of her beloved. The queen was touched by her story and pardon Greeneva. This is how the courage of the "city takes".
  4. Savelich, a secondary hero of the story "Captain's daughter", is also an example of courage in the work. Although he and the Hop, but not afraid of his Mr., and respects him. When the Grineal is played in the card, his servant is inadefully bumps him and angry. The young gentleman holds and replies passionately, but the peasant is famous for his grip: he still convinces the young man in his rightness, without fear of punishment that any nobleman could apply. But the most courageous deed of the hero is the salvation of Peter from Pugachev's wrath. It was Savelich who seeks the pardon of Greeneva, reminding Pugachev about the service rendered to him by Barin. The slave is not afraid of death and opposes the harsh rebel, departing the owner. But he could betray him, hurrying to those who just defended his interests on the political arena. So he would acquire freedom. But courage elevates man, making it also honest towards others.
  5. The cowardice in love shows Schvabrin, trying to cunning and dishonest behavior to get the heart of Marya. He is afraid to appear in front of her, as it is, without false and endless palls. The hero is not capable of frank recognition. He just hurts the girl, instead of causing attention and care. His feelings are also impregnated with fear, as he himself, and the heroine feels it, therefore prefers to another person. It is not surprising, because people really do not really like the fearlessness and the insecurity of a person in actions, words and feelings. Therefore, the absence of courage can damage not only on the grave field, but also in personal life.
  6. The cowardice to some extent manifests itself in the behavior of Father Greeneva, who refuses his son in blessing. His fear can be understood: the Son could be deceived from mercenary motives. Still, the state of Marya was incomparably with the wealth of Peter. The girl hardly had the foundation to claim such an unequal marriage. The hero was afraid that she was just a mercenary and hypocritical person who wants to get out of the dirt in the prince. " But he was afraid of the fate of the heir - this feeling can be understood and justified, so it cannot be said that one or another cowardly act is always dictated by the lowness of man. Sometimes this behavior is quite expensive, because we are talking about the most expensive hearts of people.
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Theme of love in poetry A.S. Pushkin.

© Aksenovskaya Z.E.

"Captain's daughter".

In 1836, at the end of his life, A. S. Pushkin wrote one of the most beautiful works - "Captain's daughter". He seemed to fulfill his promise given in the lyrical retreats of the 3rd chapter "Eugene Onegin":

Perhaps the will of heaven,

I will stop being a poet

A new coffee is settled in me ...

Humiliate to despicable prose;

Then the novel on the old way

Wear a cheerful my sunset.

But just retell you

Loyal of the Russian family

Love captivating dreams

Yes, the morals of our old days.

(Wrote A.S. Pushkin in 1824).

Pushkin is married. He had a big family, for whose well-being he is responsible before God. Now life has set new questions before him: what should be the relationship between family members? What is the role of father in the family? What is the role of mother? How to educate children? What is the family, her goal?

He answered all these questions in the "Captain daughter". But even before that, the novel existed a book that gave detailed answers to many of these issues is "Domostroy". And we feel that it is studied by Pushkin. The poet belongs to the words: "Genius from one glance opens the truth." And with the turnout of the genius, seeing her essence, its rational grains and, therefore, the Orthodox point of view on the family (the "Domostrous" is based on the teachings of the Holy Fathers about the family, the economy), he creates his opinion on the family in the work of the "Captain Daughter".

Fedotovin one of his articles, he said that "the longer Pushkin lives, the deeper the Christian seeds grow in it." The novel "Captain's daughter" he wrote on the eve of his death (for three months), and it seems to me that this is the work of the "most Orthodox" at A. S. Pushkin.

Father's theme.

It should be noticed that one of the most important topics in the "Captain daughter" is the theme of his father, his role in the family.

Turn to Christianity, how does it say about the Father?

Heaven Father acts primarily as the father of merciful, infinitely loving and forgiving. In the people they say something like this: it is long-sensitive and a multi-facing.

"The Lord does not hesitate to fulfill the promise, as some worship that slowness; but long tolerates us, not wanting to die, but that everyone came to repentance"

God is a loving father. He is unusually close to us, but you need to contact him with perfect reverence and trepidation - will be your will! Christianity speaks about the vertical attitude of the Creator to the creature, to man.

This is exactly what we see in the family of Grinemen from the Father to the Households: what the Father said is the final and irrevocable decision, and the discussion is not subject to discussion. Moreover, it is accepted in advance as the only right and fair and son, and mother. Without the blessing of the father, Peter does not take a single fateful act. (Neither departure to the service, no marriage).

Yes, and in another family - Mironovy - the same way. When everyone became clear that the case, brewed by Pugachev, takes a steep turnover, Vasilisa Egorovna said: "Ivan Kuzmich, in the abdomen and in the death of God Wares: Bless Masha. Masha, come to the Father." And in this family, the Father is chapter. Without it, no dinner is starting.

In both families of this work a vertical relationship. These are exactly what should be, according to Pushkin. Interesting the fact that after the wedding A. S. Pushkin, his mother-in-law - Natalia Ivanovna - tried to take control of his family into his hands. But she failed, and thus Pushkin proved that the man is the owner in the house. He also believed that the blessing of his father was especially important.

Why do you certainly need the blessing of the father? What does it mean?
In the book of Syrach, read;

"The blessing of the Father approves the houses of children" (Syrah 3,9).

"Do not look for glory in your dishonlest of your father, because you are not glory to your father's dishonor. The glory of a person is from his father." (Syrah 3.10).

The blessing of the Father, as we see, is of great strength.

So, Pushkin's opinion coincides with the truths of the Bible.

The husband is the head of the family, not because he is a man, but because he is a way of Christ in the family. Father must show the image of the love of the limitless, love of devotees, selfless, love, which is ready for everything to save, protect, console, delight, raise your family.

The lack of understanding of the role of the Father as the governor of the Heavenly Father, responsible before God for the family, leads to distortion of all spiritual life, and as a result, and family.

"Captain's daughter" gives an answer to the question of what the role of mother in the family.

Mother's theme.

If the father is a governor of God on Earth, then the Mother of God is a prime for a woman. Such an understanding was in the people.

The attitude of Pushkin to the Virgin was difficult. I remember the creative spring 1821. It occupies a special place, in my opinion, in the history of his work.

The passionate week of 1821 came between April 5-11. It was an alarming week: the poet wrote a "revile" and a program of a blasphemous poem, complete sensuality and shamelessness. The poem is known called "Gavrilliada",since her hero is Archangel Gabriel. In the poem 500 lines, part of it is carefully finished, it means that it is not immediately written with Mahi, although there is not a single draft, not a single autograph reached us. The poet destroyed everything. He will write: "The incomprehensible excitement of me to the flaws attracted."

Skilled demons, twisted the poet to this fatal passionate week. Although it was also wrote a light "muse" and suddenly, interrupting the "anthems of important, inspired by the gods," drowning "to high love", rushing into his singing other, giggling voices, minor demons flashes around him.

After a year and a half, P. Vyazemsky was sent this joke among other "packs". Vyazemsky was delighted with "Gavrilliad" and wrote: "Pushkin sent me one of his beautiful prank." And he is alone, but many enthusiastic Russian readers of the flat, obscene Voltaire "Virgin", "love adventures in the Bible" and "war of the gods" guys accepted and approved "Gavrilliada" as a fun joke. They would not squeeze jokes over liberal ideas, but the mother was allowed over the Mother of God.

In the "Gavrilliad" for the last time the remnants of the initial French literary influences, frivolous blessing, among which the Book Youth of Pushkin was held.

The last lines of this poem sound like a terrible prophecy. These lines are especially scary for us who know what the poet was waiting for the poet:

But days flow, and Sedino's time

My chapter is contemporary

And an important marriage with a kind wife

Connect me before altar;

Joseph Lovely Comforter!

I pray you, knee worsch

Oh, horns, the intercessor and the keeper,

I pray, then bless me.

Give me blissful patience

I pray you, let me go again and again

Calm sleep, in the spouse,

In the family of the world and to neighbor love.

Exactly demons, crying and laughing, in the magic mirror vaguely outlined his own future in front of the poet. And he laughed with them, not knowing what was laughing at himself. But, as you know, "what you wake up, that will serve."

In 1828, it was about "Gavrilliad" and something terrible is that a blasphemy poem made a sincere honest Pushkin to lie, to humiliate, renounced, Pushkin, who never renounced political poems, even the sharpest.

In 1826, when the poet already created "Prophet"he suddenly writes "" You're a Mother of God, there is no doubt ... "He doesn't beat the image of a woman who aroused love for himself. She takes into the world of Amur, God of love, so it becomes a" Mother of God. "And immediately playful thoughts reversed To the true Virgin. Why is such a powerfulness? Why a poet who had "a classic feeling of measures and not mistaken artistic taste" (I.A. Ilyin)no desire to stop. There is still no, unfortunately, a true reverence of thought about God, about spiritual. Although in the fairy tale "On the dead princess and seven heroes" Tsarevna "Mrojek Meeks such".

In poem "Madonna"(1830) Pushkin paints the Virgin and her baby like this:

She is with greatness, he is with a mind in the eyes -

Looked looked, meek, in glory and rays

My desire was fulfilled. Creator

You sent me, you, my Madonna.

Yes, he loves Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharov. Yes, it is beautiful, but in its comparison comparison
makes almost blasphemous. The ending line of the sonnet sounds fake:

The purest charm of the purest sample

The word "charm" in the dictionary IN AND. Dalygives in such a interpretation:

seduction, charm, which seduces to the highest extent; Deception, temptation, cunning, cunning, cunning, seduction from evil spirit.

Pushkin has the word "charm" sounds in a positive meaning.

This is the background of this issue. But in the "Captain's daughter" at Pushkin at the Virgin, a look at an absolutely Orthodox person. To make sure that we turn to the life of the Mother of God.

God's mother possessed many virtues, but the highest three of them: the deepest humility, flame love for God, clean and spiritual purity.

If the mother will have these qualities, the world, peace, prosperity, order will come in the house. According to "Domostroju", the family had a clear separation of duties, the division of labor between spouses. In the "Domostroy" she is a household house, so many women have inherent "strong courage and an immutable mind - quality, of course, men, which is why they could firmly manage the other home - Russia. Russian history shows a solid Russian character and princess Olga, and Martha Posted by. But the last word in the family was still behind the father. He had the right to punish, carried out general leadership in the house.

In the novel two families. Let's see what the role of mother in the family.

Family grine.

In the house of the grieving economy is engaged in mother. We will find her for cooking jam, literally on the very first pages.

When her husband took her son's passport, he turns to his wife, she knows where and what lies, there should be an order in the house.

The basis of life was work, hence the sharp condemnation of laziness, idleness, drunkenness - everything that distracts from work.

Peter went on the seventeenth year, and he still chases the pigeons and playing the air serpent. Father sharply changes his lifestyle: "So that has not been hung."

The thought about the ambulance "so struck the mother that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face." She knew the character of her husband: "He did not like to change his intentions, nor postpone their execution." But this, as you can see, I knew Peter, knew and respected my father for it. "He had a word did not disperse with the case." He was appointed and the day of the departure of Petrushi. He, as it should be, was preparing on the road, the mother took care. Conducting a son, "in tears" punished his health. This shows us her humility.

When Peter Andreich "loaded" in the Simbirsk Tractor, Savelich read him instruction: "... And who did you go? It seems neither the father, nor the grandfather drunkards; about Mother and there is nothing to say: ... inadener, except kvass, in The mouth did not want to take anything ... "Savelyich's replica is also a characteristic of Petra's parents.

Recall another episode where we see the role of the mother in the house of Grievo: "Brochka Palashka ... and Korovnitsa Akulka, - as Peter Grnev writes in his memoirs, - with a plan, complaining about Musoe, who seduced inexperienced them, rushed her mother in her legs, waters In criminal weakness. " And continues: "Mother did not like to joke with this and complained to the father" (remember, only father could punish). Stretch in such a situation, do not punish - this is indulgent. So on individual strokes, the image of Mother Peter Greeneva is quite clearly charged. Each family has children. Railing children is a difficult matter. The topic of education is in the gospel.

We know the four Gospels, but in them the Mother of God belonging to the phrases - just a few.

First episode. When Jesus was 12 years old, they came to Jerusalem for a holiday. At the end

the holiday was returned home. He was not between relatives and acquaintances. Do not find it, returned to Jerusalem, looking for him. Found it in three days "in the temple sitting in the middle of teachers who listen to them and ask him; ... And the mother told him to him: Choo! What did you do with us? Here, your father and I looked for you and I searched for you" [LK . 2,45,48].

But in the field of Grinemen there is a similar episode. Having learned about the wound on the duel with Song, the father writes in the letter to his son: "Your mother, having learned about your duel, Samenka and now lies." And also lines: "What of you will be? I pray God, so that you corrected, although I have no hope for his great mercy."

Mother broke away from the thought that the son could be killed. Maybe, no less terrible thought flashed: "Whether he was confused with the true way." Petra's parents, too, probably mentally exclaimed: "Chado! What did you do with us?"

We see great maternal love, but also sown too. Having received a letter from the Father, Peter says: "... Most of all upset me about the Mother's Illness." He always says the word "Mother" in relation to her. Yes, and her father calls her so much, it means that he loves, regrets, with all the rigor, even the severity of his character.

The whole life of the Mother of God has passed in anxiety for his son. Recall the next episode from her life.

After a forty-day post, the Lord returned to Galileo. He taught in synagogues and was glorifying. He came to Nazareth, where he was raised, and also taught in the synagogue. But envious scribes and Pharisees began to talk between themselves: what is this new teaching? We know this teacher. He is the son of a carpenter, Galileanin. Mocking and curses fell on it. Jesus accused them. Their hearts were filled with rage, they kicked Jesus from the city and led to the top of the mountain, to overthrow him from there. At this time, the Virgin Mary was in Nazareth, she hurried there. In fierce cries and evil persons, Nazaren, the Mother of God understood what horrors threaten her son. But it did not come for another hour. Jesus was unavigated between them, and retired from Nazareth.

Tradition Indicates the place of events: this mountain is located on the south side of Nazareth. And on the upper ledge of the first Christians in memory of the flour, transferred here by the Mother of God, was built "Church of the Frightened Mother".

Each mother can be put on such a "church of frightened mother." Including Mother Peter Greens.

The worst event of the whole life of the Virgin Mary is the crucifix of the son, her upcoming cross. In the Gospel of John says: "In the Cross of Jesus, his mother was standing, and the mother's sister ..." Nowhere is not an indication that she said at least a word. Couples from suffering, silent and watched. Do we have the words that she could console her son, besides, she knew that he was born for this hour. But church poetry says that mother's lips whispered: "Refect the world, receive a deliverance from you, and My warb burning for video, as crucify You... » Mother of God always suffered silently. Silently suffer - it was on Earth her lot. Sometimes they talk about the cause of death like this: blood was heard. So the Mother of God had an eternal excess of invisible martyr's blood.

Each mother has its own Calvary, for the Grinemen's family is the news about the treason of the Son.

When the parents of the grievo received the news that Peter was arrested for participating "in the plans of the rewarders" and that only "from respect for merit and old years" Ekaterina II pardoned Peter and commanded to see "everything was tormented in the remote region of Siberia to the eternal settlement. Aven Arrest "struck everything ... family," and the father "this unexpected strike almost killed."

Peter's mother crying silently, with his father "did not dare cry", "to return to him vigor", "frightened with his despair." When the hearts of the heart are unbearable, so you want to scream, groaned, cry into the voice. And here is such a situation that the mother can not be crying. Then at such moments you are burning with negascique.

Words of Our Lady. "My warb burning " it is better to reflect the state and mother of Peter Greens.

As you can see, the relationship of life of the Mother of God and a simple Russian woman is obvious.

Mironov family.

The story shows another family - the family of Mironov.

Peter Andreevich Grinev arrived to serve in the Belogorsk fortress, I came to the captain of Mironov to introduce themselves, to report on arrival: "I entered the clean room, revealed in ancient."

He seemed to be in his native element. Captain was not, and Vasilis Egorovna ordered everyone, his wife. For her, the fortress is a house. It leads all economic affairs: "I looked at the affairs of the service, both on my master, and managed the fortress as exactly as my house." She ordered to call a ledger and ordered: "Maksimych! Any apartment to Mr. Officer with an apartment, and it is more important to answer Peter Andreevich to Semenu Body." Immediately addresses him with the question: "Well, what, Maximych, is everything safe?"

Everything, thank God, quietly, "the Cossack answered," only Crozh Prokhorov rushed in a bath with Ustinya Negulina for a hot water whip. Here immediately asks:

Ivan Ignatich! - said the captain of the curve an old man. - Obliery Prokhorov with Ustyny, who is right, who is to blame. Yes, both and punish.

The advice is true: both are always to blame.

She herself punishes Greeneva and Schwabrin for a duel. Ivan Ignatich says: "She ordered everyone without the knowledge of the commandant."

Schvabrin coldly noticed that only Ivan Kuzmich can judge them, "this is his business." Commandantusch objected: "... Didn't the husband and wife and the wife are not the spirit and one flesh?"

Grineh was adopted ... "as a native". In the fortress, home hierarchy of values. The rhythm of everyday life dictate "soup" and "guests". Vasilisa Egorovna says Palashka: "Tell Barina: Guests are waiting for, soup is settled." No father start dinner. The head of the house and here is the Father. Dinner Vasilis Egorovna did not shine for a minute and said Peter Grinevo: "And we have, my father, just a shower one girl Palash; Yes, thank God, we live with little girl. One misfortune: Masha; girl on issuing, and what is her Drawing? Fresh crest, yes broom, and Altyn of money (forgive God!), with which to go to the bath. Good, if there is a kind person; and then sit in the girls of the New Yellow. It seems that they live very calmly, but it is apparent calm. Vasilisa Egorovna said out loud what her soul was sick every day. And she, as we see, lived in a constant alert for the fate of his daughter.

In a quiet time, the fortress "ruled" Vasilis Egorovna. But when the fortress was besieged by Pugachev, when it took a steep turn and when the bullets began to whistle past the ears, she climbed, it was climbing to her husband and said: "Ivan Kuzmich, in the abdomen and death of God Wares: bless Masha. Masha, come." Next, she says: "We will send Masha. Don't ask me in a dream: I will not go. I have nothing to part with you, yes, look for a lonely grave on someone else's side. Together to live together and dying."

AnthonySurozhskyhe wrote that for the sake of her husband and the wife should "leave everything, to forget everything, from all to tear away from love for him and follow him, wherever he went, if necessary, even on suffering, if necessary - on the cross."

So Vasilis Egorovna received.

So, in the "Captain daughter" two families.

In both marriages, parents are imprisoned. Vasilisa Egorovna and Avdota Vasilyevna were women, wives, hostess, mothers.

Peter Greneva's father "married Device Avdata Vasilyevna Yu., Daughters of the poor nobleman." On the poor, forced usually do not get married. Lived in consent. Married the maiden. Stressed Pushkin. He has every word in his place.

Blessing her daughter, Captain Mironov said: "If there is a kind man, God forbid you love yes advice. Live how I lived with Vasilisa Egorovna." And in this family, love reigned, the world, held for her love to each other.

But this family world began with the image of a girl, which then becomes an obscene wife. Let's see how and how paints the image of the girl by the author of the work.

For the first time we see Masha Mironov's eyes in the eyes of Peter Greeneva: "There was a girl of the Yezmen, a round-born, ruddy, with light rusia hair, smoothly combed for her ears, which she had and burned." Last minute ears talk about her modesty. Next, read: "At first glance, it is not very ... liked." Grinevo, because Schvabrin described her "I breathe foolish." She entered the "sat in the corner and began to sew." And Masha was brought up by the idleness. And how his words sound sound: "I found a prudent and sensitive girl in it." By that time, he had a look at his girlfriend. "Primitiveness", according to G., this is reasonable in words and actions, everyday wisdom, useful caution and calculation. "Sensitive" is an impressionable, who has sharp feelings, strongly developed moral feelings, again in Gal.

Peter Andreyevich takes the wife of a noverant. But Savelich's rights, saying, "that such a bride is not needed and dowry." Her prudence, her purity, chastity, the fire of love her to God is the best of her dowry.

Holy Physical Body is extremely extolled. It's not by chance that the Lord, Jesus Christ, wondered to have his mother clean, enjoying her flesh pure, as in the royal porphyra, "according to the fathers of the church.

Feat of virgin, chastity about which Rev. SeraphimSarovskyhe spoke about how about the highest feat, today it takes special beauty. "The virginity is the highest of all virtues of virtue. And if they had a lack of other good deeds, then it would be one enough for all other virtues of replacement - the virgin is the state of the angelic, Masha possessed the purity of spiritual and bodily - These are the features of the Mother of God. She also has a fiery love for God.

Marya Ivanovna is hard in faith, like flint. A poor girl watches Swabrin, "a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition." But she does not marry him. Why? Here is her answer: "... But I'll think about it will be necessary under the crown at all with him to kiss ... for nothing! for any well-being! " She, beggar, does not want to get material well-being such a price. In the face of God, people lie, what loves the unloved! She does not want uncleanness, insincerity of the heart. She wants to be clean not only by the body and soul, but also rubbish. Peter's father first did not give the blessing to the son of marriage with the captain's daughter: he did not know then that this girl was behind the treasure. And she refused to marry Greenwood without the blessing of his parents, holding away from sin and Peter. Then she tells him: "I, if you will love another ... I will pray for you." Please note "for you", not "for you." This is a sample of pure, high Christian love. She never told her parents across. Pushkin emphasizes her humility, meekness, purity spiritual and bodily, chastity, hot love for God, that is, Masha has the features of the Mother of God. And for her purity, the Lord awards her prudence - prudence, and the dear reasoning is given to those, "who is a pure heart, body and mouth" ("sotic"). Fathers of the church say that "humility is the ability to see the truth." And she is given. She gives a faithful assessment to Schvabrina, speaking of him: "He is very contracted to me, and strange: I didn't want to be in the world, so that I didn't like him as much." She saw His malice.

Pushkin thus wants to say that the parents of Masha Mironova fulfilled their task, his parental purpose, raising a wonderful daughter.

Pushkin, when she got married to Natalia Nikolaevna, also asked for his parents of blessings:

"I ask your blessing not as simple formalness, but because it necessary for our happiness. Let the second half of my life bring you more consolation than sad youth. "

As you can see, he came to understanding the need for this. But he also understood the other: the power of the mother's prayer. His letters to his wife very often ended with the words:

"Christ is with you, my children ... Mashka, Sasha redhead and you kiss and baptize. Lord with you ... Forgive, all mine. Christ is risen, Christ with you ... I hug you, children bless you too. Everyone Whether the day you pray, standing in the corner. " (July 14, 1834)

"Thank you for praying to God on your knees in the middle of the room. I'm glad to pray a little and hope that your pure prayer is better than mine for me and for us" (August 3, 1834).

And these were not just the ritual words, but an expression of genuine feelings. With native, expensive people Pushkin did not play with the words, the more so: he knew her price too well.

Recall the next episode. Marya Ivanovna went to St. Petersburg "to seek patronage and help from strong people, like a daughter of a man who suffered for his loyalty." Peter's mother prayed for her son, about the successful end of the case. There is nothing above the prayer of the mother. And she helps her son. It is said: Mother's prayer from the bottom of the sea will give. So they say only about the prayer of the mother. His understanding of his mother's prayer was postponed on the pages of the story.

AND. BUT. Ilyinwrites:

"Pushkin was looking for all life and studied ... and what he found, he found not distracted only by thinking, but his own being. He is gone what he taught to be. He taught not learning, and not wanting to teach, but becoming the embodiment. "

Recall: "The marriage is a kind of asceticism, renunciation. Strict, religious, moral marriage is only a slightly relaxed monasticism - at the same time or with children's students," wrote K. Leontyev.

In the church over the heads of the marriages are wedges, these crowns are symbols of martyrdom. Martyrdom Because a person is solved to live for another, having survived through his egoism and abandoning life for himself. And it is not for one day, but for life.

After all, love is a desire, the desire to pay themselves to all. That was what I understood the marriage of Pushkin.

It is this emphasizes in his article about Pushkin an outstanding Russian philosopher IN. FROM. Soloviev.

ABOUT raising.

In the "Captain's daughter" clearly visible the theme of education. We will listen to what the fathers of the Church say about it.

"Everyone for parents should be minor in comparison with care for the education of children," she taught JohnZlatoust.

A. S. Pushkin wrote from Mikhailovsky brother:

"Do you know my classes? Before lunch I am writing notes," I lingered late; After lunch, I ride a horse, in the evening I listen to the fairy tales - and I reward the flaws of the damned upbringing. "What the beauty of these fairy tales" (1824, November). We know that Pushkin did not receive proper education in childhood.

He will say again: "No upbringing is the root of all evil." (He judges, apparently, about it on his own experience).

But in the story, parents work and children were raised by hardworking. In the house of Mironov, always clean, Masha's daughter knew how to sew.

In the house of the Grievo mother, the mother is always at work, but the son did not pour, they did not want him to be a slacker, and gave him to the service.

"Education ... must inform the child a new way of life. Its main task is not in the filling of memory and not in the formation of intelligence, but in the ignition of the heart," said that AND. BUT. Ilyin, wonderful Russian philosopher, about the purpose of upbringing.

Parents in both families were believing people and children raised such: lit the hearts of children of their fire of great love for God. In all difficult moments, all members of the Grinemen family live, moped by God's mercy. But Pushkin at the end of life came to the same thought: the main thing task families is upbringing children in Bog, believers and living by laws God.

Educationw.Grinevyplays a very important role. The main in the family is the Father (as already noted), and its order is part of the education of Peter Greeneva. Peter Andreevich never dismisses his parents, and it shows us his prudence. An excellent example for the son is his father, who was a "venerable person", as his general calls him. His parents from early childhood cared for the upbringing of the Son. They hire a French teacher to him, so that he was raised not worse than others. But, having learned about Metsie Bopry's traits, my father immediately removes him from a teenager. By this, he is intuitively follows the truth of the Gospel: "Do not be deceived: the worst communities corrupt good morals..

Visual examples that the upbringing of children in the families of the Grine and Mironov really managed, again we find in Tale:

When Peter was arrested, they put a chain on his feet and stuck her tightly, he realized that such a beginning was not foreshadowed anything good, and therefore "resorted to the consolation of all the mournful and, first tasted the sweetness of prayer with a clean, but confused heart, calmly He fell asleep without taking care of what would be with me. " Completely revealed on the will of God. Peter in critical moments always relies only on God. When Pugachev took the fortress, hung the commandant of the fortress, Ivan Ignatievich, the queue was for Peter. When Pugachev gave the team: "Having to hang it!", Peter "began to read a prayer for himself, bringing sincere repentance in all the sakes and praying for the salvation of all the closest to my heart." Peter loves his father very much. He dreams sleep: he arrived "on the Barsky yard ... estate." He even averaged in a dream: "My first thought was a fear that the father would not warm me at me for the involuntary return to the roof of the parent and would not have walked for deliberately disobey." This is not a fear of punishment, it is the fear of losing your father's love.

Peter Grineve, when she sent Masha in his family, did not worry about her fate, as he knew that she would be accepted by his parents "With the sincere French, which was distinguished by the people of the old century. They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and We have a poor sirot. " He says so highly about his parents. Being away from home, he understood what his parents were.

Love God and in the family of Mironov. Blessing her daughter, the father gives Masha's order: "Pray to God: He will not leave you."

After already the death of the father and mother, left without a bed, without a piece of bread, "without having a relatives, nor patrons," she writes Peter Grinove in the note: "God was pleased to deprive me suddenly the father and the mother" ... we, the present, When we happen trouble, perceive everything differently - as a punishment, and only ask: "Lord, why did you punish me?! Why me?" We are a rapid, and she thanks God and for suffering. Maria Ivanovna is so believed to God that always and relies on his love, knowing that he did everything for the benefit of man. It often affects the modern reader. Pushkin understood everything right: it is necessary to thank God and for grief, and for the joy.

When Ivan Kuzmich was late for dinner, Vasilis Egorovna says to him: "... I would sit at home, and God prayed, so it would be better ..."

That is, quite one faith and everything will be fine - for the first time this idea was expressed by Pushkin. Later she will be expressed F.. M.. Dostoevskyas a result of his reflection:

"The Russian people are all in Orthodoxy. More in it and he does not have - and it is not necessary, because Orthodoxy everything."

About it says and "selected places from correspondence with friends":

"This church (Orthodox) ... one in the power to resolve everything ... Our questions."

Masha and Peter's love passed the test of life. For the sake of Machi rides from Orenburg to Stan Pugachev, to bring it from Schwabrin. But she agreed to die better, but not to be a wife of Schvabrin. They adequately passed through all the tests that have fallen out to each other, and deserve each other, because people say that a good husband or wife must be deserved.

Masha and Peter's parents fulfilled their debt, but they also brought up good children.

"The offspring of them is gracious in the Symbirian province."

So it must be, for the Lord himself puts in a person faith in words:

"I was young and made up and did not see the righteous left, and the descendants of his screams asking for bread: he gives every day and loans gives, and his offspring will be in blessing."

[PS. 36, 25-26]

In the epilogue of the novel, and it is said about the prosperity of descendants. Peter, Masha had children, and serfs - just three hundred souls who are now owned by ten people, but they live together, gracious.

Grandchildren continue to develop the traditions of their fathers. They are kind, suggested the author themselves the grandfather's diary, having heard that he was going to write about those times. Store and the letter of Catherine, where the praise "Maud and the heart of the captain's daughter". Praise Catherine can be proud of, for she was a good connoisseur of people (by IN. ABOUT. Klyuchevsky).


So, in the "Captain daughter" three images of a woman. In three images - the fate and a sample of a Russian woman in the concept of Pushkin. From the bride (Masha Mironova) to his wife, which will go to Calvary for the sake of her husband (Vasilisa Egorovna). Is it not his look at the woman, on the family, to upbringing and for the future of children.

"Captain's daughter", in my opinion, the great repentance of Pushkin in front of the Mother of God and his last forgive with his already past mother.

Once Pushkin about the Gospel said this way: "There is a book, every word is interpreted, explained, preached at all ends of the earth, applied to all possible circumstances of life and incident of the world." He in the story just showed the correlation of the fate of a Russian woman with the fate of the Mother of God, the main milestones, the stages of her lives are also milestones, the stages of the fate of any woman: a girl, a clean soul and body, modest; When married, becoming his wife and mother, begins his eternal discharge of martyrish invisible blood: "Chado! What did you do with us! "," My womb is burning! "," Church of a frightened mother. "

And this correlation is obvious, besides, it is one of the criteria for assessing women's fate.

Final reflections on the topic.

We survived with a poet's pure youth love with her fooling from fear and trembled by his heart; And numbness of mouth from the greatness of grief of unrequited love; But the completeness of happiness, where

And deity and inspiration

And life, and tears, and love;

And also jealousy to the crossed of the teeth and self-denial in the name of happiness beloved: "... God God for your beloved to be different" as you were loved by me.

Life is difficult, she collided the poet with the problem of a love triangle, that is, "freedom of feelings." Pushkin told us that the freedom of feelings would always paint the life into tragic tones, and suggested permission from the problem, salvation: "I will be a century to him," that is, the execution of debt. The decision is true, because as a poet in the flour, in Boring with your conscience, with his passionate heart.

He is against such love when only lust of the bodies is satisfied when "everything goes into the body", he is for real, clean, high love. Beauty is purity.

In recent years, he is famous for his virgus. Moreover, he warns readers that love that serves only the satisfaction of lust, perverts the nature of a person, its nature, which we are witnessing today.

How modern Pushkin! We all want to put it somewhere on the far regiment, and he does not remove into academic desert. He is alive, always contemporary and for his versatility and genius the eternal satellite and mentor.

The writer with his ingenious story "Captain's daughter" answered very many questions (they are indicated at the beginning of work). But I would like to pay attention to the fate of the Russian woman in the work. We clearly see the correlation of her with the life of the Virgin and her destiny. Milestones and stages of her lives are milestones and stages of the life of the earthly woman: the nurse with his mental and bodily cleanliness, meekness and humility; Life in marriage, almost equal to monastic ascetic, full alarms, tragedy, when lips often, baked from grief, whisper: "Chado! What did you do with us? "," My womb is burning ... "Every woman has his own Calvary, and every woman can put their church frightened mother.

Of course, we all understand that the Son of the Mother of God piled the sins of the world and the suffering of Our Lady of immense. Blastingly even compare the flour of the Mother of God and the flour of a simple woman. We carry only our sins, but by the gliblies of our and this cargo seems to us terrible and inappropriate.

Words spoken by the Virgin at the wedding party in Cana Galilee: "What he will say, thatmake "- this is a crown, award for any mother. But there may be not every mother about their son, but only the one who has grown a wonderful person.

"Captain's daughter", it seems, the great and humble repentance of Pushkin of the Mother of God, and the last "sorry" of his.


    Ieromona Philadelph "Intercession", M., Russian Spiritual Center, 1992 ..

    Goricus T. Christianity and the modern world. C-PB., "Aletia", 1996

    Ilyin I.A. "Prophetic vocation Pushkin" (article)

    Uncompressive V. Poet and fate. M., "Soviet Writer", 1983

    A.A. Akhmatova article about Pushkin