Download Presentation and Griboedov. Presentation "Griboedov A.S." Presentation to the lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic

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Download Presentation and Griboedov. Presentation "Griboedov A.S." Presentation to the lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic

Patriotic War of 1812 This year, Young Gusar Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was recorded, as many Moscow Nobles, an officer in the militia. But he was not led to participate in the battles: the regiment stood in the rear in the distant Georgia at this time (November 4, 1812) Nina Alexandrovna Chavchavadze was born - "Black Rosa Tiflis", the future wife A.S.Griboyedov

Uncle Sandro is once a joke "Uncle Sandro", as called Griboedov Nina, told his little student: "If you and then try so, I get married to you." But when he visited this house again after 6 years, after returning from Persia, he was not sufficient - he was amazed by the beauty of grew up Nina and its intelligence

Recording in the metric book on the wedding day on August 22, 1828 "Plenipotentiary Minister in Persia His Imperial Majesty Stat Counselor and Kavaler Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov entered into a legitimate marriage with Nino Device, a daughter of Major General, Prince Alexander Chavchavadze and his wife, Prinjea Solwei"

The Church of St. David and the tomb of Griboedov before leaving for Persia Alexander Sergeevich, as if something was the sample, told Nino, that I would like to be buried near the monastery of David. But, seeing the fright wife, hurried to translate everything in a joke, as she was waiting for a child at that time

Rows from the last letter of Griboyedov's wife: "Be patient a little more, my angel, and we will pray to God in order not to be separated by

The tombstone on the grave of A.S. Hriboyedov from Nina tried to hide the death of her husband for a long time, but she learned everything - it led to premature birth and the death of a child, who managed to paint Alexander in honor of the Father. The former, funny and happy Nino, disappeared forever, and appeared light and sorrowful shadow in a black dress of widow

1812 - 1857. Nina Alexandrovna Griboyedov, nee Princess Cavacavadze, died in June 1857, at the age of forty of five incomplete years, during the epidemic cholera who came to Tiflis from Persia. She refused to leave the city like most rich families

Mermontov told Lermontov about our places in its work "Taman". At this time, Taman was a small seaside finite point of a bumpy road from Temryuk. From here Lermontov had to go to Gelendzhik. The poet accidentally fell into the house of smugglers, which served as a material for writing a story.

I.P. Pokhitonov - Kuban Magnifier Artist The famous Kuban artist Ivan Pavlovich Pavlovich Pokhitonov was very talented, but amazing what he did not end the academy or even an art school: he was self-taught. In 1901, Pokhitonov bought a manor in Belarus, where he created dozens of picturesque miniatures. He receives an order from the Russian government - to write ten paintings from the history of the liberation war in Bulgaria. For these works on October 25, 1904, he is elected by an academician of painting, and in 1904 it becomes a member of the "Movement Partnership".

The revolution in 1905 knocks him out of the rut and he leaves for Belgium. After the renunciation of Nicholas II, it is served south, in Ekaterinodar. At first he was struck by the city himself with endless streets, with an amazingly small number of large buildings. Yes, and the center seemed to him imperceptible, everyday: few good shops, no solid hotels, no restaurants - more and more coffee shop. For the winter, the artist leaving a hot key. His paintings are known "courtyard under the snow", "hot key". In Ekaterinodar, Pokhitonov began his friends with F.I. Kovalenko, who, loving art, broke on the purchase of paintings. From February 10 to March 10, 1919, Kovalenko held a personal exhibition of Pokhitonov. After the exhibition, Pokhitonov left the city and went to Ukraine, where later and died.

Creating the first Kuban newspaper on March 30, 1863, the first issue of the Kuban Vedomosti newspaper was published. It was printed on two grades of paper - gray and white, which was why the price of an annual subscription differed. The room consisted of the official and unofficial part. The latter included Kuban news and reprints from the St. Petersburg newspapers. In 1864, there was a delay with the release of the newspaper. The next issue was released only on April 4. After a few years, the newspaper began to be called "Kuban regional statements". With the appointment in 1873, the Karmaline, Vedomosti, in 1873, becomes more interesting. From the nineteenth number 1897, the editor of the unofficial part was E.D. Felitsyn - selfless, tireless researcher. With it, the rubric of the generalistic knowledge and information is introduced, no outstanding event remains unnoticed. The newspaper becomes a topical.

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Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov Mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian ...

Born in the old nobility family. Received a versatile education. In 1806 he entered Moscow University, he graduated from verbal and law faculties in 1810, then he studied at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. In 1812 he entered the army volunteer, but did not participate in hostilities. In 1817, enrolled in the collegium of foreign affairs.

"Woe from Wit" is the main work of Alexander Griboyedov. The intention "grief from the mind", the content of the comedy is connected with the ideas of the Decembrists. For the first time in Moscow in 1831, the comedy of Griboedov, until our time, was a realistic school for many generations of Russian actors.

. "... Respect for Russia and to its requirements, here I need it" In September 1826, Griboedov continued diplomatic activities; Since 1827, he has been instructed to conduct relations with Turkey and Iran. At the end of the Russian-Iranian war, 1826-1828 participated in the development of the Turkmanchai peace treaty favorable for Russia, whose text delivered in March 1828 to St. Petersburg.

In Tiflis, I met her ... delve into her features: that - the shadow of spring was, in the shadow of autumn beauty. No cheerful and not sad, - where it was neither silence reigned everywhere on her face. Directed in April 1828 by the Plenipotentiary Minister of the Resident (ambassador) in Iran, Griboedov took this appointment as a political link. On the way to Iran, Griboedov again spent several months in Georgia; Tbilisi married Nina Chavchavadze, her friend's daughter, Georgian Prince - Poet A. Chavchavadze.

Nina Chavchavadze-Griboedova

Fearing the strengthening of Russian influence in Iran, agents of English diplomacy and reactionary Tehran circles, dissatisfied with the world with Russia, sketched a fanatically tuned crowd into a Russian mission. During the defeat of the Mission, Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was killed. He was buried in Tbilisi on Mount David.

Nina Chavchavadze and Alexander Griboedov were spouses for only six months. In 1857, cholera broke out in Tiflis. Princess refused to leave the city, fell ill and died. On the arch - the inscription in the Georgian language: "Griboedov's ashe is resting here. The monument has erected the monument to this wife Nina, the daughter of the poet Alexander Chavchavadze, in the year 1832.

Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian, but for what my love has experienced!

Diamond "Shah" weighing 87 carats (18g) was presented to the emperor after the death of A.S. Griboedov

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Quiz presentation by comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

In the presentation in the form of a quiz presented the material based on the knowledge of the content of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit", famous to the aphorisms of Griboedov. Quiz can be held ...

Lesson-presentation by comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

The presentation is designed to work in literature lessons in the 9th grade when studying creativity A. S. Griboyedov. This material can also be used when studying the biography of the writer, and when learning KO ...

Griboedov's grave on Mount Mtatsminda, in Tbilisi. City Tiflis. Since 1814, Griboedov settled in St. Petersburg. Sculpture A. Manuilova. Comedy Griboedov "Woe from Wit". With portrait I. Kramsky. A.S. Griboedov. Life and creativity A.S. Griboedov. For sale of peasants with auction. Nina Alexandrovna Griboedov. House of Griboyedovaya in Moscow, under Novinsky. Tombstone monument on the grave of A.S. Griboedov.

"A.Griboyedov" - vacation. Literary activities. The intention "grief from the mind." Service in the East. Arrival to Petersburg. Moscow and Petersburg. Griboedov, embraced by patriotic impulse. Time to return to the Caucasus. Secretary of the Embassy. Comedy Griboyedov. Persian government. Paskevich, relatives of Griboyedov. Political views of Griboedov. Griboyedov testimony. Autocracy and serfdom. Arrest. Griboedov was arrested.

"Famovskoe society" - as you know, the main purpose of the nobility was in the ministry of Fatherland. Attitude to education. The serfdom created the soil for self-affairs, violence against the person. What do not say: although animals, but still kings. Attitude towards wealth. Relationship to marriage. Attitude to the service. Love is pretense, marriage by calculation. Famusovskoe society. It is known that many nobles owned fortress souls.

"Comedy Griboedov" Mount from Wit "" - speaking names in comedy. Century current and century past. Sophia. Winged phrases from comedy. Incoming characters. Love triangle in comedy. Questions for creativity A.S. Griboedov. Romantic nature of conflict. Blessed who believes. The principle of three unity. Materials for learning comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". Lisa. There is no happy end, the vice is not punished. Main characters. Heroes of Comedy Griboyedov.

Biography of Griboyedov - Griboedov and Decembrists. Service in the College of Foreign Affairs. Life and morals of the old noble family. Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian. In Petersburg. Melancholic character. Fatherland. Nina Alexandrovna Griboedov. Lithography. Amazing abilities. Tiflis. Patriotic War. Portraits of Griboedov. Griboedov. Love. A friend of mine. The death of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Our father. Political reference.

"Brief biography of Griboyedov" - a dream of free life. A meeting. Buried in Tiflis. Memories of Griboedov. The comedy produced an indescribable effect. Griboedov. The idea of \u200b\u200b"grief from the mind." Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich (1795 -1829). "Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian ..." Nina Chavchavadze. About comedy. "And the Golden Bag, and Metit to the generals." Manor Khmelita, generic estate of migrable since 1680. Nina Chavchavadze. "Happy hours do not observe."