Lesson plan (senior group) on the topic: Outline of a training lesson in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic Cosmonautics Day. Outline of the lesson on the topic: Cosmonautics Day

Lesson plan (senior group) on the topic: Outline of a training lesson in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic Cosmonautics Day.  Outline of the lesson on the topic: Cosmonautics Day
Lesson plan (senior group) on the topic: Outline of a training lesson in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic Cosmonautics Day. Outline of the lesson on the topic: Cosmonautics Day

Abstract of GCD in the senior group "Cosmonautics Day"

Topic: "Cosmonautics Day"

Target: formation of ideas about the holiday "Day of Cosmonautics", elementary ideas about space, about the first flight into space.


1. To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about space flights: to acquaint with the Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics-K. E. Tsialkovsky, S. P. Korolev. To consolidate the knowledge of children that the first cosmonaut was a citizen of Russia Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

2. To develop memory, speech, observation, logical thinking, interest in knowing the world around.

3. To enrich the children's dictionary with new terms and concepts: weightlessness, the attraction of the earth, satellite, etc.

4. To foster patriotic feelings, pride for our country, for the heroes of the pilots - astronauts who conquered the Cosmos.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Today, guys, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day.

(On April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time in the world. It was a Russian cosmonaut.)

What's his name? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

Educator: Since ancient times, a person dreamed of climbing into the sky, and he made his dream come true. This is how balloons, airplanes, and helicopters appeared. But also your great-great-grandfather could not imagine that it is possible to fly into space. And now there are people who fly there to work.

What are they called?

Children: They are called astronauts.

Who are the astronauts? (Answers of children)

Astronauts are pilots who fly spacecraft. Cosmonauts are also called crew members who conduct research aboard a spacecraft.

Why do you think man wanted to fly into space? (Answers of children)

What helps scientists observe the starry sky? (Answers of children)

Scientists have come up with special instruments - telescopes to observe the starry sky.

What could they see through telescopes? (Children's answers) slide show, illustrations.

They could see other planets

What planets do you know? (Answers of children)

Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets. People really wanted to know if there is life on other planets. And if there is, who lives there? Do these living things look like humans? But to find out, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes are not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away.

And what did the scientists come up with? (Rockets, spaceships)

Who was the first in Russia to invent a rocket? (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky) showing a portrait.

(There lived in the city of Kaluga a simple teacher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, studied them and he really wanted to fly to these planets. And he planned to design such an aircraft that could fly to any planet. He made drawings, carried out calculations and came up with such an aircraft, but, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to make such an aircraft.)

Who, after all, made such an aircraft? (Answers of the children - Sergey Pavlovich Korolev (showing the portrait) - a designer scientist who after many, many years was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite. tell about his journey, and a man went into space.)

The first flight into space was made by our cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. An ordinary Russian guy. We are proud that OUR Russian man flew into space first. (Slide show). Before joining the cosmonaut corps, he served as a fighter pilot in the aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet. What do you think Gagarin had to do to become an astronaut?

Children: exercise a lot.

Educator: That's right guys, in order to become an astronaut, Yuri Gagarin had to do exercises. But not morning exercises, as we do in kindergarten, he swam, ran for several kilometers in a special suit with weights. For several hours he swam in a diver's suit, rotated in a centrifuge. Who knows what a centrifuge is and who can handle it better?

Children: a test apparatus for cosmonauts, but a person who does not feel dizzy can be in it.

Educator: right, guys, this is a testing apparatus. Thanks to this device, doctors determine whether the astronaut will be able to fly into space, whether he will withstand the load in zero gravity. And people who rode on a swing in childhood and did not feel dizzy can be in the centrifuge. (Showing a centrifuge on a slide). First of all, astronauts must be in good health. After all, working conditions are more difficult than those of cosmonauts in any other profession. During entry and landing, astronauts experience severe overloads.

What is overload? (Children guess)

Overload is when the body is faced with such loads that not everyone can withstand. For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the one in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But on the other hand, when the spaceship is in space, the body becomes as light as fluff and people fly around the ship like feathers.

What is the name of such a state in space? (The state of weightlessness.)

Phys. minute:

1. Weightlessness on the stomach - guys, now we lie down on the chairs with our stomachs and raise our legs and arms. Repeat after me, lift and fly. Next exercise:

2. Zero gravity flight on the back - the guys lie on their backs and raise their legs and arms up. We move them to the left, to the right at the same time. Let's imagine guys that we are in open space and we are flying. Next exercise:

3. Magnetic boots: now the guys get up from the chairs and put on the boots of the astronauts. The astronauts' boots are very heavy, so take your time and repeat after me. Raise your right leg, lower it. Raise the left leg, lower it. And now we take 2 steps forward, one, two. Well done, and now back 2 steps, one, two. What are heavy boots? Did everyone do it?

Children: yes, everyone!

Educator: fellow astronauts prepared for the flight. Do you know what astronauts fly on?

Children: on space rockets!

Yuri Gagarin flew into space on a rocket.

Using a simple example, you can show the principle of rocket flight. You need to inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. And then unclench your fingers and our ball will burst upward. This is because air is exiting the balloon. And when the air runs out, the ball will fall. Our balloon flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it.

It is approximately according to this principle that the rocket flies into space. Only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into gas and is blown back in a flame.

The rocket is made of several parts, which are called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.

In the first stage, the fuel has run out - it disappears, and the second stage engine immediately turns on and carries the rocket even faster, and even higher. Thus, only the third stage reaches space - the smallest and easiest one. She also puts a cabin with an astronaut into orbit. After Yuri Gagarin, hundreds of cosmonauts flew into space.

Educator: Who knows what the astronauts' food is in?

Children: astronauts' food is in tubes!

Educator: that's right, the astronauts' food is in tubes, otherwise the cosmonauts would chase around the spacecraft, sometimes for bread, sometimes for juice in a state of weightlessness.

Educator: who knows what the special protective suit of an astronaut and his headdress is called?

Children: the suit is called a spacesuit, and the headdress is called a helmet.

Educator: correct spacesuit and helmet.

And what are they for?

Children: to go out into space.

Educator: right in order to safely go into space. And what is a helmet for in space?

Children: so that the astronaut can breathe.

Educator: it is correct for an astronaut to breathe in open space. And there are 2 types of space suits: in one, the astronaut goes into open space - it is white. And in the second one is in a spaceship.

Educator: guys, do you know what the window in the rocket is called?

Children: the window in the rocket is called a porthole!

Educator: That's right, guys, a porthole, let's repeat everything together - a porthole. If you and I look through the window, what can we see?

Children: planets, moon, comets, satellites, sun.

Educator: Who will say what it is called the only satellite of planet Earth).

Children: the satellite of our planet Earth is called the Moon!

Educator: right - the Moon. And on the moon, the force of gravity is very weak. Therefore, you and I will flutter on it like fluffs. The same ease of flight will be on Pluto. And Jupiter has the most attraction.

Educator: When space flights began, I had to think about where the cosmonauts live, so as not to spend too much time on the way to their place of work.

First, our scientists built the MIR space station, and then it was replaced by a more modern International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts from different countries live and work on it for a long time (they are engaged in space exploration).

And in 1965, Alexei Leonov first went out of a rocket into outer space. Dressed in a spacesuit, he hung next to the ship in empty space for several minutes.

Everyone knows who a robot is. So, robots often work in space. These robots help humans explore planets. For example, robots were able to take a handful of soil from the moon and deliver it to Earth for research.

Robots machines have visited Venus, penetrating through its poisonous clouds, and now scientists have maps of this planet.

Soon, robotic lunar rovers were launched to the moon, which traveled on the surface of the moon and transmitted data to Earth.

And now hundreds of robotic satellites fly around our Earth. They transmit weather information to the ground, monitor the movement of ships in the ocean.

There are nine planets in our solar system, which are arranged in this order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Maybe some of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads that astronauts are experiencing now, and will glorify our Motherland.

So our journey ended. Wish for children. To become an astronaut, you need to study hard and play sports every day. Astronauts take diligent people who are not lazy and do a lot!


L. Ya. Halperstein "My first encyclopedia" Moscow, 2010

V.P. Glushko “Cosmonautics. Little Encyclopedia "1970

A.P. Romanov I.G. Borisenko "From here the roads to the planets laid down" 1984

Educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication",

"Fiction", "Music", "Physical culture"

Preliminary work: Conversation with children in subgroups and individual on the topic "Space", examination of illustrations, playing with children in the board-print game "Starry Sky", consultations with parents.


1. To instill in children an interest in astronauts; teach them to admire their heroic work, to be proud that the first cosmonaut was a Russian. Expand the understanding of space travel.

2. Strengthen the knowledge of children that we live on planet Earth; in space there are other planets, stars, constellations.

3. To activate the dictionary with adjectives denoting the signs of objects; improve the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

4. To enrich children's musical experience. Develop emotional responsiveness to music.

5. Continue to consolidate the ability to guess the crossword puzzle, break words into sounds.

6. Improve counting skills within 20, consolidate the understanding of the relationship between numbers.

7. Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. Develop creative imagination.

8. To develop dexterity and quickness of reaction, coordination of movements.


1. Illustrations on the theme "Space" (portraits of astronauts, types of rockets, satellites, starry sky, planets diagram).

2. Recording of songs about cosmonauts ("I am the Earth" by V. Muradeli, E. Dolmatov.)

3. Paper rockets by the number of children.

4. Model with an astronaut and aliens.

Part 1.

For a positive attitude of children on the theme "Space" to conduct a game "Rockets".

On the table are spread out paper “rockets” one or two fewer than children.

Children walk in circles, for the words “latecomers there is no place” they take “rockets”.

Fast rockets await us

For walking the planets

Whichever we want,

We'll fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game-

There is no place for latecomers.

Repeat the game 2-3 times, remove 1-2 "rockets" each time. Ask the children to count how many children and how many “rockets”, whether there are enough “rockets” for all, if not, how much less of them.

Chatting with children.

Educator... Guys, do you know what a significant day will be soon?

Educator: shows a portrait of Y.A. Gagarin and asks:

Do you know who this is? Tell us what you know about Yu. A. Gagarin.

Children: Yuri Gagarin was the first person to fly into space.

He rose high - high above the ground in a spaceship. People who fly into space are called pilots - astronauts.

Educator: V. Borozdin reads the story "The First in Space".

Educator: Being an astronaut is not only honorable, but also very difficult.

You have to be brave, decisive, persistent, resourceful and, most importantly, comprehensively educated.

The teacher points to an illustration with a rocket and tells:

“The spacecraft is equipped with very sophisticated equipment, and the cosmonaut must know all of it perfectly in order to be able to work on it, and in case of a breakdown, urgently repair it.

Astronauts fly into space to carry out research work; study the climate of the Earth, other planets, study how plants behave in zero gravity, and carry out many other useful studies.

The teacher looks at the illustrations with the children.

Questions for children:

1) Name the first woman astronaut (Valentina Tereshkova)

2) Which of the cosmonauts was the first to go into outer space (Alexey Leonov)

3) Do you remember which animals were the first to fly into space? (dogs: Laika, and then Belka and Strelka)

Educator: There are many poems and songs about astronauts.

Includes recording of the song "I am the Earth" muses. V. Muradeli, words by E. Dolmatov.

Asks questions about the lyrics.

The teacher invites children to guess the crossword puzzle, asks riddles.

Children must make out the answers to the riddles into sounds. Who knows how to write, independently enters the answers into the crossword puzzle.

1.The ocean is bottomless,

The ocean is endless

Airless, dark

And extraordinary

Universes live in it,

Stars and comets

There are also inhabited,

Maybe planets. (space)

2. By air ship,

Cosmic, obedient,

We're overtaking the wind

Riding on (rocket)

3. Yellow plate

Hangs in the sky

Yellow plate

He gives warmth to everyone. (Sun)

4. An icy object is flying,

Its tail is a streak of light,

And the name of the object is (comet)

5. Illuminates the path at night,

Keeps the stars awake

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep

It won't fall asleep in the sky (moon)

Part 2.

Physical education:"Pass the Cotton"

Children stand in a circle. The first child makes a clap in front of him, then claps on the palm of a neighbor and so on in a circle.

The teacher, together with the children, examines the star map.

Asking questions.

Find the constellation Ursa Major. How many stars are there in this constellation? (seven)

What is the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere? (polar)

How many planets are there in the solar system? (seven)

Which ones do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Educator: And what other stars and constellations we learn from the poem by VP Lepilov "The Cosmic Tale"?

Reads a poem.

Educator: Guys, let's play with you.

Introduces a model with an "astronaut" and "aliens",

Children are treated.

Imagine that you are astronauts. You flew to an unfamiliar planet, where aliens met you. They do not know the earthly language and you have to show by gestures that you are from planet Earth, arrived in peace.

Children improvise.

After the game, the teacher sums up what the children learned new and interesting.

Self-analysis of the lesson.

1. The tasks and goals of this educational activity were practically all fulfilled.

2. All specified educational areas have been implemented.

3. The children were interested in this topic, they actively answered questions.

4. The children had an emotional - positive attitude when listening to the song and when participating in the game.

1. Try to call less active children into dialogue.

2. Conduct individual work with children who have not fully mastered the topic of the lesson.

Additional education teacher

Kuzmina Elena Yurievna


Topic : "Cosmonautics Day"

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about space, about astronauts.



  • consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes;
  • consolidation of knowledge about the area of ​​objects;
  • consolidation of knowledge about the planets of the solar system;
  • generalization of information about the cosmonauts of Russia.


  • education of collectivism;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • education of patriotism.


Development of mental processes: attention, memory,

Imagination, perception, thinking;

  • development of the ability to expressively read poetry;
  • development of volitional qualities;
  • development of physical data.

Equipment: hoops, balloons, audio recording from the "space

Music ", cards with numbers, posters,

Geometric shapes, tokens.


I. Organizational moment. Introductory conversation.


Guys, please tell me what holiday is celebrated by the people of our

In 108 minutes. What was his name?

Yuri Gagarin is a Russian man, was born in a small village, and achieved a lot thanks to hard work, endurance, and his knowledge. And now, when many people from different countries of the world have already visited space, to become an astronaut you have to work very hard: to be healthy, strong, to know a lot, to be able to get along with people, and you need to prepare for this already from childhood.

Poem "Yuri Gagarin"

Long live Yuri Gagarin,

Our first pilot is an astronaut,

He opened the way for us into space,

Rockets fly to the planets.

And how many more incomparable

We will launch rockets into space!

And how many more unknowns

We will open new planets.

II. Game "Do you believe?"

1. ... that the first space flights were carried out on a broomstick?

2. ... that mice, dogs, insects flew into space before man?

3.… that the elephant Kesha flew into space before man?

4. ... that people will soon fly to the Sun?


Today we are going on a space journey.

And now we will find out who will fly into space with us.

Poem (the child reads the poem)

Everything is ready for the flight, the missiles of all the guys are waiting.

Little time before takeoff, all the guys stood in a row,

And, worried, they say: there is a space map,

And on it the route to the moon. Five minutes before the start

Five short minutes. Is everyone with us? Is everything here?

Poem "Flight into space"(poems are read by children)

  • We are flying to other planets. We announce this to you.

All toy people are asking to fly with us.

  • The hitch hugs the rocket, I will fly with you, children,

To any of the planets where there are no toothy wolves.

  • Mice - the crumbs laughed, we flew - were not afraid.

Height is a beauty, not a single cat.

  • Even a teddy bear wants to fly away to the stars.

And she will meet a big bear in the blue sky.


But in order to check if you can be accepted into the cosmonaut corps,

Let's play a game for attention« Flies - does not fly. "


III. Division into crews.(choice of captains)


Crews will fly into space on various spacecraft devices.

Make up the spacecraft on which we

Let's take flight.

(compilation of geometric shapes)

Each crew must as soon as possible ascend to their space

Ship. To do this, you need to go through the hatch (hoop).

IV. The game "What will we take with us into space"


Guys, since a trip to space has always been given long,

You must not forget to take anything with you.

Say a word:

  • Going on a flight

What does the pilot take with him?

A cup, a spoon, a ladle,

Our Russian ... (matryoshka, potatoes).

  • We need a lot for friends

We take a tube ... (lemonade, marmalade, chocolate).

  • Communicate with humanoids

We do not need a flashlight, but a Galactic ... (dictionary).

V. Preparing for the flight.

Poems "Scouts of Space"(poems are read by children)

1. A cherished dream lived in the minds of scientists for many years,

Take off with rockets into interplanetary space.

2. Lunokhod - the all-terrain vehicle sends us greetings from the Moon,

He says "Things are in order", invites everyone to visit him.

3. Get together dreamers, here is the moon hanging in the window,

We will be in the Lunokhod soon, we will ride the moon.

4. By the moonlit sea, by the sea of ​​rains

The messenger of people floats on wheels.

On TV screens are perfectly visible

Traces of the Lunokhod of the Russian country.


Attention! Everyone, get ready to launch!

Get ready to launch!

Fasten belts!

Have your seat belts fastened!

Start the engine!

Have the engine start!

Include contacts!

There are included contacts!

5,4,3,2,1 - start!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! (Space music sounds)

We broke away from our planet Earth. Watch the arrows on the instruments.

The arrows are mine and your hands. Repeat the movements after me.

It's important to be mindful in space(physical education).

Vi. Game "Unexpected Object"


On the way we meet UFOs, in order to fly around them, we need to know them

Square. Under each figure you need to put a card with the desired

By number. (each team is given several figures and numbers)

Vii. Space School game


To cope with all the difficulties on a space expedition, you need to study well at school on Earth. Perhaps, on other planets far - far from the Earth there are also intelligent beings - aliens. And they teach their children too. Let's imagine that we are in such a school. What do they teach there? It turns out, too, to solve examples and problems.

Crew assignments.

1. Solve examples. Insert the desired character instead of the asterisks.

4*1=5 4*1=3 7*1=6 7*1=8

2*2=4 4*2=2 9*2=7 5*2=7

2. Solve the problems.

There were 5 rockets at the cosmodrome, two rockets flew away. How many rockets are left?

The boy saw 3 stars in the sky, and then two more. How many stars are there

Did the boy see?

Poems "Space flight"(poems are read by children)

1. Distant stars in the sky are burning,

They invite our guys to visit.

Getting ready for the road is not long for us

And here we are to flight ready now.

2. The announcer will command "Attention, take off!"

And our rocket will rush forward.

They will blink goodbye and melt away

The golden lights of the beloved Earth.

3. We want to make friends with you, Luna.

So that you do not get bored all the time alone.

Mysterious Mars, wait for us a little,

We will be able to look at you on the way.

4. The roads are clear to our scientists,

Will be in the cosmic darkness.

But then these roads are only needed

So that you live better on Earth.

5. Let's put the roads to distant worlds,

We will fly to the moon in rockets.

And if we meet peers there.

Then we will invite you to our place.

6. You guys are in a hurry to your class,

Business will not work without study.

Astronauts are growing among us.

But without knowledge, they will not take to Mars.

VIII. Game "Rings of Saturn"


You have rings in your hands, you need to hit the target with them.

(count how many rings each team scored).

IX. Quiz


Before our space flight, we were preparing for it,

We learned a lot. And now I will test your knowledge. For the correct answer

The token is an asterisk.

What is the name of the first astronaut? When did he visit space?

What is the name of our planet?

What is the closest star to us?

What planets of the solar system do you know?

Earth satellite?

What animals have been in space?

(mice, rats, cockroaches, bees, frogs, dogs, monkeys).

Name the cosmodrome from which the Russian rockets rise.


Name Russian women - cosmonauts. (V. Tereshkova, S. Savitskaya)


1. Boldly float in the sky, overtaking the birds flight.

Man controls it. What's happened? /airplane/

2. There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land on the moon / lunar /

H. Millet is sprinkled on a black handkerchief.

A cockerel has come, and pecking is not easy. /stars/

4. A piece of cake hangs over the houses near the path. /moon /

5. Horned, not butting. /month/

6. Well, who of you will answer, not fire, but it burns painfully.

Not a lantern, but shining brightly, and not a baker, but baking? /Sun/

7. Shines, sparkles, warms everyone./Sun/

8. No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle.

As soon as it releases its tail, it will rush to the stars./ rocket /

9. He touches with a wing in the endless ocean of clouds.

It will unfold - over the rays, it shimmers with silver./airplane /

10. What a bird: does not sing songs,

Doesn't make nests, are you carrying people and cargo? /airplane /

11. Above the grandmother's hut hangs the edge of bread.

The dog barks, but cannot get it./moon/

12. Blue scarf, scarlet ball,

Rolling on a headscarf, smiling at people. What's this? / Sky, sun /

13. The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the horned shepherd. / Sky, stars,


14. A sister goes to visit her brother, but he hides from his sister. / Moon, sun /

15. What ladle do they not drink from, do not eat,

And they just look at him./ Ursa Major /

X. "Space maze"(Competition for captains).


And now there is a competition of captains. in front of them are cosmic labyrinths.

XI. "Space Relays"

1. "Weightlessness"

(which team will keep the balloon in the circle longer).

2. "Flight in a hot air balloon".

3. "Spacewalk".(hoop)

HP. Conclusion. Return to Earth. Bottom line.

Lesson on the topic

Cosmonautics Day

in the older group

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 102"





Ryazan 2015

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group

Topic: "Cosmonautics Day"


To form ideas about the holiday "Cosmonautics Day", elementary concepts about space, about the first flight into space. To consolidate the knowledge that the first cosmonaut was a citizen of Russia - Yuri Gagarin.



Develop memory, speech, observation, logical thinking, interest in knowing the world around.

Enrich the children's dictionary with new terms and concepts: weightlessness, spacesuit, cosmodrome, etc.


Improve visual skills and abilities.
Develop spatial imagination, fine and general motor skills.


To foster patriotic feelings, pride in the heroes of the pilots - astronauts who conquered the Cosmos. To instill a sense of pride in their country, the desire to be somewhat similar to the heroes-cosmonauts (to play sports, in the future to study well at school).


Illustrations on the topic (portraits: Y. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, A. Leonova; images of dogs - Belka and Strelka, a Space rocket, a spacesuit, an astronaut in a state of zero gravity), drawing equipment.

Course of the lesson:

Let's start with riddles:

  1. The planet is blue

Beloved, dear,

She's yours, she's mine

And it is called ... (Earth).

  1. Lights the way at night

Doesn't let the stars fall asleep

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep

He will not fall asleep in the sky ... (Moon).

  1. Peas are scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel from sugar crumbs

And only when the morning comes

All that caramel will suddenly melt. (stars)

  1. She spread her scarlet tail

Flew away into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

Guys, have you guessed what we are going to talk about today? (about space, astronauts ...)

Why is this holiday called that? (this is a holiday not only for astronauts, but also for those who are involved in the development, construction and testing of space rockets, satellites, and all space technology).

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. It took a long, long time until people learned how to build aircraft. People wanted to know if there is life on other planets. And if there is, who lives there? Do these living things look like humans? But to find out about this, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because it was very far from other stars and planets. And then scientists came up with rockets. (Show).

And the first to fly at them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. (Show). On it you can see the first dogs that flew into space and returned back. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after the dogs successfully flew into space, the first man went there.
Many years ago, on April 12, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space. (Display of the portrait of Yuri Gagarin).

In a space rocket
Called "East"

He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.

Since then, on this day, every year we celebrate the Day of Cosmonautics - the holiday of astronauts and everyone who helps them successfully fly into space.

Gagarin was very well trained.

What do you think it takes to be an astronaut? (children's answers). That's right, because in order to be an astronaut you need to have good health, train a lot, and not be afraid of difficulties.

Let us go through space training too.

Game "Astronauts" (speech with movement).
We will try very hard (children make jerks with bent arms in front of the chest)
Go in for sports:
Run fast like the wind (run on tiptoes)
Swim better than anyone in the world (do hand strokes)
Squat and get up again (squat)
And lift dumbbells, (straighten bent arms up)
Let's get strong and tomorrow (hands on the belt)
Everyone will take us as astronauts! (marching in place)

The astronaut is dressed in special clothes called a spacesuit (we show an illustration), on his head is a helmet where oxygen is supplied, because we all know that there is no air in outer space, and heavy boots are on his feet (after all, there is no gravity in space). - What is the name of such a state in space? (state of weightlessness).This is a state when astronauts and things weigh nothing and float in a spaceship, like fish in an aquarium. There is no up or down. Spilled water does not run into a puddle on the floor, but collects into a ball, and the ball hangs in the air.
(Children portray differentpostures in a state of zero gravity)
- Why do we say that the astronaut must be fearless?

Before, people never flew into space and did not know what they might encounter there. After all, there could be some kind of malfunction in the rocket. Therefore, astronauts must know very well how the rocket works in order to fix the malfunctions.

There should be nothing superfluous in the rocket, otherwise it will not take off or will not work as it should, there will be an overload.

Let's play a game"The fourth extra"

Sun, sleep, sunny, sunshine.

Space, shaggy, astronaut, space.

Planet, plan, planetary, planetarium

The return of the astronauts is awaited not only by their relatives, but also by the entire people. And everyone is happy when they land safely.

Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, all our people followed this flight, everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country was happy.

And after 2 years a woman visited space - Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (showing a portrait). And 2 years later, the first manned spacewalk was made.

The first cosmonaut to go into space was Alexei Leonov (showing the portrait), he spent 10 minutes outside the ship and showed that it is possible to work in outer space.

Guys, why do you think astronauts need work?

During the flight, astronauts see and observe a lot of interesting things and work a lot. They conduct medical and technical observations, study the surface of the Earth, report on the approach of hurricanes, about natural disasters, clarify the weather forecast, conduct various experiments on the effect of weightlessness on various organisms. This is such a difficult and interesting job.

Didactic game "Flight into space".
What planet do we live on?
What are the names of people on this planet?

What does the planet Earth look like from space?
Who flies in space? (Astronauts, astronauts)
Where do spaceships start? (From the cosmodrome)
What do they wear when they fly into space? (Helmet, spacesuit, special shoes)
How much does an astronaut weigh in zero gravity? (Nothing).

Who was the first astronaut on Earth?

Space now is not at all so mysterious as it seemed recently. And we, all people of the planet Earth, treat Yuri Gagarin with great respect and admiration, the person who started it all, who was the first. And being the first is always very difficult, guys! That is why it is his flight into space that we celebrate as a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

Maybe some of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads that astronauts are experiencing now. And glorify our Motherland.


What new and interesting things have you learned today?

What would you tell at home from what you saw and heard?

The lesson can be ended with a competition of children's drawings dedicated to space and astronautics.

Target: arouse interest in outer space, expand children's ideas about the profession of a pilot-cosmonaut, foster respect for the profession, develop imagination, fantasy, and foster pride in their country.


To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about outer space, the planets that are part of the solar system, about astronauts. To bring children to the understanding that only a healthy, courageous person can be an astronaut.

Activate the children's dictionary: Universe, Solar system, astronaut, the name of the planets. Foster a sense of pride in their homeland.


1. Pictures depicting a rocket, lunar rover, stars;

2. Portraits of astronauts;

3. Geometric shapes for building a rocket;

5. Balloon;

6. Discs in red, yellow, green and white;

7. Stars of red and blue colors.

Preliminary work: conversations about the planet Earth, astronauts; construction of spaceships from modules and constructors; viewing illustrations about space; learning poetry, songs.

Course of the lesson:

To the song "Dream of Space" (music and lyrics by Lilia Knorozova), children walk around the hall and line up in a checkerboard pattern. (Children read poetry.) Educator: At home reading a book and in a kindergarten,
Boys dream, girls dream of flying to the moon.
They stubbornly dream of the moon,
And they even fly, but only in a dream. The song "Young Cosmonauts" (lyrics and music by Elena Ponomarenko) is sung, the children sit down.
Educator: We welcome everyone to the Cosmos holiday. All of you guys know that space is the distant dream of all boys. Previously, this dream was unattainable, but today the astronaut is a well-known profession. Many centuries passed before mankind found a way to overcome gravity and ascend into outer space. Guys, remember fairy tales and legends. What fairytale heroes didn’t fly on! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and beards of wizards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows ...). A few centuries ago, no one could have imagined that the most convenient "transport" for moving is a rocket. The first person to see a projectile in a rocket capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. He is called the father of astronautics. Thanks to his scientific work, mankind was able to go into outer space. It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, engineers. Guys, do you know who was the first astronaut? An adult listens to the answers of children, asks clarifying questions. Sunny morning April 12, 1961 from the Baikonur cosmodrome launched the first-ever spacecraft with a man on board. And our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut on Earth. For the feat, Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Today, space flights have become a completely common thing for us, the inhabitants of the Earth.

Video for the song "Do you know what kind of guy he was"

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first ascended into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His callsign "Cedar" was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Gagarin and stayed in space for 108 minutes, while making only one orbit around the Earth. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, both men and women, have visited space. And now every year our country celebrates this day as Cosmonautics Day.

Educator: What do you think, what qualities should an astronaut possess? (good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology ...). Do you want to become astronauts yourself?

Educator: Get ready, guys, get ready for flights. Your hour will come soon! Soon the roads will open to the stars, to the moon, to Venus, to Mars.

Educator: What is "space"? This is a mysterious and alluring world of stars, planets, many "heavenly stones" - asteroids and comets piercing airless space. What planets of the solar system do you know?

All planets in order

Any of us will call:

One is Mercury,

Two is Venus,

Three is the Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five is Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in a row.

And after him already, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Educator: Well done, guys! You know all the planets. And there are planets in outer space. In 1965, Voskhod-2 went into space. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was the first to go into outer space. He left the cockpit through the airlock and swam away from the ship for five meters, held by a cable. He turned on the movie camera and for several minutes filmed the ship and the land floating under it. In total, Leonov spent more than 12 minutes in space.

Host: There are many unsolved mysteries in space. I suggest you take a trip into space. But for this you need to practice. Ready?

We will go to the cosmodrome, (They walk.)

Together we go in step

A fast rocket is waiting for us (Hands above your head, continue to walk.)

To fly to the planet.

Let's go to Mars (Hands aside.)

The stars of the sky, wait for us.

To become strong and dexterous

We start the workout: (stop and perform movements on the text)

Hands up, hands down

Lean to the right and left,

Turn your head

And spread your shoulder blades.

Step to the right and step to the left,

And now with a jump like this.

Educator: Guys, we lack something to go on a flight. Guess the riddle.

On an air ship
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
We are flying on ... (rocket).

Rocket, translated from Italian, means "spindle", because the shape of the rocket is similar to a spindle - long, streamlined, with a sharp nose. Man invented rockets a long time ago. They were invented in China many hundreds of years ago in order to make fireworks. Soon, many countries learned to make fireworks, and they began to celebrate solemn days with festive fireworks. For a long time, rockets served only for the holidays. But then they began to be used in war as a formidable weapon. And in peacetime for the launch of a spacecraft and space exploration.

Educator: Let everyone build their own rocket spaceship and give one definition of what his ship is like. (Children build rockets from different geometric shapes.)

Educator: All crews coped with this task. We go flying ( space music sounds).

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - here we are flying into space - (for each number with jerks of the hands higher and connect with an angle above the head)

The rocket rushes quickly to the radiant stars - (they run in a circle)

We flew around the star, wanted to go into space – ( imitate "weightlessness", scatter around the hall)

We fly in zero gravity, look through the windows - (hands above eyebrows),

Only a friendly starship can take on a flight! - (connected in a circle, then go to places).

Educator: Guys, during the journey, all the inhabitants of the planets must be greeted. What gestures can you use to do this? (Children show.)

Game “Earth, Moon. Rockets "

Children stand in a round dance - Earth. 2 captains - 2 rockets in the center of the circle with flags in their hands. The moon is at some distance from the round dance-Earth. 2 children in a round dance with flags - the gates of the earth through which rockets will fly.

Children: There are star fields in the sky, the Earth is spinning in the sky. Around the sun, a globe of the earth walks with a white moon

Luna: I am Luna, I am Luna, I play hide and seek. Now visible, now not visible, now I shine again.

Children: Hides side one, it’s true there are secrets. For reconnaissance rockets will fly to the moon.

1 rocket: I'm a rocket, I'm not kidding, I will fly straight into space.

2 rocket: I will fly around the Moon with a camera, we will bring the pictures of the Moon to the guys.

moon : And the moon will not have any secrets.

Children: So fly fast rockets to the moon! (The rockets run around the round dance and the Moon, whoever gives up the flag to the Moon faster, wins.)

Educator: Ahead is the Milky Way, how many bright galaxies are there in the Universe.

Game-competition "Star Bouquet"

Educator: This game requires 2 players. Five blue stars and five red stars are laid out on the floor. The guys are blindfolded. More stars of a different color are added to the floor. You need to collect as many stars of your own color as possible. Assistants have the right to shout "Take it!", "Do not take it!"

Game "Tsvetophone"

Educator: Planet of the Red Sun. I have colored disks in my hands. Each disc color has its own meaning. Green is Earth. Yellow is the Moon. Red is Mars. These are the names of the planets. When I show you a disc, you must name me a planet. If I show you the white disc, you must be silent.

Educator: People who are very dexterous, courageous, hardy are sent into space. And now, we will test agility, agility and endurance.

"Playing with pins"

6 (4, 5, 7) people start the game. They walk to music around 5 pins (3, 4, 6). As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the pin. Those who did not have time to sit down.

Educator: Before launching a rocket into space, scientists calculate the trajectory of its flight. Is it possible to make a balloon move along a predetermined trajectory? What do you guys think? Let's check it out in practice. This relay requires 2 teams of 5 people. Before the relay, the players of each team receive a balloon. It must be carried from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and taking care not to touch the floor. The winner is the team whose players finished the relay first and at the same time made fewer mistakes.

Educator: So our space travel around the planets ends. Now you and I know what planets are in our solar system. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to play sports and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you will grow up and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, the Cosmonautics Day.